Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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The Omaiia Sunday Deb
- ' "
I Entered t Omaha ptofflc scond
Slant matter.
fsiry Be (without Bundiiy), ne y,ar",lJ5
L-alljr H- and Sunday, one year
DallT (InrlnrtlnC Hutlrtay). T' week..lS9
Tally He (without Sunrtayl, per wwH.-.M
Evmlr P (wlthovit Funday), per w.? ,T
Iver.lng Bm (with Sunday), per week.,.1'!
8 tnliv Bee, one year y-jjj
Saturday Bee. one yesr 1 "
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lii delivery to City Circulation Department.
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Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
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navable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stampa received In payment oi
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County.
(Jeorgs B. Tiachuck. treasurer of The
Bee Publishing company, being- fluiy
-worn, .ays that the actual ryumber of
fill; and complete coplea of The gaily,
Warning. Evening and Sunday Bee Printed
during the month of August. 10. waa a
1, 36,130 IT 86,460
Y.; 38.S30 II 3,10
SMII) II.. 16,070
4 3640 " 10 8&.90
!6.; 3S.790 IX 88,850
6,, 38,790 12 36,070
!',, ,00 II .. 88,400
.: 36,470 14.. i 30,260
88,706 16 30,940
1! . 86,636 II 36.140
n;.: 86,410 17'. 35,010
ISj.L 86,010 21 36,630
jsj.t 38.930 1 86,460
Iti.L 36,070 10 36,600
1S.V. 38370 II 36,180
Mi 3500
I Total. 1417,000
Legs-unsold and returned ooples. . 11,66
. . . lnR iU
nei loiai ........--
jajljr average ao.ooa
I ! I Treasurer.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn ta
b'efora ma thla lat day of September. 1)0.
Seal.) xiOBUKT HUWiuiR.
toiaxjr x-uuuu.
I i j whejt . out or town.
I j abaoribera leawtstsT tha etty tm
; perarlly shoald bay Tha Baa
aulle4 to them. Address frill a
4 Haas ail aa oftea mm requested.
ivernor Haskell's vindication la a
e campaign cigar should be pro
hibited by the corrupt practices act
j "William R. Hearst might do. well by
1i'llng a correspondence school 'for
jipcIanB. . .
tetatidard OlMs fnrnishlng a splen
id illumination of democratic cam-
palgitj methods.- "
Neither Ida Tarbell nor Chancellor
Day has yet ventured an opinion of the
Arch Bold letters.' . ? '.
The man who can not afford a derby
may explain that he is wearing his
straw. hat on a bet.
i .T , ,
A f lld mahlhas.been captured in
New Jersey. The state is in luck if it
has only one of the kind.
"Hearst Gives Haskell Both Bar
rels" treads a newspaper headline.
Both jRtandafd' Oil barrel? :
Kentucky is starting ,a .good roads
crusade. Must want to make it easier
traveling for the night riders.
Nebraska republicans will take no
tice that the Taft special will have the
right-of-way in Nebraska this week.
Mr. Berry is running for office on
the democratic ticket in Pennsylvania.
He will be a canned Berry in Novem-
' .
Compared with the republican
record of performance, democratic
promises are at a dlscaunt in Ne
braska. , ,
Governor Haskell .declares that he
has discharged .his trust. It looks
tnore like he had been discharged by
his trust.
"The Political Joke Book" has been
published by a Chicago firm. It is al
most as funny as the democratic cam
paign book.
The base ban season will close in a
few days and . then the country can
give more attention to the presidential
pennant chase. - '
Politicians are learning what house
wives have known for years, that car
less handling of oil is certain to pro
. tuce explosions.
"Who gets the credit in the Haskell
Standard Oil incident?" asks an east
ern exchange. No credit about it. It
was a cash transaction.
"Is there any improvement in Amer
ican art?" asks the New York Sun.
An inspection of the political banners
forces a negative answer.
1 "Wall Street'a Morale" is the title
of an editorial Ja fheNew York World.
That's another cae of "the substance
of things hoped lor, the evidence of
things not seen." '
Chairman Mack says that Candidate
Chanler will sot, the Hudson river
country on 0rQ,u.alLopposed to having
the Hudson river., counyy set ,pn . fire
will naturally vote against Mr, Chan-
"Look at your fiancee's teeth," says
a scientist. "If they are set close to
gether she will be a home woman; if
they are separated she will La a
"gadder." Still, .. the .average lover
does not care to Judge his. fiancee by
the koreo bujer'a mtithodi
It Is moot and proper at all times
that all the people should celebrate
together the culmination of a summer
of effort In an autumn of harvest and
plenty. And the people of Nebraska
have never had more reason for Joy
ous harvest home demonstrations than
this season. A bounteous yield has
rewarded the efforts of the husband
man, and the flocks and herds have In
creased, and in alt material ways the
condition of the Inhabitants of the
state has been Improved.
Thia is why Ak-Sar-Ben comes with
an especial invitation. The carnival
Itself merely draws together many per
sons, each bent for the time on avoid
ing care and indulging with no re
straint in the light pleasures of the
holiday time. But Ak-Sar-Ben really
means much more than this. It has
Its serious side, although that is fre
quently overlooked in the amusement
that it affords.
The carnival period is merely the
outward showing of an end to the sum
mer activities of the organization, but
it is not Its chief purpose. If Ak-Sar-Ben
stands for anything at all, it is
for a systematic effort to bring into
closer communion the inhabitants of
the region that surrounds Omaha, to
advance their acquaintance with one
another and to foster the spirit of co
operation so necessary to substantial
growth. It would take a long time to
recount all that has been accomplished
along these lines, but an incident of
the last Bummer's campaign was the
bringing to Omaha of a large delega
tion of representative men from Lin
coln and the establishment anew of
friendly feelings between the capital
and the metropolis.
It is such achievements as these that
make Ak-Sar-Ben useful to the state,
and Its great possibilities in this way
is net to be forgotten even during the
time of the carnival. Much similar
work remains, and Ak-Sar-Ben will
continue without cessation until the
rule of the great king is firmly estab
lished and the people of the kingdom
are united in a single purpose to ad
vance its general prosperity.
Officials of the British government
have renewed the agitation for the
adoption of some plan by the govern
ment that will draw the hidden wealth
of India into the channels of trade.
As yet the authorities have not decided
upon any plan of action, but they are
showing deep anxiety over the estab
lished fact that something more than
$1,500,000,000 in gold which has gone
into India In the last half century has
never returned, despite efforts of the
British government to change the cur
rency syBtem of India by placing the
rupee on a gold basis and by offering
rare inducements to the Indians to in
vest their wealth In British railway
and other securities. The hoarding
still goei on, the Hindus paying a pre
mium for gold and hiding It as rapidly
as it comes into their possession.
Evidently it has not occurred to the
British authorities to try the policy of
fair treatment as an inducement for
the people of India to use their gold
in the channels of trade. Instead of
treating the natives as serfs, maltreat
ing them and denying them any social
intercourse between government offi
cials and the higher classes, a policy
of seeking to improve their commercial
and industrial relations might work
wonders. While attempting to subdue
and repress India, the British have
done nothing to encourage the natives
to take part in the development of the
natural resources of the great empire.
The result is that famine and pesti
lence are almost chronic in a nation
with a population of 300,000,000 per
sons and a soil capable of great devel
opment. The education of the natives
and their encouragement to Improve
their farms and become self-supporting
would do more than the enactment of
laws by Parliament to induce India to
reveal Its hidden gold.
Crop experts and economic theorists
have been busy for years predicting
the coming of the time when the
growth of population, the constant in
crease in the consumption of wheat
and the exhaustion of the area suHable
for wheat cultivation would bring a
world-wide famine. Only a few years
ago Secretary Wilson of the Depart-
i ment of Agriculture stated that the
date was not far distant when the
United States, owing to demand for
home consumption, would cease to be
a wheat-exporting nation. Malthus,
the English economist, undertook to
prove that a check would ultimately
have to be applied to the increase
in population in order to avoid a food
famine. Within a month. Sir William
Crookes, in an address before the
British Association for the Advance
ment of Science, argued that in a few
years the world's demand for wheat
would overtake the supply. In the
meantime the good old Mother Earth
is going right along, increasing the
yield of the staple from year to year,
meeting all demands and showing no
symptoms of renlging on the work.
Rollin E. Smith of Minneapolis has
published a book on "Wheat Fields
and Markets of the World," that con
tains assurance enough to satisfy even
the most timid that the world's bread
box is In no danger of being found
empty forages to come. Mr. Smith
shows that the wheat yield annually is
now much larger than the early experts
dreamed possible and that the prospect
for largely increasing this yield are ex
cellent. The world's wheat crop in
1897 was 3,226.000.000 bushels, while
It was 3, 414, 000.000 bushels in 1906,
an. Increase of 60 per cent in nine
years. He shows, too, that a decrease
of as much as 300,000,000 bushels in
a year's crop does not appear to affect
the bread-estlng world. The con
sumption Is apparently as elastic as
the supply. When the crop Is big and
prices low the people eat more wheat
bread than usual. When there Is a
short crop and consequent high prices
the people economize or find other
bread stuff s, so the law of supply and
demand works to a nicety and without
causing any suffering or much real In
convenience. The significant feature of Mr.
Smith's book is his prediction that the
world's production of wheat will be In
creased without much difficulty to as
much as 6,000,000,000 bushels when
the demand warrants It. Irrigation,
dry farming, improvement of-the yield
and the opening of new wheat-growing
lands are relied npon to produce this
Increase. Canada, Argentina, China,
Manchuria .and Turkey are cited as
lands suitable, under proper condi
tions, for wheat growing, while In the
United States it is expected that in
tense farming will result in very ma
terially increasing the present average
Colonel Henry Watterson, the vet
eran editor of the Louisville Courier
Journal, is showing all the seal of a
new convert in championing the cause
of Colonel - Bryan of Nebraska, Colo
nel Watterson has a habit of writing
editorials running from three to seven
columns in length and when he com
pletes discussion of any proposition
there is nothing left to be said upon
It. His praises of Mr. Bryan are the
most enthusiastic. Seldom has adula
tion been more pronounced. Colonel
Watterson is convinced that when Mr.
Bryan gets to the White House, if he
ever does, "militant democracy of the
school of Jefferson and Jackson and
Tilden will renew its youth and vigor,
leading the way to such reforms in the
national house and senate as will re
store them their legislative functions
and give the people assurance of real
and lasting good."
It is difficult to imagine how ' the
thing could have been said more hand
somely. The effort is still more strik
ing when compared with this scintillat
ing production of Colonel Watterson's
pen, taken from the columns of the
Louisville Courier-Journal when Mr.
Bryan was making a tour of Kentucky
in 1896:
Mr. William J. Bryan has come to Ken
tucky and Kentucklans have taken his
measure. He Is a Boy Orator. He Is a
Distinguished Dodger. He Is a Daring
Adventurer. He is a Political Faker. He
Is not of the Material of which the people
of the United States have ever made a
President, nor Is he even of the Material
of which any party has ever before made
a Candidate for the Presidency.
This Youngster who has set himself up
as the financial Teacher of the American
People, travels over the land with a Tire
less Tongue and a Voluminous Vocabulary
blandly telling the People of the Impossi
ble things that will happen In the future
and Free Coinage of Silver when he Is
utterly Ignorant of the simplest facts of
our past financial history.
We can not imagine why Colonel
Watterson has so changed his opinion
of Mr. Bryan, particularly .when Mr.
Bryan insists that he has changed no
Issues and still holds the views he
espoused when he made that tour of
Kentucky. No longer ago than last
April Mr. Bryan declared in a speech
at Danville, 111., that every plank of
the democratic platform adopted In
Chicago In 1896 Is stronger now than
it was then. If there has been any
change It has been In Colonel Watter
son and not in Mr. Bryan.
Despite the fact that the - public
school system of the United States is
conceded to be the best in the world,
critics are always ready to find fault
with it, and some recent pointing out
of shortcomings appears to be with
fair show of warrant. " Postmaster
General Meyer has recently Issued an
appeal to the teachers of the country
to co-operate with the postal authori
ties in an effort to lighten the work of
the dead letter office. General Meyer
explains that an average of 3,000 let
ters are dally sent to the dead letter
office for lack of proper directions and
he believes that much could be done
to lessen this evidence of carelessness
or Ignorance if the teachers of the na
tion, would give frequent "short talks"
to pupils on how to address letters
plainly and properly.
The second criticism of the public
schools comes from Colonel Charles
W. Lamed of West Point, who, In an
article in the North American Review,
reports that of 351 young men 90
per cent of whom were the product of
the public schools who applied for
admission to West Point 223 were re
jected because of their lack of kncfwl
edge of spelling, history and other
forms of rudimentary education.
Colonel Larned proposes to have the
curriculum at West Point enlarged in
order to give the cadet applicants a
training they have not received in the
public schools.
In addition to the criticisms of Post
master General Meyer and Colonel
Larned a writer In the Delineator has
an article entitled "What's the Matter
With the Public Schools?" in which
the results are given of a number of
investigations in different public
schools of the country. Stress is laid
upon the lack of thoroughness of pub
lic school children In reading, spelling
and the' simpler branches. The testi
mony of 1,600 business men who have
employed grammar school graduates
was cited to show most unsatisfactory
results. The writer sums up by con
cluding that in the public schools too
much attention is given to French,
German, geometry, music - and what
not at expense of the essentials.
All of this has been discussed before
and the situation is tragic and deplora
ble enough. The school system is
faulty, perhaps, but it would be more
faulty If effort were made to adopt any
great part of the remedies suggested.
Every critic, as in the Instances cited,
proposes some addition to the course
of study. Better resnlts unquestion
ably would follow the lightening of
the burdens of the pupils. As it is,
they have too much to worry about
without being asked to listen to lec
tures on postal affairs or given Instruc
tion In bookkeeping and bill collecting.
If there is any demand for a change it
Is that more attention be paid to the
essentials and less to the frills.
No section of the United States,
however remote from the sea coast or
removed from the usual highways of
travel, can afford to be unconcerned at
the danger that menaces the civilized
world by the prevalence and spread of
the cholera in Russia and In the Phil
ippines. The possibility of an epi
demic of cholera in America is greater
htan it was In 1S32, when the disease
left a path of death across the conti
nent. Transportation Improvements
have reduced the world to small pro
portions and thus added unusual fa
cilities for the- spread of the contagion.
Without desiring to pose as alarm
ists, physicians who have made a study
of the cholera are calling attention to
the fact that the plague is attacking
civilization by the same route as when
it. made its former memorable appear
ance in 1832. It has reached the Rus
sian capital from India. Then it
found its way to England and crossed
the Atlantic, appearing at Quebec. It
reached the United States through De
troit and then spread across the conti
nent, sparing but few sections of the
country and causing deaths by ' the
While great advancement has been
made in all ' lines of medical science,
the cure for cholera has not been dis
covered. Physicians are not real sure
of the cause of the disease, although
all agree that cleanliness In person and
surroundings and care in the matter of
diet are the best precautions against
the plague. To that extent every Indi
vidual can be a volunteer In the war
against any possible spread of cholera.
.The civilized world has a more or
less direct interest In the affairs of the
sultan of Turkey. The Turkish ques
tion has occupied much of the atten
tion of the diplomatic world for more
than a half century and the religious
and missionary organizations of the
world, particularly of this country,
have given more energy, effort and
money to reform In Turkey 'than to
any other benighted nonchristlan coun
try, China not excepted. The Turkish
people have been slow to accept these
overtures intended for their uplifting,
but the developments of the last few
months hold promise of a real up
heaval In the Bultan's domains in the
near future.
The new Turkish Parliament, under
the constitution ' granted last month
by the sultan, will convene at Constan
tinople at the. middle of November, but
there are indications that the "Young
Turk" party will not wait until that
time to carry out some of its reform
plans, the most significant of which
demands the abdication or removal of
the present sultan. The movement
for reform has gone to the extent that
even Mundji Bey, the diplomatic rep
resentative of Turkey at Washington,
is quoted as declaring that he does not
consider himself the "personal rep
resentative of Abdul Hamld, but of the
whole Ottoman empire," and he
further declares that Hamld Is "a man
without a vestige of real power, a de
tested autocrat mindful only of his
own safety."
It is one of the peculiarities of the
Turkish character that the people have
always had a high regard for the sul
tanate, showing great respect for the
office, while often holding contempt
and hate for the occupant of it Rev
olution, abdication and assassination
have figured In changes of sultans for
many years and surface indications are
that Abdul Hamid is now slated for
removal from the throne by one of the
established methods.
Tho civilized world will . not shed
many tears over the prospect of Abdul
Hamid's prospective retirement from
the Turkish throne. Crafty, .cruel,
shifty, cowardly, he has done nothing
for the good of his own people, while
he has done too much to keep the di
plomatic relations of Europe more or
less strained. His empire is bankrupt
and its people oppressed with a tax
burden not witnessed elsewhere in the
modern world. Relief through the
new Parliament is expected, but the
thinking Turks know that the sultan's
promises cannot be relied upon and
they have no confidence in real reform
so long as he remains on the throne.
With Abdul Hamld out of the way.
there is hope and some prospect that
Turkey may take advantage of its
position on the main highway of the
world's commerce and more or less
rapidly raise a free and progressive
state on the wreck of the Imperial
We Insist that Mr. Bryan is not do
ing the right thing by his home town.
His prolonged absence from Lincoln
has knocked Into a cocked hat all the
expectations built on the money which
was to be coined out of the pilgrims to
Complaint is made that children in
the public schools are not taught to
write letters properly. Recent politi
cal developments would Indicate that
the pupils should be also taught how
to burn letters properly.
The Bryanltes are keeping up the
populist masquerade In this state in
order to fool somebody. Democratic
candidates would not be labeled pop
ulists nnless they thought that by be
ing so mlsbranded they might get votes
they could not get with their real
Identity disclosed.
"The democratic party cannot af
ford to have the slightest suspicion
of Standard Oil affiliations attach to
Its national organization," says the
New York World. The democratic
party has a lot of things this year that
it cannot afford.
The rules of the house in congress
against which Mr. Bryan so eloquently
declaims are the same rules in force
In that body when Mr. Bryan served
as a member of a democratic congress.
The first Information Governor
Haskell received when he arrived In
Chicago from Oklahoma was that he
had resigned the treasurershlp of the
democratic national committee.
The French court of cassation Is to
have another try at the Dreyfus case.
The world would be pleased to have
the Dreyfus case passed upon by the
French court of cassation.
Some rather questionable characters
are listed among the donors to the
Bryan campaign fund, but no one has
yet heard of any tainted money being
There Is no faith without some feeling for
our fellows.
Faith Is not a balancing pole for the man
on the fence.
Refuse another's burden and you lose
your own blessing.
A great sorrow may be the fitting for
some great service.
It takes more than a loathing of hell to
lead to heaven.
You never will find good in a boy by the
detective method. ,
The clinkers nlways take credit for the
full head of steam.
That Is not a good life which does not
find living a glad thing.
Men who are doing a big business never
need a "busy" sign.
Bearing your cross does not relieve you
from paying your taxes.
The world never agrees with the man
who tries to swallow It whole.
Nothing Impoverishes a good deed quicker
than thinking of Its profit.
You cannot Improve your view of heaven
by climbing on your brother's back.
It's the little happinesses we sow that
give us the harvest of perpetual pleasure.
The saddest people In this world are those
who are always fleeing from sorrow.
A rabid defense of creed Is often accom
panied by a remarkable Indifference to
The favorite circus In the average church
Is that of whipping the devil around the
The people who are too laxy to run In
the race always get up a perspiration over
the way the prises go. Chicago Tribune.
Baltimore American: A . missionary who
haa been holding Wail Street meetings de
clares there are over 1,000,000 non-churchgoers
In New York. He has evidently
struck the right place to find a few.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: A clergyman In
a New York Interior town has refused a
tiiOO addition lo his salary. It Isn't so much
the expense of the renunciation aa It Is
the pastor's extraordinary display . of per
sonal courage.
New York Tribune: In railing against
our civilisation as a humbug the Rev. Dr.
Long of Brooklyn, "Christian Socialist,"
has not even the merit of originality. Many
years ago that distinguished social philoso
pher. Truthful James, raised the query, "Is
our civilization a failure, and Is the Cau
casian played out?" And that, too, was at
the conclusion of an arduous investigation
of some phases of applied sociology which
not even the studies of the Rev. Dr. Long
have surpassed. '
Springfield Republican: The New York
Review, a Roman Catholic literary maga
zine, bimonthly, has suspended publication
from lack of patronage. It was started at
St. Joseph's seminary, Dunwoodle, West
cheater county, N. Y., three years ago, and
Its motto was "Ancient Faith and Modern
Thought." The pope had nothing to do
wrth Its failure. It appears, but the indif
ference of the Catholics, for Rev. James F.
Drlscoll, the editor, says, "only about 1,000
Catholics In the country were sufficiently
Interested to pay 12 a year." And. heJ
added:. "We also came In for a great deal
of criticism, both at home and abroad,
for our alleged advanced thought. Father
Leplder of the college of propaganda at
Rome, criticised some of our contributions
rwith particular vigor in his classes."
"The Big Wind" Is the title of a story In a
current magarine. It does not refer to the
What Is Oyster Bay's loss will presently
become Cincinnati's gain. The former queen
city needs special advertising.
The young ruler of Portugal gets $1,000 a
day for expenses and anxiety of mind. This
sum marks the top notch of kid salaries.
Divorce papers serve to bring out the true
names of actors and actresses. The papers
filed In Nevada .by Nat C. Goodwin against
Maxlne Elliott were merely entitled "Harry
McMillan, plaintiff, against Edna Good
rich." The father of an eligible daughter In Mis
souri thought he could show that the appli
cant for her hand wasn't In her class. The
youngster put the old man to sleep and
when he came out of It the marriage cere
mony was over. "Bless you, my children,"
muttered pa as he blinked the mourning
A pamphlet issued by the California Earth
quake commission devotes twenty pages to
listing the hundreds of after-shocks follow
ing the great disturbance of April 18, 19Jt.
The record covers fourteen months. The
natives regard these alarms superfluous
and unworthy of mention the daily
"The product of a New England con
science, tinctured with Yankee caution,"
was the message attached to a recent con
tribution of S500 to the United States treas
ury conscience fund. From other remarks
In the accompanying note it appears the
fellow's conscience required twenty-eight
years to open the combination to his purse.
Some lean, lank, dyspeptic scribe with
an all-wool grouch, breaks Into print to dis
credit the universally conceded good nature
of fat men. "You never can t-11 by the
looks of fat men," he roars, "whether they
are pleased or ugly. As a matter of fact,
they can't look any different, so they get
credit for a whole lot of good nature that
don't bflong to them. A fatty may feet like
kicking the crutch from under a cripple or
throwing the soup at bis grandmother, but
his beefy face still wears the same old
grin, and everybody that passes him by
Imagines he's banded 'sot the Jolly hall."
i -Hi -
. The safest and surest investment in the market
today Is a Diamond. They are constantly increasing
in value. Take advantage of my liberal Charge Ac
count. Call and visit with me ten minutes, will ex
plain how we do our business.
Received the finest line in the city in solid silver
ware, DlamondB, Watches, Cut Glass, Novelties of
all kinds suitable for Wedding Presents. Give the
bride or bride-to-be, a handsome Diamond Ring a fine
Gold Watch, a Diamond Pin or Ring. We have ,the
goods. See our show window. 1
Table to match, solid mahogany, with three drawers
containing 163 pieces of Solid Silver at $40O.OO.
We have a graduate Optician who will test your
eyes FIIKU.
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Speelulty.
Mandelberg's Gift Shop
1522 Street.
"Boys will be boys."
"How about the girls?"
"Oh, they have to lie whatever fashion
dictates." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Bucolic Bridegroom We want good
rooms, mister. We're on our wedding
Hotel Clerk Then you want a bridal
Bucolic Bridegroom (defiantly drawing
the bride's arm through his) No, I don't.
I got the sweet already. Baltimore Ameri
can. "That fellow what's callln' on daughter
seems to be a young man of steady
'Too durned steady. Can't the critter
ever miss a night?" Washington Herald.
Blobbs You're . pretty much stuck on
Miss Oobbs, aren t you, old man?
Hobnail was, 'once. But after what she
said to me Innt night I'm not going to pay
any more attention to her.
Blobbs Ow! What did she say?
Hobbs "No:" Cle-veland Ix-ader.
AJX I . tf UIU D . . V U.U J V ltUJ'(ill 1 L .11.. UBU)(II
ter In the Btvle to which Hhe has been hi.
XM T,nuM U'nitl.l . ' . v. . ... ...... .,1.
Cholly Yes, sir.
U r .Innp. Thfl voil'rA nn hint nnd vnu
can't have her! Judge.
He Here Is a thrilling account of the
way In which that daring woman climbed
to the top of a mountain which is five
miles high. Wonderful, Isn't it?
She Yes. What did she wear?
"Mother, I want to get married this win
ter." "Very well, my daughter. But don't
throw yourself away."
"Oh, no; I am going to marry an Ice
"I must say, dear, I think a coal man
would be more seasonable." Philadelphia
"She admits that she was blinded by love
and for a time thought he was her ideal
of a man."
"What opened her eyes?"
"A report from BrndHtreet's that her very
considerate hig brother brought home."
Nashville Ar --i-lcan.
"This country will never forget George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abra
ham Lincoln."
"Never." answered Senator Sorghum.
"At least not so long as every man who
The Pessimist I bow lower than
The Optimist But a smile goes
It's All in the Goods
We, too, smile in presenting this season's new suits and ovei
They are Irresttble.
But we warn you against the extreme colors that will fade like
You may trust what you'll find here in fabric and fit.
Suits and Overcoats at $15 to $40
We are proud of our showing of new and up-to-date furnishings
and hats, new shirts, new neckweur all in the new green shades.
To our out-of-town friends aud customers. We wlnh to extend
the use of our check room, telephone, lounging room snd writing
room, in fact, make yourself at home with us, while in the city.
& Company
J5tlitud Douglatt Street.
R. S. WILCOX, Manager.
Omaha, Nebr&sk
makes a speech Insists on recognition aa
their personal representative." Washing
ton Star.
"I rrelernhxl that I didn't want to be
"Well, my girl?"
"So I wasn't." Kansas City Times.
Agnes Blanche Ilickey In Washington
Falling, fulling leaves,
Hoftly fulling leaves;
Symbol In their ilent flight
Of shadowed hopes that once were bright
Idols, vlHions of delight,
Drooping, dropping out of eight
As the leaves,
Tho falling loaves,
The softly falling autumn leaves.
Fading, fading leaves.
Bright, but fading leaves;
Like the loved who on our way
Walk beside us for a day.
Era the soul deserts tho clay.
Leaving nothing but decay,
As tho leaves.
The fading leaves,
Tho bright, but fading autumn leaves.
Floating, floating leaves,
Gi-ntly I'lontlng leaves;
Borno by wind, as we by Fate
Through oir sphere of love or hate,
Or patient learning how to wait,
Until we drop from life's estate
As the leaves.
The floating leaves.
The gently floating autumn leaves.
Whit ling, whirling leaves,
Madly whirling leaves!
Emblem in their boisterous play
Of the frolics of the gay,
Kancing, sporting on their way,
C'areleHs of the yesterday
Or tomorrow. Ah. but they
Are nut leaves,
Whirling leaves,
Only whirling autumn leaves.
Gold nnd crimson leaves.
Brown and withered leaves!
Each a wordless message, gives
To the heart that Joys or grieves;
Every' sotri which feels, perceives
Nature's loveliness, receives .
Somo deep lesson from the leaves,
The gold and crimson leaves,
The brown and withered leaves.
The falling, fading, flouting, whirling
Autumn leaves!
you do and she doesn't look at
with my bow.