Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Image 24

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I J II":',' "
Wt? extend to you a cordial invitation to visit Oma
ha's Great Bargain Center. Make yourselves perfectly at home, use
s our free telephones, check stand fr paresis and baggage, etc. Every
accommodation in our power ie make your visit most pleasant will be
fully granted.
fl&A A Veritable Carnival of Bargains All Week
Nearly every item in this ad will remain on sale at the same price all week fer the spe
cial mccommodrtion of our out-of-town customers- Bring this A with you, it will assist
you in finding fust what you want. Cme as early as possible- Take advantage of the low railroad rates
lo per mile n the Union Pacific and lkoper mile on other roads. Visit Ak-Sar-Ben and do your tall shop
ping at Ilayden's, thus ensuring splendid savings.
- Muslins, Sheetings, Domestics, Etc.
in our famous Domestic Room. Prices good for Ak-Sar-Ben
week only.
9-4 bleached sheeting, 25o value 17V&C
9-4 unbleached sheeting, 23c value 16c
10c bleached muslin, yard wide 6V2C
84c bleached muslin, yd. wide. 5
9c unbleached muslin
8 He unbleached muslin 5
16c percales. 86-inch wlde...7V4
12 tc percales, 36-inch wlde...E
$1.00 pure linen damask, 72 lnchnsj
wide 69
85c pure linen damask, 68 Inches
wide 58
10c huck toweling 5
6V4c huck toweling 3t
12 pure linen crash. . . . . .7Vs
16c pure linen crash
19c pure linen crash 9V4
89c mercerized damask 10?
50 mercerized damask 25?
B9o ready made sheets.' 39
5 5c ready made sheets 35
$1.00 ready made sheets. .. . GO
85c ready made sheets. .... .54
Several other bargains all week.
Wash Goods in Famous Domestic Room
'y2Q Apron Checks 4c
imoskeag Apron Checks 5o
Amoskeag Outing Flannels,
yard IOC
12y2o Outing Flannels, GC
10c Outing Flannels 5c
16c Black Sateen 10
10c Comfort Cretonnes Gt
8 He Comfort Calico 5
Double Fold Percales 10c value.
10c Dark Colored Ginghams. . 7H
10c Light Colored Ginghams. . .5
15o Flannelettes, fine pat
terns 10c
12o Flannelettes, fine pat
terns .' 7 VC
lOo Flannelettes, fine pat
terns 5c
Closing out all summer wash goods,
fast colors, that sold from 12 o
to 25c yard, In 4 lots, 7ttc 60,
8 He and 2W
TheBe prices are only good
Ak-Sar-Ben week only. ,
Leading Dress Goods House of the West
We carry more wool dress good!
sell hotter goods for the same money
for Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
Priestley's black dreES goods that
sell for $1.00 yard, at G9
Lupin's cheviots, black and navy,
that sell for $1.60 yard, at. .88
All foreign black and colored dress
goods, that sell at $1.25 yard,
at, yard 92
All foreign dress goods at $1.50,
yard, at 97
All foreign dress goods at $2.00,
yard, at $1.33
All foreign dress goods at $2.60,
yard, at $1.78
s. We sell more dress goods, and we
than any house in the west. Specials
All foreign dress goods at $3.00,
yard, at $1.95
All foreign dress goods at $3.50.
yard, at $2.38
All foreign dress goods at $4.00,
yard, at $2.50
All foreign dress goods at $5.00,
yard, at $2.88
Bearskins AU Made in England.
We carry them in all colors and
prices. Blacks, reds, browns and
navy in all the mottled colors, Mon
day only, all will go at exactly half
Hay den's Blanket Department
We carry the finest line of wool
blankets ever shown in this city.
75e cotton blankets, each....23J
$1.00 cotton blankets, pair.. 59jr
$1.25 cotton blankets, pair.. 76
$1.50 cotton blankets, pair.. 88
$1.75 cotton blankets, pair... 98
$2.00 cotton blankets, pair. $1.10
blankets and cotton
$1.25 wool blankets, pair 88
$1.60 wool blankets, pair
$2.00 (wool blankets, pair.,
$2.60 wool blankets, pair.,
$3.00 wool blankets, pair.,
$4.00 wool blankets, pair. . ,
$5.00 wool blankets, pair. .
All home-made and knotted from
the finest cloth and pure white cot
ton, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00. $4.00
and $5.00
Prices for Ak-Sar-Ben Week Only,
Silks! Silks!! Silks!!!
$1.00, $1.25 AND $1.50 NEW FALL SILKS 49c AND 69c
Never was the bargain getting power or ready cash more
perfectly shown than in the wonderful bargains in high
class silks shown here for Ak-Sar-Ben week. Satins, mes
salines, Louisienes, Peau de Cygnes, Pallet de Sole, crepes,
novelties of every description, plaids, dots, checks, stripes,
figures, Persian satin novelties, black taffetas, 27 and 36
in., etc.; almost every imaginable shade and weave, regular
$1.00 and $1.50 values, all in two big lots, fiQ lQ
$2.50 Black Feau do Soie
Double faced, yard, 1.69
$2.00 Black Peau de Soie
Double faced, yard, 1.45
$1.98 Black Dress Taffeta
36-in. wide, special, 1.25
$1.75 Black Dress Taffeta
36-in. wide, at, yd., 1.05
$1.50 Black Dress Taffeta
36-in. wide, special. . .95c
$1.25 Black Dress Taffeta
86--in. wide, special 85c
$1.00 Black Taffeta, 36-in. wide, on sale at 79c
Special and Attractive Linen Inducements in Our High
Grade Table
Linen Department Monday
25 unhemmed pattern table cloths, size 8x10 is -V- yards
pure linen grass, bleached, well worth $3.00; special Mon
day, each .1.75
It pieces hlfh trad Belfast table
linen, fins aatln finish, two yards
wide, pur flax, regular $1.00 grade
special Monday, yard.. 69o
10 pieces Scotch and German satin
damask table linen, warranted every
thread pure flax, food value at 800
yard special Monday, yard....48o
60 hemstitched table oloths, full two
yards, pure white, usually sell for
$1.75 special Monday, eaoh....98o
SO dozen puren linen dinner napkins,
good size, heavy, strong; and dur
able, well worth $2.60 dozen Mon
day, six for. 75o
25 dozen 24-lnch dinner napkins, all
linen, dew bleached, exquisite de
signs, never sold less than $5.00
dozen special Monday, doi... 62.76
Tour Mall Orders will receive our
careful and prompt attention.
Wall Paper Specials
Sample Lines to Close
All 19J9 Styles
Half Regular Prices
Winter Underwear, Less Then Mill Cost
A two carload shipment of Men's, Women's
and Children's Fall and Winter Underwear
was delayed until too late (or use in our Job
bins; department for Which it waa purchased.
The mills made us tremendous price conces
sions to receive same and we will give our cus
tomer the benefit during Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
Don't miss this wonderful saving opportunity,
Ladles' Fine Silk and Wool Union Suit Very
special bargains for Saturday's Belling;,
at 82.98 and $2.50
Ladles' Wool Union Suit Greatly under
priced, at $1.50 and 81.08
Ladies' Fleeced Underwear Worth to 7 5o
garment, special Saturday 25 39 49
Ladies' Union Suits Good quality, fleeced
garments, all sizes, great bargains,
at 39 and 50
Children's Wool Union Suits $1.50 quality,
all sizes, at 98
Ladles' Vests or Pants Heavy fleeced gar
ments, great snap, at 15 and 25
Children's Cotton Union Suits All sizes, spe
cial, at 25
Hen's Shirts and Drawers In fine
Australian wool or camel's hair,
made to sell at $2.50 a garment;
on sale at.... 81-50
Hem's Shirts and Drawers In fins
quality natural wool, $2.00 a gar
ment values; on sale at 61.89
Hen's Camel's Hair Shirts or
Drawers Natural grays, single or
double breasted, worth $2.00 a gar
ment, at 880
Man's 91.50 All Wool Underwear
Grays, tans and all colors. al..75o
Han's Combination Suits Silk and
wool or extra heavy cotton, values
to $5.00 a suit; In three big lots
f ivfi
sale price ....S3. 98, SI. 98 and 81.50
Hen's Wool Fleeced Shirts or
Drawers Worth to $1.00 garment,
grays or fancies, at 45o, 39o and S9o
Hen's and Boys' Wool Sweaters
Coat Htyle or with 4-ply collars,
over 100 different styles, at less
than regular wholesale cost.
Hen'a Fine Wool Sweaters Worth to
$5.00, at 980, $1.50 and 81.98
Men's and Boys' 81.00 Sweaters Big
assortment, at 6O0
Children's Sweaters Regular 6O0
values; choice, at 85o
Hen's BOo Heavy Wool Hose, at..S5o
Mail Orders Promptly rilled.
Wl!rfui furniture Bargain Opportunity
Great Sale of Couches All This Week at
less Than Actual Manufacturer's Cost.
1 hull kkjl
A prominent manufacturer sold as his entire surplus and drop pattern
aonohea for cash AT ABOUT 50o OH TBS SOLLEB. Entire purchase, over
wwo ear wui, wiu no on sale this weak at most wonaerxol bargain prices,
Teloor Oo ashes, regular $7.60 values.
at 84-50
Teloux Coaches, regular $12.60 val
ues, at 88.60
Terona Conches, regular $16.60 val
ues, at 810.50
Onshloned Flash Coach, regular $18.00
value, at $18.50
Car Flask Couoh, regular $21.00 value,
at 813.50
Boston Xieather Couch, regular $1J f.O
value, at $9.60
$85.00 Couch, genuine leather uphol
stered, at $19.75
$39.00 Couch, genuine leather uphol
stered, at $43-60
$49.50 Coach, genuine leather tiphol-
.rrt at. $37.50
All full size, full eteel construction,
all in perfect condition. Many others
besides above at equally great price
reductions this week.
3.00 Farlor Tables, $1.85 Golden
. oak finish, highly polished, 20x20
top, a matchless value at .... 81.85
$1.75 Dining Chairs, $1.30 Solid Od-k,
golden or weathered finish, bolted
sides, beauties, at $1.30
An Elegant Hew line of Metal Beds.
Iron Beas, up from..,., 1.60
Brass Beds, up from 89.t0
You'll find our prices on all lines
money savers.
Special Shoe Sales
During Carnival Week
Thla will be a splendid opportunity for the visitors who
are coming to Omaha to buy their fall and winter shoes and
overshoes at almost ONE HALF of what they usually pay
for them.
Men's Bhoea In IB different styles, worth up to $4.00, at S2.50
Men'B and Women's shoes, worth up to $3.50, all leathers, at. .Sl.98
Children's hoes, worth up to $1.75, Un or black $1.00
Boys', YoufW and Little Gents' "Solid as a, Rock" school shoes, worth
up to $1.75, at $1.10 and 98
Queen Quality and Grover shoes for Women. Stetson and Crossett
Shoes for Men. Don't Miss These Special Sales.
Specials for Ak-Sar-Ben Week
For the benefit of our out-of-town customers, we will seU the fol
lowing lines at these cut prices all week.
BOo fancy liBle, elastic belts. 25
$2.00 ladles' hand bagB, at. 95
10c Zion City laces 5
50c light hair roll, each 25
8O0 light hair roll, each 15
80c Embroideries 15
$1.00 fancy lace trimmed pin
cushions, at 49c
6c Pearl Buttons 2H3
$1.60 Copyright Books 98
$1.00 Copyright Books 43
6c Gold Eye Needles 1
5c Hand Fainted Cushions, beautiful designs, at 10J
ffiS; Cotton Dress Goods and Wash Goods
Prices Good for Ak-Sar-Ben Week Only.
Great Manufacturers9 Stock Sale
$65,000 worth of women's, misses' and children's outer gar
ments, all newest fall and winter 1908-09 styles. New suits, coats,
waists, skirts, furs surplus of several of the largest garment man
ufacturers in the country. Secured at about 50c on the dollar; on
sale Monday and throughout the week at most wonderful bargain
$7.50 Pall Jackets $4.95 Over
300 in the lot, tans or black,
lined or unlined, also 100 silk
and silk braided jackets, worth
to $15.00, at $4.95
$15.00 Silk Coats 52-in. long,
100 in the lot, at $10.00
Children's Bear Skin Coats
All sizes 1 to 6 years, all col
ors, $4.00 values at $1.98
Children's Fall Jackets All
sizes, values to $5.00; on sale
at $1.98
$25.00 Tailor Suits $14.95 All
the newest style ideas, in all
leading shades and materials,
over 400 in the lot; sale priee,
during this week. .. .$14.95
Women's French Voile Skirts
Regular values to $10.00; on
sale, choice $5.00
Women's $2.00 Moire and Sateen
Underskirts at 98o
Women's Silk and Net Waists
Many worth $5.00; on sale at,
choice $1.98
Arnold's 18o flannelettes, 36 in.
wide, at 12M
Arnold's loo flannelettes, 36-in.
wide, at 10
Pacific serpentine crepe, 19c value,
at 12We
Pacific double fold wrapper goods,
sells at 12 Vic, this week, at. 10
Anderson's 3 So fine madras ging
hams, at 15
Parkhill ginghams, 18c value,
at 12 Ht
Beacon's, extra heavy wrapper
cloth, regular 40o goods, this
week, only 25f
LIVING DEPT. Silks, satins. Heatherblooms, Lustrals, Anderson's
Scotch Lining, Sleeve Linings, Coat Linings, and all kinds of linings, at
the lowest prices in the city.
Crown Jewel Suits Are always supreme favorites with ladies
who admire individuality in design, elegance in fabric and col
orings, perfect tailoring and sterling qualities, at a moderate
price. You'll not find their equal at less than $35.00. Two hun
dred new ones shown Monday at $25.00
New Fall Coats All the latest ideas in the popular empire ef
fects; on sale at $5.00 to $35.00
Several Great Specials in Fine Furs for This Week Don't miss
seeing our great display the most complete showing in Omaha.
) p Ik
Great Reduction Sale of
Sheets, Pillow Cases
In our High Grade Linen Dept.
$1.10 sheets 81x90 each 85
$1.00 sheets, 81x90, each 75c?
89c sheets, 81x90, each 60
79c sheets, 81x90, each G5
75c sheets, 81x90, each 59
69c sheets, 81x90, each 55
66c sheets, 81x90, each 49c?
90c sheets, 72x90, each 69
65c sheets, 72x90, each 05 ?
79c sheets, 72x90, each 50c?
75c sheets 72x90, each -55c?
69c sheets, 72x90, each 40?
65c sheets, 72x90, each 45
69c sheets, 72x90, each 39
60 high grade, imported Marseilles bed
Spreads, heavy, knotted fringe, beau
tifully pronounced patterns, each one
worth not less than from $7.00 to
$9.50, special Monday, each. .$3.08
Mail Orders Filled TU1 Tburkday.
Embroidery Sale
Monday we will place on sale one case of strips of embroideries
and insertings; great assortment of patterns at less than one
third actual value, yard 2C, SVSc 4V2C and 7C
Sole Omaha agents for these famous wash laces and the American Lace
Manufacturing Company Laces. All warranted perfect and will outwear any
other wash laces produced
First Lot 4 Vic? Second Lot f)$
Popular Priced Wool Dress Goods
In this department we carry a very popular line of all dress goods from
25c to $1.00 yard. Tailor's suiting fancy dress goods Children's school
dress goods, etc. Specials for Ak-Sar-Ben eek.
8 8 inch, strictly all wool serge, 76c
value 40
88 inch, strictly all wool panama, 75c
value 30
62 Inch, strictly all wool serge, $1.00
value 75
62 inch, strictly all wool panama,
$1.00 value G9
52 Inch Imported mohair, fine luster,
$1.00 value 57
86-inch henriettas, 40c value. . -25
11.00 Krenrh plaids, silk anil wool..S9o
$1.00 K.-otch plaids, strictly all woul. S9o
$1.00 Klderdown, strli'tly all wool, 690
11.00 Klderdown, 36-in. wide 49o
75c Klderdown, all colors 3So
6ac Klderdown, all colors Bbo
Hundreds of other bargains all day.
Mail Ordars ruisd.
Hayden's Stove Department
Tha larasst stove department la tfc wt ov.r 600 stovas m m,
room floor to slsct from. All of out stoves arc g-uaimntsod to b bast material,
perfeot la work.maub.lp, finish aud operation.
"i' K .1 dnuurl.n tilul IVa.iuu Kan utv I Li u .'A IJ .. . . Yl , .
i'he rioverlgn Steel Haunt:, has six
S-Incn covers, nign warming cloi,el
and KO-lneli square oven, combina
tion wood and coal (rate, made of
heavy steel and atbtMu Uin'J and
fully nickeled, all other denier g t
I4S 00 to 150.00 for this range: our
price J4.9j
Dandy Oak, with' 11-Inch file put.
fully nickeled; all other dealers get
11.00 for this stove; our price 8--HS
The Surprise Universal, a five cover
steel cook stove, fully nickeled,
single drop door, square l-lnh
ovrii and extra top service; all
other dealers get for a single atove
130 00; our price 816-89
Atr-Tlght Wood Heating Stoves, ex
tra, Eeavy eteel; all other dealers
set It-iO for this stove; our price
air l-
them from 112.60 up. Just one-ha.f
me price or otner dealers.
Four hole, 8-lnch covers, lg-lnch
oven cast cook stoves, with draw
hearth, pouch feed; all other deal
er get l.0O for this stove; our
P'lce 98.68
The Master Economy Something
new a genuine suit coal busu
burner the only one on the market.
Guaranteed to hold fire for So hours
without replenishing the only
stove that takes the place of a
hard coal burner Is provided with
a 16-Inch fire pot, handsomely
nickeled; other dealers who have
stoves that pretend to accomplish
what this stove does get $60.00 for
them; our price ,
Read the Big Carnival Grocery Sale Monday-Special in Flour ,Sy"r
rionr baa advanced about 17Ho a sack. We contracted for five oars, which we bought before the advance, and Intend giving- our
customers the benefit of this purchase. The floor la made of the finest Ked Turkty Hard Winter Wheat, and makes the sweet
est, moat palatable and whitest bread baked. You cannot buy this grace of flour for ltss than 8So per sack more after this sale.
We advise you to buy all yoa oaa use La the next four months, as It means a big savins; to you. HOSDAI OBLT, 1 yc
vna tu m ftiT.n r. mi., ia
The Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at
less than jobbers' cost.
10 bars beat brands Laundry Soap...25o
The best White or Yellow Coimacal,
per sack IZa
t lbs. choice Japan Rice 'i'c
The best tioda Crackers, per lb t
The best Crisp f-retxels, per lb no
Tne beit Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb.. 5c
Uromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-o. pkg.7c
Fancy hull Cream Cheese, per lb...UViO
Choice Dairy Butler, per lb l&o
Fancy Country Creamery Bitter, lb... lite
Fresh Spinach, per peck 10c
Fancy New Sweet Potatoes, per lb... 2o
Fresh Ieaf Lettuce, per head lo
il bunches fresh Kadishea . . Bo
6 bunches fresh Unions 5c
Fresh Caulllluwer, per lb loo
Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per lb...2ic
Fresh l'arnt;.s, 'lurnlps, Beets or Cai
ro ts, per lb 2c
Two heads fresh Cabbage , 6c
Fresh, crisp Celery, two for 6c
White or Ked Onions, per lb 2c
Efcif IManl, each 6c
one carload of No. 1 Extra Fancy Cali
fornia -Saiway Freestone rVachcs. These
r the famous Wilson pack the finest
rrown. peaches have advanced from
u lo lie per case, but as this car is
consigned we are going to give the
people of Omaha the benefit and will
at .
them rll CalTI
We are going to make Monday the ban
ner sale day of the season. The trusts
have got together again and Mason Jars
are bound tu go much higher. We have
bought three solid carloads of them and
as long as they last we will sell them at
the following;
pint Mason Jars, with caps and covers,
per dozen o
Quart Mason Jars, with caj s and covers,
per dozen io
Half Gallon Mason Jars, with caps and
covers, per dozen SOo
Buy now for your present and future use.
fk-Sar-Ben Week Rug Spec9 Is
Greatest assortments shown in the west for selection,
highest quality goods at wonderful saving prices.
$30.00 AxmlnHter Ruk 922.30 Snnford's
& Smith's 9x12 Axmlnster Rups, 25 pat
terns to select from, all perfect Roods.
at $22.50
A IMsaell's Carpet Sweeper Fre- To eah
purchaser of above rug, "during Monday's
$18.00 Tapestry Hrussols Rugs $12.50 9x
12 size, big range of patterns, 6(55 in the
lot, while they last 812.50
$20.00 TapeHtry I'.riisKeU Rugs $14.0 9x
12 size, only one seam, just 38 in the lot.
at $14.98
$22.00 HeamloKs Itrufl.sels Rugs $1.0H 9x
12 size, just 25 in the lot.
$28.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs $19.98 19
beautiful designs 9x12 size.
$18 ()) RriiNKPls Rugs 22 for selection, on
ly one seam, 8-3x10-6 size, at. .$12.08
60c Ingrain Carpet Half Wool Extra
heavy quality, special 35
$3.50 Itody llruasels Hample Rugs
On sale, at $1.98
Ingrain Art Squares Half wool,
9x12 size, special $5.49
Ingrain Art Squares All wool, 9x
12 size, special $8.98
Oil Opaque Window Shades lleBt
quality, 36-in. x7-ft., at 390
Catalogue, It's Free.
69c Linoleums Heavy quality,
good range of patterns, yd. .39
Water Color Window Shades
Best quality, 86-ln.x7-ft, 22 He
$20.00 Brussels Rugs $18.98 Ex
tra heavy, seamless, 8-3x10-6
size, 26 for selection.
$5.00 Wilton Velvet Samples Rugs
On sale, at $3.25
Mail Ot tiers Filled All Week. Send for Special Itug and Linoleum
Catalogue; it's Free.
Everything in Lace Curtains and Draperies
Greatest Showing of Imported an
Princess Lace, Cut-tains, at 820.00,
825.GO and a7.60
Baxony Brussels Curtains, at 815.00
to Ju.oo
Cluny I. ace Curtains at from 88.00
to 81?.00
Tuet Xst, 40 Inches wide at. .t
yard 81.00 to 81-1.0
atadraa, i Inches wide, all shades
yard 860 to fl.TS
Irish Point, Cluny, Cable Vet and
Brassslette Curtains, pair, 86.60,
8S.OO, 84-60 and 83.88
Beautiful gorlm Curtains, with an
tique lace and insertion at, pair,
83.00, 84.60 and 8X60
600 Fairs Sample Lace Curtains, on
bale at, pair sue, 7 60 and 600
d Domestlo Products tn the WNt
aaony Brussels Curtains, worth 110
pair tliuill of three pair to cus
tomer) 81.88
$8.60 Two-Tone Sovelty Ourtalus
at, pair 1.4. Sd
87.60 Marls Antonlette Curtains (limit
two pairs), at 1.88
$6.00 Irish Point Curtains, red or
areen Mi.nltniiM at. alr 83.60
$5.00 and 88.00 Cluny Cable Vet and
Brussels Curtains, at 88.88
$7.00 Oriental Coueh Covers, on vale
at 63.76
$5.00 Bag-dad Stripe Couch Covers, on
sale at 63.8a
Tapestry jrorueres, worth 14.50 pair: