hi" h; n 1 L-- .'I I"- IT J THIS OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1908. BAKER BROS. ENGRAVING CO., Independent Telephone Co. Gentlemen: When you Installed a 'Phone In our office several monthi ago, we were in doubt as to a practical use of your service during the installation of your system. We have been surprised at Its efficiency and can offer no word of complaint. The Automatic System deserves great credit for Its service and your company praise for doing things right. BAKER BROS. ENGRAVING COMPANY, T. J. Baker. midiepeimd n pimoim Co I Long Distance Service rm 1 n i ILdDii MM New copper lines just completed to IPFcBinruoriit AFlSnigjttoini IK!2iniiriiaiiPcl Use our copper lines to Lincoln and tributary points. BI3SC(3 Automatic service to Council Bluffs, quick, accurate, secret. NEBRASKA ELECTRIC CO., 1207 Harney St. Mr. A. P. Matthews, Gen Mgr., Independent Telephone Co., Dear Sir: "Words are inadequate to ex press one's appreciation of the Automatic Telephone System. Its prompt service, absolute freedom from mistakes and delays makes it invaluable. NEBRASKA ELECTRIC CO., By A, O. Munro, Secy. LocaJ Service THE MERCANTILE AGENCY, R. 0. Dun & Co. Independent Telephone Co., Gentlemen: It gives me pleasure to state that our experience with your Auto matic Telephone has been very sat isfactory. Connections are easily and accurately made and we nre much pleased with the service gen erally. R. G. DUN & CO., Ter F. M. Blish, Manager. Y OUR Reason for having a telephone is so people may reach you and you may reach them quickly. It's just another way of saving tinio and money. If you have a telephone on each desk or in every de partment, when you are called you don't need to run all over your place of business to find the party wanted. You save time and sat isfy vour customers. Remember trade follows the lines of least re sistance. If you are called out it pays to have a telephone on your desk. 3i Cents a Day Will Pay for It. If the time saved isn't worth more, then you had better change your busi ness. Here are some of the firms that are saving time and money and making it easy for their customers to reach them. They have telephones in every; department. v . 'Adams & Kelley Co 1202 Nicholas St. . Benjamin S. Baker, Attorney 905 N. Y. Life Bldg. Baldrige & De Bord, Attorneys 520 First National Bank Bldg. . Baum Iron Co 13th and Harney Sts. j Beebe & Runyan 11th and Douglas Sts. The Bennett Co 16th and Harney Sts. Boyles Commercial College 18th and Harney Sts. City Hall 18th and Farnam Sts. Court House I . . 17th and Farnam Sts. Courtney & Co 17th and Douglas Sts. C. P. R. K. Co : 1003 Farnam St. . M. A. Disbrow & Co 1201 Nicholas St. Drexel Hotel 16th and Webster Sta, Fairmont Creamery Co. . ; 12th and Jones Sts. Farmers Co-Operative Creamery & Supply Co. 812 Harney St. General Construction Co. 315 Ramge Bldg. : j' Dr. Robert Gilmore .505-7 Ware Blk. , v J W. T. Hammond & Co 1212 Farnam St. " j Hansen's Cafe 313 South 16th' St. Harding Ice Cream Co .' 808 Harney St. Hayden Bros. Store 16th and Dodge Sts. Henshaw Hotel 1509 Farnam St. A. Hospe Company '. 3 503 Douglas St.' 1 : C. W. Hull Co 1503 Farnam St. Her Grand Hotel . .16th and Howard Sts. Independent Telephone Co .20th and Harney Sts. Kirschbraun & Sons .1209 Howard St. Lee & Trant Stenographic Co 439-41 Brandeis Bldg. Jos. R. Lehmer .1218 Farnam St. Midland Paint & Glass Co 1103 Howard St. Nebraska Electric Co 1207 Harney St. Nebraska Moline Plow Co 810 Leavenworth St. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. 406 South 17th St. Omaha Gas Co , 1509 Howard St. Omaha Printing Co .918 Farnam St. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 414-18 South 16th St. . Rees Printing Co 402-6 South 10th St. Snyder-Trimble Co 11th and Upward Sts. Storz Brewing Co .1819 Sherman Ave. Sunderland Bros 1614 Harney St. Sunderland Roofing & Supply Co 1006 Douglas St. Swenson Bros 1112 Howard St. Thompson, Belden & Co. 16th and Howard Sts.' Wm. Thompson, Alty .438 Board of Trade Bldg. Union Telephone Construction Co 20th and Harney Sts. Waterloo Creamery Co 1619 Howard St. World-Herald 1412 Farnam St. Each day shows an increase in our business. Each day more people are using our Long Distance lines. There can be but one end. We are going to get the business: Rates reasonable. Quick, accurate, secret service and a big list of local stockholders. WESTERN ELECTRICAL CO., 411 and 413 South 10th St. Independent Telephone Co. Gentlemen: It affords us much pleasure to praise your Automatic Telephone, which has been In our office for Borne months. We are not called upon to answer the telephone every few minutes and then have the greeting from the operator, "no connection." The working of your telephone is posi tive, quick and accurate, and the simplicity of the system is all that could be deBlred. You certainly merit great success and we are sure you will get It. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, G. W. Johnson, Pres. 15 L vmjn