53 TTTK OMAHA DANA HEE: "SATURDAY."' fcEFTTMEtt W," .J V J .'4.' .'4 V 1 ' p t' T - REAL ESTATE citr phufert t ron SAf.BS. (Continued.) LOTS IN Com id MIDWAY BETWEEN HEART OF TWO CITIES, OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS, a MINUTES FROM 14TII AND , DOUGLAS. Saturday, And Sunday If You 50 Lots, 100 Lots, . . The choicest lots in Home Place Addition. Twenty new houses built here in the last few m6nths. 100 Lots, - $150 to $400 Each On Broadway. Street newly curbed and paved. Lots on grade. Model home Bites. Perfect Title Free Abstracts Warranty Deed $H Down-St?? Per Week UNTIL PAID. IT PAYS THE LANDLORD IT WILL PAY YOU A Few 5 and $100 Down and How to Reach the Place: Take Omaha and Council v.ilk one block South to Broadway and you will see our office second house to the W2i. GREENSHIELDS EVEREST CO. 551 WEST BROADWAY. REAL ESTATE FARM AN 11 HA Cll LAUD FOR SALE Colorado Con tinned. FREE MOM K8T E AD LANDS Level. hallow to rood water; food crops grown And alfalfa, grown - every year. Eighteen yeara acquainted. Ed. Hun shaw, Laird. Colo. (20)-M864 29x Iowa. FOR. BALE 'A fine 30-acre farm, about 4Vt miles from the poatofflce; good road, good neighborhood and good build ings of all klnda; V acres in bearing fruit; 1 acre In alfalfa; 6 acres lit pas ture and 6 acres In cultivation; only 13,000.00; will take a small piece of Im proved property In Omaha, South Oinaha or Council Bluffs In part payment, or $500.00 cash down; balance In eaay pay ments at 6 per cent Interest. George (J. Clark, IS Pearl Street, Council Bluffs. (20) M23rf liJx Nebraska. m . SARPT CO. FARM, itoi-acre farm, 11 mllea aouthtweet of S. Omaha: upland farm: great portion of It lays lovel; aJl laya exceptionally good; 1 acres In cultivation; I acres hard wood timber, balance pasture and fine orchard; Improvements, small house, good barn; price, to per acre, till Out. 1; this Is posi tively the best bargain ever offered for the money In Sarpy county; (50 reward If you can duplicate any direction from Omaha for same money. If interested, act quick. For full particulars call or address, OKA HA VI & PETERS REALTY CO., 923 N. Y. Life Bldg. AMI 'phone red 653. Jnd. A-2058. 120) U3m 27 FARMS NEAR OMAHA M acres, about 4'4 miles southwest of Sjulh Omaha, two sets of good Improve ments; price S33,00. Only Ill.ooO cash, bal ance I eava at t per cent. acres i miles- southwest of South Oniaua, all in hay and paature, stream along northeast stds; price Sl3.oO, HMD cash, balance payable In 6 years at per cent. l.S acres hay land, no Improvements, about 4 miles southwest of South Omaha, H.two. 23'i acres about 20 mllea northwest of Ciiiaha, good Improvements; price lii.liX. I.V acrea about 12 miles northwest of maha; price tlO.OKO. 40 acrea about 12 miles northwest of Omaha, good Improvements; price te.400. Ly acres 7 miles northwest of Oiruha, or miles north of Florence, with fine im provements, good fruit; price, tti,6u0, terms, M.hio cash, balance XouO per year at i per cent. ' For further. Information call on or ad dress, , GEORGE CO., 1601 Fa mam ftt (JO) M354 28 Wrasatn. PUBLIC LAND OPENLNQ 153.000 scree of rich irrigated land. In tha Eden Valley of southern Wyoming; per petual ' water ri.'hls furnished ssltlerg undar Carey act of congress. The great est opportunity ever offered cltlaena of the United etatea by the federal govern ment and Sl4te of Wyoming to own a rlc: Irrigated farm. Cheap ra'.e excur sions. For full particulars writ or see th Globe Land ana Investment Co.. J1J S. Ulh SL Omaha. Neb. iX)UM . aitaeMsltaneana. KCBRABKA-COLORADO LANDS. M. acres et western Nebraska and east ern Colorado improved and unimproved lands at It to Iti per acre; any siae tracu f ine crops. Write or com and Se- ua. Olob L-inJ and Investment Co.. U laih K.. Omaha. taa r REAL ESTATE CITY rnOFERTT FOR ALB. (Continue.) Bluffs Sept. 26 All Day Can't Come Before $50 to $150 Each $75 to $175 Each 7 - Room Cottages $10 Per Month Bluffs Car, get oVi at 32d street & BOTH PHONES 15. (IS) 207-25 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR SALE i (Continued.) Bant Daitota. INFORMATION OF TRIPP COUNTY OPBNINO. The registration for the Tripp county land, comprising 1,000,000 acres of fertile lands, will begin October 6 and continue until the 17th. This land Is even better than the Rosebud, "Gregory county," whloh la now selling tor from 33,00V to 110.UM par auaiter.' end 6oc for map, land laws,- president's proclamation and other Information. Buy your tickets to Dallas, the only K. H, town near the land. The Dallas Real Estate Co., Dallas, B. u., one of the old' est real estate firms in Tripp county. i U874 39 BUY GOOD PRODUCINO LANDS. We have 1X2 of the best corn, small grain nnti auaua growing iarms in eastern south Dakota for sale. Buy direct, and get lowest prices. Write us about the kind of a place you want, we can rurnlsn It. AH inquiries cheerfully answered. Richards Trust Co., Huron 3. ; 120) M367 26 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Kteli It fc. CO.. 1001 ft. X. Life Bldg. riVB PER CENT money to loan on Omaha business properly. THOMAS B KEN NAN, Room L New York LU Bldg. lS)-27l WANTED City loana Petera Trust Ca, lil)-J0 m WANTED CHy loans and Warrants. W. Farnam Smith eV Co., im Farnam St (H-it; PAYNE. BOBTWICK CO.. N. T. Life. Private money, twA) to 16,000. Low rata MONEY TO BUILD. tftOO to la..0u0 at ourrsnt rates. W. II. THOMAS, WU First Nat. Bank Bldg. (iJ ZBJ 1100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, vvvau uiug., Mia ana ftrDiiD. (inj - gie PRIVATE MONEY NO DKLAT. GARVIN BROS., lao4 FARNAM. (22) JM LOWEHT RATES Berola Paxton Block. (23) Kl MONEY TO LOAN-Fajme Investment Co. (! REAL ESTATE WANTED wamieu, iu bui e-room house; muat be close to car and partly modern; can cay I-oD cash and lis per month. 331 Seville uik. (23) MX Ti WANTED To buy a good alx-room rnt tage at moderate price, close to car line 1'iease give location in answering. Ad- oress in inn, c.re nee orrtce. (131348 27x WANTED TO BORROW PARTY having ti'i.OOO to loan at t per cent or better ran secure gilt edged first inortgsge loan to run 10 years or more; unquestioned security. Addreae Y 134, care L, tX4) M1H it WANTED TO BUY HIGHE8T prices for 2d-hnnd furniture, ear pets, clothes and shcea Tel Douglas tuTl. ; (36-3e. WANTKD-A good iTt of veterinary " B. Q., Hotsington. Kan. . ' (Ss;-M15J Vx WANTED TO BUY (Continued.) RIOMT prices patd for Id-hand furniture. turtmi, stoves, doming, nom, jei. 1401. 35)-7 WANTED To buy. n 8 or 9-ronm houe on inatallment plan. Addrea p-m Bee. tar)-M.w rrx WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position In drug Stor; jg month' experience; wanting to learn trade. Addreea Y 86. care Bee. C7)-MJM 27x WANTED By young married man. posl- tion in ornee; speak nigh -and low nor. man; Al penman: operates typewriter: very beat references. Postofflce Hnx MO, f'lty. i27) M.26 27x STOVE REPAIRS WK have In atock (no delay) repalra for very make of furnace, aieam or hot water heater, water fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-08 Douglas St. Telephone: Bell Doug. 960; Ind.. AJ6!1. w LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSED CONSTH UTlONAL AMEND- Fhm following nroposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinaiter sei i snu, is se mltted to the electors of the State of Ne braska, to be voted upon at tne general leotioa to he held Tuesday, November Sr, U. 190S. A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sections two (3), four (4). rive to), six t) ana thirteen (13), of Article alx lt), of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, riaiin tn Judicial Powera. Be It HesolTed by the Legislature of the State ox asorasxai H.oiinn l. Amenament proposed. That Section two U) of Article alx (6), of the Constitution of the Stute of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Section 2. (Supreme coursj juogesi Inriadiction.i The Supremo x-ourt shall consist of seven (7) Judges; and a majority of all elected and qualified Judges shall be .necessary to constitute a Quorum or pro nounce a aecision. j.r.e outnem, v.v.n shall have Jurisdiction in all cases relating to the revenue, civil cases In which the stale Is a party, mandamus, quo warranto. habeas corpus, and sucn appellate juris diction as may be provided by law. Section I. (Amenament proposes-; x um Gantinn four 141 of Article six (ti). of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be amended to read as rouows: Sect on 4. (Supreme coon, judges, taction, term. reslaenee.1 'he ludzea of the Supreme Cc'titl ihall be elected by the electors of the state at targe; ana ineir term of office, except as hereinafter pro vided, shall be six years. And said Supreme Court Judges shall, during their term of office, reside at the place where tho court Is holden. Section 1. (Amendment proposed.) That flection five lb) nf Article fix (8) of the Constlt ut lan of the state oi xeurasaa oe amended to read as follows i Section o. (supreme conn, juoges, election, term: cnief lustlos.J That at the eeneral election to be held in the mat of Nebraska In the year 1900. and each sis years thereafter, there shall be elected three (3) juages ox tne supreme court, wno snau hold their office for the period of six years; that at the general election to be held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1SU1, and each six years thsrafter, there shall be elected three (2) judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years: and at the general eleo tiou to be held In the state of Nebraska it the year 101a. and each six years thereafter, there shall be elected a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who ahall hold his office for the period of six years. Provided, that the member of the Supreme Court whose term of office expires In January, W14, shall be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court dur ing that time until the expiration of hi term of office. And, provided further, that UDon the adoption of these amendments by the electors of the State, the Governor shall. Immediately upon issuing tne proclu nation declaring said amendments adopted, appoint four (4) Judges of the Supreme I , . i . . m. n ,9 u.' ti.i m shall h. Ti nnl ntait lo hoid said office until their auoceaaora hull he elected at the aeneral eleotlon in 1909, and have qualified; and the other two p) shall noia tneir oinc until tneir suo Sfassors shall be elected at the general eleo tlon held in iJi, and r.ave quaiiiieo. Section 4. (Amenament proposed.) That Section sir (ti) of Article six (6), of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Section s. tuhtex justice. i -rne cnier Justice shall serve as such during all the term for which he was elected. He shall orestde at all terms of the-upreme Court, and In his absence the Judges present shall select one of their number to preside tempo rarily. Mm . , Section 0. (junenamens ?svpoeeu.j inn Unction thirteen (la), of Article Six (4 J. of the Constitution of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Bection 13. (Juages, eeiutes.) xnat lurinea of the Sucreme Court shall each receive a salary o( (4.j0vr. and the Judges of ".he District Court shall eacn recaive i salary of ROW) per annum, payable quar teriy. Aonrovefl ADrn a in. I. Geo. C. Junkin. Becretary of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing DroDoeed amendment to the Constitution of the State or jNuurasaa ia a true and correct coov of the crlglnal enrolled and engrossed bill, es passed oy the Thirtieth session of tho letcislature of tn State of Nebraska, as aooenra from said original bill on file in this office, and tha said proposed amendment is submitted to the Qualified voters of the State or ise braska for their adoption Or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1901. In testimony w Hereof i nave hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the Slate of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 16th day of July, In tho year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hunditd and Eight, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this Btate the Forty-second. GKO. c. J UN KIN, (Beat.) Secretary of State. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- AWMT, Tha following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In full. Is sub mitted to th electors of th Btate Of Me - braska, to he rosea npon at the general eleotlon to be held Tuesday, Ifovsmber 3rd, A- S. 1908. A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose an Amendment to Section 9. Article 8, of tne Constitution of the Btate of Nebraska. Se It & solved and Bnacted by the X, eg law lature of th State of Vebraakai Section 1. (Amendment.) That at the general election for atate and legislative officers to be held on the Tuesday succeed ing the first Monday In November, 1908, the following provision be propomd and sub mitted to the electors of the state as an amendment to Section 9, Aritcle 8. of the Constitution of the btate of Nebrasaa: Section 9. (Eduoatlonal Funds, Investment-) All funds belonging to the state for educational purposes, the interest and Income whereof only are to be used, shall be deemed trust funds held by the statu, and the state shall supply all losses thereof that may in any manner accrue, ao tliu the sums shall remain forever Inviolate and undiminished; and shall not be invested or loaned except on United States or slate securities, or registered sdiool district bonds of this state, and such other securities as Ihe legislature msy from time to tluu' direct. And such funds, wtth the interest and income thereof, are hereby solemnly pledged for the purpose for which they are granted and set apart, and shall not bo transferred to any other fund for other uses. Section t. (Ballots; Adoption.) That at sali I election In the year iyus, on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there ahall be pilnted or written the words: "For proposed amendment to the Constitution with reference to th investment of the permanent school fund." and "Against said proposed amendment to the Constitution with reference lo the Investment of the psrmanent school fund." And if a majority of all voters at said election shall be for such amendment the same shall be deemed to be adopted. , Approved Aiiril 5. 1W7. I, Geo. C. Junkin, Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Is a truo and correct copy f tile oilautal snrollcV and engrossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file In this office, and that said proposed amendment la submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Ne braska for thslr adoption Or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday the ird day of November, A. D. 19U. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ny hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 15ili day of July. In the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eight and of the Independence of the United Btate th One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this btate the Forty-second - CEO. C. JUNKIN. teU . . Secretary of LEGAL NOTICES (Continued.) LEGAL NOTICE-UNION PACIFIC RAlU may Company Auction. lue following unclaimed baggage will be sold at public auction at and lSt4 Dodge si real. Omaha, Ni-b., commencing 7 p. m., Tues day. October 6, li. and continuing at tne same hour each day until all lias been sold: Psinple trunks, marked J. K. J., W. H painted canvas trunks, Mrs. M. Hlcn erdsnn, M. H. McCown. Tom Curttn, J. 1. Whltton, George Meyer, K. C. Broderlck, H. M. Jeffrey, William Dunbar, Grover Warner; Sinn trunk, marked Mi" Margaret Rainbow. Mrs. Belle Rescorder, t red Wempole, H. Mclntyre. William Feddern, Miss Lottie Jeter, Cecil Broking. Mrs. Annie Flnssso, Walter Campbell, Alex Krlaran, Ray Kmerson, P. lajlagryl. H. t. Wallace, Vlncens Luclto, B. E. Stafford, Charles Helscher. Mrs. 1- A. Crus. Mary Stuart, Con Frandt, Carlo Bonflll, Mrs. Ceona Finch, James Koulentes, J. A. Hell burg. Wattle Fogel. Muncle lAjnenso. Mrs. Thursia Metsenegger, Duncan Nellson, Paul Maloney. Jank Mlinario; steamer trunk, msrkod John Petree; russet trunk, marked William Kebesock, G. A. Baxter; chest, marked Frank Armstrong; boxe marked J. M. Howell. M Taylor HJurd Mlrlo. Steve Salnovlc, George Ley, Mrs. Muy Baynard. A. C. Major; suit cases, marked F. Kroop. J. S Hamilton H Mc Oee. Fred Fllson, Charles Longly, F. H. Hartman, J. E. Grant. 8. E. pelkarskl, Arthur "War!. Miss M. Pace. Mr. M. Hooper. Frank Dolton, J. H. Morrison, i...r. A Powell: canvas tele- markerl M. v.. murnuuw, o.kiv.,. r tl Jenkins. 1 om ciemenn, John Murphy. C. S. Grandstaff, F. W. Sr-haffer. H. r. jonneun, jv- Peterson, Harry Bwanson, John Rb"S, w t VAhn- russet arlD. marked D. B, ' iLii.. Alm. Robert. J. W. Welse: rallse. msmei a. "mi ; nsiniiri, h.m.. t T. n n a l Q fl DIPI PB lL 111 , l nil " emis articles consisting of guns, bundles, blankets, valises, ininn". iu. ,-nr.r., watches and musical Instruments not marked. A. TRAYNOR. Owners 1 Ba ggsge Agent. 812-l-2608 OFFICII) OF THE SIOUX CITY AND Omaha. Nebraska, August L 110a To the Sto kholdersi 1 erebv alven. that h annua. meeting of the stockholders of The Sioux City and Western Railway company will be held at the office of the company in South Sioux City. Nebraska, at ten (10) o'clock a. tn., on Thursday. October 16, lt to elect directors tor tne ensuing year ana to act upon the question of selling the rsilrvad property and franchise of this com pany to the Chicago. Burlington A Qulnoy Railroad company, the railroad and prop erty aforesaid being now under lease to said company, ana tor me iransacuoa oi such other business as may legally come before the meeting. By order ox the uoara or uireeiore. . W. Pi DURKEB, Secretary. Aid tot BANK STATEMENTS NO. 2776. Report of tha condition or tne MERCHANTS NATIONAL BAIMK, At Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business September 33, ivm. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unse I 4,U1,24.02 cured 4,780.18 250,000.00 190.000.00 40.000.00 59.&40.00 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion U. 8. bonds to secure U. S. de posits U. 8. bonds on hand Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures 180,000.00 Due from other na tional banks (not reserve agents) I 630.282.76 Due from state banks and bankers. 208.883.60 Due from approved reserve agents 1.177.698.62 Checks and other cash Items 80,836.17 89.665.20 Exchanges for clear ing House Notes of other na f 32,600.00 897.93 8M.PP9.00'" tional banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels end cents Lawful Money Re serve In Bank, vis: Specie "... Lrf-gal tender notes... 2S0.421.00 2,714,994.08 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer of circulation).. 12.600.00 Total $ 7,678,248.16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ RnO.OOO.OO Surplus fund 300,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 42,965.49 National bank notes outstand ing 250,000.00 Due to other na tional banks 81,442.483.32 Due to state banks and bankers 922,102.09 Individual deposits subject to check... 8,128,829.38 uemanu certificates of deposit 75.00 663.448.60 t 8.63.21 124,661.17 ' 190.UOO.00- 6.480,282.67 Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing U. S. deposit Total $ 7.673,248.16 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as: I. Luther Drake, president of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my .iiuwiiuac niiu ueuvi. LUTHER DRAKE, . , . President. Subscribed and sworn tn before me this 2oth day of September, 1908. W. A. SAUNDERS. ..... Notary Public. Correct Attest: F. T. HAMILTON, JOHN F. COAD. G. S. ROGERS. Directors. No. J(t!S. Reoort of the Condition of the OMAHA NATIONAL RANK, At Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business September 23, 1906. RKSni'BCFil Loans and discounts t 6,594.313.96 4,767.23 700,000.00 658,000.00 47,175.00 594,670.73 200,000.00 V .Overdrafts, secured anil unse cured U. 8. bonds to secure circu lation U. 8. bonds to secure U. S. de posits Premiums on U. S. bonds Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 11.139,082.43 Due from state banks and bankers 467.2S5.G8 Due from approved reserve agents 1. 625,6(12. 6S queens and other cash Items 41.120.13 Exchanges for clear- ing house 1S9,547.:!I Notes of other na tional banks 31.175.1, fractional paper cur rency, nickels and TC''ni5'. V. 2,699.19 I.iiwful Money Re. eive In Hank, viz: 'prcle ...31.001.DS2.O0 L-'gal tender note, .. 116.740.00 1.H8.722 00 mptlon fund with II S treasurer (5 of clr-culation) 4.645.291.50 35.000.00 Total , LIABILITIES."' 313.S99.221.44 t 1,000. Of. 00 3UO,0(0.00 Capital stock paid In pius runu Undivided profits, less expenses and tuxes paid National bank notes outstand ing Dut to other national l"ks 13.771.16i.b-) Due to state banka and bankers 2,319.564.49 Due to trust com 259.433.33 1 61(9,997.60 panies and savings banks Individual deposits .2,21 1. 1 subject to check... 3.657.611. -'J Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing I'. B. deposits Deposit of U. B. dis bursing officers.... 69i 415 . tit 45,643.02 328.072.98 26,790.61 213,129.13 Il.219.790.61 Total. 8'i,t V' i?"V"l CountV ' of Dougl'aa, aa : -iJi'v." uBlioho',i e"1'1" of the above named hank, do aolemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. y W. H. BUCHOLZ. . ... . Cashier. icr,bT? fn! ",rn tn before me this 35th day of Beptember. 1906. L. D. SPALDING. Notary Public. Correct Attest! WM WATiUcT, C. F. MGRlsW, C. H. BROW Oabel, Ygnaclo Coto, Karl Bnylor, A. L. Cord. B. O. Collins. R. J. Walters. Frank Hughes: J D. Mayo. H. D. Carpenter, C. C. Broslns. Charles Raymond, J. K. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING gUARTKR- msjiter. United States military prison, Fort Iavenworth. Kansas. S-ptemrer M. I scaled prormsals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 a, m. Octo ber 14, )9i. for construction of one stsble to accommodate lm animals, at this prison. Plana, specifications, etc.. will be furnished upon receipt of a deposit of l&.Oti, whloh smount will be refunded upon receipt of plans, etc.. In this office. Information fur nished upon application. I nomas 11. riav- ens. Major and (Juartermaster, t nuea States Army, Constructing guartermaster. S.30-ZB O.K-U REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Parkway Real Estate Co., to James FV Kasner mh Int 1 at taa lot ti. section 26-1S-1J I 200 Clinton H. BTlggs and wife to David Bolker naxt lax lot 33. swV iwV 22-16-13' liOO Francis U Stewart to Sarah P. Stew art, part lots 1 and 2. block 3, Campbell's addition Anna C. Ntelson to Sophia B. Thomp son, lot 2. hluck I. Parker's Skd- dition ." 7,000 John Morlarty et al, refereea, to John Runs, lot S. block 14, Brown park 300 County treasurer to Security Invest ment Co., lots 1, 1. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, . , 1. 17, 18. 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 34, block 7, Collier place N. P. Dodge, Jr., and wife to Home stead Co., net aectkw 7-14-U ... Hattle Crebo and husband to Fred Anderson. Dart sA lots E and & block 172V Omaha 17$ Fred Anderson and wife to Mary F. Rourke. west Dart lot 1. block 13. Bemls park 6,700 Barker Co., to Anna J. Jsoobson, lot 18. block 6. Orchard hill Mae Bufflngton and husband to W, 11. Rhoriea. Dart lots z and 3. re- Dint block 13. Bemis park 7.280 Interurnan Land Co., to J. Herman Krltenhrlnk. Dart nt4 section Si and 33-18-13 6.436 Security Investment Co., to George K. Snyder, lots 1 and 9, and l to 24. block 7. Collier place 634 William A. Graham to James P. Norton -t al. w4 lot 8. block S. Armstrong's Second addition 600 Elslnore Place Co., to Emlle J. Mour ner, lots 80 and 21. block 3, Grant place SfO Stats National bank of Cleveland, O., to George B. Curry, lot 28, supple mental subdivision of ElliBtone ...... MA WI& Oliver D. Bel 11 s and wife to S.indle A. Morrison, nS lot 19, block 7, Halcyon heights Imperial Investment Co., to Laura A. Aitcnison, lot i, mock b, nrst subdivision of Grlffen & Smith's addition 10CO John P. Flake "and wife to Charles W. Martin, lot 18, Parkland place.. 900 Total 134,629 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION -10TII A MARCY Calen PaelSo Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited 1:60 am a 9:40 pm Colorado Express a I; 0 pm a 6:00 pm Atlantic ExDreas.... al0:l5 am Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a 6:09 pm Los Anaeles Limited. ...al2:u6 Dm a 9:16 Dm Fast Mall a 9:80 am a 6:46 pm China A Japan Mall a 4:00 pm a 6:60 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 um a 4:45 pm Colo-Chtcago Special. ...al2:10 am a 7:0t am Beatrice & Btromaburg Local 7bL2:30 pm b 1:40 pm Illinois centra- Chlcaao Express a 7:18 am a 3:46 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:80 am Minn-St. Paul Express. b 7:16 am Minn. -St. Paul Llm ..a 6:00 pm a 1:80 am Chicago ureal western St Paul-Minneapolis 8:80 pm 7:34 am 8t. Paul-Minneapolis .... 7:30 am 11:36 pm Chicago Limited 6:05 pm 6:27 am Chicago Express 7:80 am 11:3C pm Chicago ttxpres i.w pm I .a) pm Missouri raeia K. P. 8L L. KxorAess.a 9:00 am a 6:47! am K. C. 8. L. Express. all:16 pm a 6:60 pm tnicaHO, noca semna as racief i EABT. Chicago' Limited a 8:00 am alltOS em Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:80 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 3:09 am all:06 pm Des Moines & Eastern.. a 7:00 am a 4:W pm Des Moines passenget..a 4:00 pm ail .so pm Iowa Local bll:49 am b 9:66 put Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4 40 pm a 1 :1R pm Chicago Flyer... a 6:10 pm a 8:86 am WrST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...a1l:lS pm a 2:60 am Colo. Cal. Express. ..a 1:10 pm a 4:30 pm Okl. tt Tsxas Express. .a 4: 10 pm a l':l6 Dm Llnooln 6:02 pm a 8:63 am Chlenso, Ulinssus at. ran Chicago & Colo. Spe'l.a 7:26 am all :50 pm r.i &, Ore. Exoress a 5:10 Dm a 2:28 ntn Overland Limited a 9:68 pm a 8:30 am Perry Local 6:15 pm all:0) am Chicago at sriwwnr Chicago Dayllghf a 7:26 am !i. rm St. Paul-Minn. Exp a T:U am al0:4 pm Chicago Local all:30 am a 3:88 pm Bloux City Paaaenge'...a 4:30 pm a :l0 am Chicago Speoial a 6:uo pin a 8:2t am St. Paul-Minn. Llmiteda. 8:20 pro. a 8:0) am Los Angeles Limited.. .a 9:3i pm M3:3S pm Overland Limited al0;0 pu, a 8:13 am Faat Mall a t:Si pm City Local a 3:60 cm a 9:k0 am Twin City Limited a 8:20 m a 8:00 am Norfolk-Bonesteel 1:11 am a 6:to pm .... T:40 am al0:3e ain ....a 8.00 pm a 6:20 pm Llnooln-Long Pin Deadwood-Lincoln . Casper-Lander HasUngs-Superlor . Fremont-Albion .... Wabash 8:0U Lin Sj:20 nm ..b 3:00 pm b 6:20 pm ..b 6:30 pm b 1;36 pm St. Louis ' Ex prase a 6:30 pm a l:2B am 8t. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am aU:U pm Standberry Local ifrom Counotf Bluffs) b 8:00 am 10:18 am BURLINGTON STA. 10TH A MASON. Barllngton ,,, . LT Arrlva L-enver & California.. ..a 4:10 pm a 3:60 pm Northweat Special 4:10 om a 6:10 nrn Black Hills Northwest Express... Nebraska points Nebraska Express ... Lincoln Fsst Mall Lincoln lxjcai Lincoln Local Bchuyler-Plattsmouth belluvue-Plallanioutu Plattsinouth-Iowa ... Bellevue-PUUsmoutli Bellevue-riaitsmoutb Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local 4:pm a 6:10 pm .811:69 pm a 9:08 am .a 8:46 am a :1 pm .a 8.16 am a li pm .b 1:20 pm al2:ll pm .. ...., b 9:hg am V . 7:60 pm b 3:10 pm bl0: am .a 8:00 pm a 8:60 aui .b 9:18 am .. b 1:06pm ..c 2:3o pm c 1m V.m ..a 4:10 pu, a 1:06 am ..a 7:2o am all:4 nm St. Louis Express. a 4:46 Dm all -m Kansas City & St. Joe..alO:45 pm a 6:80 am Kansas city et at. joe. .a am a cue Dm Kansas City & St. Jua..a t:4i om " WEBHTEn ST A 1CTH A WKBSTER. i Missouri PaelSo , Auburn Local, Chicago, St. I Omaha .........b 8:60 pm b11:26 am Pant, Minneapolis f; ! Leave. Arrive, i Twin City Pssaenger. ..b 6:30 am b 8. 10 pm Bloux cuy x-asenr... i.w pm a jo : dm am Enierscn Local o 8:45 am o 6:65 pin Emeieon Local b ( 45 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Daily Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want some thing, evil 'Phone Douglas 228 and make It known through Bee Wstit Au. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Base or to Dr. H. L. Ramaoolottl) BTATB TBTXXXSAJUAXj Office aaa kewprtal, SS10 Maaos Call Promptly Anawered at All Hoanv Taisas OTTlo maraey T. P-.,,, H.k LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The JtoeM f in ii.. t rt nf ths enhool diatrtct CI Omaha Invites sealed Mds for the gfndlnf nd general construction of the south w4ng of the high school building on the high school ground. In accoraance wim in specif Icatlona pages 1 to 65, Inclusive, and in accoraance witn tne a rawing nmuwn .. 1-A and 1 to 39. Inclusive, l'ropoaai lanka. nlans and SDeclflcatlnns are to be obtained at the office of the secretary and at the office of John iAtenser, architect, IM-633 Bee Building. Bids must be accom panied by a certified check for not leas inan tnree t) per rent i mi amount oi he bid, drawn in raver er tne aunnoi nts rtct al Omaha ss a guarantee that the bidder will execute a contract and bond In accordance with the drawings and speclft eations for the amount bid. HHrs will clone t I o clock p. m., ootober 7. 1908, at whiori lime all bids will be opened In open board meeting. The Board of Education reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or Informality In any bid should It be deemed In the interest of the school district to do so. Bids to be made out on proposal blanks furnished, to be sealed, delivered to the undersigned and marked as follows: "Bid on New South Wing to High School Building.- J. r Burcesa. Secretary, 60 City Hall BulMtng. Omaha, Neb. el Wit NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - HIGH School. Fairmont. Neb.. Aug. Zl. - Sealed proposals will be received at the office of C. A. B. Holme, secretary Board of Trustees of District No. is, Fairmont, Neb., until 1 o clock D. m. on tne I4tn day of September for the labor and material for a high school building at Fairmont, Neb.. In accordance with Mans and speci fication for the same now on file with said secretary. Said plans and specifications may be seen at tne roiiowing piaoes: ur fice of C. A. E. Holmes, secretary, Fair mont, Neb.; office of R. W. Grant, arch!- leui, j iron i, t. . i ru. ..rev 1 1 iuu' iiiudi au- company his bid with a certified ch-t-k for 6 per cent of the amount of his bid, said check to te as a gusraniee 01 gooa lann on the part of said Didder, said chrck to he made payable to the order of C. A. E. Holmes. Tho Board of Trustee reserves the right to reject any and all bids and also to waive any iniormaniy in any pro posal. Bids must be matte on proposal blank furnished by the architect. C. A. E. HOLMES, Seoretary. A28d8t BONDS FOR BALE. SCHOOL DISTRICT of Omaha Sealed bids will be received hv th underblgned until September 15, IS08, at I o'clock p. m., for the purchase of school district Donas in tne sum ox two hundred fifty thousands (3260.000) dollars of the de nomination of one thousand (11,000) dollar each. Interest at four and one-half per rent per annum, semi-annual, payable Jan uary 1 at the Nebraska fiscal agency In the City of New i'ork. Bonds dated July 1, IX. to run twenty year without option. Bids must be accompanied by a certified or cashier' check on a national bank of Omaha for two per cent of the amount of bonds bid upon and submitted with a view Of having tn Donas delivered a follows, at the notion of the bidder, vis.: loitha,. the enure lesue to De delivered October 16, lo8, or tioo.000 on that date. 1100,000 on November 16, 19, and 850,000 on December 1, 1U6, plus accrued interest rrom July 1 to date of delivery. The Board of Educa tion reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted. Coin Diets abstract of nrn. ceeding regarding the Issue of these bond mailed on application, inuorse on envelope ia lor ecnoui riunus. r. Durgess, Secretary Board of Education. 606 Cltv Hail. Omaha, Neb. 82d6t CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska, August 1, 1908. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received her and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until lo a. m., central standard time, August 31, 1908, for furnishing oats, pran, nay ana straw, during the period from October 1, 1908, to June 8U, 1909, at Omaha Q. M. depot, Forts Crook, Omaha, and Robinson, Nebraska; Forts Leaven worth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Rus sell, Mackenala and Washakie, Wyoming; ton urm Aioines, lowa, ana f ort Meade, South Dakota. Proposals for delivery at other place will not be entertained. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. information rurnisned on application here, or to quartermasters at stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should b marked "Proposals for Forage" and ad dressed to MAJOR D. E. M CAKTHY, C. Q. M. Al-3-4-27-28-29 SCHOOL BUILDING SEALED BIDS will be received by the school trustees, Cook, Nebraska, until 2 p. m. October 7, 1908, for the furnishing of labor and ma terial for the construction of a school build ing in strict occordanco with the plana and specification for such building, which plans may be found on file with J. H. Craddock, architect, Omaha, Neb., and James R. Tober, Cook, Neb. The success ful bidder will be reaulred to furnish a bond equal to one-third of the amount of the contract, to be approved bv the board of trustees, conditioned that he will per form the conditions of the contract In a faithful manner and In accord with its pro visions. All proposals must be accompan ied by a certified check for 8250, payable to James R. Tober. secretary of said dis trict, to guarantee the good faith of the Diuuer. 1 no noara reserves the right to re ject any and all bids and waive defects. Mall bids to James R. Tober, Cook. Ne- DrasKa. S20dlt NOTICE TO VOTERS. NOTICE IS HERR by given that all voters desiring to vote at the primary election to be held in the city of Omaha oil Tuesday, September 1, 1908, who have moved from on voting dis trict to anothsr since the last registration day, should call at the city clerk's office on or uerore r naay, August in, 1908, and secure certificates of removal to enable them to vote. For the accommodation of voter who cannot attend during the day, tne city ciera a onice win remain oen until 9 o'clock p. m. on Friday, Auguat 2), 1908, for the purpose of iBsulr.g sucn cer tificates. Oinaha Neb., August 18, 1908. DAN B. BUTLER. City Clera.. AlBdSt NOTICE OF- UNCLAIMED WITNESS Fees, County Court To Whom It May Concern: Report having been made to the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas count,, Nebranka, by the county Judge of said county, which report shows that there Is now and has been for the Inst six months remaining in the hands of said county Judge witness iees wnicn nuve peen uncalled for. Now, if s.ich fees shall not b called for wltnin six months rrom August 28. 1908. the same will he considered as forfeited and will be paid Into the common school fund of said Douglas county. D. M. HAV- KKLJ, county Clerk. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at Office of Treasurer, Batt! Mountain Sanitarium, N. H. D. V. 8., Hoi springs, rioutn uaKota, until 12 o'clock, M. Beptember 6, 1908, and then opened for fur nlshlng "Jid delivery of Subsistence Bud plies, I:. accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies of which, with blank " a V-jOnm t V" pm Proposals and other Information, may be .VaeYsOpm rMa!Un'ad uPon PP--" t W. A. Tucker, -S.Tjr Tm.nirM. A1l1IK' A101826 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids for the construction of septer tank for village of Dundee will be received until noon Saturday, September 8, 19il, at office of E. R. Hume. 211 Brown block Plins and specifications may be had a office of village engineer, Thomas Shaw Paxton block. Certified check of 6u0 must accompany bid. Right Is reserved to re Ject any or all bids. E. R. HUME. Village Clerk. NOTICE TO GRADING CONTRACTORS Plans for excavating our new factory at 12th and Davenport may be seen Wednesday on our office In the Avery building. Bids must ne in by 4 p. m. Thurs day, September 8. Right reserved tn reject any ana an bias. ihe.-wilks cu. . THE ANNUAL MEETING Of the stock holders of the Acneine Pharmaceutical Co for the election of directors, will be held st the office of the company Tuesday ort, w, at p. m. ueo. i. nice, Hec. COlNTlf OFFICIAL NOTICE). TO INVESTORS IN COUNTY BONDS Notice la hereby given that blda will be received by the undersigned until noon of October 15, 1908, for Douglas county court house bonus, to ne issuea October 1, for Uie sum of one million dollars, with In teresl at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. payable semi-annually. Said bonds will be Issmd In denominations of tl.OuO each and bids will be received for any portion, or ull of the same. 1 he right Is reserved to re Ject any or all bids. For further Inform tion Inquire of the undersigned. A de posit of 1 per cent of the bid will be re quired, either certified check or cash. D, M. HAVEHLT, county clerk, Omeha, Ns brssks F!id 18t APPLICATION FOll LIUtOlt L1CKNSE NOTICPJ MATTER OF APPLICATION tif Hans Nindel for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given that Hans Nindel did upon the :d day of September, A. D. 1908, file tils application wtth the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas county, Nebraska, for a license to sell malt, spirituous ana vinous liquors, at East Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, from the 12th day of October. 19u8 to the luth day of October. 19ts). If there he no ob jection, remotietrance or protest filed within two weeks irom the Z2d day of September, A. IV. 1'- the said license will be granted. Where to Find The Bee When . You Travel Arnold's Park, Iowa. "" ? O. Otl Parke, Atlanta, Da. WotU JTewa ca. Atlantic City, N. J. John A. Majaaa, 10 OoodwUl AT Jfenn 3ew Oo. hep ft Stress, Mil Paclflo A TO, Bemidji, Minn. a 9. whim. Boston, Mass. Y angoras XtL . Yeiuag' Betel Brw Btaai. Buffalo, N. Y. (reneaee motel Hew Stan. Hotel Iroquois Stand. Saoausl OeVa, 1M BlUeett St. Chicago, 111. Auditories STew CtaaJL Auditorium Annem new Staaa. Jeo. Keren, Mews Staa, Jaoksoa a4 Dearborn, (treat Kortherm Xtl STw Stand. Voat Office Xew Stand. 17S SearMnk) ! Oraad Faolfl Ketel stew swu. Falmer Mouse Bewa Staaa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Yam Wew O. Cleveland, Ohio. - BoUeadea. Colorado Springs, Colo. Antlers motel rw Staaa. Oolo. Wholesale "ewepar Aeney. j. H bus, jr. aaa jr. omu Denver, Colo. S.?drlck Book and Stat. Co, 1 iTtk Street. i m. . mansea. Brows Palao Hotel. elobs Hews Co. . Ii. X. xtossman, lTUt jutia W.lten. Ws stern Hsws Oo 1000 lTth St. Des Moines, Iowa. fetes Jacoks, SO 6th St, Tree. Oels, 647 W. 6th AT. Detroit, Mich. Olyds Ua Bsw O. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Z. T. Ahhy, 101 W. Broadway, Slsk ft Clevenger. Hot Springs, Ark. I. TP. Mark, 83S Central At. Mrs. Xate Wallace, 184 Central AT. I,, B. Wyatt, mo Central AT O. X. Weaver Oo. Hot Springs, S. D. Stall Harg an. Kansas City, Mo. Toma mw O., tth sad Mala. Blokseoker Olgat CH th and Walnut. Blckseoker Olgar Co , 18th and Walnut. Baltimore Xotel J ewe Stand. Memphis, Tenn. WerIA Bawi Co. Manitou, Colo. 3. BO. Mexico City, Mex. Vorter' moteL Milwaukee, Wis. Hotel Vhlster Ksws Stand. Frank Snulkarn, Brand AT. aaA SrS St. Minneapolis, Minn. Oanrary mew Co., s B. r St. M. J. JCavanaugh, 4 B. Br St Mioollett motel Lobky Mews staait Mt. Clements, Mich. X. X. tlohtlf 0. New York City, N. Y. Broadway Theater Mew Stand. Imperial Hotel Mew Stand. Knickerbocker Xotel Bewa Staai Hoffman Mouse Hew Stand. Grand Union Hotel Hews Staaa. Holland Bouse Hew Stand Murray Kill News Stand. Belmont Hotel Hew Stand. Waldorf-Astoria Hews Stand. Manhattan Hotel Hew Stand. Aator Hens Hew Stand. Harry J. Sohttlta, S. B. Oof. STtft 3ut Broadway. Ogden, Utah. N. J. Hickey. 348 SSth M. . St. Boyle, 110 SSth St. Oray Hew Co., Depot Hew Stasis Lowe Bros 114 05th St. Barren ft Uoddard. Peoria, 111 Oe. Xartman, Xais aaa Juitas. Philadelphia, Pa. Venn Hews Oo. BslleTue Stratford Hotel Hrw SUad. Walton motel Hew Staaa. A. 1. Kambl. 373B Laaoastar Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. ' Ft. Fitt Hotel Hew SUaa. Portland, Ore. Central Olgar Stor. 875 Wash., or. ner 4th. Bowman Hew Ce. Oregea Hews Co., 147 Oth St, Ross City Hew Oa, WorlA Hw Co. St. Joseph, Mo. 13 Zda4 St. World Hew Ce. St. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel Bewa Staaa. Hotel Jefferson Hsw Stand. B. T. tt St. Paul, Minn. H. St. Maria. Bw. . ritapatriok, SSO Wakask. Salt Lake City, Utah. Hosenfslt ft Haasea. Xotel Bnutsferd Hews Staat San Francisco, Cal. H. Wheatley Hewn Stang. United Hew Agents, 11 V4 BAajk Hotel St. Fraaeis Mew tUaailL Seattle, Wash. 'rank B. Wilson, 807 nk St Chan. H. Oormaa. Sioux City, Iowa. Wsst Hotel Hew Staaa. Mondamln Hotel Hew Staaa, Osrald rttsglbbea Hewe Staaa ' W. T. Danoaa, Iowa Bldg. Marshall Bros. Spokane, Wash. eofc W. Oraham. Stockton, Cal. Teurlat Hew Co, Washington, D. 0. FalrfaW metal Hewe BtaaA. Jjew Wlll.,4 H.fl HewiMana. ,T "-'s-h Hotel Hew staal ArUagtea Hotel Hews Stafc Biggs Heaae Howa staa Colombia Bt 7 j