Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, HOME SECTION, Page 2, Image 26

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THE BUSV DEES have been sending in some Interesting pictures, but
not as many stories as usual. Consequently the same Busy Bees
are winning the prizes, as they are Bending In good storls every
week. The first prize Is awarded this week to a little girl who
wrote a good Indian story. Now the boys should be able to write
better adventure stories than the girls. The editor would like to receive some
lamping stories, for a number of the Busy Bees have written that they were
camping this summer and had a splendid time, and this would be a good sub
ject for the boys to write about, too. When writing stories, the Busy Bees
must read the rules, and remember to write only on side of the page.
Some of the Busy Bees are writing so many postal cards that they do not
have time to write as many stories as formerly, but they like to te&i the
stories the other Busy Bees write. Now, these are the Drone Bees instead of
the Busy Bees. Some of our prize wlnnners have written that they are get
ting some of their little friends to Join the Busy Bees and write for us. These
little workers are the real Busy Bees.
Prizes were awarded this week to Alta Wllken of Waco, Neb., on the Red
side, and Orlan Mayers of Lusk, Wyo., on the Blue side. Honorable mention
was given to Rena N. Mead of Blair, Neb., on the Blue side.
The answer to last week's illustrated rebus was: "Last week the girls
and boys started to school with their bookB under their arms." Correct an
swers were sent in by Willie Nielsen and Hollls Pauline Seward, both of
Any of the Busy Bees may send cards to anyone whose name Is on the
Postcard Exchange, which now includes:
Jean De Ixwf. Mrisworth, Neb.
Irene McCoy, Barneton. Neb.
Lillian Merwln, Heaver City. Nab.
Mabel Witt. IJennington. Nab.
Agnes Dahmke, Benson, Neb.
Vera Cheney. Crelghton, Neb.
Iouls Halm, David City, Neb.
Kunlce Bode, Falls City, Neb.
Fay Wright, Fifth and Belle streets,. Fre
mont, Neb.
Ethel Heed, Fremont. Neb.
Hulda Lundburc, Fremont, Neb.
Marguerite Bartholomew. Gothenburg,
Jessie Crawford. 406 Wert Charlea street
Grand Inland, Neb.
Lydla Roth, 606 West Koenlg street, Grand
Ialand, Neb.
Ella Voss, 407 West Charles street. Grand
Ialand, Neb.
Alice Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Edythe Krellr, Lexington, Neb.
Anna Nellson, Lexington, Neb.
Alice Grassmeyer, 1645 C street, Lincoln,
KNIe Hamilton, 2029 t afreet, Lincoln, Neb.
Irene lusher, 2030 L street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hughle Pishcr, L street, Lincoln. Neb.
Louise 6tlles, Lyons, Neb. '
Estelle McDonald, Lyons, Neb.
Milton Selzer, Nebraska Cty, Neb.
Harry Crawford. Nebraska City, Neb.
Harvey Crawford, Nebraska City, Neb.'
I.uclle Hazen, Norfolk, Neb.
Lctha Larkln, South Sixth street, Nor
folk, Neb.
Km ma M.-rfiuardt, Fifth street and Madi
son avenue, Norfolk, Neb.
Mildred F. Jones. North Loup, Neb.
Hugh Rutt, Leshara. Neb.
Hester K. Rutt, Leshara, Neb.
Lillian Wirt, 415S Cass atreet, Omaha.
Mever Cohn, Me Oeorgla avenue, Omaha.
Ada Morris, J424 Franltlln street. Omaha,
Myrtle Jensen. iSOtt Izard street, Omaha,
Gull Howard,, 47 J Capitol avenue, Omaha.
Helen Heurk,'162S Lothrop street. Omaha.
Mildred Jensen, 1707 Leavenworth atreet,
Little Marie's First Day at School
Sy Helena Saris.
fMvsteUJu Hi, aearie, jump up um quiivijr
I g 1 as you can. This is to bs your
I j I first day at school, and it's
I J alniut nVlrtnlr now Com.
open your blue eyes wide 'and
don't let that old monster,
i-,n.iii. ;. get a nip at you."
It waa little Marie's mamma, who was
calling her from her morning's sleep. And
Marie, rubbing her eyes, remembered that
the day Just begun was to be one full of
Interest for her, for alia Was to start to
school that morning. And Marls 1 had
never been In any sort of school befors.
Her parents had thought It best to keep
her out of the kindergarten, as she was
not very rugged, and they wished her to
be out of doors as much as possible,
where ahe'd grown strong and healthy.
But during the summer Marie had had
a birthday, and ah was now 6 years old.
But she waa a very little miss for her
years, and as there were no other children
In her home she was still her mamma's
baby and her papa's only pet.
And so they had moved from the coun
try Into town, where Marie might have
the advantages of schooling due a little
miss of 6. And such lovely books shs
had, too, and a slats and a long, sharp
pencil. Oh, Marie, had gone into ecstacy
the Saturday before, when her mamma
had brought to her the fine book and
slate satchel so filled with all neoessary
school things. There was a sponge, too,
with which to wash her slate. And a
dear little box which held her slate pen
cil and lead pencil, and another to hold
her two witting pens. Maris was to be
come a great scholar, so papa declared.
And Marie was determined not to disap
point him.
As soon as Breakfast Was over Marie's
manuiu took her to the school house,
which waa sevsral blouks away. And
when mamma led her Into the room where
the "primary grade" was kept Mario was
so glad to see It was filled with kittle
boys and girla'like herself. Some were a
bit tuller and a bit older, perhaps, and
aomn were even younger than Marie. But
not one was so small, so Marie was to
be the "baby" of the grade. So said the
preUy falr-haird teacher who came down
Mabel Bholfelt 4914 North Twenty-fifth
street, Oman.
Wllma Howard. 4723 Capitol avenue.
Emerson Goodrich, 4010 Nicholas street,
Helen Goodrich, 40X0 Nicholas street,
Maurice Johnson, 1627 Locust - street,
Hllah FiBher. 1110 South Eleventh street,
Louis Raabs, !M0 North Nineteenth ave
nue, Omaha.
Emma Carruthers, 8311 North Twenty-fifth
atreet, Omaha.
Walter Johnson, 8406 North, Twentieth
street, Omaha.
Leon Carson, 1124 North Fortieth street,
Genevieve M. Jonea North Loup, Neb.
Juanlta Innes. 276 Fort street, Omaha.
Madge I Daniels, Ord. Neb.
Agnes Richmond. Orleans, Neb.
Zola Beddeo, Orleans, Neb.
Marie Fleming, Osceola, Neb.
Lotta Woods, Pawnee City, Neb.
Karl Perkins, Reddlngton, Neb.
Emma Kostal. 1616 O street, South Omaha.
Ethel Enls, Stanton, Neb.
Edna Enls. Stanton, Neb.
Ina Carney, Sutton, Clay county, Nen,
Clara Miller, I'tira, Neb.
Mae Grunke, West Point, Neb.
Elsie Btastny, Wllber. Neb.
Alta Wllken, Waco. Neb.
Mary Fredrick, York, Neb.
Pauline Parks, York, Neb.
Kdna Behllrg. York, Neb.
Carrie B. Bartlett, Fontanelle, la,
Irene Reynolds, Little Sioux, la,
Ethel Mulholland, Box 71, Malvern. t
Eleanor Mellor, Malvern, la.
Kathryna Mellor, Malvern, la.
Mildred Robertson, Manilla, la,
Ruth Robertson, Manilla. la.
Edith Amend, Sheridan, Wyo.
Henry L. Worklnger, care Sterling Rem
edy company, Attica, Ind.
the aisle to greet Maria's tnamma and
make Marie's acquaintance.
"What a little dear I" exclaimed teacher,
stooping to put her arms about the little
stranger. "And we'll become the greatest
friends, won't we, dearT" And Marie, so
happy, smiled and said: "Yes's, we'll be
very good frens, indeed." (Although
Marie was 6 years old there Were a few
words she could not pronounce very
easily. And friends waa one of them).
Then the teacher and the mamma had
a little private talk while Marts ar
ranged her books and slats and pencils
and sponge and writing pens In the dear
est little desk that had been assigned her
by teacher. Oh, what a Joy to have a desk
for her very own to remain hers till she
should learn so muoh that She would bs
promoted to another room, whore the desks
were bigger! Marie was very proud that
morning, too, and extremely happy.
Then mamma kissed Marie good-bye and
went home, telling Marie that shs must
not stop to play when school was dismissed
f ir the noon hour, but to hurry home tor
her luncheon. And aguln Marie felt very
proud to think that her mamma was going
to allow her to go to and from the big
school house alone. She was, Indeed, be
coming a big girl to bs allowed so much
Then the sdiool was called to order and
teacher talked so sweetly to the little ones
assembled about her. And what a lovely
lot Of girls and boys they were, Marie
thought as she looked all about the room.
When, teacher said they'd sing a song Marie
was glad, for she loved to Sing, and her
clear voice rang out louder than any of
the others when a song was sung that
she liked.
"Well, Marie, you have a fine voice and
sing very well," said teacher.
"And I csn sing lots of songs," declared
Marie. "If you'd like for me to sing 'Old
Saint Nick,' I'll do so."
"Not now, dear," smiled teacher. "We'll
have our lesson now. But soms Friday
aftorrtoon you may sing 'Old Saint Nick' for
us if you like."
"Then I'll sing 'Little Bo-Peep' this morn
ing If you'd rather have it than 'Old Saint
' . .. ... ... - M H4. ,
1 ' , i.aa;s,
X. Write plainly o on side of Ui
paps only and number the pagss.
t. Use pea and ink, aot penell
a. Baort and pointed articles will
be given preference. XX not use ever
50 words.
4. Original stones letters only
will bo used.
6. Writs yonr asms, age and ad
dress at the top of toe fiist pags.
rirst and seoond prises of books
will bs given for the best two con
tributions to this page sack week.
Address all 00 mm mil cation to
oaoXiBMxra dspajitiixtt,
Omaha Bee.
(First Prise.)
, Jack's Adventure
By Alta Wllken, Aged 13 Years, Waco,
Neb, Red.
Jack Robbln's father and mother had
moved1 west when he waa but a llttlo boy,
so that he had never known anything but
this horns out on the prairie. He loved the
free life and when he had finished his
work he would mount his horse and go fly
ing over the country, just as happy as a
boy could bs. Ills father had taught him
to use a gun when he was but a little fel
low and now It is One of his greatest treas
ures. One evening Jack and his father had
gone out to Shoot some game for breakfast.
They hoped that some deer might come
across their way, and they had climbed up
on a platform that Jack's father had built
in a tree to wait for It. Soon they heard
the gallop Of horses and their hearts nearly
Stood still. When they saw a doscn or
tnoro Indians riding towards them Jack's
father motioned for him to be quiet and
they laid there and watched. Both thought
Of mother at home. The Indians dis
mounted not far from them and they
learned that they had come to attack the
Battlers. Something must be done quickly
and quietly. As tarefully as possible they
climbed down. Jack must go one way and
his father another. Jack was a brave boy,
so on he Sped from house to house, warning
the men. Boon a body of men gathered
together and the Indians were attacked
and killed. Oh, how proud of their boy
Jack's father and mother were.
(Second Prise.)
Playing Hookey
By Orean Mayes, Aged 12 Years, Lusk,
Wyo. Blue.
It Waa Tuesday night and Harold and
Frank were walking home from school,
when Harold said, "I'm getting tired of
euhool. What do you say to playing hookey
tomorrow?" "All right," said Frank. "I'll
take some pancakes and meat from the
breakfast table for lunoh for us. Just pre
tend you are going to school, and instead,
run down to the big gate In the meadow.
I'll be there waiting for you. Then we'll
Nick,' " said Marie, anxious to show what
she could do with a little song all by her
self. "And whea I'm home 1 can play it
on the piano."
"Not this morning, dear," said teacher.
"And how you know wa all rr.uct be very
quist It's study hour now, my dear, arid
you mustn't move about In your seat nor
Whisper to any Of the pupils. After awhile
we'll have reresa; then you may run out
and play for fifteen minutes snd have fine
Then teacher called a olasa and began
giving them their leseon, marking off a
whole page to be learned, much to Marie's
But ss the day wore on Marie became
Very tired of the quiet of the schoolroom
and of the monotony of the little ones'
voices In recitation. As her mamma bad
taught her all her Utters and to read
through the first reader, and to write ever
so many words, Marie was put Into a class
of boys and girls that formed the "A class."
At first Marie enjoyed reading, spelling
and writing. The her naiad grew tired of
books and she began looking about at her
little schoolmates. First her eye caught a
red, curly head sitting back of her. The
bead belonged to a very funny little chap,
Johnny Rogers by name. He saw. Marie
Ex-Oueen on Her Vacation
1 .
J nslH
. -.4. . .' . . ,"...
go down by the stream under the trees and
have lots of fun."
Next morning when Harold went down to
breakfast he put several pieces of toast In
his pocket and started off. He got down
as far as ths bakery when he happened
to think Of a quarter he had In his pocket.
80 he went In and bought some doughnuts
and buns and went on down to the meadow,
where he found Frank waiting for him.
They were In wading and splashing In the
water and having a merry time, when
Harold cried. "Ouch! Help! My foot!"
Frank turned around and found that Harold
had stepped on a piece of glass and cut
his foot badly, which meant they must go
and confess to mother where they had
been. They decided that playing hookey
was not as much fjn as they thought It
would be.
(Honorable Mention.)
Mildred's Problems
By Reni N. Mead. Ased 12 Years, Blair,
Neb. Blue.
"Helen can't you help me get my pro
"No, Mildred, I can't help you, I havs
my Latin to get."
Mildred Was only twelve years old and
was going to a classical school in the city.
She Was finding her problems In reduction
and proportion very hard. Mildred was
hard to suit and when mamma or Helen
tried to help they never did them quite
right. Miss Stone didn't do them that
On this particular evening Mildred was
left to herself because mamma was out and
sister had her Latin to get.
"I wish mamma would not make me
go to school." said Mildred to herself. "I
do hot like It. I can't get the work and
I Just don't see any good In It."
After a bit Mildred rose to leave the room
When Helen asked If she got her problems.
"I got two," replied Mildred.
"How many did you have?"
"We had two In reduction and ons In ato
portion." '
"Which didn't you get?"
"I didn't get the proportion.
"Why. Mildred, don't let It go," said
Helen as Mildred showed signs of leaving.
"I did try It," said Mildred, and I just
couldn't get It."
"Try It again, Mildred, perhaps you csn
get It."
"No I'm going to bed."
"Very well, Miss Stone will scold you."
"I don't care If she does." said Mildred,
slamming the door behind her.
Mildred ascended the stairs to her room
feeling very miserable because sister Helen
hsd reproached her.
"I Just wish there were no such things
Ss school," said Mildred to herself as she
crawled In between the warm blankets.
Presently Mildred began to dream. She
dreamed shs was a poor girl with no father
or mother, no cozy bed and good school to
go to. m She had one room In a tenement
house. In one corner was a pile of straw
and one quilt for a bed. Oh! How she
looking him over and winked mischievously
at her. This show of friendliness o pleased
Marie that she called out to him: "Say,
boy, what's your name? You're awfully
funny-looking. What dreadful big " .
But Marie's remarks were cut short by
teacher, who came quickly to her side, say
ing: "Oh, my dear little girl, you must not
talk In time of books. No, turn around In
your seat and write the words I gave you."
"Oh, please, teacher, I'm tired and would
rather play," said Marie, not thinking for
a moment that It was anything out of the
way for her to do Just as she liked any
where end at any time. "You see, I'm
sleepy when I lock at by books, and I'd
rather plsy for a while."
By this time all the p.iplls were laughing
St Marie, for evvry onu there save herself
hnd been In school be'ore. And teacher
was smiling In spite of herself, although
she tried to prevent the children seeing her
amusement. She led Marbi into an empty
classroom aoross the hall and explained the
rules of the school to her. When she had
finished she aaked: "Now, my dear little
Marie, don't you think you can alt quietly
In your desk for Just seven minutes? It
will then be recreation time and you may
go out of doors and play."
"Oh, I'll try ever so hard," smiled Marie,
-,y -
. . !
wished she had a mother and father.
Where was her nice bed and her good
school gone?
She woke up crying about these things.
My I Waa she a poor, homeless, psrcntlcss,
schonless child? No! She had only been
dreaming. Oh, how glad she was It waa
only a dream.
Next morning she reported her problems
perfect. She likes her work now.
You may be sure Mildred did not again
think her teacher unreasonsble, or wish
that there was no such things as school
and that her mother would not make her
Hilda's Dream
By Marie Shook. Aged 11 Years. Omaha,
Neb, Blue.
Hilda bad been a naughty girl and her
mamma had sent her to bed without her
She soon dropped off to sleep and dreamed
she visited the home of the Busy Bees.
While she was there she ssked the Queen
Bee If she ever put the busy bees to bed
without their supper.
"I never need to. They sre always good,"
said the Queen Bee.
"I wish I could always be good," sighed
"You ran," said the Queen Bee.
"Always do what you know Is right, and
If you don't know whether It's right or
wrong ask your mother. That Is the way
the Busy Bees do."
"Oh, la It? Thank you. I will always try
to do right."
Just thein she awoke and told her mother
about her dream, and she has never had
to bo put to bed without her Supper since
The Little Hero
By Ronald Wyrkoff. Aged. 9 Years. Wll
ber. Neb. Blue.
Once upon a time there was a little boy
whose name was Harry Stsnley.
One duy his mother sent him to town
with some butter and told him to come
back before dak, so Harry took the butter
and started.
On his way he saw a stream of water
which was coming from the river and he
knew that If he did not stop the water It
would flood the neighborhood. When the
little boy did not get back befors dark his
mother was worried and went to look for
him. She saw him coming and asked him,
why he did not get back sooner. Ho told her
and Henry's mother called him a little
A Visit to the Mine
By George Netherly. Aged, years. Lead,
8. 1. Blue.
This Is a very hilly country not like
Kearney, where we used to live.
We live close to the White rocks. Some
times my papa and mamma and I go up to
them. Then we ran see all the town like
little toy houses and toy trains and toy
Now, I will tell you about Lead. We go
there on the trolley. The Homestake Is
there. That Is a very large gold mine. A
man waa blasting and set the mine afire.
He went to dinner and when he got back
the smoke was so strong they could not
get to the fire; so they put a pipe away
over to the creek and Just let the creek run
Into the mine. After a long time the mine
got full of water and the fire was put out.
Then they dipped out all the water with
big buckets on long ropes run by bis
engines. Papa and mamma took me to
Then we saw the large stamp mill. Thj
man at the door let us In. The gold ore
fell down In the water right under the big
stamps and waa crushed Into dust and
her blue eyes looking up into teacher's, but
there was not a gleam of mischief in them.
Marie was but a baby a happy, dear, good
natured little baby, If shs was t years
"Well, you'll soon get accuatnmed to
school, dear, and then you'll nut mind
studying and keeping quiet," said teacher.
And that noon, when Marie went home,
she ran to her mamma With: "Oh, mamma,
t waa very noisy and disobedient this morn
ing, though I didn't mean to be. I Just
forgot. And teacher say I'll learn how to
behave after a while. Won't that be nlctt
But? mamma, I'm sure I'll always laugh
whenever I look back of me and see that
boy with the red head and freckles. He's
as funny as the clown on the circus.'
"Then you mustn't look behind you,"
exp'.ained the mamma. "And perh.ipi after
you get acquainted with the l.ltle boy you'll
not think him an comical."
"Oh, yes, I shall, for he winks at me.
And 11 makes his face go all into a bunch
like this." And Marie winked one pretty
blue eye and screwed hor fate all up aa
funny as could be, and her mamma laughed,
caresaing her dear little girl who had had
auch a new experience that morning at
school her first day at school, though she
was years old.
washet away by the red water. The noise,
and the wheels and the belts scared ma
and I almost cried.
This Is all I remember.
Our Trip to the Country
Mabel Neumaycr. Aged. U Years. 32? North
Wheler St., Urand Island, Neb. Blue.
In the month of August, on a Thursday,
Mamma and my two brothers and I got
ready to go to my uncle's farm. We were
to stay until Sunday night.
Te first night we went to bed early
and got tip early, ato our breakfast and
went to the granary to swing, and then
Henry and George, and my two brothers
and I went out to the orchard. When wa
came back wo ato dinner. In the afternoon,
my cousin, mamma and emallcst brother
went to town.
After supper they milked the cows and
strained and separated the milk.
Then we went to bod. Next morning wa
went to the pond for pond lilies.
Next day we rode horseback and hnd
lots of fun. The next evening we went
borne. Pa-pa was as glad to see us as if
we had been gone a month.
Johnnie's Band
By Helen Reynolds, Aged 10 Years. Nor
folk, Neb. Red.
Johnnie had no father and his mother
waa very poor. They lived In the alums of
Chicago, The only plaything Johnnie had
was an old horn, which a llttlo boy had
given him, and he would stand on the
street corner blowing it. One day Johnnie's
mother became very alck and a kind lady
with a little boy passed Johnnie's house
where he was sitting on the porch.
The lady asked him what the matter was
and he told her his mother was sick. Tho
lady went In and gave Johnnnle's mother
some money and went for a doctor, and be
Prattle of the
"How do you like your new teacher,
"Aw, fine. She dresses swell and she
knows a lot o' slang and I guess she'll
get along with me all right."
"Dear papa," wrote the little girl at the
summer resort, "I have gained six ounces
In weight since we came here. Mamma
sends her love. Please write to us to
morrow. Send your love and all the
money you can spare."
"Johnny, your face waa dirty this morn
ing and now It Is dirty again,"
"No'm, It ain't"
Why, Johnny, It Is! Look at It In the
"No'm, It ain't dirty again; It's dirty yet"
"What are you going to be when you
are a man. Tommy?"
"I 'am going to be an aeronaut like Mr.
"Why do you choose that profession, my
"Because It Is the quickest way to get
up In the world."
The two little granddaughters of Dr. S.
Weir Mltohell were showing a now gov
erness their treasures of bouse and gar
den. Behind a box hedge they paused.
Real Babes in
By Annie
HEY had not lived In the coun
try long; the Browns had not
They had just moved into the
pretty farm house a few days
before the things told of In
this story happened. There
were Papa Brown, Mamma Brown, Bulger
Brown (a little boy) and Sissy Brown (a
llttlo girl).
Now, before I go any further, I must
tell you that Bulger's real sure-enough
name was not Bulger; It was Pranklyn
James. And Sissy Brown'a real sure
enough name was not Sissy, but waa Stella
May. But aa Papa and Mamma Brown al
ways called them Bulger and Sissy It Is
better for me to do the same. So, let them
be known in this story which Is a very
short one as Bulger and Sissy.
Well, on the third day after the Browns
had moved Into their new country home
Bulger and Sissy went Out Into the big
yard to play. And after they had explored
every Inch of tho yard they decided to
investigate the barnyard. And It was such
loads of fun to chase the big rooster about
the barnyard, and to hear the hena cackle
aa If they were quarreling with them for
their mischief. Then they visited the pig
pen. And, such a funny lot of little piggies
there were In It, too, trotting about tails
twisted Into knots over their backs after
a very fat mother who grunted, grunted,
grunted every minute,' and who looked to
wards Bulger and Sissy with a distrustful
Then there waa nothing new for Bulger
and Sissy about the house, yard and barn
yard. , And they stood looking at each
other, wondering where they should go.
Bulger, being 6 years old, spoke first.
"Let's go down yonder." And he pointed
to a line of timber about a quarter of a
mile from the house.
Slaty, being 4 years old, trusted to her
big brother's Judgment and said: "All
wight, buver."
Then away the two tottllngs went, hand
In hand, toward the dark woods.
"It'a very big an' dang'rous," explained
Bulger, pointing to the line of timber.
"Maybe bears are there.'
lip w Jw
One of the Prize Winners
; - v
' f ' 4 v ',;
Lusk, Wyo.
said she would not be well for a long time.
They went to stay with the lady until
Ms mother was well. The lady asked him
his name and he told her Mark. She said
that was her name, 'too.
When Mrs. Mark got well they found out
that the lady was Johnnie's aunt, and she
took them to live with her.
"This Is the place where our birds are
buried," said one of the children.
At the head of a tiny grave was placed
a white board. Printed on It in irregular
characters with a lead pencil were these
"Here He our robins; one a week old,
one only an egg"
The worthy Sunday school superin
tendent of a certain Maryland town Is
alao the village dry goods merchant He
is as energetic and efficient in his , re
ligious aa In his seoular capacity. An
amusing Incident Is told of his attempt
to enlarge the aorlptuxal knowledge of a
class of little girls.
He had told most eloquently the lesson
of the day, and' at the connluslon he
looked about the room and Inquired en
couragingly; "Now, has anyone a question to ask?"
Slowly and timidly one little girl raised
her hand.
"What Is the question, Bally?" Don't be
afraid. Speak out"
The little girl fidgeted In her seat
twisted her fingers nervously, cast hor
ryes down; finally, In a desperate out
burst, she put the question:
"Mr. Ward, how much are those gloves
for gtrlg In your window?" Ltpplncott's
the Woods
Sissy held tighter to Bulgers hand, noc
fearing even bears while - safely guarded
by him. "But no bears will bover us, for
I won't let "em," went on Bulger.
And then they reached a fow of the out
Bide, straggling trees. "Oh, it isn't so
very big en" dark, la It?" aaked Bulger.
"No, It's Just bufl-ful," said Sissy. But
still she clung tightly to Bulger's hand.
And so thoy walked about and about,
going a little deeper and a little deeper
Into the woods. And then It became a lit
tle darker and they could not see so far
about thorn, and Bulger decided they would
better return to their home. "I dess we'd
better do home, Bulver," said Sissy, seeing
tho uncertainty In her brother's face.
"Yes, it's mos' dinner time," said Bul
ger, not wishing Sissy to know that he
was getting a bit afraid of the lone'y
And so they started out to go home, but,
having forgotten Just which way they had
come, they went In the wrong direction.
And so they walked and walked, growing
so tired at last that Bulger said they
would have to sit down and rest a bit.
And all the while they had been walking
both Bulger and Sissy had been afraid, but
neither owned It to the other.
While they sat on the mossy bonk of a
little brooklet Sissy fell asleep, her head
In Bulger's lap. Then Bulger's blue eyes
grew heavy, and he, too, fell Into slumber,
forgetting where he was and that there
might be bears In the woods.
And there Is no knowing how long the
two little Browna might have slept In the
woods or whether or not they might have
come to harm, or have been forever lost
or whether at night the birds might have
felt pity for them and covered them with
leaves, but about half an hour after they
had fallen asleep their own dear mother
found them, and, lifting Sissy In ber arms
and calling gently to Bulger to wake, she
kisxod each arid said: "Thank God, I
found my dear little babes safe In the
woods." And Bulger and Sissy were thank
ful to be found, too, and promised never
to go away from home again without their
mamma's consent
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