The Omaha Bee UNDAV: , PART VI. VAIIT AD SECTION PACES 1 TO 11. VOL. XXXVIII NO. 15. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, SEPTEMBER .27, 1908. .SlNciLK -COrr FIVE CENTS. Want - ads Advertisement far tka sraat ' will ke Itkta vatll IS aa. fa the evenlas edition. l aatll a. at. far tka naralac and liir adlt'eas. task mast a cram near orders fa aa4 aa KMrliMafil will a accepted fvr I cm tkaa 1 aente faa first Insertion. "mm apply ta eltker Tka Daily a fteailar ree. ' vaaat sis words ta a llaa. omblaatloas of laltlaU mw aaaam taaat aa oaa war. CASH RATES Mil WANT AM. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa ertloa, ker llaa. 1 aeaSe. Tw eoaaicitlTt Insertions, a' aa, to. Hack lasertlaa made aa add l aaata per llaa. 1.6 aar mentki eaveoptlas tka w unn niu iioga ea iceoaaaM ky rtm l kei Insertion, 4 casta rumriSHKD room ads sen vll Inei tkree'ar sis enaseeatlra laser. lion. H . . .. ...k lasertlon I 'm or mere rensecntlve laaartlaaa, l- real line -ear Insertion! nn ift-r una aar Balk. Mm at sals far Ika baa. mar e left muv la Kir "etiatr draga-lst" tkey ar all braack aflleaa fur Tka Baa M" aa win k Inserted Jaat a lri mtl end aa tka same rataa aa at tke wain a alee ta tka Uaa Balldlaff, ecateaaUk and Karmam atraatat Aluaoh. W. C, iui and r"arnJn. b. A. lu a. JeLb at. taecui 1-Iimj mat. .) B. UXh BL iieusou t-haruiavy, oeosou, Nab. -rk l'i,.uuiaey, Ud eud Cuming- u, l'i.arii.-, .a.' Hneriuam Ave., O tt-t Mb and Pleroe Bis. Clifton 11U1 Phaiuiecy, UVl MiUtaiy Ava. lwu, J. B., Slat Ava. ejid Faraaiu at. Cntaey P har'nany. 24th and Laka ata. iina. kuili, lAH-u a. LiiU tit. h-murs, l'. H. 4M iaven ort.u s)U tiitr Aruoldl, iU n. tb at. Krytas. Jouo J., ii4 N. 4tb St. cioienue Uiue Co., rloreucs. Nek. Uoiuauuk pharmacy, itutb and Lake St a. uiveua PhAruiaoy. burner Park AM. and Facuiu. Uteeiiough. Q. A VM B. 10th St. Uieonuugh, Q. M24 H. luia Bt. liayaaii. Wlliiain C. &JQ Farnam St. tincom far Pbawnacy. B. BU Htnat, Jubn. (U4 N. llk Bu ' Hut, A. U, tet Leavenworth flu v.i.., tt. b.. rarnam Bt. KouuUi Placa fLkimaoy, iJ04 N. Mth Bt -...i. tri.K Co, ltto- N. Atb Bt. Luiiii), riiarlea ill.. 1XU N. Mtb oU k-eyion, U ittb ami Lavenwortb Bta. Bvnudtar a Cut i'fioa JJru- Co.. mil aa aUMfer. AuKiut. 2031 N. ICth BU avhinldt, J. U., 24Ui and WMmlas Bta. Btoim f.iaimaoy, ltitik aiid Martha Bta. v. ainul Hill fliaraiacy, totn ano Cuming. Wa.toa l imimauy, mnh and Qraca Bta. w u: m. O 11.. tutu and Hamilton Bta. UutlH AM) FUNERJi.1. NOTICES. OOvK-Tliomaa U.. September 25. 1IW8. Hfciu m jeara. - ijt. ,t 1 n m from ranldenca i. ".a jri.r., i. Mary rtuiron, lil North l-..L-vlilrf. interment rurwi . Ai.i.tMiv r-'nends Invited. ..... ! r.OUGK JSOTICEfl. ,. clca to Vrterana. in I . . 1 1 u i. r. r c.aiilih.imarlran ; veioian who aeslra to regiater lor tnu ltoai.bu'i uc Tripp cjunty. .ana la 'nuovfu to nitt at Fontenell bail, li20 iarnam utioet, winu venin, . tj.i. ...ah . . ... .i t . ... n m i uutjr v. ui'ii mm v v vw - lu muKe your afllduvli. f'or lnlormatlon RIAUB HGKItSES. Tlie following marriage beon Uaued: Name and residence. licenses have Age ' Kttwk Poaplsll. Omaha Clirtittna Bvaclna, Omaha Leslie B. Bishop, Omaha Esther A. Peterson, Omaha Albert Zlenian, Omaha Jennie Otlllgan. Omalia. , William A. Rogers. Hot Springs, B. D, Uzr.ltt King, Belmont, Cal David Uard, Omaha Klale Olmstead, Omaha Karlo Marlk. Omaha..... Josephine Coagrova ... 2 ... 2ft ... n ... 20 ... ... 26 31 30 2o SO 21 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' Births ilobert VanDuaen. 1938 South Talfth atrect. Bill: Carl Erlkson. 2807 Seward street, boy; Daniel Woodward. 26o8 Saratoga street, boy; Krnest waiter, Z8oi Charles street, boy; Charles Zlmrod, 1704 Bouth Fourteenth street, girl; Ixiuls Qraen, ltul South Thirteenth street, girl; Samuel P. Justus, 191 Cuming alraet, boy; ta. w Curtis, ttll North Nineteenth street, girl; Bert E- Parka, 1S1I Bouth Tenth atreat, bov: James R. Pearson. !Mi Bouth Eighth- eanth atreat. girl; Kalph Walilford, 2.11 Maple atreat, boy. ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING Fall Term Y. M. C. A. Night School. All Classes Begin Monday, Oct. 5 Subjects: Penmanship, business rurre- apondance,. aritnmatic, aigeDra, gvomeiry, bookkeeping, ahortliand, lyvawriting, roe-obank-al and arebltvctural . drawing, ele mentary and advanced ngltah, buslneaa law, boys' school, vut'aJ music, ahow card writing, electricity, telephony, English (or foreigners, rapid figuring, spoiling. . Other claaeea being arranged tor. Write, 'phone or csll on J. W. Miller, educational director, lwugiaa m. At orrica evonlngi also. . (1 M568 J7 PAU. TERM OPBN - OMAHA OOMHEIW IAU COLLEGE, 19th and Kurnam. ,, . 1 1 . . jlnnl tll.kA tit luivitl rt.LklHAl-'U KOI,i)KH Bent free. Tells about our school ul telegraphy, with Union Pacific wire and positions guaranteed. lk-NEH-LA I. CmUNR'U-ra; finest published; lo pages, Wa Illustrations,- KOHKBOL'OH BK06., Omalia, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENT. Uorand'S clasavs in dancing opp. Burwood tura.rr. now open. Lasauns (or adults Tuesday and rioaya. a p. m.; soils I a virv Wedneaday: private lessons. a.ll vt tel. Douglaa 1M1. flpaclal low terrua to pupils from the colleges and pu Irons Iroiu V.WJU1.U CJiUlls. lif-W stpiat THK CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and leaven wortn aim. ei. wougiaa is7. Kit 1S1 PROF. A. C. C PriIHL lotamational aitrolocvr, phrenologist, writes cbaru and horoeoope. taacnaa asxroiogy, iui t ar nam. at wi Oct. ix BI'iN PAINTINO-. H. Cola. U02 Dou la. (l-iw BUILDING FOH SALE TO BE REMOVED 8TORT and half (rame. Vi ft., suitable for atore or dwelling, aoutb akie, Dodge 1 ist west of 2d Bt. Oeurge at Co.. ImU r arnain BU (l-V1J-.0 M WANTKl Steam pllcdrlvvr to drive luXOJ fm-i of piling lor bridge; Platte, Jamea iiiiKr, j.oulsvtllv, Neb. ll)-M7I 27 WHEN writing to advertisers remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pea ta mention the fa-t that yau aaw uta aa ua sua att. ANNOUNCEMENTS WANTED TELEGRAPH OPERATORS! Would you accept a poaltlon as operator If ridjr for it T Railroad operators get from f 62.50 to $150 per month. Bo vies College la besieged by the railroads asking for more operators from our Telegraph department. Is there any reason why you position T Boyles College graduates in Telegraphy are guaranteed a good position as soon as they qualify. This guarantee is backed by the Union Pacific rail way, t We now have a large number of being received, but we can accommodate about double the present number. Do not delay, as we arc being tions. Boyles College Department of Telegraphy is in charge of a naa of wide experience. lie has been a train dispatcher. . Our equipment Is flrct-dass and expense has connected our department wire of that 'road. This gives every himself with direct train orders. It We have the equipment and the stant and urgent. The expense is light. Is there any reason why you should not learn to be an operator T Railway managers and superintendents and presidents were nearly all operators at one time. Someone must take the places of the men who puss on. Enroll at once. It you cannot school. Catalogues of all departmenta are BOYLES COLLEGE BOYLES BUILDING, II. B. BOYLES, President OMAHA Official. Training School for Telegraph ' AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. PtauiiUl, ifiis amain. W li THREE! 1-ton commercial automobiles; prices, fSUO, ttfQ and Apply W. B. Ualduff. loa Faruain Bt. (2) 194 H. P. Orient Buckboard for sale. Speed 16 mllee per hour; first-claaa oooultlon, i26. La Broo, Sit 8. 12th St. (2 M673 HIGH-GRADE t-cyllnder touring car. good condition; would take smaller car pan payment. Addresa D, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. 2 MJ3g lx HOW about your gasoline motorT Does It run smoothlyT Bond 10c for 96-page text book, "Carbureters and Engine Troubles." Hre.'ze Carbureters, 274 Halsey St., Newark, N. J. (2) M533 27x BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES 1 TRADES! tf vou have aomethlng for sale or trade write ua; we match everything. ,136 Paxton Bloek.Oinalia. i. v v- i" 5 (W M770 octt FOR BALE OR "TRADE."Weir- Improved s.u one mile of a good town In osceoi county, Iowa; worth 126,000; will carry sib.uov ir aesirva si o per csni inieresl. what l.rva youT Addresa Box 264, Jef fvson. la. 13J M504 RESTAURANT for sale or exchange for good land; owners lime devotd to other business back east and la closing out all interests In city: particulars in first let ter. Address Arthur Long, Box 282, To pe k a, Kan. (S M233 27x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A fine 10-room modern residence 1n Kountsa Place. Omaha, worth 36,6(0. ' Borne nice farms In Eastern Nebraska for sale. A. J. WHITE- INVESTMENT CO., Lyona, Neb. . (3 M184 30 FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine Jeraey cow for good single buggy and harness. For Information telephone 3407. (,3 3T3 ' FOR BALE OR TRADE Fifteen pedigreed Shorthorn cattle. Address Earl Dales, Botnat, la. (3 M516 8x CASH for merchandise; land for merchan dise; city property for land. Write Deo. B. Brown, Hastings, Neb. (3) M&li 27x ORGAN for sale or trade; good as new. 2624 BlondO Bt. (3)-MW7 A TRADE For farm or good country stock of mer chandise six brick apartment flats. In . fine shape, close In, twelve blocks from lbth St., rented for $2,4ti0 per annum. Price, $20,000. Mortgage of $11,600 (or ten years. Will trade equity. v ROBINSON & WOLF, 436 Paxton Block. (3)- TO EXCHANGE for gooda l0-acre, well Improved choice Merrick county, Ne braska, farm, $5 per acre, mortgage $3.tuO. running four years; also 160 acres fine isnd Custer county. Nebraska, $1$ per acre, mortgage $600, running five years. Mather Co., Cedar Rapids, la. (3 M4H6 27 GREELEY county, Kansas, wheat land at $12.60 per acre; smooth, level and unim proved; to exchange for merchandise or hardware. Box No. 148, Tribune, Kan. (3) M4S2 Sx WANTED to trade. One-half section of wild lsnd near Atkinson, Neb., for hard ware atock or hotel. E. P. Olmsted, Norfolk. Neb. (1) FOR EXCHANGE 190 acres of choice Improved farm and hay land In eastern Nebraska; good, black soil; Improvements consist of rood house, barn, granary, corncrlb, chlcktihouse, or chard, good meadow; farm Is close to county seat. Owner will exchange for Omaha city property. F-196, care Hee. (3) M606 29 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET ta or out of business call on GANUE8TAD. Room 401 Bee Bldg. U)-lf FOR BALE At a bargain, a first-class meat market In a large town In eastern Nebraska. Addreas Y-74, care Bee. (4) M70 Oct&x DOCTOR'S LOCATION For sale, an ex cellent location; town of 1,000 population; practice and office fixtures. Address Y-&6, care Bee. (4r-M2.3 27 x FURNITURE lease and fixtures for sale; a money maker. Hotel Grand, Hartlng. ton. Nub. (4 M&8 Oct. 21 x TWENTY ROOM HOTEL FOR SALE Call on or addresa J. E. lloon. Firth, Neb. (4 M18S 21 BIG OPPORTUNITY Send $4 and get ten $1.010 accident policies good for one year. Bell for II. Central Distributing Co., Kokutno. Ind. (4)-MSi T,X WANTED Location for three-chair bar ber ahop. Write me at once. Address Y-83. care Bee. (4) M146 JOx FOR BALE A good, clean stock of general merchandise; must aell at once; liberal terma. good location, excellent trade, and an all-round "square deal." Address Jordan Bros.. Fremont. Neb. (4)-M224 27 WANTED A man to take an Interest In and management of a verv profitable business. A. D. Acers. room SlH, Mn alaw Hotel. 4 MX4 x ANNOUNCEMENTS . should not get ready to take such a students and ' more applications are urged to send operators to various sta the Union Pacific railway at Its own with the main line train dispatcher's student an opportunity to familiarise is Invaluable. teaching force..' The demand is con Will you be one of them 7 take the Day Course, try the Night free. ers for Union Pacific Railroad. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) HOW TO FINANCE A BUSINESS EN- TKKf KlBiS Clearly anown oy oescripuve booklet (No. 92) which we forward free. Business development Co., 117 Nassau St., New York. - . (4)-407 2i INVESTMENT possibilities of wheat fully explained In our personal letters and free hook, "Facts and Figures." Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis. Minn. (4) M498 27x YOUR INVESTMENT GUARANTEED V prtve you a bank guarantee that we refund your investment in our stock,, to gether with per cent interest, any 12 month period for 1 yeara, provided you are not satisfied with the dividends you are receiving. Send a Ptal carl 'r complete Information. The Mines Ie veloplng Co., Id floor, Laughlln Bldg., Los Ang-eles, Col. ) M570 27x STOCK, bond offering, -mining, electric, In dustrial -or railway company wanted for ale; commission basis. Address, full particulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 208, New York. (4)-401 7x FOR SALE My retail meat and provision market; established 10 years: busy Wyo. town, a0O0; also have complete slaugh- . ter house and sausage kitchen; sell all or part; no agents. Address Y 87, care OmaJia Bea. (4)-898 t7x T-lS-lKTrn afnsr ssKl hsinkflf TVIAll VHUf JWi A WWII J saw- " . . .- money to the best -bank In Oklahoma; your oeptsiiie pvmivi u j dl.wi , pay 4 per cent; capital, $200,000. Okla homa. Trust Co., Muskogee. Okl. v i FOR BALE Fine carpet cleaning and rug manufacturing buslneaa, established over 20 years; own real estate and buildings; proflU from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. A. H. Whait & Co., 1616 Glenarm St., Denver, Colo. () WILL EXCHANGE large auxiliary yacht for valuable securities. Edward Relss, 31 Broadway. New York (4) 408 27 $100,000 local capital to Invest with whole sale grocery firm to locate at Tekoa, Washington, on Chicago, . Milwaukee & St. Paula. R. coast extension. F. J. Ma. honey, Tekoa, Washington. (4)-404 27 CARD PLAYERS For 16c and to for malt ing, we will send you a magnificent pack of. our glased special playing cards or two packs for 29c. Money refunded If not satisfactory. H. . Sojner Co., Qiiacker town, Pa. (4) 406 IT HARD TIMES DO NOT ' AFFECT 1 ITS EARNING POWERS King Breath Per fume Vending Machine a sure winner operators wanted In this territory; penny ' play and assures good steauly Income on small Investment. Write H. M. Grimes Mfg. Co., Dept. 6, Columbus, Ohio. (4) 894 27x WANTED $6,000.00. Unususal opportunity In Mexican quick silver. Mlne'a principals only, no brokers, best of bank reference given. Address B. Hoyt, Treasurer, Room sua, to Broadway, new lorx city. (41-409 27 THE OIL BOOK will fatten your pocket book and add to your bank book. Tells how $170 made a millon. How California oil companies pay monthly dividends of from 2 per cent to 20 per cent one copy mailed free, postage prepaid, If you write promptly Lincoln Mortgage A Loan Co., 6ox macule Biag., Ban jrranciaco. mi. (4) 406 17 WANTED Capable man to manage our bualnese in the state of Nebraska; must have $6,000; money always under your control; tug returns ror the right men; special contract: references required. Kllfyre, Z47 and 241 Pearl Bt., New York (4)-40f I7x SAN DIEGO. Cal., fastest growing city on Paclflo coast; moat equable climate In world; new railroads building; send SBo ror one month. 1 for three months sub to Dally Sun. San Diego's leading paper, ior fun information. ( too ivx AN EA8Y WAY to start a business that will pay several thousand dollars an nually, selling merchandise by mall: Im proved plan; we furnish everything and show you now: f to $100 necesary. Miiourn-Micks, Chicago. (4) sn 27 x FOR BALE Half Interest to good man In best paying legitimate business coins: Who Is capable of taking charge of local office for company. Office makea over r-ou per week net arter deducting all ex penses. Price, $3,000. For particulars ad dress 322 Dow'i Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. (4)-M5tf 27x FOR BALEi The beat paying harness busi ness on earth; good reasons for selling. Address J. H. Hutcheaon, Ekrlham, Is, (4 M634 30x GENTLEMEN with money enourh to con trol SHle of Bunnell's perpetual aelf-llght- ing Incandescent gas lamps for Omaha. Good returns on Investment. Lamps are peneotion. joi tncir equal in the world. Addreas G. Harrison Bunnell, Mfr.. 2026 Michigan Ave., Chlcag-o. (4 M60S 27 x CAPITAL FURNISHED Industrial, man- ufacturlng, mining, oil, gas and railway siocx ana oona issues sola direct to In vestors ; commission basis. Samuel Gra ham at Co., selling brokers. Montreal, tanaaa. ( Mol4 Zlx THE self-lighting matchless match safe la the latest, moat attractive business card and cheapest novelty to advertise any business; sample 10 cents, $6 per 1.000, printing Included. Matchless Match co., til rear! Bt., N. I. WANTED Information regarding farm from owner willing to sell direct to buyer; give price, description and when possea sion can be had. Box 366, Waahlnrton, GOOD chance for doctor; yearly practice, W.vw; county aeat; 6.000 InhablUnta If you are Interested and want thla anap ad- otms Y 9X cars Bee. (4 MM 3vx BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) GROCERIES AND NOTIONS 50c on dollar; leaving town. Ardres K-116, care Bee. (4i Mli 27x FOR 8ALE The plumbing, steam, hot water and gAS business or Kuehn Co., lt7 Farnam street, Omsha. Valuable business on hand and trade second to none In the city. Inventory and accept ance of existing contracts bnsis for sale. By order of V. H. Caldwell, executor of estate of Fred G. E. Kuehn. ' (4-M!92 S1) FOR RALE Cleanest stork of general m-r-rhandlsa In Adams county. Invoice .6U Libera! discount. No trade considered. Must have the caah. H. A. Howe, Ayr, Neb. (4) Mlt ix WILL SELL one-half Interest In my ele vator and coal business at two of the best stations in central Nebraska. Ad dress T-84, care Bee. (4) M1I2 30 FOR BALE Completely equipped Turkish bath establishment In city of 16.000, profi table patronage, price reasonable. Ad dress fcmil Molberg, Chejenne, Wyo. Ill-MM 2x LAUNDRY FOR BALE In best small town in xveDraska; aoing splendid Dimness; a bargain. Address Box 267, Central City, Neb. . (4)-M230 27x I MAKH $3,600 clear profit every year sell ing my own goods to my own agents by mall; will start you In same business; senx) for particulars. Dr. Millard Oreer, Winona, Minn. (4) MK2 27 x ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising In American papers by addressing Moss & Co., Advertising Agents, Philadelphia. Pa. 4) M&27 27x WANTED to know of a good locution for a physician. W 190, Bee. (4) M542 27 X 350 WEEKLY and Independence; 100 Im proved Hllo penny peanat machines will make you 32.600 per ytar and not inter fere with your work; cost $1,000 cash, or tl',200 on time payments, of which $375 must bo In cash. Hllo Gum Co., (Inc.), 127 Market St., Chicago. (4)-M.i0i 27x FOR SALE 3-chalr barber shop complete, and building; cnaira are Koch's hy draulic, bath tub, heater and tank of ateel; nice new building; good location; good trade; city gas, olty water. Box R, Manilla, la. (4) 402 27 x WANTED Partner with some cauital and thorough knowledge of the real estate business ; bent of references furnished and same required; a splendid opening for the right man. Her rick Investment Co., Herrlck, 8. D. (4-a-9 37x FOR RALE Eartahtlahed rirllv tnr In rnnH Wvomtna: town: pvp.IuhIvm liu-r Inn anil up-to-date atock; price about 35.000; no agents. f or particulars adureas i s care Omaha Bee. (4) 39 27x ENTERPRISES OF MERIT FINANCED mock and bond Issues sold. Business paper negotiated. Underwittlngs secured. Twenty years' experience. Bank refer ence. Banker, 433, Albany, N. Y. (4)-410 27 PATENT SECURED OR . FEB RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of Inventions wanted, free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised free la world's Progress; sample copy free. Evana. Wllkena at Co., 638 V St., Wash lagton. D. C (4 I3RUO stores for sals everywhere. Knlest, St. x. I oiog. (4) 196 IF YOUR savings bank would pay you o per ceni interest on your money and give you a noma or your own and an In dependent llvlns; when old as-n or mis- fortune comes upon you, would you bo satisfied? Do you want something as proniaoie as mis and much safer? I nave a golden opportunity for a few thrifty ..people 'who sneak nromntlv: strictly high-class; when and where may a see you r Aaaress c UH, care, Hee. (0-M648 tlx FOR SALE Cheap, newlnmber yard, good i-uuiiiry town, nonneasiern Kansas; can t see to It, have other business. Tony rciirueuer, zsenaena, nan. (4J 11 27 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cklropoalat. DR. ROY, R. X, 1C0S Farnam St. Doug. 497, (6) 196 Dentists. BAILEY MACH. 3d fir. Paxton, D. 1065. Creamer lea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (Ir-lCT Detectives. CAPT. HAZE, 617 Karbach. Red 2S33. (6)-19t Dressmaking!. IN FAMILIKS Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney UH. - ) an rierlsts. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Pmrnam St. (6)-2M L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 1KL ( 2US VinaaelaL Money TO L O A N-L O W ft ATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg 'Phone Douglas 21w4 UNION iAJAN COilPA.NV. , (5)-206 WE WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at a .Tory low. ressonaois rate. SEE US FIRST. OMAHA aiORXGAUa! LOAN CO.. 119 fioaid of IraUe. 16tu Bt. Entrance. (6) KM MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Melkle, Uamge Bldg. (5j UU WOULD like to hear of good mining or other stock for sale, which would be a safe, profitable Investment; no wildcat fakes considered. L. Darbyshlres, Box 110. Rochester, N. Y. (& HsTtala. THE SCHLITZ. European, lth and Harney. (-l!l Marias and Storing!. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. ff'ee HI N. l'o Bt., warenwuse 3JUi-9 lsard BL (B J04 ktasle and Uaaiaira. PRIVATE tutoring In grades and high school work; reasonable price. Address C 88. care Bee. U1-M771 Ostaaysitkr. JOHNSON INB.. 411 N. Y. U TsL D. 1664. (6 30S Dr. Katheryn Nikolas, 60S K. Y. L. Bldg. () 4i riattnaj. GOLD, silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat ing Co., 1220 Harney. Hnones Douglas ibii and ludependeiit A-3u36. li snn Prlntla. BEFORE placing your l'JOO calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng siad at Jurve. printer, loth aud Capitol Ave. ( 21u JAY SMITH, printer and stationer; I have the gooda. I can do your work right. Room 12, Waad-Baldrige Bldg., 20th and Farnam fits. (il-MMi Out.-2ex Safes, Skattere, Eta. s. OMAHA Bale and Iron Works, makea a speciality or lire escapes, shutters, doors end sates. O. Andrecn, Prop.. Iu3 S. lota bC l5 2U Skertkand Ueaerter aa Hetary. P J. 8UTCL1FFE. devoeltiona. ICS Pee. Tel. Duuglas Isui. t 2J1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' (Continued.) Skaa Rcpalrtaar, RAPID HOK REPAIR CO. First clsa work. 161H Capitol Ave. '1'hone Ked 14. (01214 SHOES repaired right; railed for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., ls4 Farnam Bu Tel. Douglas 7tVi. l)-41i Water Filters. MISSOURI water filters. Huber. in & 2l Howard PL HELlWANTED- FEMALE Agents ana Salesladlea. WANTED Experienced sales ladies. Cloak Dept., Hayden Broa. (7) ii gj WANTED Two women to travel, first as salesladies, then as sales managers. Must have gojd address and strong personali ties. We give thorough training In sales manship free and are prepared to show tivat our representatives are making $1,500 to $4,000 per year. Positions permanent. William H. Wise aV Co., Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, 111. (71438 27x LADY agents selling our patented elaatio adjustable shirtwaist holders are coining monev. Something new. Women buy them on sight. Ube-rty Garter Works, 413 Broadway, New York. (7 43'1 27x WANTED Couple of bright saleswomen for short time to sen army gooas; uig wages, long hours; and. who are not afraid of work to help fix up and ar range stock. Kirk, 8. E. Cor. 11th and Harney. (7)-MWM 27x EARN honest money (ladles), no matter where you are, by selling our excellent 10 and 16c household article. It sells at sight, no talking needed; necessary In every house, hotels, restaurants, clubs, Institutions, everywhere. Bet of 8 samples 40c. Address 627 Charles Bldg. (Dept. A), Denver, Colo.' (7) WANTED Fifty girls to sell colored post cards of Ak-Bar-Ben floats this week; Call at otW Karback Blk., between 9 and 12 Monday. (7) Mus9 2ix Clerical and Olttce-. STENOGRAPHER, (wholesale), T to $10 Cannier and cigar clerk, $3 to $10. - . Bookkeeper and atenograpner, Ledger clerk, good penman, $10. CO-OPfcKATlVK ltbl -fetid. xt-K cv. 673-76-77 Brandeis Blog. (i;-M6tfi 27 BOOKKEEPER, $76. Two stengrapners and bookkeepers, $40 and $56. Drug clerk, salary depends. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASS'N., INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) MtilO 27 WANTED Single lady for cashier In Ore gon. C. C. L., care of Bee, Bo. Omaha. - (7)-2U 2 LADY or girl, each town, good pay; spare time; copy names for advertisers; reli able; cash weekly: stamp for particulars. Amedlcan Advertising Bureau, Sanborn vtlle. N. H. (7 Mo33 27x $6 WEEKLY earned at home addressing en velopes for prominent eduoator. Enclose 10c (sliver) for particulars. President, Pitman School, Toledo, O. (7) 14 ifix LADIES and girls to copy advertising let ters at home; spare time; good pay; cash weekly. Write for particulars. W. W. Wood, Helena, Ark. (7) M484 27x Favctory ana Traaes. GIRLS to operate power machines and finishers. Burgese Shirt Co. 7) M171 WANTED or 8 girls for factory work; also a few good machine operators. Amer ican - Hand Sewed Shoe Co., 12th and Harney Sts. - (7) M194 37 GIRLS Wanted by F; P. Klrkenflahl ft Co., . 11th and Harney. (7) M369 28 EXPERIENCED FINISHERS on coats and skirts. Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros. (7) 377 27 WANTED Experienced woman's clothes lroner. Nonpareil Laundry Co., 170(1 Vin ton St. (7) M573 28 . GIRLS for clipping threads, stratghtenlntr and counting bags. Be mis Omaha Baa; CO. (7 M541 28 WANTED Experienced alteration hands. Orkln Bros.. 1610 Douglas. (7) M&J8 27 Housekeepers an el Vonaesttes. GIRL for general houstwork; small fam ily. 2615 N. 17th St. Tel. Independent B-1627. C7 7S4 . DR. WERTZ, dentist, ttb floor Paxton Blk, CO-219 WANTED Cook and second girl. 812 Farnam Bt. Tel. Harney ill. (7) 123 A GIRL to do general housework. Call Mrs. H. O. Jordan, 1115 S. 33d.. Tel. Har ney 2787. (7) 170 WANTED Competent girl for genernl housework. gi a. ann Ave. (7) 210 .6 WANTED Competent housekeeper; four In lamuy; no waaning or ironing; steady po sition. 119 N. 16th St. (7) 246 37 HOUSEKEEPER wanted by gentleman widower, with two children, ages 4 and 6 yeara; middle-aged woman preferred; nrsi-riass wages ana a goon nome; ref erences will be required. Address 8 US, care tiee. (7) 7x WANTED Girl small family. 3974. for general housework; 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug, (7-M3&4 2x WANTED Good girl for general house work; three In family. 2711 Poppleton Ave. "Phone Harney 1728. (7)-87 WANTED Girl for references required. general housework; 308 So. 38th St. (7)-76 28 WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook; good wages; family of four. Mrs. H. B. Boyles, 2753 Hurt Bt. Tel. Harney 406. (7) M672 GOOD wages and good place for girl to do general houaework. Apply Miss Riley, 817 S. 16th. (7 1636 2x WANTED First-class girl for general housework. Mrs. W. H. Butts, Hul Worthlngion Place. Tel. Douglas TdVi. (7)-M5027 "WANTErv-OIrl for general hjousework; no washing; $2 por month. Mrs. M. A. Hall, 118 N. Sitth Bt. (7) MVxO 1 WANTED Woman cook; state experience and where employed the last year. Ad dress Railway Eating House, Salem. S. I). (7) M4K9 3 WANTED Competent girl. Mrs. H. M. McClanahan, 1312 N. 40th Bt. Tel. Harney 1402. (7)-M611 27 Mlseellaneoas. BE TRATNED NURSE Earn $26 weekly. We provide home study lecture, hospital practice when desired. employment through physicians. Unlimited demand for our graduittea. Free catalogue. Hmall monthly payments. American Training School Nurses. It) Crllly Bldg.. Chicago. (7) M497 27x TRAINED NURSES-We will pay liber ally for a little work In line with your frofesslon. Write today. Manager, Room 16. No. 1265 Broadway, New York (7) 413 27 WANTED Ladles to make aprons; $3 dosen. No cost to get work. Materials sent prepaid Enclose stamped addressed envelope. Home Apron V Dress Co., Los Angeles, Cal. (7) 41$ 27 LADIFjS Good pav on ribbon work any where: sample J rents. Robinson, Box M, Mlddletown. Con iv (7 HELP WANTEDMALE AsteaiSf solicitors aaet saiesaaeat WANTED Thoroughly experienced cloth Ing aalesmaa. Apply Immediately. The Dennett company, ( Ml 27 HELP WANTED MALE Areata and Salesmen t ontlaked. WANTED By prominent local f rmi tnen t travel and call on farmers. One -.eJ t; meeting the farm trade preftrrerlJ. bnt net necessary. Call on C. A. volMor.. (Oi Bee Bldg., today. . , . tSo--J6. A Sl'CCEBSFUL salesman ran find a pli.e with ua and make good money. Address Lock Box 1136, Lincoln, Neb. ()-M79f WANTED Four hlgh-clsss salesmen by a -large manufacturing establishment; r.ien accustomed to the agricultural imple ment trade. Stale in (list letter (uily, experience, age, former and present eu- plo)ment, salary experted. All comniu, mentions will be treated as crtufldentlaf. i We are looking for brains and enetgy, and will gladly pay for theui.. Address "Progresa' 1300 Trade Bldg,, Chtongo. () 3kX WANTED Traveling man by local firm. Experience not necessary. Position per manent. Address W. 222 Bee. (9 Mlo4 - WANTED Young man to drive through country and sell farmers an article of big value at a low prlee. Permanent po sition and good Income. Address A 2-3, care Bee. i9i MJ(3 SALESMAN First class. In clothing, t can lenrn of something new and permanent that will double his present Income. Ad dress In contldence, G. 163. care Bee. (91-M133 :tx WANTED Agenta at once 1o sell Dloxxi, the best yet chespest iledorlxer on the market; agents make five to fifteen dol lars a day. Write I. K. Hovendrn, mfg. agt., Shenandoah, la. 9)-M134 Oct. 7x WANTED Experienced carpet salesmen; apply superintendent. J. L. Brandos & Bona. () BHt 28 WANTEl-Hlgh-class salesmen to ( sell ' ley-hot Bottle" as side line to 'drug. Jewelry and general stores; specialty; quick seller. P. O. box 337, Cincinnati, O. () M491 27x NATURA diamonds; big money maknr; fin est imitation known; gold mountings; send for agents-' sample offer (ring or pin) and catalogue free. Natura Jewelry Co., Dept. 7, Chicago. () M024 27 X AOF1NT8 Coin money, send for newly In- veniea c&ncneeter liiPMmlesrent keroHeiie lampa; 1A0 candle power; burns with or witnout mantle; burner fits an stanuaru makea of lamps: saves 76 ner cent oil: 10 times brighter than electricity nr gas at l-10th cost; no trimming wicks; no generating: complete agent's outfit, $5. Particulars free. Canchester Light Co., state hi., Chicago. (9) M623 ITix HA LESMfciN Phenomenal chance offered wholesale grocery salesmen exclusively to handle our cake and randy specialties as . siue line; lowest prices, Highest quality guaranteed; exceptionally large commis sions paid; only live men meaning busi tiess need apply. The Roser-Runkle Co. Kenton, Ohio. (!!) Mi)l! 27x MANUFACTURER wants local salesmen everywhere: demonstrators in stores hustlers to distribute designed circulars no canvaaalng; 2 to $.i0 weekly. F. O, carter Mfg. Co., Chicago. () 62i Z7x AOFTNT8 WANTEfD FVtr the most won derful money maker sold today for agents. street men, distributing agencies, etc; Big gest success on record. When operated - people '-stop, look, listen, become fasci nated, tny. Demand world wide. . Agents magma; a day. Gotviiftr T, 1 uc -J1IUIU7 AlllllKB liHU, lngtoo. Jdlch. () M500 Jtotv. aukntsj J36 a week, expenses paid, no experience required. Photo pillow tops SOc; enlarged portraits, frames, lowest prices; free samples. Catalogue. Dcpt, 78, Rltter Art Studio, Chicago, III. (9) M499 7ix HUGE profits egents. young and old, city or country; bright, sparkling, famous Par- . nattov simulation diamond: . brlUMncy .equals genuine; detection almost baffles experts, sample orrer (neautiroi earring, ring, or stud.) Catalogue free. , Warn Co., 290 . Boyce Bldg., Chicago. . . ()-M498 27x WE HAVE position for five first class salesmen, two for local work, three for the road. Our proposition lh high class and permanent. We want men who can deliver the goods and furnish best refer ences. Call or address, C. P. Norwall & Co., 478-480 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. 1 r (9) MS88 2T WANTED One experienced clothing sales man, and one experienced dry gods salesman. State salary wanted In flret letter. . F. 'end Clothing & Dry Goods Co. Friend, . Neb,. . (9)-M0!t7 17x BRYAN and Taft compatgn pictures. Agents are making $20 per day. A big hit. Write for free samples. People's Por trait A Frame Co., Chicago. . (9) M496 27X ' IJSSZfcJ?"1 cent commission basis for a manufactured article which sells readily to physicians and furniture dealers. Palmer Chair and Furniture Co., 22d and Campbell St., Kan sas City, Mo. (9)-M61l 27x AGENTS $26 a week advanced to sell to stores; best advertised and easy seller; new plan; send for contract. Blgler Co., X-906. Springfield, 111. (9)-M50j 27x WANTED Three good solicitors, maga tlne proposition. Call 12 to 2 Sunday and Monday. Garner, 618 N. 19th. (91-M503 28 WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1; particulars. GI8HA COMPANY, Anderson, Ind. (9) 441 27x AGENTS wanted to sell Adv. novelties; '25 per Cent Com.; 2 samples, 10c. J. C. Kenyon, Oawego. N. Y. (9) 4; 27x AGENTS $300 every month, sure, selling our wonderful eight-piece kitchen set; send for sworn statement of $12 dally profit; outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 624 Jefferson St., Dayton, O. 00437 27 X AGENTS, 8TREETMEN "Safety Night Lights" prevent asphyxiation, saves life, health, money; greatest seller on earth; thousands of boxes sold dully; enormous profits; unique selling plans; dime brings sample box (fifty lights), prepaid; partic ulars free. SAFETY NIGHT LIGHT COMPANY, Fordham, New York City. (91-436 27x AGENTS House canvassers, energetic, $10 dally; Suvto gas Jet heaters aell at sight; ?;as consumed V,c hour; make yourself ndependent; get particulars. Suvlo, 6.8 E. .ML New York. (9) 434 27 x RELIABLE persons in every cointry to deliver and collect; steady position; $5 dully and expenses easily made. Fur particulars address Dexter Supply com pany, iM Dearborn St., Chicago. (9)-431 27x 500 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN of good address at once to sell Mexican lands; big commlsstones; our best men are mak ing $w00 to $1,000 a month; everybody buys land. Mexican West Coast Land com pany, Kansaa City, Mo. (9) 4J9 i7 WANTED Salesmen to call on retail stores; popular line, with advertising that pays; holiday season Just open.; hustlers with ability can easily make $" monthly, f. o. box No. 136, Dept. 1, Iowa City, la. (9 43o 27x WANTEI) At once, experienced specialty salesmen to call on drug anil general store trade, selling well advertised line apoth ecary medicine; expenfea advanced; good salary or commission on permanent basis. Give age, experience, with whom last em ployed to oh'jaln full particulars Im plies confidential. Box 56S. Chicago. . - (9) tZ7 27x WANTED Experienced salesmen; high class staple goods; sold on long time; a trade boomer for dull times. Write for particulars. MeAlltster-Coman Co., Sjj Dearborn St., Chicago. (9) 426 fix SALESMEN $100 per week commission to good man selling assortments Hai.le no tions to grocery trade; fine seller: promi remittances. Manager, 310 Buhl Mlitck, Detroit, Mich. (9) 43 27x JIJBT OUT-rHw-prlcel, s-lh mop; turn crank to wring: clean hands: women all nuy: 11 per cent prcrrtt: catalogue free. V. & Mop C..l Ualn St.. Letpsir. o ' 0)-ti r HELP WANTED MALE $fi. INUSTED In our patent peanut vend ing tneutiinea win pay you ijn a week. Write 'ior-agenl's special s.ropoaltlnn. Ooo-Goo ,tltiin-Vo., Jlnlcago. jfli) 419 27x WANTED KTJmifulced, successful, ener getic h le Twit to lx pld hue of prop-rk-tary medltlnea la Nebraska. Splendid proposition to man Who can sell gooda. Address liS.Ogden 'Ave., Chicago. u ' , tf) 422 27 BIDB I.lNt, Salesmen who desire an essy r-iiiuR uji,. -wnn Dig commission, send reference TorVajrirle album. Alfred Holx ba "Okeaa;o"-"? (9) 421 37x MAKE $5 ta $10 a-'diAr, selling trade as side ime. new oovios making watch theft Im possible; sells on .Hliht; Investigate; lib eral proposition to' salesmen. Watch log Novelty Cov DtiJ.t ),, 116 Dearborn, Chi cago. . ,f .,- () 424 27x AGKNTS Make $tfts 6. per month selling -ni runnarnciimg, patented scis sors! and cutlerv. -"V. iK nM JS Pairs In I hours, TnadV $13. You can do It. We show how.. - Free outfit. Thomas s. i-uv, M unyion, O (9)-42 27x AOENTH WAITED-' For guaranteed No- Htrle hnsd.rv Iff k ... . meiifhs cttstomei gets new pair free. Ex- il . r,. ITW'' W? commissions. No. Hole Hosier i Co.. 172 Lincoln Ave,, News, rk. Nr J. (9)-420 27x A WKIJ, known Chicago belt, comb and novelty house , has 0, magnificent open ing for a live, ambitious hustter.i ac . qualnted with dry goods trade. ; age. . .territory, eti -Address Y K9. ttir Bee A ' V i' '-: ' (9V418 27 MANAGERS Slid agents Wanted If oi the celesbrat.-d Flood.. Cllvnd tubular ash- uesi.-on eartn, light fabrics. 4such k Iflf otirtalne' Infllea' waists, etc For 1 inn milium, iiiqi.'s waists, etc.' Foi erms and .particuilsis address IVpt. 113, he Flood City Washer Co., Ltd.. Cur-i-ensvnie, Pa. ()) l"i 111s Tl wensvllle. Pa. ACiKtNTS Men and .Women sell folding pocki't seispors. rVeTybody needs them. Sample 26 cents. W. G. Stone A Co., 1319 Monroe St., St. Louis, Mo. () AORNTh? to hamlle biggest money-making flM extinguishers. Special startlnar offer: exclusive territory, ITS to $300 per month. BfiBger tlu mioal' Mfa;.. Co., Mllwaukkee, Wfcj. (1 t)- PORTRATTS 36i ' frames flc up. We sell better- gnotM for less .money than other. Our cataJoKue tells why. Samples free. N. M. Friedman A Co.. Box 620, Msrtlns burg, Mo. '. 1, (9) 417 27x FIRST-CLASS book man to soil Encyclo paedia Br1tn1du Heavy advertising for closing; salek coupons and leads furnished; . extra commissions; expenses paid. J. W. Burnett, i Marl 45 Perln Blil.. Clneln. K-natl, O. f hi (9) 416 27 THREE competent: cqrset salesmen to travel through aha' south and west. Only experleni-ed. need mpAy. American Lady Corset Co., Petroll,, Mich. (9 4S0 27 SALESMAN Experience.! In any line to - sell-general treda In Nebraska. An un equalled specialty proposition. Commis sions with $36 weekly advance for ex penses. The Continental Jewelrv Co., Cleveland. - Ohio. '. : ..1 (9) 449 27 HVB AatoNTS'wanled -to Introduce high f;re1ehousiolil .srwcfalty Into every '"'? OUlk sal,blg profits; send for ' iiT. . paruciHar yci.aafl L. Kslmp. 618 rum si new- vurk city.- (9H4iKr7 1 NeWxYork City. 1 f X "TtR12R r.f yo iilg M ANi JFA CTy RER of iilgh gTa'deVspec- ..... -.ninii, ,n arug, Tiaraware and de partment stores, wants a representative on commission basis. State full partic ulars of present connection and territory covered. B. N. Box No. 1828, New York. : - -: - ()it 27 f ramlesdejit fjnarnJi,rHma; brighter 4nan gas or electricity; fifteenth cost; rapid seller; big vroflfs." Continental Co.. fc86 Bruawaewy.erkQ (0)-W .f7 AOLNI S WANTED rytfrywhere f6f Heyl s set of fine artists' colors, for students, academics, deoorators. Heyl'g color works w,''r.,e,an"',hf, Addresa, Room 1201. No. 108 Fulton St.. New York (91-443 x $10.00 DAILY No "better money maker for live agents than -the well known, wMnlv advertised Kllfyre; write for special terms. MoWS,' 17? Pearl s.7 New ..--' t.-'i (9)--444 27 MEN and women srent Wanted In every town to sell the wonderful Triplex Hand af or. .men, By a mere twist of the -wrl"' R.'benies a purse or muslo portfolio or a small satchell or a shop ping ba.' Four separate bags for' four separate purposes all In one. You enlarge the bag to meet your needs as you- go i,0S& ..rS'i?'.. ' - .w., ww , dioi di., ie w tork. (91-441 WANTED St dclt aales men ... v' ' o-1'n.en -VoU'lff' "in.ur.'ncS'ck j tieierenws reqtilred,M Gttlxens Ufe ftrtrur-'- apCt : lOUsvilla,, Vy. (9) 447aj CAPABLE ' saleaman'oto ' 3 ; t-maalfa jUh staple Ihje; i.igrh ommiMidii WUhi 9 ) monthly advance; permanent, w i. ti.,;,1ht n,an- Jess Jf- 8ml,h Co.. 1) it, Mich. 1. . (9H-4S2 fx Hon tr AGENTS' FORTUNE MAKER Wonderful en-worsin waaner; does the .w ting by Itself; runs Hutotnatlcally by -water works pressure; saves all the hard -Work of.waah day; new invention ; a leas n precedented. Agenda wanted who can handle hlifh-class proposition; eichlrflve errltery; .$300 4o $i0 mr mantkTIia Eagle Tool Co.., Sola MfgS.. D,epvil42, Cincinnati, O. (9)-rffc3x WANTED Traveling salesmen to eeYI1 our :ring goods, dress fabrics, white grind's, etc. to retailers. Good commission. Profit able side line. South Phlia. Woolen Co.. Bo 1841.. Phils. ' (9) 487'fnt ' 1 ' 1 1 ,"1 ipij SALESMEN . wanted '4o, sell our aaUnt peanut and gum machines to retaJJ trade ' aa a side line. Big money in this prftprml- , tlon. Write for spegiaL .terms. iC)o(M3oo Gum Co., Chicago. .,.,,-. (9W45S, 7ji SALESMENtOO to 00 per cent prbfltsell- ing speoliilty every merchant and 4ta4nss nian wants; quick cash aales; iMilimited quantities. Write Sullivan Co., W, Van Buren Bt., Chicago; 111. (9)-4hjt7 100 per cent profit selling burner for cook. - -' ..""i j-.very nouse naadg one. Rauh Mfg. Co., ' Cincinnati. fT'J - - ' 5j. (9)-s6I.Tx AG ENTS-Most attf active 'proposition " Vjur self generating gas burner for gasrtMna lamps; Jjrllllant gaa light; liberal, induce tnents; description free, F:astern.,Oas T.lght Co., 280 Broadway, New YorVf -1 v c t ' (9)-4M-27k AOENT3 IN EVERT TOWN Bast selllnr household article. Start at once.- I.arge . demand for -goods, t;5 to $30 a avewk Success assured. . Investigate today. Cari Specialty Co., Ileasanton, Kan. ' ' - ' (9)-JM 'Irk SPFCIT, offer to.srertls with ronvsyaaca handling our superfine stereoscopic views .easv. ilraant' Work; tlOO to $v monthly standard Sceplg Co,. Kansas City, Mo. ' t 1. 1. 11.1 Bays.- 't-u.',i- r. I : is .;:, "'.ni BC'TS to. work attet school; 48$ Brandels. W A NTK1-Twenty hoys to canvass for one of our iiuwt, recent produotionsr $1 Capital required; can easily sari) 1 or more per day splendid opportunity for school boys during trrls' week. - Fonda, Bi os., dt Co., 121 iigi ney Bt. -. , . ' -. . r- (9I-M534 29 WANTED A boy. t m 18.- to train In gen ,,,ra) railroad accountlngw. Call or. addresa Geneial Storekeeper, L'. P. R. R. Co. ' (9)-M2M tf WANTMD Several rlutble boys, JS or over, W. l Tel. Co.. 212 B. 13th St. - (9-M706 Oetlt WANTED Three bright boys. 16 years of axe, to get as guides hi Brandels' store; apply superintendent. J. L. Bra.idels a Son a , iP f.rt., ( A2 8 WA NTKD At once. : bright boy to feed -'proas. BeinlS. Omaha Bag Co. " " - , ' .- n . i- ' ' -.. yi () M575 $7 VII EN wrltlnc to ad vertical's, kindl ittai. tlon Tb Baa.