TITE OMAHA SUNDAY NEK: SElTEMIiEU 27. 100S. TAFT WILL DRAW BIG CROWD PE-RU-NA RECEIVES PRAISE. For Relieving Such Symptoms as Debility, Backache and Headache. Presidential Nominee in Omaha Meant City Will B Throng-ed. TWO LARGE MEETINGS ABE ON A Iri.TrleNelon,fl09N.6thATe..MhTUlc.Tenn., i u I I: Si. i. i. & ) writes s "As Ferona bu done me a world 1 reel in amy bound to tell of It, la hope may meet the eye of lome who has suffered Tor fire yr I really did not know what a perfectly well day waa, and if I did not bar MRS. TRESSIK NELSON. ttadsch, X had backache or a pais tome Wntre and irally life was not worth the ' t-fforl I made to keep going. "iV' good rrlend advised me to use Pe mn and I waa (tlad to try anything, and 1i am very p' auri to aay that els bottler f'niaile a now woman of me and I have no more pains and life look bright again." S "There are a great many phages of iTToman'a ailment that require the assist ance of the surgeon. ,;But by far tho greatest number of tamob eaaea are amenable to correct me dicinal treatment. A. 'rest muitltilde of women have been rlleved from the ailments peculiar to heir'se through the use of Teruna as jfrcsrrlhed by lr. Hartman. L He receive, many letters from all parts f the country relating ta subjects of it'ltal interest to 'Womankind. " Of the vast multitude of women who take Peruna only a very small percen tage consider tt necessary to write to the ,letor at all. jf While It Is not affirmed that Peruna relieve every case of this kind, It Is certainly the part of wisdom for every Mr oman so afflloted to (It Parana, a fair frlal. ! .... ; . , BRIEF CITY NEWS re Soot Print XI. i Jiamcnda, Xdholm, Jeweler, f '. hoiuas W, Blackunra, lawyer. ' j audolph P. Bwoboda, Public AooooaUni J Bowman, 117 N. II. Douglas ehoe. $160. Pa konrke for Quality elgars. Ill 8. 16th. 'r Blnshart, photographer, ltth St Farnam, jr' Xr. J. J. Poster, dentist. Continental Blk. Equitable X.lfe Policies, sight drafts at inaturityi H. V. Nel.". manager, Omaha, ' licirtcl Wiring aad fcepalra Burgesa iSrondcn company, 15.1 Howard atreet. Fror Paruace or h?t water combination ror mruace or wat Huatlnb Omuiu Stove V-ui; ' Lxiujlda. Dili Tel. 'I Repair Works. Doug. 900, InJ, ia i. r tv..y main should have a safe place 'ti Kclv monty und valuables. A box In Hie Aii.iikuu tfuft. Uepoalt vaults In The )icn tuil'llng costs only tt a year or $1 ior tlu-eu months. '. To Sterilise rggs To sell appliances for ter:illng egjs the National Exg Sterlllrer nompary has filed articles of Incorpora tion with the countv clerk. The author ized capital stock Is 1,m Anton l.und gar.l. Will n. Smith and Andrew C. Rusk We the Incorporators. Board Pays Trlbnte to O'Keefe Out of ir'cspfct to Richard O Kcefe of South Omaha, a former mpniber of the onard whnNn wllo wan burled Saturday morring, the county board ndjourned without trans ai tlng any business. On motion of Brun Ing a committee was appointed, consisting of Brunlng. i:re and Rlggs. to pfepare uitabliv rcsoiullcna. The board will meet sgaln Monday. Thief Breaks Through Window During thr early morning hours Suturday a thief smashed the plate gloss 'window of the James Morton & Sans" hardware store. 151S Podg street, and stole nhout $18 worth of pocket knives. The store of F. K. Joy, 414 South Fifteenth street, was also visited by a burglar, who entered by Torturing Animals To Assist Science It A Cruel Method to Follow, But It Has Saved Many Human Lives. l;ruf. i awluw, of itiiss.a, was engaged iur many years In experimental work, try ing to learn tbe woiklnga of digestion, es pecially 'the dtgestiva glands. He., with able assistants, operated upon dogs, cats, guinea pta and other animals. - Ills methods were ssemlingly painful, but he ae to science a work which won tbe Nobel prize and made for hlra an undying mme, Science penetiated to secrets of nature. Prof; I'awlow saw animals digest food. Ha anallysed Juices from every part of the Uigetlvs canal and stomach under all con liiiioha. of digestion. He spent yeara of eikl.-a -tujy amid the howling and dying beaea, but lie Won, and aclence today looks upcxi hlni aa a great man. 'To' do a great right do a little wrong" Shakespeare said, and Prof. Pawlow obeyed llila , trite saying. Stuarfa Dyspepsia Tablets are prepared by the most modern scientific process. They sro produced. by modern apphsncus, and inel the demand of 80th century chmnlstry. They give man the means to correct hla inflrmltiea dt stomach and digestive organs. They enrich the blood, give nature the Juices .and fluids she lacks, stop tho for mation of noxious gases and the fermen tation of f ood They neutralize powerful acids and alkallea, which irritate and de vour the stomach. They prevent and r live bowel and lnteatlnal trouble and soothe .the nerves. They" should be used after every meal wh.thtfT oi has dysptpsla aad stomach trouble or the glomach be naturally healthy. ll their use one msy eat at ail hour and whatever oris desires and Jhey help ti.s syU" J 'i! or thrnw off such food. They sie ;huroughly meritorious aa their tiinruo''i' s sale and popularity Illustrate. Cvery d -. g store has thein for sale, price ZCv per l .w xaee. If jou would like to test ther ire. is free, eesid us your name and aidless vc! we will send you a trial rack ne by '- I without cust. Address f. A. ft;;m-t tJ ii giuait Uulldlng, Marshall. sW ,4 (A " of good that it I did. Mrs. Joseph Lscelle 124 Bronson St. Ottawa, East Ontario. Canada, wrltea: "I suffered with backache and head ache for over nine months and nothing relieved me until I took Peruna. This medicine is by far better than any other imdklne for these troubles. A few bot tles relieved me of my miserable, half, dead, half-alive condition. "X am now ta food health, have neither ache nor pain, nor have I had any for tho past year. If every suffering woman would take Peruna, they would soon know lta value and never be without It." Mrs. M. Kllner. !4S E. 36th St., 8. K, Cleveland, Ohio, writes: "I am enjoying good health since tak ing your medicine. I had suffered for good many years previous to taking Peruna, and ever since 1 can say that X do not know what headache or neuralgia is. I can most a-ssuredly ssy that any body afflicted with catarrh In any form can b cured by taking Peruna," smsahing a rear window, and stole mer chandise valued at $16. 1 Trousers Burglar at it Again For the first time In many weeks the police have received a report that the mysterious trousers' burglar has renewed his occupa tion. Friday night the burglar gained en trance to the residence of Peter Kletwlt, 8721 North Twenty-second street, and tak ing the trousers of the latter off a chair by the bed out Into the yard, the burglar took about 20 from the pockets and left the trousera on the back porch. Jilted Lover Makes Poor Bluff because the youi woman upon whom he had set his heart went to the carnival ground Wednesday night, Albeit Walther, who lives with the parents of the girl, bought n revolver and, going to the rear of the house, llred two shots and then asked tho girl to marry hlm.'wiiich she refused to do. He entered the house and fired two more shots Rt the floor. With solemn mien he stated to Judge Crawford that be waa firing at rats, but the testimony of several witnesses that no rats were to be seen caused Walther to be fined .S and costs. ' PARISH BUILDS SCHOOL HOUSE Board Awards Contract for Conatraaw Hon of ttaa Onisha View Building. After bring In executive session from 1 o'clock until 11, the Board of Education last night decided to award the general contract for the erection of the Omaha View school to W. H. Parish for tSS.953. subpect to certain deductions due to alter subject to certain deductions due to alter- tect. A number of bids were submitted. Before going into executive session the board decided to admit non-resident chil dren to the high school upon the pay ment of $47 for the years tuition. Under the recent free high school law providing that children residing In districts In which high schools are not maintained may at tend high schools in other districts, the district Is required to pay but 75 cents a week, or tli.bO a year, for the tuition of each child. The law, excepts schools where the cost of instruction is either greater or smaller, and for this reason the Omaha High school has been charging 1 1" for the year's tuition, the exact cost of In struction per pupil. The better facilities In the Omaha school makes the cost nearly double that In other high schools. State Superintendent McBrien sent a com munlcalloii to the board advising it that, according to hla ruling, the board could not hold other districts for the payment of the (28.(0 tuition per pupil as required by law. on account of the Omaha school be!tig of the higher and roatlier grade. The board therefore decided to charge the Individual pupils the entire $47, leaving It with the pupil to collect from his district the 75 cents a week provided by law for all pupils residing In districts where high school are not maintained. LEG CRUSHED BY THE CARS J. H. Sloddart, Prlater, la a Pre. cartons Coudltloa at St. Joseph's Hosultat. With his left leg badly crushed between the hip and knee and the possibility of fatal complications setting in. J. H.igtoddart. a printer who waa recently In the employ of the World-Herald, Ilea at St. Joseph's hoepltal In too aerioua a condition to un dergo the amputation of the injured member. While riding a freight car on which he hoped to get to Council Bluffs Friday afternoon, 8toddat fell between two cars and the wheels passed over his leg. The accident happened near the Paxton aV Gal Uglier warehouse Just east of the Tenth street viaduct. F.ngine Foreman Garry Sims and Engineer Plnan ssw Stoddart as the wheels passed over his leg and they picked him up afterwards and called the doctor. Tnllee Surgeon Smith had him taken to St. Joseph's hospltsl in the patrol wagon. but an operation could not be ssfely per formed last night on account of the man's weakened cond Hon. If he Improves todsy and no internal Injuries develop the leg will be amputated. It Is said that Stoddart Is a traveling printer, working only a ahort time In any city and then going tit another. He says I he has no home. b.it that his mother lives j s.'U.ewherv In it W . ? . w . . . . 4 ha iron " svi One Will Be Held t the Aadl. aad Other I Seat h 4ertam In Oaaakat Ira Oarea Air la Omaha. F'.srn for the two big Taft meetings to be held in Omaha and South Omaha Thura- day were discussed at a meeting of the county committee held at the court house Saturday afternoon. Chairman Frank Crawford announced he had turned many of the details of the meet ings over to the three members of the state committee. Istdor Zlegler, M. L. Learned and Otto Iirpton. Mr. Zlegler reported the Taft train would arrive In Omaha Thurs day evening at S.30 over the Missouri Pa cific and would be met by a large recep tion committee. Mr. Taft will be In Omaha until 10:80 Thursday night, when he will leave over the t'nlon Pacific. Meetings will be held In Omaha at the Auditorium and at South Omaha. Mr. Lepton, who has charge of the South Omaha meeting, said arrangements had been made to hold the meeting In the open air near the public library. If the weather Is good. If the weather is bad a room will be secured. At the Omaha Auditorium Senator Dolli ver and others will speak with Judge Taft, while at South Omaha A. W. Jefferls and other local speakers will address the crowd In sddltlon to the presidential candidate. Tho committee early next week will be gin the distribution of 5.000 lithographs of Taft, and they will be placed in business houses and homes. Taft Row" of Homes. W. I. Klerstesd aroused considerable en thusiasm, when he told about "Taft Row out In the north part of the city. "We have fourteen residences In a solid row, extending from Twentieth and Ames around to Twenty-second and Fowler, which will put Taft pictures In Jhelr win. dows. The fourteen houses contain twenty- three registered voters and every one of them is a rock-ribbed republican." Among some of the reeldents of 'Taft Row" are T. F. Stroud, W. I. Kleratesd Judge Duffle. James Cratg and J. B. Par- rott. Taft pictures will be put in the win clows of all the houses as soon as they can be secured. The committee discussed the advisability of polling the county and the matter was left by vote to the discretion of the execu tive committee. The committee adjourned to meet at th tall of the chairman. Information has been received that thousanda of people are coming to Omaha from the North Platte country for the purpose of hearing Mr. Taft speak and to give him an Idea of what Nebraska wtll do next November. Marshall T. Harrison of Dunbar, the re publican float nominee for the house from Otoe and Cass counties, was In Omaha Saturday on hla way home from Madison, Wis., where he attended the national farmers' congress and heard Mr. Taft speak last Thursdsy. Makes Hit With Farmers. "Mr. Taft made a favorable Impression on the congress," said Mr. Harrison. "He Is a most impressive speaker. He makes no oratorical spurts but his language Is classlo and ha ia Intensely In earnest. "In appearance he Is little like his pic tures. That la, the pictures give one the Impression he is an extremely fat man. Such Is not the case. Ke Is a big man, but he Is well proportioned and ia not In the least bulky as I hsd supposed. 'So far aa Nebraska is concerned, there Is only one danger to the republicans. That Is over confidence. I am told Sheldon will cany the state by an unheard of majority and that Taft will get from 25,000 to 30.000 majority. This Is bad from a republican standpoint because It will make the party workers too confident. "I have no doubt Taft will carry the state by a good majority and It will be Im possible to defeat George Sheldon, but re publicans should work Just as though they had a big fight on their hands." Colfax Is Coming-. Otto Zuelow, a deputy oil Inspector from CoTfex county, was In Omaha Saturday to see about the arrangements for the Taft meeting. "Everybody -from our part of the state will be here to hear Taft," aatd Zuelow. "We Just csn't slay away. Omaha will have one of the biggest crowds In Its his tory. "I am out In the state a great deal and there Is no doubt In my mind hut what Taft and Sheldon will get big majorities. In Colfax coimty the democrats say they will get 600 majority. If they are as badly off In all their predictions as they are oil Colfax county, they will not be In the run nlrg at all." Tom Hamer, a member of the last legis lature from Buffalo county, while here on business Saturday predicted big majorities for Taft and Sheldon In Nebraska. "Whi'o there seems to be no doubt that Taft and Sheldon will carry the atate by the usual msjorlties." said Mr. Hamer, "there la very little excitement In our part of the state over politics. In my opinion, this Is due to the satisfaction of the people with conditions as they exist now. The farmers are getting good prices for their products and the fact that they are net getting excited over the campaign Indicates to me they are satisfied with the way the republican party has attended to the af faire of the country." Itinerary of Taft Special. The Taft special, which will leave Sioux City next Wednesday morning for a three days' trip In Nebraska, will consist tofthe private cars "Constitution" and "Rlva." the compartment car Alabama and a North western baggage car. Eenator Dolliver of Iowa will Join the Taft party at Omaha. The Itinerary of the Taft special in Ne braska for the three days Is: Wednesday Leave Sioux Cltv. Ia.. over the C'liliago, St. Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha at 7 a. m.; flve-mlnute stops at Kmerson. Neb.: Wakefield, Wayne, Nor folk. Stanton. West Point, Scrlbner. Fre mont and Wahoo, arriving in Lincoln over ths 'Chicago A Northwestern at S p. m. Thursday Leave Lincoln over the Chi cago. Burlington 4 Quiney at T: a. m.; flve-mlnute slops at Crete, Wllber. DeWItt, Beatrice. Wymore and Pawnee, arriving In Falls City over the Chicago. Burlington & Qutncy at 12:10 p. m. Leave Falls City over the Missouri Pacific at 1I:S0 p. m.j flve-mlnute stops at Auburn, Nebraska City snd Plattsmouth. arriving In Omaha at I SO p. m. Leave Omaha on the Union Pactfia at 1015 p. m. Friday Arrive in North Platta over the Vnion Pacific at 1:45 a. m.. "central time. Leave North Platte over the Union Pacific at I a. m.. mountain time; flve-mlnute stop at Julesburg. Colo., arriving in Denver over the Union Pacific at p. m. Eirnnr ItUUrwt USE OF TELEPHONE Valae la Marlsg Tralaa Attested at Meeting; ef Railway Telegraph aaerlateadeata. Eighteen representatives of the most im portant lines west of the Ohio river re cently met In Chicago for the quarterly meeting of the western division of the Association of Railway Telegraph Superin tendents. Among the subjects brought before this netting as that In rtfrrnce to liie use Prices Owing to fortunate purchases during the past summer, fe have stooked our sales rooms with the very latest 1909 styles is case Assigns and exquisite finishes, and are able at this time to offer high-grade instruments of such celebrated manu. facture as Stegcr, Hardman, Mehlin, Emerson, McPhail, A. O. Chase and Schmollcr & Mueller, at prices from 8 to 40 below regular retail quotations. You will save from $100 to $150 selecting your piano from our stock. You will secure highest possible quality at lowest possible price. Genuine Bargains in Used Pianos Our stock of slightly used pianos' returned from rent, is'in the best condition at this time. Every piano has the appearance of a new one, and has been returned, re polished and is the greatest bargain in a used piano to ba had in Omaha. We quote only a few, more are to be seen in our sales rooms. $350 Sohmoller ft Mueller In a solid oak case. A No. 1 condition, used only a ahort time, the equal of a $135 $360 Fresbuxw, the sort of piano that will De appreciated in any nome. Take quick action to secure this in strument. Mahogany ttOIrt case. Special at : . . V $350 Kimball, an exceedingly good niairu.iianu walnut case, a ery 'It- tie inuiiry will nerure (1AA this. Special at 300 lnger, one of the best medium priced pianos In stock, ttortc walnut caae. Special at . . P V For immediate sale we offer 50 Organs at $5.00 and up; 25 Square Pianos at $10.00 and up. See our stock of new, used and Square Pianos and Organs before looking elsewhere. Courteous treatment guaranteed at all times to every visitor, whether a purchase is made or not. 1311-13 Farnam St. Established issa OIY2AHA, of the telephone in the dispatching and bicivkiijt of trains, a matter that has been under discussion and advocated by the association at every meeting since lSfu. Within tne last year a number of the lines represented have equipped a portion of their system with telephone facilities and the actual operation has fully demonstrated Its superiority, both aa to safety and flexi bility for the purpose Indicated. Tho telegraph superintendents unani mously endorsed and predicted Its general adoption In the very near future. At the present time something over 6.000 miles of railroad arc being handled successfully under telephone operation. v MRS. BELMONT A STORY WRITER Duchess of Marlborough's Mother May Also Write a "Society Novel. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, wldjw of tho capitalist and congressman, and mother of Harold S. Vanderbllt. the duchess of Marl borough and W. K. Vanderbllt. Jr.. la writing a book of chlldren'a stories ahlch probably wll be puhllshed in New York during the coming holidays. Mrs. Belmont is at the Hotel Rltz. tn Paris. She sailed for Europe In the Mauretanla with her sons on June 24, with the Idea of improving her health and of obtaining a much-needed rest. It la expected that ahe will return to New York next month. Mrs. Belmont la most fond of chUdnrn and slwaya rms been devoted to her own. It Is believed that her first venture In the reslm ! I nnntmnlaU anme fanciful childhood tales, passibly of an allegorical rature. Her Idea is to entertain, inmrun and point out wholesome little morals. Some of the stories may ssvor of t lie "Jack and the Bean etalk" variety, It Is said. . - n.imAnt la a wide reader and has quietly nursed her own particular literary rouse for years. Her aecineu aiiecnun mi children led her to hit upon the Idea of first writing a book cf juvenile stories, upon which she began late last spring. Friends say she has found a quiet recrea tion in continuing her work In Europe It Is said that ahe will dedicate her first book venture to her daughters and sons. The suggestion next tame to her that ahe try her hand at a "society novel" with a purpose and dealing with a problem. Whether Mre. Belmont has finally derided to esssy this literary ask has not been learned positively, but It was said recently by a friend of the family that It was quite likely she would, and that her second book would sppear next yeer. WYOMING MINES TO REOPEN Men and Operators Reaeh Agreement and Work Resaoaea la Maralsg. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sept. 24. (Special Telegram.) The eight thousand coal mlnera employed In the collieries of Wyoming, who went on atrike on September 1. will return to work tomorrow, a temporary agreement having been reached by the mine opera tors and lepfeieiitatlvca cf the I'nited Mine Workera of America at Chicago to day. The nature of the agreement Is not known at the headquarter cf the L'nl:n Paclflo Coal company In thle city. It la stated, however, that another conftrenre will be held in Cheyenne on September SO. at which time a permanent wage scale will be agreed upon. Without exception the mines of the stste will be tb'e to re sume in the morning, for the engineers, pumpmen and gas watches have been c in stantly at work since the st-tke oqcurreJ kiiu tveithl..f ih In ,Uii.v..' Every visitor to Omaha this week, residing within a radius of 500 miles, will have his, or her, railroad fare paid if they purchase a piano from the SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Secure a receipt from your agent when buying a ticket; bring this with you and present it to us after you have selected your piano. The full amount of your receipt will be credited on the piano purchased. on New Pianos $375 Erbe, a henutiful walnut cased piano a olg DsrgRln, considering the slight use it has had, end is worth attention. (C11C Special at 5pl03 $300 Kneller, not necessary to say much about this celebrated make, so well known to western music lov. ers. Mahogany cae. Special at $225 $328 Steger. This celebrated line needs no recommendntlon to west ern musicians. Wslnut COrifl case, upright. Special at..SWW $400 Xurtsman, celebrated the coun try over for reliability. Pome one will secure a most unusual value In this walnut cased C9CA upright. Special at Hrfc, Handsome Free Souvenir tree Concerts every DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Volume of Fall Business Increases Despite High Temperature. MORE FACTORIES RESUME WORK Cotton Goods All Higher Thau a Few Weeks Ago and V Uorom De mands for Woolens Hhs Arisen. NEW .YORic. Sept. SH.-R. CJ. Duns Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: While the temperature has been too high for best results hi fall trv.!e. the volume is steadily- increasing anil mrtnuf icturlng plants have extended operations still fur ther. There remalna :he drawhack of low water that retards some mill woik snd river transportation, while vjluable timber has been destroyed by forest fifes. Most jobbing houses report a tendency to pre pare for the future on a lsrger scale, and woolen mills have less Idle machinery, hut shoe shops find difficulty In securing tie higher prices nradu necessary by the firm leather market. Several orders cf Importance have been placed this week for finished steel and th! usual supply of small contracts apptared. but the waiting attitude Is still conspliuous among the large buyers, especially the rallwaya. Foreign- business Is now nearly normiii and much more steel is under con 'Y 7! r vV ai?hw fc .eTSn., .;. WPr ' ' j r ( Witon Rogers $ Sons o. Oldest and Largest Hardware and 8tovetore In Omaha. FOURTEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS. OMAHA ear -aajosMiB ' j'-grt w-gATyi, ssms n I . i ii m" ai..i - Reduced 25 $878 Bradford, a beautiful walnut caned piano, a most handsome in strument, first class In tone, work manship and finish. II C Special at $300 J. ft a Tlsher, large slae nprtrht. Once you have looked this over and noted Its beauty, there -will he no hesitation about buy- C1"7R Ing. Special at Jp I 3 $400 C. A, Smith, upright. Those who desire an ebony finish snd at the same time secure a good Instru ment will find It in 1f this. Special at $350 Keed ft Bona, an upright, oak case with a thoroughly good reputi tlon. Insuring satisfac tion to you. Special at. $115 fo Every Visitor This Day and evening sideration for export. Including rails fir Canada. Aa a rule, however, the railway are not buying beyond absolute necessities Borne Improvement has occurred In the frimary markets for dry goods, although he situation is nut radically changed. A few lines of cottons are being tiken more freely, buyers showing a readiness to op erate for curient needs and the statistical position is s, lengthened by the curtailment of production. Mills are beginning to re sume moio generally In this country, and prices are somewhat higher than a few weeks ago on many dlscrlpttons. Only small xport orders are reported, but this business will improve 'if Lancashire mills continue idle. As to woolens, a vigorous demand for heavyweights haa arisen. There are also some duplicate orders fo.' lightweight worsteds and the general dis position of clothelrs Is to buy more liber ally. Footwear manufacturers In New England report that supplemental contracts for ea aunahle lines come in slowly, and the d'ia position of Interior buyers is to defer op erations a few weeks longer. While- some makers of low and medium gradea arn abl? to operate factories full time, there Is not enough business In fine goods to maintain all machinery. Leuther Is less active, buy era operating only for Immediate needs. Tanners maintain prices, with heavy sil leather the only active feature. BRADSTREKT'S RRVIEW OF TR A IJU """ Conservatlsni Still Roles la Whole sale and Jobbing; Lines. NEW YORK. Sept. 2&.-Bradstr'eet's to morrow will say: While events trend toward general if slow improvement, conservatism still mles purchasing in wholesale ard .lobbing lines and in several centers, fall trade, notably Piano Stoves and Ranges You know that a jjoort gtove Is a real economy. You do not have to buy more, than one or two stoves In a lifetime, if you buy good ones. Think besides of all they save in fuel and repairs. Tbe unequaled reputation of Radiant Homo Stoves for durability, economy and perfection of operation places them far In advance of all other makes, end they cost no mora than others. Do not fall to examine these. ' Radiant Home Base Burners. Radiant Home Hot Blasts. Radiant Home Steel Ranges. Radiant Home Cook Stoves. We are sole agents 'j n Omaha. Stoves and Ranges sold on payments. 1 '""j "jMh. -.- - ij 1 ' to 40 $385 ITorwood, mahogany case. One of the best bargains we offer at tnis time, vou must see It to sp- preclate It. Special at $165 $875 Arlon, a beautiful upright In walnut. An unusual bargain when you take into considers tlon the tone. quality and lta hand- (CITf A aome outline. Special a .. M 1 $850 Emerson, walnut upright; out only six months. You would not know but what It Is a StCA new Instrument. Special ,Y'9W $450 H. ft O. X.indeman. You will want this piano as soon as you see it. We have only one of this make. so you must apeak Si9"9K. quick. Special at 9 Week NEBRASKA isa. in dry goods, has passed Its maximum. Taken as a whole trade, though In a few Instancea equal to a year ago at this date, ia still generally below the normal and the approach of the election it as a tendency to discourage all but absolutely necessary purchases. Western trade advices are good as a whole, tnough house trade Is on the wan and traveling salesmen are relied on to tak care of reorder buslnesa There is very gen eral agreement that stocks are small :i retailers hands and color to ' this Is given by the many orders given for immediate snipment. which throws unusual burdens In turn on Jobbers, wholesalers and manu facturers. Pacific coast trade reports and thote received from the spring wheat north west are generally encouraging. BOUT hern reporta are rather more irregular, but the rapid movement of cotton to market tendi to help southern trade and collections ta some extent, although the contrast In the price of cotton, wbleh is new SV4 cents lower sb compared with a year ago, is a drawback to the trade. There la rather more doing at the larger eastern market In some kinds of men's wear fabrics and foreign dress fabrics. Food products, such as groceries and meats, are also relatively morn active. The leather tradea are quiet, hides sre dull, but firm, while shoe orders arn not equsl to expectations. business failures in the T'nlted States for the week ending Beptember 24 number JfiT. against 3MI last week, VX In the Ilka week of 1907. 163 In 1H0, 16 In 196 and 179 In 1914. Failures In Canada for the week number Z2, against 25 last week and Sti ID the llko week of 1D07. . Corn exports for the week are 6.M2 bush els, against 12,443 bushels last week and 1.19B lisj bushels In 1907. For the thirteen weeks r ndlng September 24, the corn porti sre ?MKl bushels, sgalnst lt.SOS.WS bushels In the same period last year. ewatsf i 1-"V. w r .'.r.f.'.w, A .hf)mmuuw.i ,.jh Va-jji; i'M, PrtttA ft? i4 v. 2Z