Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, Page 11, Image 64

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Pledge themselves to continue their
unique policy of representing American
Intelligence by advertising without EX
AGGERATION or deception.
The New Oakland 4-eylinder "Forty" at $1,600, and the Oakland "Twenty," with its
incomparable two-cylinder vertical motor, at $1,250, usher in an era when highest
grade automobile construction goes hand in hand with prices in the reach of the aver
age buyer. ,
20 II. P. ! Touring Roadster ! $1,250
20 II. P. Runabout $1,200
40 II. P. Touring Car $1,600
40 II. P. Touring Roadster $1,600
Shaft Drive
Thin Is the new OAKLAND Mode! B, refined In construction
and deolirn, and ready for 1909. Last season It created a hi sen
ration with Its vertical two-cylinder 20 H. P. vlbratlonless
motor. It la the lightest oar of lta power and rapacity on Hie
market WelKht 1,460 pounds. Price, $1,250. Full equipment In
cludes two gas lamps, two aide oil lamps, one tall light, generator,
horn, tools, Jack, pump and batteries.
Why the Oakland
Costs Less to Run
OAKLAND prices are
lowest .because every
dollar of total coat In
shaft-drive OAK-
LANDS buys more miles of satisfactory service than
can be secured from any other motor car In the
Strength, efficiency, light weight and simplicity
means less gasoline, less oil, less tire cost, less re
pairs and less attention for every mile traveled and
every passenger carried.
The mechanical efficiency Is higher and the weight
lower In an Oakland than In any other car of equal
strength, capacity and roadrtblllty. The efficiency is
higher because their Is simpler and more
substantial. The weight Is lower because every part
Is made of the material best adapted to the duties of
that particular rmrt, and every part Is shaped and
placed to bust fulfil Its duties and to require the least
If the Brooklyn Bridge or the Singer Building
were as unscientific In construction as Is the average
automobile, they would fall of their own weight.
Shaft Drive
Our big surplus this year m a four cylinder car at an astonisning
ly low price. NOT A LITTLE TRAPPY FOUR, but a big FOKTY .
p. MOTOR of the simplest, most substantial design ever put into an
automobile. '
The same OAKLAND virtues, great strength combined with light
weight, (19C0 lbs., straight line drive, long wheel base (110 In.) and
quiet, smooth operation at a price of $1.00 make the OAKLAND "4U '
the materialized dream of the power worshipping driver. Nothing Dut
the scientific OAKLAND construction makes possible LESS THAN 60
lbs. weight to each H. P.
Our Motors and Their Designer
Mr. Bush's record Is unparalleled. Inventor of the only car that ever sold for
consecutive years and still sells without material change.
His later designs of widely differing typeB promise to eclipse the record of his fear
ller work.
The "experts" prophesied "That Oakland Motor" will be "no good."
Ask them now or investigate the OAKLAND "20."
The perfect OAKLAND control is only one case where the carrying of OAKLAND principles
of construction farther- has meant an undreamed of approach to the Ideal.
To assert that the control of a gasoline car can be made SIMPLER EASIER
SMOOTHER than the control of an Electric sounds too impossible to carry conviction.
Write for Catalog and Agency to
To prove our claims of reliability for the OAKLAND we entered the Glidden Tour, 1,667 miles of the hardest going to
be found. The OAKLAND made a perfect score more than which no car at any price accomplished. In this tour, the OAK
LAND carried a full load, four persons, as many as was carried by the largest cars in the run. This is a record never
equalled by a car in its first year.
Hatty Black and his brother BEN
If one kant sell you the other KEN
It's not a question of whybut WHEN
We're ready'get busycome on MEN!!
Fancy Fall Furnishings tr Finicky Fingers
Shirts, Gloves, Hose, Kerchiefs for the nose,
And Neckties that certainly can be classed as dingers.
BLACK, THE HATTER, 109 8t- ,
HTmm.f " "
Seven Men Who Spend Their Waking:
Hours at Den of Ak-Sar-Ben
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Cuitodian of Den.
Papier Mache Artist.
Aeronauts' Lon? Quest for Success
ful Flying Machine.
A Practical Alrshl ta Remit of
Yrara of tttdy aad Scrlce .
!Mrusld On Wkrs Warld
Called TUra Cranks.
Although thrre havo been occasional
more or less successful flights with ma
chines heavier than air for several years
bark. It Is probably fair to say that the
aeroplane experiments of the last two
weeks have been more convincing to th)
public at large, always skeptical as to the
practicability of aerial navigation, than all
-he efforts of the preceding years put to
tnli.T. The heroes of th events have been the
two young Americans. Orvllle and Wilbur
Wright, one flying in his aeroplane at Fort
Myer, Va., before a committee of army
men. and the other at Le Muns, France. In
a similarly constructed machine. A few
yean ago the Wrights were regarded, ex
cept by a few privileged witnesses, S be
longing to (he imaginative class of cranks
devoting their time to a dream. When
Orvllle Wright remained In ths air for
two minutes more than one hour at Port
ilfi one day and bicreased the time to
elxty-fiv minutes the next, achieving at
times a speed of nearly a mile a minute,
he was hailed far and wide as the fore
most living aeronaut, with a genuine solu
tion of the problem that hud baffled scien
tists through the ages.
So much has been written about the
Wrights, silent and mooest though they
have been about their studies of the air,
that It Is hard to separate the true from
tho fanciful. One fact, however, stands
out In regard to their success It hss been
the result of careful scientific Investiga
tion, tireless seal In the face of appar
ently Insurmountable difficulties, snd not
the caprice of luck or the outcome of dare
deviltry. The Wrights sre students, not
adventurers. Their profession, which be
gan as their pastime, has been pursued
with serious aim, disregard for heroics
and Indifference to public clamor for spec
tucular races and fancy exhibitions. To
day the governments of the world are
clamoring for. an opportunity to get their
Recently, In taking out patents in France,
the brothers made public most of the de
tail measurements and devices of their
machine, but they say they have no fear
of an appropriation of the designs, on the
theory that they have retained in their
beads enough technical knowledge of thj
invention to render Its successful copying
Impossible for anynn who has not given
the same years of hard study to th subject
that they have given.
Wvrk la Tkelr Bleyrle Skop.
In appearance Orvllle and Wilbur Wright
would pass for merchants or clerks In
some inland city, and that approximate
what they were before their entrance Into
the flying field. Th sons of a bishop of
thb United Brethren church, with no in
herited means, they used to have a bicycle
shop. As boys they had been fond of me
chanics and they drifted into that line of
work In the course of the bicycle erase. In
their ahop at Dayton, O., they made a
good living, mostly at repair work. They
built bicycles, too, buying the standard
pieces from Urge factories and putting
thou) together.
FYom childhood they had experimented
with kites, but thers had been no thought
of seriously studying aviation until twelve
years ago. Beginning their investigations
on a small scale, with the persual of all
the books on the subject as a starter, until
they were familiar with the achievements
of IJUenthal. Moulllard, Chanute. Professor
Langlcy, Sir Hiram Maxim, and the other
would-be air navigators, in the aeroplane
division, they finally undertook to make
a flying machine. That was when they
Mill made bicycles. Sine then they have
built many aeroplanes, each an improve
ment of the other.
One must hear th Wrights describe their
slow progress in order to realise the huge
ness of their task. Between machines,
there were month of research and study.
They found that nobody had yet formu
lated properly th action of air currents
against surfaces of different shapes, placed
at different angles; that the slightest vari
ation of th angles or curve of a flying
machine' wing meant new and hitherto
undreamed-of complications for the avi
ator. They tested many lime tu effect
of the wind upon each kind of aeroplane,
each slse of tall or rudder, each weight of
propellers and machinery. They met winds
of various force, sailed against and with
them, and studied the effect of stray gust
and steady blow upon their machine under
every conceivable condition.
Time and 'again they discovered that
some supposedly established theory of their
predecessors must be laid aside as ridicu
lous. They were, in short, exploring a
region In which every so-culled fact had
been only half verified, every conclusion
largely a guess, and each achievement a
basis for erroneous deductions.
Brna to Stady la 1SOO. '
Without attempting to enter Into the
technicalities of aeroplane building It is
not hard to see that the Wrights had cut
out for themselves a lifetime work. They
began serious study in 1896, and expert
I ments four years later. Until a very few.
years ago, while building and repairing
bicycles, they regarded the aeroplane game
as a diversion aad spent In Its pursuit
only what earnings they could afford to
spend for amusement It was after they
became confident of success that they re
tired from their business and decided to
devote their time exclusively to aviation.
In the meantime, after several experi
ment at Dayton, they got down to real
tests on the sand hills of eastern North
Carolina as early as the fall of ltuO, Th
machine of that year, although they in
tended to fly In It, was not up to expec
tation and they had to sail It Ilk a kit
at th end of the small boy' string, di
recting it movement I rum th ground.
with nobody aboard. In th next three
year experiments were repeated annually,
and by 1903 the aeronauts auoceeded In re
maining up In the air a minute at a time.
A power machine, with motor and pro
pellers, was tested near the close of 1903.
It stayed up atoout a minute and traveled
nearly 900 feet. This waa the first flying
machine that had ever raised Itself by its
own power with a man In it.
The next two years' flights were at Day
ton. Occasionally, through the newspa
pers, the public heard of them, but gen-
erally in a half-scoffing way. They were
not taken seriously beyond the circles of
the Wrights' Intimates. In Dayton, as the
brothers hav often recalled good-naturedly,
most people called them cranks.
Yet a real machine was making real as
cents in the town at close Intervals, and
so great was the efficiency attained that
before, th end of 1106 the operator of th
machine was able to travel In curves, rise
or descend almost st will and remain In
the air several minutes consecutively.
At last, whether anybody else believed
It or not, the Wrights were sura they had
a practicable flying machine. They built
several of the type in 1904. Th first pub
llo experiments, however (and they were
unofficial), were at Kill Devil hill, north
Carolina, last May. Then, for th first
time, the nation seemed to take th
Wright seriously.
On May I they started out with a short
flight. Five day Ir.ter It was estimated
that the machine made a speed of forty
one mile an hour for a distance of about
a mile. On May 14, following the other
successful flights, th flyer was swashed,
after a trip of five miles In about seven
That ended the Wrights' flights until the
recent appearances In France and at Fort
Myer. Wilbur made his first 'ascent at
Le Mans on August 8. a little more than a
month ago. and remained in the air one
minute and forty-six seconds. On Au
gust 10 he flew 1.24 miles in one minute and
forty-three seconds. Two days later ho
was In the air six minutes and fifty-two
and two-fifths seconds. Then there wss a
mishap to his machine, and th limelight
was deflected to a French aeronaut, Uean
Delagrange, at Issy, by two flights that
lasted for twenty-nine and thirty-one min
utes, respectively. M. Delagrange's claim
to the world's record was short lived, how
ever, for Orvllle Wright smashed all the
records with his performances at Fort
Myer first fifty-seven minute In th air
and later sixty-two and slxty-flv minute.
llts of Few Words.
The Wright brothers are s tent, business
like men. Both are tall and rather slender.
Orvllle wear a black moustache and has
some hair, but not much. Wilbur ha no
moustache and Ms head Is almost bald.
They look th part of students, It ons gnes
beyond their rather shoppy dress and their
bands roughened by mechanical work, with
traces of machinery grease generally vis
ible when they sre In th field. They are
remarkably alike, In manner and appear
ance. Wilbur waa born on April 14, ls"4,
nd Orvllle on August 19, 187L
Something pur than a year ago they
made visit to New Tors. They bad
heard of a prospecUv prls lor Aero
nautical achievements and, while they did
not car to enter a raoe, they needed tho
money. That waa before they made their
plans to sell their machine to govern
ment, either the United Btates, or, If this
country did not want It, to a foreign
power. After some searching her they
found the officers of the Aero Club of
America. The officers were surprised
and at a loss how to entertain the Invent
ors, for th Wright wanted to do nothing
but talk alr-flylng. They wouldn't din
out. They wouldn't smoke at th olub.
Tbty wouldn't Indulge In a sociable drink.
After Interviews that seemed fruitless for
both sides they went away from New York
as quietly ss they had corns.
Tko Trackless Trolley
Th trackless trolley Is not an Idl dream
as fourteen of them are being very suc
cessfully operated in Europe.
In general outline and construction th
trackless troll ?y looks not unlike Its
prototype which needs must keep on a
track. The same electric motors drive the
new trolley but the electricity Is gathered,
from th overhead trolley wire by a fexl
tl connection. The trolley wheel run
on top of the trolley wire and Is connected
to the car by a wire cable. The vehicle
I steered with a wheel .like an automobile.
The cars carry thlrtyp assengers.
A number of Pennsylvania capitalists are
planning to operate a trackless trolley line
from Chattanooga to the top of Walden s
Kldge, Tenn., a distance of fifteen miles.
Bo far th trackless trolley ba swan it
, greatest, development la Frag jj