the omaita Sunday bkE: September 27, 190s. STAIE CAMPAIGN WARMS IP Ben&tor Burkett Drawing Good Crowds in First District. PEOPLE COME OUT IN THE RAIN Points 0t rr Taft Jle Mad Work of Roosevelt Administra tion and III Fltnesa to Contlaoa It. AUBURN. Neb, Bept, 26.-(Speclal.)-8en-atorBurkett epoke last night at the Maclay npefa house to a large audience. Senator Hurkctt arrived here yesterday afternoon after a strenuous trip from Falls City In an automobile. The party met with aeveral breakdowns emoute. In consequence of which tiiey were mveial hours behind thrlr schedule, and only stopped here long nough to change machines before going to Rroik. W. II. Cooper took the party In hts automobile from here to Brock, where the senator spoke In the afternoon, and returned him to this place In the evening;. Before the meeting; Senator Burkett and hi .party were given a reception at the Hotel Drexel. Mr. Burkett has been making- from two to four speeches a day on his trip, and reports g-ood audiences and plenty of enthusiasm everywhere. He Is much elated and gives It as his opinion that the republicans will roll up their usual com fortable majority In this state In Novem ber. Congressman Smith at Fremont. FREMONT. Neb., Sept- :6.-(Speclal Tci grain.) The first republican meeting of the campaign Ira this city was held at the dis trict court room this evening. The seats were all taken ar.d there were many people stHmllng. The principal speaker was Con gressman Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs. The first pprt of his address was ipon the tariff. Ho urged the necessity of the maintenance of the protective princi ple and the revision of the schedules along these llrjes. The latter part was a discus sion of the differences between the plat foims of the parties. I .a nor Commissioner Rldef was the first speaker. The audience was enthusiastic and the strong points made by each speaker were generously ap plauded. In spite of threatening weather the meeting waa a success. 1 SICK MAX TAKES OWN LIFE Despondent Over Hla - Condition, Oeorce Wilson Shoots Himself. KEARNEY. Neb.. Sept. 26.-(Speclal Tel egram.)George Wilcox, 24 years of age, took his own Ufa at the home of his father-in-law, Ferd Wick, four miles south of Amherst, on Friday evening, by shoot lng himself above the left eye with a. .21 caliber rifle. He died four hours later, Wilcox leaves a wife and three young children. He had been sick for some time from consumption and was despondent over his condition and his Inability to care for his family. loans; Man Admits Gnllt. WALTHILL, Neb., Sept. 26.-(Speclal.) Homer Morris, charged with having broken Into the general merchandise store and atolen goods from the store and money from a drawer In the poatofflce, admitted the' truth of the charge yesterday and waived examination, and was bound over to the district court. The defendant ad' mitted taking a small amount of dry goods and change to the amount of $12.. The prisoner was taken to Pender by Constable James Hasan and will be ax ralgitf-d be (ore the district court in a few are.' Considerable sympathy is expressed for the accused on account of his age. He Is but 18 years old and has been unfort unate. It Is not known whether the Postofflce department will take notice of the charges. Charles Leftwlch Recovering;. ST. PAUL. Neb., Sept. 26.-(Spectal.) Charles B. Leftwlch, who was seriously hurt Monday evening by an accident in ship ping ateera, whereby hla akull waa frac tured, la now recovering from the Injury, after the performance of a successful surgi cal operation. j Nebraska News Notes, PT.ATT8MOUTH Almost everyone will attenki the Ak-sar-Hen next week PLATTSMOtJTH The long and extremely dry Batu PI. 0 nt spell was broken by a soaking rain day. .ATTS MOUTH Mrs. Paul Qertng re tuuriied home today after a pleasant visit wins rrienns in uermany. SlIWARD John Selby. the Mllford man win fell a distance of thirty-five feet froia the new school building at that place. oierg inurnaay, SlIWARD There are fifty old soldiers In M a precinei, ana lliey receive on an aver aye J lg a month pension, which aggregates iiiesniuii oi iiu.mju a year. BCATRICE A light rain fell here last i.gilt. A good soaking rain Is badly needed eaiity and Bad Breath Canliot Go Together Xo Matter How a Vlonuui May Try to Make Them. It I does not matter how beautiful a wo man! may be. If she la afflicted with baa breath she will be shunned and pitied by men.ind even women will studiously avoid her. If lany woman doubts this statement let her bnake a point of asking a friend In whoin she may confide, a man friend or relatl that lve. If he be honest ne will tell her foul breath from the mouth of a wonJan will drive men from her more raplitly than any other personal affliction. Filul breath arouses In man disgust and wheila this quality Is brought into play no l:iount of self -denial or reasoning can overcome the natural repugnance which com li to man when he la In company with such I a woman. Wllat is true of bad breath In woman la nor true In so great a degree in men. Worn I n are looked upon aa the incarna tion of sweetness, breeding, virtue and refinement Foul breath will sicken a man ' that he cannot feel for such woma ' a companionship necessary to make ilm desire to be In her company. Tbeire is absolutely no occasion for bad breatll in either man or woman. Charcoal, the- Strongest absorbent known, when taken I into the stomach, will prevent this lemci ant tendency or affliction. btulrt's Charcoal, Iosentces axe sold In tremelxlous quantities ail over America and tfanada- They cure and have cured all fc ms of bad breath. A single box till c l nvlnce you of this fact. One should eat slate of these losenges after each meal I nd upon retiring.. You might fifty If them without harm. Ihey are not nlidlcln,' but pure willow charcoal Dilxed lwitn sweet -honey to make them le and compressed Into a losenge ierve their peculiar and lasting In this locality and would erestly nil th farmers in planting , fall wheat. BEATRK'K At last reports the body of Priy 1 Jermnn of this city, who was ilrrwned In a lake resr R:iw:n.i. Wyj., Weiinrsc'ay, hail not been recoril. BEATRICE Hon. H. T. Ralncy. rni -gresHnia.i from Illinois, will p-k In Bea trice next Tuesday evening. Ho Is one of the leading democrats ot the country. BKAVRICK The I. F. Debuting club held a meeting Saturday evening and de cided to debate with Lincoln In this city soon. The date has not yet been decided uron. BEATRICE The Woman's Roller cirps at Its wek!y meeting I'Tlday Initi ated three new members. The auditing committee will meet next w-ck 'o audit the boohs of the order. BEATRICE ranlel Freeman, the firft homcftevlcr. who recently recovered from a severe spell of sickness, has suffered a reiapse nnti is reporieu in a b'-tiuus conni tion. He Is 87 years old. BEATRICE 3. 8. Ratllff and family. "Id residents of I. thirty township, w.ll cave ronn for Colfax. Wnfh., where they will make their future home. Mr. Katliff s Bon Is sheriff of Whitman eountv. NEBRASKA CITY Moses H. Damme, a well-to-do and prominent resident of lir ton, .who was arrestpd and placed in Jail on a charge of being a dipsomaniac, was reiensen lasr evening on pronation. TKKAMAH A, Hamlin was arrested by! Marenai Hides, cnarged with introducing Honor on the Indian reservation. He waived examination and was lKund over to appear oerore tne next federal grand Jury. PLATTSMOl.'THG rover M. Gammon and Miss Anna Davison of Lincoln were united In marriage In this cltv bv the county Judge. The bride formerly resided in tnis city with County Surveyor Hilton and wife. BEATRICE Dr. R. B. Albright, accre- tary of the Board of Education. Is con fined to his home with tuberculosis. He recently returned from a summer's stay at Colorado (springs, but the trip seemed to benefit h!m but little. PLATT8MOUTH Mrs. Mahala P. Graves was assisted bv lfiO friends In celebrating her 87th birthday anniversary In her home at Rock Bluffs. Mrs. Graves was born In Knoxvllle. lenn.. and was one of the earli est settlers in this county. HEATH ICE The Young Men s Christian antic i mtlur. ! making plana to put a taut lout ball tcHm In me field tills seanon. Three squads have been picked, from wtnen a team win De cuosen mxi weea, when active practice will begin. NEHAWKA The homes of F. A. Bode- eker. ri. I. Compton and Charles Duck worth were burglarized last night. The screens were pried from the windows and entrance gained, and small amounts of money taken from each home, and also a watch from Mr. Bocdeker. SEWARD Wednesday, September 30, the annual district conference and Sunday school conference will meet at Mlltord. 1 he district represents all of the 4'nlted States, and mony representatives, delegates and church people will be present from over the territory mentioned. TtEKAMAHi Oeorgo Crannell. formetlv of this place died at the home of his brother, O. Ev Crannell, yesterday of lock Jaw, caused by blood-poisoning. He has Deen living near Bancroft for the past few years, and was brought here last week in a very serious condition. LEXINGTON Friday the most success ful county fair ever held In Dawson county closed. The grounds cannot be surpassed anywhere in this part of the state for suitableness. The attendance, which ran Into thousands, waa beyond the most san guine expectations of anyone. TEKAMAH United States Marshal Rides arrested John Andrews of Herman last night, charged with engaging In the bus iness of retail liquor dealing.. Andrews was brought before I'nited Hint I'om. misaioner btnghaus this morning and was bound over to the federal grand Jury. NEBRASKA CITY Georae Trulllnrr and Grover Lane, the two men who were so badly burned In the gasoline explosion i me cleaning esiaDUBhmenl ot the former on Friday afternoon are slill alive, but in a very bad condition. Doubts ar entertained for the recovery of Trullinger, uui ii is inougni inai iane win live. NEBRASKA CITY The police have given warning that all men and women must be off the streets after midnight or tney will De taken before the police Judge to explain the reason why. This warning was given some time since and Is now be ing enforced and two parties have been la Ken oerore the court and ordered to leave town. NEBRASKA CITY The general store of LouIm Kropp, in which is located the post office, at Wyoming was robbed Thursday night. The thieves affected an entrance by breaking out a small window light, and some tiu in stamps, fi0 In cutlery. Knives and things of that kind, a revolver and Rome groceries were taken. The sheriff has ottered a reward tor the arrest and conviction. PLATTSMOUTH Fred Ossenkoo. who la chsrged with murder 111 the second degree lor me Killing or manes Byrne in agle, was brought Into Justice Archer's court yesterday and gave bond In the sum of to.CKM, and was released from custody. The rellminary hearing Is set for October 22. 'he bond was signed bv John Usaenkon. an uncle, who owns 16o acres of land In una county; John Group, who owns 320 acres, and Edwin Dorln, who owns eighty acres. SEWARD A cltlxens' meeting waa held at the Commercial club rooms last night to confer about the county buying three lots on the south side of .the business square to build a pall, also to talk over purchasing a X1.600 clock for the court house and the granting of a franchise to a representative of the Quick Meal Stove company for manufacturing artificial gas. Committees were appointed to look after the several Interests. NEBRASKA CITY-Thursday morning at Perclval, la., a village seven miles eat of here a fire destroyed a number of buildings and several barns. The drug store was owned by Mr. Wlngert and waa destroyed with Its contents; next was a barber shop and general merchandise store, both were destroyed and belonged to Sheldon Brothers and there was but lltcle insurance while the Ioks was heavy. The origin of the fire Is unknown. BEATRICE Jacob Routh, about 10 years old, becunio Involved in a quarrel Friday evening at the fair grounds with Mrs. Wert Ellis and struck her in the face, knocking her down. As Mrs. Ellis is a powerful woman and weighs 210 pounds she soon regained her feet and went after Routh In a way thit forced him to break ground and run. He was later overtaken by a special officer and turned over to the police. Aa no complaint was filed htm he was released. FL.ATT8MT.iUTH Dan B. Smith has re signed his position as foremap of the Bur lington paint shop here, after having filled the position for forty-three years to the entire satisfaction of the company, and he also had the confidence and good will of the hundreds of men who worked under his supervision. Recently H. J. Helps, master mechanic, resigned and, with his family. . removed to Los Angeles, Cal. A few months later Washington Smith, who had charge of the coach department, re signed and he and his wife removed to Omaha. NEBRASKA CITY-In a runawav acci dent at Dunbar Ijst evening, Oscar Weller son of A. Weller president of the Farmers bank of that place In company with Mrs Chris, Kasbohm were seriously injured. They were both thrown from the buggy and Mrs. Kasbohm severely Injured about the ankles. Young Weller was dragged over a' block by the lines which he had tied about his shoulders and his ralp nearly torn from hla head. It required some twenty-five eiitohes, by a physician to re store the scalp to hla head. He Is In a serious condition and It is feared he will not recover. palata to pr treng'l The iiext time you wish to go Into com pany slid don't want your foul breath to humllUlte you. eat several of Stuart's Chsrcoll Loienges and your breath will be purrl and sweet. Ever! druggist carries them, price 16 cents, if send ui your name and address and we I will send you a trial package by mall Trl Audreas F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Wr Jtlu.. Marshall. Mir' pit ' lif i ''A '- BRYAN SILENT ON HASKELL (Continued from First Page.) Mr. Bryan Is unable to state when It will be completed. He positively refused to dis cuss the Haskell rase. "The resignation was not addressed to me," he said. "The question of Its ac ceptance and of a successor lies with Mr. Mack." The first speech of the day waa at Wood stock, III., where a big crowd beard him repeat his statement often made that It was considered by republicans undignified to appeal for votes from the rear platform of a train. His remarks were cut short by the train pulling out Furnishers of Hotels, Clubs and Restaurants, as Well as Private Homes R6HHRO & WILHELM 4141618 South Sixteenth Street ViTr f rfr your inspection of our new fall line of home furnishings it is an unusual dis- III VIlw play a, most complete assortment, embracing all the new modern, better and medium grades at. popular prices. ' Very special attention has been given to the selection of this fall stock, and you will find the styles and quality right in every detail and the prices likewise attractive. Grandfather Clocks Useful, attractive, and n very pretty piet'e of furniture for the hall, dining room or 1 i v i n g room. We have a very large assort ment of mahogany frame, Colonial design, eight-day clocks, guaranteed works, from .$35.00 to $175 Brass Beds We shcyw an exceptionally large line of brass beds In the satin and bright finish. We have a num ber of patterns that are considerably under-priced. Two-Inch post, all brass bed anocial at 9 17.50. Other patterns, regular value $32.00, special, at, each $25.00 $38.00 brass bed, for $27.50 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets . Full of conveniences, sanitary flour bin, slide al uminum shelf, card Index for receipts. Made of solid oak, golden finish, $21.00 and up. JfflP' Library Table Like cut. .Genuine mahogany ve neer top, rims, and under shelf. Has on large drawer, top is 26 ins. wide by 40 ins. long, each $17.00 133 other patterns of library tables in golden, weathered and fumed oak and genuine mahogany; prices ranging from $12 to $150 Leather Couch Like out. Made of No. 1 leather, diamond tufted top, ruffle puffed side, full spring edge; wide golden oak frame, carved claw , feet; special $39.00 Arts & Crafts Rocker (Like rut). In Fumed or Weath ered Oak. This Is a high back, large size, comfortable chair or rocker. Has loose cushion seat and back of Spanish leather, the best of construction and finish. An. excellent ralue, either in chair or rocker, at Ostermoor Mattresses We are western distributers for this celebrated patent elastic felt mattress. Satis faction guaranteed. Made in special art twill ticking. Ostermoor's regular $22.50 mattress, 60 pounds. price $15.00 Delivered anywhere in the United States. Napoleon Bed Like cut. Genuine mahog . any veneer, full size, special at $29.00 24 other patterns of Na poleon Beds in oak and mahogany, ranging up ward from $20.00 -825.00 Klaa at Fort Madlaoa. FORT MADISON, la., Sept. 2S.-1:: mem ory of a government stockade, the building of which was begun here exactly 109 years ago by Lieutenant KingsUy of .he United States army, a flag was raised tocay by Company A. Fifty -fourth regi ment, Iowa National Guards. The cere monies marked the opening of Fort Madi son centennial celebration. The event waa doubly Interesting from the fact that this Is the home ot descendants of Ketay Hot, 'kkrr of the (ll Hi Amorl.'un fla. Lace Curtains and Portieres Our new fall line excells in style, quality and quantity. This is without question the most complete drapery department in the west. You will find at all times the latest and newest ideas in curtains, draperies and drapery mater ial. Many of the new things are imported direct by us. Others are made for our exclusive selling by domestic manufacturers. Our large output enables us to offer some extraordinary values. Nottingham Lace Curtains Designs that will please you because they are well selected, with style and dur ability in view, per yard 50c, $2.95 to $10.00 Braided Curtains, in the very latest designs, all made on nets that will wear; per pair, at .$1.95 to $12.50 Brussels Curtains In white, the most stylish parlor curtains made. These are dainty and will wear because we have them made on good net; per pair. .$4.75 to $22.50 Duchess Lace Curtains Made on double thread net with the daintiest designs, in borders of stitching and fine muslin; per pair... $5.00 to ,$17.50 Cluny and Arabion Lace Curtains With hand woven cluny edge insertion and motifs, made on French tripple thread net; per pair v. $3.95 to $37.50 PORTIERES Made from mercerized materials, in all colors, with the newest edge; per pair, from ..' $5.00 to $35.00 Fancy nets are receiving particular attention this season. They are especially adapted to odd sized windows. White, ivory and Arabian colors. Prices range, per1 yard, from' '. 20c to $1.75 Edgings to match, per yard .5c 2arpetS"Rugs Hundreds of new fall patterns to select from in all the different grades and varieties. No place in the west can you find such a large collection of carpets and rugs. Note a few of our special offerings for Ak-Sar-Ben week: $40.00 9x12 Wilton Hugs, all new patterns, splendid line of colorings, $31.50 $27.50 9x12 Axminster, slightly mismatched, extra good quality, your choice for : $17.95 Dekkan Brussels Rugs These rugs are made from the best quality of Worchester- yarns, very heavy Brussels warp, and a rug adapted for hard wear. They are very suit able for dining room, bed room and living room, all at a special price this week as follows: $7.75 9x9 Dekkan Rug for $5.95 $9.00 9x10-6 Dekkan Rug for .$6.75 $12.50 10-6x12 Dekkan Rug for $3.95 $10.50 9x12 Dekkan Rug for $7.45 We have no hesitancy in claiming the largest stock of carpets west of Chicago. We cordially invite your inspection of a few of our many bargains. Tapestry Brussels at 59c per yard with a 5-8 border and stair to match. Extra quality for dining room, hall and stair, per yard $1.15 We recommend our Velvet Carpets. Prices as follows: From $1.35, $1.25 and $1.15 per yard down to .90c Good bargains are to be found in our extra Axminster carpet, suitable for parlor and living room, at, per yard 94c We are agents for the Bissels Gold Medel Carpet Sweepers, same as cut, for, each $3.00 HHVE YOU VISITED OUR STOYE AND KITCHEN WARE DEPARTMENT IN THE BASEMENT? TAFT MAKES HIT IN IOWA Characteristic- Short Speeches Take Well with Crowds. TALKS WITH MANY HE MEETS Voice Does Xot Hold Out, bat Can. didate Makes Excellent Im pressionCrowds Greet Train. WATERLOO, Is., Sept. 26. Mr. Tafts tour of Iowa beg-an with a short address to an immense crowd at Cedar Rapids before 8 o'clock. The carrying power of the candidate's voice was still notably de ftclent. In explaining his condition, Mr. Taft told the crowd that It was "becaua" I talked yesterday to about 126,000 food Iowa republicans." It was. he added, very trying" not to bo able to Impart his Ideas satisfactory to the big crowds that greeted him, but he expressed the keenest appreciation of the compliments shown him by the presence of the crowds and their enthusiasm. When he had concluded at Cedar Rapids, his review of the duties of good cltlien ahlp which he aald Included the selection of government agenta who had been tried and found aatlsfactory rather than those who made promises and prophecies which time universally proves unsound, he was requested to face the crowda on all four sides of the raised platform from which he spoke. As he did this, he remarked with a smile, "I feel like a performing bear." "Well," was the retort from the crowd, "we are going to give you the blue ribbon all right." "That's what I want," rejoined the candi date, "I want Iowa to ahow the good sense of her men and women by rolling up a 100,000 republican majority, which I be lieve she will do." Another big crowd awalttd the special at Vinton, and from the rear platform the candidate made a brief talk and was heartily chewed. Waterloo1 reception was another big affair, and here, too, the crowd was demonstrative. Senator Clapp of Minnesota boarded the special In Iowa to act as tha escort of honor after the Minnesota tins should be reached. Five stops were scheduled In Minnesota before St. Paul Is reached at S o'clock. Here Mr. Taft plans to deliver a speech on postal savings banks and the guaranty of bank deposits. He will go to Minneapolis tonight, where he will remain over Sunday. In hla speech at Vinton, which gives a good Idea of Mr. Taft's short talks, he nk0 as fuliuwa: "I only want to say to these who are farmers that they are in a very comfort able situation with reference to their crops and their prices. That If they will look back twelve, years they will find a situa tion under tha Oorman-Wllson tariff bill that was not so comfortable: when prices went down to half of what they are now, and then a panacea was proposed that we J ist rut down half our debts by art of con gress, and having thus paid off half, we go on and struggls with the remainder. "Instead oi that, which waa tha recom mendation of the gentleman who Is now my opponent, you went ahead and pursued the henest policy of paying your debts In the coin In which you had contracted them, and honestly proved to be the best policy, nec essary with that and with the adoption of the Dlngley tariff we went to prosperity never, before known In this country. "We have had a panic. We got too far spread out, and In business circles and In labor circles that panic Is hurting. But wo are on the upgrade. And If we can only keep the confidence of those men who con trol capital so that railroads may borrow money, so that corporations engaged In Industrial enterprises. may borrow money, prosperity will come again. But my friends I ask you, heart to heart. If you were alone In business would you select a gentleman as your agent, putting out a man who had served you well? Would you select a man aa your air. ; t to bring about confidence who had made recommendations for twelve years with respect to economic system and economic plans and short cuts and nos trums to prosperity, every one of which has been refuted by the event? I believe the people of Iowa are a long-headed people. I believe that when they aee a good thing they know It, and I believe that they next November will show their common senst, will show that they are still standing where they have always stood, for good govern ment, for progressive government, by vot ing the republican ticket and again bring ing abojt prosperity." Ileauects to Mr. Ooiapers. MASON CITY. Ia., Sept. 2fi. To an audi ence composed of laboring men at Waterloo Judge Taft paid his compliment to Samuel Gumpers in the following vigorous lan gunge: "Mr. Samuel Gompers has already deliv ered the vote to the. democratic party and that makes It rather hopeless for one who is struggling for the republican party to CURE Bent to Demonstrate the Merita ol Pyramid Pile Cure. What It Has Sob Tor Other, It Caa Bo lor Ton. We have testimonials by the hundreds showing all stages, kinds and degrees of piles which have been cured by Pyramid Pile Cure. If you could read these unsolicited letters jou would no doubt go to the nearest drug store and buy a box of pyramid Pile Cure at once, price fifty cent. We do not ask you to do this. Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. We know what the trial package will do. In many caaea It has cured piles without further treatment. If It proves Its valua to you order more from your drugtst. This Is fair, is It not? Simply write us a letter giving your name and address and we will send you tha trial package by mail In plain wrapper free. Address Pyramid Drug Co., 1W Pyramid Bldg., Marshall Mich. deal at all with the labor question. He teems to have removed It from doubt by carrying the vote In his pocket. He leave no place outside for me. Now, I venture to think that the laboring men of the coun try think for themselves and have an In telligence that enables them to take their own Judgment as to the party and the can didate whom they elect. "It is rather a cheap method of attack ing a candidate to say that he is opposed to labor, that he Is In favor of oppressing and tyrannizing labor and that he has nothing In his heart that sympathizes with labor. The only way you can meet that Is to say that It Is not so and that Is what I do say. I yield to no man In my sym pathy with labor or as a class, in Its ef fort to organise to make Itself properly powerful In the community, to maintain Us equa.lity and Its level In the struggle for life and in dealing with capital on those Issues where its interests and those of cap ltal are opposed." Speech at Cedar Falls. At Cedar Falls, where Is located the homo of the great Iowa Normal school, Mr. Taft Fpoke of the profession of teaching as per haps the highest in our civilization, and followed with a brief reminder of what had been done In this respect In the Phil ippines and of his disagreement with Bryan nn this question. ' He was presented with a huge bounuet : of red roses and an ear oi' i n of great size. As he held one In each hand when , the train moved away t.-om the hig crowd j he remarked, "beauty und utility." The i Wuverly Junction meetlt.g brought forth the same big crowd with the same expres sions of approval of the candidate. Owing to the addition of Mason city to the Itin erary thrt Taft special w i! not reach St Paul until 5 o'clock. Francke Talks of Trip. C. F. Franke. chairman of the republican state central committee of Iowa, who has been, with Mr. Taft during the campaign in Iowa, after receiving the thanks of the candidate for the demonstrations In the state, had this to say of the trip: "Nothing could demonstrate more clearly the sentiment of the Iowa voter than the cordial reception given Hr. Taft from the time he entered the state at Clinton. The warm reception given him by the immense crowds which assembled everywhere 1 the most effective answer to those who might have harbored any doubt aa to his popu larity or ability as a campaigner. The whole of Iowa believes In the Roosevelt policy and the welcome given Secretary Tft demonstrate the confidence they have In him and the belief that he Is not only able, but willing along the lines which have so distinctly marked the last seven years of national history. "I am greatly pleased over the general interest shown and the warm receptions riven everywhere, and Iowa feels honored by having had so great and distinguished a guest. We will surely express our ap preciation on November I." assist the president at the meetings. They are S. C. Smith, Fulton Jack and D. S. Dalbey. The officers and the executive committee of the Taft club will meet Monday at 10 o'clock, when arrangements will be made for the meeting of Judge Taft. who will ar rive In Beatrice at P:30 Thursday morning. It ia planned to erect a platform near the Burlington depot and to decorate the city with national colors In honor of the distin guished visitor. An effort will be made to have the factories, business houses and schools close during the brief stay of the presidential party In order that all may be able to hear the speaker. NO EXTRAVAGANCE SHOWN (Continued from First Page.) wood; October S. Palmyra; October 6, Stella; October 8, Nemaha; October 7, Bur chard; October 8, Elk Creek; October 9. Douglas; October 10. Nebraska City. After filling the last date Congressman Pollard will spend a week campaigning In Kansas. Pollard In Demand. Senator Dixon director of the national republican speakers' bureau has urged Con gressman Pollard to give some of his time to campaign work outside of Nebraska. Owing to other dates ltw!I! hardly be pos sible for Mr. Pollard to grant the request. Mr. Dixon's request la considered a high compliment to Mr. Pollard as a campaigner. It is a follows: Can't you possibly arrange your state campaign so as to give the national com mittee at least ten days or two weeks for campaigning outside of Nebraska, between now and election. The reports that have com Into headquarters from your Indiana meetings have been most enthusiastic. They say as a vote getter that no one has done more good In Indiana than yourself. The national committee Is most anxtoous to secure your service. Can't you write me a1ng that we can have you? Democratic Executive Committee. Chairman T. S. Allen of the dmocratlc state committee has appointed the follow ing executive committee: John Mattes, Jr., Nebraska City; T. J. O'Keefe. Alliance; H. D. Miller, Stanton; Clark O Hanlon. Blair; D. A. Gell, St. Paul; Vic Wilson. Stroms burg; Harry Dungan, Hastings; J. J. Thomas, Seward; Harry V.- Hayward, Omaha; Theodore Grelss, Sutton. The Union Pacific Railroad company to day intervened in the complaint of Omaha umber dealers against out-rate from Lin coln. The company followed the example of the Lincoln Commercial club and filed a demurrer with the State Railway commis sion. The commission will hear argument on the demurrer of the Lincoln club Sep tember 29. Conditional Pardon. Governor Sheldon today issued a condi tional pardon to Raymond R. Kennard of Plalnview, who Is serving a one-year sen tence for forging an endorsement to a check for a small amount. He was received at the prison March 11 and la 23 year of age. 4e now' has typhoid fever. ' The governor ha ordered him taken to a hospital at University Place, there to remain till he recovers and then be taken to til horn of hi jgarents in the same town, and there after to be employed at some useful occupa tion and to report to the governor monthly the amount of hla earnings. Be Want Ada are Bualness Booster. HITCHCOCK DEMKI THE RUMOR National Chairman Ha Heard ( No Other Resignations. NEW YORK, Sept. 36. Chaliman Hitch cock this morning deprecated rumor that other reslgnatlona, in particular that of National Commission Treasurer George R. Sheldon might follow that' of T. Coleman Dupont. head of the speaker' bureau, whose resignation was announced last night. "I know of no other resignations," Mr. Hitchcock said, "nor any contemplat4." Mr. Hitchcock also aald that ne uo cessor to Mr. Dupont, whose resignation waa accepted yesterday, had been selected and would not be before the first of next week. Mr. Hitchcock said he had received no Information from Washington sine hi return from Chicago on any matter touch ing the campaign, except that Washing ton was well satisfied with the plans to be carried out from- now until the close of the campaign. It (was given out at headquarter today that Colonel Dupont' resignation doe not affect his position as national committee man from Delaware. He will continue to By using the various departments of Ths Bee Want Ad Page you get the boat re sults at the leaat expense. Taft Cleb at Beatrice Meet. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 24 (Special. ) A meeting of the Taft club was held last evening. W. H. Kllpatrlck tendered his resignation as president for the reason that he Is away from the city a good share of the time, but the club would not accept hi resignation. Upon motion of Fulton Jack three new vice presidents were elected to Few Rich lVIen obtained their wealth by speculation, but by systematic saving, and In vesting their savings where they would work for them and earn good Intercut. Stock in this Association t safe and profitable-. All our funds are Invested in first mortgage real estate loans as required by law. We are examined by and make reports to the Bute Banklpg Board. Our dividends to mambera during the 26 years have been 6 per cent, com pound semi annually. As good a rate as can be found on any kind of investment equally as secure. We will be pleased to explain our plan. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Bl. Ooraer lth and soda- treats. O. W. X.OOatIS, rreaUeat. O. at sTATrrjrOBB, evetary. w. m. ADAXB, Aee. eoiseary.