8 THE OMAHA SFN'DAY BF.E: SEPTEMHEIt 27. IPO. Low Rates to Omaha A eek 1c A MILE ON UtllOH PACIFIC lie A MILE OH EVERY OTHER RAILROAD COME TO OMAHA FOR AK-SAR-BEN AND DO YOUR FALL BUYING AT Inis 1 gjr. g(Bmi UW ODD M J f(B O D o p n c D o 0 o D o D o D o D o D o D o D o D r o n o D D o D 0 e D o D o a o D o D o D o D o a n A i CHECK YOUR BAGGAGE and PARCELS FREE See the Most Beau tiful Interior Store Decorations Ever Beheld. OQOCa'DOraOE3GE30E30E300G idtymii ciuui umeit'u riuuiiciaiip and Skirtings, Worth up to $1, 29c, 39c and 49c Fine Swiss and Batiste, choicest designs filet, Grecian and English eyelet effects high with the greatest bar gains of the year, worth $1.25, at lOiaouoaOQonononononononononononono 75c Waist and Dress Nets at 39c 42-inch wide, filet and round mesh nets, in white, Z(I ecru and cream, worth tip to 75c yard, at yard. . .'. . a-JeC onoaonoaononoaonononoDonoaoDoaono! 15c LACES at 5c Yard A new shipment of pretty new designs in Val. Laces and In sertions, many to match, worth up to 15c yard, g on bargain square, at per yard C DononoDono Kid Gloves Women's 16-button length French Umbsln gloves new fall shades, 11 sices, every pair .Trt) fitted, worth up to P $4.00. at Women's Short Kid Gloves 2 clasp black, "white and colors worth 11.00 pair, all F( sizes, bargain square, (j oDCDonoDODonononcnoncnonononoaoiari OaOaoaCaOQOE30EXOE30K30I30C30aoaOI30C30r30I Women's and Mens 50c Hosiery, 25c g Imported plain and fancy lisle, double sole, spliced 'JP D neei ana toe, worm uuc, ai pair Women's and Men's Fine, Sheer, All Linen Handkerchiefs Some with initials worth up to 25c, at 10c BRANDBIS noBOE3onono onononoDonononononononononaaoaonooono Oar Famous Linen Dept. Vary fin gran bleached Belfast all Hnrn 72-lnrh satin table damask values up to 11.60, at, yard 8o Two-yard wide all linen bleached Scotch and Irian Batln table damack 11.09 valuo, yard 76o Kin quality mercertied aatln table damaak, worth up to 60c, at, yd. 89o Fin 12-inch dinner napkin, worth 1.(0, at. dozun 91.00 Oreat lot of fine pattern table cloth In Scotch and Irish makes, worth up to 15.00, at. each B1.M and $9.S0 Jtenalaaanc lac center pieces and scarfs, worth up to $1.60, each..8o Imported hemstitched linen towels worth I So and J6o, each IBs o D e D o n o D o D o D o D o D o MioQononononoaoaono D D o D o D o D o D o D o D. o D o D o D o n MONDAY SPECIALS IN DRUG DEPT. 25o Banitol Tooth Powder. ... 10c loo Banitol Tooth Paste 19c 25o Denta Bleach 14c 25c Pond's Extract Cream . . . . 10c 60c Berry's Freckle Ointment. 80c Milk Weed Cream 3c 60c Hay's Hair Health. 45c $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor 8c $1.00 Herptclde . .89c 25c Satin Skin Powder 10c 60c Carmen Powder 89c 25c Rouge De Theatre, No. 18 16c 1-lb. 20 Mule Team Borax.... 9c Optical Department riooi stw tore A4al 1. Vry M odratt price no chargt lor examination. bnoao BRANDEIS - BOSTON STORE AFFAIRS AT S Too Much Hilarity Causes Trouble for a Trio of Men. TAPERS INTO FIGHTING MOOD Paeklaa; Plant Sreac of Two of the Oatbrrak aad ta Third Slar Roaaa Hoase la prowa Park. Ttire men, John Vong. J. Maher and A. Emlth. each got Into more than the usual lough of trouble yesterday frorn . over indulgence tn their appetite for drink. John Long via arrested for resisting the order of a special officer at the Cudahy Tacking plant. James Maher Is said to hav threat ened a Mrs. Hose of Brown park, lie Is said to liave knocked on the door and called to I ho woman to open It or he would break It down and Injure her. She called th police before he had attempted to carry out his threat. He was found to be carry Ills' a weapon. A. Smith aas arrested for fig1:'.:"- with Ed llolman. on of the watchmen of the Omaha racking plant. He brought a friend to the plant who was too much Intoxicated to work. HDd later, criticised the officer for refusing him admission to the plant. This led to a fight, In which many blow war struck on each sld and the watchman received sever bruises. Later Smith was found sear a blacksmith shop at th Union Mook saraa and placed under arrest. Tb Free Rest Rooms With Every Mod ern Convenience (Maids In attendance.) onoooaonocmncnono two great squares piled 29c -39c -59c o Underwear Misses' Children's and Boys Fleecy Lined Underwear, medium and I5c-25c n heavy, bargai en 11 a a Children's M style Knit Under- n Jndc 9 waists, all sizes, g o worth 20c each, f f H at lonoaono Shoes for Women. Men and Children The prrttieat, moat complete and most moderate priced shoe department in Omaha. Court' cous salesmen. Women's New Style, fine lace and button shoes, worth $3.50, extra special, $2 29 Men's Shoes, in the best MJIU, 1 3T .$3 Boys' good, strong, box calf shoes, worth $2.25 at. 81.50 Men's $2.75 quality shoes at '. $1.08 n lononoaociouonono" D D o D D D o U o D o D o D o D o D o D SOAPS 25c Packer's Tar Soap 15c 25c Ciitlcura 8oap 20c 15c Colgate's Glycerine ...... He 10c Colgate's Shaving Soap. . . .5c Regular 10c Soap, a cakes in box 14c 25c Lee's Egg Tar Soap l"c SUNDRIES $1.25 Hair Brush S9o 76c Hot Water Bottles 49c 75c Rubber Gloves 30o 10c Shinola 5c Swoetland Candy Dept. Delicious candy Carnival Sou venirs, Soda Water and Ice Cream. 0C30Q0 trial will be this morning. Long was yes terday fined $50 and costs. Bandar Services. Rev. J. E. Scheer of Nortonville, Kan., will preach at the First Methodist church Sunday morning and evening. He Is a graduate of the Northwestern university and is said to be an accomplished pulpit orator. The former pastor has, gone to conference. Rev. U. A. Johnson of Welda, Kan., will preach at th United Presbyterian church Sunday. Communion will be observed at the morning service. The Sunday school will hold a rally service at noon. "The Bible a Dlvln Revelation," will be the subject of Rev. George Van Winkle's Sunday morning sermon at the Baptist church. The evening theme is, "The Chris tian Hope." I'r. R. L. Wheeler announces the regular services at the First Presbyterian church. It Is reported that the members of the Christian church have rallied and will build a new and commodious church at Twenty-second and I streets. Bark from Wyoming; Trip. D S o H a 1 a 1 Dr. ( K. Sapp has returned from a west ern trip, most of which was spent in the Big Horn basin. He Is quite taken with that country. He says they had some fine hunting during the summer, but did not kill a deer, the law protecting them. He Sitid he was treated to venison, however, by another parly who was not quite so scrupulous about observing the law. The doctor was the guest of lr. Van Slyke, who la in Wyoming for his health. Made City Goaala. Mls Dora CUck Is visiting In Omaha for a week. Rev. J. EL 6ohr of Nortonvill. Km , l. k. xiut ml Urn. Mi Jk Hiuiw L LM rVruU JN.Siin U rr- " 111 r, J " D 1 , e I .... .. ' ' Tl S 8 .s? '!:;..'" : ,.: ' o D - - ri r"- 1 , ' . - a Mftti iaHnmifiMf -li 'fi f . The Brandeis Store, 16th, Douglas, 17th Sts., Omaha The largest and finest store west of Chica.o 8i axres of floor space. Entirely fireproof 8 stories high employs 1,200 clerks 2 big tunnels under the street. When you reach Omaha come at once to this store, check your baggage free and make your self at home. You are always welcome here and we will be glad to be of any service to ycu.' t You will save your rallrord fare and all the ex penses of your trip by doing your fall buying here S9E2ES Kill ononoaoaoaononononoQonoaononoDoaonosaonoaonono Q Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in S New and Desirable O a o D o D o D o D o a o D o D o D o a o a o D o D o a a o a ,- o a o D c a here: are: extraordinary prices for the coming, week 15c Fleece Bwk Flannel for kimo nas, wrappers, children's c wear, etc, off the bolt, yd. . 33 in. Checked Percales and stand ard Dress .Prints, worth 7c, off the bolt 3ic 34 in. side band Flannelettes, Per sian, Jap and Butterfly patterns, reg. 18c grade. 12ic 12 He Flannels, full bolts, hundreds richest patterns, at rf . . lie R.ug's and Carpets Floor By far the largest, best selection of fine rugs and carpets in Omaha prices away below anywhere else third floor. ' IlrufcM'ls Rusj Special A fine 9x11 worth $15 many patterns, special, Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x 12 seamless florals and oriental patterns j "J50 a $30 rug, for. parlor special Ingrain Carpet Best quality, all wool a 75c carpet, special yard for New line floor oilcloth 1 Tile, floral and conven and linoleum, at, yard tional linoleum, at yard, 15c. 25c and ....30 39c. 4 5c and 55? o aoaononoaoaoaoaoQoaononononononononooDonoooDononoDOQon Thirteenth and . Boulevard, and of Z. II. Clarke of Sarpy county. Dressmaking. promptness guaranteed. Mrs. A. Slater, N. 22d. South Omaha. Clare Young has gone to Wichita, Kan., to take up studies In the high Bfhool there. Frank Augustine left last Wednesday for Minneapolis, where ho has charge of an of I Ice in that city. C. K. Campbell and wife leave today for Fremont, expecting to visit Tilden, and iewman Gtove before their return. Uehecca F. Carroll, aged 63, wife of Kd Carroll, Twenty-seventh and J. died yes terday. The family expects to send the body to Greenwood, Neb. The following recent births are reported: Pat Mortimer, Thirty-first and T, a boy; T. C. McMillan. Zi K. a girl; Dan I.. Hen dricks, "07 North Twenty-eighth, a boy. TEMPERANCE JPEOPLE PARADE lb lea go Witnesses Display of Strength of ' Knemles of Liquor TrarHc. CHICAGO, Sept. -X. Temperance hosts paraded the tsueets of Chicago today In what was Intended to be an annual exhibi tion of the strength of the. foes of liquor. Thousands of marchers were in the parade which traversed the downtow n . streets. Churches of almost every denomination were represented. 1!v Salvation. Army and the Volunteers of America contributed ul ir.ost their entire local stivngtl, the Good Templars and other r mperu'icc organiza tions had thousands of iih.iiIhis in lin; and scores of the prominent ckrgjinen of the city as officials of the parauc Several of the temperance organizations had elaborate floats while a scote of bands were scattered among the marcheis. Spectators lined th streets through which th parade paaaer 'ill fi ihVMT""""llu'lai Fall Cotton Genuine AmoKkenjr, Apron Check! Right from original mill bolts of best of all apron ginghams, blue, brown and grey checks, P yard OQ Fluffy Outing Flannel Stripes and checks also plain Cinderella flan nels, blue, pink, white, cream . good as 10c flannel, at, yard 6ic Genuine Turkey Red AmoHkeag Apron Checks Great special sale off the bolt, yard. t i tor JC Dra.pery Dept. --Basement We have the largest stock in Omaha and we show everything new. Here are very special bargains for out-of-town customers on Ak-Sar-Ben Week. $1.50 Iace Curtains, white and Arabian, 98c pair. $2.00 Lace Curtains, white and Arabian, $1.50 pair. $5.00 Lace Curtains, white and two-tone, $2.98. $8.50 1-ace Curtains, Cluny,' Brussels, Irish Point, $4.98 pair. $5.00 Tapestry Portieres, wide border, $3.98 pair. $6.50 Tapestry Portieres, 5-inch border, $4.98 pair. $1.50 Couch Covers, 50-inch wide, 3 yard long, 98c $3. 50 . Couch Covers, 60-inch wide, 3 yard long, $1.98 $6.00 Rope Portieres, tapestry bands, the latest, at $3.98 each. $1.25 Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long, 75c pair. Madras Samples, worth up to $1.25 yard, at 19c Table Covers, 2 yards square, worth $2.25, at $1.50 rug, at. .. $925 Axminster Rugs Smith's best, 9x12. . beautiful rug very 22?" . . . . filled, , 59c CHOLERA AT ITS MAXIMUM Plague at St. Petersburg Will Be Checked by Cold Weather. MANY BODIES UNBUEIED Grave Diggers Are Vnable to Keep Ip with' Meady Stream of ( otr) us Hrschlng Cem etery. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 26 -The cholera epidemic In St. Petersburg, In th opinion of the experts has reached its maxi mum and now the number of new cases dally is expn ted to remain about stationary for a week or tin days, and then to grad ually decline under the Influence of the cold weather. Little progress has been made In clean ing the courtyards of tenements, the fac tory districts, the slums and other breed-, ing centers of the disease, and the neces sary conditions exist for a renewal of the epidemic in the spring. A viiiil today to the Premliai k cemetery,' where mist of the bodies of the victims are 1 los Interred, disclosed' the fact that the buiiul squads are still unable to keep pace Willi the number of dead received there. In a shed near the entrance to the ceme tery were found abojt 150 coffins, piled In a confused heap. Some of them, accord ing to the statements of attendants, have been awaiting burial for a week. aixiy or seventy mor casket wsr 0E30E30E10 the West O D o D o a o D o D o a o D o D o a o D o D o a o u o a o a o a o a o a o a o a o D Goods-Brahdeis Basement Very Fine Yard Wide Unbleached MuMin Will finish up like r 10c grade, at, yard. . . f. , . . JC Heavy Imported Itobe Flannel For making bath robes, etc., washable, good styles, at, ( yard LJQ, White Wool Flannels For baby outfits regular flannel section, yard 10c White Lawn and India I J non Dress lengths actually worth 10c yard extra special, at, 1 yard 52C stacked outside the cemetery chapel, while I Inside that building were the coffins of 130 ' victims for which the Influence or lmpor- tunlties of relatives of the dead has se cured the privilege of Immediate burial. The majority were rude board boxes with gaping cracks and knot holes. The mourn ers, in the main, were of the peasant and working classes and all Were poorly dressed. Their grief was frantic. At various places In the graveyard squads of weary sextons labored Incessantly at graves shallow holes barely three feet fleep, Into which water oozed from the sod den earth. The coffin-bearers pressed the grave diggers hard, the coffin sometimes arriving before the digger had ceased plying hi spade. The funeral services In the chapel were conducted over 100 dead at one time, a num ber of priests taking turns at chanting the long Russian liturgy. As soon as the service was finished, a group of peasants dressed In their working clothes, shouldered the caskets and"' bore them off to the place of Interment, followed by the mourners. Priests were scattered among the grave, two by two, and said a short prayer and chanted the usual responses as each coffin was lowered into the earth. The .sanitary precautions taken were slight. The mourn era and workmen handled the coffins freely and the graves are so shallow as to offer danger from infection for years to come. Talks About Bubonic Plaaae, WASHINGTON. Sept. 25.-That the gulf and Atlantic coasts of the l ulled Slates are in danger of an Infection of the bubonic plague was the serious note of warning sounded today by Dr. N. K. Foster of Call fornla, bafor th dalegate In attendance ca th twenty-third annual mtUng of tb Branch Station U. 8. roSTOFFICK - On our Main Floor. Have your mall went to you, addressed, Station No. 17, lirandeis Store. Clierks on All tanks Cashed Free. Free Telephones. Avail yourself of our Information Bureau. onononononononononoaonononononononoqo Gre&t Sale of First, newest strictly all wool Fall Dress Goods, chiffon, panamas,' fancy worsteds, French serges, storm serges, special 54-inch coatings and skirt materials, worth $1 to $1.50 yard, on 3 bargain squares, at yard $2.50 and $3 Dress Goads Ur 98c Yard Imported Suitings bought from a 5th Ave., Xew York ladies' tailor at regular price, 54-inch suitings in latest ftO weaves and patterns, extra special this week, yard . . J O C SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FINE BROADCLOTHS 75 new pieces of 52 and 54-inch broadcloths, shrunk, sponged and ready for needle, soft chiffon , S'JSO f 1 T 1 oil " C-Vrto SALE OF IMPORTED DRESS GOODS Our Immense assortment of foreign and domestic Dress Goods is ready, all the newest fashionable fabrics and beautiful fall shades, a wonderful selection at, yard goaono o D loaoaoDonoaonononononoaonoaoaoij Specia.1 Sa.le of Silks o D o D o a o D o D o D o D o D o D o a o D Just received,' a fine, large manufacturer's cost, these desirable weaves and patterns, positively worth up to $1.00 a yard, all week at, yd. Specials In Black Dress Taffetas Three lots, 36-inch, 27-inch and 20-inch, deep black, we guarantee every yard, an extra special on bargain squares all week, worth 75c, $1.00 and CO QCI $1.50 yard, at, yard JZfC-JIC-OC $1 SIi,K VELVETS at 39c Yard Mill Lengths, 1 to 6 yards can be matched for waists, coats and children's dresses all shades and black, at, XCi yard JJC High Class Imported Dress Silks Elegant new display of finest Imported silk .novelties extreme shades street shades evening shades very specially fl a $195 priced, yard i . . .OV C Ilf onononononononononononononoaoaononono onoaoDononoaonoaoQononoaonoaoaoaonoa( O D o 0 o D o a o a o D o a o a o D o a o n O a o D o Omak&'s Greatest Clothing Store a Offers a Big Special Sale of Men's p OVERCOAT AND SUITS 1 Your choice of our entire ufacturer's stock, bought away below cost. All the new and correct styles that the best dressed men choose. Clothes that have snappy appearance and a perfect fit. You'd pay up to $25.00 anywhere else. $1 - 312 - $15 Boys and Children's Clothing A great separate department on second floor, old store. Everything new for your boys' wear. Special Boys' Combination Suits Complete suit with extra pair pants 2 specials S2.08-S3.50 a ciononoaononoaoaononononononoaononoQoti O a o 0 o a o D o D o D o Brandeis' Spe cial Stiff Hats ' and Soft Hate for Men, at $2.00 , We sell the Famous Stetaon Hat All new styles, at S3.50 Toaono BRANDEIS conference of State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America. He expressed the belief that uch an Infection may have already taken place. The address of Dr. Foster, who Is president of the organiza tion, startled the delegate. 1 firmly believe," said Dr. Foster, "that the United States will become generally lu- fected, not from California, but from ports having communication by water. My ob ject Is to sound a note of warning and to put you on your guard against an InBldlous and dangerous foe." - He said no effort should be spared to guard against Its Introduction and warned th authorities that every town on the gulf and ocean coast should begin now to de Swollen glands about the neck, weak eyes, pale, waxy complexions, running- sores and ulcers, skin diseases, and general poor health, are the usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested The disease being deeply intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling,' or hip disease, and the scrofulous and tubercular matter so thoroughly destroys the healthful properties of the blood that Scrofula sometimes terminates in consumption, an iwtratjie disease. Ihe entire circulation being contaminated, the only way to cure th! trouble to thoroughly purify the blood and restore the circulation to a strong, health state. S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Scrofula; it renovates the entire blood supply and drives out the scrofulous and tubercular deposits, a, 9. a. it ine greatest 01 ait mouu punners, anu it nui oniy goes w right down to the very bottom of the trouble and removes the cause, but it supplies ' t . I. I . .1 , . . .1 VI 1 ...i V. I. liuiltl, f.,1 .. i , t im in r r,l and in tin. a a .11 builds up weak, frail scrofulous persons and is a genuc, saic, vcgciauie preparation. xkaj. vu ui v.wvu w.uu-t-jf .uv,uhvM about Scrofula and any medical advice fret; TBS 6 WITT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAUTA, GA. " An F.lcfrant LUNCH COUNTER. Main Flxr at Bnuideiw, Iow lriees. FINK RKSTAURANT on Second Floor. Dress Goods I D o D D 49c59c-79c S n o a o n o a o a a a D, a shipment of silks at less than silks are the newest ami most 49e-29c eastern man a o H fi Mens ii.&u ana as U $2.00 Fall Mril Shirts, at VUKf O Men's $1.00 Fall ShlrU, at Men'a Fall Underwear- and heavy weight best stock and q biggest bargains in Omaha. BOSTON STORE stroy rodents and prepare for th Invasion threatened. A resolution memorializing congress to establish a national leprosarium Was Intro duced, but no action was taken. Paper were read which Included "The Present Status of National Legislation Relating to Public Health," by Surgeon General Syman; "A Course of Instruction for Sanitarian and Banltsry Inspectors," by Dr. T. F. Westbrook, and by Dr. 8. D. Grumblna on a law regulating country slaughter houses, etc., with provision for a licensing system with fees. The conference adjourned until tomorrow. Advertise In The Bee, Into the homes of the the paper that goes best people. to b. : 50c LU' g- 'U U If medium O t THE CUREFOH o SCROEULA makes them strong- and healthy. S. S. S. A i r : U 1 o if I I 1 1