Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
j Ak-Oar-Dcn Visitors
Ak-Gar-Dcn Visitors
Candidate Sj.,
New Y. to
dication of
He Telli of It Practic. ...n
Other Lank
It Has Done Much to Extend Feeling
of Brotherhood.
Both CiiliH Am M1U,
hat ConSlcllns; En"ti '
Keep Them 'rom
. Meeting;. .
MINNEAPOLIS. 6pt. !7.-Judge Taft
and William Jennings Bryan exchanged
murtesles here today. Mr. Bryan arrived
hers about 3 o'clock In the afternoon, and
immediately sent one of the men traveling
. rtb him to the Writ hotel, with a mfil
' Ki Judge Ttft that he would be glad to
:nll on him at the hotel at S:80 In the aft.
trnoon. Mr. Taft aent word bark lo the
. democratic leader that he would be glad to
nee him at that time. Mr. Taft was sched
uled to apeak at the dedication of a. new
Young Men'a Christian assoclstlon building
In Bt. Fsul at 2:30 o'clock, and he hurried
back In an automobile to keep his engage
ment wrth Mr. Bryan. When he arrived at
the hotel ho fauna a message from the Ne
brasknn which aald that Mr. Bryan was
very sorry, -but he had forgotten that he
'had dinner engagement' at 6:30. Mr.
Bryan suggested that If It waa convenient
for Mr. Taft. he would drop In at the hotel
on hid way to the railroad atatlon about 7
o'clock and ahake handa with him. Mr.
Taft, however, had an engagement to apeak
before the congregation of I he Fowler
Methodlat church here In the evening and
he aent Colonel Daniel Ransdell, eergeant-at-arms
of the United Statea aenate. who
haa pereonal charge of the Taft train, to
explain the situation to Mr. Bryan and to
convey hie regrets.- Thle Colonel Ranadell
did. Mr. Bryan expressed hla regrets at
missing an opportunity to greet Mr. Taft
and after Inquiring about the condition of
Mr. Taffa voice, aald that he hoped that
ho would speedily recover.
Arrival of Mr. Bryan.
Mr. Bryan, while lie waa In the city.
mopped at the hoirie 6C John Llnd, former
governor of Mlnneaola. Mr. Bryan a ar
i a at In the city waa signalised by vocif-
rious cheers from a great crowd which had
scmbled at the depot. At Bt. Paul he
wa met by F. B. Lynch, national com
mitteeman, and escorted here. Becauae of
nit? fact ' tlmt Governor Johnaon had a
apcaktng engagement In SL Paul he was
jnWe to meet the democratic candidate.
" tarouje Xr-sm vAMwa.uke. to this place,
.Mi Bryau waa greeted by several large
crowds, who cheered him and demanded
that he make a speech. Mr. Bryan, however.-
said that Sunday was hla only
Uay of rent and that It waa his Invariable
lulo not to make political talks on that
day. In the frantic struggle of the crowd
at the depot here to got to him and shake
hi hands, a man had his arm broken. Mr.
Hiyan W-ft tonight over the Omaha branch
f the Chicago & Northwestern for Mitchell,
H. D.
Addreaa to Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Taft'n Young Men'a Christian ssso-
lutlnn speech In 8t. Paul was before a
large audience. Secretary Grace of the
St. Paul Young Men's Christian associa
tion' said In Introducing him that of the
many distinguished men In public life
that have from time to time approved the
work of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation he knew of no one whose endorse
in. Mil had done more for the cause than
had that of Judge Tuft.
Mr. Taft said he had grown Into the
habit of talking to audiences at the dedi
catory ex'erclses of new Young Men's
Christian association buildings. He nad
taken part In such exerclsos, he said, at
I ay ton Omaha. Seattle, Shanghai, China;
Hong Kong, Hprlngf leld, Mass., at Manila
and on the Isthmus of Panama.
"I think." said Judge Taft. "that there
la not any Institution outside of churches
and schools that does more work of a
directly beneficial character In strength
ening the moral fiber of young men, In
guiding them into proper and successful
paths In life and in making them good,
moral. Christian cltUena than this asso
ciation whose magnificent building we
dedicate today."
Mr. Taft added that he had to go to
lh Philippines btfore he really under
ei d why the Toung Men'a Christian as
sociation filled such a necessary want In
all the communities In which It-existed.
One of the first advantagea which the
Young Men'a Christian association pre
sents, to Judge Tsft's opinion. Is the op
portunity for wealthy men to aid their
unfortunate fellows by contributions.
Worthy nnd Practical Institotton.
He said: "1 have known wealthy men
anxious to give, but uncertain where and
how to give, who devote a great deal of
time conscientiously to investigating the
objects of their charity, but who make a.
dismal failure of It. The truth Is a great
deal of harm has been done In the com
munity by lll-advlsed generosity as much
as there haa been harm done In a business
wsy by Ill-advised inveatmenta and whenJ
they have before them an ever expand
ing, practical Instrument for the distribu
tion of funds to aid In a sensible, direct
wsy, such at Is the Young Men's Chris
tian assoclstlnn, they ought to improve
the opportunity. They can be sure that
the money thus expended will aid strug
gling young men to rents! temptation; It
will aid them in economical living; It will
aid them In many direct ways to over
come the obstacles to poverty and slow
progress. and It will aid all of them with
out pauperising them; without robbing
them of their self-respect si ways hold
ing before them the prospect of a brighter
future and the certainty of success in life
in lite building up of a Christian charac
tr entitling them to the good will of
th-ir neighbors and a good standing In
the oommuntty generally."
spirit ef Broad Tolerance.
Another feature of the Y'oung Men's
Christian association that appeals to Mr.
Taft Is Its nonsectarian character eaiJ Ita
spirit tif tolerance. Speaking of this growth
of religious tulerance Mr. Taft said:
"I have In mind an Inatanco of the
growth of mllglous tolerance that I ven
ture te brh( to your attention. In tho re
organisation of tho government of the
Philippines it became necessary to transfer
the soTewlarnty of Spain Inrattionbif bound
with the Ronoan Catholic church m ofear-
( Continued oa Second Pngc-J
. liroriF K. Hlift Chlcoo
Makes rrlnrlpnl Address at
CHEYENNE. Wyo .' Sept. IT.-tSprclal.)-The
session of the Stale Bank-is' associa
tion closed Friday night with, a banquet
In honor of the visiting bankers and speak
ers. The chief address wss that of Hon.
George H. Roberts, president of the Com
mercial National bank of Chicago, and
formerly director of the mint, who spoke
on "The Currency Problem." Mr. Roberts
favors the establishment of one largo cen
tral bank, which shall be operated for the
purpose of aiding smaller banks throughout
the United Stales during times of distress.
It la- not proposed to conduct this bank
merely for profit, for It would be provided,
according to the Roberts' plan, that cer
tain of the profits should go o the govern
ment, this being the plan followed by the
Bank of Germany, Hank of France and
other F.uropean Institutions. Mr. Hoberts
made a favornble Impression.
Another splendid address wss thst of
II. Van Dusop. cashier of the Rock Springs
National bank. Rock Springs. Wyo., who
completely shattered the pnstsl savings
hank Ideas, and showed clearly that the
postal savings banks will not bring about
the relief desired, or a more elastic cur
rency In times of need.
Among the prominent bankers from other
states sttendlng the convention were J. R.
Washburn of the Continental Nstlonal bank
of Chicago; Elmer E. Whlttaker of the
Hanover National bank of New York;
Luther I.. Kountse of the First National
of Omaha; John Clay of Chicago, president
of the Stockgrowers National bank of Chey
enne; W. II. Buchnlz of the Omflha Na
tional; B. If. Mlele of the Merchants Na
tional of Omaha; Joseph B. Henderson of
Crowder, OKI.; P. T. Slnyback of the Den
ver National; K. R. tiuerney of the First
National of Fremont. Neb.: Colin B. Camp
liell of the Fort Dearborn National of Chi
cago; W. C. LcMaster of the First Na
tional of Fort Collins: William F. Van
Dunkirk of the Colonial Trust Savings
bank of Chicago; J. A. Johnston of Denver,
and E. F. Fonda of Omaha.
Among the Wyoming bankers attend'ng
the sessions were: T. A. Cosarriff. head of
the chain of fifteen Cnsgrlff Bros, banks
In Idaho. T'tah, Wyoming and Colorado;
bankers from Casper, Wheatland, Itramle,
Rock Springs. Saratoga, Rawlins,
JIanna, Newcastle. Green River, Thermopo
11s, lender. Basin, Sheridan, Buffalo.
Luther, Pine Bluffs and Douglas.
Three Presidential Aspirants
Stop mt Dakota City This
MTCHELI 8. D., Sept J CT.-Spccial.)-Everythlng
Is in readiness for the last b'g
show in South Dakota the Mitchell orn
The last work on the interior of the
handsome appearing building was com
pleted Saturday night and Sunday was
spent in putting on the finishing touches
to the interior . work. In decorating the
exterior more corn was used this year
than ever 'before, .and, - the, designs . are
richer and handsomer as a consequence.
Mr. Bryan will reach Mitchell, Monday
morning at 10 o'clock, and he will be en
tertained by Mayor Hitchcock. Mr. Bryan
will deliver hla adress at 1 o'clock, and will
leave at 2:30 o'clock via the Milwaukee
road on a special train for Reck Island,
III. Judge Taft will reach Mitchell Tues
day at 1 o'clock and a great parade will be
formed at the Mllwukee depot and march
to the north end of Main street, eight blocks
distant where the address of the repub
lican candidate will be made. The city
Is being richly decorated In 'yellow and
white, the corn palace colors, and Bryan
pictures are displayed In all the windows
of the business houses and many private
residences. These are to be taken down
Monday night and the Taft pictures sub
stituted for the following day. On Wednes
day, Ehigene Chafln. the prohibition candi
date, will reach Mitchell and deliver an
address at 1 o'clock. The corn palace will
not be opened for the concert until after
the speeches are concluded.
The first concert Monday will be held
at about S o'clock. The opening prayer
will be made byPresident Kerfoot of Dakota
Wesleyan.and the address of welcome will
be made by Mayor Hitchcock. Follow
In these Thavin's hand will give the con
cert and vaudeville acts. 8treet attractions
will be given morning, afternoon and even
ing. Fourteen counties will make agricultural
exhibits as follows: Clay. Lincoln, Turner,
Hanson, Sanborn, Bon Homme. Charles
Mix, Aurora. I.yman. Hyde. Butte. Jerauld.
McCook' and Davison. This Is the first
time that Clay county has made an exhibit
at the palace and the corn that it displays
Is marvclously Urge, some ears being six
teen Inches long and well developed.
Through these exhibits South Dakota will
display ita resources In a very advantag
eous manner, and there are hundreds of
Iowa. Illinois and Indiana people who are
coming west this week on land tours who
will stop at the palace to see at a glance
what the state has done this year.
rrlvate Sattlea Kills Meatenaat
Bloom of Foartk Infantry and
Commits Snlelde.
MANILA, Sept. A tragedy occurred
at Camp Jessman on Saturday night which
rraulted In the death of Lieutenant Ed
ward J. Bloom of the Fourth infantry and
Private Sullies. Company K of the earns
reglmcut. Buttles, for some unknown
reason, shot Bloom and then cut his own
throat. Buttles died immediately, but
Bloom lingered until unday night. An in
vestigation of the affair Is being made by
the military authorities.
Doctor Arraaed of Larceny.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. r7-T)r J A
8. Crosnland. formerly l ulled Slates mini
ster to Liberia and a negro political leader
of national prominence, waa placed under
arrest here today on a charge of grand
larcency. Dr. Cropland Is accused of
wholesale theft of drugs, cigars, etc.. from
a drug store of this cliv.
KOTZafXXTS Or OCSAV arrXAataxipa.
fort. Arrived. Aail4.
NBW YORK 14 Product Klrurla.
NKW tun a i'miiiii Phlitdlph:a
W YOK Amerll.1 Calumbo
NSW YOMH SL Paul kroonlaui.
NSW YORK uii,.uii.
KoniM Uiia.
vn rrviurl.
Su Olarsls.
y I ICS N Ht COW N . CaronU
Fr4 Ser Oruu .
a. Aug. Victors.
C'MBKSOUaO . ...
rn us
GUSIOV ... . .
sriraai .
. .nlaa4.
. 1a Loirvls.
K. P. WHiMla.
, 1
On- tl
Session of American Association Will
Bein Toda7. .
(srrrsry Commission of National
Association Will Make Report.
Aotahle Men ta De In
DENVER. Colo.. Sept. IT. More than
J.000 bankers, representing all classes of
financial Institutions and every state In
the union, will assemble here this week
at the thirty-fourth annual convention of
the American Bankers' association. Hun
dreds of delegates are already on the
scene and It Is evident from their con
versation In the hotel corridors that the
liveliest eesslon since the memorable one
of 1996 is expected. This yesr the gur
snty of bank deposits probably will be the
principal topic of discussion. Another
subject of vital Interest that will be dis
cussed at. length Is that of currency. The
association was not satisfied with the
Aldrlch currency bill. The Currency com
mission of the American Bankers' asso
ciation, which drafted a measure of its
own only to see It rejected by the lead
ers of congres". will make Its formal
report at next Thursday's session and
delegates then will be given an opportunity
to express their views on the subject.
Billa of Kndlnsi. j
The reports of the legislative commit
tees and the committees on cxpreus com
panies and bills of lading, which will bo
made at the opening session on Wednes
day, will present other topics of general
Interest. The association ha been try
ing for several years to prevent the ex
press companies selling money orders,
while the alleged failure of the railroads
to safeguard bills of lading also has been
the subject of much contention, both In
the courts and before congress and the
Interstate Commerce commission. It Is
practically certain that the convention
will empower these committees to con
tinue their respective contests.
A number of speakers of national prom
inence will participate not only In the
sessions of the convention proper which
will be held on Wednesday and Thursday,
but also of the Savings Bank and Trust
company sections on Monday and Tues
day. Pierre Jay, bank commissioner of
Massachusetts, will deliver an address at
the meeting of the savings bank section
and the proposed postal savings bank law
will be analysed In the report of a spe
cial committee appointed for that pur
pose. "The Kffect of the Recent Panic
on the Kustern Saving Banks" will be
the subject of a paper by John C. Grls
wold of New York. Governor Henry A,
Buchtel of Colorado and President Wil
liam E. Hughes of the Continental Trust
company of Denver will deliver the ad
dresses of welcome to the trust company
Some Notable Speakers.
Among the speakers will be Brecken
rldge Jones of 6C Louis, who has chosen
for his eubject "The Trust Company; A
Nacemiflyr F. H. Fries of Winston-Salem.
N. C, who will discuss "Radicalism
Against Conservatism," and Lawrence L.
Gillespie of New Y'ork, who will speak on
"New York City Trust Companies Under
Present Legislation." A general discus
sion of "What Lessons for the Trust
Companies Were Revealed In the 1907
Panic" will also take place.
Governor Buchtel and Mayor Robert W.
Speer of Denver will speak at the open
ing session of the convention proper
runcsuuj morning and the rest of the
time up to the noon recess will be de
voted to the reports of the officers and
the various committees. In the after
noon Woodrow Wilson. president of
Princeton university, will speak on "The
Banker and the Nation," and B. E. Walker
president of the Canadian Bank ot Com
merce, will discuss "Abnormal Features
of American Banking." On Thursday the
puncipai aaaresses will be "Vital Issues,"
Aiexanaer Ul inert, president of the
rew iora Clearing house, and "Con
servation of Natural Resources," by Con
gressman Joseph E. Ranadell of Louis
iana. There also will be meetings of the ex
ecutive council and the clearing house
section on Monday, at which matters of
Importance to the association Itself will
be settled.
Entertainment to Be Elabornte.
The local committee of bankers has
made elaborate preparations for the com-
luuvrnience ana entertainment of
the delegates and guestj. A banquet, a
reception, a sightseeing automobile ride
no an au-aay trip to the crest of the
continental divide are amour the .m.r.
talnments that have been arranged for
the visitors. All the railroads have al
lowed reduced fares to and from the con
vention from various sections of the
The membership of the American Bank.
ers association embraces practically ths
entire financial fraternity of the United
'i "as tormed at Saratoga, N. Y
in at a convention at which thlrty-
tmo states wens represented by I4 dele
gates. Its growth has been steady and at
times very rapid, ths total member.hin
today being 8.803 national, state and sav
ings bsnks and trust companies and private
banking houses. The last fiscal year, de
spite the panic, which proved disastrous
to so many banking concarns. has been one
of the moat successful in the history of
the association. While 691 members were
lost through withdrawal, consolidation,
liquidation and failure, 1.24S were added to
the roll, making a net gain of 552 for the
Roster of Oncers.
The principal officers of the sssoclatlon
are: President. Colonel J. D. Powers of
Ioulsville; vice president. George H. Rey
nolds of Chicago; chairman executive coun
cil. I.ewis E. Plerson, New York; secretary
Colonel Fred E. Fnrnswort:i. New York:
treasurer. A. A. Crane. Mlnneanolls. The
president of the Trust company section Is
Philip S. Babcock of New York; of the
Savings bank section. Lucius TVter of Chi
cago, and of the fleering House section
August Blum of Chicago. The executive
council, which to a lurge extent dictates
the policy of tbe organisation, la composed
ui representatives from every state and of
former presidents of the sssoclatlon. fn
uer a resolution adopted at last yesr's
convention its membership wss raised to
seventy members,
w re-k at Porta, Wis.
MlLWACKETS. Sept. 27-Engtneer Fred
Ooode was killed and Chris J. Hanaon. fire
man and B. N. Taylor, brakeinan, wars
seriously injured by the explosion of a
Wiooruotive attached to northbound freiahi
train on the St. Paul railroad la tho Por
tage, Wis., yards today. Ths cause mt the
xulnston is not known. BaftiMwr Goods
was hurt-d fift7 frt. and dlod shortlr
efier be-rag oUk op. Hanson and Tajlar
er; auuy 1M--&IX
! VK , ,rS.?V!cfcctANlN; AND If
Roosevelt Here,
From the Philadelphia North American.
Mr. Taft's Plurality in Minnesota is
Estimated at Forty Thousand.
Systematic Work Is Bring; Done
Every Prrclnri to See that All
Voters Oct to the
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sept. 27.-(Spe-
clal Telegram.) -Every republican leader
who has talked with Mr. Taft since his ar
rival In Minnesota has brought the Infor
mation that this state Is absolutely safe
on the national ticket. None of the leaders
estimate the republican plurality at less
than 40,000, and most of them have told Mr.
Taft he will have a margin of from 60.000
to 70,000 votes.
More systematic work for the republican
ticket haa been done In Minnesota than any
other state which Mr. Taft has visited.
There are t.SOO precincts In. Minnesota and
In each of these divisions' flvs men have
bean,- chosen. to vtf?V4 .iho. .renuoltoan
vote, line It up for hi sciatght ticket and
get It out on election day.
To supervise this woik five men have
been appointed In each of the eighty coun
ties. The speaking campaign Is being con
ducted with vigor and intelligence. Every
night meetings are being held In country
school houses, where apples and cigars are
served. In the smaller cities lawn meetings
are held at private homes and the Issues
of the campaign discussed. Taft marching
clubs have been organized in every county.
Four years ago Roosevelt carried Minne
sota by 161, OH) plurality, John A. Johnson,
democrat, being elected governor by 7.000
plurality. Two years ago Governor John
son was re-elected by 7.000 plurality. Min
nesota Is normally republican by 80.000, the
personal popularity of Governor Johnspn
is very great, but this year he is running
against a strong man, whereas two years
ago his opponent was a man of no force
and did not have the genuine support of
republican organization.
Four years ago and two years ago John
son drew most of his republican support
from tho Scandinavians. The republican
nominee for governor this year is Jacob
Jacobson, a Norwegian. Both democrats
and republicans admit that In the contest
between "Yon" and "Take" the former
will get the Swedes and the latter the Nor
wegians, and that the vote will be close.
Jaoobson Is a rough-and-ready sort of
man and has a legislative record second to
no man In the state and Is making his
campaign on his record. His friends speak
of hlra as the "original progressive law
maker." Minnesota republicans have escaped the
bitter factional troubles which have af
flicted Wisconsin and Iowa, and they are
united this year on the national ticket. Mr.
Taft will continue his speaking campaign
through the state. The republican cam
paign managers were greatly pleased with
hla speeches and have assured him he can
go to the Dakotas firm In the belief that
Mr. Bryan cannot make substantial Inroads
on him here.
Jodce Wltten Annonnces that Official
Man howlns; Lands Snhject to
Entry Is Not Rendr.
DALLAS, 8. D., Sept. 27. Because of the
fact that a great many maps purporting to
be correct plans of Tripp county, showing
the allotments to Indians, some of which
have not yet been approved by the govern
ment, and purporting to show the locations
of the several government townaites, Judge
J. W, Wltten, superintendent of the open
ing, has atated, that as a matter of fact
the aecretsry of the Interior has not as
yet made any reservation for townslto pur
puscs, and the commissioner of the gen
eral land office has notified Judge Witlen
that his office has In no way recognised
any of the proposed townsltes, and has dl
rlcted Judge Wltton to make and report
such Investigations and Inspection as will
be helpful to the secretary In making reser
vations for townsite purposes. Ths secre
tary will, as directed by the act of con
gress, hereafter reserve from these lands
such traota for townsite purposes ss In his
opinion may be required for future Inter
eats. These tracts will be surveyed by the
general land office Into lots and sold at
publlo auction, after they are appraised,
but until the secretary has made the reser
vations and ths location of the Tripp
oounty town, they cannot be known. Be
fore the time for filing the government will
Issue an official map of Tripp oounty, show
Ins ths land correctly subject to occupation
by thooa lucky enough to win a good num
ber In the drawing, and also showing such
lands m Tripp county ss have been sl
liMed to tbe Indiana. Thin man will also
show location si tss sorrmmejol town-
that soap isn't a plaything it's to
l ii Ion Pacific Kmployes Contend
Terms of Aareement Are Not
Brlns Kept.
Information has leaked out of alr-tlght
quarters that relations between the Cnlon
Paclflo and Its trainmen are not wholly
amicable. Tho trainmen are aggrieved at
certain alleged violations of the terms of
ogroeinent entered Into by them and tne
company recently and are talking of sn
open breach unless their grievances can
be redressed. Matters are working along
natural lines, slowly,, but surely and very
quietly, and It Is understood that unless
the company takes some action to correct
existing conditions the trainmen may feel
called on In a month or six weeks to take
the Initiative.
The trouble Is said te be on the matter
of freight train schedules, with reference
to time and pay for overtime. Certain de
tails of the recent agreement are said not
to be lived up to by the company and this
Imposes hardships on tho men. But the
trslnmen are free to assert that they do
not hold the higher officials responsible
for this state of afflars as yet, as they
are convinced the superintendent and gen-
eral manager are not aware of what Is
going on. Tlrey say the fault lies with I he j
rtjordlriMe booses", wbd have exceeded
the limit of their authority. It Is the In
tention of the trainmen, however, to carry
matters to the highest authority unless
they can secure what they consider fair
treatment from their lower, "bosses."
Since the so-called business depression
of last fall the length of freight trains has
been gradually Increased and so has the
work allotted lo each trainman, and there
fore his period of service has stretched out
longer than he thinks it should. These
are some of the faults he alleges need
Yonngr Men's Christian Association
Will Ulve Onportnnltr to Learn
Rapid Calculation.
The Inability of many employes in cleri
cal capacities to spell ordinary words In
every day use and to add up a column of
figures has caused J. W. Miller, educa
tional director at the Toung Men's Chris
tian association, to announce that a week
from today he will Institute classes In spell
ing and rapid calculation. Tho classes will
be held during the evenings at the asso
ciation rooms and, as Mr. Miller says. It Is
believed they will meet with what seems
to be a great need.
In a letter to the editor of The Bee Mr.
Miller has the following to say of his pro
posed classes and what he hopes to accom
plish by them:
From time to time I have heard remarks
from employers and business men generally
about the Inability of their employes to
spell the ordinary words In every day use
or to add up a column of figures. Having
heard so many of these remarks and be
lieving that there Is a need for soma class
Instruction In these two subjects I am or
ganising a class In rapid figuring, cover
ing addition, subtration, multiplication,
division, fractions snd applications of per
centage. Including partnership. This course
Is specially a lis pled to clerks In the Cnlon
Parlflo and Burlington headquarters, book
keepers, bank clerks, high school and bus
iness college graduates and those destiirur to
take the examination for employment with
the Cnlon Pacific and Burlington rallroada.
The class In spelling Is somewhat on the
order of the old-fashioned spelling, but
more extensive. It Inrludes the spelling,
pronunciation, meaning and use of -about
1,600 useful words. One hour each evening
and two evenings a week will be given to
drill on ' these words. This class should
appeal to every young man and a great
many business men In Omaha.
Tostmnstera nnd Cnrrlera Appointed
City Delivery Service for
Indlnnoln. Iown.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. ZJ. (Special Tele
gram.) Postmasters appointed:
Iowa: Knlerlm. Calhoun county, Kdward
F.. Richardson, vice J. G. Marshall resigned.
South Dakota: Folsom, Custer county,
Frod C. Walker, vice W. Caple. resigned.
Daniel Botheras haa been appointed reg
ular, and Samuel Jones, subatitue, rural
free delivery carrier route No. 2. Collins. Ia.
City delivery will be established December
IS at Indianola, la., with three carriers snd
one subatitue carrier.
Tweat4y Inmntes of Wyoming? Instlta
tioa Snpport Democrat le
EVANSTON. Wyo., Sept. ?7.-(8peclal.)-The
Inmates of the Wyoming insane asy
lum here have formed a Brysn and Kern
olub numbering: over twenty members. It
Is headed by James Kenworthy, who wss
sent hero from Casper several years so.
Kenworthy has written tho Cssper Tri
bune regarding; the club. Ha claims the
republican manhine haa cheated him out
of 120; that he proposes to collect this
money if It oosts him SS.000; that ba and
bis rompsntooa am members of Tammany
and will have tne support of Tassany la
work with!
Serious Conditions Exist in Pennsyl
vania and West Virginia.
Low Water rrevents Hirer Improve
ments nnd Maar Factories Are
Closed Health Officers
Fear Epidemic.
PITTSBURG, Sept. 27.-Wlth losses ag
gregatlng aeveral million dollars from for
est fires and heavy losses to crops snd
live stock, the reported loss of a number of
lives due to fighting timber conflagrations
the enforced idleness of thousands of work
men owing to the suspension of manufac
turing establishments because of lack of
water, the health authorities anticipating
a serious epidemic of contagious diseases,
and many small streams dried up snd
praetlcslly obliterated, the drouth of 1908,
which has held western Pennsylvania,
eastern Ohio and West Virginia In It
grasp for more than two months, remains
unbroken, each day . gradually Increasing
the seriousness of the unpredecented situa
tion. While In the Pittsburg district the water
supply Is sufficient to carry on all busi
ness, the low stage of the rivers has caused
a congestion of much coal In this vicinity.
Every available barge and float has been
loaded with coal and at present, with al
most 20.OHO.000 bushels In the Pittsburg har
bor, the river coal mines have been com
pelled to shut down for the wsnt of ship
ping facilities. There are about lo.OftO min
ers employed In the river mines along the
Monongahela valley. This great fleet of
coal Is for supply of points In tho west and
south and the probabilities are there will
he a coal famine experienced, especially
In the northwest, should conditions prevent
the shipment of the coal Vetre cold
weather sets In.
In West Virginia lumber plsnts. glass
factories and Iron and steel mills located
along the rivers, are closed on account of
insufficient water. In eastern Ohio the
same conditions prevail, and It Is feared
the great iron and steel mills at Youngs
town. O., employing over 20,000 men, will
have to suspend operations unless the
drouth Is speedily broken.
In all sections of the dry sone prayers
are offered up dally and these prayers will
continue until they are answered with
Porelajn Governments Will Be Repre
sented nt Meeting; In Albn
nerqne for First Time.
AL.BUQUKRQCE. N. M Sept. 2T. -Albuquerque
is crowded tonight with dele
gates snd the advance guard attracted by
the elxth International Irrigation congress,
which convenes here Tuesday morning, and
Its accompanying Industrial exposition.
which will continue for five days after the
congress closes, October S.
According to President W. 8. Hopewell of
the board of control correspondence and
representation at hand Indicate an attend
ance of about 1,600 delegates and the out
look Is for several sessions of great Inter-
est. The congress this year assumes Inter
national scope. For the first time the State
department Issued an invitation to foreign
govemmenta to bo represented. The re
spouse hsa been general, France, Germany,
England. Italy, Spain, Portugal. Canada
and Capo Cblony having sent representa
tives, while Mexico, Cuba. Porto Rico and
all of the more Important South American
states sre represented.
President Roosevelt has sddressed a letter
to the congress, which will be read at the
opening aesslnn.
William R. Hearst will deliver an address
to the congress October 1. and It is expected
he will be accompanied by Thomas I..
General Franklin Bell, chief of staff, ar
rived tonight and will remain during the
Fort D. A. Rnsaell Is to Re Enlarged
nt Expense of Thrvelnartera
of n Million.
' WASHINGTON. Sept. S7.-Nearly three
quarters of a million dollars of construc
tion work Is to be undertaken by the war
depatment at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo.
This includes provision for quarters, bur
racks' and other buildings, which will pro
vide accommodations for a complete regi
ment of cavalry, another of artillery and
a third of Infantry, as well as two com
panies of the signal corps.
leo Forms nt Pierre.
liEKkm S. 1)., Sept. ri.-Bpecla! Tele
gram.) First killing frost of the season
Ot.-urred last night with light Ico forming.
All com Ihta sertlos) past danger point aad
bo graw daunagw was dwe,
an cives to king
Sway of Youn Monarch Will Be
Absolute for This Week.
Right to Rule Established by Succew
of Opening; Day.
People from Capital City Coming by
Thousands on Tuesday.
This Will lie l,enth of ItayllaM
Paaennl Toeidaj. When I nlted
Mates rm Will Contribute
to Klns's Success.
Carnival Attendance).
. ,5B3
. 6.318
. e,3a
Thursday .
Saturday .
K Inn's lllghnny 1'ronmm.
Sing's Hlrbway opens at 13 o'clock sacU
Madam rranots and diving horse, Si3l
and 8 p. m.
Sullivan and KUraln, 3 and 8:30 p. m.
Balloon racs and airship night, 8 p. m.
Country Circus exhllltlons hourly.
Monday Modern Woodmen Day.
Tuesday Lincoln Day.
Wednesday Nebraska Day.
Thursday Elks' Day.
rriday Ancient Order United Work
men Day. 1
Saturday Eagles' Day.
Ak-Sar-Btn's Own Bvtntei
Day Farads Tuesday.
Bight rarads Wednesday.
Taft and rireworks Thursday.
Coronation Ball Friday.
Cinderella Ball Saturday.
Omaha surrenders today to the subjects
of Ak-Sar-Ben XIV who come to pay
tribute to the irenciuus young ruler. The
imperial city offers Its streets. Its stores,
it ! houses. Its all to the visitors.
Never In the history of the house of
Ak-Sar-Ut-n has there been such prepara
tion made for the entertainment of the
pilgrims. On every hand there will he
attractions that please, while enthusiasm
and good cheer will run riot.
The big daylight parade scheduled Tor
Tuesday afternoon will be the greatest
parade ever given in Omaha. It will he.
three miles In length and 6.000 perron i
will be In the formations. Of these 1,00
will bo soldiers from the regular army.
Such a daylight parade has never before
been attempted or even thought of as a
tart of the week's festivities. It took
the. mind of a Gould Diets to conceive
11 and work out the details. In the pa- '
ride wii be worked . out many of thti
ideas he secured while dolnj the lam) of '
ligypt, when he as King Ak-far-B n
iilll was the guest of the. khedlve. ThU
parade will be one or the real big features,
If not the real feature of the week. To
all other daylight parades It will occupy
the same position as the electrical pageant
does to other electrical parades. Mr.
Deltz has been several weeks working out
the detail.! of tho gorgeous psgeant, and
those who contemplate coming to tho
Imperial city to see the electrical parade,
will get their money's worth If they come
In time to see the Deits conception Tues
day afternoon.
The lectiical pageant Wednesday night
will be superior to former electrical ra
rades, because Ak-Sar-Ben alnaya Im
proves. The floats will tell a familiar
story this year and every float is pat.
Amusement and laughter will mingle as
the float go by.
Taft Comes Thursday.
Taft. tho Idol of republicans, the friend
of Americans, the guardian of the op
pressed and the secretary of peace, will
be here. He will speak both at South
Omaha and Omaha. In hla honor and for
the entertainment of those who are hers
to worship ut the shrine of Ak-Sar-Uen
and Taft there will be a magnificent dis
play of fireworks on Douglss street near
Seventeenth. Pictures of familiar men
will be burned in letters of fire across
the sky and scores of wonderfully beauti
ful electrical pieces will be shown.
Tho coronation ball Friday night will ba
participated In by thousands of ths moat
beautiful women and most handsome mci
In the whole kingdom. No one has yet
been found whose vocabulary has been suf
ficient to describe accurately the splendor
of the coronation ceremonies of a king of
the house of Ak-Sar-Ben. The ruler of the
most prosperous region of the moet pros
perous nation of the whole wide world, must
ieds have the best the world's markets
aflord and the splendid young monarch
will be crowned In splendor such as the
world hss never seen.
The Clnderells ball Saturday afternoon
will be the first attempt of this kind.
Five hundred chlldien will participate In
the ball and the affair will be one of the
most delightful of the entire week.
Special Day or the Week.
The we-k begins with Modern Woodmen
day and all the people sre Invited to look
on and see that "Woodmen srre thst ire?,"
snd nothing else. As there are no tree
on the carnival grounds the Woodmen
have no restrictions and Ihey have per
mission to run everything with a high hand
snd big ax.
Tuesday is Uncoln day-dear old TJnroln.
Neb. That the capital rlty will send up a
big crowd of enthusiastic subjects of King
Ak-Sar-Ben thero Is not the least doubt.
The city of achools and churches has had a
taste of the court of Ak-Sar-Bn snd Ihs
people there sre longing for more. That
Is why a day mas set apart for these peo
ple lo disport themselves. Uncoln ruls will
b- In forco thut day snd ths residents of
the rapltel city will see objectionable
places closed at 7 o'clock. Water wagons
will be furnished free for rides through
the carnival grounds. Wster barrels will
be scattered around at frequent Intervals
on the grounds snd everything done to
make the big city look home like. Motor
cars may even atop on both sides of ths
streets snd run In groups of threes. Speak
ing serious, Omaha will turn Itself loose
to m.ike the people from tlirlr beloved
slate capital enjoy life.
Wednesday la Nebraska diy. That Is all
there Is to say alout that. Fivery visitor
will honor the stats on that day. '
F.lka Have' oauo Plana.
The Elks hold forth on Thursday and
ttis city belongs to them. The local Kiks
have secured seversl new stunts to do on
ths carnlvsl grounds thst sftrno-n and
evening and Mr. Taft may bo kidnap-!
before the dy la over.
Friday Ibm Andes Order uf Lin led Wavaw