Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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.n of. aia both raoacs 1C1 A 1. 1. peft In. A-1S4I
Gloves for Evening.
A pair of ouf gloves will be
th proper finish for the daint
iest evening gown. We have an
exceptional showing of all the
evening tints In all the sea
son's length. In fact we do not
know where you could find bet
ter gloves for all occasions.
That's why we have selected
these. Come and see.
. Every stranger to our city is invited to visit the
- Thompson, Belden & Co's. Store
and make use of all the conveniences provided for you. Put your traps in the free check
ing room,, get stamps or money orders, make use of the new .Japanese rest room, use our
telephones and writing materials, meet your friends here, ask all the questions you like,
in fact use our store as your down town headquarters. .
In Our Famous
Ladies will find . the newest
and best Ready-to-wear Gar
ments at extremely low prices,
when the quality and style is
taken into consideration. There
is a smartness about our Tailor
Made Suits unequalled. We em
ploy the most expert fitters, and
an alterations are made free of
Fin Tailor Made Suits.
Lovely Dresses. of Messallne Silk.
Duplex Suits.
Handsome Dress Skirts.
Tailored Linen Waists.
Fur Coats.
Fur Neck Scarfs.
Ladles' Sweater Vests and Coats.
Women's Negligee Oowns.
Empire Coats, Directoire Coats and
Mipless Coats.
. Every new style makes its first ap
pearance at our store.
Special Monday, The Great Dress Goods Event of the Sea
son, $1.15 Black Dress Voiles 82y2c $1.50 quality $1.07 $1.85
quality $1.33. a yard.
No need to tell you what a rare event it is to get famoui ftoubaix Dress
Voiles under price. You can be absolutely sure of one thing when you attend
Monday's sale In Roubalx Dress Voiles, "quality" Is never sacrificed to gain
a low price We are Just closing out a lot the Importer had left after filling
orders. Better see them early, if you are interested in material that will
make a handsome dress gown, at little more than half price. '
If there is anything you
need in wearing apparel for
this occasion, remember we
are splendidly equipped with
Beautiful Evening Coats,
charming Millinery, Dainty
(5 loves, neck dress and fine
silk Hosiery.
High Quality in Beauti
ful Nw Silks, Mon
Pllks ot soft. shimmering beauty
and newness. Many are the fas
cinating changes in Mr, but all
r are soft and brilliantly lustrous.
New Mescalines, new Crepe de
Chines, hew Raye, with little lus
trous Stripes of self color, new
chevron.Cnew Pekln Stripes, 8nc,
$1.00 and per yard.
Ostrich Feather Boas.
Most everything for neck
wear this season runs to large
or fluffy shapes, so ostrich boas
are quite correct. Vou will ap
preciate one of these at the ball.
They are all large and fluffy,
finest quality of ostrich In
black. White, pink, blue, black
and white and gray and navy.
The tax Is proportioned only to the loss
sustained after liquidation and payment,
so that the funds would b utterly Inade
quate to meet the demand for ready money
which would prevent a panic. The total
deposits of the national banks are $5,000.
000,000. One-half of one per cent upon that.
nd this Is a much larger percentage than
proposed, would make a fund of l.Ono.Ono.
The amount of money that was needed to
stay the late panic In New York banks
alone was many times thla sum. In other
words, the cash needed to atay a panic It
Is Impossible to accummulate In any other
way except by such emergency measure
as Is provided In the Aldrich-Vreeland bill
In which bifciks are given an opportunity
upon proper security to issue J500.000.000
to meet an emergency, and are prevented
from over-issuing by the Imposition of a
heavy tax of five per rent. The proposed
guaranty plan also Invites the co-operation
of state banks, and proposes that they
shall have- an opportunity to come Into the
same guaranty. The practical objections
and difficulties do not frighten Mr. Bryan
districts of the country where savings bnki
ate ne-de.l, but aie unprofitable, and wherf
the many proposed money order offk-ei
turned to the savin banks, will Indue
thrift, and the gathering of the capital for
t;ie 4mpf-vrmrnt of the countrj.
tad son
Harmon at J. W.
weaker of Occasion.
MANftFlKUI), O.. Rept. M. The Oh.
state campaign was launched here today
at a monster mass meeting, attended by
democrats from all over the state. Issues
of the cnrnpnlgn were discussed at great
lergth by various candidates for state of
fices. Including Judson Harmon, candidal
for governor.
Another big tent meeting will be held to
night, at which John W. Kern and Jamel
12. Campbell, the democratic aspirant for
Iho Vnlted Plates senatorshlp, will speak.
Mr. Kern arrived today from his cam
paign In Maryland, lie was greeted at
the station by a large delegation of Ohio
democrat and several brag bands. The
Correct Styles in Smart Millinery.
, One thing that makes Thompson, Belden fc
Co.'s mllllbery distinctive, different from others.
Is the fact that we' show new hats as the styles
become known. Newer styles are displayed to
day In comparison with yeBterday, thlsweek with
last week. Something new, attractive and pleas
ing every day. Some of the handsomest hats
ever seen in Omaha will be on display this week.
Modeled from the latest hats ot Fifth Avenue
and Paris.
For This Week. .
We are offering all our $7.50 and $8.60 trim
med hata in black and colors, every one a new
and stylish hat, at, each, $5.00.
This Is a chance to secure a fine hat for little
Miss Steenstrup Has Returned.
Miss Steenstrup, our expert Instructor in fancy
needlework", has Just returned from - Europe,
' where she has been for the past three months,
searching the famous art shops of Europe for the
newest in fancy work. While there Miss Steen-
"strup purchased many beautiful pieces of fancy
work, which will soon be placed on exhibition
at our Art Department. Watch for announce
ment of this display. Commencing, Monday Miss
Steenstrup will again take up her. class work,
which will meet every day from 2 to 5 P.. M.
Lessons are free. Come and learn the newest in
needle w ork. Materials should be put chased here.
Whalebone Corset
The latest corset style defines
the waist . but doe not em
phasize its curves. The em
phasis Is given to length.
The Redfern Whalebone Di
rectoire models are not only ele
gant In fashion, but because of
their great length, they are ex
tremely comfortable. The soft
skirt extending below the
whalebones completely1 encases
the figure and makes a proper
foundation for the new styles
In gowns. The correct Direc
toire StyleB are found only in
the Redfern Whalebone Corsets
with the famous Security Rub
ber Button- Hose Supporters at
tached, $3.60 to $15.00.
Hosiery For the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball.
We have received many new and exclusive styles
for this occasion,
Black gauze silk hose $1.7J, $2.00 and $2.50 pair.
Thread silk hose in all the evening shades, at
$1.75 and $2.50 per pair.
French hose in silk and lisle, in the new shades of
gray with checked tops andthe French clocks of colors,
$3.00 per pair.
French silk hose In all the new shades of brown,
blue, green and gray, with French silk clock of self,
$5.50 per pair.
French silk hose in colors, and in black, embroid
ered in flowers with chenille and beads of gold, prices
from $5.00 to $10.00 per pair.
. jF?s ft
It will pay you to come to Omaha during the Ak-Sar-Ben
Festivities, and do your shopping. Reduced rates on all
Bee S-27-OS
OUB BEST BOOM has grown to be such a popular place, that
we have had to enlarge It. Now you are whisked up from the
busy street and step off the elevator on the third floor Into a
Japanese rest room. Large, comfortable chairs are here for
your convenience.
at an. lie pays no attention 10 w.e u...-r- ilMet- through whch he was escorted were
ence between stste banks and national ' , ... , .. . ... ... .
banks, or to the fact that state banks are
authorised to loan money on real estate,
Omaha after the big electrical parade of
Wednesday night. Indications are that
many who 'come to the electrical parade
will remHln over until 4he next day to hear
haft and to e the fireworks. The Union
Taclflo, herauso ot tts . exceptionally low
rates, la expecting an enormous crowd and
)s assembling all possible equipment tb care
P r thnt crowd. The Northwestern has
.!" rxtr.t coaches rm hand for the heavy
movement to the Tripp county opening, and
vl'.l. ufc these extra ears In handling the
Ak-Sar-Ren crowds. Reports received from
agent along the various lines of the state
Indicate that mure pe.ipie than ever will
come to Omaha this fall. The crops are
splendid and sll feel they can afford the
time and mency It will take to Bee the
great elect ileal parade and to see Omaha
hi Its holiday attire.
Some Splenitis) Fireworks.
The people of Omaha have been treated
to aome splendid fireworks displays In their
time. The Hoard of Governors realise this,
and has left nothing to hinder one of the
grandest fireworks OlHplays ever given In
the west.' Pain 'In all his glory will be
eclipsed, the only difference being that
there will be no spectacular effects, all
the money having- been spent In powder.
Skilled workmen have been working for
some weeks on giant set piece.' which will
astound the nstives. The Board 'of Gov
ernors were fniprcased by the, splendid -fireworks
display given at the state fair at
Lincoln, when thousands of people went
to the grounds nightly to see Jhe rockets
mount skyward and to hear the bomb ex
plode, throwing their varied color against
the dark background of night. Taft and
Bryan will both be ahowh In fire and other
set pieces will be. shown of the new and
novel sort.
Taft come to Omaha at an opportune
time for the city will be filled with peo
ple from all parts . of the aurrbunding
country when he speaks In Omaha and
Bouth Omaha Thursday night. The audi
torium has been engaged for the Omaha
speech and It now seems certain that It
capacity will be taxed as It has never been
before. Reports from citizens dwelling In
the state tndlcate that thousand will come
to Omaha to hear W. H. Taft when he
speaks at the Auditorium. That structure
Long and Short Dresses
For Infants. A Sale
They Have
Hand- Em
broidered Yokes ....
The first showing
of dainty machine
made dresses, with
real hand-embroidered
yoke at very
reasonable price.
Every dress Is
made of sheer ma
teria1, and the style
and workmanship
are equal to that
Bhown In our higher
priced dresses. Some
are tucked and have
beautiful hand-embroidered
yokes in
various d I g.ns,
some of which are
surrounded with
tiny insertion and
band-feather stitch
ing. Each yoke
dreas cornea ali in
long dree sea at the
8a me price.
Wriu for Illus
trated Catalogue.
will aeat 8,000 people and it Is probable
that over 10.000 will crowd Into the big
auditorium - when Taft speaks. The addi
tional . attraction of the fireworks on the
same evening bids fair to make Thursday
nearly a' popular a day at the fair a is
the day of the electrical parades.
' ' , 'Bsrkeri Will Be IVeady.
After the rest of Saturday and Sunday
the barkers and animals and the freaks
will be ready for the rush of the coming
week. Show life Is a strenuous one at
best, especially so when the show I placed
on the lot of a big carnival like the Ak-Sar-Ben
fall festivities. When the crowds
begin to come It is one continuous grind
from morning till midnight with but a
moment to grab a aandw-lch for lunch.
Even th,e big elephant tires of going
through his stunt a dosen time a day. The
principal stunt the elephant dislikes Is one
which the general publlo docs not see. The
big "bull" delights In covering himself
with hay and dust. Before entering the
arena foe each performance he Is com
pelled to go Into the menagerie tent, lie
down and have the dust awept off his hack.
Hr hates to He down and also hates to
have the dust swept off.
(Continued from First Page.)
fltfE CO.
1313 1317 DOUf
l'laees t Sleep and Eat for AH Wa
Visit Ak-Sar-Bts.
Visitors In Omaha during the last week
of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities need have no
I fear that they will be compelled to walk
the atreeta at night for the want of a place
to sleep, or that they will be in danger of
dying of starvation.' Foreseeing that the
crowds the last week of the carnival will
be larger than In previous years, the peo
ple of Omaha will open their homes to the
stranger within her gates and private ac- j
commoaauona win De accorded every
In other year the Commercial club has
looked after the housing of those visitors
who have failed to aecure hotel accommo
dations, but this year the Young Men'
Christian association officials have taken
the matter In charge and have opened an
Information bureau in their building on
Seventeenth and Harney street, where all
visitors will be cared for.
Secretary Babcock. who will be In charge
of the bureau, and George F. West, mem
ber of the general committee. Join In ask
ing those who have room for rent to no
tify Mr. Babcock of the Young Men
Christian association building at one to
that effect. Whan this Information I given
th secretary should be advised not only
as to h exact location of the house In
which the room are located, but also Uhat
car to take and whether there la a 'phone
In the house. Parties having room for
rent should also specify how many can
be accommodated and whether men or
women art preferred; also how many meals
can be served.
Should a party listing a room with the
Young Men' ChrlstUn association infor-
equitable feature of thla system and come
to the question whether It will really help
matters. It Is permlSHlble under the na
tional banking act for banks to organize
with a capital of $25,0W. The security
which banks offer the depositors-depends
upon the amount of capital, the amount of
surplus and public confidence In the offi
cers of the Institution. I'nder the proposed
system the depositors In a bank with a
capital of $.,5.000 and no surplus, and with
officers of little experience and Indifferent
reputations can offer the public exactly
the same security for the payment of de
posits as a bank with a capital of J 500. 000, a
surplus of U50.000 and with officer known
to be honest and able. Depositors there
fore Insofar as security of deposits Is con
cerned are as likely to make their deposit
In th $25,000 bank as In the bank with the
capital of $600,000.
Limitation of luterat.
"It is proposed to Introduce Into the law
a limitation a to the amount of Interest
which under the system can be offered
and paid on deposits. This It Is said will
prevent banks from offering excessive rates
of Interest to obtain deposits. A limitation
of thl ort I difficult to fix because con
dition vary so much In different parts of
the country. That which would be high
Interest In one part of the country would
be low In another, and that which would
be high Interest at one season and under
leuain conditions would be low at anothel
time. ' Hence whatever limitation I Im
posed except when the normal Interest 1
highest, there must always be an oppor-
tunny ior i none inviting aeposils to pay
a nigner rate than that which conserva
tive bankers would pay.
"If the losses were limited to one-twenty-alxth
of 1 per cent the amount of the tax
on the deposit of course would be small,
and each bank could readily pay It, al
though the principal would be an entire
departure from equity; but the effect of a
guaranty system on th character of bank
ing would be such that the losses arising
from recklessness would greatly Increase,
and the tax must Increase to meet the
lotmes on every bank In propbrtlon. In
stead of loss equal to one-twenty-sixth of
1 per cent annually It would rapidly In
crease In every financial stringency. Two
objections are made to the conclusion that
an enforced guaranty system would lead to
reckleaeness and disaster in banking. One
Is that the government examination would
prevent, and the other la that it is an In
sult to the banking community to assume
that the national bankera of this country,
In view of their present high character,
would yield to the temptation to reckless
ness presented by the system. I answer to
the first objection that the government ex
aminations do not now prevent bank from
falling; that It Is difficult for a bank ex
aminer to discover the unwlsu recklessness
ana speculative loans, and then the vll
untary feature of the Kansas proposal that
make the radical difference between It and
that of the democratic platform. It I en
tlrely conceivable that bank In the tame
neighborhood and within the observation
of each other may profitably and safely
accept and guaranty the security of all
for the benefit of each, especially when
they can select their partners.
"One of the great merits claimed for the
enforced guaranty of deposits Is that It
will prevent panics. It Is sufficient to say
that the plan proposed cannot prevent
panics. A panic is not y stayed by the
promise' that money will ultimately be
forthcoming. It can only be stayed by the
production of the money Itself. When a
financial stringency I on, It la the caBh
the man needs, and to say that he will get
It next week certainly doe not assist him.
No ono who ha heard that hla bank I
going to fall will delay In Immediately ap
plying for his money becaniae he I assured
that at some time In the future he will
get It. Therefore the system could not
slay the panic unless the fund were large
enough to enable the banks to pay ah
their depositors at tho time of the run.
whereas the national banks are prevented
from o doing. The difference la the busi
ness, and the tlelng up of assets between
the system I radical. It would be Im
possible to bring In the state bank without
making the supervision of them as strict
as on the national banks, and If that super
vision Is to be strict. It must be under na
tional auspices, and therefore In effect,
they must become national banks. Thla
will entirely destroy the system of state
banks, and will Introduce Into the national
banking sjsterb trust companies and sav
ing bank.
aeat ton of Kqalty.
"Mr. Bryan ay that as the government
has security why should not the individual
depositor have aecurlty. The government
usually has a large fund. The law requires
that It exact security for It deposits. It
Is so large a fund that the banks can af
ford to give food security to obtain It. It Is
to be observed however, that the security
given to the government Is the security of
the hanks which get the deposits and not
the security of every other bs.nk In the com
munity. If; as between the banker and his
depositor, the deposit I of sufficient bene
fit to make It an object to the bank to give
security that is one thing; but to require
every other bank to give aecurity to that
depositor Is an entirely different thing. I
understand tliat In Oklahoma under this
very law which Is proposed to make na
tional, bond are exacted by the state and
county from the secured banks to protect
the public deposits.
"I think I have shown that the tendency
of the system proposed would bo to destroy
the high character of the present bank
ing. This Is not, however, to be taken a
an argument that the security of depoetta
Is not a good thing, and Is not to be brought
bout as fully and perfectly a possible.
It I only to how that the method here
suggested Is a plausible but sophistical
method that will not accomplish the pur-i
pose, but will ultimately Increase the losses
from bank failures.
Oklahoma Daak Deposit.
"The case of Oklahoma h been cited
an Instance to Justify the democratic
platform. The system ha been In opera
tion only since March of thla year. No
panic or other financial disturbance has
teated it efficiency. The statement Is
made that the public ha so much con
fidence In the banks that the deposits In
th unsecured bank are running down and
the deposits In the secured bnk are run
ning up. II my correspondent in Okla
homa can be credited, thl Increase of de
posits waa due to the fact that $3,000,000 of
Itu state money received from tha govern
ment for public school land wa removed
from the national banks and put in . the
stste banks operating under the guaranty
which would explain nearly all th .Increase
In deposits.
"The postal savings bank system ha a
guaranty by the government under cir
cumstances which Justify It, because It re
ceives and husband the deposits. Thl
guaranty will, of course, attract deposit,
but the Interest fund Is so low that the
usual customers of savings bank will not
be drawn away, as experience In all other
countries shows. The democratic platform
proposes, if the guaranty system cannot
be put Into force, to then adopt the postal
wivlngs bank, a If the guaranty iystem
supplied the means met by the postal aav
lngs banka. This 1 entirely untrue. No
enforced guaranty system will supply what
the postal saving bank will upply. It
merely attempt to make ecure the pres
ent deposits. It cn, of course, have no
effect to extend the bank Into th remote
hung with bunting and flags and crowded
with mc'mbera of local marching clubs
from various cities Ire the state.
A reception to the vice presidential can
didate was held and after luncheon h
was escorted to a stand overlooking the
line ot march to review a parade of the
The apeaklng thla afternoon was from a
platform erected In the center of Central
prk. In the heart of the city. Thousandi .
of women were In the crowd that gathered
long before the meeting began and gave
a gala day aspect to the assemblage.
Mr. Kern wa glvem an ovation as he
was escorted to the platform by Mr. Har
mon, and when later Introduced by Chair
man Sharp It waa many minutes? before ha
could make himself heard. Although not
on the program for a speech, the crowd
Insisted upon hearing from Mr. Kern and
he spoke briefly, begging to b excused
from a discussion of the live topics of the
campaign In view of the address h I to
make tonight. Chairman Sharp then In
troduced Mr. Harmon, the gubernatorial
nominee, who made an extended address.
llaaaes in Chicago October 4.
CHICAGO, Sept. 26. Governor Hugho of
New York probably will be In Chicago
Sunday, October 4, and apeak on moral
Issue before the Sunday Evening club. The
governor leaves New York tomorrow for a
flying trip through Indiana, Ohio, Michi
gan, West Virginia and Maryland.
(Continued from Plrt Page.)
A few day ago they cauaed a careful
canvass to be made of thw 4S3 Inmate of
their workhouse who are 70 year old of
over, and they discovered that thera wer
seventy-four men and seventy-fiv women
who had friend to whom they wished to
go, and who would be willing to maintain
them If they were In receipt of an incoma
of 4 shillings a week. The board at one
voted to let these old people go and to
pay to each of them a penalon ao long as
the joor law officers were satisfied that
thev were being properly looked after by
their relatives. V. X. CULLBN.
50c Hair Brushes 24o
(A good, solid back brusTT.)
Clothes Brushes 24o
(gee window display.)
box Linen Stationery IBe.
Manicure Scissors 45c
(One of Griffin's best.)
$3.00 De Mar'a Female Douche. The
latest and best ladlea' syringe; easy to
use, clean and antiseptic; on sale this
85c Fountain Syringe Q
$1.50 Oriental dream l.O0
25c Woodbury's Facial 8oap. . . .. .l&c
(Monday only.) )
10c Williams' Shaving Soap c
15th and firnam Sts.
matlon bureau and later rent It without
.th.1i' lh bUr"U h0Uld " done cnnot be remedied by strict
upervlslon. Second, while I fully concede
b notified so that other will not be ent.
Mr. Wet. vie chairman of th general
committee en arrangement for the con
vention of the Leagu of American Mu
nicipalities, which begin on Wednesday,
say that It I doubtful if many of thea
delegate will be able to secure accommo
dation in th tiotela and for that reason
he hope the people of Omaha will throw
open their home for th sheltering of
these delegate, a well a th pleasure
seeker who will com to Omaha to pay
homage to King Ak-Sar-Ben XIV.
Th Young Men' ChrUtlan assolation bu
reau will not collect pay for th room,
tho parties having them for root to deal
directly with th tenant.
At A
Philadelphia's oldest school
teacher. Zephaplah Hopper, la still teach
ing mathematics. He haa been at it for
ataly-two year now. He haan't mauod
a day In twenty ears. He usually walks
from hit house tQ lb tiljfb school and
the general high character of th banker
throughout the country, my point Is that
th opportunity to obtain deposit snd in
vest them on very little capital afforded
by the guaranty ecurlty will attract Into
th banking business men of no experience
and of peculativ tendencies and will dis
tinctly lower the ton of th banking busi
ness. Baak Gaaraaty la Kaaaaa.
'It ha been said by Mr. Bryan that th
republican of Kansas by adopting a plank
In favor of guaranty of deposits, rebuke m
for my opposition to the plan outlined in
th democratic platform. Thl i entirely
Inaccurate. Th republican of Kansas
hav recommended th paasag of a law
by which bank, If they choose, may enter
into arrangement with other banks by
which they shall all be aubject to an as
sessment to pay th loss to denoaltor in
"We guarantee to save you from 33 to
50rc on every purchase made here. Wve want
you to be one of the many that are saving money
on their furniture, carpet and stove purchases.
You cannot afford to throw away money, and
you do it if you do not trade at the Union Out
fitting Co. Liberal credit extended to every
body. Your Credit Is Good at the Store
. That's Square All Over
Srr Substan
tially l.i.ilt t,T solid
oak, thre lar4 draw
ers. Kronen beel plat
innror. v.-.rth ll-'.r.o.
Buffets No rTfnlng room
complete without on
1, ir't and best tin In
tho city. Thl
offer a $25 09
whk we
buffet f
Parlor ult Beautiful parlor aulte In mahogany finish, up
holstered in velours or a special oesian. y.t nem m mmiii-
ship; parlor auttes that you cannot duplicate else
where for leta than $25.00. v. offer at
Special Sale of Carpets, Rugs, Draperies
Ingrain Carpet, extra good quality, worth 5c. yard. 9
BrunaeJ Carpets, extra special grade, worth $100. yard,
Velvet Carpet, extra fin quality, worth $1.50, yard...8
lie, can be used either aide, worth
Reversible Rugs, room
$(.50, special ,
Brussels Rugs, room six, worth $17.50, special.
Lace Curtain, worth $M0. per pair
. .1.3
ij VJ raam.
Steal Ban, Guaranteed,
worth $XS, sale prlc SU.M
Baa Imut s T
sur and get your ta
burner b.r uod sa
mony, save fu
from . .
oft Coal Satra,
sal up from.
it 0c
back agr
any hank In the svrfoment. It 1 the vol