un day Bee PART III. bsorlbe rr THEZ OMAHA oca Best '; West IHLF-TOIiE SECTION PACKS 1 TO 4. VOL. XXXVIII NO. 15. OMAILA, SUNDAY MOHNIXG, SKPTEMHKIt 27, 190& SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Omaha CONVENTION OF LEAGUE OF AMERICAN MUNICIPALITIES Birth and Scope of the Organization and Something About the Men Who Will Make the Omaha Meeting One of the Most Important in the History of the League MEN who are making history In America will meet In Omaha next week for a convention under the name of the twelfth annual convention of the League of Ameri can Municipalities. Majors, fire and police commis sioners, heads of city departments, treasurers, clerks, auditors, engineers, of what America considers the "best cities on earth," will be in attendance and the discussions will be more than profitable to Omaha they will be the first premier of city govern ment In many ways. Citlea which are conducting their governments along practical reform lines and those which propose new reforms will be placed aide by aide with those which look toward theoretical forms of city government. Mayors and mayors' policies, burgomasters and their schemescity fathers and their dreams, will be placed on the operat ing table and a grand clinic held for the benefit of those interested and all others who care to see and hear the analysis of city govern ments, which will doubtless portray the progress since the first or ganization of clans, tuns, villas, burgs, manors and urbs. In 1907, when the convention was held at Norfolk, Councilmen Zimman, Bridges, Funkhouser and Bedford were sent by Omaha, and by hard work, persistent advertising and boosting by Ak-Sar-Ben and other local organizations, succeeded In getting the convention for Omaha in 1908. The fame of Ak-Sar-Ben had much to do In getting the convention for this city, and the delegates were told that the king would welcome them. For this reason the dates for the convention were set during the time of the festival, and the delegates to the convention of the league will be honored guests of King Ak-Sar-Ben XIV and the princes of his realm. The meeting this week will be the twelfth annual convention of the League of American Municipalities, the organization having been formed in 1897. The first meeting was held "in Columbus, O., and was attended by some two hundred delegates. An organization was perfected by electing officers and adopting a constitution, the first section of which sets forth In succinct language the object of the league, as follows: "The object of this organization shall be the general Improve ment and facilitation of every branch of municipal administration by the following means: First, the perpetuation of the organization as an agency for the co-operation of American cities In the practical study of questions pertaining to municipal administration; second, the holding of annual conventions for the discussion of contem poraneous municipal affairs; third, the establishment and mainten ance of a central bureau of Information for the collection and com pilation and dissemination of statistics, reports and all kinds of In formation relative to municipal government" Membership is Large Most of the Important municipalities In this country and in Canada have enrolled as members of the league, and its twelve years of service has proven its worth to the municipal official. Whether he represents a Tillage or a metropolis, the newly elected official .finds embarrassment in the fact that on many matters of Importance, which he is called upon to determine, he is not well Informed and that he baa no reliable data which will enlighten him. But few cities maintain a department of statistics, and untU the forming of the league there was no help for the beginner In municipal (govern ment. This la now overcome in a large measure, for the league sup plies all municipalities with this Important service through the medium of tta bureau of Information. The first convention was held at Columbus, the second at De troit, the third at Syracuse, the fourth at Charleston, the fifth at Jamestown, N. T, the sixth at Grand Rapids, the seventh at Balti more, the eighth at East St. Louis, the ninth at Toledo, the tenth at Chicago and the eleventh at Norfolk. At all of these oonTentlons Important subjects have been dis cussed, and instructive papers, prepared by men of experience, read. Municipal government in every phase has been gone into carefully and an attempt by means of discussion and conference has been made to find out the best means of governing the municipalities, which was left out when the American government was framed. In a recent address. Governor Hughes of New York said: "The three essentials to successful municipal government are leader ' ship, public- opinion and expert service. This leadership must un derstand politics the science of government. if it Is to appeal to an Intelligent publlo opinion." The conforming to these three essen tials and the understanding of the science of government are the prime motives of the league and its members. Topics for the Convention Men Who Will Take Part in Program at Omaha Convention J. PARRY MAHOOI Mayor, Baltimore W. D. HARRIS, Mayor Fort Worth. - ,, V' JOHN MACVTCAR, Dps Moines.' f t "Y A- 7 SII.AS COOK. Mayor East St. Louis, 111. HUGO H. GROSSER, Chicago. - -' ' v V 1 try JOSEPH Mayor OLIVER, Toronto. JAMES Mayor O. RIDDICK. Norfolk, Va. A . . ;- j1"' 1 y i, ' JACOB HEUSSLINO, Mayor Newark. J. It. GRAHAM, Mayor Wichita. W. R. JATNE. Mayor Atlanta, Qi ROBERT TjATVREJ.CE, Mayor Mlddletown, N. T. Shaffer of Rock Island, Mayor J. H. Graham of Wichita, Mayor Jos eph Oliver of Toronto and Mayor H. A. Schunk of Dubuque. Friday afternoon the officers for the next year will be elected and the place for holding the 1909 convention selected. Interspersed between the business sessions of the league, the local entertainment committees will show the delegates a good time. The Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Ben have extended an invitation to all delegates to visit the King's Highway and to make themselves at home there, all the delegates will be given tickets to the grand Ak-Sar-Ben ball and a special reviewing stand has been built for the accommodation of the delegates, that they may witness the parade and the triumphal entry of King Ak-Sar-Ben XIV with his retinue. This parade will be Interesting to the delegates, as a special float representing the league has been prepared. In the parade the title float will come first and following will b floats reptesenting the states of Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon and Nebraska, the city of Omaha, the second section of the title float, four floats represent ing current topics, and then the float dedicated to "Our Guests, the League of American Municipalities." This will be the seventeenth float In the grand pageant. Omaha as an Instructress The float will represent Omaha as an Instructress In cap and po n, before whom will be arrayed other cities diligently engaged In learning of the Gate City of the Golden West. Among the cities to be represented ore St. Louis, St. Joseph, St. Paul and San Krancisco, all portrayed by men in monkish garb with halos above their heads; Milwaukee as a fat Dutchman seated on a beer keg; New York as a Knickerbocker, and Chicago in the Indomitable pose of "I Will. ' In the rear will be a canopy, on the portals of which will bo pictures of the city hajl and of the court houso to be. Three other floats will follow this dedicated to the league. After passing the reviewing stand in front of the city hall, the parade will pass under the new welcome arch, which will blaze forth the letters "L. of A. M." the tlrst U tters to be placed on the new arch which will bespeak Omaha's welcome to the delegates. Other entertainment for the delegates will include a ride in the new McKeen motor cars over the Lane cut-off; a trip through the plant of the American Smelting and Refining company, the Union Pacific railway shops and the packing houses of South Omaha; s ride on the interurban to Bellevue and Fort Crook; a ride to Fort Omaha; and a trip to Florence, where the Minna Lusa water pump ing station will be Inspected. At Fort Crook a special review of the United States Infantry will be given for the entertainment of the delegates, and at Fort Omaha, the headquarters of the United States Signal corps, the wireless telegraph station and the war balloons will be exhibited. The convention closes Friday afternoon, but invitations are ex tended to all the delegates and women remaining to witness the Cin derella ball at the Ak-Sar-Ben Den Saturday afternoon. Badges have been procured for all the delegates and handsome souvenirs for all the women attending. The badges are of oxidized silver, and consist of a bar and the seal of the city, upon which are appropriate inscriptions. The bar and seal are attached by a ribbon in the Ak-Sar-Ben colors. The souvenir for the women are leather card cases. Entertainment for Women On all the excursions the women will be guests, Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser being chairman of the women's reception committee. This committee will see to It that every wish of the women from out of the city is anticipated, and no stone will be left unturned to show them a good time. W. H. Bucholz Is chairman of the general committee, the other members being Councilmen Funkhouser, Lee Bridges, Dr. J. C. Davis, H. B. Zimman and G. F Brucker, together with George F. West, George H. Kelley, John teel, H. J. Penfold and W. L. Yetter. The general reception committee Is composed of the following: G. W. Wattles, L. L. Kountze, F. W. Judson, Mayor J. C. Dahlman, E. P. Berryman, John A. nine, Robert Cowell, Dr A. H. Hippie, Bryce Crawford, F. A. Nash, C. M. Wilhelm, F. P. Hamilton, Dan B. Butler, George Rogers, Harry E. Burnam, W. M. Glller, Dr. R. W. Connell, Waldemar MIchelsen, William Wallace, A. C. Smith. O. M. Hitchcock. J. P. Crick. Charles H. Wlthnell, E. C. Page, David O'Brien, Thomas J. Flynn, Harry McVea and Frank A. Furay. It is expected that fully 600 delegates, with many others who will not be delegates, will attend the convention. These will come from cities in every part of the United States and Canada, Invita tions having been sent to every city of the continent having a popu lation of 5,000 or more. In Nebraska, Iowa, 'South Dakota, Wyom ing, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado Invitations have been sent to smaller cities. The malls every day bring the information that large delegations will attend the convention. So far, Baltimore and the state of Mary land have signified the intention of sending the largest delegation, a special train to be run from that city. Another special train will carry the delegates from the New England states. St. Paul will send twenty-seven delegates, headed by Mayor Lawler, Mayor Haven of Duluth will head a delegation of twenty-five from that Minnesota city, Mayor Crittenden and ten delegates will come from Kansas City, and larger or smaller delegations will be sent by other municipalities. Of the topics to be discussed at this year's meeting of the league, the first one on the program is the most Important and 1b intended to draw out the most discussion. This is that of uniform reports and accounts, the object being to have the reports of various classes of cities compiled so ss to make them susceptible of comparison. The committee having this In charge during the year is reported as hav ing been especially active. The committee held a meeting last May in Washington, and with the co-operation of L. G. Powers, chief statistician of the bureau of the census, laid out a plan of action. This plan promises tangible results and assures an exhaustive report on the subject at the convention. The committee will recommend that the schedules of the bureau of the United States census be adopted by the league as a common basis for municipal reporting. This, it is thought, will result in the league addressing a communica tion to the mayors and councils of American cities, requesting that the budgets as well as the reports of the the various departments of cities be formulated, as tar as practicable, on the lines of this classification. Mr. Powers, the chief statistician, will take a leading part in the discussion of the subject of uniform reports and accounts, while the discussion will be In charge of the committee's chairman, Hugo B. Grosser of Chicago. Others who will discuss the question will be Frederick A. Cleveland, technical director of the bureau of municipal research of New York; Comptroller H. F. Hooper of Baltimore, and Mayor James G. Reddick of Norfolk. Uniform reports and accounts will come up for discussion on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 80. Thursday morning the toplo of consideration will be "Home Rule tor Cities." This is a movement to place before the legislatures of the various states the desirability of larger discretionary powers of municipalities in matters pertaining to local government. This will be of especial interest to the people ot Omaha at this time, on account of the agitation of the home rule question and the hope of amending the city charter of Omaha to give this city the right to govern itself, instead of being under the legislature. Omaha, being the host, will have no part in this discussion or in any discussion. The topic will be in charge of Mayor Jacob Hausslins of Newark, N. J.. and will be discussed by Mayor Robert Lawrence of Mlddletoa, N. Y., Mayor Anthony O. Douglas of Niagara Falls, Mayor John IL Croaln ot Jollet and several other prominent men. Commission Plan of Government Thursday afternoon municipal government by commission will be discussed, and the Galveston and Des Moines plans of government will be brought up. While he is not on the program, it la probable that John MacVlcar ot Des Moines, former mayor and at present superintendent ot the department ot streets and public improve ments, will tell ot the workings of the Des Moines plan. Mr. Mac Vlcar has been secretary and treasurer of the league tor nine years. N. Lafayette Savay of Nw York; C. H. Huston, superintendent ot the department of streets and public Improvements ot Cedar Rapids; Mayor Henry M. Scales of Oklahoma City, and Mayor W. D. Harris of Fort Worth are on the program to discuss this question. 'The Liquor Problem in the Cities" will be the last subject to come before the attention ot the delegates at this year's meeting, it being on the program for Friday morning. Mayor W. R. Joyner of Atlanta will lead in the discussion of this tople-, others on the program being Mayor Daniel Lawler ot St. Paul, Mayor David S. Boss X Milwaukee, Major Ellas Cook of East M. Louis, Mayor IL a Part Played by the Button in National Campaigns IF YOU should ask an authority on campaign buttons how many buttons were being man ufactured daily be would tell you at least half a million. This he would consider a conservative estimate a steady, cheerful production every minute of about 340 smiling lit tle Tafta and grimly meditative little Bryans. There are three remarkable things about cam paign buttons that so many, many millions of them are put In circulation, that so few of them are visible to the casual observer and that the process of getting them on the market involves a prophetic quality that actually picks the candidate before the conventions have nominated them. On the day that Taft was nominated several million Taft buttons were delivered in Chicago on the day that Bryan was nominated several million Bryan buttons were delivered In Denver. A large share of these buttons had been manufactured as far away as New Jersey. Roughly speaking, they were worth about half a cent apiece at wholesale, and their total value reached somewhere in the neighborhood o $40,000 or $50,000 which may well serve as a mode6t hint at the. financial aspect of this apparently trivial business. Thousands and thousands of dollars in short are thus practically wagered on the opinion ct a few Individuals as to the outcome of the conven tions. The largest company behind these eight or nine million smiling little Tafts and,, grimly meditative little Bryans guessed right. But some of the other button people guessed wrong. As a result we read soon afterward of a small dealer who committed suicide because he had invested his whole small fortune In the wrong button. He had guessed that Roosevelt and Johnson would be the nominees of the two great parties. But why, you wonder, should a button man take such desperate chances ou anything so doubt ful as the result of a political convention? Be cause the precise moment for disposing ot buttons Is the moment ot greatest popular excitement: the button seller, like the newsboy, aims to profit by catching the crowd even while it is still gazing at the bulletin board. But to do this he must take longer chances. The Jobber who orders buttons of the manufacturer assumes all the risk after the buttons have been delivered. The fakir who buy his buttons of the Jobber pays on delivery and must stand or fall by his own Judgment. The manufacturer who makes up a vast number of but tons In order to be ready to supply the market in competition with other manufacturers at the In stant of the rush of orders that follows the de cision ot the convention must take bit chances ot providing himself with a vast number of buttons for which there will be no demand whatever. Naturally the button manufacturer meets this condition in the most economical way possible. He reduces the risk by bringing to bear upon the political situation the keenest available Judgment. In one large button factory a salary of $12,000 a year Is paid to the man whose voice is most in fluential in deciding which of the possible candi dates is likely to become the real one, and this man has his several lieutenants who are only a de gree less influential. Concerning the future of a national convention It would be difficult to find anything more acutely authoritative than the council of war of a group of these button generals. Each of them, one might fairly say, Is a person ification of the consensus of political opinion, and yet they are not professional politicians. They are the living proof of the value of euch little things as an "if," "but" or "and" in reaching specific conclusions. They are men who travel, who read the newspapers with conscientious avid ity, who talk with business men, professional men, politicians and the "man in the street" and their business Is to And out not what men think, but what they feel Instinctively about the chances of such and such a possible candidate. In other words, the wind of politics Is too fickle to be determined very long In advance by argumentative discussion and the exhibition of comparative statistics. It can be determined more accurately by Instinctive feeling. The button man who has heard "if." "but" or "and" tagged to the name of a possible candidate knows at least that the speaker instinctively feels that certain dangers lie in the way of that particular candidacy, and cares more for this knowledge than for any amount of carefully-thought-out argument one way or the other. He is not Interested In the relative value of platforms. He will produce you in due season several million buttons bearing the legend "Vote for Taft and Prosperity," and sev eral million more bearing the legend "Vote for Bryan and Prosperity." But he is busily and delicately accumulating specimens of the polit ical atmosphere of different communities out ot which his own Instinct and experience will later draw conclusions. The process has its analogy to the chemical laboratory. The Instinct of the ex pert acting on all these accumuated samples of an Intangible "something In the air" produces a pre cipitate of innumerable buttons. An expert in this delicate business, says our button authority, must be born with an Instinct for it, and to this Instinct must be added a wide experience ot poll- tics and humanity In their relation to buttons. This process on a smaller scale is worked out by local agencies of the button manufacturers in the local political campaigns and by the Jobbers who make no buttons themselves ,but buy ot the manufacturers and sell to the fakirs. Naturally the risk is smaller for the larger manufacturers because there is more capital to offset Inevitable errors of Judgment, and in each case a certain amount of capital must be sunk In the preparation of buttons that are bound to prove worthless. The stress of production comes on the favored candi date, but smaller battalions must be held in re serve to represent each of the others. But many a "favorite son" gets much talked of In the news papers whom no button expert considers important enough to be given one of the preliminary buttons. These p1 oil t leal buttons are merely one item in the button business which originated some thirty odd years ago, not in the rivalry of two presiden tial candidates, but in the grim determination of one cigarette to drive another out ot business. It may or may not be significant, but the cigarette that got the button is still popular and the one that didn't has since practically got the hook. The very beginning of the button business still holds the record for the largest order ever given a but ton manufacturer. To order a million or more buttons at a time is a commonplace with the man agers of presidential candidates, but the reckless cigarette ordered buttons to be manufactured un til further notice. Before the campaign was ended millions and millions ot them poured over the country on their way to the oblivion that eventually engulfed them. Since then one might almost imagine that the gulf of oblivion has be come half full of buttons. But here, in the very beginning, was success as an advertising medium for the button is but one expres&Jon of the enor mous triviality known as specialty advertising that made the idea permanent. Buttons may come and buttons may go, but the Idea continues with a steady determination to focus a certain amount of public attention on a specific object now on a department store, or again on the sig nificance ot a trade union label, on the excellence of a brand ot beer, on the desirability of this man for sheriff of Podunk county or that man for pres ident of the United States. Nothing is too small or too large to get put on a button; we may an nounce our poltlcal candidate, show ourselves members of the Don't Worry club, hint to whoever may be interested that we "are afraid to go home In the dark," identify ourselves by name and resi dence, or even, like a knight of old, indicate our preference for a certain lady. And in this we have a distinct advantage over the middle ages, for ancient chivalry knew not the secret of mak ing a button with the lady's lovely countenance Indisputably photographed on it. Designers, and In some cases very able ones, are kept busy all the year around producing the designs. Clipping agencies, maintained by the manufacturers, i.re everlastingly searching the newspapers for prophetic hints of places where there is likely to be a demand for buttons. But although the political button Is only one among many, the frequency of elections of one kind and another, taking the country as a whole, gives to It something the character of an endless stream that develops once every four years into a raging Niagara. - Then the millions and millions of potentially presidential faces come In strips from the printing press, are cut Into little round portraits by a sort of mechanical doughnut cutter, are whisked over a disk of metal and under an other round sheet of transparent celluloid, fas tened In place with a clasp and there you are ready for the bosom of the potential partisan. "Vote for and Prosperity" Is a motto that fits) just as well around the countenance of Candidate Taft as around that of Candidate Bryan but If . the button man has any Inclination at all It tends at present a little toward the cheerful Ohioan, for so far Taft enthusiasm seems to be absorbing the larger number of buttons. As for the socialists confound 'em they hardly order any buttons at all, even when they are printed In red Ink and decorated with a flaming torch. Nor are the pro hibitionists as enthusiastic in this matter of but tons as might be hoped of them. Competition naturally brings Into the field at election time a wide variety of buttons for each candidate, but public taste selects from among them with a conservatism peculiar to the season. The political button is a button apart, a button, apparently, to be taken seriously. However dec orative may be his designs, the manufacturer re ceives his largest orders for the simple unadorned portrait of the chosen candidate. Thousands and thousands and thousands of button wearers go In for decoration preferably something with a touch of red, white and blue but many more thousands and thousands and thousands prefer the undecorated portrait. The reason, according to the manufacturers. Is that many a man will adorn himself with a political button who would'nt vol untarily appear in any other kind ot a button (Continued on Page Two.)