Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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I Wli sV HI' f Jit L Hi W "' ' "" IUBw
"FashionsealMSuits $opj
for Women, at
Ttie are the style
aristocrats tor fall, told
exclusively by Brandeis.
The new Irlrectoire styles
are charming. The fash
ionably correct styles are
shown In the "Fashion-seals."
Saturday's Extraordinary Bargains
t :m,im j'niuiiMMf ! mhww,i.i. '"'inn iDu .jiw-maims 111 mill i ii ii 111 in' ,.wiM u ii MJ.MIW. s nM.i ismiijimijiii j. i, wriMiiaria.a .iiimiiuiii ,mmwmKvm
An Extra Special
Women's -r50
New Fall I -Suits
at- f
These are the sort of
up-to-date and smartly
made suits you would ex
pect to see priced
at $25 to $30. All
the new colors
the new long
coat effects
every one a late
fall suit model.
to All
Check Your
and Parcels
Free at
In Dlrectolre style
Tor Evening Wear, Etc.
Specially adapted for re
ceptions, calling and all
evening wear the
height of style C X C
the price Is pJJ
Silk Dresses $19
All the new colors ivory
smartly made with lace
trimmed waists and full
sklrU make t e r y
dainty party Q1Q
dresses, at
"An extra special Qfi
worth $2, at JOG
White Pettic'ts 69c
Prettily lace and embroid
ery trimmed a $1.50
- -. -
T.r.nAm I. DmaviuJ All rvrth Wear fnr MoJinU PrirI Hula of Hloh Onalltv
and Absolutely Correct Style
Special Millinery Sale
Everv Brandeis' Hat has smart style no matter how moderate the price.
LARGE, UP-TO-DATE SATIN HATS AT $8.50 Such hats as these can rarely
be found for less than twice this price. Stunning tf Ef
hier blnrk and white Satin Hats, with the new U) w J"
graceful sash and buckle trimming, every on is a
late 1908 fall model extra special at
the Low
Rates to
Omaha on
All Roads
Next Week.
r . -:
- isw A" x
Brandeis Fall Millinery at $5
Large white Felt and Satin Hats, with trimmings of breasts,
aigrettas, rainy day ostrich, etc. Also smart, medium size . .
and large hats of satin and velvet, in black and favorite fall
colors, trimmed with six ostrich tips, all new ones, at ,
Women' Fall
Solf strapped and
satin trimmed Pan
ama skirts, worth
up to 10.50, stun
ning new STQS
models. at.?
French Voile
Fine Voile with taf
feta and satin fold
trimming should
be $12.50, Satur
day special,
at ...
Silk Waists
The smartly tailored
black silk taffeta
waists in plain
pleated effects now
so fash
ionable . .
Lace Waists
An extra special
pretty party waist
IT":. $ps
A Great Special Sale of Blankets
Saturday we place on sale a lot of fine all wool blankets that we bought most extraordinary cheap. It is very doubtful if
ever again we will be able to offer such a blanket bargain; and it has been the policy of this immense institution to" give the people
of Omaha immense bargains when we secured them. It would be easy for us to sell these blankets at twice or three times this
price, as they are well worth it.
2 Great Linen Specials
15c Towels for 5c Each
$1.50 Table Cloths for 69c Each
These have been on display in Douglas Street
2 cases extra large hemmed huck Towels, some of
these towels have slight imperfections but most
of them are sound and perfect and ' C
actually worth 15c, Saturday, each DC
500 hemmed and hemstitched linen and mercerized
pattern table cloths, bought at a great -tO
sacrifice and worth $1.50, Saturday, each. OZfC
$5 All Wool Grey Blankets $1.98 Pair
About 600 10-4 and 11-4 grey and sanitary color wool blankets. All good
heavy blankets which would ordinarily sell at $5.00 per f 9A
J7CLU. ou tuav mey win uut uc mi kuuuicu uy vj ucaicisi m
$12.50 St. Mary's and North Star at' $5 Pair
In this lot are all of the very finest blankets manufactured. Money can
not buy better blankets than you'will find in this lot. They are usually
sold at $10.00, $12.00 and sometimes $15.00 per pair.
White, tan, grey, silver, checks, and delicate plaids;
Your choice at, per pair
$5 Strictly All Wool Blankets at $1.50
150 pair all wool medicated scarlet blankets! Very fine and heavy. Also
wmte and grey Beason mill blankets. Extra large in size and fine, soft
ana rieecy, and velvet finished. These never has been such a
blanket bargain offered by any house in the United States.
Limit of two pair to a customer, at, per pair
$2.50 Cotton Blankets at $1 Pair
A lot of 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 extra heavy white, grey and tan blankets that
usually sen up to $2. 60 per pair. No matter what their
real value, we sell them tomorrow at. per pair
(With a limit of two pair to a customer)
Special Women's Long
Black Broadcloth Coats
The long, stunning black Coats, with heavy
lining, braid and satin, trimming, worth
up to $12.50; special, $ 98
at O
Swagger Black Broadcloth Coats, at $12.50
Fine quality broadcloth, semi-fitted,
heavy satin linings, worth $50
$17.50, at .....1
Women's Covert Jacket Always a prac
tical, serviceable fall coat, $t93
new models, at
Children's $3 Bearskin Coats $1.50
All colors, cute as they can be, $150
worth $3.00, at J
Children's $5 Winter Cloaks at $2.98
Xew juvenile styles for 1908, mixtures and
plain, heavy goods for school, $ 98
worth up to $5.00, at
Now the Lvtt In the West. Are Prepared to Supply You Anything In the Drug Lin.
SSo Peroxide of Hrdroren So
25o Colente'8 Denial Cream flOo
25c Rublfoam 19o
25c A. IX S. Peroxide Cream ....19o
26c Mme. Armstrong's Cream. .. .18o
60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream,
for 89o
15c Colnate'a Talcum Powder . ...15o
2Bc Colgate's. Tooth Powder ISo
60c Java Rice Powder 860
60c Melbar Powder 39c
75c PompeJan Massage 49o
$1.50 Oriental Cream tl.OS
26c Roger A Oallet Rice Powder 19o
Bflo Mine. Yale'a Face Powder ...40o
60c locust Hloasom Perfume, 01. 89o
ROc Flower Girl Perfume, ox. ....89o
1 lb. 20 Mule Team Borax to
10c Palm Olive Soap to
10c William's Shaving Soap Bo
15c Llquozonn Soap 60
25c Castile Soap, per pound 13o
25c Woodbury's Soap 17o
Colgate's English Process o
Per dozen .91.00
7Bo Traveling Case 49o
76c Rubber Gloves 39o
75c Fountain Syringe 49o
76c Hot Water Bottle 49o
$1.60 Fountain Syringe 89o
$1.75 Fountain Syringe $1.19
50c Crabapple Blossom, per ox. 89o
25c Ltsterlne for 83o 1 $1.00 I,ydla Plnkham's Compound 89o
25c Rromo Seltzer for 83c I $1.00 Duffy's Malt for 890
BOo Svrup Figs for 45o I 60c Swamp Root for 450
60o Horlfck's Malted Milk for . .45o I 60c Scott's Emulsion for 46o
Chocolate dipped peanuts, regularly 40c lb,, at h: 29c
Delicious Fudge Home-made, largest var-
ny ever offered, pure fruit and ground nut.
flavors, cherry, chocolate,' vanilla, pecan,
cocoanut, peanut, walnut, luna kremej
barcelona, per pound
15 c
Saturday only, Banquet Wafers, Peppermint, Winter
green, etc., per pound .15c
CORN Get the cute corn souvenir at Brandeis. . . .10c
Women's Slices
Here Is an extra special In
women's fall shoes that can't
be equaled in Omaha. 900
pairs of fine lace and button
high shoes dull black, patent
leathers, tans and browns
this season's new lasts; all
sizes and all widths, worth up
to $3.50 a pair, $129
Saturday at 7Z.
Brandeis sell shoes that satlefy.
Complete new showing of Wo
men's new Fall Shoes, every
thing that Is OJO rrn to cn
correct, at . . p'U pU
We make a specialty of fitting shoes to children.
Special values Saturday.
I'romresa of the Memorial at Province
town, Mans., Kqaal to Two
( l't a liar.
The pilgrim memorial monument at Prov
idence, the cornerstone of which was laid
a year ago with Imposing ceremony by
President Roosevelt, assisting the grand
master of Masons of Massachusetts, Is rap
Idly rising and may already be seen a long
distance at sea.
It has reached a height of about fifty
feet above the foundation and Is now ris
ing Into the atr at the rate of about two
feet a day.
Government Inspector Clark, who rep
resents Ueutenant Colonel Burr, the super
intendent of construction, aocompanles
very movement of the workmen and Is
highly pleased with the work as It has
progressed. "There Is not a finer piece of
masonry in the world," he said the other
Mr. Clark has been for several years In
the government ei !oy as an Inspector of
construction. Sevcrul of the most Impor
tant lighthouses of our coast have been
built under his supervision, the latest of
these being the structure recently erected
tin the Graves.
The Pilgrim monument. In Its manner, of
construction, closely resembles the govern
ment methods followed In that splendid
The foundation, which was laid last sum
mer, la thirteen feet In depth and sixty feet
square at the base, built of concrete and
reinforced with twlated steel. Vpon the
northeast corner of this missive foundation
the cornerstone was laid last August.
On the 18th day of June last the active
work of the erection of the monument was
begun, the first stone after the corner
stone being laid In the presence of the
president and several of the officials of the
monument association.
Ttie stones are hewn, squared and num
bered In the quarries, conveyed from the
Maine coast to Provlncetown In floats and
drawn to the summit of Town hill over a
temporary railway running up the steep
aide of the eminence. The motive power
Is a stationary engine at the summit.
Each stone as laid Is of the entire thick
ness of the wall, carefully hammered on
top and bottom, for bearing surfaces, and
laid In Portland cement. The exposed sur
faces are left rough, with a surface known
as "quarry face," which serves to give a
more massive and rugged appearance than
If hammered smooth, after the manner of
the monument on Bunker hill. The stones
vary In estimated weight from two to six ot
eight tons.
At each corner of the structure, as It
rises, Is built a tiny upright chamber,
through which arise throughout the height
ot the structure a series of rods of twisted
steel, surrounded with cement, each rod
having a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds
to the Inch.
These rods are firmly imbedded In the
concrete foundation and will rise to the
very summit, adding Immensely to the al
ready great structural strength of the
Just without the structure . Is a rough
pine box, which Is the cover of a point,
upon which the foundation Is given a
weekly scientific test as the construction of
the monument proceeds. The slightest
variation In the foundation, the faintest
Indication of unequal settling, would thus
be Instantly detected.
An Interesting feature of the monument
Is the series of memorial stones, some
twenty or more, and which have already
been placed In position in the monument,
when completed will be furnished with a
gradually arising Inclined plane. In place of
a stairway, by means of which the summit
will be easily reached. From It, as the vis
itor ascends, the Inscriptions upon the me
morial stones will be easily read.
The first of these stones which were
placed In position were those contributed
, jy the various state societies of Mayflower
Stones of the societies of Rhode Island,
Maine, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan and
New Jersey appear, but no stone appears
to have been furnished by the Massachu
setts society.
Stones have already been placed from
the battlefield of Concord, from nearly all
of the rape towns, and stones contributed
by the grand lodge of Masons In Massa
chusetts, the Ancient and Honorable Artil
lery company, the Scots Charitable society
and the Pilgrim club of Brewster, In which
organization originated the idea of the mon
ument. Rather more than 100 of these
stones have been contributed, the majority
being the gifts of towns In eastern Massa
chusetts. Some stones of remarkable Interest will
find place In the wall. One of these was
contributed by the church wardens and
sidesmen of the-ancient church at Auster-
fleld, England. The stone was cut from
the churh yard wall, immediately In front
of the main porch, .v.iother stone of in
terest Is from Leyden, the Dutch home of
the Pilgrim company. Still another Is from
the pavement of the porch- of the church
at Ijjlftshaven, in which religious services
were held by the Pilgrims previous to em
barkation. But perhaps the most Interesting relic of
Pilgrim history which will find place In the
monument Is a collection of about 100 an
cient pavement bricks contributed by the
municipality of ' Delftshaven and taken
from the wharf at that place, whence the'
expedition set sail. These bricks are truly
ancient in appearance and may very well
ba the Identical pavement bricks upon
which Bradford, Brewster and their fol
lowers knelt In prayer Just before em
barkation for the new world. Boston Globo.
The cntira intrar portion of our bodies is covered with a soft, delicate; lining
called mncoat membrane this is kept in healthy condition bv the nonnshment and
vital vigor it receives Irora the blood. So long- as the circulation remains pure this
membrane will be healthy, but when the blood becomes infected with catarrhal impur
ities and poisons this inner lining- of the body becomes irritated and diseased, and the
unpleasant and serious symptom of Catarrh commence. There is a tight, stuffy feeling
in the noee, watery eyes, buuing noises in the ears, often slight deafness, difficult
breathing, etc. The disease cannot be reached by external treatment though such
measure afford temporary relief in some instances. & & a cures Catarrh by cleansing
the blood of all impurities and poisons. Then as rich, pure blood circulates through
the body, the inflamed, irritated membranes heal, the discharge ceases, headaches are
relieved and every symptom disappears. CaUrru, being a disease in which the entire
blood circulation is s&ected, cau only be cured by a remedy that goea to the very
bottom and removes every particle of the impurity from the blood. And this is just
What & Si & dOM. SK)k OS Catarrh and any medical advice free,
Another Notable Example of Hainan
Credulity sad Confidence lu
a. "WUard."
Five Hundred and Twenty Per Cent Mil--ler
of Franklin syndicate fame is likely to
have his fame or Infamy obacured before
the courts finish distributing the remains
of his loot among the victims In Brooklyn.
Miller gathered In sacks of money on
promises to pay 10 per cent a week on the
Investment. To some the profits was paid
out of the deposits of other customers,
while the chief beneficiary blew the coin
at the races. In the end Miller got five
years In the penitentiary and the depositors
got the experience.
Close by the scene of these operations,
Richmond Hill, In the borough of queens, a
Wall street broker. In search of country air
and unshorn lambs, set up shop and Is
raking in "easy money" by the handfuls.
Charles F. Washburn Is the name of the
new wizard of finance. .
.Scores of men and women who had in
trusted him with their savings for invest
ment In stocks have had their money
doubled and trebled in short order. There
have been no losers. Many who started In
cautiously with small Investment have be
come emboldened by success and have
turned plungers. In some Instances they
have withdrawn their original capital and
are now playing the stock game on -"velvet"
The fame of the wlxard has spread to
Jamaica, the Rockawaya and other ad
jacent localities, and the trains and the
trolley cars each day bring additional in
vestors, anxious to turn over their money
and share In the profits. A few of his
"clients," as the wlxard calls them, come
from Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Every Saturday night Washburn has been
furnishing a statement of accounts to each
Individual Investor and paying out profits
by check where payment was desired. The
crush was so great last Saturday night
that it has been decided to Issue statements
monthly in future.
"I never saw anything like It before,"
said an officer In one of the banks at
Richmond Hill. "The entire town seems
to have gone erasy and some of the most
conservative business men are among the
Investors. There has been almost a run os
the bank in consequence. I dotlt know
where It will end. In some rases, I am told,
whole families, children and all. have put
in their money,
"i kaow ot oat maa wbs put uj) 1100
i starter. Washburn gsve him back 200
.he next day. He's gone in on a big scale
since then. Charles W. Vanderbeck, an
architect, put up $75 about the middle of
July. On that capital he has already
drawn out $90 In profits and he still has
about $100 remaining to his credit. An
other man put up $2,000 capital and, after
withdrawing J2.300 In clear profits, he has
the original $2,000 still working in Wash
burn's pool.
"Charles Vetter, a wealthy builder; Wil
liam Robinson, the real estate man, and
Otto Goldmann, the druggist, are among
those who have invested and come out
away ahead of the game. It would be
hard to estimate the amount of money paid
over to Washburn during the last four
months, but It must be away up In the
thousands. The old customers can't keep
their good fortune to themselves and are
continually bringing In new ones. It hasn't
taken long for the snowball to turn Into an
avalanche, and It's growing bigger and
faster every day."
previous year. The same newspapers gave
us praise for our good shooting and did
not indicate In any way that they realised
how absurd their conduct had been In
the first case. If Admiral Bunce had not
drilled us as he did, I feel sure the battle
of Santiago would not have been the clean
cut, businesslike Job It was. One naval of
ficer has had the hardihood to state be
fore a committee of congress that our
shooting at Santiago was disgraceful. If
we can Judge by results this officer was
clearly wrong In the impression he tried
to convey In fact, did convey to the
committee. One thing we may be sure of
and that is that he will have a small fol.
lowing among those who fought in that
battle. Admiral Evans In Broadway Magazine.
Advertise In The Bee, the paper that goes
Into the homes of tte best people.
Uncle Sam's Gunners Show Remark
able Advance tn Skill In
Ten Years.
During the year 1896 and part of 1897,,
Rear Admiral Bunce, then commanding
the 'North Atlantic squadron of the Ameri
can navy, undertook systematic target, prac
tice for the first time in our navy with
modern hlghpowered guns and torpedoes.
He was fully aware, as most of us seugolng
officers were, that our hitting power with
guns was far from satisfactory and the
torpedoes were even worse, and he pro
ceeded to Improve it as far as he could.
The first practice was held on what was
known as the Northern drill ground off
the coast of New Jersey and was In every
way a departure from the methods previ
ously followed. A target was moored,
ships anchored to mark the shots, and each
ship in turn ran along the base of the tri
angle opposite the target and fired as
rapidly as it could for a period of about
six minutes. I commanded the Indiana,
our first battleship at the time, and the
fire of Its battery was wstched with in
tense interest. Our thirteen-lnch guns
were fired, each of them, once In three
minutes and we occasionally put a shell
through the target. The six-Inch guns
fired about three shots per minute and
the slx-pounders six to eight shots. At
our last practice in 1908 the thirteen-lnch
guns averaged, nearly two hits on the tar-'
get per minute not, you will observe, two
shots only, but two hits; the six-Inch guns
went as high as twelve hits per minute,
though the average la much below that.
The record for slx-pounders ran up as
high as twenty hits per minute. I state
all this to show how we have advanced
In accuracy and rapidity of fire since
Admiral Bunce started us In the right di
rection. The result of this first practice was
surprising. Some enterprising newspaper
man found out the cost of the ammunition
we had expended, and hla paper, Joined by
a number of others, gave us a fine line
of abuse for wasting the money of the tax
payers and firing away ammunition we
might some day need; the Spanish war
came a few months later and we were
enabled to repay our taxpayers In a
mtMurs tot out wastsful prscUcsa ot las
Courage of His Claim,
The Diamond Fields Advertiser, referring
to the litluious nature of the natives of
South Africa, gives the following as an in
stance: "A native had fought und lost at
action In the magistrate's court In one o
the small towns In Grlqualand Kaat, the
articles In dispute being a slate and an
alphabetical primer of the total value of 6
pence. He immediately after the JudKment
was sjlven against him, started on a Journey
on foot to the chief town, about thirty
miles distant, In order to Instruct an attor
ney there to appeal from the judgment
given. The uttorney laughed at the man
and told him he should desist, as he would
only be wasting his money over a trivial
matter, but he tendered the costs of the
appeal to the attorney and insisted, other
wise he would consult another lawyer.
After a long consultation and endeavor to
advise his client to act as was thought best,
the attorney complied with the native's
wishes. The native won his appeal."
Law Clerks Must Know Exact Shade
of Mesnlna In Word and
1'h rases..
"Some people seem to think that an
important legal document can be drawn
up by a lawyer In the time It takes his
client to smoke a cigar," remarked a
gray-haired law clerk the other day. "It
takes time and the moat scrupulous care
to get things Just right. If lawyers were
not careful, the Lord only knows where
the clients would land.
"Why, I know a man In one of the
great law offices who is a specialist in
the exact shade of meaning of each word
or phrase used in a legal document.
Nothing goes out of that office without
being submitted firs to him to pans upon.
Sometimes he will give a week to the
study of - but one short, but very Im
portant, paper, theorizing as to the possi
bilities of its meaning being curst iimi
this way or that. When he gets through
with a document, however, and has sub
mitted every word of it to the acid test,
there is practically no chance of its not
being exactly light as to its verbiage ut
least. In some cases, too, It In deemed
desirable by clients to becloud the mean
ing of a contract so that there is a loop
hole for its being construed In another
way In the event of certain contingencies
occurring. That is where the services
of an expert word Juggler are Indispensa
ble. "The biggest case that I ever heard of
in this line was a few months ago. when
one of the great corporation wished to
issue some mortgage bonds against its
property. A long contract had to be
drawn and the wording on the back of
the bond had to be decided upon. The
matter was so Important thnt, alter the
attorneys themselves had decMed on the
forms to be used, it was turned over to
two of these experts In verblaxe
"They looked up the dictionary mean
ing of practically ever word used In the
two documents and made Innumerable
changes and suggestions. Before the pa
pers were finished thirty different drafts
of the two documents had been made,
and there was not a word uxod In the
final form of the papers that had not
been considered carefully.' not only as to
Its Individual meaning, but also as to its
Individual relation to the other words of
the phrase or sentence containing It. It
W safe to say that these two documents
are never likely to be assailed success
fully in a court of law, und that they
mean exactly what the corporation and
its counsel wished them to mean." New
York Press.
Arms and tile Man.
The camnaiKii orator, while taking a ride
lucky enough l at-sume. the star part in
aVhen"'"-enw.rgd from the hospital l a
week or two later his ge sturlng ou tl It con
slsteil of one arm and u half, the ett arm
having been amputate.! at the elbow.
He lost no time In waiting upon the po
litical manager. ,
j... vu i -'"U there'" enough of me left,
he asked, "to carry out the original plan
of making a speaking tour?" ...
"Why not?'' responded the manager.
"You can still tske the stump, can t you?"
"It's all a matter of bones, stirriy re
joined the orator. "What will It be worth
to you?" . .
Ali, yes: peace hath Its horrors, no less
-' istly than those of war: Chicago Tribune.
' juisujiiimi ti n . .j'.'.v,!'.!1 1 lii.ii"iil"j aiu'ttaiirMwysyjiw Hi
ft ak l. TVS J k. ji h
(Stag) IVrmp nurjtite
laaecsjimflr -m om -mmmmK mmw-r- rw wiiim
ten, M