Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, SOUTH OMAHA SECTION, Page 7, Image 52

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John A. Kervan
Merchant Tailor.
SnHeSOS-IO Brandcls Banding.
AnnounceB hts Fall and Winter
showing ot the moat exclusive de
sign In the latest shades for
dresses of good taste. Yon are
cordially invited to pass Judgment
on the newest Importations and the
best In style, fit and -workmanship.
BulU from $35.00 to 60.00
Suite 506-10 Brssdels Building
We furnish free of charge, upon request, Office Managers, Sales
men, Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office Help.
If you ere deslrods of a position In any commercial line, see us,
we can place you. Our terms are the most reasonable in the City; a
call will convince you.
ie so. i4th st.
lad. JL434S
Offices 673-75-77 Brandeis Bldg. "
saw Tel Douglas 4911; Auto. 2911.
Chop Suey and Chili Parlor
Chinese, ItaJi&n
and Mexican Dishes
Special Attention Given to Orders
Going Out
No more dread of the dental chair!
We have a scientific formula which
renders the extraction of teeth In
nearly all cases absolutely without
pain. We fit teeth without platen,
and If you desire we can by a new
method do this work without resort
ing to the use of g-old crowns or un
sightly gold bands about the necks of
the teeth. We employ the moot skill
ful workmen. No students are allow
ed In our office. Gold crowns R.
Bridge work IS. Plates IS. Teeth
without plates 1 5.
The Original Ho-Paln Dentist.
Telsphonesl BeU Douglas 6711; ma. A-3767. 1529 Douglas Street.
Open evenings till 9. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Tailoring That Satisfies
Our determination to satisfy, carries
with it a just reward. Our steadily in
creasing sales are an excellent evi
dence of a growing regard for our
Our $25 Made-to-Order Suit
cannot be equaled elsewhere.
Reliable woolens, cut, fitted
and made in Omaha by expert
tailors. Give us a trial. We'll
keep the garments if you don't
want them.
Uerzog Tailoring Co.
219 North 10th Street.
D. M. Beck, Mgr.
Clothes make the man, the old
saying: "A photograph makes the man
or the woman, either; a poor, sloven,
careless-made photograph, will give
your friends as bad an impression of
yourself as a shabby suit of clothing.
Photographs made by the Trussell
studio, are the best made, and have
the artistic qualities to give the sub
ject a bearing that will give your
friends a good impression. A' photo
graph can be a likeness, at the same
time be a horrible caricature.
115 So. 16th St. Opposite Old Boston Store.
Rapid Shoe Repair Co.
1018J Capitol Ave.
Call us up. - - - - 'Phone R-994
Called for and Delivered Free.
Heavy Hoisting
Printing Presses, Boilers, Etc. Etc.
Safo Moving a Specialty
1818 Farnam St.
Tel. Douglas 353
Mere We Are Again!
For Genuine Bargains on Any
thing in the Machinery Line......
Our Specialty is putting in all sizes of Second Hand Pipe
as good as new at One Half Price.
We handle and install New and Second Hand Radiators and
Boilers. Let us figure with you.
A. Ferer Gas Power &
Machinery Co.
1 CI., ind., A-I1M.
810-12 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb.
Burgess Shirt Co.
Have a whole one made to your order
At 2024 FARNAM ST.
Electric, Hydraulic, Belt and Hand Power. Sidewalk Hoist and
Dumb Waiters. Elevator Gates and Fire Doors.
Pictures of Cave Men Found in the
Slack Hilli.
Discoveries of Lut Summer In an I n.
explored Itegion of Woml
A Little LlKki on Ita Pre
historic Inhabitants.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. Harlan I.
Smith, archaeologist of the American
Museum of Natural History, has returned
from a. 462-mile wagon trip , of recon
nolsaancc in northeasttrn Wyoming, made
In the interests of the museum. Besides
securing the first archaeological specimens
ever brought from the region which extend
from tha Black Hills to the Big Horn
mountain in northeastern Wyjmlug, he
photographed among other things pre
historic quarries, anelent pictures painted
on cava walls representing prehistoric cave
dwellers and sculptures cut on the cliffs
and sides of natural caves.
. All of these were discovered by Mr. Smith's
party and were unknown to the RClentlflc
world until now. The results of tha trip
will ba published by the museum in its
ootavo anthropological papers, fully illus
trated, and this report will throw new light
on tna prehistoric Americans.
The expedition was sent out to continue
tha work which Mr. Bmlth started for the
museum last year, when he made a three
months' trip, crossing and recrosslng tho
southern part or Wyomlnj. The whole
work is a contrlhullon by the museum
toward an investigation Into the archae
ology Of a vast unexplored region. Includ
ing tha great plains, the barre lands and
tha plateau region of America, regarding
which there Is practically no archaeological
Locating- Old Home Kites.
Wyoming is near the southern center of
this region and seemed to be, the nucleus
from which the work might be started.
Mr. Smith's task waa to look over ths
field in order to locate Bites where people
llyed before white men visited the stte
and which it would be profitable to exca
vate, incidentally securing as much In
formation aa possible.
Among the general problems which
present themselves for solution may be
mentioned the following: When did the
region first coma to be inhabited? What
was the natural culture of the first Inhabi
tants? Were Hla living in the area,
before the Introduction of the horse, and
. If so, how did the coming of this animal
affect their culture? Was there more than
.on culture In the region either In various
, Jiarts or during different periods of time?
.And if so, where are the boundaries of
these cultures and what are the charac
teristic of each culture?
MY. Emlth aecured the services of Pan
Chalfant, an experienced cowboy, at Lusk.
With a team and a wagon, on the aide
of which waa lashed a five-gallon raak for
.carrying water through the desert places,
they made the trip with only one mishap
the breaking of ail the spok.s in one
Staring from tha Mine Bar ranch, at
the aouthern end of Rawhide Buttes, they
drove northward to Hot Creek. Continuing
northward, they passed through a bad
land country entirely given over to sheep
raising and where the sheep herders live
In covered wagons, so that houses are sel
dom seen. If one looks at a map he
will ace many places marked as towns and
postofflces, but they usually consist of a
single house, part of which serves .as a
post office. On the maps many streams
and rivers are Indicated, but few of them
were found to contain - water, although
there were evidences that In the spring
floods had come down the ravines. The
spring floods had washed out signs of
wagon tracks, so that the route was fre
quently without the guidance of even a
wheel mark across the buttes and through
the canons. Boniethimes on reaching a
ranch It would be found that all tha men
were away on the roundup and the women
could not give directions as to the best
route to follow, for they were acquainted
with the country for only a few miles from
the ranch.
Roate Krom Newcastle.
Finally. Newcastle, a town in the western
edge of the Black Hills, was reached. The
party then turned northwestward, follow
ing the edge of the sparsely timbered
mountains, while to the left was a graslng
country. Here, about seven miles north
west of Newcastle In Oil Creek canon, a
cava dwelling, breatwork and cave man
picture writings were found.
Continuing, the route led down Wild
Horse Creek. Crossing Powder river by
means of a ford the wagon was finally
pulled into Sheridan. For some days after
seeing the Devil's Tower, miles away to
the north, the snow on the northern side
of the peaks of the Big Horn mountains
had been seen miles to the west. Then for
a time high ridges had cut off the view,
until at Sheridan the party were at the
very base of the mountains.
Going southwestward, the canona of
Craay Woman and Muddy were searched
and in both caves that had been occupied
by cave dwellers were found. In Muddy
Canon the men felt particularly active, but
later found that they had been drinking
water charged with arsenic from the red
rocks of the canon walls which was not
sufficiently strong to poison them but
caused the peculiar exhlleratlon.
Leaving behind the cave dwellings Mi'.
Smith pushed on past the Hole In the Wall
country and the red rock region over the
divide to Casper, where he left the wagon
to return home, and took the train for
New York.
Qaary tor stone Implements.
. Perhaps the most remarkable discovery
made on the trip was a quarry from which
the prehistoric inhabitants secured atone
out of which to chip their arrow points,
spear heads, knives, skin scrapers, drill
and other Implements. This quarry cov
ered at least five acres on the southern
end of the mountain locally known at
Brownell Hill, at a point about a mils
east of the junction of Hat creek and Old
Woman creek. In eastern central Wyom
ing. There were numeroua pita 1n the top of
the hill going down into atrata carrying
seams and nodules of flint-like' rock. Scat
tered about these pits were the battered
pebbles which had been used aa hammers
In breaking out the rock and smashing
the pieces up into convenient Use for chip
ping and flaking Into Implements. B.'iu
of these hammers had a groove pecked
around them to facilitate the fastening to
a handle.
Unfinished implements and corea from
which pieces for Implements had been
clipped were everywhere about and nearby
were circles of stones that had been used
to hold down the skin covers of the tents
of the quarrymen. Theso quarry people
must have been in the country long before
they saw any white people, for there were
no glass beads. Iron arrow points or sim
ilar objects such as Indians at once gut
by trade from the very first white ex
plorers, travelera and aettlers.
Specimens of the rock of the quarry, of
the cores, unfinished Implements and stone
hammers were sent to the museum and are
the first specimens collected from the
quarry, or in fact from northeastern Wy
oming. This quarry Is remarkably large. A five
acre prehistoric quarry would be pro
nounced largo anywhere, but when It is
considered that 'last year In the southern
part ot tho stutjj several large quarries
were seen, the addition of five more acres
of prehistoric quarry work mufces an amaz
ing total. The extent of this work seems
the more surprising because it Is not
known yet whither the product was car
ried. The quarry is also remarkable for being
further north in Wyoming than any flint
rock quarries were previously known to
Plctorearraphs on Walla.
Petroglyphs, or picture writing cut In the
rocks made by other than white hands
were seen and photographed on the sand
stone cliffs and in the cava dwelling on
the western bide of OH creek. This place
Is on the western edge of the Black Hills
jonr.c Klx miles went of Newcastle.
Seme of these writings represent men,
the cave men who lived there, and are,
Identical In general outline, character and
approximate size with both petroglyphs
and ptctographs found In the cave dwell
ing In Muddy canon as well as the rock
carvings found last year near Hammond
in the southern part of the state. This
goes to show that the people who made
them, If not the same, were at least in
fluenced by each other.
Ona of the petroglyphs represents an
elklike animal and others ceremonial
shields with markings which possibly may
be Interpreted when tha photographs are
submitted to those who are students of the
old Slonan designs and religious ceremonial
decorations. .
The plctograpbs or paintings in the cave
dwelling on the north aide of Muddy canon
In the Big Horn mountains are in red and
some In drab. The drab pictures are the
first In that color which. Mr. Bmlth haa
seen In his archaeological work, which has
been continuous for more than eighteen
years. The greater number of plctographs
which he has wen In the northwest are red.
Some cf the Muddy canon pictures repre
sent shields and one a cave man with a
Along the route were seen numerous
circles of stone marking the sites ot an
cient tepees or buffalo skin tnta. It is
dealrable to make a map showing where
all these, circles are found; first, to show
the distribution of the villages of the people
using that style of tent fasteners and sec
ond to determine If the tents in each vil
liage were arranged In a camp circle or
other ceremonial form.
There is a large circle of atones with.
cross lines of stones like spokes of a wheel
in the Blk Horn mountains. At the ends
of the spokes are the ruins of little stone
sweat houses and the whole place is held
In superstitious awe by the Crow Indians.
It is called a medicine wheel and haa been
seen by but few people.
Both the cave dwolllngs in Oil Creek
canyon and Muddy canyon were barricaded
In front with piles of rocks forming "a
In the western part of the area the cow
boys and sheep men had seen dishes cut
out ot soapstone of a rare type not rep
resented in any of the eastern museums.
The,dlshes are larger toward the top than
at the bottom, but the opening is slightly
smaller in some cases than the body. An
cient diBhea made of true pottery are un
known in the whole northeastern part of
Wyoming, the Black Hills and the Big
Horn mountains.' Such pottery has only
been found In a few places, less than a
dozen, In the whole state, and that these
places were all In the southern part toward
the cliff dwelling and Pueblo area of Colo
rado, New Mexico and Arizona.
In various parts of the area examined
there are lines marked by rocks and piles
of rocks. Theso heaps are sometimes as
high aa a mans head, but often very
small, sometimes consisting of a single
stone, again of two or three, but often
by a pile the size of a bushel basket. The
piles are frequently about eight feet apart,
sometimes more, and the lines so formed
sometimes extend for miles across the
They are usually on hill or ridge tops
and often cross large flats. Some termi
nate at cut banks or bluffs. There Is much
dlsousslon as to what these are. Some Bay
they mark trails, others that they show
Which way, from the desert trail water
could be found.
Bonudaries of Hunting; Grounds.
A few believe them to be boundarlet be
tween the hunting ground - of different
tribes, but the explanation that seems
most satisfactory 'is that they are either
lines used to direct t the people In stam
peding antelopes and buffaloes over a bluff
or Into an enclosure, or that they are scare
crows along which these animals could be
stampeded, they being, afraid to cross
them. On being run over the bluff or Into
the enclosure .in confusion they could be
more readily killed If not already dead or
Injured by the fall.
Mr. Emlth called attention to the lack
of knowledge of the archaeology or pre
history of titis region and the surrounding
country aa far north as the Arctic oceap
in the Boas anniversary volume published
In 19u7. The museum authorities are par
ticularly pleased that they were able to
begin the work ot Investigation In the
region. The task of solving all the prob
lems will take many years even if other
educational institutions co-operate in ex
ploring the area.
Mr. Smith sums up the resulta of his
trip as follows:
"Nothing was found to indicate that any
of these remains were as recent aa the
coming of the first whits men to the reg
ion, as no glaa beads or iron arrow points
or similar materials wiere found asso
ciated with them. On the other hand,
nothing was seen which would prove their
great antiquity or show that they were
older than the securing of tha horse by
the native peoples who formerly lived in
thla part of tha country.
"While, of course, tbeae results are sot
sufficient to prove that man did not occupy
the region until after the Introduction of
the horse gave him a beast which would
facilitate his movements out into the buf
falo plains anl until after the settlements
in tha east had begun to crowd the Indiana
westward, nevertheless this negative evi
dence suggests quite strongly that at least
a portion of the Great Plains must have
been uninhabited until after the horse was
known to the Indians.
"There are certainly no deep deposits of
village refuse nor a great amount of an
tiquities to be found In the region, such as
are easily discovered in places that are
known to have been Inhabited for a period
antedating the coming of the horse, as, for
instance, Ohio and the state ot Washing
ton. To be aure the results of quarrying
are very extensive a great deal of stone
haa been moved but those who know the
real Indian are aware that this work
could have been done in a comparatively
short period of time.
'On the whole, the results of the two
archaeological trips to Wyoming would
suggest that that particular region until
after the advent of the horso was not In
habited." i
Machines of the Honk Order Hooked
Up to Do Good in Many
The average urban resident looks upon the
automobile merely as a convenience, more
rapid In motion than the horse and less
likely to ahy at strange objecu. Such an
assumption Is far from an adequate con
ception of the vehicle.
In Connecticut the owner of a newspaper
sends his paper to press by automobile. He
backs the machine up near his presses, at
taches the power and the news is chugged'
out away beyond speed limit.
Heedless persona laugh at farmers who
mortgage their farms to purchase automo
biles. It Is the farmer who has the laugh.
At 4 o'clock in the mornirg and mayhaps
at S or S. for the milk Inspector haa a way
of walking In at 4 o'clock and Interfering
with milking the carburetor amy be heard
at the dairy. One motor car connected with
six milking machines can milk twelve cows
at a time. Is there churning to be done?
The motor can do almost everything but
roll the butter. Perhaps the farmer takes
hit milk to the station in his machine and
then he gets back in tlmo to saw the wood
for cooking breakfast.- He attachea a cir
cular wood saw to the motive power of the
car and the result la highly satisfactory.
This may even explain why so many
tramps frequent large cities. There are
now leas opportunities than ever for them
to aaw wood for a breakfast In suburban
places. The automobile fairly anorta at
their shiftlessnest.
This snort, redolent of disdain and gaso
line, one bears often now at the hay mow
in place of the accustomed sneeze of a
horse trying not to contract hay fever
while hoisting fodder into the barn. No
longer need the patient animal at the far
end of a pulley rope start upon a run, only
to be brought up short, under the impres
sion that he has made a false start, while
time la given, him to reflect upon the per
versity of mankind, and the farmer to un
hitch hay from pulley and send the hoist
ing hook out for more. A motor car runs
out with the rope now, and lifts double the
quantity without straining a muscle.
In San Francisco the motor fire patrol
is able to get to and" extinguish a fire while
the speediest fire horse Is still panting on
his way. Automobiles are used to haul
snow, beer, dry goods, bank boxes and to
cure consumption by rapid motion through
the air. No longer need the mining pros
pector wander wearily through arid wastes
in the west. He may seek his nuggets by
means of a motor car. No longer need a
presidential candidate risk bursting tho rail
of an observation car with his eloquence.
He may speak from an automobile. No
longer need the flower grower urge his
horse through wintry dawns In the effort
to get his blossoms early to the market.
He may arise later, get to the train earlier
in his automobile, and maintain, mean
while, the aspect of a gentleman of leisure
out for a morning spin.
Plcnlo parties vote the automobile a vast
Improvement over a farm wagon carpeted
with straw. Stowing away dishes is no
longer a task fraught with danger to
ohina. The automobile hamper has in It
every necessary for an al fresco luncheon,
strapped and clamped Into an economy of
space scarcely conceivable to the mind of
an average housewife. Motor curs have all
manner of little hidden cupboard contriv
ances in which things may be stowed.
With ter.t and living necessities tucked
onto and under Us mechanism, one may
move on to new places and pleasures every
day to fishing, boating, hunting and
climbing, with wide, free country contribut
ing ever new sources of enjoyment and of
fering ever new attractions to the wan
derer afield. The luxurious traveler en
joys llto In a touring car, which may be
converted ' into bed chamber, bjudolr, li
brary, living room and dining room at will.
Electrlo dome light, speaking tube, sta
tionary Clock, elaborate toilet articles and
mirror, delude one Into believing this" motor
car a minaturu hotel tin wheels. New York
promlae Greater Hevolotlon In Modern
Warfare Than Did Hmoke
leaa Powder.
With airships, aeroplanes and dirigible
balloons war, Indeed, must become terrl
bio, but the climax Is reached when one
considers the latest phase of firearms a
developed In Hiram Msxlm, jr.'a nolsoless
rtfle, which, Indeed, must make war an
Impossibility. Equipped with this new de
vise, attached to an engine of destruction,
the United Slates army would be practi
cally Invincible, and no foe need be feared
so long as the device remained an Amer
ican secret.
Experiments being made by an army
board are being watched with the closest
attention, and already the effect that the
elimination of noise will have upon battle
tactics Is. receiving attention. Colonel R.
Birnie and Mejor TJracy C. Dickson of the
United States Army Ordnance board
realizes that Ita adoption means the re
equipment of the entire army and the
working out of many difficult problems.
The government Is especially desirous of
keeping the matter of the noiseless device
as quiet as possible and an Injunction has
been placed upo tho His of everybody in
the service.
"The lact of the matter le." said one
officer, "that If thla Invention of Maxim
proves entirely successful the United
State1 army wlil be placed M per veat
ahead of any other army In the world In
efficiency, man to man. For the fir it
time in years ihls government has a chance
to take a big step In advance nf the rjst
of the world In arming Its soldiers, and It
la desired to take full advantage of It.
"There Is no doubt that It will bring
about a greater revolution In warfare than
did smokeless powder. It will add an ele
ment of terror that is almost Impossible
to describe. Smokeless powder robbed the
soldier of the sense of slcrt in the dis
charge of firearms, and now the noiseless
gun woi Id render his hearing of no value.
Mentally, he would huve a feeling of help
lessness that would tend to make cowards
Of. the bravest."
It Is believed In army circles that the
Maxim invention can be applied as readily
to. artillery as to small arms. Should thl
be the case, it will result In both the army
and the navy . ordnance being equlppei
with the device. The expense would not
be great, while the results, It the United
States should engage In war, would bt be
yor.U measure.
The inventor of this device Is the fori
of Sir Hlrum Maxim, who gave to the
world the muchlne gun. He lives In Hart
ford, Conn. The device is the reiu'.t of
long study of the problem of muffling the
rapid explosions Incident to the operation
of an automobile. The report due to the
sudden release of gases at the muzzle of
a rifle when the discharge occurs Is pre
vented through the action of a valve whic h,
allows . the gas to esoape gradually, and
with an almost silent hissing sound.
The appearance ot the weapon Is not al
tered, except for a small nrosKploce In the
barrel a short distance from the muscle.
Just as the bullet emerges the escape of
the gases is shut off. This result Is gained
through a piston valve, sliding across the
bore cf the barrel Immediately after thM
bullet papes. Tho valvo Is operated by
the pressure of the gas, and there la no
Intricate mechanism.
Tests are being made at the government
armory In Springfield, Mass., and accord
ing to reports the discharge of a gun with
out the noiseless device could bo heard
(.700 yards. With the device It could be
heard only 1.S00 yards, the Invention thus
eliminating 71 per cent of the noise. All
that could be heard at the latter Ulstanoe
waa the click of the hammer on the shell.-
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Had Another Aeine for It.
J. F. Johnston, the new United States
senator from Alabama, Is an ardent agricul
turist. One day, after retiring from, the
governorship and returning to his home.
In Birmingham, he donned his overalls and
went to work In the garden.
A society lady, a newcomer, entered tha
yard to call on Mrs. Johnston. Her ring
at the door not Bolug answered, she walked
Into the gardkn.
"How long have you worked tor tha
Johnstons?" she Inquired of the man she
found there.
"A good many years, madam."
"Do they pay you well?"
"About all 1 get out of It la my clothes
and keep."
"Why, then come and work for me," she
said. "I'll do that and pay you so much a
month besides."
"I thank you madam,' he replied, "but
I signed up with Mrs. Johnston for life."
"Why no such contract is binding. That
Is peonage."
"I have always' called It marriage," re
plied the senator. Success alagasinev