Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Hnay of P&risita 0wni Will Ee Seea
? at the Grts Ball.
" Cr era la a- Fsrnetlem e Ak-ttrB
frsMUH li.Kittk Air e)f IU
, lfcmiy Im Pomp
Of'mony srsces she's possessed;
, ' She's pretty, graceful, neat and smart;
VTet rtieujgh thee charms ara manifest,
' I must admit ah has no heart.
" -for (hat. I'm. not denouncing her,
Kvr does It cause me to repine.
. i simply wMit yon t infer
aiiat I moo. ft and ft a i
, rain.
. Th Kcstallo.
', T) Aortal Calendar.
t."j4YAT rahera" suptwr ixtrtjr at th
, Centry club for the members of th
Creletitun-ConneM wcddlnr party; Mr.
Joseph Cudaliy and Ak-Sar-Ben hall
. Iiuji line oonunlttee) lunch at Country club.
MOXTJAT Mrs. Vr J. Bradbury luncheon
. at t'omimrdtl flub, followed by brtdga at
;, er hmw; CrelghteR-Connell wedding re-
Vi"raa! at St. John'a church; hincheon at
o'clock at FleH club preeedlng th
-tualness meeting.; Mrs. Btiwar4 Roach
I i ntty card club. :
tfVlrfHDAY MLre. R. V. Cols, luncheon at
Vlispy Hollow; MJss Bhackleford. after
" coon card party; ladles' day and rntd
u, wK dance at Happy Hollow.
Wfc&XESDA Y-r Yelarhton-CTonnell wedding
' -at Bt. John'a church, followed by recep--tVn
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
.'Coflne.ll; ladlea' day and mid-week dance
at t'oiintry club.
lUTTRBDAT Iadlea day at Happy Hot
;i(rw; Mrs. Edward Rosen, I C. B, a.,
T kftsslngton. .
mrxAY-Ak-BrBn ball.
SATfRDAY Afternoon Cinderella ball;
IMrt. J. W. Towla, dinner at Happy Hol
low; week end diviner danoe at CoUDtry
"liub and Happy Hollow.
.'Plrtctolre gowns will be aeon at the
cartnatlon ban thl year. When Kins; Ak
Per-Ben XIV iwndi his throna Friday
i.brht hie aubJe;U will ba rally attired
end It la aald that a number of thea eres
Uthf from Par la will greet th eya of Ui
mrry monarch; ,
Vm? Ak-Sar-Ben ball la th treat center
$he people , pf the state meet their
oouatrm of tke. metro poHa The board Of
tvfnors make It f point to Jnrlta afro
of tie leading fltlsana from nearly every
towrt In the atate. . , When tbeae coma to
Omaha tha reception corr.mlttee makea an
Special effort to e that they are mad
to f0l at home and meet subjects of th
k!n"H: from other parts of tha sUt. Th
BftTl this year will be no exception.
;'.Tha coronation ball I bains crowded for
fl'.Tkr honors by tha tTeat Cinderella ball,
Mcn will ba' held at th Den Saturday
iftefnoon. It. win be -children' day. when
the Children or "Omaha win not only be
the principal actors in th treat Cinderella
drama whlch wlll be enacted, but will have
Ihe 'entire floor to themselves for th
grand ball which will follow. All children
Of Omaha are Invited: to take part in this
(tmrrt ball, which is not limited to the
chndrem of th : kntffMa of Ak-Sar-Ben.
rrher Is a treat deir and for spectators'
k Ma for tha Cinderella ball,
f King Ak-Sar-Ben XIV Will have brtl
jHrib court tM year and when the mon
ccl' marches down the Jong- tile to meet
Ha ronfiort and load her to the throne
las will be surrounded by a.i aplendld a
gslajy of youth anTi beauty at ever a
ironiri. h beheld. His ia ' a prosperous
Ptople, dwelling In the beat section of this
flcJa country. ar.d : when ; the king and
iuen of Qulvera take their places on the
throne the subjects present will represent
the beat th his klna-dom. Those In attend
ance at, the corvnallon ceremonies Friday
flight will be; .fj ' j
J . IiadUs, of (oart, nataha,
. Mrs. Kdgar Allan - ".
J !ri4. H. H. HalUtl;a
Mr.' John ft. P'Hdv
Mrs. 'I . '. Hyni"
;' Mil, K fc". Bruce- ,
Jf'in. R. B. RuK''lt
; Mts. A. . Hiein "
Mrt.' w. h. rx ivjis'
. I Mr. Iv. . Ferao .
"Mr-. J. n Blrtin-I u 4
IMr. H. K. fturleet . . ,
JMia. xv. H. Kenne-.t-
Mrs., J.. .-lHum . '
jMr. Ooodly Htu kor
Mt. Arthur Brandeln
?Mrs. Milton T. Barke.-
j Mim Frances Butterlleld
rMtss Mollonn Hutterfield
f Mr. V. 1). Caldwell
Mrs. J. C, Cewln i
2 Mr. Herman Colin
! Mrs. V. J. Connll
-- Mrs. flrank Colneuer
Mrs. E. A. C'udahy
.. ..... Mrs. J. J. Donatio .-- -
Mr9. J. J. Dlckev
Mr. U A. Wets
Mrs. C. N. Diets
Mrs. A. Dsrlow
Mrs. Jsmr.s C. Dahlman
; . Mrs. John C. Drexrl ,
Mrs. Thomas A. Fry
,f Mrs. J. C. French .
Mrs. Ben Oallssher
Mrs. Robert Oilmore
Mrs. John A. Horbach
Mia. C. g. Havward
6C.C ;Mra. V. O. Henry
Mrs. William Hayden
, .Mrs. O'eorgs I. Hammer
Mr. F. Haermanm
Mrs. Q. M. Hitchcock
n' -'Mrs. C. E. Johannes
Mrs, B. J. Jobst
Mrs. I H. Ko'tv
Mrs. O. D. KIplingiT
t Mrs. T. P. Keilev
t- Mr. George 11. Kel v
Mrs. F. K Klrkend'.il
r? ' Mrs. J. P. Lord
Mrs, K. V. Lawls
iv Mr- William Kennedy
? Mrs. J O. Msrtln
Mrs. C. F. McGrew
V Mrs. J. A. McShan (
Mrs. W. H- Munger
.a;.' Rome Miller
Mr. O. . Megeath
Mrs. Monti Mayer
'i' JWrs. T. W. McCuIlough
Mrs H. J. Penfold
s'J Mrs. AI Powell
Mr. C. H. Ptckens
, Mrs. Arthur 8. Pinto
... Mr. A. L. Reed
Mrs. A. Remington
- Mrs. R. Kosenaweig
P " Mrs. W. A. Redlck
. ,i, Mrs. Andrew Ros-water
, , ,. Mra. A. O. Smith
Mrs. A. B. Smith
Mrs. H. Thumroel
'' Mrs. J. W. Thomaa
f : Mr. Mel Thl
Mr. A. J. Vlerllng
t-:v Mia O. W. Wattlea
i.. , Mrs. John R. Webster
Mra. B. T. White
Mra. R. 8. Wilcox
"J" Mrs. O-wrge F. West
" Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm
Mrs. J. D. Weaver
.1- Mrs. H. W, Yates
Mrs. Will U Yetter
Mrs. C. E. Yost
, . . Lavelle la Waltlag, Oaaaka.
i.! r Mr. E. E. Bn'son. .
Mrs. Hugo Brandla. ,
, Mrs. F. A. Brogan.
Mra. B. U Raldln.
- Mrs. C. E. Black.
Mrs. A. J Beaton.
Mrs. K". C. tiarton.
. M:a. E. F. Rr!ley.
Mrs. Ralph Brtvkonrldge.
. , Mrs. C. B. Bogue. Jr.
' . 1 Mis. J. W. fcuttln.
Mrs. Frank Moyd.
Mra. W. J. Bradbury.
' : Mrs. W. ti. Oowln.
-:i ---W-ra n K. Crane.
. . Mr. J. C. Cirit.
Mra & a Caldwell,
.i,, Mra. J. H. Conrad.
Mra El Duval.
... ' Mra. Oould Diets.
Mra C. R. Day.
Mra. O. W. Dunn.
Mra A. Baholm.
v Mra. O. H. till leapt.
Mra J. M. Guild.
Mra. W. U Oraham.
, ,, Mra C. C. Grge.
, , Mra M. A. Hall. -
r Mra K- C. Iloae.
r . ' Mrs. C. A. Hull.
4 '. Mr W. ij. Head.
Mra O. J. Ingwersen.
Mra K. a. llodder.
iiis. H. a Jordan.
.ii.ui nnuftwiawwrwswar ' 'rW-"'-,i-,i-ui- -4.wsc-iw i misnn minp mm. '-riyTewiiaM;M'- I . ilaiasiisj3-easer
Mra. T. V- J'Jrtaen.
Mra O. W. Johnston.
Mra Cha Karbach.
Mrs. f.. ICIpIlrger. ' '
Mrs. Albert Knig.
Mee. John L.. Kennedy.
Mrs. George Kalljr.
Mra A. J. lxv.
Mr. K. MrVan.
- Mrs. Ca. Metsx
Mrs. Fred Mets.
Mrs. Arthur Met.
Mra Chss. Mareh.
Mra John It. MoDonaid.
Mrs. O. E. MK'une.
Mra. F. U McCoy.
Mrs. W. Morris McKay.
Mrs. p. W. MlkeeelU
Mra. W. If. Murray.
Mra. Louie C Nash.
Mr. Lenora t'elaon.
Mr. Jas. H. Morton.
Mr. D. J. aBrlen.
Mra. James I pazton.
Mra John I. I'enfoK.
Mra M. C Patera
Mra Ouy H. Pratt
Mra fX U Potter.
Mr. Frd Pafenrath.
Mra. victor Renewal er.
Mrs. Cha. N. Robinson.
Mrs. B. T. Swobe.
Mra Cbaa R. tUiarman.
Mr. C. V.. tmtth.
Mrs. E. C. Twamlay.
Mra. J. D. Foster.
Mra A. V. KlnsUr.
Mrs. Chase Offutt.
Mrs. B. F. Thomas.
Mrs. Nelson B. Lpdtke.
Mrs. D. M. Vinaonhaler.
Mra. R. C. Wagner.
Mrs. Victor Whit. :
Mra H. B. Weller.
Mrs. P. A. Welia
Mra. H. F. Wymsn.
Mrs. R E. HuffttC
Mrs. U. N. Roberts.
Mrs. Joe. M. Cudahy.
Mra. Luther U K cunts.
Mra T. F. Kennedy.
Mra Cbaa. T. Kountae.
Mrs. Wsrd M. Burgess.
Mrs. George A. peek.
Mra Geo. Voss.
Miss Flora Webster.
Miss Bessie Yatea '
Mr. N. P. Dodge, jr.
Mia Jeast Millard.
Mlsa Ethel Tukey.
Mle Bessie Dewey.
Miss Louis McPherson.
Mis Blanch Soranson. '
Mis Edith Thomaa
Mia a Carrie Km Weaver.
Maid. Oaaaka.
Mis Lsota Brandela
Miss Louie Bennett.
Mia Esther Byrne.
Mis Ann Bourk.
Mia Marion CotinelL
Mia Irene Col. '
Mia CHlv Carpenter.
Mta Marta Crouna.
Mis Bertha Dickey.
Mlas Mildred Fu.nkhUr.
Mia Bee si a rry.
Mia Anni C. Pry.
M ta A lie Fry.
Mia Isabel French.
Miss Amy Kathleen G-iltnore.
Mia Marlon Haller.
Mlsa Hilda Hammer.
Miaa Lucille Hay den
Mi m Beaal Hoorliead.
Miss Isabella Mllroy.
Mia Mary Morgan.
Mia Kilsabeth MoConnell.
Mlsa Gertrude Moorhead.
Mis Elisabeth Plckansv
Mia Daphne Petera,
Mia Faith Potter.
Mia France Robtnaon.
Mlsa Martha Robertson.
Mia Helen Smith.
Mlsa Marguerit Wilcox. ,
Oat ! T)WBk Latatt. .
Mr. J. W. Andrews, Holdrege.
Mra Charles B. Anderson, Crete.
Mrs. P. H. Bell. Stiver Creak.
Mrs. T. F. Byrne, Qreeley.
Mrs. Cha rise J. Bills, Lincoln.
Mra J. W. Bryan, Lincoln.
Mrs. E. J. Burkett, Lincoln.
Mr. Norrls Brown, Kearney.
Mrs. F. L. Beck. Geneva.
Mra Thomas F. Brltt. Burwell.
Mra M. M. Butler, Weeping Water.
Mra Eugene A. Benton. Central City.
Mra Joseph E. Benton, Centra) City.
Mra. J. Blxby, Geneva.
Mra James Bisgard. Harlan. Ia
Mra. C. A. Bevlngton, Schuyler.
Mra. T. H. Baer. Defiance, la.
Mrs. John P. Cameron, Tekamah.
Mia Charles H. Cornell, Valentine.
Mrs. B. X. Corbln, Schuyler.
Mrs. A. J. Cameron, Herman.
Mra P. J. Clark, Herman.
Mrs. B. H. Clark. Ashlsnd.
Mra George L. Day, Superior.
Mrs. John. M. Ellingsworth. Lincoln.
Mrs. Cornelius Gardner. Fort Crook.
Mra Jacob O. Galbratth. Fort Omaha.
Mra. O. Grothan, Kearney. .
Mrs. O. Gelse, Holdrege.
Mrs. A. Gadbola. Humphrey.
Mrs. M. R. Hopewell, Tekamah.
Mra. George E. Jenkins, Fairbury.
Mrs. CharlesW. Kennedy, Fort Omaha
Mra. George Lyon. Jr., Neleon.
Mra George P. Moore. Chicago. III.
Mrs. John w. McDonnell. Fairbury.
Mrs. Ernest L. Myers, Newport.
Mr. Charles Morton, Fort Omaha
Mrs. Daniel E. McCarthy, Fort Omaha
Mr. Frank Mlchelson. St. Paul,
Mr. Fred C. Nlelaon, Bancroft.
Mra Millard F. Perry. Lincoln.
Mra. O. II. Reynolds, Norfolk.
Mrs. Albert A. Reed, Lincoln.
Mrs. George H. Rogera, Lincoln.
Mra. George I.. Sheldon, Lincoln.
Mra. CUarlea F. Schwars, Lincoln.
Mra'Landreth P. Pine, Lincoln.
Mra. Herbert P. Rhumway, Wakefield.
Mra. William E. Btraub, Lincoln.
Mra. Andrew F. Sturm. Nehawka
Mrs. W. C. Shtnn. Lincoln.
Mrs. Brsdner D. Slaughter. Fort Omaha.
Mrs. Frederick L. Temple, Lexington.
Mrs. John F. Wilcox, St. Paul, Minn.
Ladle In Waiting, Oat of Tiwa,
Mrs. F. W. Bruntng. Brunlng.
Mrs. W. R. Boose, Falls City.
Mra J. H. Boyae, Hebron.
Mrs. Fred E. Buchan. Fort Omaha.
Mrs. W. O. Bennett. Fort Crook.
Mrs. Oeorge B. Ball. Fort Crook.
Mra Lowell Chamberlain, Dea Moines, la
Mra. Edward C. Currier, Sioux City, Ia
Mra. J. M. Churchill, Fort Crook.
Mra. E. R. Chriaman, Fort Crook.
Mra M. L. Crlmralna, Fort Crook.
Mra H. F. Dalton. Fort Crook.
Mrs. A. L. Gale. Lincoln.
Mrs. P. L. Gillespie. Wymora
U . . ' ! 1 1 1 run vivur.
Mrs. W. N. Haskell. Fort Omaha
Mra. jarg Mayes, rort Crook.
Mr. Irvln L. Hunssker, Fort Omaha
Mrs. John L. Hlnea Fort Omaha.
Mra. Hacker, Fort Omaha.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Formosa, Kan.
Mra W. T. Johnson, Pawnee.
Mra. William Kelley. Lincoln.
Mra. F. A- Keller, Falls City.
Mra J. A. Kahout, Cuba. Kan.
Mra. J. 8. Kennedy. Fort Omaha.
Mra. Ruth Bryan Leavitt. Lincoln.
Mra H. V. Lane. Salt Lake City.
Mrs. C. R. W. Morrison. Fort Crook.
Mrs. A. McMullen, Wymore.
Mra W . J. McFarland. Belleville, Kan.
Mra. J. McDowell, Tecumaeh.
Mr. Troup Miller. Fort Omaha.
Mia. O. A. Nesmilh, Fort Omaha
Mra. H. E. Potter, Endlcott.
Mra. A. D. Petera, Des Molnea la
Mra. Nancy O. Querean, Kearney.
Mrs. I. U Rlggs, Spokane, W ash.
Mrs. C. Ramsey. Tecumseh.
Mra N. W. Riley. Fort Crook.
Mrs. P. Sullivan, Casper. Wyo.
Mra. H. C. Smith. Franklin.
Mrs. A. G. Sexton, Clyde. Kan.
Mra W. T. 81oan. Adams.
Mrs. T. W. Ssmple. Crete.
Mrs. D. E. Shean, Fort Crook.
Mra. J W. Turner, Sterling.
Mra. O. H. White. Fort Crook.
Mra. Harry Weatveer. Schuyler.
Mra. F. WIcox. Hubbell.
Mra. W. & Wlgglna. Dewltt.
Mra W. 8 Yager. Julian.
Maids. Oat f Town.
Mlas Lulu Alexander, Haatinga
Mlsa Lulu Ashley. Hyannia.
Miaa Eleanor Boyle. Kearney.
Mlas Dorothy Beh, Harlan, la.
Miaa Allle Brtdgee. Red Oak, la,
Misa Vera Buland. Cambridge. Ia.
Mlsa Nan Bresnahan, Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mlsa Marguerite Chapman, Evanston, Wyo.
Mlsa Pearl Drees, Carroll. Ia.
Miss Anita Blohm, Carroll, la '
Miaa Mary Dlgnan, Perry, la
Miaa Ruth Dignan, Perry. Ia.
Miss Wanda Estee, Montpeller, Vt.
Miss Jennie Fleming, Des Moines, Ia.
Misa Irma Fuller, Detroit, Mich.
Miss Ella Funk. Colfax. Ia.
Miaa Minna Hanson, Sioux City, Ia.
Miss Jennie Keck, Valparaiso. .
Miss Mame Kllllan, Wahoo.
Miss Haiel Kelly, Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mlsa Kennedy, Fort Omaha.
Mlsa M. L. Lanigan. Greeley.
Mine Lally, Denison, la.
Misa Fannie Lantry, Blair.
Miss Bestrlce Moore. Chicago. III.
Mies Clara Mitchell, Denver. Colo.
Misa Edna McLanahan, Tecumseh.
Miss Hssel Merle. McCook.
Mlsa Marguerite McAdama. McCook.
Mlsa Louis Marty, Columbus.
Mlsa Leone Mallery. Alliance.
Miaa Emma Neitman. Beatrice.
Miss Neamith. Fort Omaha.
Miss Esther Ogburn, Casper, Wvo
Miss Peggy polleys. St. Psul. Minn.
Miss Marcia Perklns.Fremont.
Hi" Eln"' Pierce, FaU River, Masa
Miss Ruth Peterson, Neligh.
Miaa Phylis Forbes. Fullerton.
Miss Ella Stieren. West Point
Miss Mayme Selser, Carroll. Ia
Miss Hilda C. Talt. Glena Falla, N. T.
Miss Dora Velt, Grand Island.
M 'a Viola Vlertel. Crookaten.
Miss Ida Wols. Fremont. .
Mlsa Nettle Wattlea Neligh. I I
Hslsn Westover, Schuyler.
Margaret Dovey. IMsttameirth.
Ruth Prentle. Lincoln.
Lillian Ine, Pelt Lak Oty. tnh.
Breta Belin, Lincoln.
Gertrude Alexander. Lincoln.
Helen Hendrla, Fremont.
Gran Bryan. Lincoln.
Luolie Brown, Kearney.
June Brown, Kearney.
Fthel Burkett. Llnnoln.
Harriett Fisher. Davenport, fa
Mary Oalhraith. Fort Omaha.
B. B. Lathrop, Grand Raplda Mich.
At Conatrr Clb.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Png entertained
at dinner Saturday venlrsz at th Country
club for their daughter. Miss Nannlne
Page, who leaves today for Miss Spence's
school In New York City. Their guests
were Mis Jean Cudahy, Mlas Helen
Cudshy, Miss Bees Baum, Miss Caroline
Barkalow, Mr. Denlse Barkalow. Mr. Ben
Wood, Mr. Tgylor Belcher. Mr. Wlllari
Butler and Mr. Herbert French.
Mr. and Mra George Roberts entertained
at dinner Saturday evening; Captain and
Mrs. Fred Buchan and Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Hall.
Judge and Mrs. D. M. Vinaonhaler had
as their guests at dinner Saturday even
ing Mr. and Mr. Harry Vinaonhaler of
St. Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller.
Mra Charles Voss entertained ten dinner
truest s, Mr. George Redlck four, Mr. R.
M. Welch four, Mr. C. A. SaUnder four
and Mr. E. H. Spragu four.
Th usher of th Crxlghton-Connell wed
ding party will entertain at supper this
venlng at th Country club, when thel?
party will include Miss Hssel Connell,
Mlas Marlon Connell, Miaa Ruth Moorhead,
Misa Jean Cudahy, Miss Ellen Crelghton.
Miss Estee of Montpeller. Vt., Miss Pierce
of Fall River, Mass., Miss Mitchell of
Denver, Mr. Edward Crelghton, Mr. Ed
wrtd Cudahy, Jr.. Dr. Karl Connell, Mr.
Junius Brown, Mr. Frank Wllhelm. Mr.
Robert Burns, Mr. Ben Gallagher and Mr.
Lawrence Brlnker.
Sunday at tha Country club Mr. Joseph
M. Cudahy. chairman of th ball commit
tee, will entertain his "hustling commit
tee" at lunch for th purpose of formulat
ing plans to give all ladlea present tha
time of their lives. . The following will be
present: Mr. Lawrenc Brinksr. Mr. Stock
ton Heth, Mr. JO. A, Crelghton. Mr. F. I.
Cndahy, Mr. Joseph Baldrlge, Mr. Luthor
Kounta. Mr. Frank Kennedy, Mr. Paul
Gallagher, Mr.(Ben Gallagher, Mr. Richard
Baum. Mr. Jack Baum. Mr. Stanley Ine
son. Mr. Walter RAberte, Mr. Jun Brown,
Mr. IS. A. Cudahy, jr., Mr. Robert Burns,
Mr. Frank Haskell, Mr. Elmer Cop, Mr.
benls Barkalow, Mr. T. I Davis. Mr.
Gould Diets, Mr. Rosg B. Towle and Mr.
Harry A. Tukey.
At Haptr Hollow. ' ' '
Miss Katharine Mllroy sntertslned at din
ner Saturday evening at Happy Hollow in
honor of Mlsa Beatrlo Moor of Chicago.
Covers were placed for Mis Beatrice
Moore, Mis Bemloe Edwards. Mlsa Kath
arine Mllroy, Mr. Chaster Dudley, Mr. Roy
Sunderland. Mr. Earl Burkst and Dr. and
Mra W. F. Mllroy. -
- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garhart entertained
as their guests at dinner Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Palmer, Miaa Florence
Elder and Master Francis Garhart.
On of the dinner parties Saturday even
ing was given by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saun
ders. Their guests Included Mr. and Mra.
Charles Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young,
Mr. and Mra W. H. Gatss and Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Hogls.
Mr. and Mrs, O. W. Noble entertained as
their dinner guests Dr. and Mrs. Palmer
Flnley, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. BlckneJl, Mr.
and Mrs. George Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
W. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. .C. C. Bel
dsn. Mr. H. 8. Byrne entertained at dinner
Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Switsler, Mr. and Mrs. George Crosby and
Mrs. William JS. Byrne.
Other dinner parUee were given, by Dr.
J. P. Lord, who had five guests; Dr. F. La.
Lovetand. four; Mr. J. E. George, six; Mr.
T. W. Austin, five; Mr. E. B. Klmbsrly,
tght; Mr. T. B. Stevens, four; Mr. R. S.
Durkee, three; Dr. A. B. Seiners, eight;
Mr. 8. A. Searle. sixteen, and Mr. and Mra
Robert Dempster, who gave the largest
dinner party Saturday evening, with covert
for thlrty-alx guests.
At th Field. Clab. ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Pratt gavs on of
th larger dinner parties Saturday evening
at tha Field club, complimentary to Mra.
Vane I -ana of Salt Lake City. Miaa Hilda
Palt of Glen Falls, N. Y., and Dr. and
Mrs. C. B. Rich of Green Bay, Mich. The
other guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Tatter. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Judson, Dr.
and Mrs. W. J. Bradbury. Mr. and Mra
W. IS. Palmatler, Mr. and Mra. E. C. Hen
rich, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur English, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Rahm. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Culver and Mr.
and Mra B. E. Bryaon. Ak-Sar-Ben colors
were used In the table decorations.
Dining together at on of the tables Sat
urday evening were: Dr. and Mra. W. C.
Dean, Mr. and Mr. George Rice, Mr. and
Mra L. M. Talmage, Mr. and Mra. H. H.
Culver, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Loomls and Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Strain.
With Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fetters were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson, Mr. and Mrs
George Liokert and Mrs. Ls Bart.
Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dorward entertained
as their guests, Mrs. U J. Black of Peoria.
Mias Beatrice Cola Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Godfrey and Mr. R. J. Qulnn.
Dining together war: Mr. and Mra.
Everet Buckingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearce. Miss
Dunster, Master Robert Buckins-ham xtr
George Buckingham of Atchleon, Mr. and
Mrs. wayne Hemphill and Mr. C. J. Lane.
Mr. and Mra George H. Le tivi a riinn.r
party Saturday evening at the club. A
centerpiece was made of red and yellow
roaea and green foliage, carrying out the
Ak-Sar-Ben colors. Covers were plsced for
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller, Mr. and Mra
C. W. Reynolds. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Parish,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Zachary. Mr. and Mrs.
Theron Josaelyn, Mr. and Mrs. John Mlthen.
Mr. and Mra George Hoobler, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Barrett. Mr. and Mr. A. T. Thomp
son, Mr. and Mra H. E. Frederlckson and
Miss Ivy Ls.
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Ktpllnger entertained
at dinner for their' guest. Mrs. G. P. Moore
of Chicago. Their party Included: Mra.
Moore. Dr. and Mra C. W. Downs, Mr. and
Mra H. J. Penfold, Dr. and Mrs. F. F.
Teal. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Klplinger snd Miss
Shirley Moore and Mr. William Moore of
Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blish. Miss Helen
Bllsh and Miss Marguerite Blish were the
gueats of Mr. and Mra. B. F. Marshall at
The dinner gueata of Mr. and Mra. J. B.
Blanchard were Mr. and Mra. .J. w Tir..
i pery, Mr. and Mrs D. C. Howes. Mr. and
, Mrs. C. F. Belman. and Miaa Minnie Hall
and Miaa Verne Hall of Creston. Ia.
'. Among thoae reserving places for dinner
(Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ewing,
wno naa ten guests; Mr. Aubrey Potter,
four; Mra. May Auld, five; Mr. Jay Buck
ingham, four; Mr. Richard Horton. four;
Mra. G. W. Partridge, alx; Mr. O. W.
Haveratick, six.
Prospective Fleasarrs.
Mrs. Kdwsrd Roach will sntertsin the
Psnsy Card club at her bom Monday
Mra. Edward Roach will entertain tha
L. C. B. A. Kensington ciub at cards
Thursday afternoon at her home.
Mrs. L. H. Korty will entertain at lunch-
Continued on Fifth. Page.)
!!.!. JUil!t 1 JL- ! t JL-!L!i"
Store Located
Jest West of
New nenshaw
This exclusive women's outer garment store is ready for the hosts of outv
of-town shoppers this week with hundreds of beautiful nevy suits, cloaks, skirts;
waists and furs which will be put on display for the first time Monday. Your
inspection invited even though you do not contemplate purchasing.
H 3S
..!WgfXl.J.l.. - sseajpjajssatsjssBesi ffffll i,Tffijpyff,B"wpw"wHaw,,,wwfw,TT,BBK,wl,if ff VT F
4 r
Every Ladies' Garment
Demands its own original style. It must be built on lines that
will perfectly harmonise with the figure in order to secure satisfac
tion to the wearer.
To do this, requires skill and certain originality of design, in
each instance.
Ladies' Tailor and Furrier
Northeast Corner 16th and Howard (Streets.
Fur garments made and remodeled.
For the Fall of 1908
Our new lines of stationery for the fall snd winter are now on
Tho Moyor Stationery Co.
1616 F&rnam Street
VK -:--54'.
eW It
is showing the latest
importations of the
milliner s art in fall
and winter dress and
street hats. ::
Ontrieh plumet and ftathtrt cleaned
and dyed by our expert. Work ab$o
lutely guaranteed.
SuiU 208:-5 raxUn Blk
r, i .
Dressy Suits at $35 and $45
Hundreds of ultra fashionable suits shown in all the
new shades of catawba, stone green, Wisteria smokes and
greys, also all the staple colors. Women of refinement will
find these suits worthy of their attention; specially priced
this week at
"Positively the best $25.00 ladies' suits shown In Omaha"
are to be found in this exclusive cloak shop. Suits of broad-,
cloth, cheviot, serges and novelty mixture, in coat styles;
irom d4 to oU inches lined with Skinner
satin, either gored or pleated skirt styles.
Your time will be profitably spent in in
specting our suits at KJt 4
file New Cloak Styles
Especial attention is directed to our showing of new
cloaks on account of the radical changes in fashion Here
you will find cloaks suitable to any style of figure at 'from
$10 to 23430
Lack of ep&ce forbids us to go into details concerning
our immense 'stocks of fine furs, waists, separate skirts and
silk petticoats.
Fur Repairing at
trow za To
Ota rna ro
or wdatxeb mo.
If you are looking for stylish, up-to-date
Hats within reasonable prices,
call on v
F. M. Schadell & Co.
Pattern Hals, $5, $6. $8 and $10
Street Oats, - $1.50 and More
of taking any chances on family remedies, when you can get one for any al
ment, and which is absolutely guaranteed by any of the fallowing well known
druggists? Your money bark If any "A. D. S" remedy, for any purpose, doe
not please you. Ask any of these druggists. , (
Bell Pru Co.. 12t6 Farnain Bt.
H. A. Beranek. 10 Boulh 1 4111 fit
Knill t.'ermak. Kouth 13tl St.
Crla-y Pliarniaoy, 24th and Pt"
R. H. Ehlere, I01 Laven oith Bt.
roster & Arnold!. 113 North iuth Bt.
J. J. Kreytasj. Nnl' 2"
Green s Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific
Hatnea IJrug Co . Uth and Karnam hta.
Hansoom Park Pharmacy, hp. 2th.
Howell Drus Co . 107-209 N. llU Bta.
W C. Haydt-n, 2820 Farnain St.
llsr Orsnd pharmacy, Cor. lth Howard.
Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Sualdlug.
H. 8. King. 2th and Farnarn fcta.
C. K. Iathrop, ill North 4th 8t.
J H. Merchant, Cor. 16th and Howard.
U B. Peyton, 2401 Leavenworth Bt.
Prlbbnow Co , 1&27 Vinton 8t.
Saratoga Drug Co.. 24lh and Ames Ave.
. IL Schmidt. 4th and Cuming bla
AaA ,000 staef draggists la sery
MUlmar tola weaaerfuJ nreoaratioa ieaas-.
Air Necessary
Alterations Are
Made Perfectly
' Here
: 1
Hot Weather Prices
Tua voa noum
mm otsucatobo
ova vmm or ted KvsaiAir
zt a nxAunm rom v to
wfur3hop J
lirnmSL Qmb
Schaerer & Hon, 2831 North lth St.
Sclikt-fer's Cut Price prug Stors, 16th and
DoiikIss Htr"ts.
BdiH. fer's t ut Price Drug Stors, 16th and
Chicago Struts.
Walnut HHl Piiarnisry, 40th and Cumin
U. H. Ulrtli. 40th and Hamilton Sta.
Sanson, Wsk. g
!)rague'a Benson Pharmacy.
oath Omaha, BTeb.
J r. Kulat. 110 North S4th St.
Bchaefer's Cut Price Urug btorea, 2401 M
Bt.; 24th and N Sta.
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
inn W Camn. buo V. Hroadway.
1 leli O Morgan, 142 West Hroadway.
ISchsefT's Cut Price lrug Store, lh At
and Miin SU
rllUags and city aU Watte CtaUtv