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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA SFTTKMBKl? 2d. Greatest Bargain Saturday of the Greatest Bargain Season in History of this Store nn Special price reduction Saturday throughout nor entire, complete lin of Trunks, Grips and Suit Cases cn rownnK si it cask special A handsome heavy, leather Suit Cksp, inn lined, lth shirt fold, two heavy strap, all the way round, polished bran i,rk and side lnlt. heavy leather corners, with large brass protect ing buttons, a cane well worth $7 .5ft, choice of 24-ln. or 2G-ln. size, special $4.08 Complete Lines of the Bent New Fall Hat Styles. Out-of-town customers should write for our special Tnink Catalogue. Ladies Hosiery Sample lines of a. prominent importer and surplus stock of a well known manufac turermatchless values for Saturday. Ladies' Lisle Hose Embroidered lnce or gauze, all colors, values to 75c, 49c and 3oV Three pairs for $1.00 Ladies' embroidered, lace or gauze lis'e hn?o, worth to 50c pair; sale price 25c Game and Lace Lisle Hose In all colors, worth double. our prices. 15 and 2'.s Children' Host Fine, medium nnd heavy ribbed wkh double knee, )ieel and toe, worth to 35c par, Satur day, pair ..i. an,l J j) Complete Xew Lines of Wool, Cnslimi re nnd Fleece Lined Hose for Kali and Winter Wear, at Lowest . Price. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Big Dinner Ware Sale Havlland Dinner Sets. $40.00 value, at .... $35.00 Havlland Dinner Seta; 135.00 value, at.... $30.00 Austrian China Sets, $30.00 value, at $23.00 Austrian China Sets, $18.00 values, at $13.50 Austrian China Sets-, $15.00 value, at $9.95 English Porcelain Dinner Sets, $15.00 value. $10.50 English Porcelain Dinner Sets, $12.00 value, $8.50 English Porcelain Dinner Sets, $10.00 value . gfj. 50 Specials in Toilet Sets Decorated Toilet Sets, $10.00 value, at $7.50 Decorated Toilet Sets, $6.00 value, at $3.9.5 Decorated Toilet Sets, $5.00 value, at $3.25 White and Gold Toilet Sets, $6.00 value, at.. 3,98 Decorated Bowls and Pitchers, $1.50 value, at.. 79 Liu THE RELIABLE STORC. Great Manufacturers' Stock Sale of Women's Outer Garments At a most opportune time our New York buyer secures the surplus stocks of several of New York's prominent manufacturers. The exceeding warm V throughout the country, resulting in many countermanded orders and light sales, left the manufacturers with large surplus on hand which they were anxious to dis pose of and our buyer secured great quantities of high grade outer garments at prices as low as 45c and 50c ON THE DOLLAR. TWO BIO SHIPMENTS RECEIVED FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. 35c Ribbons J2ic A full hne of extra wide All Silk Taffeta Ribbons, nil staple colors 'J.V and 35c a yard value?: on sale Saturday at l'2'zV 50c Hair Rolls 25c Regular full sized wire hair rolls, with side combs, also solid hair rolls with net cover, regular MV values, Saturday 125c 35c Fancy Veilings 10c All new patterns and colors, plain and fancy; great snap at, yard . .10c $20.00 Tailor Suits $10.00300 nobby tailor suits from Shaff & Silbernian, 83 Canal St., X. YM all newest fall styles, $20.00 values, on sale at $10.00 $35.00 Tailor Suits $19.90175 high class suits from Turkel & Festner, 11 University Place, X. Y., greatest bar gains ever, at . $19.90 200 Elegant Sample Suits Values from $40.00 to $100.00, coloring scarcely any two alike; prices are $25, 35, $50 nnd $75 $7.50 Covert Jackets $4.95 Lined or un lined, all latest styles; Ak-Sar-Ben week special, choice $4.95 Fine Broadcloth Jackets Most complete assortment and ' best values shown in Omaha, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 $4.00 Children's Coats at $1.98 Child ren's bearskin coats, in all colors, regu lar $4.00 values $1.98 Children's Coats of All Descriptions Every imaginable stvle and fabric, at $2.98, $3.98, $5, $7.50 to $25 Beautiful New Dresses, in voiles, pana mas, silks, etc., all leading colors and styles, greatly under-priced ; on sale at $20, $25, $30, $35 and up to $90 $10.00 Voile and Panama Skirts $4.95 300 handsome garments in the lot, trimmed with buttons and taffeta bands, choice .....$4.95 $5.00 and $6.00 Silk and Net Waists, in ecru, cream or white, at $2.98 Women's $2.00 Long Kimonos, all colors; on sale at 98c Women's $1.25 Percale Wrappers Great snap Saturday at 69c Grand Opening Sale of Fine Furs Satur dayYou can readily save from 25 to o0ro by buying here and now. Most complete stock in Omaha for selection. Millinery An entire new showing of high class street hats, at prices $5.00 to $18.00 500 Handsomely Trimmed Hats that have been used for show models in Xew York, secured at a great bargain for cash, values to $10.00, at. .$5.00, $3.95 $3.50 Black Ostrich Plumes, French curl, 17-iu. long; on sale, choice $1.98 All hats marked in plain figures here. Saturday's Cut Price Drug Sale Demonstration of Pond's Extract (roods. Don't miss It. fully compounded. Prompt attention given mull orders. Every Saturday. Prescriptions Care- 76c Rubber Olovea 28o 25c Hydrogen Peroxide 9o 60c Hydrogen Peroxide 33c 11.00 Pomp Ian Massage Cream 65o 7Bc Pomreian Massage Cream.. 49o 60o I'ompetan Massage Cream .. .ado SFXCXAX TOD AT OBLT 16c Dr. Oraves' Tooth Powder.. 13o 26c Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder.... 14o All :6o Sanllol Tooth Preparations 19o 26o Pond s Extract Tooth Powder 30o 26c Swanadown 13c 25c Katln (Skin Powder lo 60c Java Rice Powder &7o JOo Pozsoni'e Powder 87o 60o Carmen Powder 39o 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder.. ISo 26o Colgate's Talcum Powder... 15o 26o Craddock's Talcum Powder.. 10o 15o Tetlow'a Bath Powder 80 20o Tetlow's Batli Powder loo 25c Crushed Rose Talcum Powder lOo 5c Mennen's New Sen Yang Talcum. at . . . 20o Joi-gen's 'Violet Glycerin Soap. A for IBs Luna Oil and Buttermilk Soap, box, at Dlo 15c Imported Castile Soap, cake ..So 10c I'ocoanut OH Soap, he, 6 for 950 10c William's Shaving Soap .... So 10c Turtle OH Phavlng Stick.... 60 :tc Hires Hoot Heer 1BO Ladies Corsets , Complete new lines of all best makes shown in Omaha's greatest Corset Department. Warner's Rust Proof Corsets New models to suit each figure, long hip and back and high bust, as well as medium and short ones prices from $1.00 to $3.50 La Greques, in the latest models for slender, medium or stout figures; our regular $10U long hip, high or low bust models; special Saturday at $1.50 Nemo Self Reducing Corsets, in complete as sortment of new styles; price $3.00 75c Corsets, in fine sateen, boned with 11011 rustable steel bonin;-. Iilc web hose sup porters, front and side; great snap Satur day at 40c Fancy Silk Striped Satin and Batiste Girdles, worth to $1.00, pink or blue, choice. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. 29c Weiv Books All the works of Fiction, regular $1.50 edition, on sale at 98c All $1.00 Copyright Rooks on cale. at. i 43c All 25c Paper Novels, on shI, each T'af1" NKW NKCKWUAK The very latest novelties with fancy wide niching. on sale, at 25 an,l 50? , NKW ItKI.TS !Wp Klastlc Helts, at 15 50c Klnstlc Melts at 250 Jjil.OO Elastic Belts, at if) Special Hale on Hand Bhrs Saturday, (rcat Bargain. , i Matchless Bargains in Winter Underwear A big purchase of Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, bought for our jobbing depart ment was delayed in shipment until too late for use in this department. The mills made us a special price concession if we would receive the goods, which enables us to offer them to our customers, while they last, at less than regular wholesale prices. SALE , BEGINS SATURDAY AND CON TINUES ALL NEXT WEEK. DON'T MISS IT. - Men's Shirts and Drawers, in fine Australian wool or camel's hair, made to sell at $2.50 a garment; on sale at '. . . . . .'. .$1.50 Men's Shirts and Drawers, in fine quality natural wool, $2.00 a garment values, on sale at $1.25 Men's Camel's Hair Shirts or Drawers, natural greys, single or double breasted, worth $2.00 a garment, at, . . . , . 98c Men's $1.50 All Wool Underwear, greys, tans and all colors, at .75c Men's Combination Suits Silk and wool, all wool or extra heavy cotton, values to $5.00 a suit; in 3 big lots sale price . . $2.98, $1.98 and $1.50 Men's Wool Fleeced Shirts or Drawers Wortti Ladies' Hne him and Wool l nlon Suits Very to $1.00 garment, greys or fancies, at -15 390 nl 200 Men's and Boys' Wool Sweater Coat style, or with 4-ply collars, over 100 different styles, at less than regular wholesale cost. Men's Fine Wool Sweaters Worth to $6.00, at 9S 81.50 $1.98 Men's nnd Boys' $1.0O Sweaters Big assort ment, at 500 Children's Sweaters Regular 50c values, choice, a: 250 Men's 50c Heavy Wool Hose, at 250 Mall Orders Promptly Filled. special bargains for Saturday's selling. at $2.98 nd 82.50 Ladles' Wool I'nion Suits Greatly under PHced, at 81.50 and 81.98 Ladles' Fleeced Vnderwear Worth to 7oc gar ment. Special Saturday. 250 390 and 490 Ladies' Union Suits Good quality, fleeced gar ments, all sizes, great bargain. 390 an 500 Children's Wool Union Suits $1.50 quality, all sizes, at 980 Indies' Vests or Pants Heavy fleeced gar ments, great snap, at 150 &nA 250 Children's Cotton Union Suits All sizes, spe cial, at 250 26o Bryant's Root Beer tl.OO HHr Finish 75c Hair Brush 60o Hair Brush 10c and 15c Tooth Brushes 15c to 35c Tooth BrtiHhes . 60c Phsvlnn Brushes $126 Ideal Hair Brush ... tl.OO Ueal Hair Brush ... 10c 750 BOo 860 . 60 lOo a so 890 78o Saturday's Hardware Sale $1.60 BtI WhMl Boiler Skates, at, only 890 $3.60 Wooden Coaster Wagons, at, only $2.00 Boys' Tricycles, the last sale, . at Xonsofurnlahlnff Snaps 36e polished solid steel Pancake Grid dle, at 3 t6o steel Frying Pans, cold handle, at 190 Union made Parlor Brooms, only 15o Your choice of any Vood Chorr' made Mo Mrs. Vrooman's 26c Sink Strainer lOo Pure linen Mops, worth 30c, only IBo Best quality Mop Sticks, only.. ISo 10c rolls Gold Band Toilet Paper, 3 for 80o Good Toilet Paper, smaller rolls, 10 for 86o Beet Quality Weak Boiler XJsk Everyone knows that the Llsk Boil ers are the very best made. We have sales on cheaper boilers, but have de cided to cut the price on the best boilers made, for one day. $2.00 No. 7 Lisk block tin, wood han- uik i upper Buller 81.49 $2 '.'5 No. 8 lAnk block tin, wood han dle Copper Boiler 81.59 $2.50 No. 9 Llsk block tin, wood han dle Copper Boiler 81-S9 These boilers are guaranteed for S years. This Is a snap. The Home of the Wash Kaohln We need not tell you that we sell one hundred wash machines to every one sold by others in Ouiaha. Tills is a well known fact. Ssturday we will sell $S.OO Kotary Washers for 9-9H Bavory Roasters, the genuine. Satur day 930 Mrs. Pott's polished Sad Irons, $1.25 quality 89o 75c Bread Boxes, japanned .... 49o 98c Flour Cans, 60 lb., decorated 5o Builder's Hardware 6ale Combination button Plyers, 60c qual ity 89o $1.25 Jennings made Saw 79o May dole Brown Hammer, on sale 99o 4 tine Potato or Spading Fork 4o Coal Scoops, worth 75c 49o Solid Steel Spade. Saturday.... 490 Try Hayden's Jap-a-Lac, Taints and Varnish. Read Hayden's Big Grocery Sale for Saturday The best brands Laundry Soaps, 10 bare for -6o The best pure cane Granulated Sugar at Less Than Jobber's Cost. The best white or yellow Cornmeal, per sack J6C 6 pounds Japan Rice -o The best peRrl Tapioca or Sago, per lb. bo The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. .. 8Vo 3 lb. cans golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, Hauer Kruut or Baked Beans, per can Tiic ilaarmann'a Pure Malt Vinegar, bottle 6c Oatmeal and Graham Crackers, per lb 8Hc. Puffed Rice, per pkg 7Ho Zest Breakfast Food, per pkg 6" Wheat Berries, per pkg oe Bluejay Oatmeal, per pkg 7',c Corn Starch, per pkg 5; 24 boxes best Parlor Matches for.... 26c 1 lb. cans Assorted Soups Hie Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can .. 4c Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup or Wor cester Sauce, per bottle 8ViO The best hand picked Navy Beans, lb. 60 Choice Sun rrlcd Jaran Tea, per lb. J5e Fancy Basket Fired Japan, English Break fast, Oolong, Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea, per lb 3So Golden Pantos Coffee, per lb ISo Fancy Maracalho Blend, per lb 20c Fancy Ankola Blend, per lb 26c EAB THXSB BUTTXB CBXI11 ABB FBZOZB Choice Dairy Butter, per lb lo Fancv Dairy Butter, per lb 21o Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per 111 24e Fancv Full Cream Cheese, per lb 16c Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c Fancy full cream Brick Cheese, per lb. 15c THE XiAST OX TKB TaKOVI WIX.BOB FXACHBS These are extra fancy No. 1 quality, finer picked, per crate 75o We have any kind of fruit 70a want for Canning. M HAYDEN'S EMI Big Umbrella Sale Saturday The entire sample line of WM. RICH & CO., of New York. An immense assortment, of high class soods many of them worth to $5.00, gold nnd silver plated, horn or natural wood handles, Union taffeta and all silk cov ers, all have silk cord and tassle. Not an um brella in the lot hut is worth double Satur day's prices; handles alone in most cases arc worth much more; at, choice.... 98c, S1.50 Big Shoe Sale Saturday All of the items mentioned below are especially priced for quick selling. Bring the children in and notice the prices and convenience of our Children's Department. Men's $3.00 and $3.50 welt sol? shoes in box calf vlcl kid and patent colt .81.98 Women's shoes and oxfords, absolutely worth up to $3 .50, most all leathers -81.98 Misses' and child's school shoes, vorth up to $1.75, tan or black $1.00 Closing out all the women's oxfords, former prices $1.60 and $1.75, at ....n, $1.00 Boys' youths' and little gents' school shoes, worth u to S!.7.". at ? 080 7 Children's shoes, worth 75c and $1.00 In re, tan cr Mr Agents for Stetson and Crossett shoea for in . : , i. ; . :: Quality and Grover shoes for women. Mall Orders Filled on Above Prices. Mason Jars! Masc. ... We aro aoing to make Saturday the banner day uf 'J..-, h. ji i The trusts have got together again ami Mason .lars are unuml i'. m iimcIi higher We have bought three solid carloads i'.f thrui ami as '.oiik .is tlicy las; v.c will sell them at the following: Pint Mason Jars, with caps Hiid covers, per lr.z n eao Quart Mason Jars with caps ami covers, pi-r dozen 490 Half-gallon Mason Jars with taps and covers, per n2"ii 60e Buy now for your present and future use. . . r LAW m JUSTICE TRICKED Loopholes Through Which Crime Evades the Penalty. LIGHT UPON THE DAUK SPOTS Technical Construction br the Courts and HaJr-Spllttina; Attorneys Tip the Irales ef Jnstlee Some Instances Cited. An Informing and Interesting paper on "Loopholes of the I -aw" appears in the current number of Colller'a Weekly from the pen of C. P. Connolly, for years prose cuting; attorney of Silver Bow county, Mon tana. A part of the raper follows: The unsubsldtsed publicity of the present era Is letting In the light upon the dark pots In the administration of our criminal lawe. Lawyers of prominence throughout the country have for years publicly and privately criticised the rresent growing ten dency toward a too technical construction of the laws in the criminal departments of our state courta. The evil has grown to such magnitude that the decisions of cnuru of appeal In eaaea In which a public Inter est has been aroused are made the subject of ribald Jest among the learned as well as the Ignorant. It haa brought into In repute the temple that should stand In public esteem highest of all in the orderly dispensations of our modern clvillia'.lon. There are Indications everywhere, how ever, that public sentLnent has become so aroused on this subject that something must soon be done to rid the law of those Rnclent quibbles that have done more to encourage crime than all the crime schools of the big cities. Kvcn the minlaters of the gospel out In California trained their pulpit batteries on tho evil, moved by the iieclsloii of the supreme court of California in the Schmlts case. The demoralisation of Juetlce caused by this decision has been so great as to create widespread Indigna tion and bring deserved public rebuke. The Ominous Case of Abe Bnef, Abe Ruef. nn astute lawyer, as well aa a graduate of the Cniversity of California, so far believed he had committed a great legal as nell aa moral crime as to make a public confession, moistened and sensa tionalised by his own tears. The supreme court of the slate bade him dry his tei.r--ihey were uncalled for. The antl.evtic technicalities of the law had washed v. h'te his sins. The appellate court cf California found 'laws In the record which n.'s'it have Just'fied a reversal under ordnary rules, but the supreme court based Us de cision upon the ground that no crime had been committed by Schmlts and Ruef. Reams could be written telling of deei slons so hair-spllttlngly technical that the man of aense must laugh at them. W hen a Strap la Not a whip. On the 8th day of Aptil, last year, at Paker City, Ore., two men beat a woman It would bo very interesting to know f a bow manv veara vour family etarsician Of KdOllCf llS hM Precribe'1 Ayr, Cherry Pectoral a1 a-' tnr rnbs roMs sn4 all fflrml nt tuna a m l jf. troubles. Asi him the next time you see AeUfatt to eti your Joctot mboul . . . . . . . ' . W Cherry Pecfera It u . rcevar mtJx- 'm- wesnowpnystusnswDonsveusea m aresef mfxHrm. eWter'. wxJlim for O'Cf half Century. i.C Artwem., 1 ow.'.i : on the public street with some kind of a heavy strap. One of the.e men held a re volver In his hand so as to compel the woman to stand and take the btatlcg. while the other brutally beat her with t'ie strap. The men were convicted by a Jury. They were convicted under a atatute that provided that "if any person shall asult, or assault and beat another with a cow hide, whip, stick, or like thing, having at the time in hts .ossession a pistol, di k or other deadly weapon with in ent to In timidate and prevent such other from re sisting or defending himself, such perion. upon conviction thereof, shall be puulshej by imprisonment In the penitentiary noL less than one nor more than ten years." The district attorney In h s Information, charged the fact that the defendants hell a gun while they bfat th" woman with n leather strap. The ca?e was reversed on the ground that the Information "contains nothing to bring the strap within tl"e cU.s of Instruments mentioned under 'cowhide. j whip, stick, or like thing.'" "Where the Instrument ued Is not one of those named in the statute." says the curt, "the.i it must be so described as to bring it within the term 'or like thing.' and it is not suf ficient to refer to It as a bather alrap Therefore, the Information is tnsufficlnt to charge the crime defined ty the a'.a: ute." The Difference Between "o" and "n." Jn the case of Ntitt agains' the State which will b found in the Mx;-tlihd Ala bama atale reports at page 10, the pr.s oner, Nutt, was Indicted for the murder of Luke Hodnett, by striking him with a gun. Nutt objected to going ti trial on the ground that a copy of the indictment lud not been served upon him. inasmuch us i,i the alleged copy of the Indiclm.nt served on blm the name of the deceased was spelled I.uke "HaJnett" lnM,ad of I. k "Hodnett," as It was spelled vti the erg nal indictment. The copyist I ad luough. the loop ufltr the "o" down a thirty-scc-and of an huh too far. The court ue: ruled the objection and required the defendant to proceed too far. The defendant waa c n vieted and appealed. The original Indict ment on Which the defendant was trUd. in which it must be remembered the name was correctly spelled, and the copy served on the defendant, were In the original form, carefully tarried before the supreme court of Alabama. We can almost see this great court, adjusting its nose glasses, or taking a microscope and carefully ex amining the two papers, and then deliver ing itself of this profund opinion; "The law requited, that the defendant be :eivcd with a copy of the Indictment. The ic.ison of this statute Is that the accused may be Informed of the charge against him, so that he may prepare f ir his de Tense. The Indictment charges the murder of I,uka Hodnett. The paper served as a copy describis tiie slain as I.uke Hadnett. It follows that a literal copy of the indict ment was not ni fact served on the de fendant. Tile xanancf in the present case may appear slight, and possibly It may bt ustunied that the defendant was not mis It d by il. Sell, it is u variance. A copy of the indicln ent was not served. If we were to disallow th'a objection on the rruund that trie vaiunce did not mislead, we would enter upon an unco lain fie'd of probabilities, and know not where we would find a limit. Be'ter to err in favor of life and liberty than to enter upon ground ao dangerous " A (rook Released. Six montl.s ago a deputy ileik of one of the dielrict courts In Montana was cun victcd on t wo charge j of forging warrants or cerufi.ates for Jurors fees. He had Issued the warrants In the names of fleti l.uus person. He had confederates who obtained tne cash from the county treas urer on these warrsnta. The amount of his peculatim was something like J.V.f). He was sentenced on the two charges to sev c:ul years' imprisonment His attorney went to the supreme court on the Issue that the copies of the warren's or certifi cates aa set out In the lndk'trpents failed to thow that the seal of the clerk of the court was attached to them, and that In the absence, of such seal, which was re quired by law, the warrants or certificates wore void, and no crime was committed. The supreme court sustained this conten tion, and the deputy clerk Is now a free man. although one of bis confederates, weighed down by the sense of his own guilt and the disclosure of it. died as an Indirect result. Vet no lawyer, educated under the present system, will question the correctness of this decision, if Judicial precedents have any force at all. In another case, a case of cold-blooded murder, the rrosecutlng attorney neglected, by one of tliore unavoidable mental lapses to which we are aM subject, and which no one eeemed to have discovered unlll too late, to set out In the body of the indict ment the name of the county where the murder was committed, though the name appeared In the caption. There were any number of Instances whh h advl.-ed the defendant of tiie venue of the crime. All through the trial reference was made to the exact locality. It waa proved beyond cavil. The defendant himself took th ainnd, described the place, and named 1 1 1 .--county In the te'ling of hia atory. He did not know that he hail not been legally charged with a crime In that particular county. In fact, he supposed he had. Hut after his conviction of murder in the first Cegree, hi lawyer discovered the flaw. They raleed the question, and the supreme court, of course, reversed the rase. Had the defendant been arquitted, hla acquittal would have been legal. Having been con victed waa Illegal. The Standard till Fine. Taie the opinion of the federal court of arpeala In the Standard Oil case, revere, lug Judge Kenesaw M. I.andia. Aa In Ihe opinion of the supreme court of California in the ft -limits tare. It alms at the base of the prosecution and lavs down doctrines, which practically legalize the offense. U pals a premium on ptrjury by deciding that unless the defendant admita it knew the lawful tariff schedule it can not be convicted. There Is no burden on il to find out. It is, of course, practically im possible to prove knowledge of that kind. It Is solely within the mind of the agent of the corporation, and he Is not going to sacrifice bis position by telling the truth If It Jeopardizes the Interest of hie em ployer. Again, the opinion practically decides that the Standard Oil company may be a trust In crime but component rxnts for punishment. You may convict HawooJ of a murder which he In alleged to have planned, but you can nut convict the parent oil company of the crimes of its agents lta Harry Orchards. The court pleads for the Innocent hlockhold. i s; hut why worry over the wronga of stockhol ders, who, by continuing to hold stock In a corporation whose principal profits ure derived from defiance of the laws, become partners In the guilt of their agents and officera? Criminal Law a Joke. We are told that we should respect the ci'iurts; but when we read the words of one co'irt flagellating another, which shall we reelect? Is the riot act more becom ing w litn read by a higher to a lower court than when read to a convicted criminal be fore llm bar of Justice? The waddling logic ef some of these corporate decisions is like a devious path in a thorny wood. You can hide guilt anywhere In the brush, while blind Justice gropes in the open road. "It la when the courta refuse to hold event) and exactly between all who come before the bar that they become degraded in the respc.i t of men," said Cnited States Judye William II. Hunt of Montana from the bench recently. One must take the administration of the criminal law in our country humorously If he takes tt at all; and yet how Mr. Dooley sal Lack arid laughed about ihe way the r'tendi tried ths Dreyfjs iael WOODEN INDIAN REPLEVIED fainted Cigar Sln la Honied to (onrl by (unstable! tirnrit Church, To pay for the war paint smeared over his face to make him look like a real re 1 skln on th warputh. a wooden Indian which has stood guard at the cigar store of Joseph Hroughton was replevlned by Moon & Nelson, decorators, Friday snd hauled to court In a moving van. Constable (icorge W. Cliurvli captured the aboilgine under ordeis fi cu Justt-e Anderson. ani Mood puurd m-er It will1 It was removtd to u pliu e of safety ' M-mn & Nelson, who r plevlne. the Indian. they repainted and set lis brohen arm. je t it on a new iiedi atal and got it ready to help celebrate 1 1 if carnival, all at the eft of which, they assert, hns tint been paid. THE MIDWEST LIFE Vacation is over and as the dally work la once more taken up, one should not overlook the importance of taking out life Insurance policy which has been so long delayed. The Midwest Life of Lincoln Issues all the standard forma and at a premium rate aa low as the lowest. The paid-up capital jitock of The Mid west .Life Is now f 1 20.000. all Invested In first morgages on Nebraska Real Exist and deposited with th Auditor of p.ibllc Artounta of the statu for the security of Its policyholders it, lr.-m.,tm Hnd Interest receipts fur the ear I'.iiiS will exceed $63,000, all of whih remain In Nebraska. Among the stockholder of the Midwest Life are found successful and represen tative business and professional men from all over tho state. Homo Office, 107 O Street. Lincoln; Omaha Agency, til iurd u( Trade ulMma. t