unday Bee PART II. bMrffe PW THE OMAHA DBQ Best tl". West EDITORIAL SECTION PACES 1 TO 11. VOL. XXXVI II NO. 15. " i THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: SEPTEMBER '27, 1908. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. THE DIG STORE'S WELCOME TO Ak-Sar-Ben, Festival of the Golden West The - Omaha -v." --r"'-;-'-"'7it:K - m M7 . . 11 TV - 1, Abf .Ala. ft . TsV -' W ( lit $8i To thousands of strangers within our gate; to the thousand more who are to come; greetings. The big IWnnett Store wants you aa it gueMa. We want to meet you and to extrnd the hand of welcome. . Want you to know this store aa Omahans know It, aa thousands throughout the great middle went hart- learned to know It, Mere are 56 complete stores under one roof selling everything you wear, eat, use In your home or In your business and at lowest prices in the entire western country. As a tribute to the thousands of visitors In the city we announce week of tremendous bargains in every section, beginning Monday. Fall and winter merchandise of quality was never known to be offered at more reasonable prices. We want yon to go home carrying with you pleaaant memories of the IWnnett store, and feeling that they have done yon good. That you can say aa did king Ak-Sar-Ben and his followers in days of old in search of a new realm, when they discovered this vast rolling plain and set up tlteir kingdom. "This Is indeed the land of gold, why should we Journey further." Dress Goods and Silks From the leading looms of American and Europe. New weaves and new shades Greatest assemblage of fashionable fall fabrics, a comprehensive variety, surpassing even our own former triumphs. Bennett's prices, always a source of wonderment to Omahans, are again creating much favorable comment. Visitors in the city will find it to their advantage to shop here. Monday we show unlimited variety of new dress materials at...... , f2.50 BROADCLOTHS SI. 4ft Fine chiffon . finish, 60 pieces, every new color. These- are- Mill lengths with slight Imperfections scarcely notice able. For this reason alone we can offer $2.50 goods, at . .yard........,, $1.45 50c-75c-$l-L50 56 inch TAILOR SUITINGS We bought a New York tailor's stock of Men's suitings; 200 patterns, choice, all, wool stripes and mixtures; 66 Inches wide; all worth $2.25 and $2.50 a yard. O our price UUw Mill Ends Broadcloths Mills accumulate short lengths; these we buy often times less than half. This lot of lengths run 3Ju to 10 yards and come in every good .shade. Quality same as flCll bells at $2.50, at, yard .1 .0.C . Monday's Great Silk Sales Do not go home without a visit, to our silk counters. Always some extra ordinary bargains every day. Monday you can buy a handsome 27-inch chiffon black Taffeta, rich and lustrous in finish; colored edge; best $1.00 value on any couHterj f " Our' Price .-..U.C a-lnch BLACK TAFFKTA Want you FANCY SILKS Two special lots on to compare, this with, any $1.60 taf- sale Monday; Included are light and feta In town. Our regular price Is dark styles for fall dresses, waists $1.39, Monday and for Ak-Sar-Ben and jumpers; checks and . stripes .w.eek buy It for a full third under mostly, and worth. In regular way value; fine for suits, , IC ta to 11.00, - , . walgta,' pet,Uooats,; y.urd if J C at, yard 6JC'JC 500 I - -- . .. v iiTAZ- i IN -i ?17' t IJ S arm 1 New Tailored Suits in a Great Sale Monday Positively Greatest Suit Values Known . to Omaha Retailing are Offered Carnival week bargains are specially prepared to make a record breaking business and to spread the name and fame of Bennett's as the best trading place in the great middle west. Out-of-town people, this is an opportunity of momentous importance to you! Home folks will find it equally to their interests. . . Every Suit a Marvel of Tailored Elegance The styles reveal more pleasing effects than you'll see in a whole day's shopping about town. The new directoire influence is ever pres ent. The beautiful slashed and scalloped coats, the refined empire modes, the smart clinging skirts are characteristics that stamp them as distinct ly high class. The materials are broadcloths and novelty weaves. All priced as one seldom sees them, and representing savings of from $5.00 to $15.00 on every suit. 19 50 $ 00 $ 29 50 S Evening Gowns for the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball A display notable for its beautiful and practical styles, daintiest of ribbon, silk inessaline and lace costumes, wonderfully wraught by cleverest designs in all delicate pastel and street $ A A shades, $19.50 upward to. . .UU Extraordinary Sale' 54-inch Black Coats New 54-inch fitted black broadcloth coats of superior qual ity; lined throughout with satin. Made with velvet collar and tail ored in high class style. Destinct ly a $25.00 value, 15 Hosiery and Gloves 'Appropriate for the Oornation and Cinderella Balls. Women's Geneva 611k Hom, double ' soles, - pair 60a Women's Black, all silk. Hose, per pair 91.60 and 2.00 Women's Colored Silk Hose, all shades, per pair $8.00 Women's Hand Embroidered Bilk Hone, per pair. .. .$2.60 to $6.00 Children's pink, blue, white, and rid Stockings, all alaos, pair A Bo Gloves i 12-button Real Kid Glove, all shades, pair 93.86 16-hutton. Real Kid Gloves, all shades, per pair $3.76 11-button, English Tan Capo Gloves, per pair $3.00 It-button, English Tan Cape Gloves, per pair $3.60 Flexible Cuff Gauntlets, pair $1.75 Short Gloves, to match anv gown, per pair $1.00, $1.85, $1.60, $3.00 Monday - Great Sale Cotton Comforters - One thousand comforters in" a -gigantic sale Monday. The-immense lot the entire surplus of a prominent manufactures who was clearing up' his stock was purchased at a third less than market values. Every one of these comforters Is filled with the purest, whitest of cotton, and almost as light and fluffy aa down. The coverings are of floral Bllkolines or sateens on both sides and are hand-knotted with. yarn. Not a single cheap shoddy filled comforter In the entire lot. The seasonableness of this offer coupled with" these extraordinary low prices makes this the most Important sale ever announced in this city. Every one of these prices represents a saving of a full third to you 98c, 1.19, 1.69, 2.19, 2.89 COTTON BLANKETS Monday we offer two notable . specials that! ought to Interest every woman who reads this. .Better blanket values are unknown: Extra large and heavy blankets, worlh $1.89. at 89 Large $1.69 quality blankets, Monday for . . . .$1,19 UNBLEACHED SHEETING As a Monday flyer we put on sale a big lot unbleached sheeting at a sensa tional price; comes 214, 2 Vs. 2 yards wide and worth to 35c a yard; our special price 17Vi Best 25c Art Ticking and Denims, new patterns, at, yard lVa Evening Ties arid Pumps V For the Coronation Ball We believe our showing of dainty satin and kid even ing footwear lb the most complete in town. Special preparations and good assortments made for the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball. Satin pumps In white, . ff light blue, pink, red, etc., In all sizes, III 1 in each shade e W Dainty Sailor Ties of kid or calfskin In pink, light blue, white and lavender; also brown and black suedes, In all sizes.... $4 and $5 Patent Leather Pumps, beaded kid and patent leather Theo Ties with Cuban or French neels, per pair . $3.00 Patent leather and kid three strap French heel slip pers; band turned soles; all sizes, pair t $2.50 CARNIVAL WEEK SALE or LINENS Yery tow prloes on tabu damasks, napkins, towels aaA ersshM. 72-lnch bleached, all linen, double satin damask, worth $1.75, Monday, yard $1.25 22-Inch napkins, worth $3.75, to match, dozen. $3.00 72-lnch stiver bleached, double satin damask, worth $1.50. Monday, yard $1.15 22-inch napkins, worth $3.75, to match, dos.$2.00 70-Inch bleached all linen damask, worth $1.26, (uo napkins), at, yard 98 22 Inch bleached, all linen dinner napkins, our $3.25 quality, Monday $2.25 Roller TowvttBft -All linen, 18-lnch, red border, regu lar 12Vsc quality, yard 104? limit Towels Heavy quality, size 20x40, our usual 22 hk c kinds, at, each V7t ; Curtains and Rugs Oar Annual October Bala la Soma rurnUhlnfs la al ways fall of avlnf possibilities. W start th sals 'Mon day foe the bam of oar visitors from a distance. Beet bargains of tbe year are ready I 500 pairs Irish Point, Cable Net. and Nottingham Cur tains; 25 new fall patterns, all big $3.00 values, at, P- $l.GO Extra fine two tone Nottinghams newest novelties. Ideal curtains for living rooms; values to $4.00, at, Iilr $2.80 Irish Point Curtains In beautiful parlor effects, made on extra French Nets; every pair $5.00 quality. Mon day $3.39 0H SAMPLE KI GS OS SALE No mismatched rugs, but absolutely desirable, bought very cheap and now on sale at a full third under value.. Brussels Rugs, room sizes, floral and Oriental pat terns, strictly all wool pile. $12.59 Rugs, 9x11 tl MouJay. . . .g 89 $18.00 Rugs, 9x12 fiet, Monday . .$ll89 Ajunlneter Bnfs, rich parlor designs, ev.ry rug new and absolutely lift. M0 tu ) 300.1 valurs, full xlj feet; over a humlrl: choice Body Brussels Kara, alxe ft. most serviceable floor cuverluas iuuhrv can buy. Persian and Medallion de signs: like u.uelity always retails at I2.0. Monday at. each fl Corsets at Half Our big three days' sale last week of our great purchase $2.50 corsets was the suc cess of our history in corset selling. Finest corsets ever sold at the price brought the crowds. We still have enough for another big day's business. ' Absolutely new style models of fine batiste, extreme long hip and high bust, trimmed with Bonnaz embroid ery, two pairs hose support- i 2 ers, best $2.50 corsets made; j! Monday again at Silk Brocade Corsets in the new direc toire models for the coronation ball. at $3.50 upward to $8.00 THE BEST LATE BOOKS The freatest book store la the west, l'hese late books are tne bit sellers ox ue -rear. The Man From Brodney'a The Uttle Brown Jug at KUdartl 1 lie h iring Ulne. Holy Orders A Uttle Brother of the Rich.. The Lure of the Mahk The Voyage of Honna Ipahel... The Testln Diana Mallory.. All 1.60 Editions for Many other new publications are in. These are all fey wiu Hon auuiors. SI 08 Bennett's Big Grocery Greatest Grocery Went of Chicago. Visit It. We ship goods everywhere. LoweMt prices in America on goods of quality. S20 Sewing Machine 13 69 "Bennett's Special" With 10-Year Guarantee. Greatest sewing machine value ever offered, case is of fine white oak latest drop-head model fitted with full set nickel steel at tachments, full instructions with each machine. Monday this $20 model at lowest price good machines were 15P efefS ever sold for 13.69 China Cut Glass u Monday's great bargains. Finest stocks of China and Cut Glass In Omaha. See display. Second Floor. Fancy shaped Cups and Saucers, regular 25c to 30c values plaln-whlte China, for oo worth 40c to Mbc, Bbo Fancy Shaped Sugars and Creamers, plain white China, at, pair Fancy Shaped Plates, I, S or 7-Inch rim or coupe shapes and cake plates; plain white China; 6Uc values, tor. .MM ""TTHP fl S CQ Slx Grtt LU1 VxLxTlOO Bargains.. rarls Cut, all perfect entttng, brilliant finish, high class workmanship. Deep cut, 1-Inch bowls, full slse, worth $8.60, for.... 94-75 6-inch Handled Bon Bona or Nappies, $3.60 values . .98.83 Large Sugars and Creamers, fancy handles, $9.60 values 95 8-lnch flat shape Nappies, 16.00 values, for i.a5 Footed Compotes, 6Vi-!nches high, $8.00 value, for ....95.00 Footed Comforters, 7-lnches high, $10.00 values for ..97-00 Jardinieres JABDUnXBEg New line, handsome burnt wood efforts, Juki unneii, at .....76c np to 95-00 Bennett's Golden Coffee, lb. ao and Teas, assorted, per pound . .3e and Tea Sittings, per pound . ..16o and Bennett's Capitol Coooa. can Ha nd Queen Olives, large; pint ..BOo and Franco-American Soups, qt. 86o and Cooking Raisins, large slse, lb C'rackeia, assorted, pkg lOo end Batavla Glues Htarch. S ll. S3o and llonheur Sardines, large can tn simI Dr. Price's Breakfast Food. I packages fur 95o and Japan Kloe, I pounds for . ...14o and Best We Have Pineapple, large cr.n far COc- atd Bennetts Capitol Pancake Flour, for Worcester Sauce . ...100 I 2ia Orape Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, per pound I4o aad Oyster Shells lor Chickens, per pound Chicken Feed, per pound 80 stamps 30 sUunps 10 stamps BO stamps 10 stamps 40 stsjngs 10 stamps 10 stamps 9 stamps SO stamps 10 stamps 10 stamps Ho sad 10 stem; nns J ulce 150 90 stamps COAL 100 S. & H. Green Stamps with . ach Ton Sold . . . . at any price the last three days of September, MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. Our low summer prices are still in force but will surely advance soon. Buy durin,; this sale, save the difference and get the extra stamps. Cold weather is just around the corner. Prepare now. 100 Green Trading Stamps with Each Ton Sold . . . Peninsular Steel Ranges Are made of finest polished char coal steel which prevents warp ing. Three bottoms below oven . and all fitted with to burn any kind Monday the Fleet Peninsular ttangt Sale Galvanized Tubs Ith duplex gratoa & i?r..S88 Mon , . .380 Mon- .4t0 mm Uslvanlztd 6So Wash Tubs, day, at Galvanized 79c Wash Tubs, day, at Oalvanjaed 88c Wash Tuba, Mon day, at 5SO Wash Boilers, all prices. 560 np And 40 Green Stamps. t'nlversul Food Choppers, Mc, 91.08, 91-38 -and iV Stamps 6-6-4 Stove Luster, can 95o and ao. (Stamps Stove Pipe, extra quality. Joint ...... 19o and 10 I tamps Suit Hangers, will hold a full suit, Mon day t for 8So and 20 SU.nips iIZ2 . y V y eSBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBSBBBSBBBBBBBBBSBBSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMSS J .VW.