Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, WANT AD SECTION, Page 11, Image 43

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Trtnuactioni Were Lirely and All
Valuei Were Well Sustained.
Urrrlpts Coatlna flood and Are
Mkrl To far om Time W rat-
ra Ralaa Caae Bear
a atlaarat.
OMAHA. Sept. H, IMS.
Grain transactions were lively for a Sat
urday market and valuta all alone the
line were well sustalnsd In taoe of plenty
of week-end profit taking by speculators.
Racelpta continue good and are likely to
for eome time to coma.
Western ralna are causing some bearish
Wheat opened firm to higher and made
some it. In early In the sesaljn, but persis
tant selllns; and continued heavy northwest
receipts showed a decline at the close.
December wheat opened at 960 and closed
at SVto.
Corn opened higher and held firm on rood
cash demand and light offerings.
liuylng of the distant futures was favored
and values closed at the high point. De
cember opened at lV4c and closed at lHc.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,116,000 bu.
and shipments were 1.7M.000 bu., against
receipts last year of 978,000 bu. and ship
ments of 784,000 bu.
Corn receipts were I7R.CO0 bu. ajvt ship
ments were al,ono bu., against receipts last
gear of 844,000 bu. and shipments of 162,000
Clearances were none of corn, none of
oats and wheat and flour equal to s,000 bu.
Liverpool closed unrhanKed to Hd lower
for wheat and Mi lower for corn.
neaboard reported 900,000 bu. of wheat
taken for export.
Local range of options:
Articles.! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloaa. Yes'y.
5H 95H 96H 6H
7H 73H
Ufc tVfc 61 , 1
491 4W wHi 4dJ Wk
Omaaa t'uk rrleaa.
WiriBAT No. a hard. SK96c: No. S hard,
31HHo; No. 4 hard, 34c; No. S spring.
Mfffto; no grade. c
CORN-No. J, TSc; So. t, TSc: No. 1 yeV
low, 7C3Wc; No. 2 white, 74474Hc; No. S
white, 7474o.
OATS No. I yellow, 46W4fic; No. 4
yellow, 46g4oHo; No. I white. 4Se47c;
No. 4 white, 46e.
HTE No. t 734T74c; No. , nOTSc.
BARLEY No. , 66c; No. 4. 64c
CaLrlot Keeisi.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 45 194 217
Minneapolis 781
Omaha 12S 46 70
Duluth fM
Feat ures) ( tfc Trad las; and Closlnsj
Prices) est Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept 24. The net result of a
quiet session of the wheat market today
was a slight decline. He for December.
Corn and oats) gained Vifc-o and provisions,
The volume of wheat which changed
hands today was small, and the range of
prices narrow, never getting far below
or above last night's prices. The news
of the day was not exciting. Export mles
were placed? at 87 loads. Snow and rain
prevailed In parts of North Dakota and
northwestern Minnesota, and Atchison,
Kan., reported the first rain In that section
In seventy-five days. Monday's receipts at
Minneapolis and Duluth were expected to
be heavy. December was closed c under
yesterday at I1.0H4, Seaboard clearances
In wheat and flour were equal to 686,000
bushels. Primary receipts. 1,916,000 buehels,
compared with 978,0u0 bushels a year ago.
Local carlots were 46 cars, six of contract
grade. Total receipts at Minneapolis, Du
luth and Chicago were 1,394 cars, against
1,843 last week and 746 a year ago.
Corn was dull, easy early, but firm
later. Support was good because of pre
diction of frost. Local receipts numbered
194 cars, 67 of contract grade. The ship
ping demand was fair.
After a few early sales there was no pres
sure on the oats market, and prices were
maintained with little effort In the stag
nant condition of trade. Cash oats steady
Local receipts were 217 cars.
Save for the selling of October lard the
provisions market was neither interesting
nor active today. Closing prices, H4y7Ho
over yesterday, were Indicative rather of
lack of pressure than support.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
31 cirn- 167 : oat ISO cars. Hogs,
26,001) head.
The leading futures ranged as follows-
Artlclea. Open. High. Low. Closs. les'y.
Sept. Dec.
Sept. Dec.
1 OH 1 00'
1 01 4
1 00
i oi v,
1 04
1 00
X om
1 04V4
1 00
1 014
1 04H
81 01 Hi 1 01'i
1 H"I
m 04'4 1 04
m I 7QL.
79V 79
,66Hffl4liU.''n4k Hit
lSWH4lSMJ'il ih
4874! 4844 JjiU 148 fl"A
4Wi 4SI. 4WrjV
IS 174 IS 80
15 16 IS 26
16 26
16 82V4
1 774
16 77 W 90
16 774 16 W
16 tt't M 86
16 TIVsl 16 86
10 17H
I 85
8 80
I 90
10 25
9 90
9 90
10 174 10 ?S I 10 174
s-"4l 74 9 85
8 874i t 90 9 90
9 fr.'H
8 HO
9 90
8 86
8 974
t 8-'4
8 86
8 924
8 874
8 wvi
Ko. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOL'R firm; winter patents, I4.154M75
tralahta, .1.90-.,4.(; clears. W.fc.bO; sprlna
patents IVS.Viri.flO; straights, W.oum.!
bakers. $;.!sor04.M. '
W1IKAT v,, i spring, 98011.07; No. 2
red, tl olVal.02.
VcRSS' 7"Sllc: No- 1 yow, 80j
OATS-No. I white. 60c.
RYE No. 2, 7btt'7bc.
?l,1'KY Fair choice malting. 69fi61c.
BEh.Dii-.Klax, No. 1, 1.14Mvl.23; No 1
northwestern, 1.244. Timothy, prime, 83.15
(BJ.A. Clover, contract graaes, 89 00.
IS.62ilO.Oo. Mess pork, per bbl.. J15.26.js
1?7V,,.uLrd per 100 ,b- WO.S. Short clear
Sides (boxed), J10.2&& 10.60.
Following were the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
25. WW 61.0U0
1 ,000 97.0U)
2f7.0ii0 261.UW)
3A1.1U) SM,0j0
Flour, bbla..
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
)ata, bu
Hye, bu
liarley, bu.
. .1S3.(B0 32.01)0
On the Produce i(hin ia u . k . i....
ter market was firm; creameries. 19'24c:
dalrlea l ,,. Ekks. firm; at mark, cases
deluded. U,() l9o; fusts. 22c; prime firsts. Uc
Clieose, firm; 124gl3Vc.
. St. UU Ueatnl Market.
TL. 'V:ria-x.WV S"PU M WHEAT
eak; track: No. 2 red cash, llWWyluiU-
May SJHisa" Member, J1.01-Ji
CORN-ateady; track: No. 2 cash 78c-
?w'hlt,ebeIcWifU3,'4C: My" 63,',i!i:'c': No-OATS-Steady
; trark: No. 2 cash 4Uc-
December, 4V; May, 6ivc; No. a' while'
ItVE-Stesdy. 79c.
FLOl'R 1rni; red winter patents J4 -
iarfW ""Cy traiht' W-6UU4.36;
6KKD-Tlmothy, J2.254j3.25.
l(KANUel' "cked- ,8t tr'k. J1.00O
rle'lT1 t,mthy' ":
tif-l!VI? 10Sw- 'oY,l tly: Jobbing.
Lasd, higher; prime steam. 10J7
JH'.17 Dry sail meals (boxedt, fir,,,
,xlr horts, J112V; clear ribs. JU IL'W:
short t-lears J.l.a, Bacon (buedi. firni
ciVa'rs.'lir!'11" Plr
l-Ol'-LTRY-Qulet; chickens. 10c: springs,
18c: turkeys. li-; duks. ivmn4o: K..e L
JJI'TTEK Quiet; creamery, lV
lXJG-8teudy; H,c. rase count.
... ... Kecelpts. Shipments
wTT ll,'u M ( '"
J hut bll (Ci., Hi0
Vrn- b' w.j.rt ino
'. I'U 113.1M) 6J00
MlaaeasHolls Grata Market.
1 hard, H.te4il.0ai No. J norther Ii04'i
M.04U; No. t northern. J1.02V471 C2'4: Bod
iemt)e,. J101V; D enilx-r, ..ui, May,
mtAN-ln bulk, r00.
KlXJL H Stesjy; first patents. J5 76JS 90;
second patents, an 0p 75. first clears, 4 4o; second clears. J8 m.Q& .
taotatloMB ef the Day Varloes
( om niodltlrs.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2 .-KIX)UR-Recelpts,
2.444 bbls.; exports, S.6.S bbls.; marKrt quiet
but firm; Aiuincsota pntents. I6.40ti.i;
Mlnnesoiu bakers, 4.3tv''"; winter pat
ents, 4.M4.8S; winter siralglits, J4.2C4.46;
winter extras, J3.rti3.W; winter low grades,
Ja.ftiKu3.xo. Rye flmir, scady; fair to good,
4A(ii4.40. Huckwlitat flour, quiet at J.lo per loO lbs.
CORN M KA L Steady ; fine white snd yel
low, J1.76l.0; coarse, Jl.664il.70; kiln dried,
RYE Dull; No. 2 western, M4e, nominal,
c. I. f. Ruffalo.
BARLEY Steady; malting. 60lc, c. I. f.
WHEAT Receipts 97,ono lu; exports,
12J.939 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2 red,
J1.0841.0B4, elevator; No. 2 red. Jl.iK'4
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth,
J1.14 . f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter,
J1.12H f. o. b. afloat. On account of big
northwest receipts wheat opened easier to
day, but recovered on a good cash Inquiry
Snd commission house support, closing ty
4c higher; September, $1.104. closed $1 10;
December, Jl.lOH'&l.lOH. closed Jl.10; May,
Jl. 11 'ill 114. closed Jl.ll4.
COUN-Recelpts, 9.675 bu.; spot market
steady; No. 2, 86c, nominal elevator, and
8fi4c, nominal, delivered. Option market
was firmer on cold weather talk and closed
g4c net higher. September closed 86c;
December closed 77c; May, closed 74c.
OATS Receipts, 4.600 bu.; exports, 8,436
bu.; spot market steady; mixed, 26 to 32
pounds, 63c; natural white. 26 to 30 pounds,
6S4jS6c; clipped white, 32 to 40 pounds.
FEED Steady; spring bran, J24.60; mid
dling, J26.10; city, J24.80.
HAY Dull; good to choice, 7075c.
HOPS Dull; state, common to cholre,
1W7, 4fT7c; 1(6, 25c; Pacific coast, 1907,
67e; 106, Jic.
HIDES-Steady: Hogota, 16V5174c; Cen
tral America, 164190.
PROVISIONS-Heef. quiet; family. J1S.75
17.60; mess, JlS.f.KTiH 00; beef hams, J25.0t,d
81.00; packet, J15.0Kfi 16.00; city extra India
mess, J24.60ijr;5.oo. Cut meats, steady; pick
led hams, ll,iS12r. Lard, quiet, western,
llO.OlVJi 10.70; refined, steady; continent,
J11.00; compound. J7.75(frs.i5. Pork, steady;
family, IO.(Wij'21.O0; mess. $17.2517.75.
TAILOW Firm: country (packages free).
641MVic. Cottonseed oil, steady; prime
crude, 2e.
RICE Easy; domestic, fair to extra, 3
6c; Japan, nominal.
NF7W YORK. Sept. 26.-POTTT,TRY Alive,
dull; apriruj chickens, 14c; fowls, 14c; tur
keys, 14c. Dressed, quiet; western spring
chickens, IBlSc; fowls, 14gi4c; spring
turkeys. 2og22c.
'BUTTER Firmer; creamery specials,
26v; extras, 244260.
CHEESIC Firm; state, full cream spe
cials, 134fl44c: state, small, colored or
white, fancy, lie; state, large, colored or
white, fancy, 124c; state, good to prime,
12&124c; state, common to fair, 1040110;
state, skims, 2&104c.
KQG8 Steady: state, Pennsylvania anJ
nearby fancy selected white. 32$ 34c; same,
fair to choice, 2g31e; brown and mixed
fancy, 28?30c; same, fair to choice- 25-27c.
Fair and Colder, with Frost and Con
tinued Cold.
OMAHA. Sept. 26. 1908.
The western trough of low pressure has
moved slowly eastward and extends this
morning from the upper Mississippi valley
south over the lower Missouri valley to
Texas. It la followed by an area of de
cidedly high pressure that has spread over
the west and northwest. Rains are general
west of the Mississippi river to the moun
tains, and snows continue In the mountain
districts and northwest. Temperatures are
decidedly lower In the Missouri valley and
west Into the mountains, and the weather
will be colder In this vicinity tonight, with
probably frost and continued cold Sunday,
with fair tonight and Sunday,
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
1908 1907 1906 1905
Minimum temperature 64 61 65 67
Precipitation 01 .00 T .00
Normal temperature for today, 62 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March
1, 2.69 Inches. r - -
Deficiency for corresponding period , In
1907, 7.13 Inches. -
Deficiency for corresponding period In
1906, 2.28 Inches.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Corn and Wheat Region, Bulletin.
For the twenty-four hours ending at J
a. m., 76th meridian time, Saturday, Sep
tember 26, 1908:
Temp. Raln-
Statlons. Max. Mln. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb 83 61 .50 Cloudy
Auburn. Neb 8 66 .00 Cloudy
Broken Bow, Neb. 85 69 2.12 Cloudy
Columbus, Neb... 70 4ti .83 Raining
Culbertson. Neb.. 87 S9 .03 Clear
Falrbury, Neb.... 78 61 .80 Cloudy
Fairmont, Neh.... 74 45 .96 Cloudy
Fairmont. Neh.... SO 44 .36 Cloudy
Ur. Island. Neb... 80 44 A3 Cloudy
ttartltigton. Nil). 75 44 1 46 Raining
Hastings, Neb.... 81 43 .55 Cloudy
Hoklrege. Neb.... 88 39 .52 Cloudy
Oaktia.e. Neb 79 44 .72 Raining
Omaha, Neb 83 64 .01 Cloudy
Tekamah, Neb.... 83 60 .20 cloudy
Alia. Ia 83 51 .10 Cloudy
Carroll, la 85 66 .00 Cloudy
Clarlnda. Ia 85 65 .00 Cloudy
Sibley, la 80 60 .71 . Raining
Sioux City, Ia... 80 48 .72 Raining
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at J a. m.
No. of Temp Rain.
Central. Stations. Max. Min. Inches.
Chicago, 111 26 88 62 .00
Columbus, 0 18 92 66 .00
Dps Moines, la.... 14 86 66 T
InolunupollH, lnd.. 12 93 68 . 00
Kansas City, Mo.. 20 64 62 .18
Louisville, Ky 19 90 60 .00
Minneapolis. Minn. 25 C9 48 .60
Omaha, Neb 19 82 6'J .50
St. Louis, Mo 12 90 64 .00
The weather is decidedly colder west of
the Missouri river. Good rains have fallen
in the western portion of the corn and
wheal region.
L. A. WELSH. Lccal Forecaster.
LIVERPOOL. 8ept. . WHEAT-Spot,
itrniiv- Nil 8 r w1 western wlnl.r ? n. I . kta
1 California, 8s 2d; futures, quiet; Septem
ber, 7s lOd; December, 7s 9.d; March, 7s
CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, 7s
4d; futures, quiet; October, 6s lOd; Decem
ber, 6s 87d.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Sept. 28. CORN Higher; No.
2 white, 79c; No. 2 yellow, Tttc; No. J
yellow. 794c; No. 8, 7c; No. 4. 78ic
OATS Firm; No. 1 white, 4844490; No.
J white, 474&'48o.
WHISKY 41.37.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAl'KFS, Sopt. 26. WHEAT Mar
ket higher; No. 1 northern. Jl.0Mtfl.0-i'
No. 2 northern, J1.07-,; December, Jl.Ol'k
CORN Steady: December, 6c, bid
BARLEY Dull; sample, 5(j64c.
Duluth Grata Market.
Dl'U'TH, Sept. 26.-WHE-4.T-No. 1
northern. J1.04V, No. 2 northern. Jl.01'4;
Peptemher. Jl.03'4; December, Jl.02'4; May.
Jl.;'v; U tntHT, 1.04.
OATS 4ic.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 26.-WHEAT-Un-changeil
to lc lower: Heptemher, !4?ic; De
cember, Stc; May, SSc: cash, No. 3 hard,
fk.wijl.uiji; No. 3 hurd, Wu9;v; No. J
red, Jl.04til.06; No. 3 red. Jl.oigil.tti.
CORN Unchanged to c lower; beptem
bei. ,3-c; December, l8'c; May, 09-',c;
cash. No. 2 nilxcC, 72,c; iso. 3 ni xed, 7 'vi
jlic; No. 2 white, 74Vu7ic; No.' J while.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 4&t9c
No. 3 mixed, 47u46e.
RYK 7kc.
HAY Easy; chcli e timothy, J9-u04f 10.00:
choice prairie, Js.2Mi8.50. '
ULTlKiH-Hiin; eieamery, :3'4c; packlim
stock, 16c.
EJUS Hrra; fresh extras, 23c; current
receipts, 18c.
.... . Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 29.6 v l32,ouo
J- ,rn' u 21.000 4,uo
Osis, bu la.uuo 9, (Ml
Quotations at Kansas City, furnished by
Logan &. Uryan. 113 Board of Trade:
ArtU'lcs. Open. High.l Low. Close.
Lec. . .
May ...
Dec. May ..
96,! 96'
8 99
58'J 69
60 .60
58! LVi.
Boost your business with bee Want Ads.
Market it Weak, but Flnctnatiom Are
Lesi Violent.
peetarnlnr Movement for Rise Rt
salts la "harp Reaction Kali
road i Are Retrench
NEW YORK, 8ept. 2.-The narrowing
ructuatlona In today's stock market fol
lowed the usual precedent after the more
exciting and violent fluctuations of the
earlier part of the week. A downward
plunge In prices, followed by a rebound of
corresponding violence, is almost Invariably
followed by a succession of decreasing
swings leading to a subsidence Into dull
ness and a pauso to await new Issues. No
news.neW '8U'" wero Presented in today's
The lack of authoritative confirmation for
the rumors of contemplated plans for sup
plying the Rock Island system with nee.ded
capital put the spectacular movement In
the securities of that company under sus
picion of a stock device. Their advance
hurt rather than helped the urgent move
ment, which showed weakness even before
the sharp reaction In the Rock Island Is
sues themselves. The mercantile agencies
reported an Important Improving tendency
in commercial affairs, but In conservative
faahlon. Growing attention Is given to the
radical reduction being effected by rall
" ,hf ' operating expenses. Reports
on 172.136 miles of mileage for July show a
cut In operating expenses, compared with
ast year, of Ja0.690.878. against the decline
1? rrr?!v? ea,rnlneT of 127.212,110. The Flnan
ilV .h?nLcle Plnt "ut the important
tact that the comparison now la with th
period last year when expenses were on
?!f.,ordlnVy cale owl" to conRestlon
fl n1 urgency of shipments, so
VL ;pnmlcal measures were then Im
Phf? .If- con"non knowledge also
Jl he ""roads are keeping repair work
SJmpI?vern"8 down lo ,he lowest point
practicable The largest decrease In sur
LL " 'r'lerht cars occurred In the
Lln week September 16. for any
similar period since the reduction began,
jne American Railway association report
ing a reduction tn that time of 50.562 cars,
of 4i?tea;r of.f4?SH! from the """tlmum
.lrf d.w.not fl'n,re ln th surplus equip
ment In this computation, and here also a
balance must be made for the substitution
?Lood from ,he ldIe enulpment to
eave or defer expense of repairs
changed on csll during the week.
on the Stock exchange today:
, , , . Sales. Hlrt. Low. close.
Amalgamated Copper U.soO 7RU ;i
Am"r'n Car Found.. l,no i iti j
Prefrre4 j) Jv m 10J
Amerlran Cotton Oil loo 44 I4U 3IU
American Hide A L. pfd JJ
Amarlran Ice Beeurltlea .. 200 X T4 2oti
Amorlean Unseed lo
American Locomotive 1,300 464 4V4 44
Praf erred ,.
Amertran Smell. A Rfng.. 1,O00 nil 8s" i6u
Preferrad i0- 2
American Sugar Rsftnlnt lJUtt
American Tobacco pfd 94 u
American Woolen 100 tt ijii xlu
Anaconda Mining Co 1.600 4t 44 2
Atchiaon iSo u ,7vi
r referred , 3i&
Atlantic Coaat Mn ., ....
Baltimore Ohio l.joo t7 H M
.. SO
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt .. l.ors) 47'4 474 47S
Canadian Pacific 900 J72v 17?4 17?4
Central Leather .
. 25H 16, 25
Central of New Jenay
Cheaapeak A Ohio ...
Chicago Great Weatern
IW W S3 V4
100 40 ,
74 7 7
Chicago A Northwestern ..
Chicago, Mil. A St. Paul.. 5.100 1S.V4 1U 1S3U,
C., C. C. A St. Louis .. 10O 63. M M
Colonulo Fuel A Iron 1,300 84 iH 13V
Colorado A Southern 4.S09 ai M svl.
lat preferred ..
id preferred 0TjL
Conaolldated Gas 18.SD0 Hti 145 14S
Corn Producta j7u
Delaware A Hudson 200 1S im' mi
Dnar A Rio Grande .. 204 I7T4 r7
Preferred .... 35
Distillers' Securities 100 111, Slii
Br, l.JW i4 S iH
1st preferred 1,000 4.14 4.1 4iV4
id preferred 100 85(4 jju
General Electrlo
Great Northern pfd 7,200 ISO'4 12914 l'ji
Great Northern Ore. ctfa.. 7C H14 S7, 67.
Illinois Central Joo 118s, lit, US
Interborougn Met l.ea) 10', 104 ina;
preferred 1.800 12 u? 32
International Paper au.
Preferred 5
International Pump 300 22 214 224
Iowa Central ew 184 J814 isu
Kansas City Southern 17
Preferred diu
Loulallle A Naahvllla J04
Minneapolis aVSt. Louis .... 00 trv, 27 H If
M.. St. P. A B. St. M 00 120V4 IIM4 lH
Mliaourl Pacific u0 63 M 12
Mlmourl. Kanaas A Teiaa.. 1.4U0 54 10H tou
Preferred ml
National Lead (,(00 85 8.14 M14
New York Central 700 10414 10314 Wa4
New York. Ont. A Weal.... 400 40. 40 :i4
Norfolk A Weitern 100 724 724 7214
North American 300 GS'fc 8I14 4
Norlhern Pacific 1.SU0 lr7'4 ls'iaz
Paclfio Mall 31
Pennsylvania 400 12214 UlH 12114
People's Gas 45
Plttiburg. C. C. A St. Louis 74
Pressed Steel Car ii
Pullman Palace Car i3
Railway Steel Spring .... i7u
Reading 4.S0O HHT4 127 127
Republic Steel 100 tl 23 21
Preferred wo 7114 7814 78
Rock Island Co 7."0 to 18 1(14
Preferred 78JOO 41 18 8u
St. Louis A San P. 2d pfd 700 2ji 2414 28
8t. Louis Southwestern .... 100 17 17 1
Preferred 441
Sloss-Sheffleld 8. A 1 0014
Southern Pacific 20.100 108T4 102 IOS14
Preferred 114
Southern Railway 21 21 2114
Preferred 100 124 M M
Tennessee Copper 800 28 U ls
Texas A Pacific 231,
Toledo, St. Louis A West tb
Preferred 600 S 59 69
Union Paclfto 53,800 1581, 1(7 1&
Preferred 84
t'nlted States Rubber .... 100 10 10 iu
lat preferred 100 W W 88
t'nlted States Steel 15,800 45 4A14 45
Preferred 1.600 1014 u8 105
I'tsh Copper 600 4214 41 41
Virginia-Carolina Chero 2
Preferred 108',
VYabaah J2
Preferred 100 21 25 2S
Wecltnghoute Electric 75
Vl.-stern Union 100 ) so 84
Wheeling A Laka Erie 8
Wisconsin Central SOO 21 21 17
Total sales for the day, 180,100 shares.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2o.-MONEy On call,
nominal. Time loans, dull and easy; sixty
days, 2tj- per cent; ninety days, I per
cent; six months, SVs per cent.
per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE fairly steady,
with actual business In bankers' bills at
4.86&-4.8606 for sixty day bills and at KW6
$M.8ti40 for demand; commercial bills, tl.84
SILVER Bar, 51He; Mexican dollars, 45c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on New York bonds
were as follows:
V. 8. ref. la re. ...HW Japan 44s M series.. 84
do coupon ..........l'4 L. A N. uul. 4s .... ft
I'. 8. la reg '."1 Man. con. gold 4a.... 98
do coupon I'll s.Meilcan Con. 4s.... 81
U. 8. 4a reg :l 'do 1st Inc i
do coupon i:.-t Minn. St. L. 4s.... 78
Am. Tobacco 4a 75 M.. K. A T. 4a ....-.
do a I104 edo Me 14, a gen. 4a ....101N. R. R. of M. e. 4e. 83
do ad. 4a 44 N. Y. On. gen. l,a 2
do cy. 4a Jt !. J. ( an. gen. 6a . 1.1
de ct. ia I'Xi'i North. Paclfto 4a ....10.!
Atantlc C. L. 4a 8414 do 3a 73
Bait, a Ohio 4a Ul 'Nortulk A W. con. 4s
do !4a J Ore. S. L. rfilg 4a . .. 4
Brook. R. T. ci. 4a.. )414Penn. c. la, Uli. 84
Cen of Georgia it . -1" do con. 4s 1341,
do 1st luc rt Reading gen. 4a ....
do Id Inc 41 Hp. of Cuba ts ... US',
Chra. e Ohio 41,. . . .lul "Hi. L. A 1. M. c. 6a 14
( bl. A Alton Slta ... HvjBi L. A 8. f. fg 4a. Ii
C. B. Q. new 4e.. 88gi. L. 8. W. eon. 4a 14
C, K. 1. A P. col. 6s 71 S.a. Air L. 4a 65
do rfdg 4a 49 South. Pacific 4s .... til
CCC. A Su L. g. 4a . do lat 4a io
Colo, loduetrial 5a .. 74' Southern Ry. 6a 101 V,
"Colo. Midland 4a ... 45 Teias A Pac. Lets.. 1. -J',
Rlo. A Southern 4a.. 84 T., St. L. A W. 4a.. it!,
Itcla. A Hud. c. fnloa Pacific 4a Io;4
licnver A Rio G. 4s 1.1 do cv. 4a 4:44
Krle prior lien 4a.. sT 11. 8. Steel 2d 6a U1S
do gen. 4a 71 Wahash lata 1"
llmk. Val. 4',a .... Weuern Md. 4a "j
Inter. Met. 4 lis 4'Wha(l. ALB. 4a.. 74
Japan 4a wia. Cen. 4s
do 4a su1,
Uld. Offered.
Bask Clrarlace.
OMAHA, Sept. 26. Bank clearings for to
day were Si.CJl.oOh.M and for the corres
ponding dale turn year ll.S.'-S.CJsls.M.
1S8 li7
Monday $2.32'i,440 V 12.129. 479.96
Tuesday l,hnK.23o.77 2,u4,21f.3
Wednesday 2.'J2.1?0.47 I.lil73t9
ThursJay 2.064 919 07 2.0il.7'j5.S
Friday 1 Hf.l.'.ll.ffl 1,741,976 .02
Suturdsy l,fil.oui.u l.Ui.oSo.Ss
ri.!.7UII.71 111.703.179 24
Increase over the corresponding week last
year, llj.i.'9.47.
Merefcaadlae aaal Specie.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2s. Imports of mer
chandise and dry woods at lha oort of New
York for the wee endlns) Beptemrwr M
were vainrn at iw.spi.z. imorts or specie
were l1.9f8 sllt-er and i740 sold Krrorts
of specie were lhlO.018 sliver and VtJ.12i
I.oiidna t'loalna- Stochs.
I.ONtON. Sept. X-Amerlrari securities
were somewhat irrtsular early on the 8to k
exrhanpe here today. In sympathy with
Wall street and on the expectation of a
less favorable New York bank statement.
Knlr buying hardened quotations, but rea
lizations caused a slight reaction and the
market finished steady.
London Closing Stot-ks:
Consols, money 8 M . K. A T 41
do account SB N. Y. Central 108
Anaconda Norfolk A W 741,
Atchison do ptd M
do pfd 714 Ontario W 41
Rsltlmore a Ohio.... Pennsylvania .'
Cansdian Pacific 177 Rand Mines '
Chesapeake A 0 1 Reading
Chicago G. W J Southern Ry 1.. Jl-4
Chi.. Mil. A St. P...1JX'4 do pfd oil
De Reers Mi Southern Pacific 14
Denver A Rio O 214Vnlon Pacific 1&2
do pfd M'4 d pfd 80
Erte loV. S. Steel
do let pfd 44 do ptd 1I34
do id pfd U Wabash 11
Grand Trunk 43 do pfd M
Illinois Central 143 Spanish 4a 43
LoulsTllle A N 18 Amal. Copper 7
SILVER Bar. quiet at 23d per ounce.
MONEY per cent.
The rate of discount ln the open market
for short hills Is 1 per cent; for three
months' bills, 1 per cent.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON, Sept. 26 Money, call loans W
t per cent; time loans, , wiVM per cent.
Cloning quotations on stocks and bonus
Atchison ad). 4s ... 12 Adrentura 8
do 4s Ailouai 14
Atchiaon 7H Amalgamated 74
do pfd K-. Atlantic Wi
Roelon A Albany ....217 Bingham 10
Boston 4 Maine ....125 Calumet A Hecla ...445
Boston Elevated 122 Centennial )'4
ritchburg pfd 113 t opper Range 7k
Mexican Central 14 Daly Wast i
N. Y., N. H. A H....14I Franklin 12
Union Pacific 1571, Oranby
Am. Arse, ( hero 17 Isle Royale 23
do pfd . . li Mill. Mining til
Am. Pneu. Tube .... 5 Michigan 1!
Am. Sugar Its Mohawk 42
do pfd 125 Montana C. A C 60
Am. Tel. A Tel 13HOId Dominion 40
Am. Woolen :i Osceola 107
do pfd 80 Parrot 2
Dominion I. e 8.... liUulnry 80
Edison Elec. Ill 226 Shannon 14
Oeneral Electric Tamarack 7
Mass. Electric iO Trinity )8
do pfd 48 United Copper 11
Masa. Gaa 65 U. 8. Mining 48
t'nlted Fruit 1J0 u. S. Oil 14
United 8. M 4 Utah 43
do pfd ss Victoria
V. S. Steel ,...r.... 45 Winona 6
" P'l 10e Wolverine 157
Clearlnsj Honse Bank Statement.
NEW YORK, Sept. 27,-The statement
of the clearing house banks for the week
shows that the banks hold $50,039,660 more
than the requirements of the 25 per cent
reserve rule. This Is a decrease of 1178,975
In the proportionate cash reserve as com
pared with last week. The statement fol
lows: Amount Decrease.
Loans $l,312,O'.,O,50O $d,132.3O0
Deposits 1,406,935,000 6,6J8.500
Circulation 64,118.600 325.100
Legal tenders 80,i28,00 ' OHSOO
Specie 321,194,500 2.6O0.4O0
Reserve 401,523,30fj 1,830,100
Surplus 60,039,550 178,975
Ex-U. S. deposits 52,573,000 174,100
The percentage of actual reserve of tho
clearing house banks at the close of busi
ness yesterday was 28.59.
The statement of banks and trust com
panies of Greater New York not members
of the clearing house shows that these In
stitutions have aggregate deposits of 11,014,
808,200; total cash on hand, $93,933,500, and
loans amounting to $949,792,800.
New York Mlnlns; Stocks..
NEW YORK. Sept. 20. -losing quotations
on mining stocks were as follows:
Alice 3M Leadrllle Con I
Breece 5 'Little chief 1
Brunswick Con 4 Mexican 44
Comatock T. 8 20 "Ontario 460
Comatock T. B 17 Ophlr .180
Con. Cal. A Va it Standard ISO
Horn Sllrer 60 Yellow Jacket 41
Iron Silver 100
Cvndlttom of and quotations oaj
Staple astd Fancy Predaoe.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
retail trade In cartons, 23c; No. 1, In to-lb.
tubs, 22Hc; No. 1, ln 30-lb. tubs, 23c; No.
t. Ip eo-lb. tubs, 20ttc; No t. ln 30-lb. tuba,
tlo; No. 2, ln 1-lb. cartons, 21c: No. 1. ia
carload lets, 21 o; No. 2. ln carload lota,
19$pl9ttc; country, fancy, tubs, 17c; com
mon, loo
EOOS- -Fresh candled, ISc per dosen.
CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream,
twins, 14c; young Americas. 4 in hoop,
15c; favorite, t ln hoop, 15c; dairies, 2) In
hoop, 16c; cream brick, full case, lic;
half case, 13c; half dosen brioks, 14a No
quotations on fiwlsa nor Umberger until
aftor October.
BU JAK Coarse granulated, 6.60c; fin
granulated, 6.70c; cubes, t.ouc; powdered,
.60c per lb.
BEEF CUTS-No. 1 rib, 17Hc; No. 2 rib.
HVic; No. S rib. 6c; No. I loin. 20c; No. 2
loin, 12c; No. ( loin, 8Hc; No. 1 chuck, 64c;
No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. S chuck, 4c; No. 1
round, 8Wc; No. 2 round, 7c; No. t round,
0icj No. 1 Plate, 6Vc; N. a plate, 4Vic; No.
S plate, Sc
per dozen.
VEGETABLES Celery. Michigan, per
dot. ata Beans, now wax and spring, one
third bu. basket, $1.00; navy, per bu.. No. L
R70; lima, Ho per lb. Cabbage. So per lb.
Potatoes, new. per bu., $t.ia Tomatoes,
per 4-basket crate, 0u. Watermelons, 26J
luc. Cantalopes, California. $2.50ii.o0 per
crate. Asparagus, pur doi., 40c. Cucum
bers, per doi.. 600. Onions, Bermuda, $1.51
per era to; Texas yellow, ,126 per crate.
Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., aoo, Let
tuce, per doa., 2fcc Pepper, soulnern, (1
per crate,
FRESH FRUITS-Apples. $2.763.00 per
b4'tox- Lenioos. Hftl'V&.oa. urengsa, $4.01
ieo.00. Bananas, 4c per lb. Tlums. $1.25 per
4-basket crate. Peaches. Calllurnla. Jftiisuo
rsr box; Texas. 4-bkoi crate, tuitf.Oc
ears, $1.60 per 4-baskel crate. Blackber
ries, $4.00 per crate. Raspberries. $4.uu per
crate. Cherries. U-Zo. Currants, i.00 per
crate. Gooseberries, $2.00 per ciaie.
LIVE POULTRY Hens: 9c; sprtngs. ISHc;
roosters, 5c; ducks, young, c; old. 7Vci
geese, 4c; turkeys. 14c; pigeons, tea per
dozen; squabs. $2.00 per dosen.
DRIED FRUITS Raisins, loose Muscatel,
(Ho; fancy seeded, 1-lb. cartou, 10c Cur
rants, uncleaned. 6c; cleaned. 8c; cotton,
kfl per lb. Prunes, 40t0o per sack; VrU
per lb. prlcots, 26-lD. ooxes, Sc per lb.
Peacht .allfornia choice, o; fancy boxes,
llo per ,o. Pears, California, Uc Dates,
Persian. 6o. Figs, layers, choice, lofec
Citron, 104,200. Lemon peel, lie Oraiiss
peel. lie.
FISH Halibut, c; trout, 14c; pickerel, llo;
pike, 14c; bullheads, skinned and d reaves d,
Uc; white perch, 8c; white bass. 17c; black
bats. 26c; crappios, 15c; white fish, llo;
red snapper, 14c: flounders. 12c; mackerel,
17c; codfish, fresh frosen. lie; shad roe. 46c;
smelts. Uc; frog legs, iuc; green sea turtle
meat, 25c; catfish, loc; eel, per lb., 18c.
HIDES-Quotatlona by J. S. Smith ft Co.:
Green aalted No. t 10c; No. I. c; bull
hides. No. 1, c; No. 2. 7c; horse bides.
$2.6o; sheep pelts, 26c to $1.60; dry pelts, 10a
to 12o per lb.; dry flint butcher hides, lie:
dry fallen hides. 11c: dry salted hides, tc
Cotton Market,
LIVERPOOL, Sept. 26. -COTTON Spot,
dull; prices S points lower; American mid
dling, fair, R.Stkl; good middling, 5.5od; mid
dling, 6.3od; low middling. 6.00d; good ordi
nary, 4.46d; ordinary, 4.0d. The sales of
the day were 2.000 bales, of which 1,400
bales were for speculation and export and
included 1.700 bales of American. Receipts,
1.200 bales, all American. Futurea opened
quiet and closed barely ateady. September,
4.99d; September-October, 4.80d; October
November, 4.70d; November-December,
4.89d; December-Junuary, 4.67Sd; January
February, 4.7d; February-March, 4 6Sd;
March-April, 4.69d; April-May, 4.70d; May
June, 4.71d; June-July, 471d; July-August,
turti opened steady; September, 8 95c bid;
ctober, 8.97c; December, 8.77c; January,
8.64o; March, 8.65c; May, 8.86c; July. 8.70c.
Futurea closed barely steady; September,
8 9rtc; October, 8.96c; November, S67c; De
cember. 8.73c; January, $.61c; February,
8."c; March. 8.64c.
Spot cotton closed quiet; middling up
lands. 9.40c; middling gulf, .65cj sales, i
OAI.VESTON. Texas. Sept. 2.-COTTON
Steady, 9o.
ST. LOllS. Sent. 21.-COTTON-Market
tini'hanged; middling. 9c. Sales, none; re
ceipts, hales; schipments, 1 balea:
stm k 702 hafi-s.
Sp-it market quiet. Bales. 1,825 bales. Low
ordinary. 4 13-lttc. nominal: ordinary. 6Hc
nominal: good ordinary, Tl-lftc; low mlil
d'lng, 8 5-ltic; middling. l-lflc; good mld
dllnB:. 9Sc; middling fair, ic; fair, IVKic.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 2. WOOL Firm;
medium grades, combing and clothing IS
J:'0c: light fine l.&18Hc; heavy tine,
11 ii lie; tub washed, 20tj27o.
Good Killing Cattle Twenty-Five
Cents Higher for the Week.
rreek Rerelpta of ihee aad
Lambs, While Total for Week Is
Large aad Prices Are
eotrrir omaha. Sept. x, m.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 6.910 l.S-W 3K.7H5
Official Tuesday 7.143 6,o99 33.944
Official Wednesday .0 4.16S 19.801
Official Thursday $.5 6.2;i6 20.043
Official Friday l.a 2.74U lo.lw)
Estimate Saturday ITS $.000
Sfx days this week.... 28.975
Pnme days last week. ...40.575
Same tays weeks ago. .27 .092
Same days I weeks ago. .28.919
Same days 4 weeks ago.. 26.423
Same days last year 84.119
23,714 1J2.7S3
24.074 79.8
84,200 107,984
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year:
I. 1907. Inc. Dee.
Vatl 9,0e W1.048 154949
H l,!U7.3T8 1,187,995 23,714
Sheep t34,04s 1,381.294 122,733
The following table shows te averaga
price of hogs at South Omaha for tho last
several days, with comparisons:,
Date. j ljg. llgOT.jlPO.IIirre. 11904, 11903.11902.
Bept. 15.,
eept. 16..
Sept. 17..
8ept. 18...
Kept 19...
8ept. 20...
Bept. 21...
Sept. 22...
Bept. 28...
Bept. 24...
Sept. 26...
Bept. 2...
I 67
6 60
I 1
6 74
7 53
7 42
7 48
7 17
7 38
7 49
7 o
6 80
6 Sl
6 lb
i 75)
6 78
5 67
7 67
7 65
7 30
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
C, M. & St. P 3
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific 9
C. A N. W., east 8
C. & N. W., west 1 19
C, St. P., M. & O 2
C, B. A Q . east .. 1
C, B. & Q.. west 5
C, R. I. & P., east .. 1
C, R. I. A P., west 1
Illinois Central 1 ,.
Chicago Great Western.. .. 2 ..
Total receipts 7 61 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
Der 01 neaa maicaiea:
' Cattle
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co 6
Armour & Co
Wlsmuth ,
Cudahy Brothers
Cudahy P. Co., Denver.. 124
Other buyers
Totals 130
Hogs. Sheep.
M I 0W ( 14
( 84 6 0 6 29
6 79T, $ 84 6 11
8 M 6 78 $ 08 6 22
8- ( 72 6 02 k 33
6 73 6 OS 6 89
8H 6 84 6 111 I 30
6 81 6 14 6 33
6 76H 6 89 6 29
74H 6 90 6 17 I
6 70 6 9i" 6 1H 6 1
$ 67 5 96 6 19 6 24
107 ...
'.'.'.'.I 294
4.730 293
CATTLR Receipts of cattle this week
have been liberal as compared with recent
weeks, with the exception of last week,
when the receipts were exceptionally large,
being heavier than thin week by 13,600 head.
The arrivals have consisted almost entirely
of rangers, with only a slight sprinkling
of cornfeds.
The market for range steers has been ln
very satisfactory condition all the week.
The trade earjy was a little slow occa
sionally, but as the week advanced and as
It became apparent that receipts were not
going to be overly large prices firmed up
quite rapidly, so that the trade took- on a
good healthy and fairly active condition
toward the last. At the close of the week
It Is safe to quote the market 25c higher
than at the low point on Thursday of
lost week. Cornfed steers, on the other
hand, have been very unsatisfactory sell
ers. The situation will be readily under
stood by anyone who will stop to consider
for a moment. With range gross steers
of good quality ln liberal supply and any
where from $1 to $2 cheaper than cornfeds
It will be readily understood that packers
give the preference to the cheaper rattle,
it Is only when they have special, orders to
fill that they are good buyers of cornfeds.
Henco the market Is very uneven and er
ratic, It being very hard work to move
cornfeds on some days and a very easy
matter on other days when packers happen
to need a few and are willing to bid up on
The market on cows and heifers has
moved along on lines about parallel wtlh
the steer market and at the close of the
week cattle of that description are gen
erally quoted about 25c higher than . lost
Quod weighty feeders have been- very
fair sellers all the week and at the close
are safely strong to 10c higher tnan a week
ago. On the other hand, all kinds of Block
ers and trashy feeders have been very
slow, and It has been hard work to move
them from day to day. In fact on some
days the trade might be sold to have been
demoralized. At the close of the week
there are still tn the hands of speculators
at least a good many cattle of that de
scription unsold. The reason for this state
of affair la to be found In the wide pre
vailing drouth that has dried up pastures
and made farmers reluctant to buy any
thing for fall feeding on grass. Reports of
rains at the close of tho week from various
sections of the state may be expected to
put a little better face on the market for
ine coming week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-
fed steers, $8.40&7.26; fair to good corn-fed
steers. $6.60'g6.40; common to fair corn-fed
steers, $4.("rn5.50; good to choice range
steers, $4.50'li6.5; fair to good range steers,
$4.0oi4.60; common to fair range steers, $3.26
4H.00; good to choice cows and heifers, $3.30
4j3 85; fair to good cows and heifers, $2.80
W3.30; common to fair cows and heifers.
$2,002.80; good to choice stockers and feed-
ets, $4.2Kfi'4.66; fair to good stockers and
feedors, $3.50S4.L'5; common to fair stockers
and feeders, $2.75(53.50; stock feeders, $2.60
HOGS The best hogs this morning sold
around 6c lower, with other kinds on down
to as much as 10c lower. The trade was
very uneven, as has been the case every
day for some time back. There Is such a
wide range In quality at the present time
that prices aro spread far apart. While
buyers seemed to want the better loads, the
trade on the common kinds was very slow,
and some hogs which for some reason or
other did not happen to appeel especially to
buyers, were hard to unload.
For the week the receipts foot up 23,714
head, as against 24,074 head for the previous
week and 84,209 head for the same week a
year ago. The tendency of the market this
week has been downward, although at the
ou'.set there was a little advance. At the
close hogs are generally selling anywhere
from steady to 10015c lower. This means
that the decline has been principally on the
common to pretty decent kind of bogs, while
the best klnda have shown little change.
It will be readily understood from this
that the spread In prices hss been con
siderably widened as to what It was a week
Representative sales:
42.. .
At. in. fr.
... 81
... 74
t 04
1 71
4 tS
4 00
4 00
4 04
1 80
..715 110 8 47V,
.145 240 I :,
. M 160 I 171,
..:43 40 I 17V,
. .207 120 1 70
..2.10 41 HO
..248 120 I 70
. t 80 6 70
4 M
.184 124 i 00
14 80 4 10
10 I 70
80 4 70
80 I 70
40 8 40
ns 4So 1 (o
44 ,
48 ,
1M 40 4 80
il8 44 80
.234 ... 4 50
.114 140 8 SO
.y IS) 4 St
iH 160 I 70
V17 110 I 70
i.l 44 I 70
80 4 70
40 I 74
80 4 10
40 4 40
..HO 120 8 W
m 300 4 70
11 140 4 70
231 140 I 70
184 ... I TO
211 240 4 70
tit l 4 72V,-
238 110 I 721
40 I 1214
40 I
4 I)
.126 I'M 4 ti
SO 16
SO I 85
4 76
4 IA
44 4 76
80 4 74
. . 4 71
) I so
40 4 80
. .IM 100 1 86
..Kl loo 4 (S
..til m 8 46
to 86
40 4 46
SHEEP Sheep receipts this week have
been the heaviest of the year, 122,733 head
being reported In the yards. The corre
sponding week of last year witnessed the
heaviest run for any one day ln the his
tory of the yards, but. still, the total for the
week fell short of this week's record by
14.700 head.
I'nder the Influence of the very heavy
receipts, both sheep and lambs broke
sharply and the trade at the beginning of
the week was duller- than usual at this
point. Later on In the week, as the coun
try became aware of the large receipts,
feeders buyers flocked lu and the market
took on very much more activity. NsiurwlW,
prices firmed up and part of the loss, was
rer-overed. At the close sheep are generally
quoted around loay. lower than last week's
close. This would be true of both killers
and feeders.
Fweder -lembs constituted the great big
bulk of the week s receipts, and they,
naturally, brokn the worst, a good nHnv
iHrnbs selling the middle of the week a
good 60r lower. As the market' became
more arthe. a reaction set In. snd at the
close prices show only about I'xfiSfcc loss, as
ton; pared with Inst week's clivse. Fat
Is mbs. while In very moderate supply, broke
down along with feeder.
An InterewMng foalure of the week's run
of sheep and lambs Is the fart that Omaha
snd Chh-ngn received In round n um hers
Identically the same number during the
first five dnvs of the week, namely 122,noo
head. This shows more plslnly than any
thing else the shifting of the shepitrd
westward In Omaha, due to the fact flint
this Is the center of the sheep feeding dis
trict and that the stork naturally comes to
the point where the demand Is the best.
Quotations on range sheep and lambs:
Oood to choice lamhs. $48V,r5Hi; fair (o
good lambs. H.fiiv4.s0; reeding lamb. $1.00
JM.flO; good to choice light yearlings, $.1.7Mf
4 10; good to choice heavy yearlings. $3.SOi
2.90; feeding yearlings. tt.TMi'4.00; good to
choice wethers. $3 4dfiS.; fair to good
wethers, $3.:3fi3.40; feeding wethers, $.l2fn)
S.50: good to cliiloe ewes. $3.153.40; fair to
fnod ewes, $:.90ii3.15; feeding ewes, $.'.00J
7: culls snd bucks. 11.00-2.50,
Representative sales:
No. v. . Tr.
434 Idaho lambs, feeders O 4 40
75 Idaho sheen and yearlings... I04 g w
CS Irtnho yonrllnrs, culls 54 50
12,"6 Wyoming lambs, feeders M 4 40
130 Wyoming lambs, feeder culls 49 4 on
81 Wyoming lambs, feeder culls 65 IM
ll Wyoming ewrs I lost S 30
Vi Wyoming burk lambs 60 S 25
239 Wyoming ewes 95 2 60
luj2 Idaho lamhs, feeders) 65 4 50
3 Idaho lamhs, feeder culls 49 $50.
69 Idaho ewes 98 0
Cattle and fheen teadr Hogs Five
tents Lower.
CHICAGO. Sept. 26.-CATTLE-Reoelpt.
600 head; market steady; beeves, $3.707 H5
Texas steers, $3.60)6 10; western steers, $3 40
6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.ivu'4.o6; cows
and heifers, $1.7635.60; calves, $6.00jr8.25.
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market 8c
lower; light, $8.6O(7.20; mixed. W. 5607 ifi
heavy, $ttBOti'7.40; rough. $6.50-a3.76; plge'
$4.50'ti.20; good to choice heavy, iti.75.-a7 40 :
bulk of Bales, $6.8XK?7.05.
SHEEP AND I.AM RS Receipts, 2 500
head; market steady; native sheep, $2 ioa
4.20- western sheep, $2.2ii'4.2r.; yearlings
$4.25uM.75; native lambs, $3.25&5.70; western
lambs, J3.25uo.70.
Kansas City I. Ire Stock Market.
Receipts, 600 head. Including 200 south
erns; market steady; receipts for the
week, 73,700 head; choice export and
dressed beef steers. $.007.30; fair to
good, $4.60g5.90; western steers. $3.60
6.10; stockers and feeders, $2.804 80;
souther n steers, $2.9004.10; southern
cows, $2.00(1 3.20; native cows, $2.00
4.00- native heifers, $2.50rrf 4.75; bulls.
$; calves, $3.R06.50. '
HOGH Receipts, 8,000 head; marli .
strong to 60 higher; receipts for the-wet-,.,
71,500 head; top. $7.10; bulk of sales, $6.80
437. 00; heavy. 17.00(317.10; packers and
butchers, $H.60(t7.06; light, $.006.9o;
pig. $4. 004r5. 00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts for the
week, 41,300 head.
t. Louis LIT Stock Market. ' ''
ceipts, 300 head. Including 150 Texana;
market ateady; native shipping and ex
port steers, $4. 00( 7.40; dressed beef and
butcher steers, $2.76r6.15; steers under
1,000 pounds, $3.000 6,00; stockers and
feeders, $. 00(914.00; cows and heifers,
$2.50(H)6.00; canners. $2.002.2B: bulls,
$2.75(8)4.26; calves, $4.007.00; Texas and
Indian steers, $2.76S.25; cows and heif
ers. $1.604.00.
HOGS Receipts, 1.800 head; market
steady; pigs and lights, $3. 60tP. 80; pack
ers, $6.75 07.10; butchers and best heavy,
$7.20fo7.36. . ,
SHEEP :--A ND LAMBS Receipts, 104)
head; market steady; native mutton,
$4.0004.16; lambs, $6.25(&io.60; culls and
bucfes, $3.26f4.00; stockers, $4.100 4.25.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 100 head; market unchanged; steers,
$4.0o-(J77.00; cows and heifers, $2.00at).00'
calves, $3,5044125. "
HOGS Receipts, 2,500 head; market dull
and about steady; top, $7.05; bulk of sales,
$6.8&7j?6.95. - ,
8HEBP AND LAAfRS Receipts, none-mtetrteady;-
Iambs, $4.80(g4.75; yearlings)
Sloax City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 26-(Sneclal
TeIegram.)-HOGS-Recelpts, 2.500 Wad'
market 60 lower; range, $6.50ti.80; bulk'
CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; market
steady; beeve. $4.60O4.70: are... -Ii.-
Coffee Market.
NTW YORK" 8nnr oa erarmjiii . ,
----- : t - w. r cjir-inur.
ket for coffee futures opened quiet at un
changed prices to a decline of 5 points In
sympathy with lower French cables. It was
a notice day, but very few notices were
Issued and trading continued quiet, with
1 h mAriter rlnulnir nnlot rn, ...... I. .. . , .
Z , " , . . . ' 11,1 111 11 1 1 1 I J I'll ln
6 points lower. Sales were reported of 4 600
bars. Including October at 6.60c snd Decern
ber at 6.50c; spot coffee quiet No. 1 Rio
Boyce Commission Co.
Room 4, New York Life Bulldtno " "
Margalns 1 cent on grain. $2.00 on stocks. We handle 20 shares and'
up or 2,000 bushels and up. Public and private rooms for customers.
Best service ln Omaha. A reliable company.
The Daily Club
Fifty Daily Newspapers
Circulation over 2,500,000
The fifty dally newspapers belonging to the
Daily Club oombined have a total circulation of
over Two and One-Half Million Copies per day.
They cover most of the United States from
Boston to San Francisco
Houston. Texas.
On a reasonably large contract the rate for
advertising in these fifty daily newspapers is four
dollars, and seyenty-ev?n "cents $4.77 per agate
line about three-sixteenths of a cent per line
per thousand circulation.'
'And the circulation Is just where you' want
it and where it will do the most good
If you manufacture goods for general con
sumption, think this over and write 'tis. ' 1 J '
: ' ' 'a", r;"f : ' , Off
901 Werld Building , yf :.
Tj "t 8etoa No. 4, gtajcj mild coffee, dull$.
Cordova, 9!b12'c.
- ' ' ' 3-
Sterk tit flight. -
Receipts of live stock at the six, prin
cipal Western markets yesterday:
' ' Cattle. Hogs. SheeT.
8011th Omaha. 171 3 000 .....
Houx City i 20t 2.600 .,.
St. Joieh i 10rt 2.600 .,..
Kansas City 1, 60 6.000 ......
St. Louis 800 1.5U0 100
Chicago 600 8.000 2.500
..1.775 23,500
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2d.-MrrTAIJ-Ms-- 1
kets were generally quiet In the ahsence of
cables. Tin Is quoted at $V.S7Vr.50. Cop
per remained firm at $l3.37Vu 13 for .-.
lake. $l.X12Vu13.37H for electrolytic and i 1
$U.t7Siil3 L'W for caatUur Lead was dull
at $4 474.50. Spfltor Was quoted nt $4.7:'
tS.77. Iron was unchanged.
Man Who Shot College StadeAt at -Maakatlss,
Kss., Kads Ilia,
14f In Jail. '-'
Manhattan! kV: fvpV .-Mfrtcm n. , -
Crrvlston. who ten days ago shot and klUod
John Coos, Jr..; a college student, and
wounded his companion, hanged himself -In
his cell In the Jail hrr last night, flu
was to have been arraigned on a charge t.
of murder at preliminary hearing' oIgJ',
but had been unable to accure funda to hire v
a lawyer, and this made him despondchj.
The body Was found by the Jailer this '.
morning. r
Last Saturday' Orevlston'sv house was u"
on, fire by mn Incendiary and bUjivrd.
Crevlston's house wa.4 Hear the sltlawtlk 5
and he was annoyed by someone rapplnv, "V
on the walls. When the offense waa- re
pcated he grabbed a shotgun and running
to the street shot Coos and a companion, f.
It was feared at first , that an i attempt. S
would be made to lynch him. j
-rises lor Busy Workers.
New lork Post.
Now that Mr. Bryan has offered mull
for the' best showlnjr f an election dlstrl.
leader on election day. It is up to thl
republicans to steal the "patent" and offt
an elephant for the same reason.
the: millionaire maker
We have Juaopubliahed "Tho
Oil Book" profusely Illustrated.
How S3 out of 58 listed oil com
panies are now on a dividend na!vw
ing basis. How California oil stocks
are Increasing ln value. How CaJV?
fornla oil stocks ' pay 3 to 20 ,pW
cent monthly dividends. Tells hdVi
How to make profits In Invest
ments Exposes wild cats and
fakes. The "Oil Book" will fatten
your pocket book and add to your
bank book. One copy mailed freo
postage prepaid If you. act prompts
ly and send before -the suppljpda
exhausted. ; Write today. if
Lincoln Mortgage sod loan Co.
San Francisco, Call.
W.i Farnaiii i'SiJh & w
"ofcu rarnam at.
Offer subject to sale 50 shares
Union Stock Yards 90, in
Blocks of five or more.
5!Ck Pn a 1000 B,u Mounda ,
100 p cks.Ottlkr .KB 4W0 Boston Jsrome . ""'
10 Albaush-Dorer 1.00 1100 Cons. JfteraoB,..15
10 Oyo. N.Y.A.L.H0 lortg Am. ton Oold Uu' fl
404 Idaho O. M. D. .05 two SglUna-Arta 16 V '
J Potomaa Oil. pfd .7 XH) Oalana Bar S '
SUA (ialAmn UnA M i. i.n o ... .
loon B. Snowstorm Oi'i 1000 Hull rvPDr. 07 U
19 p. A. CoffM...t.,XJ 60 0. A. Corfu..... 17 04, ,T
' lckr Tlg.r... .o.(M m B. Hill at 8UI..M.B01 7 '
im Rawh. Rojr.Tlser.hHfioo 811. lf, Ool.N..7 "
SiO Amadur Con Ot touNaw St. Tel.. 4'a
JlXW Kallar & lnd. Bm Bid 10 Now St. Tal. pfd 40
We Will Buy:.BIr-l Tiin;''Aris.-Col. CabOIM
Belt; King Sol. T. & n.; Bfar. plonesr: Kl
favor, free; Lewis Publishing. Others.
Lists free. . , . ,
Slocks and bonds bought and sold. l" '
wsstebsT aumrzBs xxoxajfaa
and from Chicago to
i .
U In
1 ' '1