a s A K L 0 National" - 0mm Light '1 re I x?Vit w f ' Htt1 V5f For 1180 n lamps and stoves. It cannot be excelled. V WKXNcOJ IfYou rit ur en It jet by v7 9 rr W T Vi T f ff f f fill III I I ,f J I .. k . . : . n D : I 1 ' t . i 1'X I I l m t .. v X ! -.. V wmmmm i mm Kose Kasonne ) fa rus h With Solid Tires, $500. Runabout (Dv With Pneumatic Tires The Real Sensation in the Automobile Line It has the power. It has the comfort. IT IS THE CAR FOR BUSINESS. It is the practical and economical Car for Doctors, Merchants, Farmers, Mail Carriers. The T. G. Northwall Co., Western Distributors. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. David Cole Creamery Co, Idlewild Butter Tenth and Howard Streets. David Cole Co. Oysters, Celery, Poultry. 314-16-18 South Eleventh Street, umane You will use the "Whipple" Humane Horse Collar You cannot afford to work lioress with sore necks and shoulders when you can buy a horse collar that will keep them sound. The "Whipple" Humane Collar is guaranteed ttf keep them sound. SOLP ON 15 DAYS TRIAL If your horses do not get well while working in the Humane col lar they may be returned. They are the most economical, as one collar fits all the horses. Many of Omaha's most progressive firms are using Humane Collars have laid aside good old style collars to mako place for them. Over 30,000 Sold in the Past 18 Months Call at our factory, or phone Bed G878, and let us fit you out. Humane Collar Co., 1925 South 13th Street. OMAHA rVZ A J ... U GAS ROASTED COFFEE PACKED IN ONE-POUND AIR TIGHT CANS No breakfast is complete without a cup of this fragrant Coffee, fresh from the roaster. g IttMiSB aromatic Coffee ever i'pi offered the consumer. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED BY Paxton &. Gallagher Co. Omaha Will give more energy and horse power than any other Gasoline. v Every gallon guaranteed to give absolute satis isfaction. It's refined in the "National ' way and that means "Purity". We manufacture all of the "National" brands of Cylinder, Engine, Mobile and other Lubricating Oils. Black Beauty Axle Grease, and will be pleased to quote you prices on any article manufactured from Crude Oil. The National Refining Co. Producers of Crude Oil. Refiners of Crude OiL Transporters of Crude OiL NEBRASKA BRANCHES OMAHA. HASTINGS. FREMONT. YORK The only Independent Oil Refiner in the State. Up-to-Pate Merchants recognize the merits of our OMAHA MADE SHOES ,We are Originators of the ELECTRIC SOLE AND EZ WALKER SHOES We would be glad to have you call and see our factory and the process of manufac turing: shoes while in Omaha F. P. Kirkendall . Co, . I'll i'li . '" ' "? P -- ' -'"111 -f-iT . 1 ; " ii- ' ... f XV .'. ;ji . M n. n II v ' '; r I .. , . - . " u .; z ,..- .. ni ... r, r;, -'llLiiLi.,i ; : r-' n - ' . -.; r I M ' : JT r Otltlit Pcbw IHIoomo Northwest Cor. Otli and Harney Sts. While in the city attending AkSarBen festivities, call and see us. Fairbanks, Morse (El Co. MANUFACTURERS, OF" Fairbanks Standard Scales; Fairbanks 'Morse Gasoline and Kerosene Engines? Eclipse and Fairbanks Wind" mills; Dynamos and Motors; Strain ' Pumps; Feed Grinders. Remember our new location. v. a Northwest Corner Oth and Harney Sts. BUILD WITH Ideal Cement Building Stone t - .-' -7- f r .boT horn of W, JL. Oordoa, 7 V. SStb St., la on of ear ront ooaatructloa. . Tho fart that hundreds of Omaha home bulldrra liav uiil our Xdl I.I.-kI t'riuviit Moncit Imve laxting durHlillity. If you cuiilrinplata tulldtin home, inuka it point to ffcgur wttb U. Ideal Cement Stone Co. IHCOKPOKATXO Office and Yard 17th and Cuming Sts., Omaha, Neb. Bell Phone, Douglas 4428. . Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Go, Manufacturers of J.WLU L ......'JE- -1 -ur - Galvanized Metal Tanks STOCK TANKS, RESERVOIR TANKS, WAGON AND OIL TANKS, TANKS for CREAMERY, DAIRY AND ALL OTHER PURPOSES. : : : : t : : : A. N. EATON, Prop. 14th and Nicholas Streets Phone Douglas 3889. Omaha Electrical Works New and Second Hand MOTORS AND , DYNAMOS General Electrical and Elevator Repairs MACHINE SHOPS and FOUNDRY WORK 108-10-12 North Deventh Street Tel. Doug. 1181. Ind. A1485 YETTER - J)AVISON WALL PAPER (3Q. Omaha and Kansas City HI'S 4 The Largest Wall Paper Jobbers In the West U&BQVilTXBI TO! ITAI.I. VATSm. ITOU AMD WHDOW SXADZS, BOOM MOOXDIMGB. Cftll' ob d whll in OmabB and our superb 190 Un. of tha bt Hint: pttm. In th mark. TUBBTISK BAMFLJB BOOK! TO DEALS OMXT.