TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: SErTKMHKK 17. IMS. 1 t I l 1 V a)) CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA (naVI COUNCIL BLUFFS Offlrn, IB hm ft. Tel. 4. MfXOR MKXTlOX. -f Davie, drugs, itockert cell carpets. Ed Roger. Tony Fault beer. flchool (Supplies. Alexander's, ttt B'wy, Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 31. Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tel S3. We know we have th, best' flour. Eaco U the name. Bartall at Miller. 'Phone 169. '. C. C. Hayne. funeral director and em btlmer. il Hi cartway. Attend the millinery nprmng at Bprlnk's, Friday and Saturday, (September Zi and -). Excelsior Masonic lodge .will meet In epe. clkl communication thla afternoon at J o Clock for work In the third degree. Benjamin Keelina. -son of Mr. Augusta fteellne, la to have a hearing before Judge Thornell In the Juvenile division of the dls trjet court thla morning on a charge of In corrigibility filed against him by Rev. Henry DeLong, probation officer. I Tne defendant In the ault of Benjamin Douglass, Jr., against F. C' anil E. II. I.eugee yesterday filed notice of appeal fi-rirn the decision of the district court In dismissing their oross-petltfon. The plain tiff In the lult filed an appeal lome time ago. A. NorthruD. a. real estate dealer of VII llsca. la... brought ault In the district court yesterday agalnat the firm of Squire & Annta and the Individual members thereof to recover 740, claimed to be due him as commission for the aula of 370 acref of land . In Harrison county. Tha team for the fire department pur chased by Chief Nicholson at Ureenfleld, la., arrived In the city yeaterday and haa been quartered for the present at No. 4 rioine house. The horaea have been named and Herb after Klrst and Police Com missioners Louis urmuehten and Herbert Regors. At the meeting, of the Central Bryan Kern club. In the democratic hcadquurtert last night announcement was made that th total membership In the precinct auxll-i.u-v nlnha mi elosn to 4011. Word was re- i-ived that a-club hud been formed In f Neola last evening with a membership of seventy-five, Tha oholr of Broadway Methodist church will glya Ha first sacred concert for th raw conference year tomorrow evening director. Mrs. J. F. McCarger, la pre paring the program, which. It 4a aald, will iik nf merit unit will be nnnreolated by those wJio enjoy good muslo. The service will begin at 7:30 o'clock. petition for the parole from the asylum rind a or l.amnen urr, a weaitny rei BOOKLET ON WATER WORKS One Issued by Council Committee Ex pected to Make Appearance Today. PLEA FOR MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP V petl ail Clarl Vent of 1 f , 1 B Plums, 1 if ontatna Liberal Kstrart from Re ports of larlou Knglneer Who, Have Been Employed by City to Work na Problem. pany of thla city. It will be contested for on a sliding scale handicap. The club. a reorganlied. ha already 4 charter membership list -of eloae upon fifty and additional members are being re cruited dally. Th officer of tha club era: President, Frank, Cunningham; vrre president, John Mergrn; serretsry snd treasurer, Bdeort Damon; field captain. Thome A. Kendall. These officers, with the folowlng, comprise the board of directors: James W. Mitchell, O. K. Harden, Hunter Osborn and Charles Conley. trkettrrlng. George W. Klein, 1 South Main treet Both 'phones. "Have It done right" lent of thla city, haa been ravoraoiy actea innn bv the loeal commissioners and re- (rrxl tn tha Statu Hoard of Control. If acquiesced. In by the state board Orr will be turned over to mt custoay 01 me ruici. Mr. IX 8. Frank ot this city. '"With tha eyes, the Initial danger signal Is scarcely aeon, so little is mougnt 01 u. Vhere'e the danger. Eye difficulties soon lieoome serious If neglected, pernapa at fecting the general health. ' Years of ex perlenca and the reputation of a success fill business house la back of our optl cal work. ' LefferV. 409 Broadway, Coun till Bluff Sa HltKAJCFAST FOOD that has medt final properties la tha latest. It baa merit too. Known aa tne I'ncie muni nrean. faat Food. It la auaranteed to cure atom ach troubles; X centa per package. In veretablea we have lettuce, radishes, celery, cabbage, sweet potatoes, IB cent per peck; pickling onkins, 10 centa per .mart: cranberries. 2k cents per quart. Try some ot eur coffee.; we know we can nl earns vnu. Oolden Rule la a flour that we have always watched and have kept It the standard; It la the best In town, per sack. Once used - always used, A Miller. SATURDAY 8NAP-In our grocery de partment, grapes, basket. 25 cents; blue DasKOt. an cents cranoerries 10 cents: ADDloa. peck. 20 cents to , k - ...n. a , ruia ha.llut 1R ..nl. Anil Mlnute Tapioca, package, 7 center 8ara toga chips, package, 6 centa and 10 cents; two quart fruit Jara, doxen. 66 cents; new honey, comb, 20 oenta: " Spanish olivea. . -i , eiuari, ff cenia; irannns. uwn, n -rm .4 porterhouse, sirloin or round ateak, pouud. a UVfc cenia; noneieas ri nwms, puuim, v eents and centa: bai-on, by the strip, pound. 11 rents; chuck roasts, pound, 6 t eenta and 7 cents; veal roasts, pound, 10 eent; Chickens, etc. In our hardware de ,. partment, ptunpa. up from S1.9; galvanized l ' Iron tuba, 33 centa; willow clothea baskets. cents; dust pane. 5 centa; Universal Food Chopper, S centa; the Rayo lamp, $1.75; boy'a ateel wagona, 5 centa; flower ' pots, all alsea. 6 centsto B0 cents, etc. J. v i koller Merchantlle company, 100-102-104-108 The Mark of Merit. fou can't escape artificial eye aid. It comes to all soma time In life. It' Inev itable. When It doe oome you want the best your eyes deserve the best, and you (tn afford no other kind. The "Mark of Merit'' our trade mark la found on every HeeJth-Ray lens when Mold 'If you don't find It there, you hiven't the best you haven't the only lens that gives the eye all natural light, Including llie well known - health rays, discovered fcy Flnsen. I Exclusive agents for. Health-Ray lenses; " tall and see them. Dr. XV: W.' Msgarrell, Optometrist, No.' 10 Pearl St The booklet Issued by the city council committee on WHter works, of which Coun cilman Jensen la chairman ot the guiding spirit. In order that the voter of The city might have a clear understanding of tha water works problem from the committee's point of view. Is announced to make its appearance from trie hands of the printer today'. The booklet contains 1U - pages, and among other matter contains the report of W. Klerstead, the first hydraulic engineer employed by the city council to examine and place a value on the plant of the Coun cil Bluffs Water Works company. This estimate of Mr. Klerstead was later prac tically repudiated by the waiter works com mil tee. ot which Robert K. Wallace was chairman. It also contains the report of W; H. Bryan, the St. l,oula expert' hy draulic engineer t-mployed by the present water works committee to examine the plans and specifications drawn by City En gineer Ktnyre for a municipal water works system, and whose report prompted the committee to recommend that Contractor Wlckham'a bid. which had been previously accepted, he rejected and t rjat another "expert hydraulic engineer" be employed to revise Mr. Etnyre's plana and specifications with a view to re-advertising for bids on the plans and specifications as revised. The 'bookletr It has been learned, Vas edited by W. H. I,ynchard, a reporter em ployed on the-local columns of an Omaha evening paper. It is said that Mr. Lynch-" ard tiaa Injected some of hia own original views on the water question -In the booklet, the cost of printing which will fall on the taxpayers. Acting- tinder instructions from Mr. Jensen's committee. It Is said that Mr. I-ynchard was careful to exclude all matter which waa not Wholly favorable to the municipal ownership Idea. Much of the correspondence between the city council, the water works committee and the man agement of the waterworks company, It Is said, has been reproduced in tha booklet, FLOWER POTS. Now Is the time to take up your flowers, We have every !e flower pot from 4 to 13 Inches. Let us quote you prlcee. J. toi ler . Mer. Co., 1OO-1O2-1O4-10S Broadway phones J20. Viy the explosion, but no one arose lo In vestigate, and the discovery of the rob bery was not made until thla morning. No Olue ha been found up to the preaent. . Firati Fains Dead. CEDAR FAt.LR la., Sept. M. (Spe cial.) Alhert Vasey, a rich and promi nent farmer, living near Orundy Center. wa found dead by the side of the road last evening, where ha pobably left hi wagon and laid down, suffering from heart trouble. His tm atood nearby where he had tied them. He was 0 year of age and left a wife and one child. Moving;. We are alwaya on the move, but this time we are moving our hardware and paint stock Into our new building juat east of our main office and lumber building. Our floor space Is about four tlma aa large as before, and we are enlarging our stock accordingly. The main reason why we grow: We always sell low. C. Hafer Lum ber company. 13$ Broadway. Both 'phones 202, Council Bluffs, la. FMtOO 111 WIM.INO TO BE GOOD Fine of Tea Dollar aad Coata Effect Change of Heart. . R. W. Flood, the Missouri Insurance man alleged to have threatened to shoot Miss Freda Sterling, a waitress at the Goodrich hotel, was fined $10 and costs In police, court yesterday on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. Miss Sterling Waa In court with a number of letters alleged to Wave been written to her by Flood and said to contain threat that he would kill her If h persisted In her refusal to marry him. Miss Plterllng. however, was not called upon to testify and was not afforded an opportunity to offer the letters. Mis Cora Newton, one of the young women employed a waitresses at the Goodrich hotel, testified .that Flood shewed her a revolver when he waa at the hotel Ust Saturday and that Flood made some r. marks at the time about killing Miss Sterling. When asked by the court what he had to say In excuse for his conduct Flood re plied: "I have learned my lesson, Judge. This woman will not be In any more dan ger from me. 1 am guilty of carrying a revolver, but I hope you will leave me enough money to pajr my fare back to St. Joseph." The fine and coata exhausted? what cash Flood had with him. ao $0 was returned him In order that he might get out of town, and he left his watch as security for the amount, which he promised to remit as soon a he reached St. Joeph. The police confiscated hi revolver. Drlak traawetser. King of all bottled beer. L. Rnsenfeld Co., distributors. Both 'phones, Wi. WASH MACHINES. The One Minute washer, 110. Let us send you one-on trial, Other machines from 13.75 to 117.50. J. Zoller Mer Co., 100-102-104- 106 Broadway. 'Phones 320. Fall term Western Iowa College I open. Enroll any day. Send for catalogue. LOTS DEEDED TO AID1TORIIM expected, be placed Coat the Coaapaar Total of Eight Tabaaaad Dollar The deal for the lota at the corner of Washington avenue and Bryant atreet, on which the auditorium and stock aalea pa vilion I to be erected, waa conaummateu yesterday and the property waa transferred L ' A . ,? the Auditorium company. The deed to j . he property will. It I expei on file today: r The corner lots having a frontage of 1-8 feet on Washington avenue coat the Audi torium company 18,000, while the adjoining ialxty feet on Washington avenue cost but 12,000. The deal for the oorner lota was tnade through N. P. Dodge A Co., agents for lie owner, an eastern man. Anderson Bros., the well known contractors, owned the adjoining sixty, feet, on which there is -a frame dwelling. The company will die jHae of the dwelling and It will be re moved aa soon aa possible. , i The property extends across Indian creek and It la likely that the company may be able to dispose of the triangular trlp which .lie outh of th creek. ( The first call waa made Tuesday upon 'the stockholders for 25 per cent of their ubaciiptiona, and thla waa used to make a payment of nearly two-third of the pur chase -price on the property. Men were atarted yeaterday excavating fur the foundattona and the work of con struction will be pushed from this on a rapidly aa posalble. President Stupfell of the Auditorium company atated yesterday afternoon that the board of directors hoped to be able to let the contract for the build lng next week. On next Monday four committee will tart out on another canvaas of the city and adjacent territory to clean up the amount needed to bring the stock subscription up to tX.000. rXTERinBAJf . PROMOTERS Bl'SY Ererythlna ' ' tValt ' at Preaent on ' Report of Enalneer. " Officer of the ,Des Moines & Western Railway company recently Incorporated at Pierre. 8. D.. for the purpose of construct ing an Interurhan electric railway between Des Moines and Omaha were In the city yeaterday. In the party were Dr. N. W. Hansen of .Hasllth, la., vice president of the company; R. B. Bannister of Des Molnee, treasurer of the company; W. S. Booty, said to represent an English ayn dlcate which Is expected to finance tha project, and E. M. Raymond, a consult ing engineer of Philadelphia. The visit of the party. It was stated, waa for the purpose of looking into the matter of ter minals across the river In case the road Is built. Though none of the members of the party were prepared to give out . any Informa tion aa to their plans, Dr. Hansen stated that the preliminary work was about com pleted and that the company expected to get the proposition In more definite shape within the next two months or bo. "We are here today," aald Df. Hansen, "for the purpose of perfecting some of the prelimin ary details. It would not, however, ba policy for us to say at the present time just the exact nature -of the business which brings us here. We are not yet In a position to make any definite statement aa to when the road will be built or whether it will be built at all. It Is understood th:it the building of the road depends altogether on whether the report of E. M. Raymond, consulting engi neer, Is favorable. Mr. Raymond was In Council Bluffs recently with C. WBaker of Dea Molnea, one of the promoters of the pruject and according to Mr. Baker, at that time pronounced the route suggested for the line as feasible. It was aald yester day that Mr. Raymond expected to have bis report. ready to submit to the English syndicate within a abort time and it would then be determined whether the road Is to be built or tha project abandoned. Dr. Hansen intimated that It would be at least a month and possibly six weeks before his company woull be prepared to make any definite statement. Elevator Meara Completion. Work on the new elevator . of the Ne braska Hay' and Orain company, located north of tha track of th Chicago Great Western railroad on South avenue, 1 near- Ing completion. The frame work la prac tlcally complete and the galvanised Iron sheeting will not be placed on the exterior until the machinery I lntalled and the in terlor finished. ' It wai atated yeaterday that the contractors expected to have the building ready for the reception of grain in about four week. A force pf men la at present engaged In stalling the machinery- The building will be equipped with two elevator, one on each aide and the Great Western la pre paring to lay two switch tracks, to the elevator ao tint grain can be loaded or unloaded from either side of the elevator at the- same time. The elevator will be operated by electric power for which three dynamos will be installed. ISai 2L loera tm ftotea. CEDAR FALLS J. W. Jarnagln. editor of the Cedar Falls Dally Record, has re ceived word that his brother, J. H. Jar nagln of llorlck. la.. Is dead. ATLANTIC The city has contracted for the Installing of a new elghty-horse- Fower hlgh-reed engine for the electric Iglit plsnt. The engine Is to be In stalled within the next six weeks. CRESTON While attending a ball game at the Orient pumpkin festival yester day, John Heflln. an enthusiastic fan of thla place, waa struck 4n the mouth by a ball bat flying from the hands of a player, which knocked out nine of his teeth. The Injury la a very painful one. ATLANTIC The canning company has shut down Its plant here until some seventy-five acres of corn la ready, which will finish th pack for tnta year. Tne Plants at Fremont. Neb.. Audubon and Shenandoah have also finished their parka and It la thought that the pack ma year will te aooui nan or tne usuni one. FORT DODGE At a-recent meeting of the city council of thla city it was de cided that Fort Dodge needs a paid fire department and steps will be taken im mediately to get one. The recent Mtil- roney Manufacturing company fire, where 1150.000 loss occurred, lias created an Impression that perhaps better lire pro tection Is needed. New pumps will be put In the municipal pumping station and then the department will be adequate to any demands placed upon It. ATLANTIC Claus Krambeck. widely known both at home and abroad, died at hia home near Marne, death resulting from cancer of the stomach, from which he had been a sufferer for some time. Claus Krambeck came to this state thirty-five years ago and settled on the farm where he died. He engaged In farm ing and the raising of tattle arid has taken first prises at all the stock shows which he has attended, nia oiaca cattle being the finest to be found. At the time of his death his fortune was estimated to be about 1250.000 and he was the owner of 1.000 acres of the best land around Marne. CRESTON A deal haa lust been con cluded whereby Fred L. Robinson of Coin, Charles junktn or Falrrteid and Paul . Junkln of this city become the owners of the Charlton Herald, formerly owned and operated by Sam Greene. Mr. Robinson will have the sole management of the pa per, possession being given October 1. This gives the Junklns control of five newspapers along the Burlington route. C. M. Junkln haa the Fairfield Ledger, P. S. the Advertlser-tiaaette at this place and the Corning Republican and W. D. the Albia Republican. Mr. Oreene ex pecta to go to California for awhile and may decide to quit country newspaper work entirely. Night school 'Western Iowa college open next Monday evendng. College office ope, evenings this week. KIDNAPING AT LEAVENWORTH Son of Theodore Thomas, Jr., Taken front School by Man and Woman in Automobile. LEAVENWORTH. Kan., Sept. 2S.-A woman, heavily veiled, snd a man in an automobile kidnaped Theodore Thomas, Jr., on of a well known Leavenworth man, from the grade school here yesterday, and, placing him In an automobile, drove off hastily in the direction of Kansaa City, Mo. Officers have started in pursuit and will try to Intercept the automobile before It crosses the Missouri state line. Later a young man, who gave the name of John Hayes, Jr., and said he waa the son of tho former chief of police of Kansas City, Mo., was arrested and placed in the county Jail charged with aiding in the kidnaping. . Mr. Thomas some time aga was granted a divorce ' from - hi wile, tr. . Agnes Thomas, and was given the custody of their eon. Young Thomas lived hre with hta grandmother, Mrs. Dr. Thomas. Mrs. Agnes Thomas, mother of the boy, lived In Kan sas City, Mo. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 36.-Mrs. Agnes Thomas lived In t,his city at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie L. Boss. Inquiry at the home of Mr. Bos this afternoon elicited the Information that Mrs. ThomuH was not In the city, but no Information waa forthcoming aa to her whereabouts. Our New Store Omaha and can pay you to come Has the very best front in easily be found, and it will and see our new store everything new except the people, which are the same as always for the past 25 years in Omaha. We carry the largest lines of Knit Goods, Yarns, Hosiery, Underwear, Beads, Jewels and Spangles in the West. Give us a call. Special for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors who call at .our place we will givd free of charge one year's subscribtion to the Paris Model maga zine. Call in and leave your name. We are agents for Paris Dress Patterns, only 10c each. A big line of silk and all wool Shawls at prices to surprise you. We are showing a big line of Winter Underwear. Prices always right. I kSo IT ons New Store 204 N. 16th Street. OMAHA. NEB. JJJ JalMsnl r - I Alarm Clock Sale. Four hundred 11.25 alarm clock at tCc. Petersen & Schoenlng company. FARMERS NOTICE)-We are closing out our stock of hog and field fence. Spot cash talks. We will save you money as long aa our stock lasta. J. Zoller Mer cantlle company, lflO-lOS-104-106 Broadway. Phones 130. We are the only laundry that are using tt. Protex. Bluff City Laupndry. 22 and 14 North Main St. 'Phones 314. 1 Great muslo sale at Hoap'' Saturday. All the latest popular bits lie per. Pearl street. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. Gia flab Incorporate. Articles of the recently reorganised Pot tawattamie Gun club. It Is said, will lie filed for record today by the secretary, Ed aon Damon. The object of the club, aa sat forth In the articles of Incorporation, I to promote all klnda of athletio and field sports and for the advancement of trap and rifle shooting and the holding of shoot ing contests and tournaments. A club house and ahooting grounds have been leased at Manawa, Just north of ill main entrance to the Lake Manawa re sort. Plan for a big shooting tournament to be held In the near future are now being matured. The tint club ahoot will be held Sunday, October 4. tor a handsome sliver trophy donated by C. B. Jacquemln corn- Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee September 25 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Edwin B. Maglll to Mattle L. Maglll. lota 11 and 12. block 13. Bentley, w. d I 1 Iowa Tewnsitc company to Mason City Fort Dodge railroad, outlot B, Gllllat, w. d 103 Interstate Realty company to Mary Alice Hoffman, eso feet or lots 11 ana 11 block 3ft. Perry's 1st add., w. d.... 200 Joel L. Bird and wife to Charles O. Haves, part lot 3, Mallett a eubdiv., w. d 800 Elton Lawson and wife to Arthur J. Smith, lot 8 and n lot 4. block 12. Macedonia, w. d 1.250 Iouie J. Ferron and wife to Joseph Ferron. part n nhi nev, 20-i5-43, w. d 2.400 Daniel Driscoll and wlfn to Lincoln Sears, lot 12, block 37, Beers' subdlv., w. d -750 Lincoln Sears and wife to Mrs. Mirmle Schultx. lot 12, block 37, Beers' sub dlv.. w. d 1.000 Joseph Ferron and wife to Louie J. Ferron, part ,n4) n ne; 20-75-43, w. d 1,01 NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Quaint nnd Cnrloos Features of Life In a Rapidly Grovrlns State. Though nearly everyone is through hay ing, we have not heard of any one being sorry of the fact. Irving Items, Bridgeport News-Blade. Society Items Mrs. Jeasen and daughters were callers at Everett Sundahl'a Sunday. Also a certain young man, we didn't know his name. Poor Eddie Welble didn't have a buggy ride Sunday. Another fellow beat him. Sleepy Eye Gossip, Wlnslde Tribune. . Too Fast For E. H. When Engineer '.us tin trted out with the Harrimah -j,.-cial last, Thuraday he had schedule of a mile a minute- to Grand Island. He reeled oft the sixty miles to Lexington In fifty-five minutes, an -while stopping there for water, was approached by General Super intendent Park and told to cut the speed to fifty-five miles rer hour, which was done, otherwise the mlle-a-mlnute gait would have been maintained. When Mr. Harrlman made hia record-breaking Jaunt across the continent some time ago Mr. Austin pulled the train to Grand Island, and the speedometer In Mr. Marrlman's car showed bursts of speed at the rate of eighty-four miles per hour, and the railroad king seemed to enjoy the gait. Lanl Thursday, however, he concluded he did not want to ride so swiftly. North Platte Tribune. Joy There waa great hilarity in the Marker and Winkelman famlllea of Osceola and Rising City, respectively, Sunday morning, when It was discovered that a pair of twin girls had arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marker. Then Grandpa Ed winked at Grandpa Winkelman and Winkelman winked at Kd, and all went merry as at a marriage bell and a pair of marriage fiddles. Ed says that this is the greatest arrival of Markera that he can re member and he haa been marking down the doings of the dynasty for about two score and fifteen years. Osceola Record. To Die on the Scaffold Is painless, compared with the wcuk, laniti back kidney trotiblu causes. Electric Hit ters Is the remedy. 60c. For sale b Beaton Drug Co. FARM EnS FORM ORGANIZATION Combine to Fight the Claims of the t n Ion Paclflp. SILVER CREEK, Neb., Sept. 31. Spe cial.) At a meeting of right-of-way farmers near Duncan last night a perma nent organization was effected under the name of "The Platte Vulley Farmer. V Protective association" and a constitution adopted. Officers were elected as fol lower Charles Wouater. president, i.n.l Frank O. Holden, secretary, both of Sil ver Creek; John Engel of Duncan, treas urer, and J. O. Blodgett of Colunititis, Abner Wltchey. and Martin Kargcs. Jr., of Duncan and Robert Murray of Silver Creek, membera of the executive, commit tee, of which the president of the inun dation la ex-offlcio chairman. One of the declared purposes of t lie farmers la to "protect themselves from the encroachments of tho Cnlon Pacific Railroad company" In the matter uf claims for 400 feet of right-of-way. Farmers and landowners along V.e Union Pacific railroad from Omaha l; Ogden, Utah, am made eligible to mem bership. Silver Creek Is made the head quarters of the association. "faw BANK ROBBERS TAKE MANY NOTES Only Small Amount of Cash Secured br Them. SIOUX FULLS, S. D.. Sept. 25.-The Colton Savings bank at Colton, northwest of Sioux Falls, was burglarlxed early to day. The thieves escaped in an auto mobile. They obtained less than f 1,000. It develops that the cracksmen who early this morning blew the safe In the Colton bank at Colton, in addition to securing silver coin to the amount of 227 also se cured note to tha value of $50,000. Today a leather case stolen from the bank and containing $5,000 In notes waa found near the South Dakota Central railroad track east of Colton. It Is believed there were at least three men in the party of cracksmen. It Is learned that tha postmaster was aroused by the noise of the explosion when the safe was torn to pieces and arising he saw one of the robbers in the street. Snatching a weapon he fired one shot at the stranger who returned the fire and then disappeared. Nine transfers, total t3,50 Wanted, placea for ladles to work for room and board. Westers. Iowa College. PUMPS: PUMPS! Do you need a pump? We have all kinds at lowest prices. Iron pump up from fl.ti. 1. Zoller Mer. Oo., 100-102-lo4-10 Broadway. "Phones 320. Hospe Just received two carloade of fine high-grade pianos In all the latest woods and design. 29 Pearl atreet. FIVE INVITATION 9 TO W. C. T. V. Executive Board to Deride on Next ' - Place of Meeting. HASTINGS, Neb., Sept'. 2.-tSpcclal Tele gram.) The Woman' Christian Temper ance union today referred to the executive board the matter of selecting a place for the next annual convention. Invitations were extended by Fremont, Falrbury, Chadron and Pawnee City, and a lively con test ensued when they were taken up till morning. Fremont aeemed in the lead, but the reference to the executive board was agreeable to all. Th convention adjourned till afternoon. A. A. CLARK Q. CO. LOAD MONEY Oil HOUSEHOLD FUBIOTU&S. JlXD ANT CHATTEL &BCCRITT AT ONE-HAL THE VSCAJb BATES. TwFctj Tear of flir sful If sinner CORKER MADf AMD BROADWAY. OVEB AMERICA aaXPREM. No aooneotlea with tha ftrta aaXUog lani ta The Clark Mortgage On. BCrXH Y210XE4Ue JS. jr. iiailTjf, Jig,. tsjsjjsanaal Pocket Picked on Train. R. M. Beck, a farmhand enxoute from the Minnesota harvest field to Omaha, re ported to the police yeterday morning that he had been robbed while aboard a North western train vt 1110. Thla money reprc ented the entire savings of Beck for tho summer. R. V. Hurd, with whom Beck had fraternlifcd to acme extent on the train, was suanocted by Beck and the latter caused Hurd's detention a the Union Pa- clflc transfer. Investigation by the police however, entirely exonerated Hurd and he was permitted to proceed on his way to Kansas city. Beck, It was shown, had boarded the train at St Paul and had been drinking more or leaa. He fell asleep in tho day coach with his coat open and hia pocket book within easy reach ofvany pickpocket wno might nave happened lo apot It. According to reports received at police headquarter there I an unuaual amount of thievery and pocket picking being done on train and the work I believed to be that of an organized gang of crooks who work out of Omaha and thla city. By using the various departmenta of The Bee Want Ad Psges you get the best re- sulta at the least expense. - Preacott Poatofflr Robbed. CRESTON, la.. Sept. 3fi. (Special Tele gram.) The Preacott postofflce was looted last night. The safe wn blown open with dynamite and currency to the amount of tlO and a large um In sianipe aecurcd by the burglar who managed lo cscapa without detection. Cltlseoa were awakened ' Wife Complain at l.aat. CAIRO, Neb.. Sept. 2fi. (Special.) A L. Omer is In the hands of thf sheriff on complaint of hia wife for beating arid abualng her Wednesday morning. That morning ahe came to the home of Mar shall Clark for protection from her hue- band, . being badly marked and bruised from the mistreatment. It aeems that this beating Is only one of a series last ing for years, and she became desperate and decided to put a atop to It, even though he threatened worse if ahe told of It. She went to Grand Island yesterday and put It In the hands of the county attorney. Aata Tarn Turtle. RED CLOUD, Neb.. Sept. 2.-(Special.) What might have been a very serious acci dent happened yesterday when Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Holmes were on their way to Bladen. They were driving their kuto moblle down a bill when the brake refused to work and the machine flew into the air and turned over backwards with the occu pants underneath. Mrs. Holmes escaped badly bruised, while Mr. Holmes was not Injured at all. Gas Belt Fait- a fearers. PIERRE. S. D.. Sept. 2i.-8peclal Tele gram.) The second annual gas belt ex position cloaed here today with the attend ance very eatlafacrffry to the management. The last day waa somewhat marred by a drlnlltig rain falling, the first moisture for over a month and while it made things disagreeable for the crowd the rain waa so welcome that there wr no Cum plaining. Thirty cents will exchange it So sure and so quick are returns from ads., in the EXCHANGE column on The Omaha BEE want ad page that it is practically a certainty that a thirty cent ad, well written will find some one who will exchange some thing useful to you for what you don't need Here's a chance to rid yourself of those things, useful to someone, but continually in your way Fill in the information required below, send it with thirty cents to the want-ad department of The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb., and your ad will be well written and placed before 120,000 peeple. DO IT TODAY! Omaha Bee Want-Ad Dept. . OMAHA. NEB.i Incloni-finA thirty cents. Pleat write a god ad for Ih BEE'S Exehengt column. I have " end desire to exchange for . write any epeeial remark ahout what you have te trade, en these linet s Residents of New York often trade with persona in California through this method. Mail today The econery eur a i appears the soener you mill reoeive replies. I ajm