THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 27. 'firTVl Formerly m&cofield Formerly' n.!S0OFlED Ulaiu BR 1510 DOUGIAS ST. HPHIS Exclusive Cloak and Suit House will be of Special in terest to all Visitors Ak-Sar-Ben The greatest event of the kind in the land will bring thousands of visitors to 'our city this week from all sections of the country. Omaha will be at its bent and will certainly prove a gracious hostess. This cloak and suit house will also be at its best and will be of special interest to all vis itors who come to our city. This is an outfitting store exclusively, and as such we are prepared to show the new styles to better advantage than anyone else and therefore our part will be the showing of beautiful new apparel for women and misses at special prices. New Models in TAILORED SUITS These chic suits are beautifully tailored and have all the new style features. The range of styles is so varied that we can please everyone. They are niade of finest quality broadcloths, new suiting serges and beautiful mixtures. They are specially priced at $45, $35 and S25. Beautiful New Dresses So many women need just such a dress for the more formal occasions; others waDt dresses for street wear. Our collection in cludes both varieties and they are so smart that they will appeal to every woman of taste. They come in broadcloths, serges and satins. Prices $19,50, $25, $35 and up New Coats for Street or Evening Wear Our showing of coats is entirely new and out of the ordinary. Coats that have been made by master model makers are here in a great variety of materials to choose from. Prices $17.50, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and up. PATEN i S ACT CARRIES JOKER Americans Not Rushing; to Suy Enr i , , lisa Factory Sites. COUET DECISIONS ARE AWAITED Formidable MMiira Pawed br Ko llsh Government Falls to Ef fect Immediate Reaalts Sonant After. IXNDON. Sept. 38. (Special.) There Ik much excltemrit and speculation In England over the working of the new patents act, which la generally supposed to be a formidable measure for compelling "for eigners," principally Americans and Ger mans, , to manufacture their Inventions in England. Most English persons Imagined that Americans would be among the first to rush to protect their threatened Inter ests by immediately acquiring English fac tory sites and beginning to produce their patented articles. To the surprise of every one, however, the Americans do not seem the least bit flustered by the new English pr tents act. There Is no big rusli for build ing land, and. with the exception of one or two American firms who find the em ployment of British cheap labor advanta geous, there Is absolutely "nothing doing" in the expected building rush. Several papers recently published the statement that 1116,000,000 of foreign" enp Ititl, a considerable portion of it being American, had already been Invested here. CIosa Inquiry by the writer among various prominent American firms elicits the fact, however, that practically none of this capi tal is American. It Is quite true that a larg sum la being spent by German manu facturers in putting up factories in various places tn England, but the Americans are apparently, like Brer Rabbit, "lying low and saytn' nuttln'." As a matter of fact, this time the Americans have acted with tin unusual degree of calm, not to say outene.s. Loophole In Act. There Is a loop-hole In the patents act. and the Americans are looking through tills loop-hole, waiting to see Just what is going to happen to the German firms. Americans are. considered by Europeans to bo a vry Impulsive race, and are expected to rush Into things with a whoop. This time all British expectations have been disappointed. The loop-hole tn the patents art la this: The law statea that In order for an article patented In Great Britain to be fully protected in that country it must be manufactured there to an "adequate extent." These two little words are evi dently interpreted with varying latitude, according to the Individual point of view, and It la Just on the nice interpretation of this phrase that the whole matter hinges. For Instance, a manufacturer doing $10,000 worth of buainesa in selling a certain pat ented article In the British market may consider he ia manufacturing "to an ade quate extent" if he opens a branch office In an obscure hamlet somewhere and em ploys a couple of employes to turn out a fw doien specimens of the article. Just what complies with the law in lids par- tlulir remains to be seen, and hence it is that the present attitude of American firms over the new British patents act may be described as a waiting one. The Ameri cans are watching the Germans closely Several German firms have put up factories here and theie in order to comply with the law, and. doubtless, there will be a number of legal "test cases" to define the meaning of "adequate manufacture." When these caaea have been fought out of course at great expense the Americans will reap the beoaftt of the decision. Factory slice Htakcr. In the meantime, there Is not a single flurry of excitement In the American raska U there is acjr excitement at ail It is on the part of British land explorers who have Invested heavily in factory sites In the hope of taking- a rW odt .'bft the Yan kee manufacturer who-Hio 'thought English land speculators would have to buy fac sltes at any price. The main effect, so far, pf the British patents act Is to put up the price of factory sites all over the country. In order to ascertain the opinion of Ameri can manufacturers icslding In England the writer recently Interviewed some of them. The representative of one of the largest firms made the following statement on the new patents act: "The only effect we have noticed so far Is that our office has been deluged with circulars. . pamphlets, maps nnd letters from real speculators, offering us land on which to manufacture our product.' but. Just as yet, we are not having any. So far as the patents act affects American Interests In England, I can truly say I do not know of a single firm who Iirs gone Into manufacturing solely on account of the working of the act. It Is true that several large American firms have opened up In England, but this Is simply because they have found It advantageous to do so owing to the Inducements offered by cheap British labor. But these conditions have nothing whatever to do with the new act. The Westlnghouse people and other firms have established English factories simply because it was found cheaper to manu facture their products on the spot than to khrlng their goods across the ocean. Sev eral American flrma already have their own factories, not only in England, but Germany, France, Russia and other I European countries. Sretematle, Work Bealna. 'The principal activity In the patents act line has been on the part of English es tate speculators. As a matter of fact several of these have sent representatives to America for the express purpose of trying to sell lands tn England. AH Ameri can Investors and firms who have taken out English patents are being systematic ally circularised, and several English agents are now touring the t'nlted States trying to sell their land. So far as I can see there Is very little business being done even in this line." Inquiry at the American consulate in Loudon confirmed these statements. There Is a very prevalent opinion among busi ness houses that this move Is the begin ning of protection in England. It Is. con sidered significant that an ostensibly free trade" government should Introduce a measure which Is nothing more nor less than a distinct form of protective tariff. ever, than the sneering world Imagined. Borne of the stuff of his stern forbears cropped out In him. Ha, took his wife to a little home and went to work as a ma chinist In a cotton mill. He took his din ner pall in his hand at S in the morning and It was 6 at night before he came home uaaln. He was Industrious, energetic and thor ough. His boss approved him. Hia. friends patted him on the back and were proud of him. But his father never forgave. The wife, too, was frugal and helpful. She made a happy home for the former rounder. A few days ago she presented him with a son. Then the, grandfather relented. He held out to the grandchild the forgiving hand that he had denied his son. Cleveland leader. ABOUT PLAYS AND PLAYERS (Continued from Page Eight.) land five and a half years ago. In speak ing of New York she said, with a laugh, "New York Is different from Peter Pan. Peter never wanted to and never would grow up. but New York has grown up and is still growing." Miss Chase Is already In active rchersal of her part In "Panta loons" In which she will appear In Paris at the Theatre des Arts early in October. BABY BRINGS FAMILY HARMONY Story of Marrlaac, Family Row, Ike Casting Off and Recon ciliation. The dimpled hands of a baby have done more than Its father's grimed and cal loused, to bring concord and happiness to a famous Massachusetts family. IT the hands of the father hal always been those of a worklngman there would have been no lived of tliia mediation, but, until two years ago, they were more fa miliar with the crisp feel of big bank notes and the handling of cari'.s and the steins of wine glasses than honest work. Young Mr. Brlstow Draper, son of the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts and a member of a proud and pedigreed family, was one of the gay boys who turn nljht Into day on Broadway, haunt the stage dours of the theaters that make conitly women their principal asset, and follow chorus girls all over the country, lavish ing money on them. Draper's father probably thought that this phae of his life would pass witli the boy's callowness. but two years ego he was shocked to learn of his son's marriage to a chorus girl of the scantily draped va riety. Immediately he. too, became theatri cal, played the indignant parent in the unhix.ox style, and, cursing his boy, turned him from his door. (TUera was oiwt jgtyif flgper, iiow- lWrmn Prices, IP (i Mis MH inp hup mine iinni 11 -.m The White Runs Light and Sews Right 13 , The White Is King of Sewing Machines You owe it to yourself to see the fcelebratcd Ball I Bearing VH ITE before buying a Sewing Machine If you don't want the best, we can sell you a cheap machine for . ... . , Or a Nebraska for $11-75 Those machine aro guaranteed and com plete with attachments- hut if you want the boot and most modern sewing machine $25.00 See the Celebrated White Wo Rent. Repair and Sell Parts for All Machines. 4 Wottorn Head quarters far Edison and Victor PHONO -GRAPHS $10 to $500 101,000 Records to Select From "Come in and hear Caruso, Melba or some of the great bands. Every home must have a Phonograph, and it is Just time to buy yours now. Ir It is not' convenient to pay all cash,, we will accommodate you by accepting part cash, and give you TIME on the balance ami at the SAME PIIICE. THOR MOTOR CYCLES Standard of the World Anybody can make a frame, but THOll moans pel feiUon in Motorcycles.,.; r in m , t, ra Prices, $135 to $300 We have a larjre list of second-hand Motor, cycles, on which wo will make special prices this week. 'v",-', 1 Armac, 3 H. P. I, ..,.. ... .$100 1 Reading Standard,1,:!!. P.;150 1 Racycle, 2$4 H, P. ..i VS120 1 Indian ,.,$100 1 M. & ML, Zy2 H. P.;.. 75 See us for Bicycles-Cash Registers-Typewriters; ii s 3 EvIebrasEta ycSe Co, Cor. 15th and x ' rfarnay Sta. CEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. J New York company In "Brewster's Mil lions," dramatization by W'lnchell Smith and Byron Onaley of OeorKP Ban- Mc CutchHun'a fantantlc tale with which th majority of book readers are familiar. The play comes here with a, new equipment of scenery and all the elaborate detail that characterized Frederick Thompson's origi nal production. TIip great yacht nnd storm scene in the third act. one of the moot sensational and realistic stage Illusions ever shown, will Kln he the s)ectacular feature. Edward Abolcs Ins won Hn enorm ous success In the title character. The sup porting company Includes Humner Sard, Gaston Bell, Ralph Dean, George Clare, Ada May Talbot, Nestor I.ennon. Uia 'O Arnold. Arthur Morris, Albert Sa keU, Al bert Wilson, Ivia Benton. Charlotte Lander and Edith Tall.iferro, who will have the leading character, that of i'eagy Gray, played here last season by Miss Mary Ryan. Miss Taliaferro has long been es tablished with child's characters. This Is her first part in long dresses. She i a sister of Miss Mabel Taliaferro (Mrs. Fred eric Thompson) the star of 'Tolly of the Circus," and Is described as a fascinating and winsome young actress. The engage ment of "Brewster's Millions'' will be for one week, with Wednesday and Satuiday matinees. "Ben-Hur" Is a drama of life in the Holy I-and during the earth-life of Christ a big drama, crowded with living men and women, full of action. Illumined by Iho nearness of the living Nazitrene. In con struction. It Is of classic proportions; in technique, of a high order; in entertain ment, fascinating. Rarely has a. text seemed so filled with beuuty. or the mar velous story seemed so rich In sympathetic appeal as In the present scenically perfect productkin especially arranged for this sea son of the spectacle. Tills equipment Is conceded to be the most magnificent ever provided for a spectacle, and will be used during the presentation of the Wallace dram-.i a Boyd's theater on October 12, U and 14, with a special matinee on Wednes day, the 14th. In the new Rowland & Clifford produc tion, "Jane Eyre," which will Be" seen at the Krug theater for two days, starting matinee today, there is a great deal of true dramatic strength and power, with out resorting to claptrap. The scene in the. third act. where' Jane leaves Roch ester. Is one that holds Its audience breath less, and proves that there la as much strength and power to hold In a quiet, tense scene as in the most extravagant mechan ical Impossibility ever born from an over fervid Imagination. It is an Interesting story and well told, probably one of the best plays of Its kind ever presented en tour. "The Wizard of Oz" will be at the Krug theater for five days, starting Tuesday night next, matinees Wednesday and Sat urday. Tills delightful musical comedy, the product of Tj. Frank Baum, who sup plied the charming fairy story, and Paul Tletjons and A. Baldwin Sloane, who fur nished the lyrics and score, is one of the most popular and entertaining exravagan zas ever produced. Few caractera of the eccentric comedy type have scored such a tremendous triumph as have those unique personages, the Scarecrow and the.,,-Tin Man. The other characters are also drawn In a clever manner. Dorothy Gale, the Kansas lass, who la blown on the crest ,f a cyclona wave from her peaceful farm' to the hind of Oz with Imogene, her pet heifer, will be pleasantly remembered by the chil dren who have read Frank Batim'a delight fully Interesting book, as wilt Try x In Try fles, Sir Dashemoff, the Lady Lunatic and the good Witcivot the North. Then there are frolicsome Imogene, the Cow, and 'the Timid Lion to be remembered; also tho funny little bogus Wizard and his futile attempts to retain the throne. The Burwood management has selected for presentation during carnival week "The Circus Girl," a succession of laughs thor oughly in keeping with the Ak-Sar-Ben season of merrymaking. There arc more laughs uncorked In a single net of "The Circus Girl" than are contained In an an Ure performance of the generality of com edies; you will love Its downright triple plated nonsense, not because the plot Is anyway probable, but Just because Jt makes you laugh as you never laughed be fore. Its three acts being literally packed with ha-has. I.nrna F.lliott Is to be the circus girl, and a more chic and debonna'lro maid of the sawdust arena it would be dif ficult to conceive, and with the assistance of her associates will positively give he.r audiences mure real reason to laugh than will any attraction in Omaha during the carnival. Tho engagement starts with a matinee today. There will be no mallnr on Tuesday afternoon, owing to the day. light parade, fcut. malinj'e will be givcrv bn Wednesday;, UrUrsrlaliv' Friday and'-Saturday. Wednesday evening's performance lrill not start until after, the. ejcctrlcal parade probably about i:W." 'Sent reservations may be macv'Tor anj' 'performance hi fsi't, the wise ones will seo to It that they .se cure tickets in advance.'. ;.-t W. 11 Thompson comes as the headltner of the bill nt the Orphruni during carM val (Se)c, r,Mr. ,yiiojpson was last seciMin Ornalik' with AaVU 'hussell when she pre sented "A Royal Family." During his vaudeville, engagement tho actor has beer, appearing In a one. act play, "ForLoyVa Sweet Sake," by Clay 'M. Greene.'- JThe theme of,. the, liltlu. picwo.,. U the love rrf), a father, for Ida son. Mr. Thompson has Vie assistance of Thomas If. luce. Socrind fbn tho list will be the tumbling act bffcj'red, by the Taty Frank troupe of gymnasts from VlefnH,.7t"lB crrnipied of seven men, famous over trill :'.Euip- for their agttiiy ami address,- All Jhojr jturns are novel aSid dnrlng. "A Merry-Gb-IMrtiid'' Is the tijle of the sketch, which will, bp, given by Gint ami Il'oag., .Jtcqni8tn nf Xlnging and cou edy. 1 lalli ri ' and ' Hayes, two eccentrlo dancers, will' offer the Hi t which won them success In Europe. The Baader-)n-Velle trio will be seen in trick bicycle rid ing mingled with coinlc features. I.eoir ,T. ltogee is presenting a specialty, which i.Hn slsts In tho imitation nf various inuxlealn- ... . . . . . . 9t sirumcmsi sucn as tne piccolo, tup tfSlo is . .. . .1 . f . ... . - Tf ana irompone..: i n dim ts complotertrtly ie muBlral act of Connelly nnd Webb, lii wh h are blended comedy and melody. Connelly pianist and Miss Webb a singer. !A 4 Another arrival in London from a tem porary absence is May de Sousa, the popu lar little musical comedy actress whom, although an American, the English regard as their own. She has been appearing In Paris at the Comedle Francalse and else where, and Is now rehearsing the part formerly played by Evle Green in "Ha vana," Leslie's Stuart's latest musical comedy, now playing at the Gaiety. Miss de Sousa tells an amusing story of her experience In the French capital. She was to appear at the Moulin Rougi and had written her own part, but the management asked her to add thirty-two lins which they furnished. "They were dreadfuly resque lines," she. says, "and I would only speak two of them. loiter, when my French had Im proved, I found to my horror I had picked the very worst two of the lot!" If persistence is any measure of the truth of a rumor, then Edna May is shortly to return to the London stage in "straight" comedy. She has long been anxioua to appear in a Bar rle part and many Judges consider thai she is admirably fitted for such a role. The rumor is by no means a new one and it has once been denied, but there is no doubt that the former actress has been in communication with the Scottish author regarding her desire to be fitted with a part by hia sympathlc hand. Barrle i liol an author who responds to the beck and call of popular players, preferring to write as the spirit moves and to tear up and aesiroy as nis crticai juogmeni airrcis However, with Charles Frohman support ing her plea, Mrs. Lewisohn may accom plish her wish. Martin Harvey has entered upon his an nual season at the Adelphl. He was on sure ground when he selected for his open ing piece a revival of "The Corslcan Broth ers." He revels in a part that gives him an excellent opportunity of demonstrating that he is one of the finest romanUc ac tors on the stage today and he puts a fire and dash Into his playing that fairly lifts one out of one's seat. He precedes the longer play with a one act piece of theairicaltsm called "The Conspiracy" which he saves from medioc rity by his fine acting of the part of a deposed king, who suddenly cumn upon a body of Insubordinate officers who rally to hia support upon hearing the news of an uprising. JOHN AVA CARPENTER. t'amlBg- Ercsla. The attraction at Boyds theater this werk beginning with tonight's perform luce will m E4wr4 Abtks tni lbs original 0 D j .mi LeJ Always s&0 The Same Good Old Dlatz te sMBlsMBaWMBsRsBlBy ' ' jk f -sW.V fc L. SL-y J r mi ll i J Ijf jl H CftOK! (Ill Words of Praise have ever prevailed in advertising "copy." That a producer should wax enthusiastic over his own wares is but human. But it's the praise of the consumer that count and it is to a discriminating and critical public that BlatT refers you. It is safe to say that no product, of any kind, enjoys sv more enviable reputation than does this same Blatz Beer-of Milwaukee in markets where it is offered. Its self-evident honesty of purpose, purity, brilliahcyt bocry and every other attribute that goes to make a perfect ber era ever in evidence. ; . ::, . . ,.,.;'.,;,-. Cultivate the "Blatz Sign Habit" Watch for the name-cts for any of these brands, whether on draught or bottled; Wl en er Private Stock, Export, Muenchener. DLATZ COMPANY. WHOLESALE DEALERS V'' ' 802-10 Douglas Htreet, Corner 6th. Phousj Douglas 906it0taatmi-jitib, 54 "1 f .n ,f ;