THE OMAHA SUNDAY .BEE: SEPTEMBER 'A WOMAN MAY NOT NAME DAVIS 'IF-KIKUTE STORE TALK There T" tclna to 1" l"t f tr.r. In town tlil week; they'll It n nilehty Rood town t be 'in: they'll flml t ti ' -i a mighty go. d tore to. be In. tun: They'll fln.l It a different M'.vl of f lothliiK than they've nfr seen before; a iitore wheto the customers' Inter ests rnm first and the store's In- ,ttrli come afterward-. In other words we never tnKe your monry for an article until sure you ire entirely eatlsf led. lSTEN TO THE CHIMES We've hud Installed b ft of electrical chimes they plsy full Westminster chime at the even hour; Westminster at 1 minutes after. Reveille at the half hour and Cathedral Teal at the three quarter hour. Only chimes In this section of the country. Maet your friends at the corner with the chimes check your parcels at thla more cotne in and feel at home. You don't have to buy a thing to re. welcome. EVERYTHING NEW AT THE NEW STORE OPPOSITE THOMPSON. BELDEN & CO. NEW FIRM : NEW GOODS : NEW METHODS AR F I . more. I j e? i " I : ycjy - IV IVAWr EIfRV -SAR-BEN VISITOR , TO WST THIS GREAT CLOTHING STORE Nothing like it anywheve in the country every modern . device known in store equipment the talk of the entire country. Your visit to the carnival will be incomplete without a visit with us. You don't have to buy to be assured of a royal welcome and we cordially invite out-of-town merchants to see our' store. You are all as welcome as can be. : MONEY-SAVING SUIT PRICES We've double tbe stock of any store hereabout, and every garment was made for this fall's wearing no old stuff here. We do not buy In the Usual way. We select our own materials and have the garments made to our orders. By so do ing, we are able to make prices utterly impossible with stores buying In the usual way.- We put an absolute guarantee on every garment we sell even give your money back if you want it. i, '9, no, m, t3, m, m, w, w, m up We want you to see our medium priced suits about 100 patterns to select from. You can't duplicate them at any other store unless you pay 25 per cent Every day Is Special Sale" day at this store. $13.00, $15.00, $17.00 OVERCOATS $9 UP-RAINCOATS SIO-FURN-ISHING GOODS-HATS SHOES TRUNKS AND GRIPS-ALL SOLD AT A POSITIVE SAVING Whatever you do don't miss seeing our great BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' $1.50 SHITS I COME IN AND LOOK This department is the wonder and ad miration of the clothing world, and the great stock it contains Is a source of great savings to parents with boys to clothe. . AGAIN aV ' " " " - AND UP WF SAY ''' and we Buggest that In view of all the "hpecial Bales prepared for visitors : v v It would nay you to be careful of what you get for your money. That's what ".counts. . EVENING CLOTHES FOR THE AK-SARBEN BALL No garment a man Vears , calls for such faultless tailoring. You'll find full dress suits here that will surprise you by their mer(t and price. Ours are equal to the efforts of your most exclusive tailor, to say nothing of the saving of time and money. Come in and try on a few. Mrs. Eice Allowed Only t Say "A Man" Wai to Do the Shooting. CRAWFORD RULES WITH DEFENSE Bee Want Acls FOR EXCHANGE New No. Rotary Keo. style toward OUr typewriter. R. 31. !zZJ3m, .ill I'ellre Jade Hold that tVltaeea taaaot Tell that Itastla Told Her Davis Was te Kill Him. Bulletin of Opportunities Opportunity knocks at your door every day you read Bee Want Ads. You will find opportunities to better yourself and make extra dollars. : The Housewife can make money in so many ways, she can sell old furniture and clothing at good prices. The butcher barber druggist can make and save money during dull moments. The clerk can make money evenings. If you are a teacher you can find pupils through Bee Want Ads. You should read them every day. Opportunity waits for you in Bee Want Ads. Police Judge Crawford permitted Mrs. Abble Rlre. chief witness In the Rustln Davis murder case, to testify In the prelim inary hearing Saturday, that Dr. Rustln told her ho had secured a man to kill .him, but denied the atate the rlsht to allow her to testify tthat Dr. Rustin had told her Charles K. Davis was to kill him. Lines were drawn this close by the court When the Rice wuraan took the stand to finish her trtoty after the court had made a ruling Friday evening which : the atate supposed Would permit the woman to tell all she knew as one of the conspirators who had the cninmnn motive to take the life of Dr. Froderlck T. Ilustln. But Bcarrtly two questions had been asked and answered by the woman until Attorney Q'jiicy waa on his feet reading authorities h shpw -the court that all the testimony whtch a conspirator could give In . reference to co-conspirators must be declarations In pursuance of the conspir acy. After that argument Attorney Uurley objected'to practically every question asked the Rice woman by the county attorney, and the. court sustained about half of the objections. ( . rigrht Over Fine Point. Such a battle over fine-points of law and the questions asked- by the county attor ney continued all . morning end until ad journment was taken at 12:30 p. m. until 10 o'clock Monday morntng. County Attorney English - completed his questioning ot the Rice woman, getting In what replies he could and pointing out each time to the court to secure the over ruling of objections, that the answer would be either a declaration In pursuance of the conspiracy or else that the question was about some act of the Rice woman, or Wet she had seen. By close watching he managed to get some important testimony In. Monday morning she will be put on for cross-examination. Tha couiUy attorney was taken by sur prise when the attorneys for the defense began arguing that most nf tv. to be given by the Rice woman could not be admitted, and some heat was shown between the attorneys. After Mr. Gurley had made his argu ment that a large part of the testimony could not be admitted, he wound up by this cnaracteristlc plea: "Why go ahead and admit here testlmnnv that when the case comes before a Jury, if It does, would not be tolerated? Why bind this man over and force him to a trial before a Jury Just to satisfy public cur iosity? What la the use to take it to a higher court, Just to terminate In a rarceT wny put the state to this expense?" atKngrliali la Sarcastic. When the county attorney answered he opened with some sarcastic remarks about the common pleas of criminal lawyers. "It Is wonderful solicitude which the counsel for the defense always shows about the finances of the statu and the expense to tha people. But attorneys for tha de fense always make this plea." Mr. English reminded the court that the ruling- to admit the statements of the Rice woman aa to what Dr. Rustln had told her about the plans to take his life, was made with a full understanding aa to what the Woman would tell on the stand and he saw nothing In the objections made by Mr. Qurley but an attempt to evade or secure in some way a reversal of the decision of the court on the question of admitting the Bice woman's testimony. Before the attorneys had concluded their arguments as to what part of the tetlmony should be admitted, both Mr. English and Mr. Gurley had spoken at length, as well aa Attorneys Ellick and Woodrough, while Gurley had cross-questioned Judge Craw ford as to what the court thought about fine point in his legal arguments, what constituted "declarations in pursuance of emsplracy," and other objections which the defense sought to have sustained. The questions being fired at Judge Crawford by Attorneys Gurley and Woodrough caused, considerable amusement among court of ficers and police In the room. Mrs. Rica the Stand. When the Rice woman took the stand at 10 o'clock the room was crowded with men, no women attending except four who were present as witnesses. The Rice woman waa very nervousr but her replies came thick and fast and the attorneya for the defense had to move to strike out more often than to object to the answer being made. The woman showed a disposition to get the name of Charles E. Davis into al- I most every answer. When the county at torney would ask her a question she usually volunteered a few side lights which gave the attorneys more ground for argument. The woman's testimony before the argu- menta had brought the story to the time of the closing chapter In the life of Dr. Rus tln. She was In the physician's of fire in the Paxton building Tuesday afternoon, Sep tember 1, the evening before the tragedy and a man came Into the office whom she afterward learned was Davis. Dr. Rustln stepped Into a vacant room near his office and talked with the man. Then he re turned to the private office to talk with the Rica woman. "When Dr. Rustin returned to you In the private room after being out to consult this person, was there anthlng then said by him with reference to any change In his plans with reference to his death?" asked the prosecutor. "He did." "What did he say?" " 'You are released from .your promise, as I have a man to kill me. " "Did he say who this man was?" It was this question which lighted the fireworks, and the court held that the woman could not answer the question, ar Dr. Rustln telling her thai he had 4 man to kill him and ahe waa released, waa "a declaration in pursuance of the conspir acy," and that ahe was released as a co conspirator from that moment; that for her to testify as to who the man waa couid not be so considered. "That's drawing a line pretty fine," said the county attorney whe,n Hie ruling was made. "It la pretty fine to allow this woman to say 'a man' and deny us the right to have her aay Charles E. Davis. Elgbteen Objections Made. On a motion by the defense to strike out the won n's answers after a number had been given, eighteen objoctiona were made by Mi. Ourley in half an hour and Judge Crawford sustained nine of them. Then the Rice woman was permitted to tell of her movements the afternoon and evening of September I, and ahe reiterated the atory told before the coroner's Jury of j Low ahe went to the physician's office in in ine ariernoon aner uemg mm n day;- iaw Charles E. Davis In the offica; heard the phyaiclan telephone for -aconite and went out on the Farnam street car with him when he went home to dinner about a q clock. Bue said s'te rode on out on the car to Dundee and returned to the city later to meet Dr. Rustin at hia office at I o'clock. jtelalins the Incidents after dinner, when I . . n.4 TiL sliiMV-4 ; ::vf v- hi .VlJh'WlPi : : C lA RV I, If V IK V lL !; - i I IP? It7 J j. Vt . . i: , I m ' 2 wr -' fi I ? -m! Cooyrlfhted 1908 by f f I 1 SCHLOSS BROS CO. ! " f Inrf Clothes Makers - I . "-yi5 Baltimore and New York ! - . Schloss Fashionable Clothes For GENTLEMEN For Fall and Winter 1908 and 1909 Are the very highest expression of the tailor's art, in Style, Drape and Distinctiveness; they give character to a man's figure and the consciousness of being well dressed at all times. Ask for SCHLOSS "ADONIS," the new Model it will be copied and shown later by the best custom tailors. Fastidious dressers- who realize that their success depends upon the good opinion of those with whom they come ' in contact . will be careful to look for the Schloss label. (J WI)olesle Drapsirr' g New Models now on Display at the Best Clothing Stores, Write us for Style Book and name of noarest Fashionable Clothes Shop. Baltimore ScHSoSS BfOS. 8l New Vi rk j B on Sale at erg Clothing Co. 15th and Douglas Streets. she met Dr. Rustln In his office, she told of Davis coming to the office, going out after beer, of holding conferences witli Dr. Rustln, and finally that she went down on the street to wait for the physician, and that he came down with Davis and she stood on the corner of Sixteenth and Far nam street, within fifteen feet of the car, when Dr. Rustln put Davis on the cur go ing west and joined her on the sidewalk. Starts t Ten O'clock. It waa about 10 o'clock, the Rico woman believes, when she slartid to tako her lust walk with Dr. Frederick T. Rustin. and with no show of feeling whatever told o how they walked along Harney street. 'The-'doctor pointed out to mo places where he had lived with his wife and child ren. He talked about them and of his lifo Insurance. He told of former happy timc-a and his unfortunate condition and finally of hia plan to take his life.' 'He said once 'we ought to walk a little faster, as Davis may be getting tired wait ing,' and we went along at about the same SCHOOIi TEACHEHS Also Hare Things to Learn. "For manv veara I have used coffee .nri rfiised to be convinced of Its hod effect upon the human system." writes a veteran school teacher. "Ten years ago I waa obliged to give up my much-loved work in the publl c achoola after years of continuous labor. I had developed a well defined case of chronic coffee poison. "Th troubles were constlratlon, flut tering of the heart, a thumping in the mn nf mv head and various parts or my body, twitching of my limbs, shaking nf mv ha.d and. at limes arter exertion, a general "gone" feeling, with a toper's desire for very strong coffee. I wis a nervous wreck for years. , "A short time ago friends came to visit ua and they bought a package of Postum with them, and urged ine to try it. I was prejudiced because some years ago I nau drunk a cup of weak, taateless stuff called Postum w hich I did not like at all. "This time, however, my friends made the Postum according to directions on the package, and it won me. Suddenly I found myself Improving In a most decided fashion. "The odor of boiling coffee no longer tempts me. I am so greatly benefited by Postum that If I continue to Improve as I am now. I'll begin to think I have found the Fountain of Perpetual Youth. This Is no fancy letter but atubboro facts which I am glad to make known." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read the book, "The Road to Wellvllle," la pkgs. "Trere's a Reaon" Ever re-ad the above letter? A now one gownr from Him- to time. Tliojr are germlne, true, aud full of liunxiii Interest rate until we readied Thirty-ninth atreet, when we walked norl'.l to Farnam street and about half way on Farnam street to Fortieth street." "In obedience to a suggestion from Dr. Rustln did you look up and see anyone whom you knew standing at the corner of Fortieth and Farnam streets?" tho county attorney asked. "Someone I thought I knew," "Who?" "Charles E. Davis." Hnvr Paris Was Dressed. Tha prosecutor was enabled to secure the woman's statement describing how Duvls was dressed on the night of September 1, and she said: "Ho wore a dark suit, dark hat, no vest, tils trousers being belled up." The Rice woman's testimony was con cluded when she told of waiting for fif teen minutes fr.r the doctor to return, which he said he would If the man who was going to kill hi in falle.l, and then returned to the Gleuson place at Twelfth and Doiik las streets. fc'ho still InslHts that she called up Dr. Rustin's home about Vi o'clock and Mrs. Rustin or some woman answered her and told Iter the doctor was not there. This is contrary to V"- Rustin's testimony that slio retired about 11 and went to sleep soon after, not being awakened again until she heard the report of tho pistol early In the morning. Judge Crawford did not rule on the ques tion of admitting Mrs. Rustin's sluteiiirnt to what Dr. Rustln told her after he was shot. As Mrs. itustin's answer as to what her dying husband said Is In the' record, it la prubablu that the court will make the ruling after the evidence Is all 1n and either strike it out or allow It to remain. According to tho attorneys tlie hearing is not much more than half over. It having consumed two and a half days. Insurance liearlaw Walts. Owing to the fact the preliminary hear ing of Charles K. Davia waa on in po'.l.-e court (Saturday the hearing requested by the accident Insurance companie s in which Dr. Rustin had policies was not held In Judge Sutton's court. By agreement a postponement was taken until next Friday morning. boating, fishing or sailing at the Isl.e and by cottagers, tenters and bungalow nwneis at the lakeRide. Tim tnevting-was .enthusi astic and many Important tuples vela ,us to the Improving of conditions at the Uk s were discussed. 1 Goorge Klrod was chosen piesidriit J. E. R Offers vloo president, Charles 11 anden secretary and 1. J. Latey treasurer The following committees were appointed : , Executive O. A. Harshmai). W. AX Tay lor, C. W. Bounce,. .. I .' Memberahln 1 1. llofmelster. 11. HrmDen A. Uarth. I" V-ltaie-U A. Thatcher. W. F. WWlwey U. M.-Ciilloch. Boalinu William Behr. II. K. Niwoldb Li. ilck. I Flail and Came Thorn. is Falconer, IH. W. ttaruuni, 1. Hengeie. FORTUNE LEADS TO' DIVORCE NEW CLUB FORMS AT LAKESIDE Cottagers on West shore Orgaulse tm linprote and Protect Interests. To aid 1 beautifying the shores of Cut eft lake ai.J to protect game and fish In and around It and promote legitimate aquatic sports are the objects of the Levi Carter Park Outing club, which has Just been organised by a number of people with Interests on the west shore of the lake. The club Is being formed around a nucleus cumposid if those directly Inleiesitd in Woman Kay Ilaaband's Down fa Due la Montr He Inherited. il Wai Much wealth waa a bane to Nemnn C Jones of Rochester, N. Y., . accenting to the story related by Mrs. Elmlna Ml Jonel In her petition for divorre filed yetrd.iy afternoon. In I'MC aho ways her lilisband Inherited a large sum of money and began living a fast life, which ld . to hi! abandoning her and refusing to. upporl her. She says he told her lie wouU spend his money on his new friends and, not on her. Previous to his windfall ho lild been fast, she says, but had promised tol reform when he was started on the d(Jnnwai4 path again by his good fortune. Fife yean ago, bhi says, he deserted her. and she hai heard nothing of him since. Bhe i-Hye h does not know where he Is now! They were mari'.ea in itocnester in. is. v Mae C. Devlno wants a dlvoile front Khei.ard Levlne. cliaraltia nonsun Jort. Fit topSe I WILL SEND TOO A TRIAL' frRKAT- I MJi feetm vcxtf vdaht 1 to A jVuundtlia lrVlc tuwi turn 111 ImUM into ntu into cwvii)7, run tbftt tiUl Of ftlil IrM pud Op mdt f drtiM . M ran fuc pomwu 15. A i - '"ie'leY1 B HI raduclGB if ftuieiriloul IM. Kr D sod trtemlfl'-cllr psruowd lutloll SKutLws tlx turt siul jnbi.1 you to LkmUm olyl. f4 JH1- femur- duublteblii, lsrir SK'iuarb S'-M. SU kip.1 mi awvina ok sue ivtyl leiuliqjc doctor I ny bftiluu. I Mbsolulmy IrutbtuteisK til! umtiitiit. rr I w a sv atnd ft" Il WUl tflv THJ Artft UiJ II Will tat sVllt JtJU tui lok on (nmitr.