Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Tim Omaha Daily Bel
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Portraits of Governor Haskell, done
In oil, are much In evidence.
The new map of Bryanlem Is covered
with Standard Oil grease spots.
Democrats are at least securing a
majority In the "Down and Out" club.
Anyway, Governor Haskell does not
belong to the army of the unemployed.
"Why do the schools fall?" asks a
Chicago paper. Chiefly because they
do not.
The base ball teams are ending their
season with a nice collection of cracked
Mr. Hearst is a little slow In charg
ing Candidate Chafln with carrying a
pocket flask.
"Our population 1b one-third urban,"
;Bays the Los Angeles Times. Yes. and
two-thirds republican.
Governor Haskell may explain that
he has alwayB tried to keep his politi
cal Ideals up to the Standard.
Oil is said to be valuable for laying
dust on the roads. It appears to raise
dust on the political highways.
Mr. Bryan evidently made a mistake
In not selecting a one-armed man as
treasurer of his national committee.
Anyway, Mr. Bryan Is not claiming
to be heir to President Roosevelt's pol
icy toward the Standard Oil company.
"Have burglars a sunso of humor?"
tsks the New York Herald. They have
not, but will take anything except a
It would help some if the country
could be flooded with rain for a few
hours instead of with political
"Battling" Nelson is going to write a
book, which will make a lot of folks
regret that Joe Gans did not punch
him harder.
King Edward has paid all of his
debts, but it is a precedent that Is not
apt to be generally followod by Euro
ropean royalty.
President Roosevelt sprained his left
hand while playing tennis. He has
furnished proof, however, that there is
nothing wrong with his write hand.
"The Uses of Salt" is the title of a
bulletin from the Agricultural depart
ment. President Roosevelt Is using it
to rub on some democratic Bore spots.
The dressmakers, in their national
convention, have approved the eheath
gown. Now all that Is necessary is to
get some women with nerve enough to
wear them.
"Will Remov Oil Spots" is the ad
vertisement of a new cleanser. Please
ruth a few gross of bottles of it to the
treasurer of the democratic national
"It seems," says Mr. Bryan, "that
I am running against two republicans
Instead of one of them." Mr. Bryan
underestimates. He is running against
about 8,000,000 republicans.
Mr. Rockefeller, In writing the story
of h!a life, should have no difficulty In
finding material for an interesting
chapter on the work of Governor Has
kell, one of bis trusty lieutenants.
bryan and Nebraska.
Mr. Bryan Is a citizen of Nebraska
and as such enjoys th respect and
good will of his neighbors snd fellow
citizens. But Mr. Brysn as a citizen
of Nebraska and as candidate for pres
ident of the United States stands sep
arately and distinctly in the mind of
the Nebraska people. What Mr. Bryan
advocates or champions In his capa
city as a private citizen may receive
the consideration due to the personal
opinion of a respectable member of
the community, but Mr. Bryan's atti
tude as a candidate for president of
the United States carries with It noth
ing that binds his friends and neigh
bors to support him merely because
they have close personal relations
with him. The people of Nebraska
have never stood as a whole for the
policies that Mr. Bryan advocates.
Nebraskans do not believe In free
Nebraskans do not believe In free
coinage of sliver or any other form
of financial lunacy.
Nebraskans do not believe In the
government ownership of railroads.
Nebraskans do not believe that gov
ernment regulation of railroads Is a
In short, Nebraskans do not believe
In any of the numerous "paramounts"
that Mr. Bryan has juggled with at
tlmea in his iridescent career.
No good reason exists why Nebraska
voters should abandon thMr princi
ples merely to compliment Mr. Bryan
aa a resident of the state. ,t would
gain nothing for Bryan as n presiden
tial possibility if he should carry Ne
braska, while Nebraska would lose
much by getting out of alignment with
the progressive members of the sister
hood of states. Mr. Bryan has been
sufficiently complimented by the citi
zens of his home state in the past and
bis candidacy at the present time
should not be made an excuse for al
lowing the state government to be
turned over to the democrats.
Mr. Bryan may be a candidate for
president outside of Nebraska, but at
home he is merely a stalking horse
for state and local candidates, who
hope to get into office they do not de
serve under the shadow of his "great
Two years ago the congressman-ed
itor from the Second Nebraska district
was very earnest and energetic In his
campaign for postal savings banks.
Just now he Is equally earnest and
energetic In his campaign for the
Oklahoma bank guaranty law. A sus
picion exists that the congressman-
editor would advocate anything that
might possibly secure him a vote.
In furtherance of plans for the edu
cation of the people to the needs and
advantages of forest preservation, the
bureau of forestry has decided to es
tablish a number of experimental
stations In the forest reserves In dif
ferent sections of the country. One of
the important parts of these new sta
tions will be the maintenance of model
forests typical of the region. These
areas will furnish the most valuable
and Instructive object lessons for the
public In general, for professional for
esters, lumbermen and owners of for
est land and especially to the admin
istrative and technical officers of the
national forests.
In the station already established on
the Coconino forest reserve, one of the
flrtt problems to be taken up will be
the study of reproduction of western
yellow pine and the causes of its suc
cess and failure. This 1b considered
of special importance to the west and
southwest, as the yellow pine supply
Is being rapidly exhausted and the sec
ond growth Is not producing satisfac
tory results. Other studios which will
be taken up will be the requirements
of the different species, the time neces
sary for growth, the effect of forest
preservation on humidity and rainfall
and all of the problems connected with
the science of timber culture. This
data, when secured, is expected to
prove of great value to the people, who
are becoming more and more Interested
In the benefits and profits to be derived
from the preservation of this great nat
ural resource.
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion furnishes the cheering Informa
tion that it will be possible for the
citizen of average intelligence to un
derstand the reports that are now be
ing made of the operations of the dif
ferent railroads of the country for the
last fiscal year. The last congress
passed a law requiring railroad com
panies not only to file annual reports,
but to file them In accordance with a
general form prescribed by the Inter
state Commerce commission. It is an
old adage that figures will not He, but
it is accepted as equally true that liars
will figure, and tjie reports that have
been filed of the , railroad operations
have been so varied and Juggled as to
furnish no tangible information. The
new law remedies this evil and the re
ports now being received are clear and
explicit on the points on which the
commission and the public desire In
formation. One of the first reports received by
the Interstate Commerce rommissrjun
is that of the Missouri, Kansas &
Texas, a road extending from St. Louis
west and southwest with a trackage
of over 3,000 miles. The report shows
that while the road has not done quite
so well as last year the loss Is ac
counted for entirely by a decrease In
the cotton traffic. In other lines the
business is better than In the preced
ing year. The passenger business has
Increased and the freight traffic shows
an increase in every department except
In the matter of cotton.
The Investor in Blocks and railroad
bonds will be one of the chief bene
ficiaries of the new order. He will be
enabled to know, regardless of ticker
rumors snd fluctuations on the stock
market, just what the company In
which his Investment Is placed la do
ing. He will be In position to know
the volume of traffic being carried, the
gross and net earnings and all the In
formation necessary as to the safety
and merit of his Investment. It Is the
surest guaranty that has been offered
the legitimate Investor against the dan
gers of speculative manipulation of
railway securities. The wisdom of
this special feature of railway regula
tion Is shown by the statement of the
officials of the road that they are
pleased to comply with the provisions
of the law, asking only that it be
rigidly enforced In order that all of
the transportation companies shall be
treated alike.
The exposures connecting the treas
urer of the democratic national com
mittee with the operations of the
Standard Oil trust in Oklahoma and
Ohio have been developed Into a na
tional Issue, chiefly by the evidence in
dicating with painful conclusiveness
that Mr. Bryan was not ignorant of
Governor Haskell's tainted connections
when he made him chairman of the
committee on resolutions at Denver
and later selected him as treasurer of
the national committee.
So far as Mr. Bryan is concerned,
the significance of tho scandal would
have been greatly minimized if he were
in position to show that he was
ignorant of Governor Haskell's connec
tion with the Standard or of charges
against him to that effect. Develop
ments of the day make it difficult, if
not impossible, for Mr. Bryan to plead
such Ignorance. L. T. Russell, editor
of a democratic dally at Ardmore, Okl.,
has furnished the Associated Press
with a copy of an open letter to Mr.
Bryan, in which ho says:
I notice that In your reply to President
Koosevelt's attack on Governor Haskell
you say you were entirely Ignorant of
there ever having been any charges made
against Mr. Haskell. If you were Ignorant
of such. It Is because you refused to read
them, when presented to you when you
visited Oklahoma last fall In the Interest
of Candidate Haskell. At that time I per
sonally presented to you ten typewritten
pages of charges against Mr. Haakell.
covering his operations in Ohio, New
York, Arkansas. Texas and Oklahoma.
You did me the courtesy of tearing them
up and throwing them out of the train
window without reading them. The
charges recently made by Mr. Hearst were
all made by me at that time.
The Russell letter puts It up di
rectly to Mr. Bryan. If he did not
know of the charges against Haskell,
he can blame none but himself. If he
did know of them, there Is nothing left
to him but a plea of guilty as an ac
cessory after the fact. In either case,
his position is wholly unenviable.
Just as soon as Mr. Bryan can be
placed In absolute control of the af
fairs of the government, the millenlum
may be looked for at the next turn of
the road. The world has worried
along for some thousands of years, far
from an ideal state, and many of the
students of the times have become con
vinced that there will always be more
or less inequality in the affairs of men,
but Mr. Bryan thinks differently. In
his Labor day address at Chicago he
The labor question, therefore, as it pre
sents Itself at this time Is chiefly a ques
tion of distribution, and the legislation
asked for Is legislation which will secure
to each that to which his services en
title him. As legislation Is secured
through the ballot, everyone should use
the' ballot to obtain the legislation neces
sary. There Is nothing, then, according to
the Bryan view, that cannot be se
cured by legislation. The man who
works full time for his employer, giv
ing his attention to the interests of the
concern and even taking personal
thought of the problems affecting the
welfare and prosperity of his employer,
will be remembered by legislation In
the pay envelope above his fellow who
simply "works against the clock" and
has no thought above pay day. No
effort will be unrecognized and no ex
ertion unrewarded. All that will be
necessary will be the enforcement of
one of Mr. Bryan's laws governing such
cases, and Mr. Bryan will see to that
by passing laws providing for the en
forcement of his other laws. An un
easy suspicion Is gaining ground that
the conservative Mr. Bryan Is "playing
to the galleries."
Lincoln complains that the Ak-Sar-Ben
demands on railroad equipment
are interfering with the proposed Taft
meeting at the state capital. It is too
bad that the railroads have not cars
enough to go round, but the people
who cannot hear Mr. Taft at Lincoln
will have an opportunity to listen to
him at Omaha the next day, and all are
Invited to come.
It was rather rude for an Okla
homan to resent Mr. Bryan's Interfer
ence with the Internal affairs of the
baby state. It was there that the the
ories of the Peerless Leader were to
be placed on trial, and the bank guar
anty law and Governor Haskell are
the first fruits thereof.
"There are too many lazy men lying
around the house letting their wives
support tbem," says a New York
preacher. Yes, and many men who do
not let their wives support them have
the habit of lying around the house.
Good King Ak-Sar-Ben is proving
to bis subjects that he Is, indeed,
merry monarch, and the joy in his
kingdom is not only unconflned, but
The wife of a Chicago packer has
paid C0, 009 for the original uianu-
script of all of Fhakespeare'B playB.
She knows that they are genuine be
cause they were written with a type
writer that had a broken letter "s,"
the only kind that the divine bard
It Is only right and proper that
Uncle Sam should pay respect to King
Ak-Sar-Ben. And King Ak-Sar-Ben
naturally feels somewhat elated at the
thought that he Is the only monarch
to whom the American government
Omaha Is bound to be a wool market
no matter what action may be taken
by the association of wool growers.
The natural advantages of the Gate
City are such as will prevent Its be
ing entirely obliterated from the map.
Mr. Hearst refers to Colonel Bryan
as the "warmed-over candidate." Just
now he is very much of a warmed-up
candidate and getting warmer every
time he reads a letter from President
The smallest horse In the world Is
on exhibition in Omaha. The largest
horse in the world is the one President
Roosevelt got on Mr. Bryan In connec
tion with the Governor Haskell inci
dent. An eminent physician has discovered
a new method of resuscitating drowned
persons. The democratic leaders will
welcome the discovery if It will work
In case of persons drowned In oil.
Doctors may disagree as to the
method of treating tuberculosis, but
they are unanimous In the belief that
"an ounce of prevention Is worth a
pound of cure."
Too Many "or Spot.
Kansas City Times.
In the meantime these are scarcely what
might be called halcyon days for the
Standard Oil company.
A Side Diversion.
Chicago News.
Mr. Rcrtevelt Is quite unable to concen
trate his attention on express rifles for
elephants and the proper way of curing
ll:,n skins.
Modern Chivalry.
Boston Transcript.
Mr. Taft Is more chivalrous than Bis
marck, whose motto was "When you get
a man down don't let him up until he has
given up what you want."
Improving; Poweci of Vision.
Chicago Tribune.
Uncle H. Qassaway Davis Is quoted as
saying that he "sees no bope for the dem
ocrats" this year. For a man of his age.
Uncle Oassaway's powers of vision are re
markably good, too.
Prises for Busy Workers.
New York Post
Now that Mr. Bryan has offered a mule
for the best showing of an election district
leader on election day. It Is up to the
republicans to steal the "patent" and offer
an elephant for the same reason.
Georgia. Ends Disgrace. .
Baltimore American.
Georgia has at last abolished Its convtit
lease system. This removes a disgrace
from the name of the state and scores vic
tory for the humane sentiment which,
against strong Interests, fought the evil
with determined purpose not to quit the
fight until no more slavery existed In the
state. It was the publicity with which the
fight was conducted which finally won It.
A Thought Worthy a Place In Patriot
Brooklyn Eagle.
In his last message to his countrymen,
Grover Cleveland said that conjecture as
to the reault In November could be of but
one sort among Benslble men. He added:
But when the misadventure of parties
m'isled by sophisticated, sympathy-mad
leaders, trumpet false calla to reform,
treacherous distortions of sentiment sub
ordinating private Interests, and the well
meaning but overheated blundering of the
Impetuous are all met, and ordlnated,
there must rise the final good, lor the
hand of the Almighty lies to hold and
guide, steadily unwavering, and eternally
secure, and through His Infinite mercy wo
shall come to the fulfillment of our mission,
foretold with our blr'.h, nubly begun In our
youth, for the uplifting of our race and
our brothers of the favors not our own.
This was, though he knew It not, hia
valedictory. Not too often can it be re
printed. Lest We Forget!
Oklahoma's Politicians Think They
Know All About Ranking.
Hon. Ellis H. Roberts, former treaaurer
of the United States, discussing "The Evils
of Guaranteeing Bank Deposits," in Leslie s
Weekly, says in part:
The depositor chooses his bank as he
picks out his baker or grocer or tailor.
He is free to hand over his money to ths
teller, or he can go elsewhere if lie can
please himself better. The thoughtful
banker knows full well that his own care
and risk are all he cares to bear. The
stockholder feels that he can trust the of
ficers with whom he deals, but he will pre
fer not to own bank shares If he is sub
ject to tax to make up the losses of rival
concerns with which he wants nothing to
do. In New York, from 110 for half a
generation, the good banks suffered for the
bad. Restraint was taken from the care
less and indifferent by the assurance that
otlvers helped to provide against their
losses. There Is no wonder that specula
tion ran riot and turned away plain labor
and honest production. The panic of 1837
struck New York very hard blows. It was
aggravated by the failure of the banks,
which exhausted the safety fund, so in
creasing the alarm and compelling further
taxes. Other causes acted, but the worat
mischiefs were traced directly to the guar
antee of the debta of the banks.
The warning which New York gave more
than two generations ago. to beware of
the guarantee of deposits. Is as Impressive
and notable as the constructive model of
free banks. The nation has adopted the
latter; it will be the height of wisdom to
keep clear of the abyss of bank losses. In
IMo the safety fund in New Yoi k was defi
cient ll.017.OJ0. The solvent banks which were
under the law compelled to pay tax
for the crimes or ill fortune of their rivals.
That Is the nature of such a guarantee.
It runs on without limit of time. The sur
vivor Is bound for all derelicts. Ha must
pay the penalty of all competition. His
profits are drawn on to offset losses
caused, perhaps, by assaults on him. Ok
lahoma, In the heyday of Its youth, may
have reveled In financial sunshine for six
months. New York, In the stress of two-1
score years, learned the bard lesson that
the guarantee of deposits tempts to specu
lation, to recklessness, and invites heavy
losses, the wre.k uf bnks, and bumcts
demurs ln'.iou.
A record of substantial results and steady
progress toward the goal of home rule Is
the cheering message brought by John B.
Redmond. M. F. to the friends of Ireland
In America. Mr. Redmond Is the leader of
the Irish nationalist party In the British
Parliament, and Is attending the annual
convention of the United Irish league In
Boston this week. Ptep by step the country
Is advancing toward self-government, and
the people are more united than ever lie
fore to attain that end. The north, hither
to aggressively opposed to home rule and
homo rulers, tins been convinced against
Its will by the remedial legislation of re
cent years, and Is joining hands with the
south and west in demanding legislative
control of Irish affairs. Mr. Redmond
shows that In addition to the laws re
storing, the land to the people and county
government by elected representatives, the
lest session -f Parliament was fruitful of
beneficial legislation. Provision was made
for the better housing of worklngmen by
building modern homes with government
funds and selling them at cost, on the In
slallment plan, at an Interest rate of
per cent. The restoration of homes to
evicted tenants was made compulsory, n
reduction of the sugar duty was effected.
the pay of teachers In the national schools
Increased and appropriations made for the
establishment of two universities. Ireland
will also participate In the old age pensions
which go Into operation next January.
These results are encouraging to the real
friends of Ireland and Justify confidence
In the assurance of Mr. Redmond that
home rule will be achieved within a dosen
years. Martin I. J. Griffin, a noted his
torian of Philadelphia, who Is now visit
ing Ireland, In a letter to the Philadel
phia I,edger, expresses Joyful gratification
over the beneficial changes noted. "Ire
land Is getting her own again." lie writes.
"It Is Indeed marvelous the changes
wrought 1n the social and political aspect
and condition of the people the last quar
ter of a century through the endeavor and
successes of the tnd league and of the
present National league, the Gaelic league
and kindred associated movements. Any
American who has given a dollar or an
hour of endeavor for Ireland may rest as
sured he has been helpful to this great but
unfortunate people, and In the great strug
gle for the social betterment and the polit
ics! uplifting of the Irish people he can
with a cheery satisfaction declare T helped
a little.' "
While the American warrior Hobson Is
sounding the tocsin of approaching war
with Japan, the Yankees of the Orient mock
the Alabama fire-eater by heroically lop
ping off expenses for Us military and naval
establishments. The,ment budget
has been reduced $100,noo,fWO a year, one
half of which comes out of the army and
navy estimates. The chief cause of the re
duction Is the Inability of the country to
stand the strain and the pace of the world
powers and meet the burden of debt
created by the war with Russia. "Japan
alone," comments the New York World,
has shown the moral courage to pause
and take a step backward Japan of all
nations, whom the Jingoes of politics the
world over have made a pastime of using
for ths creation of fresh war scares, and
the Jingoes of the press still utilize in in
venting false rumors and Inciting fresh
animosities. These Jingoes sat bolt upright
with amazement when they heard that
Japan cut military expenditures In two.
spread her naval program over eleven in
stead of six years, and decided to pay off
some debts Instead of creating more." In
the light of these facts, Jingoes of the
Hobson stripe present a ridiculous spec
TiiiKiain distances all comers as a feature
of the first page of International news.
fnur and three years ago It was war.
three and two years ago It was revolu
tion; last year it was famine; now it is
cholera. "If you count in the loss of the
flower of her eldest born whom she had
sent to the scaffold, the mines and the
prison cell," comments the New York
uvenln Post. "Russia s deliverance, it it
comes, will be even as Israel's through
Egypt. It Is this loss of her eldest born
that the plague-stricken country may come
tn rerrnt verv soon. Should the cholera
spread from the towns Into the open coun
try, it will find a fearful harvest to reap.
The Zemstvo, or provincial councils, which
In previous epidemics did valiant work
among the peasants, are now crippled and
In Incapable hands. The Zemstvo doctors
and nurses constituted an Important ele
ment In the revolutionary army; large num
bers of them are dead. In exile, or in
prison. Inexperienced hands will have to
carry on the work under the supervision
of reactionary Zemstvo officials and gov
ernment agents. In the cities the prisoners
are fearfully overcrowded; already thero
have bn typhoid epidemics that have stir
red even the government conscience to
anxiety. What would happen if the Infec
tion should break out In the prisons can
easily be conjectured.
A diplomatist In Constantinople writes to
the London Times to direct attention to
certain, remarkable and significant Inci
dents of the recent revolution, which, he
thinks, ought to moderate popular Impres
sions of the "bloodthirsty fanaticism" of
the Turk. Referring to the declaration of
Sir William Whlttal (president of the
Turkish Chamber of Commerce) that the
Armenian massacres were the work of
Kurds and Lazes rather than of Turks, ho
continues: "It Is superfluous here to dwell
on where lay their ultimate responsibility.
Suffice to say that the regime which was
guilty of such atrorltles Is over. If allu
sion Is made thereto It Is merely to bring
out certain scenes lately witnessed here of
close fraternity between Turk and Ar
menian. The presence of numerous Turkish
officers at Armenian churches, Young
Turks going In numbers to a cemetery
where victims of the massacres lay burled
and kissing their graves, the cadets of the
military school requesting an Armenian
priest to say prayer before them at an
other such cemetery, are as many In
stances in point. The new bond of common
Ottoman nationality for which a genera
tion ago Mldhat had striven embraces
Turk snd Armenian. Greek and Bulgar.
Albanian and Vlach. Moslem, Christian,
and Jew all the races and creeds of this
empire. Onlv the other dav a Turkish offi
cer addressed a crowd of Greek, when one
of them cried out. 'Down with the Bul
garians' The officer went on to sav. 'We
must each of us d' a grave: dig It wide
and deer. and In It bury all our resent,
ments and 1I our hatreds, private and pub
lic. And place over It a marble slab bear
ing this Inscrlntlon. "There shall be no
.. .
What is regarded as the greatest modern
migrations Is In propress from European
Russia to Biherla During the twelve
months ending with June last, more than
500.000 people settled In the great eastern
sections of the empire, sttracted thither by
cheap lands and by the prospect of rest
from agrarian troubles snd political perse,
cutions. What was formerly the horror
painted colony of Russia has I -ome a
haven of rest snd hope. The transition Is
remarkable, and has been growing since
the war with Japan. For several years
preceding 19: the average annual migration
from European Russia arrma the Urals
was about Co.OOO parsons. In 1H ths figure
rushed up to 1S0.0OO. tn 1&07 to iOO.OuO, and in
Perhaps You Are
already In possession of a lot? which rrobably means that you
have already acquired the saving habit.
This saving habit If. the surest protection against want.
The man who earns $1,200 a year and lays by l(irr of it
Is bound to-be In good financial condition when his best earn
ing days are pRSt.
A good piece of real estate Is always a first class Invest
ment when Improved with a good home.
It may be that you are now
Planning to Build a Home
With the lot paid for and a gtxid start made toward saving the)
amount needed for the home, the rest will come easy. In the
meanwhile, there Is no safer place for your funds than In a
National bank.
By taking out a Certificate- of Deposit bearing Interest at
2. your money is earning yon enough to pay for some little
extra that you may wish to add. The Certificate is good col
lateral If you should wish to use it temporarily for that pur
pose. One of the very strongest and therefore safest banks Is the
First National Bank of Omaha
J 18th and Farnam Sts. y
the first three months of 190S the number
trgistered for emigration to Siberia was
"OX) families, or 420,000 persons. Thus the
movement Is this year growing prodig
iously. ...
King Manuel of Portugal's civil list has
at length been determined by the govern
ment and voted by both houses of the
national legislature. It Is set at tl.OrtO a
day, or $M&,000 a year. This Is practically
the same amount which hla father received
and found so Inadequate that he became
heavily Involved In debt. Hut Manuel has
been relieved of all kinds of expenoe" "b
which King Carlos was saddled, such as
the maintenance of museums, the subvon
tlonlng of state theaters and, above all,
of the keeping In proper repair of a num
ber of utterly useless palaces, both at
Ijlsbon and in other cities of the king
dom. These have been turned over by the
crown to the government, and will either
be torn down and the sites sold for building
purposes, or else will be converted to some
public use.
Oyster Bay is still on the map, but Its
halo is gone.
A little oil In the right place can start a
mighty conflagration.
Watson, Chapln, Debs and Ollhouse
must do something pretty soon or they
will be smothered with the dust kicked up
by the leaders.
In the Interest of political truth it should
be said that the Philadelphia Record puts
on a nsJre cheerful front on warmed-over
crow than the New York World.
Candidate Hlsgen ts not responsible for
the forest fires In Massachusetts. His
party cast nineteen votes at the primaries
of his home town, Springfield, Mass.
Congressman Hobson appeared In Boston
this week and gave voice to a series of war
alarms as thrilling as the phantom fleets
which shadowed Cape Cod ten years ago.
The marvelous smoothness and celerity
of the democratic machine In Oklahoma
that has made it the envy of neighboring
states, ts no longer a mystery. Grease of
the Standard brand works wonders.
Mayor Dahlman's prediction of a demo
cratic aweep, delivered In Chicago, Is called
and covered by a prophet of real merit.
Qulntua Junius Chott, a lake front sage,
gives Bryan every northern state and
throws in Alaska for good measure.
People who have been under the Impres
sion that the Swedes are running the state
of Minnesota may .be surprised to learn
that the democratic ticket bear such
names as McLaughlin, McOlynn, Hurley,
O'Brien, Doran, Brennan, Gehan and
Governor Hughes Is not without a sense
of humor. When Democratic State Chair
man Conners came In late to the luncheon
at the New York state fair at Syracuse he
glanced around the room at the political
celebrities aasembled and ejaculated loudly:
"Why, there's the governor and 'Tim' and
'Jimmy' Wadaworth and Chanler. 8ay,
governor." stretching his hand across the
table, "It looks like harmony, doesn't it?"
"It certainly does, now that you have
come," dryly replied the governor.
A Matter ol Knowing
If everyone understood the things that go to the making of
good clothes it would be easier for us to state our ease.
Our 6uits and overcoats are well made to begin with, and
whether your taste is sedate or extreme somewhere within proper
limits we are sure to meet your wants.
Hats today, and Gloves and Neckwear. They're here in right
style. We are ready for both men and boys in all department.
Misses' Tailor Made Coats, $10.00 to $20.00.
& Company
R. S. WILCOX, Manager.
A. HOSPE CO.. Omaha
He Has your friends ever been toldT
She No; but I daresay papa wlil tell you
If you really have serious Intentions. Bal
timore American.
"Ho isn't so stuck on himself as he used
to be. is he?"
"No. He got Into hot water a while agi
and the mucilage seemed to dissolve."
Cleveland leader.
"Whither away?" asked the campaign
"To Join the Society of Psychic Re
search." answered the candidate, "lo ses
whether I have a ghost of a show." St.
Louis Times.
"JCverybody makes fun of campaign ci
gars." "Yes, everybody."
"But did you ever see anybody refuse
one?" Kansas City Times,
Mrs. ' H'ighsnme Your husband spends a
good deal of his time at his club, does he?
What 4s the name of It?
Mrs. Htruckltt-Rltch-I think they call II
the Ananias club. I don't know much
about It, but I believe It s rather small and
select. Chicago Tribune.
Mother My child, you shouldn't believe
more than half you hear.
Daughter 1 know that, mamma; but how
can 1 tell which half? Boston Transcript.
"You admit having received a IfiO.flOO fee
from the trust?" said the lawyer for the,
"I do," replied the senator, calmly, "but
It was perfectly proper. Besides, I sent It
"Sent it back!"
"I did."
"Your honor," said the lawyer, turning to
the court, "I cannot prosecute an Insane
Adjournment was had until some alienists
could be rounded up. Philadelphia Ledger.
"The office should seek the man," re
marked the Ideal sL
"Perhaps," answered Senator Sorghum,
"but sn office doesn't get much encour
agement In orowllng around seeking any
body. In fact. It has to roost high to keep
from being grabbed orr tn percn. .Well
ington Star.
w. j. ijampion in. jww iuir
Who Is It makes his campaign bow
By raising such a painful row
In both the leading parties now?
Little Willie.
Who climbs upon the speaker's stand
And stills the tooting of the band.
So he may ahow what's In his hand? .
Little Willie
Who reads the letter of the great '
In business and affairs of state, ,
And turns them loose to circulate?
Little Willie.
Who gives away those statesmen who
Are mighty careful what they do 1
. v . - 1 . 11 A 1 J
in pulling ieKiaii.iiuii iniuut"
Little Willie.
Who Is It Is not standing pat
With g. o. p. or democrat,
Who is It shows a wild desire
To burn 'em up to cool his Ire. . ,
And slope the oil Into the fire?
Little Willie.
Who Is It stirs up greasy smells
And senatorial and other yells.
Then grins and runs away and tells?
Little Willi.
And when both parties, by and by.
Are cleansed by him, oh, who will try
To crown the work snd purify -
Little Willie?
were not for the walking,
would be a nice game.
Is the game.
1513 Douglas Street