15 .THE. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 27, 100?. . J!J-. UlJ " have sent about two hundred of myUhiptoyesf from butcher to foreman, and all have been 'permanently hiwd7F'rom n r t a personal letter to Dr. Keeley) thing or any one man who ever you are doing with your cur el' I do not think there is any one did the good to humanity that P. D. ARMOUR, CHICAOO. ILL. Late Head of the Armour Packing Company t J m u : t t i s V. ii - - - a. - . - ' . b: . .-- . v , -". ' " ' - - ' ' V TV-' " - r-" v 'v i w THE LATE P. D. ARMOUR. HOW DOES THE KEELEY CURE AFFECT THE GENERAL HEALTH? j ; There can be but one truthful answer, and that is that it is beneficial in every sense of the word. There is no nausea or. other sickness during treatment. The rem . edies build up the nervous system, and it follows from this that the general health '.must be improved. Ask our patients; they know and will tell you truthfully. Do not ask a saloonkeeper or other person whose interests are against our work. Informa tion upon any subject should be asked of those who know, not of those who guess. ' '. The Keeley Cure is now more than twenty-nine years of age time enough, the most captious will admit, to test its merits and the permanency of its effects. Could we remain in business over twenty-nine years and still be prosperous if we injured the health of our patients! ' , The above letter shows you the faith the founder of the great Armour Pack ins company Interest had In the Keeley Cure. Dr. Keeley's most enthusiastic supporters were among our very-best business men and professional men; men who, not requiring treatment themselves, have observed the wonder ful good that has been accomplished by the Keeley Cure and have advised their friends of it. And hundreds of business houses have, like Armour sent us their employes for. treatment. None other than the late "Joseph Me dlll, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, after a thorough test, wrote. "I sent Doctor KeeleV five of the worst drinkers and opium eaters 1 could find. After a month they were sent back cured. The poison -had been impelled from their systems. They looked as if a miracle had been per formed upon them." Twenty-nine yearn of uninterrupted suc cess, the Indorsement of the friends t humanity, ami the applause of more thin three hundred and fifty thousand sradu atea. la the record of the Keeley cure for liquor and drug addiction In 1880, when Doctor Keeley declared that drunkenness waa a dlaeane, and that he had dlacovci i-d a remedy for It, the declaration waa re ceived much as the new of Ualllleo'a ols covery that the earth wa round, or Harvey'a discovery of the circulation of the blood. Abuae and ridicule were heaped upon the bold scientist. Kven no treat a philosopher as Bacon did not believe In blood circulation. But truth la ever tri umphant, and time and Investigation have conrlrmed all that Doctor Keeley ciaunea for hla twin discoveries dlaeaae and the remedy. What Doctor Keeley said then, and what the pioneer Institute at Dwlrfht, 111., and Ita many branches throughout the United States and elsewhere say today Is, namely, that If the drink habit be con tinued long enough, the victim becomea a drunkard. This Indicates a diseased con dltlon wherein the nerve cells have become so accustomed to performing their func tions under the Influence of alcohol that they are dependent upon It, and will no longer perform their functlona properly and painlessly except when under alcoholic Influence. This condition proves tnai i craving exists. The craving proves a dls eased condition of the nerve cells. A the physician diagnoses a cough as the symp tom or aiseasea conamon, m iveeiey pny alclan diagnoses the llauor desire as a symptom of diseased nerve cells. The general practitioner alms to remove the cause, when this Is done the symptoms disappear. The Keeley treatment restores the cells to a normal condition and the craving for drink disappears. Who Takes the Keeley Core? We have cured thousands of veterans of the War of the Rebellion in the Natloiiul Soldier Home of.. life country, whoae ages range from fifty to eighty yeaiV We have cured children under five yetr of age wli were addicted to morphine and opium, such addic tion having In en ac quired through the mother's own addic tion or direct administration. No consti tution Is too delicate for the Keeley treat ment, as the remedies are perfectly harmless. e have cured hundreds of aoldii re In the regular army of the United States, and nave letters from olflcers of all ihiik. troni maJoTjRenerals to lieutenant.", commend ing tin' Keeley Cure In the highest terms. We have enred senator, congressmen. lawyers, clergymen. Inivlnos men, merch ants, laborers, men of all occupations and of no ociupatlon, to the number of ovr 050,000. Among them are la.O lO physicians. How Long Does it Take? ' The cure of drunkenness Is usually ef fected In four weeks. All patients receive a thorough physical examination, and the treatment is adapted to the needs of each Individual case. Alcoholic stimulants re supplied to patients undergoing treatment for drunkenness during tile flrM few -days, after which the desire disappears, and hence tltere Is no struggle to "quit," no craving and no delirium. If upon arrlv il. ratieni Is unable to care for himself, he Is placed under the Bupeivliion of un at tendant until sober. There Is no jlckneas attendant upon the treatment And the physical condition Improve at the start. At the end of four weeks the patient Is vastly Improved mentally, physically, and morally. Mis head Is clear, mtnd active, and thought consecutive, appo-tttr . and di gestion good, eyes bright, and complexion clear; morally charged because of hla dis gust for his former life and his determi nation td live properly In the future. It Is a common thing to hear Keeley pa tient stir. "I feel ten year younger." Write for free booklet. "Pacts About The Keeley Cure." Address Keeley Institute, corner of Twenty-f ltth and Cbb streets, Omaha, Neb. " 'J... ', ' 1 "- 11 1,1 11 1 .' ' ' '" ' ' ". ''" 111 1 Snvi- ' ' va'M -Mr Ml A-' The above Is a picture, of the Keeley Institute building, the home of the Keeley Cure In Omaha. Tt Is one of the best equip (led of all the institutes In the country. It has been fitted up especially for Keeley Institute purposes by Mr. Burns, tho man ager, after years of observation and experience as to what is desiralde In such an establishment. It contains elegant sleeping rooms, perfectly heated and lighted by the most modern appliances, a spacious club room, numerous bath and toilet rooms, with abundant supply of hot water, etc., supplying as It does all the comforts and prlvaey of one's home. ' All patients are cared for In this perfectly appointed building. The only Keeley Institute In the state of Nebraska. The only place In the state where the Keeley remedies are used or administered. . . THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Cor. 25th and Cass Sts. OMAHA, NEBRASKA i :: j f 1 1 : t : m . 1 1 : t 1 1 u a. : r : s : - 9 9 ii 1 I u tt i r. 1 1 FIGHTERS HATED TO TRAIN Surprising Methods of Sullivan, Titz simmons and McAuliffe. LONG CHANCE ON GETTING LICKED A sh.re nd iIa;reot Will !) for Mr," John I., lard to Say Jim Hall's Flsht vtlth Fits Hrtold. "Wait till I get a shave and a haircut and then 111 be ready to fight!" That la whdt John U Sullivan used to say when some new rival had been dug up and the big fellow waa requested to be gin training. Sullivan never cared much for training and waa not an exception to the rule either. Many of the greatest fighters get Into Idle and laay habits after thry have reached the top rung of the ladder. The overwhelming defeat of Stanley Ketchel in California recently at the hand of Hiss Papke, the new middle weight champion, la said to have been due to a lack of training coupled with the highest sort of living. Even James J. Jeffries, the greatest of all pugilists, never liked to train. "I don't mind the actual fighting." said Jeff recently, "but the training la In fernally hard work for a big follow like me. You see I'm so heavy that It's a very tough Joh to take the weight off. No more of It for me. I'm through." It would probably take Bit Jim at least thiee months of the hardest kind of work to K"t Into proper condition to defend the heavyweight title. Nobody knows this better than Jeffries and for that reason he prefers retirement to strenuous gruel ling training methods. The famous boiler maker Is naturally laxy and like other champions that have thrived before him , wagon driver when he- faced Kllraln he ha a fondness for the pleasures and luxuries of Kasy street. One Jeffries Trained. Fot" that matter It would be tempting fate for Jeffries to re-enter the prise ring after so long an absence from the game. Their s at least one fight for which Jeffiles really trained long and faithfully and tl.at wes Ins battle with Kltzslmmona for U i hamplonvhlp. When Jeff began work for that miu he weighed exactly HI pounds, but after six weeks of terrific work lie scaled at J06 In a shirt, trousers and socks. He never fought at leas than :'.0 after that and now weigha 260. It was lack of condition which was one of the reaaona for the downfall of Sullivan when Corbett beat him at New Orleans In 1W. Corbett, young and ambitious, was In magnificent condition. He was trained to hp minute fast, aggressive, clearheaded and cmfloeut. Sullivan, after a semblance of training at Canoe Place Inn down on Long Island, entered the ring hog fat, alow and .ith a brain befogged with wine. "I tmly nerd a shave and a haircut for this young dub." he said and then met hla Wa'tti loo. In the twelve years that SjIU van I Id the championship he never did any r al liarj traili ng except perhaps when he flirt won his title. The laat time he waa r- ally fit waa when he tackled Herbert Sladn, the Maori, In Madison Square Gar den In ISC OKI Jem Mace brought Blade here from New Zealand, saying that the I Maori was a wonderful fighter. Sullivan always respected Mace's Judgment and worked with might and main to be ready for the supposed killer. But Slade was nothing but' a lemon and Sullivan stopped him In three short rounds. Sully's Idea of Training. - When Sullivan was supposed to be train ing for the Kllraln fight up at William Muldoon's place at Belfast, N. T., he really Indulged in all sorts of dodges to avoid much hard work. He used to Insist upon having a shave, haircut and shampoo every day and never failed to say to the country barber as he settled back In the chair: "Take your time now, cull. Don't hurry this Job. I wan't a rest. See?" Of course the barber knew bis business, and Sullivan would often kill a couple of hours In this way, while his real trainers. Jack Barnett and the lata Mike Cleary, aat anxiously waiting to get a crack at him. These men were the only ones who could Induce Sullvan to do any work at all. Muldoon and Sullivan, on the other hand, were almost always at swords points and on several occasions nearly came to blows. When Sullivan went out on the road for long walks, he always Instated that his trainers, Barnett and Cleary, thould g ahead of him. Then after covering a few miles Sullivan's wonderful thirst would be gin lo get In Its work, snd the champion would hunt up a spring where he would gulp down perhaps half a gallon of cool water. It was often the case that when he returned to Muldoon's farm hs showed an Increase in weight of four or five pounds, to the consternation of his handlers. The water did It. of course, but Barnett and Cleary did not know It. Another favorite loafing place of John I waa the cheese factory at Belfort. He uaad to spend houra there watching the process of cheese-making, or sleeping In some dark corner of the factory. It was no wonder then that Sullivan waa aa fat as a brewery' t nichburg. Mlas. If Kllraln had been In anything like good trim himself that day he might have carried off the champion ship. As It win, any first class middle welglit coud hsve beaten either Sullivan or Kllraln. They were both stale, slow and out of form, in apite of the fact that they went seventy-five rounds with bare k..uckles. I,ondon rules, some of the rounds being oi.ly half a minute long. ew Notion the Coast. Sullivan's alleged training for hla mill with Corbett at Canal Place Inn was an other farce. Ks did practically no work, drank all the ale he could get and slept under the shade trees when he was sap posed to be doing hard work. Some of his backers discovered Sullivan's true condi tion about two weeka before the mill and Immediately sent a barrel of money out through the country to be placed on Cor bett at big odds. At least two of his frienda were said to have cut up tTOO.OOO, won In this manner. Jim Hall of Australia was another big man who seldom did honest training for a mill. Even when he stopped Fttsaimmons at Sydney he was not In proper fettle. There have been numerous arguments re garding this battle. Fltsstmmone has re peatedly asserted that hs "laid down." The following Interesting account of the mill appeared In the Sydney Referee on Febru ary 11, W9n: "The laat fight Hall will have before leaving on Wednesday next was that with Bob FlUsimmons, the clever and agile New Zea lander, who haa been looked upon as one of the smartest middlewelghts for two year now. They fought for 100 and the gat money. Hall was all aboard In iht matter of condition, having enjoyed him self a great deal alnce he licked Boland and confirmed his claim to the championship. Fltsslmmons looked 4n far better condition, for Hall's while skin waS as soft aa that of a girl. "The first round was chiefly noted for Hall's long and effective left leads and heavy rights on the ribs, one of these nearly bringing Fits down, and for Fits's clever countering and determined attempts with his right at the Jaw. Hall avoided these easily, his quick lnstepplng and neat guarding serving him well. Fits got his shoulder well up to Hall's attempt at the point. "Round two waa similar, though Hall did muoh more execution than Fltzsimmona and discolored his left poeper with a hot right. He also stabbed the New Zealander In the mouth heavily and visited the ribs hard and straight with the right. "Coming up to the third. Hall carried out his avowed Intention of taking all Fits could give and giving him a quick quietus If he could. He fought furiously, but Fits's cleverness with his head caused the cham pion to beat the air and Bob's shoulders a lot and to be soon pumped utterly. Neither could do mivb damage, but Hall got awfully groggy and nothing but his level head saved him. He kept his long left poking out or came in with his fore arm across Fits's throat, and so was Just able to last the round, recovering a bit by walking around and daahing In a good left to the mouth and a hard right on the Jaw that shook Fits up bad Just on the corners. knorlioQt for Fit. "Very buay Indeed were both men's at tendants during the minute spell, and they came up middling well for round four. Fitxstmmons looked very confident and ad vanced smilingly to meet his antagonist. He feinted with his left to draw Hall and laid his Jaw bare for one second. Rising n hla toes, Hall brought the right smash ing across, hissing through his teeth like a blacksmith welding hot iron. The blow dropped with all his weight on Fits's law (., .k,. h. .A nv. .... . w.- I T j i . . , '"-', time. The next uuurr ins i-uiiuurrur legs hs me impetus carried him on. Right on his back he rolled and lay screwing up Ms face looking very eronk. une, two tnree, four, rive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten out,' said Mr. Jack Gow land, the timekeeper, and it waa all over. The seconds drsgged Fits to hia corner, but he slid off his chair again and even when he waa taken to the dressing room he did not know where he was. Mr. A. J. Hales was referee and the arrangements were In perfect order." Hall waa a wonderfully clever pugilist and If he had trained faithfully for all of his great fights he would have been almost in vincible. An American sporting man who waa a good Judge of fighters, once said to Hall: "If you will only train well and fight honestly you will be champion of the world!" But Hall would do neither and so fell by the wayside. He is now a physi cal wreck, hanging around In Chicago with out a dollar. Jack MeAallsTc'a Record. The pugilist who took the greatest chances of them all by not training was Jack McAuliffe, the former lightweight champion of the world. He openly ac knowiedged to a friend recently that he never did any real training for a battle after he left the amateur ranks. Jack waa a quick thinker and a great ring general and drpended more on these qualities then on physical condition when inside the ropes. He was in bsd shape when ha fought Jem Carney of F.ngland a seventy-four-round draw at Revere Beach, Boston. McAuliffe knew st the time that he waa in no shape to tackle the Brltiahar. but as tha latter refuaed to postpone the mill Jack simply suffered the terrible gruelling to save bis backers' money. 'When McAiiUf fe fought English' . JTmroy' , Cafroll at the old California- Athletic club he was again out of condition. Dick Roche, his backer, had about $15,000 on the result and saw no chance of getting a dollar of it back as he sat In Jack's corner disgusted at the champion's helpless condition. About the thirtieth round Roche turned to several race track men and said: "I'll sell my entire interest in this fight for 1100! Jack can't win! He's all In!" There were no takers, but McAuliffe, hearing Roche's offer, turned quickly and roared: "Sell nothing, you old fool! I'm not licked yet!" In the forty-seventh round McAul iffe caught Carroll with a right hand smash on the point of the Jaw and scored a clean knockout. The night before McAuliffe met Billy Myer, "the Streator Cyclone," at New Or leans in 1892, Roche and Jack were sitting on the veranda of the broken down train ing quarters at Bay St. Louis. "Dick," said McAuliffe. "It's a fine night. How would you like a nice cold bottle of wine before you retire?" "Nonsense, Jack,'replied Roche. "Where could you get any wine In this bum town? You'd better go to bed." McAuliffe smiled as he reached under his chair and pulled a quart of champagne from a concealed cooler. Roche jumped out of his seat as If shocked by electricity. "You've been fooling me!" he yelled. "Come down and get on the scales! I'll bet ten thousand you're overwelgh't." Roche was wild with rage as they went to t)ie weighing machine, where, sure enough, the lightweight champion was just ten pounds too heavy HT1, pounds. "You can never get that off! I'll go right to New Orleans snd forfeit," exclaimed Roche ss he jumped around. "We'll drink the wine. Dick," ssld Mc Auliffe, "snd leave the rest to me. I'll be nt weight!" Then Jack uncorked the wine and drank It all, Roche protesting all the morning Jack was up bright snd esrly. He ran. walked and trotted many mllea, and when he stepped on the Olympic club's scsles that after noon he was Just a hair under 137 psunds, required weight. That night he put Myer out in the fifteenth round, after which he and Roche celebrated the vic tory with more than one cold bottle. 2Vw Notion on the Coast. When McAuliffe and Brooklyn Jimmy Carroll went into training on the Pacific coast they astonished rina- followers hv their reckless metheds of getting Into condition. President Fulda of the California Athletic club wrote aeveral letter o prom inent eastern sporting men asking them confidentially for an explanation of the go-ae-you-pleaae atyle of training. Fulda went on to atate that thla happy-go-lucky pair never got eut of bed before noon, after which they took a pleasant atroll for about a mile. On their return to training quarters ,they ordered several rounds of cocktails or a few small bottlea. Then they devoured a couple of pounds of beefsteak or a dosen chopa. After that there was another easy stroll, with a few drinks of whisky or beer. In the afternoon they boxed a couple of round or punched the bag for perhaps five minutes, Just to get up sn appetite for a big supper. Then the flghtera spent the whole night trying to find out which could hold the most whisky or sle. This unhesrd of style of trelnlng greatly alarmed the California club officials and caused the betting to be three and four to one against each pugilist. This was the time that McAuliffe stopped Eng lish Jimmy Carroll, while Brooklyn Jimmy Carroll put Australian Billy Smith away In a third of that time. !robably because of overconfldence Fltsslmmons did not trsin hard for his firat mill with Jeffries. Two weeks ttfore they met at Coney Island several friends paid a visit' ta Fits at Bath Beach. They ar rived there at 11 o'clock In the morning and were Informed that "Robert had not come downstairs yet." ' Soon the Cornlsh man appeared, and, as he was always hos pitable, he got out a bottle of old Ken tucky, treated his friends and took three or four big drinks himself. Then he wrestled with his lion, punched the hag a while and later sat clown to dinner. A huge steak, boiled potatoes, spinach, to matoes and two pieces of pie were washed down by half a dozen bottles of beer. Fits then hitched up his team and drove to a nearby resort, where several brandies were consumed. At Foit Hamilton an army of ficer who Knew Fits well got out sonic ancient fire water and the lanky man did full Justice to It. He was back at tjUar ters In time to wrestle, box, exen ise with dumbbells and also punch the bag be.'oro eating another big meal. "Don't yoa think the drinks will keep you out of rhape?" asked one of his friends. "Not a bit of It," replied Fits. "Ths aid stuff is for Indigestion, while t.ie malt is to 'elp me take on weight. I've got to build up, ye know, for Ihia chap Jeffries, and 'ell be nothing for me. Tin bigger the man the 'arder the tall." But after Jeff had put Fits away in eleven rounds tho Coinishman said for publication that he had been drugged, while he admitted to Ins friends that toe "old stuff" had helped to undo him. Tommy Ryan, Joe Gans, Tom sShaikey, Kid McCoy, Corbett and others did not b long to the lazy and dissatisfied cUs. Tiny vcri; alwa In shape. Antomobile Thleea, Detroit motorists have been deeply stiried by an epidemic of motor thievery and I I -in are being laid to land tne man who steels a car behind the bars. At pres eiil the miff, even If caught with the ma chine, can only be lightly fined and given a short sentence in the worMiousc. SERVICE. IN THE CABINET Presidents Who Tried In the Karly Days to Retain Cabinet of Predecessors. If President John Adams had been a man of different temperament, the custom might have been established in the rarly years of the government of the I'nlted States of retaining the cabinet of one ad ministration for Service with Its sucorssor, where Hint successor succeeded to Hie political ideas of its predecessor. Presi dent Adams sought al first to rctuin through his administration the members of the cabinet of President Washington. In deed, at that early period the status of a cabinet officer was not exactly that of the present time, ind in the course of Presi dent Adams' rows with the memliers of his official household ho resorted to the strange step of removing his secretary of state. Timothy Pickering and James Sic Henry, his secretary of war. President Jefferson, of course, took a new cabinet. President Madison continued in his administration a number of the cabinet olflcers of President Jefferson, and President Monroe held some of his predecessor's. John yiilncy Adams also continued to meet about his council hoard some of the advisers of James Monroe, but Andrew Jackson began his administration with an entirely new set of official coun selors. He maintained also another set of advisers, unofficial, who became known as the "kitchen cabinet." For some time the gentlemen who had acted respectively as secretary of the treas ury, secretary of war, secretary of the navv, postmaster general and attorney general In the cabinet of President Jackson retained their seals under President Van r.iiren. but chungcs only awaited the pas sage of time. President William Henry Harrison's cabi net was brand new. and John Tyler sought to keep it together after Harrison's death, ; ' botJlit;pts;jbat siv monrha all had rej . j signed, 'except DarflSI' TVebster, tha secret 1 tary of stale. President Tolk, Taylor, FIlU more, Pierce, Buchanan and Lincoln each ; $ formed a new cabinet. - ... , ." ' J President Johnsln's difficulties with -eer-1 tain members of the cabinet that existed at ' tha death of . President Lincoln are -well-known. Since that period, when for ths second time In. American history the qUey 'T tlon of a cabinet officer's right to retaftf - a seat which the president wishes to havo vacated came up for angry controversy, cabinets by mutual but tacit understanding"" ' end with the administrations. Boston Globe. By using the various' departments of The-.' Pee Want Ad Pages j-ou get tho best re sults at the least expense. , Fate of HI Old Frienda. Arch Cook, the district psssenger agent of the Southern rhad, Is from Danville. This fact leaked out when he told another atory recently. An old Inhabitant who had been absent., from Danville for fourteen years returned , on a visit and was Inquiring sfter soma of hi old frienda "How Is old BUI Jones?" "Poor old Bill's dead. Yes, ha drank himself to death.. Wa buried him right over there." "Is that a fact! And how about Oeorga Jones?" "Old George went the same route a couple of years ago. Drank himself to death. We hurled him right over thara,"--. "Well, well! Does old Bill Smoota attll ; talk politics?" , . 5 "I hardly think ao. Old Bill died about a; year ago. He drank himself to death." jf "Guess you burled him right over there with 'the i-est?" ' g "No, we Just poured him back lata tha 4 barre."-Doulsvllls Times. , L' ,i f i ,,i w -. ii - r '4 3 DRESSER'S CLOTHES Make the fan J Notice the Set of Collar and Shoulder Make it a Point to Notice , the Well Dressed Men Ji-. .. .. Upon Inquiry You Will Find that 95: of Thm Have their Clothes Made by DRESHER I 1515 Farnam St., Omaha 143 South 12th St., Lincoln Suits and Overcoats $25 to $50 t.' i - x