in wii 8 s, TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: REPTEfBEB 27, 1903. Xlie Great Live Stock IVIarket of ttie IVIissouri Valley' and tlie West iOUTH OMAHA : ' TTird Largest Live Stock IVIarket and Packing Center of the World Where Millions of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep are Annually Disposed of to the Best Interests of Shippers. :: :: :: JT ' .v. GENERAL VIEW OF UNION STOCK YARDS LOOKING WEST. ,v,mi ,,u. yWi u;;. y .rmmy , I 1 l liji i! I. , l W y ijiiiy im.i. B Jl INJWIi ytl Jtl. lW lUII.IIIH I v H..MI. l I III lMlHWHM ""I MHWIWyi U I I Hill I l l Ml I I J p 11 I.WW.WIPWH IIII.LlBl J Ml! I U ! I I II II I : tut """' - rrr I TlflliTiii Established in 1884, within the recollection of most shippers, the growth of the South Omaha market has been phenomenal. The foresight of its founders was keen enough to see that the time would come when Omaha would be the natural gateway through which the great bulk of live stock must move from the range and farm to packer and consumer. The marvelous growth of the South Omaha market is due chiefly to the advantages it possesses in its geographical loca tion and its unexcelled transportation facilities, making it easily accessible alike to grower, feeder and packer. The result of establishing a market at South Omaha has been to supply a home mar ket for the western shipper. As such, more shippers each year are coming to recognize it. No , other single institution has done as much toward the development of Nebraska and the west, arid its record has been such as to invite further patronage from the western shipper. ; HOG AND SHEEP DIVISION OF UNION STOCK YARDS. Best Range Cattle and Sheep Market A glance at the receipts of cattle and sheep and the record of sales shows South Omaha to be the best range market in the country. It is the best market for the western shipper because the freight is lower, trans portation is -better, shrinkage lighter and the prices paid are just as good. It is more money in the shippers pocket to sell his stuff at the nearest large market. Greatest Feeder Market In SAe World The advantage South Omaha possesses as an ideal location with relation to grower and feeder, became known to both years ago, but each year brings increasing thousands of buyers to the South Omaha market for supplies of teeding cattle and sheep. Unexcelled lines of transportatipn to the feeding districts of the central and eastern states makes South Omaha an especially attractive market to prospective feeders there.. Quality as well as quantity, contributes to South Omaha's fame as a feeder market. Horse and Mule Market Unsurpassed South Omaha has become widely known as the best Horse and Mule Market in the West. Buyers from every state in the Union attend the great weekly Auction Sales of range horses and the special sales of natives held by the firms of John S. Cooper and E.W. Anspach at the South Omaha yards. South Omaha is the natural market of the country in which are raised the best horses and mules for all purposes. Stock Yards Company Alive to Interests of Shippers The Stock Yards management is constantly improving both facilities and service and is now equipped to handle live stock more promptly than ever before. Shippers may consign their live stock to South Omaha and know it will be given the best of attention and find ready sale. 'Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Limited) s