Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 18, Image 18
18 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1903. Want - ads A de-astl aaa fa fa waat d nla will ftv taataa aatll 11m. fa , a -alaa; adltlea aad aatll a a. . I for the i(iralf aad Saadar MHImi. Cash meet aeeaaaaar all ardere waat ada as 4 aa aave-rH aawt will a accepted for lea Uu 1 aaata rat Iwrllw. Bate aaalr ia altae The Daflr a inter Bea. A I war mil el, words ta a llaa. Cesnalaatlana at laltlala i ataWn at aa aa w CASH RATE FOB. WIRT ACS. REGULAR CLAISiriClTlON Oaa tasertlaa, aav llaa, ! aaata, Twa a sera eaaeeaatlea laaartlaaa, aer llaa, eeata. Baca laaertlaa seeds aa add dare, la aaata par Uaa. llaa par (aaata asaeptlas that fTRRIIRBO ROOM ADS. aea acaaaal4 ay aaa, the rata will be I Oaa laaertlaa, 4 aaata aa llaa tare a els aaaaeeatlra laaar tlaaa, a caata aa llaa aaaUe laeerttoal aevea a atara aaaaaeartiea laaartlaaa, S eeata aer llaa aaa laaartlaal BO aaata aer Uaa aa aaaatfe. Wist ada far Taa Baa air aa laft at aar af taa faliawlasj tm etare -aaa la yea "Miatr draaejlat r r aU araaMria eta far Taa Baa aaa 9ar aa will aa laaorted laat aa promptly aaa aa taa aaaaa rataa aa at taa auUa oaaoe la Taa Baa Ballalac, aevaateaata. aaa Fanes etrt A 1 bach. W. C, 40th and FarnaJB. Beranek. 8. A. 1 B. 16th tit. Becht Pharmacy, 720 fi. 16th St Benson pharmacy, Besaon, Nab. Bering Park PLaimecy, 83d and Cumin. Blake's llu BMrnian At. Caughiin. C. H-. sib and Pterc Sta. Clifton HU1 I'harmacy, 2218 Military Ave. Conta, J. B., Ilat Ava. and Famani fat Criasey Pharmacy, Mtb and Lake at. Cerntak, EuilL lA4-6 B. Uth St. Eniara. P. H. 2f3 Leavenworth 6U Foster ArnoldL 218 H. 26tn 8U Freytag, John J.. 1V14 N. Mtb St. Florence Drug Ca, Floren, NeD. Goldman Pharmacy, ivth and Lake Bts. Greene Pbarisaoy, evrnar Para Ara. ana Fav:lllu. O:eanoush. O. A ItS 8. 10th 0U Orennouah, O. UM a. 10U St. hayaen, William C, 220 Farnam . Hanacum Para Pharmacy, lul a. at Bt Holat. John. 624 N. Utn Bu Hiff, A. U, 2a4 Laavanwurth EL Kln. R. .. W k'arnam BU Kountaa Placa Pharmacy, tSO N. 54th Patrick Dru Co., loul N. 24U at. Lithrop. Charlaa &., UU N. 1U St. (iaratoa-a Orua; Co., 4th aod Ajb KicnajeLvra utib a-rtiM, mhi Chicago Bta. . . Bchaefar. Aufuit. HW1 N. th BU Bohmldt, J. H., 24tU and Cumin Bia. Biorm Pbarmaoy. 16tl and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th aa Cumtng. Waiton Pharmacy, iwib and Qraoa BU. W orth. O. H.. 4uth and Hamilton Bta. DEATU AJiD niHBHab PTOTICEt. i daya. at Marcy hoapltal, Danror, Colo., Jonn R. Lowrey. 200 Locuat atreet. Interment waa mada at Mt. OUvat cme tery, Ienver, Colo. O'KEEFE Mre. Ellen, afad 81 yaara. wlfa Funeral Saturday at a. m., at Bt. Af nea cnurcn. iniermoni, ou - - tery. MARRIAGE. LICENCES. The following marriage llcenaea hava be"-n laaucd: 'jtn. uu.l I'nldenra. Are David Gard, Omaha 26 Kasla Olmatead, Omaha. Karlo Marlk, Omaha 3 joKtrmne CoegTove Rmripv l.Abanowskl. South Omaha 25 Aiuuiua Boris. South Omaha M iia.H.uni irii South Omaha 27 Khzuht-Lh Hettin. South Omaha 24 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. tjt.ik. 1am Tt Thurmsn 811 South Twentieth atreet, Klrl; Jeaea Godwin, tlloVi South Thirteenth atreet, boy; George uaru ... niv dniiih Tr.niv.i.v.nth atreat. artrl rCl. Al'JV OUUUl . .. V . - . " r i ... i j t , . ri.hi..nth and llrAyA n aui a rm i ' 1 1 . , rf. . ..... - rtieeta, Klrl; J. H. Johnaon, tJ63 Tarker iiFft, boy: Charlea Vranck, 1711 Boulh Klavantlv atreet. boy; Frank a. naaiey, .1 Brlatol atreet, girl. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT. Morand a claaaea In dancing opp. Burwood theater, now open. Leaaona for adulti Tueadaya and Frldaya, 1 p. m.; aoclala every NVcdneaday; private leaaona. Call ..r ti noualaa 1041. Special low tenua to cuplla from the collegea and patrona from Council ClUlia w - THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. offloa 4th aad leavenworui bib. iii wuaa u. o in k.of. a. C. C. PFUHL. International attrologer. phranologlru wrltaa charta and horoaoopea, teaonea axiroiogy, im rar nam, t wi ocu u 6KiN PAINTINO-a.- H. Cola, Uu2 Doug laa. w w BUILDING FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED STORY and half frame, x ft., auitable for store or dwelling, aouth akie, Dodge, laat weat of Md Bt. George & Co., loOl Farnam ot. ui-mo.v a AUTOMOBILES Bh.ND for our list of second-hand automo bilea. Ubiiiuni, r arnam. u; u- THREE 1-ton commercial automobile! prlcea, l!uO, $.'-50 and ll.Au. Apply W. B. XialdufC. iba tarnam tsu tzj ias t H. P. Orient Buckboard for sale. Speed o miles, par hour; urai-cmaa condiuon, K. La bron, M & Uth BU ti M67I HIGH-GRADE -cyllnder touring car, good condition; would take smaller car burl payment. Adaresa L, Omaha Bee, jtlouncUBI.uffs.Ia. 1 2 ) .VI 2 3 SI x BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADEBl TRADES! If you have something for sals or trade ,iile us; we matcn every inlng, STRINGER at CHILD. 606 Paxton Block. Omaha. " -M770 octl J OK SALE OR TRADE Well Improved JJO, one mile of a good town in Oaoeoia county, Iowa; worth I2i,000; will carry 116.000 If deaired at I per cent interest. What have youT Address Box 264, Jf. f arson, la. 18,' io RESTAURANT for aale or exchange for good land: owner's time devoted to other bualneaa back eaat and ia closing out all Interests In city; particulars In first let ter. Address Arthur Long, Box 262, To peka. Kan. !) M2 I7x FOR SALE OR KXCI IANQ E. A fine 10-room modern residence 1n KounUe Place. Omaha, worth 16,5(0. Soma nice farms in Eastern Nebraska for aala. A. J. WHITE INVESTMENT CO., Lyona, Neb. () M1M 80 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET ill or out of bualneea rail on GANGE6TAL. Room eOg Bea Bldg. -134 TOR BALE At a bargain, a first-class meat market In a large town in eastern Nebraska. Addreas Y-74, care Bee. (4)-M5;0 Oct6x RNITURB leaaa and flxtur for sale; a money maker. Hotel Grand. Hartlnx- 1 urena. nariini (4j Midst Oct. 21x toa. Men. DOCTOR S IXCATION-For sale, an ex cellent location; town of 1.000 population; practice and ifflce futures. Addreas Y-S6, car Baa. Hf311A t7x TWENTY ROOM HOTET, FOR SALE Call oa or addreas J. E Hoon, Firth. Neb. Uj-mi :t BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) tSUO stores for aala nw atiet a, Knleat M. T. L. BIPg. () IV WANTED Location for three-rhatr bar ber shop. Write me at once Andraaa Y-r. care Be. (4 M144 lox FOB SALE A food, clean stock of general tnernhandlas; mimt sell t nnw; liberal ttrmi", good location, excellent trade, und an all-round ' square deal." Address Jordan Bros., Fremont. Neb. () M224 27 GROCERIES AND NOTIONS 60o on dollar: leaving town. Addres K-l, care Bee. (4) M159 17s FOR BAI.B The r''"nblnr, ateam, hot water and eras biiwlneaa of Kuehn A Co., 107 Farnam atret, Omaha. Valuable bualneea on hand and trade second to none In the city. Inventory and accept ance of existing contracts basis for sale. By order of V. B. Caldwell, executor of estate of Fted G. E. Kuehn. (4-MlM ) FOR RAT.B CWneat stork of raneral m-r- fhandlse In Adama county. Invoice a.P. .Iberal discount. No trade considered, flust have the cssh. H. A. Mowe, Ayr, Neh. (4)-MlS6 Hi WILL. REX,!, one-half Intereat (n my ele vator and ooal business at two- of the best stations In central Nebraska. Ad dress Y-84. care Bee. (4) M18J SO FOR SALE Completely equipped Turkish Dam estahiishment in city or profi table patronage, price reasonable. Ad dress Ernil Molberg, Cheyenne, Wyo. (4) M3fi9 2x LATTNDRY FOR 8AUE In beat small town In Nebraska: doing splendid bualneaa: a bargain. Address Box 267, Central City, Neb. (4) M230 t7x BUSINESS DIRECTORY CaUroaodlat. DR. ROT. R. X ItOt Farnam St Doug. HOT. (6-l Deatlats, BAXLETT MACH. Id fir. Paxtonu D. 1066. Creaaaerlra. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (B)-19I DataotlTaa. CAPT. HAZE, 617 Karbach. (Red 2832. (o 19 Draaaaaaltlag. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. to aui riarUta. HES8 BWOBODA. 141S hnum St. to ra t HENDERSON, 1611 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. Vlaaaelal. Money TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums to suit. HO Bea Bldg. 'Phone Douclaa 904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (5 206 WE WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at a Very low, reaaonaoie raie. SEE US FIKBT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 1U Board oX Trad. I6U1 8L, Entrance. Kit Hod MONEY to loan on real eatata at low rates, W. B. Meikle, Karoge Bldg. M933 - Uatala. THE BCHLITZ, European, ltth and Harney, () 18" Movlasj aaa Storlaaj. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. lu Bt., warehouse 2201-9 ixard St. (5-204 Maalo aad LaaajaaaTea. DO TV A TVS futortna? In tradM mnA bte-fc school work; reasonable price. Addrasa C as. care nee. UiJ alii Osteopotay. JOHNSON INS.. 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. 164. Dr. Katheryn Nikolas, 60S N. Y. L. Bldg. Platla. COLD, silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat lng Co., 1220 Harney, 'f hones Douglaa aUD ana inaepenaeni a-oao. ioi uv Priatlas. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fall to aee our Imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve, prtuttrs, 16th and Capitol Ava. to) JAY SMITH, printer and atatloner; I have the aooda. I can do your woik rlkht. Room 12, Wead-Baldrige Bldg., 20th and Farnam Sts. (.a) aiJtx) uct.-zox galea, Shattera, Eta. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works, makes a speciality or fire escapea, shuttere, doora and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. lotn BU 15) Zll gkortaaad Reparter aad Notary. K. J. SUTCLIFFE, depositions. 638 Bee. Tel. Uouglas liaje. IBZ13 Skoa Repairlag;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. 161SH cepuoi Ave. -pnona Red . 6HOES repaired right; called for and de livered free, standard bho rtepair Co., uot amam bl lei. uougiae imv. Water Filters. MISSOURI water Howard Bt. filters. Huber. 1310 t5) n HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. WANTED Single lady for cashier In Ore. gon. C. C. L. , cars or Bee, Bo. Omahl 17)-2U -i Faetorr aad Traaei. GIRLS to operate power machines and finishers. Burgess fatilri to. A1171 WANTED or 8 rlrls for factory work also a few xood machine operators. Amer Iran Hand Sewed Bhoe Co., 12th and Harney Bts. (7) M19t 27 GIRLS wanted by F. P. Klrkendahl A Co. 11th and Harney. (7) M1.9 28 Hoaaekeepera aad Domestic. GIRL for general housework; small fam lly. 2616 N. 17th SU Tel. Independent 3 V1 Ul WANTED Competent girl for general housework: small family; references re quired. 1312 N. 40th. 'Phone Harney 1402. DR. WERTZ. dentist, tth floor Paxton Rlk t7)-Sl WANTED Cook and aecond girl. 3 Farnam Bt. Tel. rlarney bis. A GIRL to do general housework. Call Mrs. H. G. Jordan, 1116 8. 33d.. Tel. Har nev 2737. (71170 WANTED Competent girl for geners housework. 23 B. 25th Ava. (T)-il'J It WA NTKD Competent housekeeper: four in faoi'ly; no washing or Ironing; ateaoy po sit ion. uu m. ittn Bt. tzi-246 WANTED Olrl for ireneral housework small family. IHQ Farnam. Tel. Doug SSTt. (T m:i -x HELP WANTED MALE A feats, Sollcltara aad SaJeaaaea. WANTED By prominent local f'rm me to travel and call on farmera. One used tc meeting the farm trade preferred, bu net nevesaary. t all on C. A. Collier, i0) Bea Bldg., today. (j-MI.6 A Sl'CCEEBFL'L salesmsn ran find a place with us and make good money. Address Lock Boa Lincoln, Neb. t;-M739 : Anotlicr day fjoirc and tlic property still unsold. If you wont a quick falc use "BEE want ads.1 a HELP WANTED MALE Aareats aad aalearaea Coatlaaed., WANTED Four high-class salesmen by a large manuiatuurmg esiaonsnmeni , m'n accustomed to the agricultural Imple ment trade. State in first letter fully, experience, age, former and present em ployment, salary expected. All commil nlcationa will be treated as confidential. We are looking for brains and energy, and will gladly pay for them. Address "ProgTeee, 1D00 Trade Bldg., Chicago. () Mft JSX WANTED Traveling man by local firm. Experience not necessarv. position per manent. Address W, 222 Bee. () M104 WANTED Young man to drive through country and sell fsrmen an article or big value at a low price. Permanent po sition and good Income. Address A 223, care Bee. 9)-M10 SALESMAN First class. In clothing, can learn or something new and permanent that will double his present Income. Ad dTess In confldenoe, G, 163. care Fee. ()-M138 29x WANTED Agents at once to sell Dloxo, the best yet cheapest deodoriser on the market; agenta make five to fifteen dol lars a day. Write I. E. Hovenden, mfg. agt., Shenandoah, la. ( M184 Oct. 7x WANTED Thoroughly experienced cloth- Inn salesman. Apply Immediately. The Bennett company. (9) 241 27 Boys. BOYS to work after school; as Brandls. (9) M9S7 WANTED A boy, IS to IS, to train In gen eral railroad accounting, call or address General Storekeeper, IJ. P. R. R. Co. (9) M232 27 WANTED Several rsllnhle bnys, 15 or over, W. U. Tel. Co., 212 8. 13th St. (9) M706 OctlS BOY aged IS or IT years for bundle counter. Apply at or rice. Neoraaka Clothing to. (9) 239 27 Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER, ITS. Steno. to act as private secretary, ITS. Two stenographers. $12. Two grocery clerks, 1. Office clerk for railroad, $46 to $85. WESTERN REF & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. ()-247 21 WANTED A young man stenographer; one with experience In lumber business pre ferred. Apply In own hand writing. Ad dress Y-77, car Bes. (9)-M44 DRUG clerk's position. jEDlest. N. Y. L Bldg. WANTED Experienced hotel clerk; salary 136 or 644) and room ana noara; p lease state your age; single man preferred. Address K-183, care Bee. () M218 28 WANTED An experienced extension olerkj must be rapid ana accurate. McJora Brady On. (9) 244 27 Factory aad Trade. TAILOR wanted, all around man, good wages to right man, steady work; no booser. Call 'phone No. 18, Avoca, or write Marcovla, the Tailor, Avoca. Ia. 19)-MTO2 28x CARPENTERS WANTED at once; ateady work. Address J. ecniesiger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. (9)-M934 WANTED No. 1 all-around sausage maker; No other need apply. German prererred. Address Y-90, care Bee. (9) M3ii0 i WANTED A good general blacksmith. A good thing ror me rigiu man. w. t.. Zeman, Scrlbner. Neb. (9) M368 28x WANTED Men learn barber trade, few weeka complete; GO chairs constantly busy; careful Instructors; tools given; di plomas granted; wages Saturdaya; posi tions waiting; wonderful demand for grad uates. Write for catalogue. Moler Bar ber College, 110 S. 14th SU () M356 IX M laccllaaeona. THE FAlITtERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy and Enguen. uniciai training scnooi union Pacific R. R.. telegraph department. A postal gets full Information. Address H. B. Boyles, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. ()-2:i FREE employment dept. Business Men's ass n; no tees, tan oa im. 1. ure Bldg. (9)-vi24 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied. unmarried men ceiween agea or 11 and Su, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperata habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglaa Bts., Omaha, Neb. ()-&! YOUNG MEN. STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only, mirtner information, address secre tary, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 667. 4S) MS94 SepUO WANTED Train news agents. Apply 1114 w. Broadway, Council Bluffs. (9) M157 200 MEN or boys, over 17. to march In day- iignt Ak-bar-Ben parade, September 29, Tuesday afternoon. Costumes and inci dental furnished by Ak-Sar-Ben. It la your duty to the king. Send names to A. C. Reed, care Reed Bros. Real Eatata company, 1710 Farnam St., or F. M. Oreen leaf, care World-Herald. (9j 178 26 WE CAN PLACE a number of solicitors In every locarlty for Taft and Bryan pnotograpns, tne nnest designs issued Every person wants one. Sample, mailed In tubes on receipt of 2.V. Liberal com missions to young hustlers, either sx. Apply In person or address Fonda Bros. & Co., 1218 Harney St., Omaha. t?)-ros 30 HELP WANTED mald on female WANTED Educated men and women capable of earning 12.(00 a year, by Dodd Mead & Co., to aell the new International Encyclopedia. Inquire at office. 610 N. 21st St.. Omaha. HO) M944 Octll MEN and women are earning 135 week, selling my newly patented articles needed by every woman, rapid sellers. No scheme. A. M. Young, 38 Howland Bin's;., Chics go. 10)-M356 2Tx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses a rt Vehicles. MI'ST sell my carriage!.; cabriolet scarcely used; rubber tires; also runabout. Tele phone Harney 613. (11) M815 20 x FOR SALE At a bargain, fine looking, speedy and safe family horse end rig. 'Phone Doug. 976 or Inquire 1113 Howard. (ID M217 1 FREE VETERINARY TREATMENT. For the purpose of introducing ourselves to the public we will treat all tilseaaes of domestic animals free of charge from Sep tember 15 te October 16, if. We are both graduatea and practical vet erinarians. Drs. Slmonson A Stewart. 411 South ISth St., Omaha. Office houra. I to 1 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Phones: Ind , A 1511 and loufc-lae 3M3. (ID 6330cUJ STANHOPES, aurreya, runabouts, top buggies and harness; rinsing out sum mer styles at very low prlcea; aee ua at once; buy now; aave 20 per cent. John aon A Danforth. 8. W. ror. 10th and Jonea Sts. (1D-M136 Oct 21 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." U a box. postpaid. Bhsrmaa at McConutll Drug Co., Omaha. 39BBS MEDICAL (Continued.. FREE medloa! and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, ltth and Dav. enport Bts.; special attention paid to cot,, flnement caaea; all treatment supervised by college profaasors. 'Phone Douglaa 1107. Calls answered day or night. 13)-12 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to tha matron of the Salvation Array Homo for Women at 3824 N. J4th St.. Omaha. Neb. 413) M6s MONEY TO LOAN SALARIES AlfD CHATTELS. NO PLACE like tha Old Reliable LOAN HEADQUAR TERS to borrow mone. NO PLACE where you get such low rates and a fair, honest deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade 16th Su entrance. (14,1 6SS OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlas aad Rooms. LARGE southeast front room; also single room; reference required, ut B. mm at. (16)-230 GOOD BOARD and room. Private family. . -1 I . . 1 t. Ki .vfl XT n 1 A ClUlf 111. UU vw ' uu. (16)-M23S SOX VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafs. UOI iil WE do expert piano moving at loweat prices. Tel. uousias 162. ocrimoiier at Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1311 Farnam. (16) 229 LARGE well furnished, steam heated rooms with first-claaa board at 216 Farnam. 'Phone Harney 1043. (15) M663 2tx WANTED To room and board, refined gentleman or man and wife, by refined couple In large strictly modern private residence; nice rooma and use of piano and library; excellent board, 16 per week. 3018 Webster SU (IS) 911 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and rarnam. (10) Hi LADY only, nicely furnished room, first floor; might give breakrasts and dinner; references required. Telephone Webster 630. (16) M699 Oct2x ROOMS, with first-class board. 1818 Capi tol Ave. (15)-e5 27x MODERN rooms, good meals, for Ak-8ar- Ben visitors. Z.U oougias Bt. (16)-168 02x WHEN writing to advertisers remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw thn ad In Tna Bea, Paralaaed Rao ma. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS All parts of the city. If yeu are looking for rooma do not fail to get our list. Cost you nothirvg. P. O. NIELHON A CO., RENTAL AOTS., 70S N. Y. Lit Bldg., Phone JJOug. xwa. (16)-233 LARGE well furnished room for rent. 117 8. 26th Ave. (IS) Mlb Z7X LARGE front room; modern; private fam ily; select netghbornooa. 124 1. nisi Ave. (IS) 234 TWO rooms, modern; gentlemen preferred; breakfast. If desired. Tel. Harney 1713. 201 South Central Boulevard. (16) 688 26 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 S. 13th 8U OB 1-236 FURNISHED room, 1960 & 10th St. (15)-Mtao Octlx FURNISHED room, all modern. 2619 N. 80lh. Wobeter 628. . CIS) 2f7 DESIRABLE front room, fine location, walking distance. 218 S. 25th St. (15) 846 27x DESIRABLE rooms; reasonable. US N. 19th. (15) M969 05x FRONT room, entirely modern; walking distance; 2407 Harney. (16) M904 26x THREE rooms; housekeeping; also sleep in rooms. 1711 Jackson. (15) 943 27x NICELY furnished rooms; modern. 122 N. 26th St. Tel. Harney 8124. (16) 979 I7x NEWLY furnlahed room auitable for two or three young men; houae new and strictly modern; 316 N. 19th St. (16)-M98 2Sx FOR TRANSIENTS Modern. furnished rooms; easy walking distance; 24 6 Har ney. (16)-M168 29 2611 PIERCE Nicely furnished room, strictly modern; large closet; quiet neigh borhood; breakfast if desired. (15)-164 25x NEWLY furnished rooms; house new and strictly modern. 816 N. 19th St. (16)-MX3 30x FRONT room, prlvte family. Tel. Hsrney 1 ROOMS, 1120 N. 17th St. (15) 245 26x Hooaekeepiaa; Rooms. THREE or four unfurnished rooms, mod' em. 2618 Capitol Ave. Tel Harney 2E.S6. (16) 721 26x LARGE dining room and kitchen, all mod' ern: llxht. heat, telephone; 112; with bod' room additional, 117; partly furnished If deaired. 1041 park Ave. lei. Harney (15) M197 30 SUITE of modern housekeeping rooms convenient; 2026 California St. (151-M196 39 Apartmeats aad Flata. HEATED OUTSIDE FLAT. Second floor; every room of six, and bath, outside, with sunshine; private hall, high ceilings, rine hardwood rinisn, new dec. orations, large transoms. Inside blinds. front and rear entrance, gas range, steam heat, hot water. If location tony you would pay o, but lta walking distance, you live in flat In comfort, save differ ence; H2 summer, 139 winter. See It your self. Reference required. BEM1S. Paxton Block. (15)-M202 26 1015 IjAKE St., city water and toilet. 112.6). 6i9 No. 21at St., B-r., modern ex. heat, 12.6). 106 Emmet St., 6-r., new, modern, oak fin ish, window ahades, curtain rods, hot water heater and range furnished. 2V Sherman Ave.. 6-r., modern. 130. 617 So. Slh Ave,, 5-r., modern, too. 7m No. 21st, 7-r.. modern, 121.50. 2710 Jackson St., 7-r., new, modern, oak f nis-h, walls decorated, water and window shades furnished, 147.(0. 509 So. 16th Ave., 7-r.. modern, oak finish, hot water heat, nicely decorated, window shades furnished, 145. 3218 Harney, 9-r.. modern, oak finish, ready Oct. 1. will decorate. 156. HASTINGS A H E V DEN, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. U5-249 25 THE best In the market for eight 6-room brick flats, good cellar, hardwood finish, strictly up to date; will be completed by October 1; corner 23d and Nicholas Sts.; rent IJ pe month. Owner psys water; references required. A. C. Busk. Tel. Harney 980. (1oj-Mss2 t-S r. flat. Scargo, 61Vs N. 14th. South Omaha. Hall. 411 Ramg Bldg. Red 7406, (ioj STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS. Six well lighted, large rooma; hardwood, all modern; steam heat, hot water, gas rsnges, shades; summer, 123, 124; winter, tao, 131 up. Why psy double this and get no better T Bee them yourself. References required. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (151-M201 U FOR RENT A beautiful 4-room and 6-room apartment steam heat, thoroughly mod ern and up to dst. Nothing finer in Omaha; location beat Inquire 301 Brown m J 99 WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) ItafaraUaed Reosaa. FOUR rooms with private bath. 116; also 1 rooms. 111. 'Phone DouKlaa 80. (16)-M918 26x THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS close In; Fsrnnm Bt.; modern; steam neai; call Douglas. 4918. (15) Mill 2Sx Faralahed Hoaaea. SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern. Including gas and electrto rixturea and hot water heating; 1916 Clark St. Inquire at 1607 Howard St. (16)-M230 Hoaaea aad Co tea gee. MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO. Tel. D. It:., vv e guarantee roovins pianos, n. n. goods. (16) 88 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (10) 24s FOR RENT 4Vrcom cottage at 2501 8. loth Ave., 1U. G. B. Tzachutk, 1702 Farnam SU 45) MJ57 LIST your vacant house with Walter Breen Company. N. V. Life Bldg. . . llo)-48 2631 Spencer St., 4 rooms, 116. 3109 Corby St., 6 rooms, 120. 3311 California SU, 6 rooms, 120. Ibii 8. 26th St.. 6 rooms, 12a CREIGH, BONS & CO., 608 Beo Bldg. Tel. Doug. 200. (15)-il8 26 OMAHA Vsn and Storage Co., pack, move, t I T 1 1 o-nrwta l4t nreho'ia. 11 K.'M M mil, office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (15) 242 HOUSES, flata. Garvin Bros., leot Farnam. (16) Ml WALNUT HILL tTa 1 4n rts nlna SAnma w m fas at a, at electric light, arranged for two families If deaired. Special Inducement to permanent tenanU O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2162. , . (16) im 25 112.50 per mo., 919-21-23 Douglas St., 1 rooms and bath. 117.60 per mo., 2724 Burt St., city water, sewer and gas. 135 per mo., 3644 N. 27th St., 1 rooms, mod ern. 127.60 per mo., 3d floor 2129 Farnam St., 6 rooms, modern except heat. 135 per mo., 1616-Willis Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern; vacant, October 6. 140 per mo., 2965 Paciflo St., 9 rooms, mod ern. 140 per mo., 8224 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, modern, corner lot. 146 per mo., 3003 Dodge St., 8 rooms, modern. 160 per mo., 1034 Park Ave., 8 rooms, mod ern: large billiard room, oak finish and In best repair. Bee us regarding lease, 710 N. 27th Ave., new 7-rooni modern house. GEORGE & CO., 1901 Farnam St. (16) M348 26 GOOD 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace; good location; cistern, lawn and shade. Tel. Webster 23S6. (16)-M367 27 2222 North 18th St., 6 rooms, 116. 28S3 Burt St., 6 rooms and bath, 117. 8009 Webster St., 8 rooms ami bath, 123. 3012 Chicago St., 7 rooms, modern, 132.50. 123 N. 81st avenue, 7 rooms, modern, 135. Rlngwalt Bros., 806 S. 15th St. (15)-M371 27 8-ROOM modern, except heat, 2412 Spald ing, i.d anu water rent; 4-room house, 409 William St., In rear, 110. 8 rooms all modern, 130 and water rent, Decatur St., near 26th; 2 new 6-room flats, all mod ern, except heat, 1110-1113 North 20th St., 120 each and water rent. 9-room, modern except heat, 120, 409 William SU Chrla. Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sta. (15) M552 FOR RENT 2O02 California St., modern dwelling; keys at 610 N. 20th St. (15) M362 27x HOUSEHOLD goods, packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394, tlo) 440 TENANTS. We control many of the most desirable rental propertle In the city, so you stand the best chance in finding just what you want In a home, offices or business place when you come to us. If you are looking to relocate or start a new enterprise, better see our rental list at once, for desirable place are quickly snapped up. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt Ask for rental department. (161-260 25 EIGHT ROOMS, modern, only 135; good neighborhood. 408 N. 23d SU (161-M235 1 FOR RENT Oct. 10, 8-room, all modern, on car line, 1026 N. 83d St. Inquire 823 N. 87th Bt. (16)-M316 28x :&22 CORBY, 7-r., large lot. t?0. 43'JS Charles, 9-r., water, light,, half block west of Walnut Hill car, 120. 720 No. 23d, cor. Burt, S r., all mod., 134 2061 No. 19th, 9-r., ail -. ' . IO. 4220 Farnajn, 7-r., , 1 irn, 130. 2723 So. 9th, 8-r., ul 2o6 No. 23d. S-r. hi . 142.50. O'KEEFE IU :a CO., 1001 N. Y. Li.t. . . el- A-2152. (U)-17 26 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat, 3001 Pa cific. For information 'phone Harney 32.Ql, (15) M47V HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L Bldg. (15J-247 HOUSES. 1115 So. 28th, 8 rooms, modern except fur nsce, 120. 1701 So. 28th, 8 rooms, modern, 125. 1337 So. 27th, 6 rooms, modern. 126. 4169 Cass, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, Darn, ksu. 3317 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottage, 115. FLATS. 1721 Park Ave., 8-room brick, modern 127.50. 2646 Dodge, 8 rooma, modern, 110. 628 So. loth, 8 rooms, modern, 26. 1308 N. 24th, 6 rooms, bath, 115. GARVIN BROS, 1H FARNAM. Ask for Rental Department. (1B 162 FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS & HEYDEN, IN3. AGENCY, 220 8. 17th SU 'Phones D. li'ti; A-3161. (15) US FOR RENT. 2226 Miami street; 10-ioom house: all mod ern; new plumbing; everything In No. 1 condition, will leMse at . per month. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. Tel. Doug. 415. (lb) Midi : 10 ROOM, modern, walking distance. See owner, 3S31 No. 21d BU Tel. Black 23). (15) 616 FOH RENT OCTOBER 1, MY 10-ROOM BRICK MODERN RESIDENCE, WITH BARN. SHADE TREES, LAWN, PER. MANENT WALKS. ON PAVED 6TREETS, CORNER LOT, 2648 CAPITOL AVE. TEL. O. bit. OK 6B-'. B. H. ROBISON, 2D FLOOR WARE BLK. (15) M4ol HOUSE for rent. 8U5 Burt 61. (16) 704. 10 ROOMS, modern every way. 201 Capitol Ave. (151 213 lx A 6-HOOM cottage, modern except heat. within walking distance. Tel. Doug. 6019 or Harney 3440. (IS) 240 J7x 1967 PACIFIC 8T. rooms, modern, oak finish 140. A. G. KJilck. t Bee Bldg. (16J-249 tTOTTQTr'Q In all parts of the city UUUOLiO crelgn Sons Co.. Be Bldg. (16) 24 DR. WERTZ, dentist tth floor Psiton Rlk. Uo) 4 NEW 6-room, modern cottage, 1720 North th Bt. 'Phones Webster 1564: Douglas a. jr. j. v. Aioore. (io mmo 7-ROOM cottage, city watsr T. ion S SJ.S tu MM S- K. OFFERED FOR RENT (Oonllnued.) Balldlaa. 3D AND 4TII FLOORS WEBSTER-SUNDERLAND BUILD ING FOR RENT Span on 8d floor can be arranged, from tM square ft. upwards. Ws have one large room on the ISth St. side of about S.oon square ft., suitable for millinery, high-class dressmaking, light manufacturing or whole sale sample rbom. Fourth floor has about 8.000 square ft. cf floor space. Will rent entire floor at a very low rental, and will subdivide If neces sary. This building now has a very at tractive front on Howard St.; elevator ser vice end heat furnished. GEORGE A CO.. 1901 Fsrnam St. (16) M3A0 28 1113 Harney St., 4 stories and basement brick building, good rreight elevator; lease five years at 11 per month. GEORGE & CO.. 1W1 Fsrnam Pt. (16) MS51 26 Halls. FRATERNITY HALL 114 Harney m. urouna floor auditorium ror dances, lodges and entertainments. N. P. Pods 4V Co., 1714 Farnam St. (15) Mo64 Offleaa. DESK room, 'phone, service. Special In- aucemeni. iu loasy. px Brandels. 05)-M34J DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on tha busy corner or mtn and N sts. South Omaha. Call at Bea office, B. O. branch, 24th and N. new addreas. (15)-M577 FINE, large office suite In the Continental block; choice location ror rnysician or dentist Alfred C. Kennedy, it First Na tlonsl Bank Bldg. Lelephone Douglas ill (15)-M319 26 Front office, Wead bldg., ISth and Farnam, U0) . TO LET Equal prlvllegs of rooms, 601-&H Brandels; best location in tne nutitang. Inquire al the rooms. (15) M26J Store. FOR RENT Basement, 22x132, Rldpleys, 1417 Ocuglas. lib) 210 octu RETAIL LOCATION N. W. CORNER 16TII AND JACKSON STREETS. Large store room and basement, just across from new Rome hotel. This Is one of the best available locations In the retail center of the city. Lease three years or longer at tiiO per month. GivOriGhi & CO., lboi icarnam st. (15) M362 26 SCARGO Block, South Omaha, new, 620 N. Z4tn. rlau, 418 ttamge Bldg. Ktd 7406. (16) M682 115 per mo., basement 614 S. 16th St. 160 per mo.. 1403 Jackson St., 22x00 ft., with aounie Dasement; store room next door will be occupied at once by Campbell & Dillon, plumbers, recently with Kuhn & Co. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. (15)-M349 2S Wareac WAREHOUSE FOR RENT Space In building located In wholesale district, with tracknga at rear of building and electrio elevator. Addresa W-226, care Bee. (15) 171 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltara. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany sinien; peeu uaea a anon lime ana W11J sell cheap Call Be Offloa. Omaha. (16) 141 Oatrlch Flame. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop plumes, 17 Inches, 12.45, worth 15. Other grades half retail store prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3616; our agent will call. (16) MKi!) Flanoa and Other Mnalcal Instrument PIANO BARGAINS. One Kimball upright used, 1104. One Btelnway upright, used, 12u0. One rood upright, used. 195. One 1450 new upright. 123n. ROSE'S ART STORE, 1521 Dodge St. (16)-215 Typewriters aad lenlsg Machine. IF YOU ARE IN" THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210, BEE. (16) 670 TYPEWRITERS sola, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter exchange. 117 Far. nam. (16)-M647 Octl7 T 1 Any make Typewri t e rs a ANY MAKE, an prices; ior saie, ror rent; rent applied If bought; slightly used and reoullt macnuiea gouu aa new at a aav ing of 30 to 80 per cent, manufacturer's f rices. Write today for large bargain 1st. We ship anywhere on approval and allow examination without a deposit. B. F. Swanson Co., 0fne.,Ia. (16) MS95 Oct. 21 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent V. T C" I I- 0 w ene eaciuuio 1110 i vj. annul oc o ua. writing In eight machine; write for cata logue. Call or phone B. F. Swanson Co., Inc.. dealer, 1614 Farnam. Omaha. (144-741 M lacellaaeooa. SOME first class laundry machinery for sale cheap. G. F. Llllte, Tekamnh. Neb. (16) 25 CONN cornet with case. Big bargain for cash. Address. K-116, car Bee. (16)-M241 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 263 BHER WIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16j-257 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Snerman fi McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)--255 FOR SALE Several handsome marble mantels, together with grates and tiling; these are in perfect condition; will sell at very small price. R. W. baker, Room luo Beo Bldg. (16) M124 ONE 7Vi-hovse-power White & Middletnn f;asollne engine, shafting, hungers, helt ng snd pulleys; good as new. Wm. Berg, 16:h and Charles Bis., Omaha. (16I-M221 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar flxtums; easy payments. Brunswick-Balke Collender. 407 S. 10th St. (16)-2i8 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills, also fancy preei brick, for aale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Ben Bldg. 16j Sol ICE, ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lota A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (lo) Ml to WIRE CABLE. We have a lot of wire cable, suitable for light work, to seli at a bargain. Apply the Bee Building Co., 171h and Famm. (16)-M230 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, ra tal). Sherman A MoC'onnell Drug Co., ieta and Dodge Eta.. Omaha. Neb. 16) 2j9 ICE for" aale; carloads; write for prices. Nelson & Donley, 611 First National Bank, Omaha, Nnb. (16) MSo2 lux POTATOES FOR HALE. In car lots. Write or 'phone MARTIN MERCANTILE CO., Manning, la. (ll M"fil IS PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT-Three book for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6a post ags. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, Rooms U 11 Pclflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Esiab llshed 1869. (17)-2ol D. O. BAJtNEI.U FaxtOB Blk. Tel Red Till, PERSONAL TOUR mirror will tell you Patin Skin Pow der works beautifying wonders, 26,-. (18)- M fJTKTIC,r",mn, ""d h'b M ma loon. (181-677 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT IIOM B Mr Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster BVa, !& OMAHA Stammerers' Ina, Ramg Bldg, (U aft THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cattoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and aell at 111 N. 11th St., for coat of collection to tha worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. 08 784 MME. ZEREFA. Armenian maaaage, 120 S. 16th, Flat 6. Thone Douglas x4o. (18-M14 Oct BYRINGES. rubber goods by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers. Dillon Drug Ca. Omaha Oa YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are irwuea to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms. 1611 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. (18) 21 MASSAGE Electric, vibratory, 110 SL fliaooailfj mh rooI 308, fourta f'oor old Boston store. (18) M146-829 DR. WERTZ, dentist 61 h floor Paxton Blk, (18) 267 HALL'S safes, new. td-hand, 1818 Farnare. (IV 360 MASSAGE TREATMENT 109 8. 17th St.. itoom 0. jure. Jordan. (is mj34 lx REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. Clt) 261 GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam, Tel. Douglaa 78A (19) 170 BENJAMIN R, E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. (1 271 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Easy Term Bargains 45th and Deoatur. 3 lota 60x150 ft., souti front, 1509 for both. 81st and Evsna, 46x128, paved street ana brick walks, 1460. 36th and Spragua, corner, 60x130, 1300. 23d and Spring, corner. 92x168, 40tX Tsrms 110 Cash. 1 Weekly. Free Abstract and Warranty Deed. These lots belong to eastern client wh6 wants to sell at once. Everyone a snap snd on such easy terms that everyone csn buy. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. A-li&ft. (19)-2S1 25 CORNER 23D AND M ANDERSON 5-R00M BUNGALOW . JUST COMPLETED Located at tha northeast corner of 23d ant) Manderson Sts., haa parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bedroom, stairway to largt attic; large cellar, all cemented; cement walks all around, and the yard Is nicely sodded. This is a very desirable loca tion and will make a good home on ac count of the good surroundings. We will take a reasonable payment down and tha balance in monthly payments about th same as rent. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1701 Farnam Bt (19) 212 26 MODERN HOME ON Very Easy Terms 2907 Leavenworth 6t., S rooms and bath; hot water heat; owner Is lesvlng the city and will aell his home at a big snap. For quick sale onl 11,800. Bo sure to sea It at once. R. II. Landeryou, Tel. Doug. 2151. 443 Board of Trade, (19)-M227 36 FOR SALE OR RENT . NEAT 7-ROOM HOUSE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8021 Dsvenport St., new, well built, mod ern house, has large reception hall, par lor, dining room and kitchen on flrat floor. 4 large bedrooms and bathroom on aeconj floor; large, light cellar, good furnace, yard sodded, cement walks, on paved atreet, close to boulevard, good neighborhood. Will sell for 16,600 or rent for 140 a month. If taken at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Tarnam St (19)-176 26 IN BEMIS PARK Seven rooms, all modern, on paved street lust half block of car. Owner going to New York. Price, 13.650. Better investi gate this. Elegant modern home on Lafayette Ave., large rooms, hot water heat, built on year, 102x140, nice lawn. Price, 16,000. C. R. GLOVER SON, 601-2-3 N. Y. Life. (19)-1M V 4-ROOM BARGAIN-EASY PAYMENTS, New 4-room cottage left uncompleted; about 160 will complete It; corner lot, located southeast corner 83d and Prstt Sts. Price. tl.OuO; $100 cash and IK per month. C. C. CARLBERG. 911 N. Y. Life Bllg. (l- Pratt St. North front, between 25th Ave. and 17th St., 4-",xl24. pfw walk and paving, 1900. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. T. Ufa. Tel. Douglaa or A-2161 (19)-34l B REED ABSTRACT CO., st. 1856. Prompt service. Get our price. 1710 Farnam BU (l)-i;i LIST your property with Clirla Boyar, T?d and Cuming Sta. (19 171 NEW St. Loula flats and a 10-room house, sll modern, for sal cheap; leaving city; Bee owner. 1516 Martha Bi. U81 MAM FOR SALE Neat 7-room bouse, east-front lot, at 25V2 8. 20th Ava. ll.loO, Requires about (4uo cash, balance monllily. c. M. Uachmanu, iJi Paxton Block. (l,-el911 " !J6.0ri0 Will buy brick buiinest property rented lor 12.0 a year. THOMAS BRKNNAN. Room 1, New lurk Lit Bldg. 4191374 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND IOR SALB Colorado, GOOD FARMING LAND Near Denver. Greeley district; weiis 26 to 40 feet; abun dance of moiature; geuaral farming, in cluding corn raising; one crop pajra for '"NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO, 163 Brandals bids. 'knaha. Neb. kJKl-ie Diocat. mi