Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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Substantial : Suits
New Fait and Winter Fashions
Daring the 25 years that we
have been in business we have
never shown such a large
and varied stock of boys'
clothing as we are
now offering you.
Wi th out-question
it is not only
the largest, but the
most attractive dis
play of? boys' gar
ments that has ever
been oft exhibition
iu Omaha.
Quality has been
the keyhoteof our buying
we have, left nothing
undone, that would secure
to you tho'grcatcst 'ttmble value.
We are; exercised unusual care in the
selection of the fabrics that have been used
in the various grades, and have been care
ful to buy only those that would give good
WejaviitoLoverlooked any detail in
the mafie-tip of Hhe garments, nor have we
forgotten" the style and "appearance that is
necessary to a thoroughly satisfactory gar
ment. We know that you'll be absolutely
satisfied if ydu buy nny of them.
We nave the hew double breasted coats,
with knee )ants or knickerbockers, for boys
6 to 1G years old, at -
Women's Suits Made to Sell at $25.00
Now Offered at $16.75.
place on sale this wwk several hundred
women's klrt.i that were bought at one-third
less than the renulnr price.
They ore made of fine broadcloths, fancy
Wfaveg and novelty worsteds coats are 30
to 36 Inchr-s long finely tailored Match
pockets and slashed seams trimmed with
satin edge and buttons skirts are extra
full your choice of these
25.00 suits,
Our Women's $25.00 Suits Are the
Best Values in Omaha.
In this assortment you will find the prettiest
suits possible for skilled labor to turn out
mad.? of the newest and handsomest mater
ials beautifully tailored will compare
with J35.00 suits shown
elsewhere special this
Bale, ut ,
Beautiful New Suits at $35.00.
An extensive showing of high class tailor
made suits at this price, including the modi
fied Directoire models also strictly tailored
mannish styles In the finest broadcloths and
novelty worsteds. Regular i
$50.00 values, special this
sale, at
k uivauviWlllB UilU
Women's New Winter Coats.
We are selling the beet $10.00 Wo
men's Coats on earth, made of fine,
all wool kerseys and broadcloths,
some half, others full satin lined,
trimmed with braid and embroidery,
50-inches long, as good as any $15.00
coats sold in Omaha,
Special at
Women's Stylish New Coats at $15.00.
New half-fitted models, Skinner satin
lined, neatly trimmed, others strictly
plain tight-fitting, coats that would
be cheap at $20.00,
Special, at
Women's Swell Broadcloth Coats
at $18.75. .
All the very latest models made of the flnost ,
Imported light weight broadoloth,' ' lined
throughout with guaranteed satin some
plain, others beautifully
trimmed; regular $25 values
Women's New
Fall Skirts
. A Special Lot at $4.90.
Made of fine chiffon panamas, serges and
chevronB in ' pleated and flare effects.
Skirts in this lot made m gg
to sell at $7.50. , L Mil
Beautiful New Models at $7.90
A gTand assortment of swell new skirts In
all the new materials, such as panamas,
serges and poplins. The very rg
newest models; regular $10 III
values. SPECIAL AT SfcV
Women's New
Fall Waists
New Tailored Waists at $1.00.
Made of fine madras cloths, striked
or figured, full plaited front, like
cut, long sleeve with link button
cuff, Gibson stock col- . A A
lnr: Snecial. at IUU
1 A W "
A $3.00 Waist for $1.95.
This handsome waist is made of the finest quality of
Nun's Veiling, in all colors, full embroidered front fin
ished with tucks, new French collar, posi- f Q C
tivelv a $3.00 rvalue. Special, at I if J
The Latest Fall and
Winter Styles in
Women's 0 Children's
At this price we
"v offer you an ex
tra good shoe-
made from Paris Kid, Fatent Corona Colt,
or Gtin Metal leathers.
This is a neat;fperfect-fitting, ntjlish
shoe! It comes in all the new shapes ard
is fully equal in appearance and value to
shoes commonly sold at $3.00 and! $3.50
all sizes and widths.
Misses and Children's Shoes
Made from Dongola Kid, 'in lace and
button styles, patent tip, extension feoles
and footform lasts
Sizes 5 to 8 ...... $1.10 and $1.?
Sizes 8y3 to 11... $1.35 and $1.75
Sizes liy2 to 2... $1.60 and $1.98
Sizes 2V-2 to 5 ........$1.98
Women's 5 Children's
Our women's and children's Underwear
Department is replete with beautiful new
Fall and Winter Underwear. We have all
weights and grades.
Women's Merode Combination Suits at
$1.00 to $3.50
Women's Merode Vests or Pants, at
50c to $2.00
Children's Me'ntor Combination Suits, at
50c to $1.50
" " T7"7" . .1 - - . , . . , !!g!!" ,
Coia and Bonnets Follow Lines that
" - Are Picturesque.
richness of Material ami Colors Takes
l'laee uff Finpv Trlinmlna- n rl I
the Other Feature that
J, v.. .
, Art Dropped.
NEW YORK. Sept. te. The autumn
ohi and bonnet for the very iimiili
W'.nicn follow the ploturesquo lines 1:. 11
caiFd lb the mkrtest Bumnicr models?, :ind
me even more attractive In ' the ' n'lntor
cloths and felt . und velvet. thn fhfy
wYH Tn the lummcr 11k and trnv .
(Slats' for llttle' girln of froin 3 to 6 yvara
are ral.ier more almoin In charucter than"
ha be('n the rule ' In preceding aeanona,
Waterproof Hunter's
I and Cruiser's Boot. 1
B Each pa'u' U bactsd by our I
i half century ot experrnco which jj
M has taught Ut how to rrke a boot E
of leather which rival bber, and
C u as nearly water- '
S XIlG ?ro M fcathef can
IT. rut, t4JL
but tiiey make up In beauty of material '
und In color for the scarcity of trimming,
and the prices asked for the bent of the
little model are by no meani low: In
thl i dy of beautiful hroadclotha. however,
It should he an easy matter for a mother
of cood tavte. to have an attractive coat
ir.adw. for her little daug-hter at compara
tively little expense.
Sturdy everyday coats of dark or medium
color may be bought ready made for prices
so reasonable and modela so pretty it
hardly pays to have such garments made,
but when one cornea to the light colored
coats of fine cloth the prices soar suddenly
and distressingly, and though there may
be more of a modish air to the ready made
roat than to the on made at home, the
latter will certainly cost less and a clover
seamstress can turn It out In very satis
factory form.
Setting; aside the all whit coat, always In
demand for little folk, the soft rose tones
and pas'. i-l blues are the tints best HkiU
for child coats, with vivid red always popu
lar and certain soft biscuit and mode colors
of the ohuracter once known as champagne
perennially bloon.injf.
The rose fciudf in all materials are
peculiarly lovuly this season and the de
signers of children's coats have evidently
appreciated that fact, for they hava turned
out llltlr nmdols In' all the dcllcste soft
pinks from the creamiest, lightest rose
petal to a soft French rose with the silvery
bloom which appears In so ninny of the
roae tints.
One sees, too, coats of the fralse and
other berry pinks or rods, hut there is an
unwritten law of good taste which has
generally prevailed In connection with lit
tle children's clothes and which decrees
that the odd and unusual tones those
colors generally grouped as degrade are
stilted to sophisticated wearers rather
than to children, and to the latter are
glvah the franker, purer colorings, though
thege may bw softened to pastel demure
Borne of the very prettiest among the
liew and tiny coat models are made of the
fTirt brondcloth tn soft rosa hue and are
piuW. up quite severely, with only a Utile
self-strapping for trimming and a small
turndown collar of beaver, chinchilla or
with ermine as the only relieving not
Tbes4 same models are offered, too. In
the piiHtel blues and the prices range from
r5 fo ).
In other models of cut and finish simi
lar to those Just described dark velvet
coUarVa,re substituted for the fur collnrs,
but the latter have more cachet, and a
beaver collar with a creamy pink cloth or
a pastel blue with chinchilla Is altogether
charming. (Jay little couts of bright red
cloth with collars of lustrous black caracul
are ptactical and pretty for serviceable
wear.'f t '. '
Braid trims many of the light colored
coat tut the braid is of color matching
the material and mi st not be too lavishly
applied.: Little bands of the cloth very
finely soutached In self color trim aume
prUy models, and the method In which
these bands are used gives originality to
the one tone coat. Our artist has sketched
a model of this class in all white which
was extremely successful, and examples
as good may be found in all tha popular
coat colorings. '
-'-"Wat-' braids of varying width trim many
of the light tan and biscuit shade, the
braid of course matching the cloth, and
black braid is often used upon the dark
shades of blue and red.
Buttons covered with the coat material
are considerably used for trimming, and
in the realm of the wee tots, us In that
of the grown-ups, lines of buttons fre
quently ornament the outHide sleeve seam
throughout Its entire length. One of the
coats pictured here Jias an effective treat
ment of scallops and buttons down the
front and on the aleevea and ia a particu
larly smart little model both in paste pink
and paatel blue.
The heavy corded silks of the Ottoman
and Bengaline classes are popular with
the designers of children's coats, and some
very charming, dressy -coats are made up
in these materials. The model with tur
collar already described In connection with
the broadcloth coat ia produced with varia
tions in the heavy corded ailk, and less Be.
vere corded ailk models, have broad open
work stitchery inaide all the hems and a
quaint silk fringe finish around tha col
lar. A childish model evolved both in broad
cloth and corded silk has. a wide collar
crossing low in front and buttonholed and
embroidered in self-color silk all along its
outside edge. The turnover cuffs are alm
ilurly embroidered and two big penrl but
tons fasten the front. The same model
Is familiar in pique and linen.
. The tiny bonnets of felt, velvet and silk
Grover Cleveland and Dr. George L. Miller
When Grover Cleveland announced his
first cabinet In lsiti a great many people
were surprised that the nume of Dr.
(.corse I j. Mltler did not appear In the list
of the president's official family. It had
been accepted as a fact all but accom
plished that Dr. Miller would be the post
muster general In that cabinet. His ser
vices to the party, his close relations with
the president, and his eminent fitness and
high standing seemed to make him a most
desirable man for a portfolio at th hands
of the first democratic president to be
seated since the war, but his name was not
on tho list. For a time speculation was rife
and much gossip was heard concerning
the mutter. Finally talk died out, and only
Dr. Miller's Intimate friend remember
tliat such gossip was ever so freely in
dulged In. Not even to these has the
doctor ever talked of the matter, but now
n writer gives in the I'tlca, N. Y.. Observer,
the trui reasons for the sudden change of
njlnd experienced by Mr. Cleveland, which
lesulted in "William F. Vilas of Wisconsin
bfins chosen for the place to which Dr.
Miller of Omnha seemed defined. It Is an
Interesting bit of hitherto unwritten his
tory, and for that reason Is here repro
duced in Its entirety. It Is published In the
I'lka Observer of September 13:
In a letter which cam" from the hand
of Grover Cleveland a short time before
he died. pro. .ibly one of the very last that
he wrote, he remarked upon the death
roll which has so thinned the ranks of
thoe who stood with him, "prominent as
leaders in dnys past In winning democratic
victories." He had closely In mind, of
course, Flayard, Whitney, Lamont. Manning
and others who were with him In adminis
tration. Since that letter was written Mr.
Cleveland lias himself passed away, fol
lowed by his first Posm;s'.er General and
Secretary of the Interior. Colonel William
F Vilas of Wisconsin, afterwards sena'or
from that state.
This leave us at liberty Justlfubljr to
tell a story never, yet made public the
story of how Colonel Vilas came unex
pectedly to be selected as r"tmaster gen
eral. Instead of the eminent democrat
whom Mr. Cleveland has Irt-nd"d to n
)ilnt and af'erwards regretted that be had
not arplnted.
That demoerst was our old friend. Dr.
George I, Miller, native of Oneida countv.
known then as tho foremost democrat In
the norihwesr. who came many times to
successive national conventions at the head
of the Nebraska delegation, and was
politically closer to Samuel J. Tllden and
Horatio Seymour thun any other cltlien
of the west. As the editor of the Omaha
Daily Herald, which he early, founded as a
patriotic duty, he had been the special
Interpreter and advocate of the principles
and policies of Tllden and Seymour to the
democrats of the northwestern slates, for
it was known to the whole editorial fra
ternity of that wide region that hi utter
ances were not alone ,ils own candid re
flectluna, but the wise thought of these
statesmen. The effect upon the party was
long beneficent.
He was also known, as he Is today, as
the "Father of Omaha." For a generation
or more he fqught Omaha battles. And
they were great battles! It wa, for one
thing, vital to Omaha that the great trans
continental railroad should cross the
Missouri river at that point. If we re
member aright. Atchison. Kansas, down the
Missorl. was Its chief competitor. The sue-,
cess of one was fatal to the other. It lay
with the great railroad men of the time to
decide. Of course they were sought
sought with arguments and pleadings; and
there was no cessation until one side won
That side was Omaha which has now a
stcudly growng population many time
that of Atchison, and has over fifteen lines
of tallroad running out from its borders.
Omaha is today one of our Important cities.
The little town of those days had nothing
to offer hi t Its advantage and the skill of
their 'presentation. In this contest, as an
editor and possessor of a high quality of
leadership, Dr. Miller was foremost. Jour
nej inge lie made, snd no chance lost
to reach the ears of the great men cn whose
decision so much depended. Chief of these,
it may be supposed, wss Jay Gould.
But what befell years later say near the
first of March, is- -that brings the rail
road question und Jay Gould Into relation
with the postmaster getiei glshlp?
This. President Cleveland's cabinet
was made up. Inuuguratl n was near at
hand. Dr. Miller was down for the cabinet
pcsitlon of postmaster general. He had
the warm endorsement of the leading demo
crats of the big states, for they knew him
personally Seymour and Tllden and Ker
na.i of New Yoik; Lyma'i Trumbull of
Illinois; Gov. George tloadley of Ohlj;
former National Chairman flarnum of
Connecticut;' Famuel J. Randall of Penn
sylvanianeed others be mentioned? Mr.
Cleveland had tome to the presidency- with
none of the acquaintance over the I'nlied
States which these statesmen possessed.
At this very moment the tongue of envy
whispered an Insidious suggestion In the
new president' ear. Dr. Miller. Mr. Cleve
land was told, I a friend of Jay Gould!
They were intimate! Could Mr. Cleveland,
he asked, tolerate such an Influence in his
cabinet and have the public know it at the
very start, as It surely would? Jay Gould
was at that time at the height or the depth
of his unpopularity with the American
people. Hs name was one to conjure with.
Mr. Cleveland was sensitive a to the Im
pression his cabinet would make. The
hour waa late. The story, false in essence,
probably withheld until the last moment,
there was no time to disapprove. Dr. Miller
bad not been notified of hi selection and
there was nothing to withdraw. Supposed
to be desirous of a cabinet seat or expect
ing some other recognition, was Colonel
Vilas, with whom Mr. Cleveland was much
Impressed, for he had presided over the
national convention and notified Mr.' Cleve
land of his nomination with an eloquence
which had previously won fame. Colonel
Vilas was a lawyer; had never been a busi
ness man; but he was In thorough sympa
thy with Mr. Cleveland's civil service
kleas. He waa appointed instead of Dr.
Cciunel Vilas was a brilliant man and a
charming orator. He put civil service re
forms into . better practice in Ilia depart
ment, as The Observer recently showed;
but sortie other cabinet place would have
better matched hi qualities. Before the
term of the administration expired the
presdent found opportunity to make him
secretary of the Interior.
In later years President Cleveland came
to know Dr. Miller well and to give him a
full measure of appreciation. Even before
that he had been known to expresa his re
gret that lie had not made the doctor his
postmaster general, and we have reason
to believe that in this he was most sincere,
'in the letter from Mr. Cleveland which Is
referred to In the beginning of this article
we find thl paragraph appropriate here:
"I, too." Mr. Cleveland wrote, "very re
cently had a letter from our old friend Dr.
Miller of Omaha. Tt I an aitonlshng thing
that at hla age hi vigor Is so unimpaired,
bis mind so clear, and his readiness to do
political battle so keen."
You see in this not only the ex-presldent's
admiration hut the note of a fixed personal
regard. A for Dr. Miller' age, he is still
comfortably this side of the eighties; but
he will reach them fill blooded, gayly, be
loved by Omaha's young and old!
mado to accompany these little coat are
altogether delectable, but they baffle de
scription, for much depends upon the ex
quisite coloring and materials. The group
of French models sketched here will give
some Idea of the general character of the
most fashionable little bonnets, but scores
of others are pretty courted sketching, and
a choice waa difficult.
One admirable thing about the whole
collection was the bullishness of all the
models. The huge creations trimmed In
nodding plumes which disfigured tha ba
bies of a few seasons ago are lacking,
and though some of these new model are
curiously draped and shaped, a large ma
jority of them are really childish.
The little bowl of mushroom shape of the
summer, with Its round low crown and nar
row drooping brim, 1 here agaiii and Is
rather more attractive in fine soft felt than
It was in straw. A simpler and more
babyish hat it would be hard to Imagine,
and yet It has that Indescribable quality
which for want of a bellur word wo call
Borne variety is given to thoss models
by slight differences of 'rimming and of
course by the coloring, though the shape
Is seen more often in white than In any
other color. ,8ome of these models In fine
white felt have ajie drooping brim in wide
white braid and a soft white liberty carf
with fringed ends knotted round tho crown
and falling in two short ends at the back.
Others have a chou and end for finish,
and occasionally a rucho or puffing of silk
ia substituted for the scarf, or a frill of
chiffon or net or lace over th brim from
under tho encircling ribbon. One very flat
white felt of this same general shape has
quilled white velvet ribbon wandering In a
callop design over tha very low crown and
the brim, and a cluster of small velvet
dahlias, one white, one pale pink and one
palest blue, set at one side on the brim. '
An unusual number of brown bonnets la
noticeable among the models for very small
folk the soft woven light brown trimmed
in darker shades of the same color, or per
haps a bonnet of creamy white felt trim
med in one of these browns, snd there are
many little brown coats with which the
brown baby bonnet will harmonise.
You'll be
. . . i
We wish to extend a cor
dial invitation to all out-of-town
Ak-Sar-Beu visitors to
call at our store and see the
handsomest jewelry store iu
the west.
In Our Show Windows
we have on display this week
a choice collection of dia
mond rings, ranging in price
from $33.00 to $125.00 the
beat values ever shown in
Omaha. Don't fail to see this display.
Our htock of watches, clocks, cut glass, sterling silver
and jewelry ia complete.
' rl
lGtti and Farnam
An Elegant Post Card for the Asking.