10 THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: REPTEMBETt 17. 1009. FLOTILLA FOR. THE. PACIFIC Six Little Vessels Bound on a Fifteen Thousand-Mile Trip. 1 UUCLE SAMS SHIPS KEEP BUSY Threw l.lktkf Tfdm nn4 Tbrej Lightships Which Are Steamlaar frau ?(er H the NEW TURK, Sept. X-When the Ysnkce battleship fleet threaded the perilous pas sages of the Strain of Magellan fears were expressed In some qunrters about Its abil ity t-i do the rKk without disaster, al though It had navigators familiar with the water j and was preceded by the warahlp of a Srlundly Bouth. American power. An other Yankee fleet; or ratner flotilla, that starte last week fof the straits on a 1.5n00 mile trip to the Pacific will be unprovided with Ihe safeguards that were thrown around the great war craft. This; flotilla one of peace Is a part of Vnclo; Ram a splendid life and property saving equipment In charge of the light house' department. ' It consist of three of the etnnchest steel lightships, ever turned nut of an Atlantic coast shipyard and three tenders sister elUpaotoael? .' resembling big hfrh powered ocean ug. although with somewhat less freeboard. :'; j Get Wllhml Ualdea. No Vpwlal pilots will hefp to guide the floting through Ihe straits. Its admiral, Captain Albert Merti of the navy, will de pend Entirely upon his charts and the tal ent ( his six skippers.' and . he expects. u.io-h i.inw low; to do ouite as wen DIOW IIBII, u" .." as till war vessels. CaiAaln Merti has b to tint Department of been lmt by the navy Commerce and Labor lullv to command what Is officially dcslKtafd the lighthouse flotilla. He likes the jjt almost as thoroughly as he would one Involving the use of big guns, partly for tou element of danger and partly for ti. rtnceful alory of It. All his officers and .yews are from the mercnani service excel the flotilla surgeon. Dr. Walter S. Horn J who Is deti sttenl men who montjh' voyaging. detached from the navy 10 may get HI on the four Thcfe (lie riot presette Thcje will onlr W one real sea dog In tllla. Major, the admiral s pointer. presetted to mm some ycam -b "j -CatluJ'c priest In the west, whence the admiral halls. At Bandy Point, where there J will be a wait of several days, the admiral hopes, ' with the assistance of Majot. to bag wild geese enough to help feed lis own ship's' company at least. Problem- Of Sailing. The problem of training the merchant marine force In naval ways, was und. r: takeii the moment the flotilla sailed from TompVlnsvllle where, at the depot of the lighthouse department., it spent more than a moith fitting out. Before leaving the ad miral' said: 'It. would be plain sailing If I had a youn$ naval lieutenant on each ship. They have .been trained to the duties of keeping formation, which is esesntlal to the safety of flrit or squadron. But I have splendid inatefial here, and t have no doubt that we will be able to put it In good shape be fore Sve are a rnpnth in the trip. "To! help out X have' on each vessel a boy 'from the ' schoolshlp Newport thor oughly trained in wigwagging. Thus by day with flags and by nights with torches wo can always keen In comunlcatlon. "We have no wireless. A man from a wirelsss company came to me. and offered for njblg price to equip us. He said that T TALKS ON TEETH '? BY D8. E. R. L MURPHY Comfortable Alveolar Teeth If Dr. Murphy's Alveolar teeth were not first of all comfortable- they would b a failure. Looks wouldn't commend theru alone, altbuu.h they are beauti ful looking. . . Tha man who weara them will have relief from th misery of using "false" teeth, and rolling his food around In his mouth between plates instead of rutting it up as he can do with Alveolar teeth. Again, the false teeth which are stuck on partial plates are always fall ing Out, to the great timbarrassmeut of the wearer. If this is tha first time you have heard of Dr. Murphy's Alveolar Method of supplying missing teeth without plates or ordinary bridge work, we shall briefly outline the plan . We require two or more teeth in eachJ'aw nd with thegft ' to work from we build our structure, supply ing ivery missing ' tooth,: each In its own 'socket, so that each takes its own I strain following nature's plan, , you see, t find when the -work )s completed the'lmttent has, a new sot oT' teeth as' perfect and serviceable as nature's in nearly every respect. We don't bore into' the gums, nor perform tiny surgi cal Operation, to do this work, nor is there anything about it to be dreaded from start to finish. One can leave our offices and begin to phew beefsteak, or anything else, thesame day theTrk lav completed." KBttators has attenkpted to' do the. work, but; because of our broad patents, granted by this government and by many of the governments of Kit rope they dare not infringe on the tiAftli principle which makes the whole work a success. - VTe have notified these fakers to de sist from their illegal -practices and Shan prosecute infringers vigorously. The , teeth are too valuable to be ruined by these'eounterfeits. ; Ail we ask you to remember is the name Dr. E. n. Ja Murphy. We have marMflcent offices in the New Verk Life building, the only office of this kind wwt 0 Chicago. We have no representatives, traveling or in the small towns. Beware of those claiming to do Ihig work If you cannot call at once, write for our free booklet tm' the care of the teeth, sent free upo request.: : t . ?DR. E. U. J flOUVJlO-311 New Vork l.if UuiWiug. m is.. awa,i ran could talk about 2"0 miles to any other vessel or station fitted with wireless and that K government station could rommunl tflt .with me over a space of 2.0no miles. Well, I told him that I might take hl equipment If I could do the 2.0K mile talk- Irg and the other fellow had the short distant stunt. He said be could not fit me out that way, and that settled It." Thus It will be seen the admiral will be his own boss except when he Is In port, where the telegrsph of. cemmeice may reach Im. , ' Derf ml the Flotilla. ,TbV ftafeahip of the flotilla Is the tender Manzalllta, IJke her sister ' ships, the Tiikul and the Sequoia, It is VJ feet long and displaces 900 tons. It has a single screw driven by triple expansion engines which give It of 12 kuots. a maximum i 'd , It will accommodate Ita speed t that of the lightship, which can make ' about eight and a half knots, but probably will not average more than seven on the trip to Ihe Pacific. The lightships are very different from the old sailing craft of the past that, when driven off station, were many days laboriously reaching It again tinder mere shreds of canvas. They are about four knots , better than the steam cart that succeeded the sail equipped boats and can make headway against anything save cyclonic seas. They are known by numbers and the names of the places where they are stationed. Each is 130 feet long and of 800 tons displacement. The engines are of the compound type, and each carries when courtcsying to the seas or wallowing In them on station only enough coal to keep the electric plant going and to get on and off station. The skippers and most of the crews of the three lightships will leave them -when they get to their destinations. One, No. 88, will rldo off tho mouth of the Columbia river; another. No. 93, will be anchored at the entrance to the Straits of San Juan de Fuca, state of Washington; the third. No. 98, called also the Itellef, will do duty on either of these stations while the regular boats are undergoing repairs or overhaul ing. One for Hawaii. The tender Kukul will leave the flotilla at San Diego, Cal and steam -for Hawaii to do duty among the Islands, supplying lighthouses and attending to the many buoys marking the channels. Like Its sis ters, tlio Manzanlta and the Sequoia, It has a buoy deck fifty feet long, necessary In the handling of the new acetylene buoys, which are big and heavy. A revolving steam derrick on this deck is capable of lifting twenty tons. The reason the government did not build Its lightships and tenders on the coast where they are to be used Is that the cost of construction Is too heavy there, the pay of skilled labor being much higher than on this side of the continent. The flotilla will have cost less, Including the wages of offi cers and crews and the big expenditure In coal when It reaches the Pacific than It would have cost if created at Pacific coast yards. A description of the lightship will fit all the rest No. 93. the Swlftsure Bank, differs from the others chiefly In being drab In stead of red. Each has the inevitable mushroom anchor, which drawn up close to Its bow, Just above the forefoot, snug against the hawse pipe, looks not unlike a huge black collar button. The anchor Is about six feet In diameter and welgs 8,000 pounds, and is attached to 150 fathoms of heavy steel cable. Looks of m. Lightship. The lightship, as may be seen by the pictures, Is high bowed and has a clipper stem that is not so handsome as some of the- slanting old-fashioned clipper bows of the Yankee packets of long ago. There Is a bit of the suggestion of a duck In its form, and. it. looks tho sea boat that it was de signed to be. Admiral Merti says of the lightships that they are the finest storm deflers afloat and the safest, and "when properly handled will put a gull to shame." The tenders cannot make so good weather In a bow as the tall sided, high bowed light vessels. Kvery ship of the flotilla has extra snchors and plenty of strong manlla hawser to be used in case any of them should bo disabled. All have also spare propellers., J The progress will be made In Indented crflumn, the flagship Mnnzantta leading, with No. 88 on Its port quarter. The Sequoia will follow on the starboard quarter of No. 88. and on the port quarter of the Sequoia will come No. 93, which will have the Kukul on Its starboard quarter. No. 92 will bring up on the port quarter of the Kukul. The distance between the ships will be 400 yards by day and W yards at night or In thick weather. The skippers will be able to keep the distances at night by using their sextants on the lights on the taffrails and the after side of the mainmast near the masthead. . fttop Along; the War. When the flotilla sailed it carried 1.200 tons of coal in bunkers In holds and In sacks on deck. Its first stop will be San Juan, where defects of machinery are to be remedied by government assistance. The flotilla there will take on 560 tons of coal and mall for St. Lucia, where It will take aboard 150 tons. The other ports pf call for coal will be Pernambuco, Montevideo, Sandy Point, Valparaiso and C'alluo. The longest stretch of sailing will be between Callao and Plch lllnque Bay, 2,000 miles, that Is provided the coal holds out. If there 1s any possibility of It getting too snort to venture on the long tun the flo- i tllla will put Into Acapnia. Pichlllnque Bay is a government coaling station. The Sequoia will leave the fleet at Sin Francisco and the Mjnzanlta will go on with the lightships after the new crews and skippers aro shipped at the usual rate of wages. Admiral Merti says that he expects to make the trip In about 115 days, including stops for cual. The actual number of steaming days probably will be eighty-two. Other lighthouse vessels have made the Irtp to the Pacific through tha Straits of Magellan. In 1S57 the steamer, Shubrlck. sailed from Philadelphia under command of Commander John Da Camp; Lieutenant W. K Field took the lighthouse tender, Munsanlta, the original of the name, around In lt70; Lieutenant Clifford West, now a retired rear admiral took the su?uuer, Madrone. through the straits in UV-vJ. and seven years later as a lleutt n-rfht-i'ommander he navigated the steamer. Columbine, to the Pacific; three years ago two lightships, Nos. Tt and 83, sailed thence under their own power, making about eight knots to San Fianclsco with out mishap and aro now stationed on ihe coasts of California and Washington. Pointed Paragraphs. A wagging tongue opens the way for a lot of trouble. Deu't be a (arntl, always going around U(i your back up. Some peoule s only object In life seems to be to start something. Many a man's ship doesn't come because li failed to start It. Appearances may be deceitful, but dis appearances are more convincing. Moat men start out with good intentions, but somebody hands them transfers. . fver notice how the other lellow happens to have your umbrella when it rains T And many a man doesn't let his right hand know that what tt gives Is grabbed pack by his left. If a woman hasn't anything else to worry about she proceeds to acquire an ailment bf some kind. When a man can't find something he wants around the house, he begins to accuse his wife of meddling wiU lit ntfalra. Chicago Tvewaj MAN'S EVERT-DAY SACK COAT Autumn Dress of the New Yorker in Business. MORE MODEST IN ITS APPEARANCE Free from Kit rnvaaanre In Cnt nr Ma Irrlsl Hrows th Predominat ing Color Lines of Treat- era and Wnlstcoats. NEW YORK, Sept. 28. Perhaps It Is the sark coat that Interests the well flressed New Yorker more than any other garment. That Is the coat he wears moat frequently. It is the business dress of nearly every New Yorker, whether he be a clerk or the president of a trust company. It Is no uncommon thing indeed to see a young man who has attained or inherited a conspicuous post In business go to his office In a frock coat or a cutaway elab orately braided. But the sark suit Is as much the symbol of business here as the blouse In the Chamber of Deputies In Paris is the outward and visible sign of the work Injrman's party. So It Is pleasant to learn that this popu lar garment wMll this season be free from any extravagance In cut or material. Brown Is again the' prevailing autumn color, Just as gray predominated all sum mer. But the alternation of these two colors seems almost inevitable. The browns this year show the usual variety. They are the smooth, hard fin ish cheviots In various shades, the herring bone stripes, the shaggier casslmeres, checks outlined by pin lines of red, blue, gray and green, and flannels similar in pal tern to those made for summer use, but heavier. In some of the casslmeres and cheviots the checks and stripes are so faintly out lined that the goods seem to be of a solid color. And this color must be of a dark chocolate brown rather than in the light shades worn several years ago. The vogue of the onion skin Is passed. Such shades, moreover, are suited only to summer weather. - There are, of course, other colors than brown, although that is' the color seen most frequently and on the best dressed men. Grays are so dark that the black check or stripe on them Is scarcely dis tinguishable; or they are so light that they might be Intended for summer wear. Blue Is so essentially a summer color that It rarely appear In the winter ward robes. Yet the dark blue winter serge may be a very smart garment. The double-breasted sack of the kind shown In the picture is recommended only to the slight man. Such a coat, made of heavy winter material and then covered with an overcoat produces an effect of the kind described by fashion writers as bunchy. Yet the thin man In a well cut dark blue double-breasted serge will be certain of looking as smart as the best of them. In such a garment It is, of course, line, and not color, that county for smart ness. The smart sack of the coming winter should have four buttons and Is still some what longer than the coat of two years ago and falls well below the hips. The shoulders are of natural width, Which means that there Is no padding, although every coat fits better for a certain amount of stiffening. That the coat shall not outline the figure too closely Is shown by the professional description of It as half fitting, which means that the figure Is outlined without ever allowing the garment to touch too closely at any point. The smartest coats have three seams In the back, although some coats are made merely with the two side scams and a single piece of cloth to form the back. This Is not so smart as the two-piece back with the seam down the middle, which en ables a tailor to cut a much smarter coat and makes any garment In some Indefinable way appear much more distinguished. The sack coat of the year must show plainly that the weater has a waist In spite of the equally Important condition that the coat must not be what Is com monly called cut Into the figure. It Is tho mysterious phrase, half-fitting, which ex plains that the coat must be tight, but not too tight, the figure suggested, but not emphasized and all eccentricities of cut and design carefully avoided. The collar still closes low enough down to show the top of the waistcoat, while the edges at the bottom are rounded, but almost meet. The roll of the collar, which should not be pressed down, extends to the breast line, and the hip pockets are fin- tshed with flaps The breast pocket Is finished only with a seam and Is a little more slanting than formerly. The sleeves are finished with a two or three-button vent, which Is naturally prac tlcable, as one says of stage properties, which means that it will button and unbut ton, whether that be necessary or not. The waistcoats are this year almost In variably made without a collar. They are also single breasted few even of the fancy waistcoats this year made double breasted and its novelty of finish may lie In long points or a button hole for the watch- chain cut between the second and the third button from the bottom. The trousers are moderately full nt the hips and should still be tight over the ankle. The tendency Is to make them tighter at the knee. Naturally they are finished w Ith side seams to match tha coat. A man who should have known much better came Into Sherry's the other day wearing a blue serge suit. The coat was Impeccable as to fit and so were the trou sers. One detail of their appearance, how ever, ruined them. Down the outside seam of each leg was a stripe of black braid. Such a monstrosity may be of London origin, but it was bad wherever it came from. The tendency to keep the trousers some, what closer fitting is In line with the aban donment of the padded shoulders, the cut of the coat closer to the figure and the general attempt to keep the coat natural rather than In accordance with a conven tlonal fashion. One other coat shares with the sack the duty of clothing the American business man. This is the cutaway, as it la called here, or the walking or morning coat, at It is known to the London tailors. The great popularity of this style tor dress during the last few years threatened to drive the frock coat out of existence. Kor dally wear It Is most affected by men who have passed beyond the first years of youth. The cutaway of tha present season has skirts that almost meet at the waistband In front and are then cut away until the opening at the bottom measures sbout five inches. The coat hss four buttons, and the breast, hip and change pockets, the last on tha skirt, are provided with flaps. The rather broad collar rolls back to a point - deep enough to show the waist coat for a space of about halt an Inch. The sleeve la finished with th same sim ple cuff as tha sack coat, opening and closing with two or three buttons. The There are three stan.s in tha back and seania are strapped. tha skirts fall to a point an inch or two above tha knees. If a stripe la used It must, ( course, run up and down. For he n n rv nr? U MILL Sell Furniture 20 Per FALL E Special The new style chilless A fine Iron Bed, like cut $9.00 Omaha price $14.00 Special Steel Couch, a good Steel Couch, full size $2.95 Steel Couch, full size.. $3.75 Steel Couch, full size.. $4.25 these cutaway coats, however, it is best not to use a too defined pattern but a mixture. ; ; i Fancy waistcoats are generally worn with this style, although a waistcoat of the same material as the coat does not pre vent the well made coat from looking smart. The cutaway, like most other gar ments, looks best on the thin man. There are few garments that do not, for that mutter, unless it be the bathing suit. DELICATE TRIBUTE TO SOLDIER Kxplolt of President MrKlnley on Battlefield Exploited In Wronc. William MrKlnley as a lommlssary ser geant In the union army, serving hot coffee to men on the firing line during the prog ress of the battle of Antietam. Is to be perpetuated in bronse In a tablet whlii is to be unveiled at Wilmington. Del., on September 14, the anniversary of the death of the president. Erected under the auspices of the Mc- Klnley Memorial association, of which The Complete i JJ if Unique and Clever Book Called "TWO BLADES OF GRASS" Written by the Inventor. Many Omaha people are acquainted, after a fashion, with the recent Invention known as the "Moving Car--lgn." For the benefit of those who are not. a hook let ha been written and pulilishi d by t'.ic Inventor, Dr. Theodore Klmras, whicii gives a complete ami concise history of his remarkable invention from the very beginning up to the present time. This booklet, which he has called "TWO BLADES Or OB13I," is now being re piinted, the first edition having been ex hausted in less than one lie nih from tlio date of its flr.'t appearance. It is wry cleverly gotten up, written, printed and Illustrated In such a manner as to present the farts concerning his Invention in a fair and proper light. As an example of a few of the terse sentences, note the following: "Nothing' but the mint can make money tftJUsVl pa 11 m m Juit This Ulfeek Iron Beds. A full car just received. f I I I I m A 2-in. post Iron Bed, like cut $16.00 Omaha price $21.00 2-in. post Brass Bed, from $16 to $30 One-Third Below Omaha Price. urn issitasaWaa George Gray of Delaware Is president the tablet's unveiling Is to b? made ihe occa sion for the gathering of a great concourse of men who helped to win the war of the rebellion, and patriotic addresses will be made by Individuals of national promi nence. As told by General J. I Botsford nf Youngstown, O., who was nt the time quartermaster of the Twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry, of which McKlnlcy was a member, the story of heroism thiills wllh Interest. "McKlnley was enmmiasary rrK'anr of the regiment at the time of the battle of Antietam," General Motsford says, "and his duy xhnuld have kept htm with the supplies, which wt re about two miles from tho firing line. During the hottest couiS" of tho battle, however, the young man, who was only 2(1 years old. conceived the ioea of making coffee for the Iwiys at the front, rressing into service som of the stragglers, he lllled a wai?nn with hot cof fee end hardtack and personally conducted it Into the midst of the fluhtlng mi n. "Tremendous cheering heralded his ar rival, and our division commander, Gen isiorv S3 without advertiRlnd" "A business man trying to conduet hU business without advertising may well lie likened unto a bashful lover staniUrisT afar off In tfie darkneBs throwing a, silent kiss to his sweetheart lie knows what he is doing but no one elre knows or caves." This book. prinlid in two colors throughout, and gotten up In the nio-l attractive manner know n i the printer s art. Is mailed free to anyone who writes, to the Inventor. Theo. Khara. Jl-J I', ri Nat l Hank II Wig.. Omaha, Neb., and a-V:s for a copy. It gives in detiil, not o.iy the history of the invention Itself, but the Holy of the enormous la-k of proniul ing the business of earning the absolute control, ultiiiiau-ly. cf the slice t ear ail- erli-iing Im .Iness, n it only of this, bull4 in all foreign countries, as well. Il lJ, ini" faet, as he writes by way of i.itro'tiictiiri: The atory of an aeliiev euteni oo te into j immortal print tint Ihe reader i.iay lie ; Kiutifled and the writer sutislled and wi-.s v. ritten and pulili lied in response l i a lopular demand made on him by his friends for a full and complete history of his invention from its inception up to the prser.t time, together with l lie sloiy of his trials, tribulations and triumphs in placing his Invention before the wuild. It kaa long been believed that the man tot JtsVaU IE Cent Dolow Omaha Prices Ci ib i mi mi pfc This high grade Steel Range, baker FOUR HOLE . 22.50 eral Scninmoti, sent me to learn the rause, whii'i I very seen found to he McKlnley and his hot coffee. The rousing welcome ho received from both officers and men can be readily Imagined when the fact is considered of his leaving his post of se curity and driving into the middle of a frightful battle with a team of mules. It. showed, even then, the character and de termination which were a part of the man whose later life proved his stability. "He was . ordered back time and egaln, but he pushed on. and. as he gave a can of ooffee and a hardtack to a soldier who had been shot the man murmured. "God bless th lad.' Those words, McKlnl- y afterward told me, alone repsid him fir .the trouble and danger to which he had i x posed himself in ministering to the neeils of his comrades. "The result ot tils sort of t hoiiRhl ful ness on the part of McKlnley had a tre mendous effect on the lines, and whin, later, the final order tame to charge the men fell to with vigor and energy." Among the members of the committee having the unveiling In charge are the president of the association. General James who was a dreamer, as every Inventor H supposed to be, and who "dreams" out an Idea, Iments something. Is not the right sort of a business man to market his (mention, hut after inventing soii,ei!iii:g. tit inventor uni t then turn It ox r to I financiers who will make it u "k'i" ami generally are also aeeomodutliis enouKi to separate the inventor from anv aetuil benefit of his brain-throbs. If yon car. to be coiivinetd to the rontiaiy. eitner tall at tile address given above and l.i ll i i t!ie iiwcntoi or w rtt to hilts ate) usk for a copy of lilt booklet, whleh wlil le mailid without cost to yon. He not only lnwnttd the t 'ar-.-iiVn. which makes every stret car piodiiee, as an ad erttsing pro. position. Just lour lime, a- much revenue as I; for,nTiy would, hut lie dreamej out way of securing the eiiorinous amount of money uicv.sarv to get his intention into i. l uu i. pidctical use geiural y throughout toe wen hi He Is very fond of telling stoiles, ami tlu-y ate aHa! illustrative of muiu point in consideration. And when his many frit nils speak of liiiu ui a drt uim I. lit tells the story of Joseph, w hu was also a dreamer, and w ho was sold into' bondage by his Jealous brethren. Later on llK-ie rame a panic In the laud not Just a lit tle financial brain-storm Ilka our late i--'' n.i4'"i ft '"LY- i i L ' ' . .1 ofj v V felp pvv , ; ; -. f4 Sp . 5s 24th and L Streets SOUTH OMAHA well made a guaranteed SIX HOLE 24.50 mm ir-: II. Wilson and York Herald. James 1 Kelley. New A Weather Barometer. Changes In the weather may be foretold by a very simple, home-made Instrument, a water bHrometer, described as follows by a writer In tho Scientific American: "It Is comKsed of a two-pound glass Jar and a glass oil flask. The Jar Is about half filled with water and the flask put head downward into the liquid. Placed In a shady spot, where the temperature is fairly even. It will be observed that the height of the water 111 the neck of the flask Is constantly varying In fact. It is acting on the same lines as the- more elaborate barometer. In order to obtain some Idea as to the movement of the water. It Is a good plan to mark the stem of the flask off Into tenths of an inch. A little experi ence will soon teach the owner as to how much Importance to attach to the move ment of the water barometer. However, a decided rise Is a good sign of fine weather, while whon the water Is low down In the tube stormy weather may be expected." The dowager queen nf Spain has been the first motorist to legitimately cross the great St. Dernard In an auto. Tho Italian side of the road is open, but the Swiss Is, however, closed. Her majesty, however, telegraphed to the Swiss government for permission, which was at once granted. u) M . 1 e Tar-Sip" I experience, but a real panic, and the breth ! rm of Joseph went down Into Egypt to procure corn. There they found the I "dreamer" mid he had the corn! If you care to read the history of the rr-Klgn. an invention which, as a money- , maker, makes the Telephone business ap , pear like the financial end of a peanut jMand. tiutl makes Tom Lawson look Ilka a pike., get a copy of "TWO BLADES Or ; GBA.SS," and read It. It will do you good , be-'ifles helping ou. I (Hie of hia earlier books, called "Op ' portiinity" has run through fourteen edl i lions, over t " m0 copies having been I printed ami t in itiated, and those who hate read both this and his last literary effort predict that "TWO BLADES Or CB.A6S" will far exceed "t ipportunlty" i in popularity . Hut In order to be a good ' judge. Il might be well to ask for a copy I of l.oth books and it a. I them. They are flee f ir the asking. Less than a year ago a "Movln Car-t-igit'' was just an Idea torlay It Is', a reality, a leal business entity, bejqg pushed into actual use by corporatutiia. whoso ayKi'gatc cxpiihl exceeds eight million dollars. All this has bten ere tel out of an Idea and a man with a de termination to "make two blades of grass grow where but oo (raw before,"