THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, Men's Fall Top Coats and Cravenettcs i Every man needs a light overcoat or a cravenette for fall. You'll find cither one of service the year round. The new styles here are very at tractive for men who dress well the prices nre $10 to $25 Men's Full Dress Suits For the Ak.SfBn Ball. Etc Every man needs correct evening clothes par ticularly at the time of the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, etc. We can fit you perfectly In a correct suit at half what a custom talloi j Cf A aska prices HJ SALE SATURDAY and ALL NEXT WEEK i Up-4o-D)aJe Fall Clothes for Men Together with our own immense fall line, known all over Oma.ha as the best a. nd most complete in the city. WE OFFER THE CHOICE OF AN EASTERN MANUFACTURER'S ENTIRE STOCX, BOUGHT AWAY BELOW ITS VALUE Great Sitiit Sale Fall Suits FOR MEN Do you want a tfood, dressy bus iness suit that fits you properly and looks like a higli grade suit in the middle of the season as well as at the first? Buy one of these suits that only Brandeis can offer at HOI if WxWfn'. 1 . Ifejii r w Would ,f,- ksJkX T W hWFk PayaaMuch hi y h fM llWi nfc Vi AW Y it liiii iiMi i iijrsiiriisjsisnnn Overcoats IN 1908 STYLES II -11 i 'i Sample and Surplus Stork From a Prominent New York Maker Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Negligee Shirts at 95c These shirts are in plain and pleated Imjsohis all new pat terns with cults attacnea or uetncned vour choice of hundreds of these fall negligee shirts at Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts at 50c You never bought shirts so good as these for a half dollar newest styles, good qualities and gen uine $1.00 shirts, for Men's Manhattan and E. & W. shirts, fall styles, at S1.50 to $2.75 Specials Men's Fall and Winter Underwear 95c L TIl-" PI It Cj 50c There Is nothing common about these Overcoats. They are the best Overcoats Brandeis or any other store ever offered you at these prices and they look as if thsy cost twice as much. The newest cuts, the new close fitting collars, and all the best new features, at Root's medicated wool Vndershlrts and Drawers, at. . . s)l.nn and 92 Medicated scarlet Underahlrta and Drawers, at. . .08c and 91.73 Extra heavy cotton ribbed Shirts and Drawers 3c Pure lamb's wool Shirts and Draw ers, at Bc to $1.50 i f Norfolk and New Brunawlck fash ioned wool underwear, at $1.2.1 to f W.fto Munsing Union Suits, from 91.50 to 94.BO Extra heavy wool fleeced Under wear 8Wc BRANDEIS W V li Si j and $15 You Would Expect to Pay as Much as $25.00 for Such Fine Overcoats. V 9 3 Special Sale Saturday MEN'S SAMPLE DATS 50c-98c The entire sample line of eastern manufactur er all this season's styles soft and stiff hats, positively worth as high as $2.50, at The Famous John Jl. Stetson Hat. Both soft and stiff 1 C ft ehapes, complete line of fall styles J JU Brandeis Special Fall Hat for Men and Young Men All C ft A the popular styles, splendid values, at tiZtUU Boys' Hat In new fall styles, Boys' and Children's School Caps, 11.60 values, at 08? new styles, at 25 and 40 8 Boys Combination Suits at 298, $350, $5 Boya" all fall suits with extra pair of knickerbocker pants to match all the service, of two Buits at the price of one. They wear like iron and are made for boys' hard school wear 3 prices, all specials, at Rogers-Peet 01 Co. Finest Ha.nd Tailored Clothes for Men Without exception the highest class clothes for men that can be made. They are ready for instant service, but in fit, fabric and style, excellence, they compare favorably with the best made-to-measure clothes from expensive tailors. The famous Rogers-Peet a Overcoats and Suits, are r &l 10 tU The New Styles in Boys an d Children's Overcoats The new atyles are the most attractive that you've seen in years made with military col lars or the regular lapel collars the single or double breasted styles $50 4a $fft all wool medium or heavy weight, at : 10 III BOYS' FALL SUITS of Highest Grade Mothers who want to dress' their boys in the best clothes that can be bought, will come to Brandeis' where we make a specialty of good clothes for boys. The most attractive and the best fitting and wearing boys' suits are s5 vp $10 i i The Best Place to Bay FALL SHOES FOR MEN Are you ready for fall shoes? Here are the best, most serviceable and most comfortable shoes for men that money will buy. Brandeis offers you high quality shoes, cor- $50 $T50 rectly fitted to your feet, at A" Florsheim Shoe for Men Emphatically the best Bhoes wear high grade leathers, built to fit the foot 6hoes that satisfy, at a man can $5 t STATE WINS POINT (Continued from Flrt Page.) 1 am going to object, and am prepared (a argue that this part of her tory cannot be admitted." The county attorney replied that he would be glad to ao put his queatlons that the witness would not be compelled to treapasa on around which Mr. Qurley wanted to renerve fur argument. "Ca'.l Abble nice." aald Mr. English, when A. W. Larson, atreet car foreman, had given some Information about the time certain cara passed Fortieth and Famam streets. "How old are you?" "I u 19 last November the 30th." Then the 19-year-old girl, with worldly experience of a woman twice her age and the face of one older, told of her early life, being born In Allerton, la , the daughter of a constable, of moving with the family to Dea Molnea and her mar riage to Irving Rice, a private In the tailed States army, in 1906. She said they were married by a United Brethren minis ter, but she did not remember his name. Then ehe told of going to Cuba when her husband's regiment wae ordered there, of bar return to the United States and that ha) did not know the whereabouts of her husband. Gives Datee Directly. Almost every date aaked for by the prose cutor was given with directness by the woman. "When did you leave Des Molnea for Omaha?'' "December 2, 1907." "When did you meet Dr. Rustin?" "December 23, 1907." She told how she lived at Grace Walton's resort at 911 Douglas street and the land lady called Dr. Rustin to take care of her when it became apparent she was going to reed an operation. 8he aald Dr. Rustin performed two operations on her at the Clarkson hospital, one in January and the elber In February of the present year. "When you left the hospital where did enna acts gentAyyet prompt ly ontke bou els, cleanses he system effectually, assisfe one m overcoming habitual consignation permanently. To get As beneficial effects buy the cjenume. Nanuactur)i y t he GALFORNIA JioSxrupCo. OU5dY11AO!NODRUC5T5-KMBOTTU you go?" "To Urate Walton's." "Did ynu aee Dr. Rustin there?" "AlmoHt every day." Mis. Kice said she lived at Walton's until May 1, when she went to Council Bluffs and lived at the Grand hotel for two months. She swore that there she saw Dr. Rustin every day and that he spent almost all of his time with her to the neglect of his prwtice. After Mrs. Rice left the Grand hotel she saya she secured two rooms at 714 North Sixteenth street with a woman named Mrs. Manning and there she was with the phy sician dally, going from the Manning board ing house to the Loyal hotel the latter part of August, where she stayed a week. She said she saw Dr. Rustin dally, and they left the hotel because the proprietor re quested them to leave. Closing of Rnstln Career. This testimony brought the story to the dates comprising the closing chapters of Dr. Rustln's life, and the woman told In reply to questions of how the physician told her of his business affairs; that he had no money and no practice; many debts and some notes at the First National bank. "As to his Insurance I understood he had almost 100,0X), which was all payable to his wife," said the woman. "Did he ever take up the question of taking his life to secure this Insurance?" "He did." "When?" "About a month before his death." "How did he come to do It?" "He wanted to end his life." "How?" "He wanted me to kill him." "Why?" "So It would not be suicide?" "Did he explain?" "Yes, he said the family could not got the insurance if It was suicide and the only arguments he used to get me to kill him were that I must do it for the sake of his wife and children so they could live comfortably." "Did yuu aceeed to his demands?" "I did." "What preparations were made?" "He bought a gun." Mrs. Rice then related the incidents con nected with the first gun secured by Dr. Rustin for her to shout him. It whs se cured at a pawnshop in Omaha, taken to he Loyal hotel, where she was sent for artrldges. She bought the shells and took them to the hotel. While trying to load It she took out n screw which put the ham mer to the bad and he went to Council Bluffs with Dr. Rustin to tset it repaired. English Produces (isa. Attorney English produced a .32-caliber revolver and gave it to the witners. "Is that the gun?" he asked. "It looks like the one I can see scratches on the side near thls screw, which 1 believe to be the one I took out with a silver knife at the Hotel Loyal." Mrs. Hire said this Incident was two weeks and three days previous to the morning Dr. Rustin was shot, and it was then planned for her to go with the phy sician to his office 8unday evening. Au gust 15, where she was to shoot Dr. Rus tin and escape from the building. "The shooting was' to take place quite late," she said In an unconcerned sort of way. "We wanted to wait until people were off the street, but not until the street ran topped, as we expected them to make noise enough to deaden the sound of the hot." But the un waa broken and the couple could not fix it. They had to postpone the "job," aa Mr. Rice called It County Attorney English had the woman deKcribf where she was to Htand with re lation to the, physician and where she waa to shoot him. "Far enough away so there wouid be no powder burns, and I was going to shoot him in the abdomen so he could live a few days." she said. "Did he ever say anything about taking his own life?" "Never." "Did he ever talk of being killed by someone else?" "Yes." Traded for Another IMstol. The gun was taen to Council Bluffs and traded for another pistol the following Thursday, August 20, and the couple re turned to Omaha, meeting by appointment at Seventeenth and Webster streets. They went to the physician's office In the Fax ton building about 8:30 o'clock, but the physician looked out of the window and saw that too many people were abroad. Mrs.' Rice said he was afraid she could not get out of the building without getting caught and he suggested that they go out to his home and that she shoot, him In his own barn, where It would appear he had been shot by footpads. "Was this satisfactory to you?" asked the county attorney. "This was all right with me and we took the car to Thirty-ninth and Famam streets, yalked over to Forty-first and Harney streets where we made the final arrangements for the shooting: in the barn, Dr. Rustin handing me the gun at that point." Mrs. Rice said she had been In the barn before and knew the way, so she started to go In the hack way; saw someone drive by; lost her nerve and walked east on Farnam street, wnltlng for a street car. When a car came Roing east Dr. Rustin irnt off. and she did not pet on. "He was nngry with me for leaving him and scolded me," she said. " 'You must shoot me for my children's sake and for the sake of my wife.' is what he said." rirturn to the Barn. Then the woman told of their return to the barn ami the most dramatic incident in her life of being alone for two hours In a barn three miles from the city with a who was begging her to shoot him nnd alternately threatening to kill her If ho did not. Of Dr. Rustin calmly step ping back a f.'W feet from her, with his hands behind him and his coat back, say ing. "Shoot me now shoot me now." Without emotion the woman declared she did not raise the gun to shoot, but re plied. "I cannot do It, doctor I cannot do It." Then the physician arappled with her, wrenched the gun from her hand and strug gled In the darkness of the barn. "t begged him not to kill me," she Bald, "and we stayed there about two hours until after the cars stopped, and we took a carriage for Omaha.' the doctor going Into Ills own home and calling one. He told me if I did not shoot him that evening I woul.t have to do It some time anvway." Between this dramatic and tragic seen in the barn, the woman told of the laps of time until Tuesday evening, September 1. the evening before Dr. Rustin was shot. She tohl of Seeing him almost dally at the Millard hotel and the place of the Gleason woman on Twelfth and Douglas atresia. She said he stayed with her at the Gleason place almost all day September 1, going to his orfiee about t 30 or 4 o'clock In the afternoon. "When you went to the office In the aft ernoon did ynu see a man there?" "Yts " "Had the phslclan abandoned the Idea of your killing him?" "Yes "Did he do this before he saw anyone else?" "No." "He left you to go out and s?e some one?" "Yes. " ' Did you know who he went out to see?" "No." "Did you afterward ascertain who It was?" ! "Yes." "Who?" "Some one called Charley." "Do you know who It was now?" 'Ye, Charles E. Davi." All of this testimony came without an objection from the defense, but Attorney Gurley kept warning the woman and the county attorney that they were getting about as far as he proposed to have them without objection and argument and that they must go slowly. When County Attor ney English asked this question the climax with Mr. Gurley was reached. "When Dr. Rustin returned to you In the private room after being out to consult this person, was there anything then said by him with reference to any change in his plane with reference to his death?" Mr. Gurley announced that he was ready for the argument right then and that Mr. Woodrough would present the arguments for Vn Ucfense against admitting hearsay testimony. Mr. Woodrough had a big pile of law books and argued for an hour, after which adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock. County Attorney English began arguing when the hearing was called at 2 o'clock. Kvldenr-e on HriolTer. The court and attorneys agreed to ad journ until 9:9) Saturday morning, but at the' request of Mr. English the principals were called back and the testimony of Samuel Friedman, the Council Bluffs pawn broker was taken. Friedman, who con ducta a pawn shop at 63 Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs, testified that a man answering to the description of Dr. Rustin had en tered his store with a revolver which he de sired repaired Immediately. Friedman in formed Rustin that it would be Impossible to repair the gun at once, and offered to trade a similar revolver for the broken one, providing Rustin would pay one dol lar in addition, which was done and Rua tln left the store, with the gun which Is believed to have caused his death, but which has not yet been found. THRONGS ON HIGHWAY (Continued from First Page.) those girls by the hour." But he was o wrappped up In the per formance himself that he was willing to lose the time of his employes In order that they could see it. OVER A MILLION IN TAXES Amount raid by Darlinuton on All Property Wt of Missouri ' Hlver. Taxes amounting to ll,140,noo, in round numbers, have been paid by the Chicago, Burlington & Quiney Railway company on its holdings west of the Missouri river dur ing the present year, according to R. D. Pollard, the road's tax commissioner. Of this sum over tMU.Oi'iO has been paid In the state of Nebraska. IHALVS FOR THE BIG PARADE Northwestern Line Has Its Service All Well Arranged. Tiie Northwestern has announced ' its special train service from Omaha, after the big electrical parade next Wednesday night. Officials of the Northwestern say their ervlce is o arranged into Omaha that no peclal trains will be needed to bring the people to the carnival. They ay they are assembling all the extra equipment of the Northwestern road for handling people to the Tripp county opening In South Dakota and that these cars will be on hand for use to bring people to Ak-Sar-Ben. A special will leave Omaha Wednesday night at 11:30 for Carroll, la., stopping at all Intermediate points. A special will leave Omaha at 11:40 Wednesday night for Norfolk, (topping at lrvington to Arling ton inclusive and .Crowell to Norfolk inclus ive. Another special will leave Omaha at 11:20 for Lincoln making no intermediate stops between Omaha and Fremont, and connection at Fremont with coach accom modations for Superior and Hastings. An. other special will leave Omaha at 11:30 Wednesday night for Oakdale via Scribner and Albion, stopping at Nickerson, Hooper, Scribner and all intermediate stations Scribner to Oakdale, Inclusive. The road has sent out thousands of atUactive fold ers In Ak-Sar-Ben colors telling of the low rates and the big show which Omaha is putting on this fall. honor to the mightiest and most lovable of ruleis. The governor sends word that he will go through King's Highway, taking In every show and everything. He will even ride one of the bucking jackasses, or try It. And when you take Into consideration that the governor was reared on a farm where breaking bronchos was a pastime, It's worth while to think of this feature. BOYS' SCHEME FAILSTO WORK Juveniles Start In on Little Graft nd Police Officer Gets Them. Carnival graft, conducted in a most viru lent form, considering the age of Its pro moters, seems to have come to light in the arrest of three Juveniles who are said to be the owners of a thriving shoe shine holdup game. It Is said that the young sters, who are only about 12 year of age, agree with some "E. Z. Mark" to shine their vlctlm" hoes for a dime, and then refuse to finish the Job after polishing one boot unless another dime Is forthcoming. Patrolmen Bitter arrested Roy Elrod of 414 Hickory street, Ed Skellenger of ill Hickory street, and Sanders Wheeler of Sixth and Cass streets late Thursday after noon on charges of incorrigibility In con nection with the bootblack game, and the lads were turned over to Juvenile Officer Mogy Bernstein. In limitless quantity and precisely similar quality from dozens and dozens of shabby back parlors over on Third avenue. To none except Uio whoso belief re quirts no evidence are these dull and trivial productions of moro than pathological In terest, and to none others tan they have any more weight than do the frequent hal lucinations which enable the dying and the sick to "see" the places and personages depicted by the painters of pious legend and allegory. Why Sir Oliver Lodge, who really Is. or has been, a scientist, though his prestige as such Is much greater out of than In scientific circles, should counte nance and magnify this dreary nonsense is a mystery and in kindness, perhaps, had better be left one. New York Timea. The War of It. Troud Traveler I have had such experi ences with the bandits in Italy and Spain. Have you ever had any experience in the least like It? 8tay-at-Home Citlien My dear sir, I can surpass your experience. There waa a time of my life when I never went out that 1 was not held up by force of arms. P. T. Good gracious! How was It? 8.-A.-H. C It waa when I wu a baby and my nurse took me out for an airing. Baltimore American. CHOLERA INFANTUM AS YOU SOW so shall vor itrur. Right food yields a harvest of health and happiness, peace and prosperity. THY GRAPE-NUTS "There's m Keaeon' FOOD n TEU, Y. M. C. A. ABOL'T ROOM! Bnrean of Information for Benefit of Visitors. The Young Men's Christian association has opened a bureau of information where visitors are Invited to go to find out what they desire to know. Rooms will be listed there and those who desire a place to tay will be furnished a list of rooms and the rate charged. Secretary Babcoi k is In charge of this work In order to facilitate the work of the as sociation parties having rooms to rent dur ing the festivities are requested to list Ihe same with the association, giving the name, location, number of rooms fur rent; how many single men or single women can be accompanied; how many married couples. The association also desires to know whether hoard will be furnished and at what rate per meal, ami by what car line the house can be reached. The association will list rooms by mail or by telephone. The opening of this bureau of Information the officials of the carnival say will make It possible for people coming to the parade to remain over to the Taft speaking and the remainder of the festivities without having to spend half of their time looking for a place to t. It lm mrani, thi-y say, that every visitor can be taken care of, with no trouble to the visitor. Brilliant Decorations In Honor of Ak lar.Rn Raritl The merchants of Omaha have spared no expense on decorations in honor of the guests to Ak-Sar-Ben's court and aa the result the show windows throughout the entire business districts are ablaze with most brilliant colors. Probably the most beautiful f these are the Benson & Thorne Co.'s windows at 1515-1517 Douglas 8t. One of the novel features of these decorations is that no cloth Is used In the entire dis play. One seldom sees a more perfect har monizing of tho Ak-Sar-In colors. These windows were planned and executed by Mr. A. V. Houston, who has rerently come to the Benson & Thorne Co. from an east ern house and 1 planning several unique displays for the near future. GOVERNOR Wll.l. VISIT HIGHWAY He Mill Take a Fall Oat of One of Those Bronchos. Next Thursday night among the promi nent visitors to Ak-Sar-Ben will be Gov ernor Sheldon of Nebraska The governor recognizee no king but Ak-Sar-Ben and he will add his dignified person to the throng wtilcb will gather in the big city to da MESSAGES FROM THE DEAD Latest Lot of 'Communication" De clared to Re a Mess of Droolina; Idiocy." Months and months ago certain eminent member of the British Society for Psychi cal Research made with more than thur usual solemnity the portentous announce ment that at last they had received from the dead communications of a character so ronvlr.clng that even the most skeptical of scientists would have to give up his doubts as to the possibility of such mes sages. Recently a special cable dlnpatcli from London presented what It Ih fair to assume were fair specimens of these nt w "proofs," and It must be confessed that the were about the sorriest chicks ever hatched bv prolonged Incubation. 8omo of the communications, presumably typical ,.f the great mass printed in the latest volume of the society's Journal, were prose and some were verse, and It would be hard to tell which were the most likely to convict the author, whether dead or alive, of drooling Idiocy. The poetry. In deed, was rather worse km poetry than the prose aa prose, but the latter was about as bad It could be, eo far aa Its evidential value went, for It gave not even one vaguest hint of a auper or extra terrestrial origin. Matter and means were alike fa miliar, for what Is or pretends to be "auto matic writing" can be and daily la obtained Is Not to be Feared The mother who haa the forasifht to keep a bottle or two of Wakefield Blackberry Balsam In the boaae ready (or audden attacks of Cholera Infan tum or Diarrhoea haa no real fair of these diseases. The thousands of babies (as vrell adults) who die each year from ao mer bowel troubles could be saved this excellent remedy were kept the house where It could be reached when the trouble first appears. Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam hat been used in hundreds of thousands of cases in both babies and adults la the past 63 years with nothing but most favorable reanlts. It is positlfS) and quick in its action yet It la harm less and does not constipate the bow els. It simply checks the trouble and puts the stomach and bowels back in thelj natural state. A full size bottle costs) but 35c at any drug store and may be worth thousands of dollars to you within the next 24 hours by saving the life of a baby or some other member of your family. Can you afford to let another day go by without a bottle or two of this remedy on hand? Read this letter: Cholera Infantum Cured Last summer one of my neighbors cane running to my house and asked for a horse to to for a doctor, sarins: his haMr bad Cholera infantum, and he waa afraid It would not live till he could get a doc tor.. I said "Wakeflelrt'e Blackberry Bal sam will cure the child, and I have some here." He asked me to go to his house with a bottl while he went for the doe tor. I did ao and found the child very sick. I gave It one-half teaspoonful, and In a half-hour. gave It another dose. Then we waited for the doctor. The doctor said the Haifa m was ood. and to continue it. The child soonegan to Improve, and In a few days was as well aa ever. JASPER M. LAKE. Argoa, Ind. Be sure you get the genulae Wk field's Blackberry Balsam, If I Mari