THE 0MA11A DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 190 7 . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Dry Weather in Winter Wheat Threaten! Light Acreage. Belt sisady; 844; KLBRASXA . IS IN NEED OF RAO 1 r Operatloae Caased by an ln - rrMf of Stock Hntf Re- relet Slash the Cash Demand. OMAHA. Sept. 22. -ng Dry weather report throughout the win ter wheat etlon' and threatened light acreage started vaJuei higher at the open ing. , . Large Increase In sleeks and heavy re ceipts and a alack In cah demand caused large operatore to eell and wara followed by tha crowd of apeculatora until the edge waa off any advance. Wheat opened. 'steady and advanced on "port nii of a food demand from for signer. The market proved nervoua and declines came on later owing to heavy ale baaed on tha atock increaaea and world's visible supply. December wheat opened at UWr and eloaad at 93Hc. Corn dull and lower with little action ap pArnt Cash stuff waa off and offering went begging. With continued warm weather ejid liberal receipt, bulla expect decline. December corn opened at t9To sitd closed at $7k,e. - Primary wheat receipts were 2.40A0OO bushels and shipment were I,s7,0n0 bushels, against receipt a last year of 1. 175.000 bushels and shipment! of 1.114,000 buahela. Corn receipts war 823.000 buahela and shipments were 1S3. buahela, sswlnst re ceipts Isst year of 1.221.0OO buahela and Shipments of 490.000 bushels. Clearance wars 17.000 bushels of rorn, wheat and flour equal to 688,000 buahela. IJverpoH closed unchanged to 4d lower ow wheat and A'JJ'Hd lower on corn. Reaboard reported 215,000 bushels of wheat taken for export. .Local range of options: Artlclas.l Ops, t High. Low. Close Tee r. Wheat Dec.... Corn VJept... Uec... 0' rpt... use. 'nvu, 89' 49 44 93A 3S W'A wh 73v 69T K 69 49 ' 8T, 49 OsnaAa titk rrloe. WHEAT-N6. 2 hard, 93.tSH4e; No. 3 hard, 821WSe' No. 4 hard. fie2Vic; No. 3 spring, 92ff5c; no grade, 844t87o. C'OHN No. 3, 72Uifi-,2Vjc: No. 4, 7m72c; No. 3 yellow, nw&nhVii No. 3 white, 74 74HC. . OATS No mixed.' 4fttf4He; No. 3 yel lew, 46H04ci No. 3 white, 48c;, No. 4 white, 4ftW6ic; no grSde. 4iWStfi. RYE No. IT 74(5'!4Hc; No. . T8S74o. ' Carlet Mecetsts. Wheat. Chicago .....130 Minneapolis 470 Omaha 119 Dulutn i. .640 Corn. Oats. 400 963 36 61 CHICAGO GtlAIA AND PROVISIONS Featsrts of the Trading? and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 22.-Bradfrtreet' world visible supply statement, showing an In crease for tha week of 8,224,000 bu., was mainly instrumental In lowering wheat prices H04o today. Corn held Its own, on a bullish report by the Illinois Grain Deal ers' association, and oats were ateady sym pathetically. Provisions eaaed oft "iVs'elOe. Wheat, at tha opening and In the ab sence of market pressure, succeeded In ad vancing; Deoember, to ll.OlVh. on the fact tnat Liverpool did not follow the decline on this aide yesterday, and tha dry weather In tha winter Wheat country. Then came Lltadsireef report of a tremendous In cressw In the-world's, visible supply, which Included aii Increase at Minneapolis of j'AMo bu. lu ttie last three daya, and news of tain In southern and central Illinois. rr U'i 'cf the- heavy northwest receipts f.u'ae 'tern brougnt out a lot of wheat, and Lvcntnbrr declined 10 WHtTflOSe, and closid ikc over that mark and He under yester day. Primary receipts today were 2,406,000 bu , compared wtih 1.715.000 the correspond ing duy the list year. Seaboard clearings In wheat and flour were equal to 660,000 bu. Loi Sl receipt a Were 130 care, nineteen rf crtiuraot grade. Minneapolis, Dulutti and f'hlogi reported receipts of 1,860 care, ; t.ui:st 1.946 cars laat week and 995 cars u yar ago. !'h.' n.rket for corn waa eaeler. but a goo.1 ileirand developed, and selling pres sure re It off. The- Illinois Grain Dealers' sisclafon made public a report claiming that this year's crop of corn In Illinois would ;t only 221. 600.000 bu.. as against ut-'.75 ,C)0 bu. A year ago. Thla factor sent prlcea upward. December reaching 45H. or Sc over yesterdsy'a close. The wheet weak peas, however, waa not to be ignored and t;: cl.'.ee wa at last night's level. Local riceJp's weie 400 cars. 137 of contract grade. Trade In oats waa limited and the tone comparatively steady. December ranged within ac all day and cloaed only a shade down. Local reoi'lpts were 368 cars. The privlsiiins market received some sup port from rnckors. but the wheat weakness coupled with commission house liquidation was against the prlcea. and closing figures were at 7W510o to lSunHc lower. Kerlmated for tomorrow: Wheat. 43 cars; cum. 150 cara; oats, 173 cars; hogs, 20,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: No 1 California As Id. futures, "rtember. 7s Sd; Decembar, .Mfn. 7 Md. CORN Spot, quiet; American mlsed, 7s 3d; futures, quirt ; October, 6e l"d; De cember, na FLOL'R-Wlnter patenta, ateady, !!a Jd. .KW 1IIRK liRIKRt I, MARKET ((notation of , the Iy on arloos ( omssodltles. NEW YORK. Sept. 22.-r-LrR-Rcelpts. U4.444 bhla. ; expt,ne. 19A.3 bbls. Market riulet and about eteadv. Mlnnoent patnts. S.4iti6.Wi; winter Ktralghts. l4.X34.4b; Min neaota bakers, t4.24.'i; winter extras. U.40 tK!0; winter pat'-nts, li.tfo; winter low gra.lfs, (.mji.M. Rve four, steady; fair lo good, $; t rjolce to fancy, $4 SOrf 4. Buckwheat Hour, firm; $3.1W.2& to arrive. toRNMEAL Steady; firs whltt and yel low. $i.7f'"nii; coarse, J.tVrfL70; kiln dried, 4itS. RYE Dull; No. 2 wettern, Me, nominal, I f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY-Kasv. malting. SKa. c. I. f , Buffalo; feeding. 6fV&4r7c. c. I. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts. HS.ti'O bu.; exports, 113.494 bu.; eslee, t.H0,i bu. futures. Spot market easy. No. 2 red. $M4tvi.ii. eleva tor; No. 2 red, $l.os, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. $1 11'. f. n, b., afloat; No. i hard winter. tl.H. f. o. b., efloet. Hv cause of steady cables, wheat was firm early In the day, but eventually gave way under reporta of rain In the eouthwest. Wall street selling, liberal western receipts and another poor export trade, closing ftle net lower. September, $1.0!t1.09, closed at tl.OSUj; December, Sl.OKVtB'l.ra't, closed at $1.': May, $1.0&vgi.i0Mj. cloaed at $1 . CORN Receipta, 1.075 bu. Spot market easy. No. 2, 86c, nominal, elevator, and 6c, nominal, delivered. Option market was without transactions, closing 8c lower on September and Sc higher on December. September closed at tec; December closed at 77c. ' OAT8 Receipts, 99,000 hi. Spot market steady. Mixed, M to 82 lbs., 5ie; natural white, ; to 31 Ihs., BGiJpj&c; clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., 55 p 61c. FEED Steady; spring bran, $24 10; city, $24. HI HAY Quiet; shipping, SOtjWe; good to choice. 7i&7! LEATHER. Quiet; acid. 23H52. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $14.76 $'17.60; mesa. $l3.5orj V4.A0; beef Imms. $2a.0ri' 31.00; packet, $16.U& 16.01); city extra mess, $24.60ifao.fl(i. Cut meats, ateady; pickled bellies, ll'i(g'llc; pickled hams, HVffl2c. lard. easy; western. $lofiMrl0.7R; refined, barely steady; continent, $11.10; South Amer ican, $11.76; compound, 7Vac. Pork, steady; family, $.0t(( 60; short clear, $19.(Sil.oO; mess, $17.25617.76. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per package), 6fc. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, S4 QtV'; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; receipts. 14,438 !bs.; creamery specials, 244c;' extras, 23U'-4c; third to first, Ific. POULTRY Alive, firm: spring chickens. 14c; fowl, 14c; turkeys, 14c; dressed firm; western spring chickens, lotfltc; aprlng turkeys, 2S23c. CHEESE Firm; state, full crtara spe. cials, lH'oHWc; state, small, colored or white, fancy, i'-h:; stale, Urge, colored or white, fancy, liVic; state, good to prime, 12i312ttc; state, common to fair, lu',fllc ; atate, aklma, 2liVic. EGOS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected, whit. 31432c; stste, fair to choice, 26(i30c; brown and mixed, Hliry, jit.BiZ, uruwu a1111 MiiAtru, niyitr, 24i12)C: western firsts. 22rM3c: seconds, 0 Q'21o. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT Fair and Cooler for Wednesday la the Prediction, OMAHA. Sept. 22. IV. The weather continuea warm and gen erally dry throughout the central valleys and eastern states. It oontinues clear in the mountain districts and west to the Pacific coast. Light showers occurred In the extreme northwest within the last twenty-four hours and rains continue In the extreme lower Mississippi valley and west gulf states. Temperature changes have been slight since the last report, but an area of high pressure Is moving In from the Pacific coast, and the eastward movement of this high will cause cooler In this vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with probably continued fair weather. Omaha record of temperature and pre--clpltatlon compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 190"!. 1907. 1906. 19.6. Minimum temperature.... 47 60 68 61 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .i0 Normal temperature for today, 44 degreee. Deficiency in precipitation alnce March 1, 2.37 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 6.81 inches. Detlclency corresponding period In 1906, 1.92 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaater. Cora and Wheat Region Balletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at g a. m., 75th meridian time, Tuesday, Sep tember 22, 1908: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Kaln- Btatlons. Max. Aim. lau, Ashland. Neb 91 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Senrational Collapse In Values it Feature of the Session. ALL SUPPORT IS WITHDRAWN to Hally Ensoea llirint Final Hoar, Hoe KsteaslTo Covering; by Snorts Cloalna Tone Feverish. 'NEW YORK. Pent. ?!' -The rtlsnriW nf the transactions at the Stock exchange to day during the demoralized break In priies was not greater than the excessive con fusion and contradiction of the opinions held as to the causes of the That It waa proof amounting to a demonstration of the fictitious and excessive nature of the previous advance waa agreed to with out dispute. There has been gerreral ad mission of this fact, however, for weeks past and also general agreement as to the responsibility of groups of powerful capi talists for the advance. The sensational collanse which nrlrra have undergone has not altered the convic tion ss to the source of the operations which advanced them previously, but the motives which prompt the abandonment of the previous position offer a subject for the most divergent opinions. Nothing indicates urgent necessity for mu dat on. with sur plus reserves of tho banka atlll above tfiO.- OOO.OHO, In spite of the inroads made upon them, and with call money easily procurable si i per cent or Slightly above. This strengthens a conviction that the leaders of the recent speculation must have been entrenched with supplies of crediea which would have protected them from nrnsaore of lenders which would precipitate any sihii urgent selling on the market aa Is now seen. When It Is considered that the Pur pose attributed to the movement to advance prices wss to help restore confidence, with a view to stimulating business revival and further the Intended flotation of new capi tal Issues, the question arises whether that purpose hss been abandoned or regarded as futile. From the standpoint of the stock market considered wholly aa euch, its suc cess In attracting any general public de mand for securities and a distribution of stocks at the high prices is doubted by all close observers of the market. On the con trary, the rise in prlcea had the growing effect of bringing to market holdings of an investment or partly Investment character, both from home and foreign sources. The necessity of accepting these offerings la order to maintain prices proved a growing burden to the efforts of the supporters of the market. It Is not believed, however, that It had become Impracticable with the resources credited to those supporters. That the bitterness of the revived agitation against corporations and the public resent ment against the supposition of corporation Influence In politics has proved a shock to a feeling of security which had grown up amongst groups of wealthy capitalists Is an Interpretation of the present market de cline much heard. The prolonged rise In prices waa accompanied, almost continually, by public expressions on the part of prom inent financiers that public sentiment to wards corporations was changing and that the hostility had spent Its force. The recent tone of the polities! campaign and the sensation created by the Archbold B'oraker correspondence, has shaken this confidence amongst capitalists. In connec tion with this element of the situation, there was the openly expressed suspicion on the Stock exchange floor that the disorder In the market wss a deliberate purpose of forces which had fostered the prvlous ad vance with the object of pointing a warn ing' of dangers to be apprehended from re vival of political activity against corpora tions and wealth. Sales of upwards of loo,- 000 shares In today's market were ascribed to brokers who have had the largest share In executing the orders which carried for ward the long advance In prices. Blocks of stocks were hurled upon the market today from such sources time after time, when prices showed any disposition to rally. With the market seemingly lacking all support, the bears operated recklessly and their buy ing to cover shorts towards the end of the day was on an enormous scale. The violent recovery thus caused left gains for the day In not a few Instances and materially altered the whole appearance of earlier losses. The closing tone was feverish and excited, with shorts still covering heavily. Bonds were weak. Total sales, par value, $4,412,000. United Stales bonds were un changed on call. enlng to over parity at noon Later New York sent fair suiport and price Im proved and after Irr.gular movements th nisrket loeed quietly ntead. Erie received the most attention. BERLIN. Sept 24 Prices on the Bourse toilav wfre strong. I'ARl!?. Sept 2i.r The tone on the Bourse toilay was hesitating on the sit- lee from New York ami the market Irregular. ' .Men York Money Market. NEW YORK. Fept I2.-rm.ME MER CANTILE PAPER-4'i44 per cent. STERLINO EXlilAXCl E Strong, then Weak, with actual business in bankers' bills at $1 8.1M. 8610 for sixty-day bills an1 st 14 Vi for demand; commercial b.lls. $4 M"yrM M-V SILVF.R-Bsr. 5-'c: Mexican dollars. 4.V-. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad, weak. MONEY On call, easy: lTT per cent; ruling rate. 1 - per rent; closing hid. I1 per cent; offf-red st 14 per cent, iim? loans, quiet and steady: sixty days. 2'-i per cent; ninety days. IH3 per cent; Kix months. :iH'iS ir cent. Closing quotations on New Tork bonds were as folloms: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Way Short of Last Week's Record. GOOD HOGS BRING STEADY PRICES Receipts of Mi rep Aery l.arar Again, While Prices hnw a tlll Farther Prop aa Compared with Mondsr. SOUTH Receipts Were: i Official Monday . Estimate Tuesday OMAHA. Sept. !2. WW. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. ... 6.910 . .. 6.700 IV S. ref. It, reg do coupon .... II 8. u. ret do CUUPUD ... V. S. If. reg.. do rmipon - Am. Tot,cco 4 do in Atthllnn fen. 4l :) 1J. in flu (v. 4l do rv. hn Atlantic c. L. 4 Bait. 6- Ohio 4t do Brooklyn R. T. rr. 4e . On. of Oeorxia It. . . do tut Inc do Jd inr. do -it Int.' Cnoi. a Ohio 44 .. Chi. & Alton im i'., B. A Q nw u.. C. K. I. A P. do fol. do rfd 44 r( - St. I,. K 4a. l'ilo. Industrial 5s... Colo. Mldlamt .. Colo. A fioulh. 4,. . Ila. A Hud. n, 4i Den. A Rio (fc ' Krle, prior lien do atn. 4a Hock. Val. 4tj. Inter-Met. 4'ti .. Japan 4s Bid. "Ottered .tftiSJaraa ' lu4vi do 4S id i-rlM H 1'H U. N unl. 4t .I'll Manhannn c. a 4b.. li Met. rent, s 4.... ' .UP, Mo tat lm li 'M. A 81. I,. 4a. .. . t .iolj M . K. a T. 4a w .1"! do ?da M't .I'd N. Ft. ft ot M c. 4a. HI . 9.' N. Y. Cent. tan. a',i. alt .liN. J. cent., a. Aa. 1 J . i4 'North. Pac. 4 112 l'4 do 3a J . ;' "Nor. A Wear c 4a. IJ a, Ore. g. L. rtdt 4a . .. J4 lM't Pann. rv. SV,a, A 4 do con. 4 . . . IfH 4i fteadlng fan. 4 pH 1 Rap ot Cube as I"J Hl'.i St. -Lm A I. M. e. ,Sa.lli II 't S U. A 8. K rf it. il iX .(. I.. 8 W. v. 4a. 74 'aR. Air L. 4s n? ' "South. Tee. 4s "" do 1st 4a . . M, l Smith Rv. f.a I'.'":, iS Tn. A Tai . lata 1 10 T St. I.. A W. 4a.... 77 a'-i Union far. 4a iv.j do i.v. 4a Siia, a . s. eroei 5a 4a. 7 Wabaati lata 0 ... W'.J Western Md . 4s...... 76 ...lit', W & I,. Krle 4s. .. 7 ... 7 Vla. Cent. 4a ... !.1N. Y. k. H. rv. ct.s.U9 4s Xfi. (cnt Atchison , do pfd Boc. All'sny . Ros. A Main .. Bos. Elevated .. Kttrhburg pfd .. Max. rent N. Y., N. H. A Union Pactfie Am. Arne. i'hem., Am. pneu. Tuba . Am. Susar Preferred Am. Tel. A Tel Am. Woolrs . .. Preferred Gdlson Elec. 111. Gen. Klectrle ... Mass. Electric .. Preferred ...... Masfl. Gas I'nlted Fruit ... I'nlted 9. M Preferred V. 8. Steel . Preferred Adventure Allouex Amalgamated .... Asked. bonds ... I '' .. .) ... .!', ... w, ... ... ti ... ... ti ... U-i .... o ...45 Doalon Hlorka and nourls. BUSTON. Sept. 12. Money, rail loans. :"o 3 per cent.; time loans, 3l'o4' per cent. ( losing quotations , on stocks and were: Atrhlsnn adj. 9l' Atlantic do 4a JSS 1 A Heels 7' f'entonalal a"-V t opper Range. .... Mi Paly West 2lS rranklln l.l'a a Koyale Ml2 Mate. Mining li. -a Mli hlaan tt'4 Moha.k H...i: Mont. c. ft C 12' Old Dominion .... ..'...A Oarenla j PaVrot i7'ji'Uttry 14 Ihsnaon ...13 Tamarack ... 2i Trlnrtr ... ti United Topper .... ...SL'S t'. a. Mlnlns .... ...WS V. 8. Oil ... 9 Mali ..." 44 Victoria . .. ft4 Winona Wolverine ... M'4 North Butts ... s-i Butte Coalition .. .'. . U Nevada. ...I0C4 Calumet A Arlt... ... Arizona Com ,3'a Greene Cananea .. 103 17l'i K4 16 10 is -4 41 4 '' 13.-, . n H's 111 I Artlclas.l Open. Huh. Low. Close Tes y. Wneat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dee. May Oms Pept. Dae. May Pork- Oct. Jan. May Lard- May rtbs Oct. Jan. May 1 . j 1084 131 03S I w l4',1. 641f64Hl i:4'aJ'a'V l&OVttVSl&ol1 1 001, WH MTI MS 1 UO'i 1 ommHQH'iWBti m oa 1 Vl 1 08 64', I 4H is rw 1 9:hi 1 77S 10 rt t eo 9 tO IS 45 1 24 16 80 10 STHl M 2H 9 90 M 96 (14V.! M: 64', 6SVa rXSt?' 64i$4, 48 I 4R I 48Vi 43H 41, 4K Vil b0 W.'Jj61,5t'!'801 IS 37HI IS 40 16 T7Vti 1 !4 1 75 10 06 9 80 9 82Vt 9 tO 8 77H' 87H 18 75 10 CH1 8 80 9 $5 9 82V, 8 80 8 90 15 4TH 16 974 IS 90 10 37V, 9 974 9 974 9 95 8 874 974 Falrbury, Neb.... Fairmont, Neb.... Ur. Island. Neb.., HartliiBton, Neb.. Hastliius. Neb..., Holdruge, Neb..., OakdaU-, Neb Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb.... Alia, la Carroll, la Ciarlnda, la blbley, la... Bky. Clear Clear 11. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear C lear Clear Clear Pi. cloudy twelve-hour Max. Mln. Inches. 2 I W 62 T IS 94 66 .00 13 8.X 68 .) ia 9J 68 T 21 Ml b'i .01 19 88 bu .1)1 18 8l M .00 19 88 60 .CO 11 90 63 .08 No. J. Cash quotations wera as follows: KIXtt'K-Flrm; winter patents, 94.KX34.7fi; straljhts. l4.C3'4.b0; spring- patents. if. Draft. S: siralahts,; bakera. l2.8A-iT-4.10. WHEAT-NO. 2 aprina 97V: No. 3 spring, 9om04; .No. 3 red. 9Sc$tI.01. CORN-No. 3, Tit784c; No. 2 yellow, TS4 CT8o. OATB-No. I white, 475T494C BYE No. 2. 7443-. c. BAKLKY" Fatlr to choice malting;, SSfrtlc. 8KED3 Flax. No. 1, 122; No. 1 north weatsvn. 31 344. Prime timothy, 13.153.5. Clover, contract grade, $9.00. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose), $,.?Vd!0 H4. Meaa pork, per bbl.. J16.3JVI m.tV. Lard, per loo lbs., $10.4. Bhort clear idea tboxedt. 1O.lifl0.50. Foilowlnaj wersr tha receipta and hlp rnenta of flour and Brain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 9.aa) 21. 010 AVheat, bu. 11S.00O 77.000 Corn, bu..i 4W.Ofio 7S.fl 45at, bu 4&9.oii ii5,uti0 Rja. btt.. 3.iX ISarley, bu a3,0u0 42,ti0 On tha Produc exeban today the but-' ter market waa firm; creamariea. 2noc3Wc; dairies,' US-'Oo. Es. firm; at mark, casea lnoluded, l0''9c; firsts, 22o; prim flrata, tlW. Cheese, tiria; i;ol34c , MtaaatapaUa Grain Market. . ' MINNEAPOLIS.- Ppt. II WHEAT S'a. 1 hard, $l.03r No. 1 northern. $105; No. nortbaria. $1.00: No. 3 northern, & 98v.-; 8ptejiiber, ttlSr; December, $1.01; May, 1.0ll-sV',.A . BflAN Irt balk. 1$ 00. ' FLOUR Steady: first patsnts. $S5 9 $ : rone) aatants. o.64& o. first clears, $4.1184.41; sscond clears, $J60 .0. " 61 .00 Auburn, Neb 90 60 M Broken Bow, Neb. 88 5H .1) Columbus, Neb... 90 56 .00 Culbertaon, Neb.. 88 bO .10 89 t . 88 b() .00 88 bO .UO 91 M .) 87 57 .00 8S 61 .00 8 65 .00 87 67 .00 88 68 . 00 86 61 .00 90 HO .00 90 58 .00 86 t., .00 feioux. City. la.... 86 66 , .. .00 Minimum temperature for period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain Central. Stations, Chicago. Ill Columbus, O Des Molnea. Ia... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. lA)Uisvllle. Ky Minneapolis, Minn Cmaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo Within the last twenty-four hours very light showers have occurred In all except the Omaha. Des Moines and Columbua dla- trkta. Warm weather continues through out the corn belt. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. St. Loals General Market. 8T. lriS, Sept. 22. WHEAT Lower; track, No. 2 red, cash, $1 .048l .064; No. 3 hard. V9cti$1.024; December, $1.0oH; May, $1 oav CORN Weak; track. No. 3 cash. 771?T?4?; No. 3 while, 794ij8w; December, 6iij4o; May. iiV. OATS Weak ; track. No-, t cash, 44c; No. 2 white, H4c; December. 48Sc. May, 60Hc. RYE Nomina), 78c. u RAN -Weak. 31 .UWtTJ .04. KI.Ol R Firm; red winter patents. $4.60 4.90; extra fancy and straight, $4.064.55; clear, $s.0c33.fli. SKEDS 'jlmothy, $i.6o3.60. CORNMEAL-$3.80. H AY I'nchanged; timothy, prairie. $8.0ldll.vO. IRON COTION TIE8-$1.00. BAGQINa-8.'. H KM P TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady $loo. Lard, lower; prima atsam, el'i'aiff 10 16. Dry salt meats, uncnangeii; boxed. extra short, 12.124; clear ribs, $11.00; ahort clears, $11. 874- Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra snort, U' t; clear rtDS, n s.i: snort clears, $12 00. . a , POl'LTRY Firm; chickens, c: springs, I3c; turkeys, 17c; ducks, 7flc; geese, tc. Bl'TTER Firm; creamery. 19&:ij4o. 1 EOGS Steady, 184c. case count. Receipts Shipments. lJ.Onfl 16.0O0 Uiart 11.D eft.Onn 33.OU0 102.000 97.0a) . Mllwaakaa Grata SsarWet. MILWAUKEE. Bept 11 WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, $10701 074; No. S northsrn. $1 94 45104; December, 9$Sc, r COfcV Steady: baeambar, 4e. tll BARLEV Dull; sample. 7ji4o. Pvarla Market. BOItlA. 111., Bapf. C-CORN Lewer; Ka. t jrallow. rrHfi';74e; No. $ yellow, 774 ST7o: No. s, mso; NO. a. 1ao. iMT$-3baayi No. i white, iS'fj4SSc; No. 4 white, 74Pa4c .' Livariaaaal Arala Market. , LlVEKOL. Sept 2:.-WHEAT-6tt. 'aii vrul, NO. 3 red w eelern a Inter, 7 JJ, $8 5OS13.50; Jobbing, Sales. Hlth. Amaltamated Copper 7?,4l 71S American Car A Found 8. si's Preferred l.tial St1 American H. and L pfd ... l,e0 214 Americas les Sacurltiea .. 1.S0O 25S American Linseed American Locomotive lO.&O 4.iH Preferred 7,7' lulu Amnrlcan Srrvelt. Rfng.. 6:.MI 2', Preferred !"' American Suar Rfni :,4) r.'7i American Tobarco pld ! 91 American Woolen 4" Anaconda Mining Co 7..10I 4.", Atchison lO.fin S.i4 Preferred Atlantio Coaat Line .V M Baltimore A Ohio 13,400 Preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt .. KhM 47; Canadian Pacific 4 4 0 170A, Central Leather 1.7"0 244, Preferred V 844 Central of Sew Jeraey Chesapeake A Ohio 700 JV, 3H Chlcaso Great western . Chltaso a Northweatern Chi. Mil. A Bt. Paul ... C, C, f. A St. Louie. .. Colorado Fuel and Iron . Colorado A Southern 1st preferred 2d preferred Consolidated Gaa corn Products Delaware eV eTudeon Denver A Rio Grande ... Preferred ptetlllere' Securities ... Erie lat preferred 2d preferred General Electric Great Northern pfd Oreat Northern Ore. ctfa llllnola Central lnterhorough-Mat Preferred International Paper .. Pferre4 International Pump 1.200 51 W M Iowa Central Kanaas City Southern I no '' Preferred 1"A n laulavllle a Naahvllla I,H l'l Mlnneapolla Bt. Loula . J' lm Minn., 8t. P. A S. 8t. M . . 700 l;S Mlaaourl Pacific 1.400 MSi Mlaaourl. Kansas A Teaas.. 2,oo Preferred "-"i National Lead W,l' 79 New York Central ss. dlv.. 8,100 loVi New Tork, Ontario A West !,7o 3: Norfolk A Western S 71V, North American Northern Paclfle J4.1W H4 Paolfta Mall 4' Pennaylvanls H. 1 "'a Peoplea Oaa I-" 4 Pltlsburg. C. C. A it. L-... ' 7SS Preaaed Steel Car tH Pull nun Palace Car 1"0 lLa Railway Btael Spring ' Heading Kt.tut lKs Republic Steel .1"0 21 Preferred 1.1" 7 Kock Island Co 00 17'i Preferred St. L. A San F. id pfd St Louie Southwestern Preferred Sloee-Sheffleld gouthern Psflflo Preferred Southern Railway Preferred Tmneeee Copper Texas A Perlllo Toledo. St. Louis A West Preferred In too Paclfle Preferred I'nlted States Rubber .... 1st preferred I'nlted States Steel Preferred Low. Clore. 74 71 i too .) Jirt d.iioo 4,2110 711 4' 10 O.SM K 1,900 l.WI f.00 1.6 1O0 aoo 14,000 fioo 4 JK l.vm S'3 l.' lSOUj M J. "4 .74, ft'-, 1.19", 17 1X31, 174 41 34 134 137 'a IMS 10, 30', Flour, bbla. Wheat, du. f'orn, bu Oats, bu.... Available Sapplles pi Grata. NEW YORK. Sept. 22. Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Bradstreet a snow , me louowina cfisfiaes in available supplies aa compared with previous aticounta. Available Buppliw:, Wheat, United States, east of the": Rockies. Increase. $.21.000 bushels; Canada, eaat of tha Rockiea. Increased, $.$12,000 bushels. Total I'nlted States and Canada Increased 6.(24.000 bushels. Afloat for and in Eu rope, increased 1,600.000 buahela. Total American and European supply Increaaea $.224,000 buahela. Corn. Vnttcd States and Canada, In creased, 289.000 buahela. Oata. t'niied Status and Canada, In Creased. 1.196,000 bushels. The leading Increases and decreases re ported this week follow. Decreases: Portland. Me. 104,000 bush els; Nashville. 84 ooo bushels; San Antonio, 80.000 buahela; Kingston. 7$,000 buahela; Cleveland. 6,00 bushels. Increases: Manitoba. :. 885 000 bushels; Chicago private elevators. 144 000 bush els; Minneapolis private elevators, 50.000 busliela. 34 M U 23 44 100 7 10,1 S 121, l J .14 81 iiii 3 4" n-i a 1F.414 hi ), JSH 4 f.7 1.1 17 lo4 28 rn 40JJ M IMS 126-4 lMH 1014 ;s o lm 1, !-, 114 f.0 tei 714 10014 MS 71 .'.9, !80'a S 111", S' 75 4 24 lii-'S 34 li"" 2('t 7S 17 !' London ftfaek Market. IDNDON. Sept. :2.-Tlie weakness In Wall street yesterday waa not reflected in th early trading: In American securities here today. The market opened stedv and the active Issues under the lead of Atchison. Topeka & Santa Ke und the Pnrlflc stocks advanced well over parity. At noon the tone was ateady and prices generally were V to , higher than yesterday's Nuw Tork cifiHinaj:. Closing quotations on slocks were: f 'i Mo., Kan.. liH N"W York 84 Norfolk A 7 do nfd . 'a Ontario A Conaola. money do account Anaconda , Atrhlann , do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.... Penatylvanla lanaaian racine ...iiiRand Mlnea Cheaapfake A Ohio. . 4H4 Reading Chi. Oreat Weetern.. Southern Railway Chi.. Mil. A Bt. P..1SH do pfd .......... 13 Southern Pacific t'lah Copper botat jui.i businrss alth Bee Wsnk Ads. Vfrgtnla-Carelina Cham. Preferred Wabash Preferred Weatinghouee KlacUie ... Western Colon Wheeling A Lake Brie . Wisconsin Central Total sales for ibe dajr, Offered. 1,000 IW.aoO ii t.MO 4'1 ,W c fin e"0 " i in. 100 17.100 !,0 40 l'A) tr0 100 117 if !2S " s l":a 3 in ti'" 71 H too , 1.4M.4ajO aaares. M il 114 IDS Ml ;)7u, Z2 2.i Ml Has a6 Soii 41 S KS 37 27S 107 24 MS M US 37 33 2.1 S 24 S r 43 101 el4 10,iS 137 , SO i 4-.S4 .',S S3', II :ai w 4i1i I70i, 2:tT, JOS 38 i 6 a 14a M hi i", a dS 4S 57., 13s 16, ?h :hs 2 1 34 wi 1274 Ms 13b II iS M 71 17 24 S3 lu-i 47', 114 W :ki 3 ;i l'jiti ass, 71 U 133S 4 12U--, 44 S 2'J liSO f3, " 7SS S2S ir-s 43S M) H llV, " "a lfi2S 8.-S WS 1074, 27 S l'S 1H u s s -"' 24 a De Beer Denver A Rio O... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central ... Louisville A Naeh 27 S Inlon Pacific ;) do pfd J'e V. S. Steel . Ula do pfd .'i Wabash , l!S do pfd .... 141s Bpanlan 4a .., l'iS Amal. Copper 8ILVKR Bar, unlet at 24d per ounce, MONEY-Hii, per cent. The rate of discount In the open market iur niiori oms is ls'Silt per cent; ror three nionins' diiis, 1 7-lH'aii4 per cent. A Texas.. ) Central. ..106 Weatern.. f4 ti Western., itl . 6 44 . 7S ,. ti . ,i iS .101 ,.1MI4 . ,. 44S ,iin . .1 72S Trraaory Statement. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2:'. Today's state ment or the treasury balances In the general runa. exclusive of the $150,000, 000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $180,367,060; gold coin and bul lion, $33,4:'5.2.'4; gold certificates, $30,716,- 015. .12 610 :2.o;r ll.S5 .16 615 38.;8o 5.8O0 84.0UO 10, :. 7,02 44i-: 7.4H1 W.80S 13 177 4H.814 7.917 .'S. 10,877 W.4W T10 dava this Week Same ins last week Same days 2 we-kej so..lM3o Hume days 3 weeks so..lS.01S fame daya 4 weeks ago Same days last yrsr... The following table shows tve receipts ot rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: l!is inc. uec Cattle W.7S4 S'AKJ 138,53 Hnga I.H.1'1 1,(W$.4I 40.IW4 Pheep 1.S34.1O0 1,277.120 5,0 The official number of irs of stock brought In tnday Wahash R. H. M. Par. Ry Inlon Psc. R. R... C. & S. W. ieal... N. W. (a eat)... St. P.. M. A O . ... ft Q. (east)... st)... tea"! ) hv each road was: Cattle. Hi gs. Sheen.H"r's. ling of the better stuff at $ ilM . The ! nd l"c loaer; top. $7.' trade waa at bo time active, but the hots t' ... , , ., bulk of sales. 16 kept selling and In the end everything was cleaned up Representstlve sales: No. Av. 88. Pr. No. A' 8h. Pr an ; 4 ao 4 X si t!7 . . It'l Ti jl S'"i u a 111 . a a:s 44 J.'T joe as 7a ft i 4 as I? Jil 40 70 To jot 10 t vs ;s ? 120 70 44 in 4 " 74 fa ltn 71 T 247 140 4 S. r? sfn i.'-' 7.1 Hi ?o . . 71 Sna X Its as t4 a W : 5J HI 75 Jt 4) 4 o U lit . . 6 TJ .2M 6 M tr Hi o 7S an 4 4 (? 1o 4 7 41 !4 W 6 46 71 JiJ ISO ITU 64 ! 4'1 4 II 78 I 0 I ;t U ' lt 4 TO 1:7 M I 77 S 14 417 40 4 M (4 t6 m I ;ts 7 im no lis 1 .2:6 40 I77S - 2S 41 4 7' 71 o an I 77S 66 2:1 ... 6 S 73 2 110 C 7TS 4 .. 4 ITS :1 tO 7TS 7 271 40 6 i ea til ... 6 77S lit 51'' l'." 6 fo 41 24 S 70 2! 40 a.i 71 Ill in o l ro .4 1" fH 1?1 6 i ;! ri t 6 It ;n IS) IS) at 44 4 10 '24 121 4 1,1 71 4" 4 17 T2 2M 6 In 7. K- 6 M 10 14 sno 6 av 41 12J ... 6.'. 11 en 6 an 11 ' . . a , 73 Ill I l M 1 160 6 at 7 t 10 in U t74 ... 4 !.s 1 til 1 JO t M r4 ... 6 6 : 210 loo c so pa ;aj ... 6 as 44 tTI 1l 4 It .227 ... "60 J44 6 t'f 6 S16 ... 7 o sHlil- 'I ue otilclal recount uf ester- B. R R. R. U. ft Q. (Wc! I. P. t I A P. W. Ry. f west )' 51 2 k" 5 lit 1 I 1 1 S l: 1 18 i 28 o I 1 H9 48 15 Total receipts. .273 7!1 132 1 1 he dlsnositlon nf the Hsv a rei-pliita a-aa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattl. Hos Sheen Omaha Packing Co W4 2.487 Swift and Companv ....1.137 1.1'Ki 2.7711 Cudtthy Tacking Co 1.2i0 415 3 07H Armour ft Co f,8 1.440 1.61S Cudahy Packing Co l,2to 4M 8.076 from Kansas Cltv 86 Vansanl Co 20 Lobman Rothchlld ... 2 W. I. Slrphr-n M Hill Son 154 V. P. Lewis 91 Huston & Co 55 J. H. Rout & Co 19 J. II. Bul'a 71 Swift ft Co R K Wolf 182 McCresry ft Carey M Sam Weithimer 201 ... ... H. F. llmllton 65 M. Hngorty & Co 27 Sol. Dogim 7 ... ... I. O. Itighram 12 Sullivan Pros 8 St. Louts Ind 805 Wlsmuth Oil Lnrtan 54? ... Cudahy Bros 663 Other Buyers ... Tolal 419 ....6,318 19.575 6.4SS 23.530 CATTLI Receipts of cattle were quite liberal this morning, 109 cars being reported In. This waa a big falling off, however, as compared with the same day last week, when 388 cars were received. For the tao dys this week receipts foot up 12.810 heed, as against 22.075 head for the corresponding two days of last week and 16.615 head for Hie same period a year ago. The demand was sgain brisk for desir able rsnge beeves and prices were fully steady on anything that would do to kill. On the other hand cornfed steers were alow sellers, even the very best kinds, no one appearing very anxious for that kind ol beef, packers evidently regarding the rang ers aa the better purchase of tho two. Cows and heifers were In active demand and the offerings for the most part chanted hands In very good season In the morning. The prices paid on the best kinds looked In inuny cases stronger, while the general market was steady at least. Packer are claiming that cowa and heifers are costing them 16g!5c more than on Thursday, the low day of laat week. Good weighty feeders were sojght after and they too were free sellers at fully steady prlcea. On the other hand common light feeders and trashy cattle of all klnda were hard to move, no one appearing to want that kind. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choke corn- rea steers, . 4047.6; fair to good cornfed ateers, $5.60(&4J.40; common to fair cornfed steers, w oo'qo. so; good to choice range steers. $4.60u6.i5: fair to eood rsnss ator J4 0O(4.60; common to fair range ateers, $3.50 gooa 10 cnoice cows ana neirers, $3.25 Ji4.(Xi; fair to good cows and heifers. I2.8H 3.25; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.00 n.ii kooo 10 cnoice Blockers ana reerisra $4.20(14.75; fair to good stockers and feeders Dank Clearings. OMAHA. Sept. 22.-Bank clearings for today wero $1,858.35.77 and for the cjrre sponding date last year $2,00-1.215.63. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 2:.-COTTON-Futurea oponed steady; September, 8.75c b.d; Oc tober, 8.800; December. 8. 66c; January, 8.51c; March, 8.66c; May, 8.0"c. Futures closed steady; September, 8.83c; October. 8.83c; November, 8.0c; December, 8.65c; January, 8.53c; February, 8. 52c; March, 8.52c; April, 8.57c. Spot rlosed quiet, 10 points decline; mid dling uplunds, il.UOc; middling gulf, 9.66c; sales, 2r2 balos. GALVKSTON, Tex., Sept. 22. COTTON Lower at D'c. NKW ORLHANS. Sept. 22 COTTON Spots were quie t. Low ordinary, 41 3-l(ic, nominal; ordinary 6'Sc nominal; good or dinary, 7 l-16c; low middling., s 6-I60; middling, 9 1-lrtc; good middling, 9"c; middling fair, 9'c; fair. lOc nominal. Salea, 1.42a bales; receipts, 6,917 bales; stock, 66.297 bales. ST. LOt'IS. Sept. 22. COTTON Dull; middling, 96c; sales. 110 bales; receipts, 163 bales; shipments, 2,531 bales; stuck, 9,770 bales. New York Bllalaat Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Alice Ureses Bmaawlck Con Comatock T. t Comsiock T B... Con. Cal. and Vt Horn Sliver tallow Jackal Ufrereo .too 6 2. .7 71 M 44 iron Silver ... Leedvlll Con. Utile Chief . Meitcan Ontario Ophlr Standard .. I .. 6 .. 41 . .46 ) ..i- ..17S Foreign Klaanclal. LONDON. Sept. 21 Money was In abundant supply on the market today, but the demand waa poor. Discounts were quiet. On the stock exchange business ass not large, but the tone waa good in spite of the break in American aharea, which did not affect the other depart ments tlorae rails received attention by the investors, gilt edged securities were maintained and Parte buying strengthened foreigners and Kaffira The decline in New York checked fresh ventures in Americans and covering caused a haid- Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 22 METALS The London tin market was higher today, with spot quoted st 130 15s and futures at 132 2s 6d. The local market was quiet, hut a little higher In sympathy, at $28.40228 76. Cooper was lower at 59 2s Sd for spot and 59 17s tid for futurea in London. The local market was weak and rather unsettled, with Lake at $13.25ff?l3 50; electrolytic, $13.u0 G13.2S. and casting. $U.76ig 13.00. Lead de clined to 13 Is Sd In Indon. Locally It was dull and unchanged at $4.47Hfi4 60. Spelter was higher at 20 In London. The local market waa dull at $4.72Sg4.77H; Iron waa unchanged at 50s Sd for Standard foundry in London, but Cleveland warrants were lower at 61s 6d. No change waa re ported In the local market. No. 1 foundry northern. $l(.6tVul7.2fi; No. 2 foundry north ern, $I6.i?j16 .75; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, ecft, $16.75,ai7 25. ST. LOtlS, Sept. 22-METAl.8-Lesd, dull; $t.3f!$d 87. Spelter, dull; $4.65. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW Yl IRK. Sept 22 NEW EVAPOR ATED APPLES Market continues quiet, with fancy quoted at bil0c; choice at 79o; prime at Sl6c; common to fair at 60 6c. DRIED FRI'ITS Occasionally It ia aald that offers of prunes from the coaat are at alight concessions, hut the general tone of the market is steady with quotatlona on spot ranging from 4c to 13e for Cali fornia, and from 6'v to 7 He for Oregons. Apricots are unchanged, with choice quoted st 8 4J 8o; extra choice at 8 4,' 9c. Raisins are in moderately good demand on spot, with louse muscatels quoted at 4336s,c; choice to fancy seeiled. 6Hii 7,c; London lavers at $1.601.65, and seedless at 4 13 60 $3.60(B4.a); common to teeoers, 12.703 60; stock Representative sales: COWS. Kn. Av. P. No. 6 133 1 7,4 14... 10 406 2 VI 14 .. 4 770 2 ) 7. . . 14 110 Do 22... i IS !M STOCKERS AND 6 406 S li ... 6 713 3 if, SJ... 9 m lair stockers and neirers, jJ.6OS3.00. Av. . IM . 123 ,. ill .1001 Pr. I OA 1 At) 09 I 16 WESTERNS FEEDERS. 10m 3 0 l'i.1 4 06 . .1100 4 .4 6 coas 838 lo cows 1030 31 f aiders.. Ii4 16 cows 17 feeders., 23 cows. 12 feeders., lo feudcrs.. 12 cows S3. 712 , !K6 7,0 f97 811 9 feeders.. 697 8 60 S5 feeders.. S;W 3 80 10 cows 1078 $ 00 15 feeders.. 729 4 05 24 cows 963 2 80 14 cows 971 2 70 17 feeders.. 936 3 60 14 cows ?3 3 26 9 feeders.. 681 3 50 WKbTERNS NEBRASKA. 14 steers.. ..1095 4 00 26 cows 886 12 calves... lrio 6 26 100 feeders. 1237 4 25 Joe Taylor, Nebraska. 26 feeders.. 8i7 3 M 1 cow 98y W. O. Bryne, Nebraska. 17 feeders.. 961 31 8 heifers... 806 ii. it. coison, Nebraska. 3 6ij 16 cows 886 3 7o 13 steers.. ,.1022 4 76 6 calves. ... 283 2 on heifers... 78s Anderson, Nebraska. 3 heifers. ,.10o0 3 sieer....1133 4 calves... 13o 9 Hellers... 06) D. J. 28 feeders. . tw6 1 steer U.10 p. y. t steers.... 11.1) D. T. 11 feeders.. 975 J cows fchO J. . 811 .1123 34 cows. . W feeder! 15 feeders. . 2 bulls 2 calves. . . W 54 cows 47 cows 892 6:j 30" W 950 962 3 aO 11 cows 866 i 0u 10 teeders..lo;2 McLaln, Nebraska. 3 35 37 reeders.. 981 Taylor, Nebraska. 3 2i 9 cows 914 1 'JO Ksrnrjth Neb. 2W 33 cows 792 2 6J 4 10 V. J. Coil-Neb. $ 10 3 ;5 4 00 2 80 4 OS 3 25 3 ) 8 60 3 20 2 85 2 60 3 15 2 80 3 7o 1 60 i 90 3 90 i i'O 4 (6 t 80 8 35 2 ,6 3 25 Crest S lo 3 i 43 steers. ...1221 16 heifers... 786 WYOMING. 20 cows.., 3 cows.., 3 calves. & Son Neb. 38 cows 951 13 cows 923 . 868 .1020 2 80 $ 80 3 76 $ OS i 00 1 cow.. 6 cows. 1 cow. . 6 cows. Vlool Market. BOSTON. Sept. 22 WOOL The local wool situation steadily Improves, with buyers actively in the market and a good inquiry in all lines. Prices hold steady, with a firmer tendency. The leading wes tern quotations range as follows: Ken tucky, Missouri and Indiana three-eighths 26H27r; quarter blood. 23V24c. Scoured values: Texas fine 12 months. 60Q62c; from six to eight months, 43947c; fine fall. 42042c ST. LOLI8. Sept., 22 WOOL Firm; medium grades, combing and clothing, 16tV20c; light fine. 16f llStjc; heavy fine, 11&12C, tub washed. 166 27c. 1033 .. 81O ..1018 J. E. 2 feeders.. 130o 6 feeders.. 820 10 cslves. .. 227 B H 34 feeders.. 1046 41 steers.. 22 steers.... 990 B. 11 steers... 1070 James IS steers. ...1281 James 13 steers. ...146 Nlmmo ft 44 steers 4 40 3 15 Wilson Bros.. ...K0 3 40 3 40 2 60 S 4o Skelton. 3 65 $ 30 4 00 Brooks, 4 Thomas Bun Wvo. 1137 4 10 78 steers. 8 10 1 steer.. Johnson Wyo. 4 00 1 steer.. Mueller. Wyoming. 4 25 .6 steers. . .. 1C33 Stubbs, Wyoming. 5 40 4 feeders.. 806 carpenter. Wyoming. 9 cows 891 2 40 Wyoming. 1 sieer 1120 4 steers. ...1150 6 steers... .1111 1 bull 1200 Wyoming. 15 feeders.. 1183 5 calves... 330 10 rows 294 yoming. ..1116 ..161 SJ0 29 feeders. 30 coa s 6 calves. . 80 heifers.. 20 cows . . . 17 feeders. 4 calves. . 9 calves.. 1230 4 25 J. Troupe, ,1116 3 60 , 942 2 70 138 5 (0 J. UreKg, no d 3 no 3 Lo 3 ) 8 25 3 0 W omlng. 10 feeders. 30 cows.... 782 9i2 7 35o 322 COLORADO. Wyoming. 36 coas 942 14 steers. ...1157 12 calves... 241 6 calves. ... 26 10 feeders.. 8s8 6 feeders.. 888 3 35 9 feeders. 5 cows 930 2 85 1 bull feeders.. 1130 S 60 W. Scott, Colorado. 18 cowa 992 $ '5 3 cows 3 feeders . 963 $ 60 2 feeders W. Frledhofer, Colorsdo. 23 heifers... 867 2 90 McKee L. S. Co. -Colo. 1208 looo 8K 990 $ 90 2 90 3 '1 2 60 1 15 3 00 3 66 4 10 4 10 4 00 3 15 3 25 3 $5 3 00 2 70 4 10 3 80 3 25 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 06 3 60 CosTea kiarket. NEW YORK. Bept 22. COFFEE Fu tures market closed: steady, net unchanged to t points lower. Sales were reported of 18.500 bsgs. Including September at (.80 6 85c: December. 6 604 55c; March, $.45 J.0c Spot coffee market quiet: No. 7 Rio. 6t,c; No. 4 Santos, $"i4c. Mild, dull; Cordota, bS'12liU 2 feeders.. 9M 3 85 Scows 1023 $15 flelgel Campion 62 feeders.. i7 3 8S 26 cows 9n9 $ 16 1 bull 1250 40 SC'f l'H DAKOTA .1068 $ 40 M Dorsett 1029 $ 80 2 feeders.. 955 2 00 L. 8. Co. Colo. 24 steers.. .1173 feeders. . 890 $ as 3 40 steers D, V cows.. lay s ncelpts of sheep showed a total ol as., head. In spite ot the (Ml that re ceipts were so heavy, ti.e gteat big bulk if. the receipts was cleaned up bctoie thu close, not to exceed fifteen to twenty loads being carried over, so that although the market was lower, the demand was uf lib eral proportions, on tip u( this big run there re very heavy receipts today, so that tho barn wss well rilieu aguln when the market opened thla morning As was the case yesterday, there was a good deal of sorting to be done, snd there was so much slui f to look at that buyers wasted good deAl of time In getting down lo business, so that it was late oeloie the trade waa really underway. While fat shet o. esnecianv ewes, did not show very much change as compared wltn yesterday, a- general market on all kinas was haft lot iuwci that Is botli feeders and klllcts. LuiiiLm trpeclally were slow and II wns afternoon betore very much headway had been made toward clearing up the largo number on sale. It seemed ss ,f sellers h.iu everything against them. Not nly wrr-j the tocelpta at this point large, but cthc markets were well supplied and were sending u" very discouraging reports, making ni..c: even more bearish than they would oti twIip have been. The attend nce uf lit-lci buyers was not as large as hn Ixeu me ce on some days, but for tucitc'v ci 1, -in teion men had a good many biiylug odt.- in hand which nelped out vn y mat. rl-.'iy, It will be tt numbered thst the largest culpis in lit history of the yards wore reported ihls week a year ago. Hence it Is only rfnjonpble to assume that the shipping sea-rjn if now at Its height. It is an old savins that the tlino lo ouy is when the stun' is for sale. With the ysrds full uf sheep snd lambs and wltii prices tor the two days iofatoc lower than last wees. It would look very much aa if this was the ll.i.i. fur parties wanting feed ers to get in theli orders. It woulu be a atiang, minif !; the sharp break In prices does not reduce shipments In the near fu ture, when 11 will be harder work lo till orders than at. thu present time. iiepresenlatlve sales: No, 821 Wyoming yearHngs sw Wyoming ewes 97 Wyoming ewes 176 Wyoming lambs, fd'rs, culls 819 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 320 Wyoming lambs, feeders 159 Wyoming limbs, feeders 320 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 820 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 1H0 Wyoming lan bs, feeders.... 14 Wyoming wethers 32? Wyoming lambs 372 Wyoming lambs 59 Wyoming lambs, feeders ... 606 S. Dakota lambs, culls, fd'rs 54 8. Dakota lambs, culls, fd rs 253 S. Dakota ewes, culls, Id ti U6 Colorado ewes, feeders.. 143 Colorado lambs 313 Wyoming ewes 486 Wyoming ewes, feeders... 191 Wyoming ewea 044 Wyoming ylgs, wethers, fdrs.. 84 Av. . 10 114 Hll 48 65 64 til 04 h.i 61 lOi 66 68 611 88 b. 81 87 66 120 . 93 ,105 80 Wyoming ylgs, wethers, fdrs. 266 Wyoming ewes, feeders 622 Wyoming lambs, feders 110 Wyoming ylgs, wethers, fdrs, 267 Wyoming lambs, feeders 347 Wyoming lambs, feeders 666 Wyoming lambs, feeders 99 Wyoming lambs, fseders 228 Idaho - wethers 37 Idaho ewes 707 Wyoming (wei, feeders 136 Wyoming ewes. fdrs. culls... 361 Wyoming yearlings, feeders. W7 Wyoming yearlings, feeders. 62 Idaho lambs, feeders lambs, feeders lambs lambs yearlings yearlings 353 I'tsh wethers, feeders 412 I' lah lambs 177 Utah lambs 336 Utah ewes, feeders 229 western yearlings, feeders... 99 Wyoming lambs, feeders laniDS, reeoers yearlings, feeders, yearlings, feeders. ewes, feeders lambs, feeders .... 258 Wyoming lambs, feeders 623 Wyoming lsmbs, feeders 85 Wyomlrg lamha, feeders 506 80. Dak. ewes, cull feeders 64 80. Dak. lsmbs, cull feeders 19 South Dakota ewes, feeders 263 So. Dak ewes, cull feeders.. 15 Colorado ewes, culls 236 Colorado ewes, feeders 141 Colorado lambs 130 Colorado ewes, feeders 24 Colorado ewes, feeders 129 Colorado ewes, feeders 131 Colorado ewes, feeders 1189 Montana wethers 4o2 Idaho 72 Idaho 631 Idaho 173 Idaho 497 Idaho 178 Wyoming S8 Wyoming 100 Wyoming 208 Wyoming 93 w ynmlng 83 H . 52 . 74 . 64 . 66 . 66 . 66 . P3 .112 . 89 . 89 . 79 . 79 . 62 . 67 . 70 . 70 . 98 . 98 . 69 . 67 . 68 .102 . 92 . 68 . 49 68 76 83 67 68 58 68 fS 67 92 87 73 67 66 87 91 86 85 115 H6 100 63 64 V 113 122 112 76 68 69 59 b. 90 83 66 64 69 61) 99 63 82 ts 13 49 Pr. 3 90 3 06 2 76 4 10 4 t 4 66 4 66 4 DO 4 Oj 4 60 3 60 6 06 6 16 4 60 2 00 4 2a 1 90 '2 3(1 4 ,0 3 20 2 60 5 06 3 80 3 8) 2 60 4 65 3 75 4 65 4 6 4 66 4 6b 4 00 3 10 2 16 1 75 3 86 3 86 4 66 4 7B 6 06 6 06 4 00 4 00 4 46 4 80 4 90 2 60 3 76 4 60 4 16 3 7.i 8 75 2 3 4 60 4 At 4 6) 4 61 2 in 4 25 2 25 1 91 1 i0 2 30 4 75 8 60 3 5) 3 50 3 60 3 60 8 0) 2 60 4 15 4 76 2 5 3 20 3 65 2 ;o t Cm 4 60 4 50 4 61 4 50 3 6.', 2 16 4 5i 4 20 4 50 4 6.1 2 60 4 00 1 Ol 4 60 4 60 4 AS KHEUP AND LAMBS -Receipts. head, market stendy to strung, lamb. 3 60 U .0 4 Hit A4il l.lF. ITOlk M IHkRT tattle Weak Hobs SleHalx In Htf tents Hlahee Sheep Stead. CHICAGO. Sept. j3! CATTt.K Receipts. 6.1X1 head, nmrkt-t wsk, teei. 4.vo.;si, cows. $i.2.,iio.-'.i. 1 14 If cm s, $i04ll'.S; boil . $.'.5ih4 M; calves. $3 jifit .On; Mockers snd f e'ers. $2 6"4i I HUGS -Receipts. I10 head. marke steady to Ac higher; choice iea. 7.4o $7 IKf7 56; light mixed. n.9' light, $7 2"7.SJ; pa, kin. $.V7fVi6 25, hulk of sales. 7 hi; butchers. ti'7 .16: choice $'!.!'' 7.2"; 1 .g $6 9ci7.l. SHEEP AND 1MBS-Recclpts. 12Vi head; mai ket sleady; sheep, $6O04.i., )f grltngs.; lambs, $.15 ido.To. glexk In (Marat. 4 Receipts of live stock at the six principal weatern markets yestentsy: . Cattle, Hogs. 8he.p S.iuth Omaha H.7ia k.ti Simix City . St. Joseph .. Katisss City St. Louis ... Chicago 5i vl .... 4 6'XI ....Sn,0 . ... 6.7O0 .... 6.0HO Hogs. b.t 3.3. 7.0l 17.0"" 12.6"0 13.0tH 6,600 1 2,014) Totals ft.V) 57. . 7..6t OMAHA URXERAL MARKETS. rendition at naiel Qnotatleas tnnle and Fanes- free) nee. PUTTER CTflarrtery. No. 1 delivered ti retail trade In cartons. 2Jc; No. L In lb. tubs. 22c; No. 1, In 30-lb. tubs. 23c; No. $, In 60-lb. tub. 20',fcc; No 3, In 30-lb. tubs. 2lc; No. 2. lit 1-lb. csrtons. 2lo; No. L la carload lets, 21Vc; No. 2. in carload lota. 19ii'19Vic; cjuntiy. faucy, tubs, 17c; com 11. on. 16V EGtiS- Fresh randied. io per nosen. CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full vpesm. twins, 14', c; young Americas, 4 in boon. 15c; favorite. 8 In hoop. 15Vc; daisies, K lm hoop, loc; cream oricg. run case. ic; lialf case, 13c; half doaen brioks, 140. Nit Quotations on Swiss nor iimberger until after October. REEF CLTS No. 1 rib, mif; no. 2 no, lllic; No. 3 lib. 6-,c; No. 1 loin,. 2oc: No. 2 loin, 12c: No 3 loin, S',4jc; No. 1 chuck, 6V ; No. 2 chuck. 4c; No. 3 chuck. 4c; No. 1 round. S'-iC; No. i round. 7c; No. 3 round. . '. ...... 4, ... K ' .. A ...... Alt..- k:.. iac ; ;u. 1 p. ate, o't , no. a imic, ah-. 3 plate, oic. l JAlt Cuarse granuiaiea, s.ooc; una granulated, 6.70c; tubus, 6 vc; powdered, 660c per lo. DRESSED POULTRX-oqugba, $2.21 per doren. VEOETAPLE8-Celery, nfichlgsn. per io., Xsg. Besns, new wax and spring, one third bu basket, $1.00; navy, per bu., No. 1, t2,'U; lima, ASsC per lb. CabbaO, So per lb. Potatoes, new, per ba $1.10. Tomatoes, per 4-basket crate, 90u. Watermelons, 2os loc. Cantalopes, California, ti.tum. per crate. Aeporagus, per dos., 40c. Cucum bers, per dot., ooo. Onions, Bermuda, l..4) per crate; Texas yellow, per craie. Mushrooms, cultivated, per ib., sOO. Lxl tuce, por dot., 2bc. Peppers, souUicrn, 1 por craie. FRESH FRUITS Apples, , 0.712.00 per bu. boa. Lemons, $4.64)o.tX. uraugea, etas) C16 OO. Uananas, 4o per lb. Plums, per 6-basket crate. Peaoiies. CaiUurnla, ItAOeVo per bux; Texas, 4-baakev crate. jtfiuc Pears, $1.60 per 4-baskei crate, itlaokbor ries, 4.oo per crate. Raspberries, $4.uu per crate. Cherries, $2.26. Currants, per crate. Gooseberries, $2.00 per 01 ate. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9i springs, lSHrc; roosters, bo; ducks, young, K-; old, ?Vsu, geese, c; turkeys. 14c; pigeons, 600 pt; uotun, sviuabs, $2.uu per Uosen. DHIEjJ FRC ITS Raisins, loose, Muscatel, 6ttc: lancy seeded, 1-lb. cartou, loc. Cur iums, uncleanea, 6Hc; clesnud, $c; carton, 90 per lb. Prunes, 406600 per sack; 7Vd per lb. Apricots, 36-Id. uoxta, 9u per lo. Peaches, California choice, 9c; fancy boxea, llo per lb. Pears, California, lie. Dates, Persian, 6VtC. t'lgs, layers, choice, IOHj. Citron, l$4iov. Union peal, 13u Orange peel, ISc. F18H Halibut, tc; trout. 14c: pickerel, llo, pike, 14o; bullheads, skinned and dressed, Uc; whit perch, so; white baas, 17c; blacit baas, 2c; dapples, loc: white fish, 13c; red snapper, 14u: flounders, 12c; mackerel, 17c; codfish, fresu frozen, 13c; shad roe, 4&c; smells, 13c; frog legs, 4&u; green sea turtle meat, 26c; cattish, 16c; eel, per lb., ISo. HIDES Quotations by J. S. Smith & Co t Green salted No. 1. 10c; No. 3, 80; bull hides, No. 1, He; - No. J. 7c; horse hides. $2.60; sheep pelts, 26c to $l-6o, dry pelts, lOu to 12o per lb.; dry flint butcher hides, Uc, dry fallen hides, llo: dry salted hides, tc Philadelphia Frodtjce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22. BUTTER Firm. Mic to lo lower; extra western creamery, I6c; extra nearby prints, 2-. EOOS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 25o at mark; current receipts In returnable cases, 24c at mark; western firsts, free cases, 25c st mark; current receipts, free cases, 24c at mark. CHEESE Firm and higher; New York full creams choice, 13V4f 13 He; fair to good, 12 313e. WISE GROOM SHOWS WIFEY South Dakota 42 steers. ...1108 1 90 J T. Hewitt b. L. 11 cows 826 3 60 I bull 1344 J 60 15 cow s 9-f, $ 00 6 cowa 944 $00 4 cowa 7 8 00 4 cows fr7 $00 7 heifers.. 618 2 40 S cows louO $ go HOOS Strictly goot nogs sold this morn ing at steady prices, with poealbly a sale now and then a little stronger. As high as $7.00 waa paid for selected lots. The general run of hogs, however, were orfj'lOc Kwr than yesterday. The bulk of the sir to good loads w ent at Jo So a 6 So, ;i:i a sprlnk- 344 Montana ewes 127 Montana ewes, feeders 626 Montana lambs, cull feeders 827 Montana lamba. feeders .... 177 Idaho ewes, feeders 336 Idaho ewes 142 Idaho wethers 129 Idaho ewes 166 Idaho lambs 161 Idaho lamba. feeders 283 South Dakota lambs, feeders Soo South Dakota lambs, feeders 34i) South Dakota I imbs, feeders 768 Wyoming yearlings and wethera, feeders 33 Wyoming ewes 361 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 241 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 940 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 373 Wyoming lsmbs, feeders .... 11.1 Wyoming ewes 31 Wyoming lambs, cull feeders 172 Wyoming ewes, cull feeders 3S3 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 1s& Wvominar lamba. feeders 337 Wyoming lambs, cull feeders Kanaas City Lire stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 22 -CATTLE Receipts, 2o.000 head, Including 7O0 south erns; market for killing ateera 6161 lower; other cattle, steady to strung; Choice export and dressed beef sueiv, $6.2ftr7.36; fair to good. $5.0Ct)i.0J; western steers, $; stuckers and feedtrj, $2 75iS'4.86; southern steers, $2.9)it.M; south ern cows. $2.008.'20; native cows. II 6i,'u4.0'; native heifers. $2.66.60; bulls, $2. 5J.20; calves. $3.76n6.60. HOOS Receipts, 17,000 head: market weak to loc lower; top, $7.10; bulk of salea, $6.76j!7.O0; hesvy, $7.OiVj(7.10; packers and butchers, $6.7601.10; lights. $6 4i,6); iljs, $4.2MJ6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 19.00 head: market weak; lambs Hi- lower at $i.2f'55.2d; ewes snd yearlings, 12.5f'li4 0; western yearlings. $3. 8oHv4. 15: western sheep. $3.40tia.9o; stockeraf and feed'ra, $3,004)430. It. Lewie Live Stock Market. ST. I5UI8. Sept. 22 CATTLE Receipts. 6.70ft head. Including 2.700 Texana; market steady: native snipping ana exprt sierra, $4.00'Jr7.40; dressed beef snd butcher steers. $3 76t126; steers under l.OiO pounds. $3.t ( 00: stockers and feedera. M OOOj-4 tO; cows and heifers, 82.suBS.76; csnners. 82.t07i2.2n; bulls. $2. 76-6-4.; calves. $4 0otj7.o0; Texas and Indian steers, $2.7o4j.2o; cows a id heifers. $1 603.76. HOOS Receipts, 12,600 head: market stesdy; pigs and lights. $3.6o4.t: packers. $6 57 07.10; butchers and best heavy, $7.20' 7.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipta. 4 000 head; market ateady; native muttons. $4 00 0-4 16; lambs. $6.2f0e 60; culls and bucks. $2.25SH.0O; stockers. $4 ZtlM 60. tans City Lira gtewk Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 12 (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Reoelpta. too head; market strong; beeves, $4 iffjff 00; grans cows, $i606o; feeders. 10c higher st $2.75 04 10; calves and yearlings, $2.35'f3 26 HOGS Receipts, $.) head; market 10r Inwer; range, $66O096; bulk of sales. $666 d.7(. smart lonnar Fellow fiets In Tele phone Booth, Thinking; He Is In the Elevator. Two young peison who seemed to betray by their blushes and hesitation that they were a bridal pair, entered - the lobby of an Omaha hotel one hot day last week and asked for a room. The clerk was busy and when he handed out a key and told them to follow the bell boy up in the ele vator he paid no more attention to them. The groom turned around and looked for the elevator. It was nut twenty feet away with the door wide open, waiting for him, but next to It was an open glaas dortr, and just to show his bride that he knew what a.i what he walked to this door and motioned her to precede him In. Then no carefully shut the door and watted. The clerk was still busy at the desk and no one else wss paying any attention. The man rapped on the glaas door several times and looked puMled. It was very hot and finally he could stand It no longsr. He rushed out and up to the desk, mopping his beady blow and shouted: "Say, when In thunder does your elevator go up?" Whenever you say the word," calmly re plied thu clerk, "but you have been In tne telephone booth, my friend." CRAWFORD JFOR CHAIRMAN Elected to Head the Neer County Com mittee of the Repablleaas of Douglas. Frank Crawford, one of the younf at torneys nf Omaha, was elected ohalrmun of the new republican county committee at Its meeting at the court house Tuesday afternoun. ThesH wele recommended as members of the state committee to meet st Lincoln last night; M L. learned. 1. Zlegler, O. Llplnn of South Omaha, who was the unanimous choice of the South Omaha dele gation. Mr. Zlegler was the Douglas county choice as a member' 6f the state executive committee. C. H. T. Rlepen was elected secretary and W. E. Rhoades treasurer of the county committee Monday. The chairman was authorized to appoint an executive committee to consist of one metiiber from each Omaha ward, two from South Omaha, one from the northern part of the county and on from the south. An advisory committee wss also decided upon, but the number of members was left to the discretion of th chair. At Adjournment It was decided to hold the next meeting at the same place, 2 o'clock next Saturday afternoon. ' " ' ' t. Joseph LIt Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 22 -CATTI-E Re ceipts, 4.600 head; market slow and ateady; steers. $4 0007 26: torn and heifers. $2 2ou $.00; calves. $3 00&6.26 HOOS-Receipts, 7,000 head; market flow FREDERICK R. TIBBITTS 4th Floor, 35 Congrcsi SL , Boston, Mist. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Commission orders for stocks and Boals lm all markets. - Dominion Copper and other Ouxb Stocks Seagal aaa Sold.