Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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i.vv.;,kTv . .......
Dullness r.figa,wlth Lonj Stuff Con
; .' .iUntlly Coming In.
Jt n:,ri M4; No. 2 northern, $100
II nov, No. a north, ,t-94; Sep-$lo-Ji"'
,nt'l lfmbfr, $1014; May,
bka.v-Hmiic ii on.
M.OJTt; f tt . patenta. $504
.. Kc-ond patent. (fa'p67Q. riret
clears, (IMm,! second chars. Mi'lfi
, . ji
Hnr $)OT,yd 'Tendency n aah
.0tliii Arc Kaally Sold,
' . atsrwarc-LlTerpeocI Cloaca
;. '(trans.
'-.''. t r .. :.(AtlA. S4pt. 21. llr,,.
Oral rhrki-were dull and slugglah
from 4 be Meet-witti org stuff coming on
th market continuously.
Klvarpool cloned strong, but hesvv re
ceipt nara; .derided ly heariah eifect on
I". . .?1rl1'' nd ne options wore easily
Bold tower,- ...
Wheat w-aa ttek Snd Blumpe-i with pres
Ur.?'"r51i'nr "PPort. Stock In
creases hd heavy receipts became a fea
Vr ""'.wnt and valuta were
!?"'' taxvmhT wheat opened al
86jc and cloed at 944c.
Corn weakened after a steady opening,
1".?. of eln nn large, re.ept.
weather prospects are Ideal f,,r mk.n
i a i corn and bearish sentiment la sirong.
aan deanand, wa lerwer December corn
opened tat-)V -and closed at !V '
Priroairy '-'i -wheat reav-lpt wer 2.9'1,0)
nuanela am shipments were 928.0 o bushels,
against eoelpt last year of 1,448,000 bush
el andahipment ot bunhels.
.1.1 -I? f'Hpta were 566.0O) bushels ani
b pmatitf were bushels, against re
celpta laat yrof 1 271,f,o bushels and ship
ment ot r,0,prt() btWela
Claa,ranftra' wp ' 8.on biisliPla of mm.
"S11!L. V 'h -and flour' equal to
5o,0t) bushala,
Liverpool closed ,&(' higher on wheat
nt 4rll higher on coin.
Seaboard reported 1,300,00) bushels of
Wheat taken for export.
Local range of. options:
Article! Open. Hlgh-1 Low. Close ! Sat'y,
Sept... . Dec....
. May...
i I 1 I
6.) 96(Y 94'. 9I4 90S
"hI 73 'J 734
1 61 69 604 r,l"
T ' 44 484 4.7,
9H . 49H 49 49 43
Oaaak. I ..ft Prlcea.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 94'f964r; No. 3 hard,
No. 4 hard. 5&2V4c; No. 3 spring.
2c; no grade. 86flc.
CORN- No. 2, 72Va"3r: No. 3, 724c ; No. 4.
72c; No. 3 yellow, Kmsc; No. 3 vnllow.
?2Hfl73He; No. 3 white. 7474'4.'; No. 3
while. 74g744c.
OATS No. 8 mixed, ljW6V: No. 3 yel
low, 46VfcS47e; No. 3 whit, 46i'9 47c; No. 4
white, &"iC46p.
. . HYE-No. 74HJ75) No. 3, ISWaTVAc.
Carlot Heceipta.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago 6 400 337
Minneapolis 1,174
Omaha v., 130 61 j
luluth i...t.43
Keatarea ot the Tradlaar sad Cloalna;
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept. 21. Evidence of accu
mulating stocka waa too much for the
wheat market today and an .early advance
for which thare aeemed no legitimate rea
aon waa more than lost. December closed
l'4c under Baturday. Corn slumped nearly
2c while oats and provisions receded less
violently. - - . -,
Tha fact that""Decembef wheat at the
outnet rose Vo over tlie previous close waa
a whimsical proceeding which, for the lack
of better reaaona, waa ascribed to small
country offerings and the bullishness of
pit traders at. a moment when there hap.
pened to be little pressure. The bulge was
sufficient to tiring out long wheat to say
nothing of the short article and this state
of affairs continued throughout today.
Northweat receipts maintained their rec
ord breaking', proportions and the visible
supply statement furnished evidence of a
tremendous Increase in stocka. This state
ment showed lain for the week of 3,872,000
bushels, whereas laat year at thia time vla
ible supply deoreaacd 1.401,000 bushels. Other
bearish Influences were the small export
sales reported: ar cottrpaied" with " Satui
?"nomo,' Total, worlda shipments
1.000,000 muahela greater than expected; fa
vorable weather In Argentine: Indifference
of eablee to Saturday's advances on thla
aide and foreign advices to the effect that
the cholera In Russia waa not likely to
reault In an embargo by other natlona on
the products of the ciar'a domain. Closing
losses ranged from 1c on May to He
on September. Primary receipts, 2,901. CoO
bushels against l,44,O0O bushels a year ago.
Beaboard clearances In wheat and flour
were eoual to 7150,000 bushels. Local re
ceipts, (9 para, 13 contract grade. The to
tal for Minneapolis, .Dnluth and Chicago
waa 1037 cars against 1,283 last week and
M4 a year ago. The board of trades on
.,? atement showed a decrease of
tf.ono bushels. . .-, . .
The market for corn Jicld Its own for a
few momenta after, the", opening but fol
lowed this by a resumption of the recent
declines Closing prices .were at the bot
tom with Dec. under flaturday.
t ash porn In the sample market ruled
from Ho to lo dowtf.- Looal receipts, 400
csrs with 132 contract..
Oata were dull and prlcea lower In svm.
pathy with other cereala, although there
was some Influential buying on the soft
spots. Closing prices were st the bottom.
ec. off HSc. Local receipts numbered
337 cars. ....
Provisions pened 24c higher , on alight
run of hos and a sharp advance In Urn
t'!f.hJnlar.kf,,t. at. Liverpool. The advance
ailed Out liberal realising sales, however,
and closing prices on January products
were from oa74 to 2ii2,c under Batur-
aay -
Latlmated receipts for'tomorrow: Wheal.
14.000 head. "
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlclea l Open. High. Low. Close ! Tes y.
Sept. 1 014
,,,1'ec. 101V
Rlay 1 04aT
Corn "
Sopt. 77
Dec. 8HJ
May oS)S
, Sept, 4SV4J19
I0. 4K,
' May ' 5m,
Oct. 15 71
Jsn. 17 m,
May XV 10
Oct. 10 374
Jan. 10 06
May 10 u)
Oct. I
Jan. !
49 41.1 4SW!
1 01 994! 9$ 1 onr,
102S 1 ii.t,i (mi,44,i 1 oi.
1 06 1 JH 1 034 1 04'.4
Tl 7 -i ',74
6rtV 471 64 .8VlH
bo-'" ,tj'iH al-I BjoQ s
15 47SI 16 47', 15 8i
hi SJV! 16 97 17 13
16 W I 16 U0 I 17 0j
10 40 10 to I 10 37V HI oil
10 074! 9 8741 9 9741 10 n.'4
10 0:i, 9 974! 9 9'4 10
t 974, 10 074! 9 94! 9 K, 9 il5
S 7Val W I 8 874! 8 S74J X Jo
9 10 I 10 I 8 974l 8 974, 9 uo
taatlnaa of b-. liar arloaa
4 ommodltlee.
.NKw TOhK.'Srpt. 2l.-FljOLR-R'celr.
l'.v bbls.; txp.uu. a.uW bbls. Market,
t'dy, wiih a fr scattered trade: Mlnne.
"t.i patents. n.46.!4n: winter straUlits,
t.kV 4 45, Mlnnesot bakers. S4.4l4.fl0; win
ter extras. H.f7.t! ; winter ptents, $4 4td
W; winter low grsds, t3.30H3.KO. Rye floui,
t.-a.1y; fair to good, l 20'?.4t; choice lo
fancy, tl oO'a4.8i.
COKNMKAL-titeadv; fine wtilte and yel
low,; roarap, ltoil.7; kiln drid,
$i 25.
RYfc Dull; No. 2 weetem, Mc, nominal,
'. b.. New Vork.
BARLEY Cjulot; malting, i9 p. I. f.,
Buffalo; feeding. fitic . I. f., New York.
WtrfcAT- Receipts, IliS.aoo bu. ; exports,
143.frJ7 bu. h'pet. market easy; No. " red,
I.174'81,(S. elevator: No. 2 red, tl.0u4.
aflrMt; No. hard winter, tl.CJi4, f. o. li.
afliat. New hlifli records for wheat were
made for tli- firs' hour today on strong
cables, diy weather news and the Russian
cholera reports, but export trade not de
velopitip. It subsequently broke badly and
closer V net lower. September, closed
tl.'WV. Docemher, $1.09'A,. closed
$l-4: May- $l.or."n'Sl U closed $1,004.
CORN Receipts, 6.4nO bu.; exports, 1.60
bu. Spot, market easy; No., 2, hie nominal,
elevator, and 874e nominal. The option
market was generally weak all day, under
beurlsh crop news, and closed c lower.
December closed at 77ic.
. OATH Receipts. W.O00 bu, Bput,' market
steady; mixed. 2fi32 pounds, 62c; nalurul
white, 26 to 32 pounds, 6J(o6c; clipped white,
32 to 4o pounds. u,VpHlp.
KKKIj Steady ; spring bran, $20.36; city,
$23. SO.
HAY Quiet; shipping. &i"oic; good to
choh'e, 7'n75'.
I.EATH KR Quiet ; acid 234SfJ29c
PROVIHIONS Steady; family, H.7So 17 r"0;
mess. $13 .6r'fl4 00: beef hams. $29.0yi3l.0i);
packet, $16.0ta 16.00; city extra mess, $24.60
(JS.'IO. Cut meats, steady; pickled belllea.
114illc; pickled hams. im,til2p. Lard.
firmer; weatern, $10.7fi'i 10.S6; refined, firm;
continent, $11 10; South American, $11.76;
compound, 71iRi Pork, firm; family, $20.C0
V-J'.o"; short clear, $19.irK(i2i.oti; mess, $17.25
(f. 17.76.
TALLOW Steady ; city ($2 per package),
KICK Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 34
&6c; Japan, nominal.
POULTRY' Drensed. Irregular; we.'tern
spring chickens, lriil9c; fowls. 14i&154c;
spring turkeys. 20irt2:ie.
KliTTER Irregular: creamery specials,
24in244c; extras, 234a23V-; third to firsts,
18H224c; state dairy, common to finest,
lHit224c; process, common lo special, Info
21c; western factory, firsts, 19c; western
imitation creamery, I94'o20c.
CHEESE Strong ; state, full cream epe
clale. 134AU44P; state, small, colored or
white, fancy, l.le; stale, large, colored or
while, funcy, 124c; state, good to prime,
12iirl24p; state, common to fair, 10jj llc ;
stale, skims. 2(fi'104c.
EGOS Klrm; state. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy, selected, white, 31432c; slate,
fair to choice, 25B30c; brown and mixed,
fancy, 27&2Sc; brown .and mixed, choice,
2426c; western firsts, 22(fj23c; seconds, 21'd
Market Opem Weak en Heavy Selling:
from Outside.
Harrlmasi, Hills. t. Paai, Beadlnat
and Othe, l.eadera Hell off
from Three to Piei
Fair and Continued Warm Tneedar,
Says the Prophet.
OMAHA. Sept. 21, 1908.
Rains are falling In the lower Mississippi
valley nnd west gulf states thla morning,
and light showers were scattered over the
southern states within the last twentv-fottr
hours. The weather continues fair and 'dry
throughout the east, and i-lear weather is
general everywhere west of the Mlasourl
river, except that a light rain is reported
In northwestern North Dakota. Tempera
ture changes have been slight and unim
portant In all sections since the preceding
report, and conditions are favorable for
fair and continued warm in this vlcnity to
night and Tuesday.
Omaha record of temperature and preci
pitation compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
1908. 19rf7. 190. 1905.
Minimum temperature.,... 68 64 56 68
Prechpltatlon .00" ,00 .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 84 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March
I, 2.30 of an Inch.
Deficiency for corresponding period in
1907, 6.74 Inches.
Deficiency for corresponding period In
1906, 1.82 inches. L. A. WELSH.
Local Forecaster.
Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin.
Kor the twenty-four hours ending at &
a. in., 76th meridian time, Monday, Sep
tember 19, 19i:
Tenrn. Raln-
Blatlons. Max. Mln. fall.
Ashland, Neb 91 S9
Auburn, Neb . M)
Broken Bow, Neb. S4
Columbus, Neb...;)
Culbertson, Neb.. M
Kalrbury, Neb.... 89
Fairmont. Neb... 91
Or. Island, Neb.. 8h
llartingtun, Neb. 93
HamlngH, Neb.... 7
Holdrege, Neb... &8
Oakoale, Neb M
Omahu, N'.b 8y
Tekantah, Neb. .. to
Alta. la 87
Carroll. Ia....v.. 91
Clarlnda, la 93
tihley. la 8
Sioux City, la... 86
. o
Pt. cloudy
Cli ar
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
IS 90
If 20
17 124
No. 1
Cash quotations were aa follows:
r'LOL'K Firm;" wlntar patents. $4.10i4.7S:
straights. $4.(a4.60; spring patents. $5.3t
$.60; atralghta, $4 004o; bakers. $2.$5i41o.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.02; No. 3. KuH
$106; No. t red. $1.0isai.oi4.
CORN No. 2. I8!U'74c,; No. 2 yellow, ia
OAT8 No. t white. 494c; No. S white,
RYE No. 2. 784c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting. oftiBtcc.
SIC EDO Flax. No. 1. No. 1 norlh-
weaterb, $1.44. Tlroothv seed, prime.
iti) 30. Clover, contract grade. $ 00,
PROVISIONS-Bliort nbs sl.lea rlooseil.
10 7Hi 10.J6. Mess pork, per bbl . $18 374 u
16.60. Lard, per loo lbs.. tlO.s;1,. Hluu t clear
sides (boxed I. $10.2Vfl
Following were the iecepia and shit.
mentB of flour and gralt. :
- . .- , ReceitMa. Shlpmenta.
27.000 77.00(1
80 .00
92 i8 .00
9 6S .00
94 5a .to
W 60 .00
So OS .(0
8 T
9: dO t
Flour, bbls,
What. bu.
'Porn, nu.
Oata. tH,
R. bu
Minlniuin tenincrature for twelve-hour
period ending at i a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain.
Central. Statlone. Max. Alin. Inches.
1 Mlcago, 111 .
ClIuiiiUus, 0 17
les Moines. la. .. 14
Indianapolis, lnd.. 12
Kansas City, Mo.. 1st
Louisville. Ky 19
Miniieapulls. Minn. 2i
Omaha. Neb Ill
tel. Louis, Mu 13
Warm and dry weather continues gen
eral throughout the corn and wheat region.
L. A. WELSH, Icil Forecaster.
St. I.ouls General Market.
ST. LOl'IS. Se;it. 21. WHEAT Weak;
track. No. 2 red, cash. $1.WW1.064; No. 2
hard. 9c',a $1.0L'4 ; December. $1014; May.
CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, 77tj774c; No
2 white. 794c; December. 2c; May. t;-J4j83e.
OATS Lower; track. No. 2 cash, 4Sti4ic;
No. 2 white, 52c; December, 4'c; May. 504
R Y E Quiet.
HAY' Timothy, lower, $S.5oS 13.50; prairie,
firm, $V0im U.oo.
FLOl'R Firm; red winter patents. $4.80
64.90; extra fitney and straight, $4.06'a4 66;
clears. $3.60.
SEED Timothy. $2.500.50.
BRAN L'tichanged; sacked, east track,
$l.(iKll 3.
B AGO I NO- 8c.
PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; jobbing.
$18 00. l ard, higher; prime steam. $10.20a
10.30. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed, exira
shorts, 114c; clear ribs, lie; short clears.
)14c. Karon, higher; boxed extra shorts,
lJc; clear ribs. 114c; nhort clears, 12c.
POI'LTRY-Steady : chickens. 9c; springs.
13c: turkeys. 17c: ducks. 7184': geese. 5c.
BI'TTER Steady ; i namcry. 19'j23c.
EGGS Steady, l4c case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls IS.OcO 12.(u
Wheat, bu :M.ipo tt.0'V
I'orn. nu an :h.'i
Oata. bu 259.000 17.000
33ft.(Mt 18o.ll
jf..rt :4.i1ii
galley, bu. -. . 2So.,vj
On the Pr6du exchause to.lay Ihe but
ter market waa steady; crramcrl.-a, aoi.'o! ; I
dair'ea, 17X-. Esgs, stesdy at mark.
Vasaa Included,' 16ol8c; firns. 21c; prime
usts, J!2c. Cliecar. turn at 12iil3'. , j
rl '.i. , LJrftrpool tirala. Market. I
T.IVERPOOL. Sent. 21-'H EAT-S ot
at rung v No. I red western winter. 7a fd; No.
1 -California, iu Id. Futures, steady; D
cember. 7a8Sd; March, 7s 6d.
CORN Spol.' tulat; American mixed. 7s
Rd. Fumrea. ataajy; October. i114d; D
cember. ld.,
I flX)R-Winter natanta. ateadv. 2.
H(JPS-At Ixmdoiii, l'aclfic loatt. s.cady.
jtx twrS J. ' ':. -
.-'.?fr'- Mrket.
PKtSRlXr 111", ' r5i.t'.' JI COBN -Firm; No.
I Wltl, (fcc: No. J -yi How, 71'il7(i4c; No.
j yellow, ;$-; No. J, 'if . No. 4. 7".v.-; no gnde,
'ATS-Ess No. if ahite. 441it9c; No' 4
wnlte,t7V,tty:. y. , . .. , J -
. MtaPBVs tirala Marlet,
" MlNNafAfi'iKl Pept. . 21. WHEAT-
No. I haiV i 6 "J i S 1 uoilhciu,
Kansas City tiraln and Provisions.
changed to K lower; September. &3V-; D
cemler. 94f; May, 974c; ca'li. No. 2 bald.
97H9s4; No. 3 hard. 9tiC; No. 2 led,
$1.04; No. 3 red. $l.u0fl-l.C2.
CORN 44'c jwer; September, 73'c;
December, i7c; M.iy. 69c; rash. No. 2
mixed. ,4oi No. 1 mixed, 7Jt'a7lc; No. 2
white. 764c; No. 3 white, 7iWc.
OATS I "lie ha ii god; No. 2 while, 44fjSOc;
Nu. 2 in'x- 14C-
RYE 7tV'380o.
HAY-Heady; choice timothy,- .50flW.0t;
choice prairie t-2fs-50.
BI'TTER Firm; creamery, 25c; packing
stock. ISc.
KiSGS Firm ; fresh extras, 2Sc; turrent
rtcclpts, 174-.
Hecelpts. Shipments.
Wheat bu 521.00m 138.000
Corn, bu 27.000 7.000
Oats, bu , 42.000 ,0o0
I Open. I High. I Low. Close.
', u 41
MV 94S! 4
67, 674 'i
69 I bfB
F.Vi YORK. Sept. L'1.-Actlve selling of
stocks tind acute wenkms carried up to
the very close of laft week, it was a nv.tter
cr course that outside selling orders should
bn In considerable volume when opt rat Ions
began on the Stoik exchange today. From
tho standolnt of speculative sentiment
alone, very pessimistic views of the out
look for values went out in weekly market
reviews and letters from commissi n houses
to clients.
The active speculative position waa on
the selling aide of the market. The passive
position was on the same side, . perforce.
L rgent cells for additional margins went
out to customers at tlie close of last week,
and f.tilure to respond to these was fal
lowed by selling out of accounts. The open
ing decline In prices also broke thromii
the limits of additional stop loss orders,
and precipitated fresh liquidation on the
market trom this cause. The tusk of sup
porting the market, therefore, proved diffi
cult, and It was some time in fact before
tho support became effective, with apeculn
tlve liquidation on an enormous scale.
Stocka which were supposed to he the fa
vorite medium of speculative operations by
the Standard Oil group of capitalists were
notably affected by the weakness. St. Paul
was a conspicuous example. The copper
industrials were affected bv thla supposed
relationship. This special weakness had Its
origin In the exposure of the lust few d.ivs
of former Standard Oil activities to Influ
ence political nnd legislative action. Re
ports were current in the financial district
or plans for renewed attacks on the Stan
dard Oil organization from government
sources. The effect of the exposures, it
was felt, would be to Invite renewed hos
tility to corporations In general and to the
Standard Oil In particular and to shape the
political camalgn more definitely In that
direction. One of the strong factors in the
late speculation for the rise In the stock
market had been an assumption that agi
tation through the country on these lines
was losing Its force and venom. The epi
sode of the publication of the Archhold-For-aker
correspondence has caused some revi
sion of this view In the financial district.
A similar process of revision of earlier
views of the business revival finds its place
as an Influence on the reactionary lone of
the securities market.
Talk regarding the copper trade, as it
waa heard In the neighborhood of the Stock
exchange today, was not hopeful. Another
marking down on prices of copper at the
metal exchanges and of copper In the Ixui
don market gave a point to the talk. There
were reports of efforts to sell copper by
consumers who had become overstocked.
Officials of steel compunies showed some
thing like Impatience over reports of large
resumptions by steel mills in Immediate
prospects, and took pains to assert the mod
erate rate of the improvement. The effect
of these staements on tho stock market
was seen In the dislnclinaion of buyers o
follow prices on any considerable recovery,
he downward plungegdeo eshrdlu occemmff
The feeling of uneasiness gathered force,
and the downward plunge of the day was
the consequence. From one to five points
measures the range of the day's losses,
and In the Harrlmans, Hills, St. Paul and
Reading the damage runs from three to
four and three-fourths points.
Bonds were weak. Total Bales, par value,
$3,668,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Files. Hlh. Lew. CIojc
Amslxamsted Copper 6M0O 7S 71S "M,
American Car and Found.. 1,100 SS 37S ZT
Amarlran Cotton nil v 331; J.-i 8.1 1-
Amer. Hide at Leath. pfd.. l.m) Ul't 24 ?1
American Ira gaiurltlea ... 1.(00 264 2 24
Amerlran Llnaoad tfl
Amarlran Ixicomottve S.4'") 45Ta 44 45
Preferred 4V 101 1 101
Amer. Smalt, and Refng.. TO.jno 2H n :',
Preferred 500 lot l, inn Pi,
Amarlran uar Ref'na ... J.4t K V.t
Amerlran Tnbarro pfd .... 1" tl IH 0l
American Woohtn MO -3S SSS H
Anaconda Mining Co 4,000 4Ht 42, 4;-,
Atrhlann lfl.S'XI Xti SiVt "X,
Preferred 00 ! 9, (Ml,
Atlantic Coast bine 7v u "
Baltimore Ohio 11.1C0 IO, (i
Preferred .. -
Brooklyn Rapid Transit....' t.ton 4S 47a 47ij
Canadian Psrlflc L00 17" MS lt3
Central Leather 1.M0 20t 24'- --t'j
Central of New Jersey 1IKI
chespeake ct- Ohio ,.. S.ono 41 3t, If",
Chlraso Great Western 1.100 S
Chloaso etc Northwestern .. 1.M0 H7 1!A I :.,
Chl.sgo. Mil. St. Paul.. 32.40 133', i:9'4 120t
(".. C. C. St. Iulc .... 1(11 Ml, 64', 61
Colorado Fuel and Iron ... 4.J0 J2i ."2 it
loloradc? ac Southern 4.0M 8H
It rrelerrrd sun If.', s
2cl preferred !V 6 5T 7'
Consolidated, Gas 14 :s 13 :W4j
Corn Procluiis 1.IO) 17, 17
Unaware A Hudson SO" KiH lStj IB2i
Denver A Rio Grande H V" 27 I
Hreferrid 0J M IW f5i
Plstlllera' i?cwurltles l.tno 2'i 27 JT.
Erie 6i).lii0 2M, 21 'e :'4.
1st preferred 1.100 4-"s 4i 41'i
:d prclerre.i 301 344, 34 .3'4
C.enersl fCleflrlo 7i 1.1' 13 137,
(Iresl Northern pfd 23.10" 1;97 US'a K'6;
Oresl Norlhm Ore. c-lfa 7,.V ftci'j tA .
Illluola ('antral 1.0K) 1 :f -
lnterborough-Met ') m' lci4 cHi
Preferred 1.7'V) 31 30 30
International Paper K) 'j
Preferred fo r,7 M
Internaltonal Tump 401 !1' 214 21',
Iowa Central 17
Kansas City Southern 4
Preferred 94
Muisvllle Nashville .... l.'M 10 104 .U-i
Mlnnespolls & t. I.ouls . 2 10 24 28 27S
Minn.. St. P. 4 8. St. M . 0 1IS4, 11 H7'
Missouri Pacific 1. 20(1 KIV, t f'l
Ml-tnurl. Kansas A Tei . 1,6K 2S W
Preferred 2M 4 2t -'V,
National Lead tl.ZvV" 70 Vo 7i
New York (antral WOi) 104S, no's l'W'.,
New Vork. Ont. West . t.fOO S9S JS'ii t,
Norfolk A Weatern 4iw Tl 72 71
North American 400 n, t
Northern Pacific 32,000 13S" U3' MSt
Psclllc Mall 'M's
Pennsylvania 14.110 Kli 120 120
People's Gas M' 4 3i
Pltthliurg. c. C. tt St. L si 7S 74 73
Pressed Steel Csr 1 . Sort 31 30
Pullman Palace Car 100 161 161 1i
Railway gteel Snrlng 300 3S 14V
Reading l.7( 13" 12i,
Republic Sleel 1.4"0 21S I'V 2H4
Prvferrcd 100 79 7m, 7',
Rnck Island Co 1.3O0 Id's 17', 174
Preferred $. 4H i St
81. b. & Ren Fran. 2d pfd.. H 2f.'j Sit, 2i,
81. Louis Southwestern .... 4' Utl, 16 lcH,
Preferred 2-K 4.14, 43 44
tMora-8her. Steel eV Iron 2-0 tli, 6U, ',
aoulhern Pacific 77.1H0 KM', ', vjy.
Preferred 7'K 117', 117 117
8c.ulheni Railway :.!") :0'4 20
Preferred '. SW 6''. PI', r,fj
Tennessee Copper W) 37", S6 31',
Tessa t Pacific S3
Toledo. St. Louie West 22
Preferred 2"0 Sti :,m
fnlon Pacific 221 . l."s(, IMS Wi
Preferred M
I nlted Slates Rubber 4n : 29 ',
1st preferred IW Kit, 7', fi
t'lllted Rtalea Sleel 3.6c) 441, 4T
Preferred i.100 K'' 174
t (ah Copper t.'' ri
Virginia-Carolina Chum .. ! '-4 2S 'is
Preferred , I"" 17 H7 i
Watwsh I 11 '2 12
Preferred U 24 24
Wesllnghousa Kiectrlc .... l.t'l 71', 71 71
Western Inton K ' 41 "
Wliealing t l-eke Erie .... 2"0 s
Wisconsin cenlral M't 26 24
Total sales fur the dsy, 1,103,K shsrrs.
Bostou Stocka and Ronda.
HoSTON. Sept. 21. -Money, call loans, in
3 per cent; time loans, a4n44 per cent.
Closing quotations on aloes and bonds
ere :
Atrhlsoa adj. s Atlantic i.l,
do 4s W Hlnghsin
Mes. cent. 4a ' ( si. A Heels
Atchison 15'iCeniennlal 2'-i
do preferred 44XpBr Range 1;
Bos. k Albany 21 Paly West a
Bos. a Maine 12''-.- Franklin :
Bos. Kletated li.: "Grsnby tn
Flt.-hburg pfd i Isle Knoale 21
Mes. l ent ''., Mass Mining ..
N. Y. . N. H H..14.P Mlrh!gsn t jc,
I'nion Pacific l3--tMobaN
Am. Arge. ( hem 2d Mou c. at l .. 45
Am. Pneu. Tube .... " end rmmtnloii
Am. ttuasr i24', Oscaoia , .
do preferred 12." Parrcx -.'4
Aid. Tel. A Tel t-ci;;Uuincy ,i
Am. Woolan 14 Shannon :4'
do preferred ' Tamsrei k '
Edison Elec. Ilium . .2 Tnnll ;g
Ge. Ble.-trle 1.17 Polled Copper V
Mass. Flaclrle I I . Mining Jr
.do preferred 4 I . oil :s
Mass. Uaa ."4 l lah ei. dlv n
l olled Fruit I I , Victoria --,
tatted 8. M MS Winona :.'.
do preferred 2", North Bune 7s I
I . Aieel 4- S Hutie lualltion :
do preferred 1i'' Ne.ada . . ... .
Adveniura 7 l al. A Arts I.',
Allocs, ."4, Arts. A imm .'
Amalgaauted Ic 'n Greene i ananea I'l
Bid. "Asked.
eral fund, exclusive of the $lWi.iwinof g0d
rerre. sliowa: Avallnble cash balances,
$l-2 223.W: gold coin and bullion, $::.4. );
gold certificates. $..Sf.; $hO.
.ew York Money Market.
CANTILK PAPKR-4-1144 )er cent
BTKRl.INU KXCH ANCE-Pieadlrr. wllh
actual business In bankera' b lls at $4 . J&
4 for sixty-day bills and at $4 atvi. for
demand: commercial hilts. It (t4'o4 S4'.
S1I.VKR Par. r2"i,c: Mexican doll.irs. 4.
R( )NOS Ooi eminent, steady; rallrcad,
wes k.
MONK V On call. easy. 1014 per cnt;
ruling rate. 14 per rent; closing bid, 1 per
rtit; offered st l' per. cent. Time loans,
quiet unrt steady: slxtv dsys. 24 per cent;
nln-iy days, 1 ier cert; six months, 34 per
Closing quotations on New Tork bonds
were ss follows:
I ref 2s reg do 4t, )iT
do coupon l'-4's d id series eel,
I. S Ss. reg PI A N. unl. 4s ....
do coupon ItU Man. cen. g.ld 4s.. .li',
I g, 4s. reg 121 Mex. Cenlrsl 4s !0
do coupon l-JI'l Scto 1st In. i.
Am. Tobacco, 4s t::Mlnn A St. L. 4s.. m
do s M.t M . K . A T. 4 . . .
At.hlson gen 4s ... 1'0'ij s-lo 84, H',
do adju-t. 4s 9. (; R. R of M. c. 4s U
etc c v. 4 S. Y. Cent. gen. 3t 92 ,
do cv. 5s H'2 N. J Cent. 4en. as.12.1'
Aclsntlc C U 4s.... 94 Northern Par. 4s 1 'i
Del. A Ohio 4s ... ions, do 9a 73
do :i' .t Nor. A West c. 4s.. .'9
Prmik R T cv .. Tli Ore. 8. L. rfdg 4s . .h
( en of Georgia fts . . . IS" , Penn. cv. ,H,. 1I5.. 4'a
do 1st inc "c do ennsnl 4s c4
do 2d Inc t Reading gen. 4s ur,
do SI inc 17 Rep. of Cuba , 101
Chen. A Ohio 4',s . .InHj st. A 1. M. c. Ss llo-
( hi. A ltnn 31,, .. f0i8t L. A 8. F. tg. 4s. '! Is
C. B. A Q n-w 4s. '.3 (I L. 8. W. c. 4s.. c'4
C. R. I, A P. 4s .. 1.7 "Sea. Air L. 4s ... Ill,
do col ,"s i.J I, Snulh. Psclllc 4s JU,
do rfdg 4s 9 do 1st 4s ).
icv A at. I., g. 4t. twits. Railway tt Iltl'i
Col. InduSlrlal ;.s -iTeiiss A Pac. lies lh",
( ol. Midland 4s .... T. St. I,. West. 4s '7
Col. A Bmithern 4s..., 94 'Inion Pa.-lflc 4s....l0J'
Pels. A Hud cv. 4s . '.Pl do cv. 4s -.. 4
Den. Rio (1 Is. .'4 I 8 811 2d lis. . . . to.
Krle. prlo- lien. 4s.. 47 Wgbash lets 1IJ
Krle gen. 4s V' Wrstern Md 4s 7"i
Hocklns Vil. 4ls .. IJ A 1.. Erie 4s ... 7
Ir.le. h Met. 4',s f-7 Wa. ( ent. 4s VJ-,
Jspsn 4s 90
Hid. "Offered.
I.aaesoai Ballloa Market.
LONDON. 8ept. 21. BULLION - Oold
bira. 77slod; American eagles, 76s &d.
Tresaary talesneat.
WASHINGTON. Sept. .-Today a state
ment of tha Uaaaury baluicef In tilt tea-
New Vork Kinlnc Rtoeka.
NKW YORK, Sept- 21. -Cloning quotations
on mining stocks were as follows:
Alice J.V) si.esdvllle Con 3
Hreece 3 Llltla Chief
Prunswlck Con 3 Mejclc-an f.l
Comstocli T. 8 21 Onlsrlo SWI
Comstock T. B 10 I'phlr lel
t on. Cal. A Va 71 Standard 19.)
Horn Silver .vi Tellow Ja ket 46
Iron Stiver .5
London Cltvilna; KtorkB.
LONDON. Sept. 21. American securities
opened dull and Irregular today. During
the early trading Reading declined and
Amalgamated Copper advanced 4. At noon
the tone waa steady and prices ranged
from below to 4 above Saturday's New
York closing.
Closing quotations on stocks were:
Consols, money .... I Ml M , K. A T 2i ',
do account sis-UN. V. Centrsl 107
Anaconda Norfolk A W 'S
Atchison do pfd r-4
do pfd :i74Ontsrlo A W 4ej'
Bsltlmore A Ohio.... 9M, Panusylvsnla 62
Canadian Pacific 17oRsnd Mines 7'i
Ches. A Ohio ' Reading tciu
Chlcsgo'Gt. W 6 Boulliern Railway ... 2!
C, M. A Bt. P 1371 do pfd kl't
lie Beers 18 Southern Pacific IJ'k
p. A R. 0 27 t'nlon Pacific W.i,
do pfd 6M do pfd 30
Erla iV. 8. Steel ,i,
do 1st pfd 43',, do pfd 11)H
do 2d pfd Wabash I2,j
nrand Trunk 2.J, do pfd ..Ol
Illinois Central 1 4., t, Spanish 4s tjict,
Louisville A N 1074 Amsl. Carper Ms
SILVER Bar. steady, 24 3-16d per ounce.
MOKB7-4& per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is ltM!la per cent: for three
months' bills, 1 7-16514 per cent.
Forrlavn Financial.
LONDON. Sept. 21. Monday -was plenti
ful on the market today and discounts
were harder. Paris secured the bulk of
the $2. BOO in gold at in advance of H.
Trading on the Stock exchange started the
week only moderately active and with lr4
regular movements. Home rails were
firm, but consola dropped for lack of
support. In spite of the Interruption of
telephonic communications. Paris sup
ported foreigners and helped the local
dealers to maintain the strength of Kaf
firs. American securities moved listlessly
after an adjustment to below parity,
were not anxious to operate owing: to the
liquidation going on In New York. letter
the receipts of the New York opening,
with selling orders, depressed values, par
ticularly of Amalgamated. The market
finished weak at a fractlepn above 4, he low
est of tho day,
BERLIN. Sept. 21. The trading on the
Bourse todav was weak. '
PARIS, Sept. 21. Prlcea On the Bourse
today opened heavy but the closing waa
steady. The private rate of discount was
quoted at 2 per cent, an advance of 4
per cent.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, Sept. 21. Bank clearlnga for to
day were $2,320.B40.27 and for the corre
sponding date laat year $2,128,423.96.
Matal Market.'
NEW YORK. Sept. 21. The London tin
market was unchanged at 130 2s 6d for
spot, but futures were a shade higher at
131 10s. The local market was quiet at
$28,37 4 (S 28. 2 4. Copper wsi lower in
the Kngllah market, with spot quoted at
59 10s, and futures at 10 5s. The local
market was weak Electrolytic was
quoted at $13 12 413.25. and casting at
$12. S747 13.00. Lead was urn-lianaed at
13 3s 8d in the English market. The
local market was dull at $4.47 4 B4.1S0.
Spelter advanced to 19 17s d In the
EntrUst) market. The local market wa
dull and a shade lower at $4 72 4 a 4.77 4.
Iron was unchanged In the English mar
ket, with Btandard foundry quoted at
Ml 3d and Cleveland warrants at uls
7 4d Locally no change was reported.
No. 1 foundry northern. $1(1.50 1 7.26 : No
2. foundry northern, $1 6.00 J 16.75 : No. 1
southern and No. 1 southern aoft, $16.75i2
17 25.
ST. l.OI'Ifl. Sept. 21 METALS Lead,
dull, $4.35. Spelter, dull. $4.5.
Cotton Market.
NEW VORK. Sep'. 21.-COTTO.V-Fu-tures
opened steady; October. 8.85c; Decem
ber. 8.73c; January, i.ISc; March, 8.63c;
May. 8.69c.
Futures closed Bteady; September, 8R3c;
October. 8.8c: November. 8.65c: December,
8.70c; January, 8.56c; February, g.&6c; March,
S.oSc; May. 8 62c.
Spot closed quiet. 10 polnta decline; mid
dli'ig uplands, 9.40c; middling gulf, 9bJc;
aales. 40 bales.
OALVESTON, Texas, Sept. 21. COTTON
Steadv, 93c.
changed; middling, 9c; sales, none; re
ceipts, 120 bHles. shipments, 225 bales;
stock. 8.480 baleH.
Spot, steady: low ordinary. 4 3-1 6c nomi
nal; ordinary, 64c nominal: good ordi
nary. 7 l-16c; low middling, 8 5-lSc; mll
rillng. 9 1-lKc; good middling. 94c mid
dling, fair. 9 4o; fair. 10 4c nominal;
sales. 2.275 bales; , receipts, 4.000 hales,
Hlook, 50,350 baiea.
Evaporated Applea anil Dried Fruits.
APPLES Market Is quiet, with fancy
quoted at 94nT04c; choice. 7'39c; prime,
OH?! ('': crmmon to fair, 6&ie.
DRIED FRUITS Spit prunes are quiet,
but fruit of attractive quality is In light
supply, particularly s to the larger sizes
and the market holds steady, with Quota
tions ranging from 4c to 13c for California
and from 6ltc to 74c for Oregon fruit.
There Is a moderate demand for aprlcota.
hut only for small lots, and the market Is
rather eaaier In tone, with choice minted
at K'jiKiac; extra choice. 81i9c: fancy,
l')4i11c. Peaches are dull and. wllh the
exception of fancy, rule eaav. with choice
quoted st Vfi1Kr.: extra choice. 7-1,ic, and
fanev. S'-.HOc. Raisins are unchanged, with
loose" muscatel quoted at 4a4'f(61c: choice to
fanev. seeded. :.: seedless. 44'ii6c;
London layers, $1 .3ffy 1
Visible Haipplr of ;rala.
NEW YORK, Seyt '.'I. --The visible supply
of grain Saturday. Hentetnber. 19. as com
piled bv the New York Prodnre exchange,
was aa (VUnw s: Wheat. "4 WW 001 bu., in
cret.sed 3.72 "00 bu. ; corn, 2'131oo bu., In
creised OCT eieo bu.: oils R 7.t) bu.. i'c
ceje1 7l.'..oo0 bu. : rve. 614 OoO hu.. Increased
KtocM bu ; barley. 3. f.v..0fO hu . Increased
6U4.041 bu
Philadelphia Pi-odnce Market.
Stead; fair demand- extra western cream
erv. r-ic- nearby prints. 27c.
FfJ4S Firm: aood demand: Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsts, free cases. 24c:
current receipt", in returnable caaea. 2.1c;
western first, free csse. 24c: current re
ceipts ere rases, !4e: all at mark.
CHEESE Firm: New York full cream,
choice. 1al34e; fair to go'-rt. 12U-tjlJ,p.
pt ?1 SUGAR Raw.
steady: fal- refining. I sfi-oJ 5oc: centrtf ua l
M test. 8 9n(n4 0nc: molass-s sussr. $20
2$c. Beflned. steady: crushed. 5 90c; pow
dered, 5.30c; granulated. 5.20c.
Better Feeling in Cuttle Trade Owing
to Lighter Receipts.
tkeep Rerelpla Largest glare Record
Rreaktaar Ran On ear A a
Trade Plow, wltk rrleea
ronalderably Lorrer.
Elgin Batter llarket.
ELGIN. 111. Sept 21. BUTTER Mar
ket lirui, at 23 4c, aulea, 698,900 pounds.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
FJstlmate Monday b. 2( tf.0"0
Same day last week. ...11.961 1.937 31.195
Same day 2 week ago.. 6 117 2.S12 27.724
Same day 3 weeks ago.. $.8:4 8.304 2.12M
Same day 4 weeka ado.. 8.5M 2.676 17,6.11
Same day last year 1,687 4.446 44.277
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
me year to date, compared wun last year:
lBOA. 19C7. Ino. Dee.
Cattle ;4.724 8:0.823 145,599
Hogs 1,895.142 I t53.44i4 $2,198
Sheep 1,300,815 J.277,120 23,195
The following tnhle shows the average
price of hog at South Omaha for th last
everal days, with comparisons:
tte. 1 1. ilS07.110iX.iIo.ll. H
Brpr. ..
Scot. 10..
Sept. 11..
Sept. 12..
Sept. 1J..
Sept. 14.
Sept. 15.
Sept. Ifi.
Spt. 17.
Sept. 18..
Sept. 19..
S'Pt. 20..
Sept. 21..
6 66
(t fK4
6 84
6 (Cii,
6 s:
6 $64!
$ 821
6 83
S 94
0 87
t 90
6 84
5 78
( 72'
6 73i
6 84;
S 93
B 87
I to.
6 0:
6 09
$ 11
8 02i
( 31
S $3
i 21
5 14
E 14
6 28
5 32
$ 33
6 06) t 39
12 5 30
ft 391 I Ml 7 61
5 441 (Wl 7 44
7 44
7 68
7 42
7 43
7 87
7 38
I 84
t 61
6 68
t 67
6 6n
6 1
6 (U
I 64
t 66
6 62
6 6
6 64
5 64
6 71
6 74
& 80
6 81 5 81 j
The official number of cars of stock
Drought In today by each road was
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'8.
C., M. & 8t P. Ry.... 1116
Wabash 1
Union Pacific 31 6 49
C. & N. W. (easl).... 1 1
C. & N. W. (west).... 78 It 74 0
('., St. P.. M. & 0 2
C, B. A Q. (east 1
C, B. & Q. (wctt)....107 3 17
C, R. 1. & P. (east!.. 6 1
C, R. 1. .- P (west).. 7
Chicago Gt. Western .. 2
Total receipts 231 27 142 10
The disposition of the day'B receipt wa
as follows, eacli buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Omaha Packing Co 411
Swift and Company 695
Cudahy Packing Co 1,430
Armour Co 399
Schwartichild & Bulsb'er 143
Vsnnant A Co 6.X
Carey & Benton 129
Lnbman & Rothchlld 120
W. I. Stephen 79
Hill & Son 333
F. P. Iz-wls 18
Huston Co 14
J. B. Root & Co 13
J. If. Bulla 115
L. K. Hits 10
Layton aV Co
MoCreary & Carey 345
Sam Werthimer 35
If. F. Hamilton 183
at. Hagerty Co 69
F. O. Inghram 6
Sullivan Bros 6
Ihmer Broa 6
Smith & Bosley 73
Other buyers 407
Hogs. Sheen.
214 1,119
491 2,ti6
456 2.8J4
179 1.7J5
Totals $.444 1,666 20,421
CATTLE Receipts ol cattle thla morning
were unexpectedly small. Estimates a
late as yesterday were railing for over 800
care of cattle for today, whereas there were
not many over 200 cara. The receipt ran
largely to feedera, there being some pretty
good cattle cw that kind and quite a good
many on th" trashy order. There were
also a good many killers; quite a number
of them on the rough order. Among the
offerings were a few corn-feds, one bunch
at least being right good stuff. Owing to
the fact that receipt were lighter than
anticipated, while advice from other point
wr somwhat encouraging, buyer were
out In the yards earlier than wa th caae
on many day last week and were ready
to bid about as soon as cattle could be
shaped out ready to be shown.
Desirable kinds of western beeves w;r
active sellers at prices generally a little
stronger than last week's close. A good
many sales actually looked 1016c higher
than the extreme low point on last Thurs
day. More than that, the trade was more
active than rny day last week and the
feeling better. Choice western beeves sold
as high as $5.66, the best price paid at this
point In some time. On the other hand,
corn-fed steers were not particularly active;
in fact packers did not appear any too
anxious for them, and there aeemed to be
quite a difference of opinion between buy
era and sellers, so that the trade wa
rather dull on that kind.
Cow and heifers wore also free sellers
at stronger prices, sales In many cases
looking as much as 10c and In some cases
possibly 16c higher than tha low dy laat
flood flehy feeder old freely at firm
prices 'and. although a good many ta'.tle
were carried over in the hands of pecu
lators, atlll even medium klnda sold a little
more freely than last week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to cholta corn
fed ateera, $6,404(7.26; fair to good cornfed
steers. $5.IV9J.40; common to fair cornfed
steers, $4.tsii5.o0; good to choice range
steers, $4.0i&4i.26: fair to good range steers,
$4 .00-54.50; common to fair rang ateera, $3.60
ii 4.1,0; good to choice cow and heifers, $3.25
i4.00; fair to good cows and heifers. $2.80(3
3 ! 25; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.00
(n2.fe0; good to choice Blockers and feeders,
14. 284. 75; fair to good stocker and feeders,
$3.50ff4-20: common to tair ptockera and
feedera, $2.753.50; stock heifer, $2. 5033.00.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. Ko.
34 U7I 6 7i C4
i IO50 t 10 4 ..
n 2o 7.
J 10
I 40
,26 I W
( cows..
15 cow
It c. lis
2 feeders.
15 feeders.
6 cows
4 bulls 1292
8 cows 792
1 bull 1"10
14 calves. .. 252
17 cow 826
2 cows 720
15 c-owa 774
6 feeders.. 1000
27 cows 890
7 cowa 917
4 steer.. ..1122
. nnu tvo 1 vt
9 cows 1054 2 80 3 cows 903 2 40
3 feeders . 1013 3 40 20 cs. & lis. 861 8 00
2 cows 19u 2 85 1 bull lOiO 2 VO
67 feeders.. 841 3 40 4 feeder.. 670 3 20
2 bO 43 COW 883 3 00
2 86 S3 i s At ha. 8j0 3 00
2 85 9 feeders.. XS3 3 10
3 25 4 feeder.. 1030 3 25
3 26 1 bJll 1200 2 70
2 66 2 bulla 1185 2 6'.
2 45 26 row 9.4 2 4e)
2 40 1 bull 1200 2 70
2 66 6 calve... 421 3 26
4 25 16 cow 896 2 80
2 60 4 cow 962 2 60
2 60 4 cow 910 2 50
2 HO 5 cows 10;-2 2 66
3 75 29 cow 873 2 70
2 70
L. Hodge-Neb.
2 90 4 steers.... 900 I 50
3 50 14 feeder.. 971 I 66
Meek & Wldner Wyo.
127 feecieiB. 1122 4 20 10 feeder. .1122 3 50
24 cow 1047 3 60 41 steer.. ..1174 4 20
B. B. Brook Wyo.
44 feeders.. 993 3 75
James Stubbs Wyo.
2 steers.... So" 4 15 3 steers. ...1050 4 lo
12 steers.. ..1120 4 16 17 steers.... 991 4 15
4 heifers. ..1026 3 60 14 heifers. ..11.6 3 oO
Harry Farthing Wyo.
40 steers.. ..14:6 5 65 1 steer 1300 t 00
A. J. Moore Colo.
2 heifers ... 64u 2 70 1 steer 930 8 10
9 feeders.. 927 3 45 3 feedera.. 83 3 26
11 feedera.. 776 3 35 14 feeders.. 902 3 80
2 feedt ra.. 7f-5 3 26 2 bulla 13 16 2 30
5 cow 9i8 3 05
E. L. Griffin-8. D.
62 feeders ..1088 4 05 16 feeders. .1086 4 06
HOtJS Receipts this morning were ex
tremely small, it being Monday, and there
were really not enougu on sale to interest
buyers to any great extent. Still, there
was aome Utile strength shown on tha best
kinds, which sold generally a little stronger
and in some cases posalbly as much aa 5c
higher. The brat hoga sold largely at $6.86'(
9c 1. The general run of falrlah atuff did
not show so much change, being only aboul
steady, and from that down to very slow
on common to Inferior grades. The hulk
of all the hogs sold at $C X'jS.90. aa against
l6seshS5 on Saturday.
Representative sales:
tl ..
(.2 ...
Is ...
. 124
. ll
. . ii2
. 2!o
. Iki
, 2c7
. 43
eh. Pr.
. . 75
1 t It
4 U
4(1 '
to t u
Si lu
(W 4.,
( IM
ISO t i
tO I M
.. Ill
M ..
ss. . .
(M ..
. 241
. I'd
. 410
. t.:s
. til
. Hal
. .!!
. 3n7
120 t BA
2'") 4 ITt,
4K Sl
24 t )
41 4 J
A t )
... 4
I in
t n,
2 ,
8 re.
SHEEP Receipt todav were the largest
of any day since Mnmiat, September 23
last year, when I66 cars. 44.277 head, were
received. That was the largest run In lha
history of the yards. The big sheep barn
waa filled tci ovei ficjvr:tg. bl sa truing
wtrs jene.a;, tu i:.i. -. .-, -11,1.-13 waa
yarded In good shape And In good season
in the morning
Conditions penerallv were agalnat the
selling Interest. In the firat place, the
ins'set at this print was very hlgn last
sieek aa compared with Chicago so far sa
feedera were concerned, and it was to he
expected that buyer would be rather bear
ish In Ihelr views for that reason, if for
no other. Unfortunately there were other
reaaotie for buyers taking the bear side.
Prominent among these was the fact that
continued dry weather baa made buyera
less anxious for feeding ahep and lamb
than thev would otherwise have been. A
general rain over the corn belt of twenty
four houra' duration would have been of
very great help to the market In the way
cf Increasing the demsnd. This being a
Monday morning, feeder buyers were, as
usual, a little late In getting to the yards,
which alao contributed to Ih dullness of
the trsde Thus It happened that a good
shsre of the forenoon was tsken up In sort
ing up and shaping up the sheep and lambs,
so that It waa well along toward midday
before buyers and sellers got down to busi
ness. When the trad waa once tinder wsv all
klnda. both aheep and lambs, and killers
aa well aa feeders. old st prices that gen
erally looked 16tff2Sc lower than last week.
The trade was at no time very active even
t the decline, buyer being In no hurrv
to fill ordera, while sellers, on the other
hand, were backward about accwptlng bids
that were ao much lower. Still, even at
the decline the market was by no means
In bad shape, ss price at this point list
w-eek were generally too high as com
pared with other Belling points, and there
was a good deal of Justice) In buyers' claim
that they were entitled (to a good, big
concession. Owing to tha large run snd
me late start, it waa very late in the flav
before the bulk of the receipts had chanced
Representative sale:
No. Av. Trle-i.
748 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 2 2i
Cattle SteadyHoar Firm Sheep and
Lambe Steady to Lower.
CHICAGO. Sept. 21. CATTLE Receipt,
about 20,000 head. Market steadv: steers.
$4.(cTi.70; cows. $3.26i6.26; heifers. $2,0064.25;
bulla. $2.50et4.50; calvea, $3.60tH8.26; stockers
and feeders, $2 60(W.4O.
HOGS Receipts, about 19.000 head. Mar
ket firm; choice heavy, $7.8cV?f7.4; butchers,
$7.701157 40; light mixed, $6.90tjj-9.15; choice.
I7.2otii7.30; packing. $.9iKqi7.'Al; rough. $6.75-6'
(.26; pigs. $3.7tVrt).2fe; bulk of sales. $6.9l'7.16.
SHEJ0P AND LAMBS- Receipts, aboul
90.000 head. Market, ateady to lc lower;
sheep. $3.76(94.76; yearling, $4.0094.75; lambs,
St. Loala l.lro Stock Market.
ceipts, 8,000 head. Including 6,300 Texan;
market strong to 10c higher. Native shlp-
Stng and export steers, t4.00tU7.40;
ressed beef and butcher steers, $2.76 (fi
( 26; steers under 1,000 pounds. $3 004)'
(.00; Blockers and feeders, $3,001,4 00;
cows and heifers, $2 50(t6.75; canners
$2.0092.26; bulla, $3.754.26; calves $4 00
(ft 7.00; Texan and Indian steers, $2.75 5j
6.26: cows and helfens, $1.D0(J 3.75.
HOGS Receipt, 6,600 head; market
steady to 10c lower; pigs and lights.
$3.604g 80; packers, $6 766 7.10; butchers
and best heavy, $7.20 7.87 4-
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 1,400
head; market strong: native muttons. $4.00
m 4.26; lambs. $5.256 60; culls and bucks,
$3.254.00; stockers, $4.2864.60.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 21.000 head. Including 2.000 south
erns; market ateady to 10c higher; choice
and dreased beef ateera, $6.Ojhj7.50; fair to
good, $4.5tVtj'6.00; western steers. $3.0tryD.0O;
stockers and feeders, $2,6514.60; southern
leer, $3. 004 00; southern cow, $2.00(3.26:
native cow, $2 00-24.00; native heifer) $2.50ctf
4.76; bulls, $2.25&&26; calves. $3.6060.
HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; ateady to 6c
higher; top. $7.16; bulk. $.8Ot?7.06; heavy,
$7.0651.10; packers and butchers, $ti.9tVS7.10;
light. $6.604i7.(J0; pigs, $4O0tg.40.
hnd; market Bteady; lambs. $4.25&f.40;
ewes and yearlings, $3.70tf4.10; western
yearlings. $3.90t3H.20; western sheep. $3.40
4.00; Blockers and feedera, $3.00-44.10.
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ceipt. 4.000 head: market alow and ateady;
steers, $4.0tW7.26; cow and heifers, $2,260
U.oo; calvea, S3.4XKrns.0O.
HOGS Receipt, 6.600 head; market 6c
higher; top. $7.16: bulk of sales, $6 96fl7.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 6,000
neaa; market tower; iamb, 3.xa3..
Sloaz City Lire Stock Market.
8IOUX CITY, la., Sept. 21 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2.400 head; mar
ket strong: beeves. $4.5tKrI7.00: grass cows.
$2 503.60; feeders, t2.76ca4.00; calves and
yearlings, $2.253. 25.
HOGS Receipt, 1,200 head; market 60
higher; range, $.eo5.90; bulk, s.70S bo.
Stork la SlftM.
Receipt of live stock at the lx principal
western markets yesterday:
South Omaha 6,000
Bloux City 2.4O0
St. Joseph 4.000
Kansas City 21.000
Bt. Louis 8,(00
Chicago 20.000
Hogs. Sheep
2,000 89,000
6.6X) 6.000
9,000 11.000
6.6"0 1 .401
19.000 30,000
Total 81,000 42,200 86,400
Condition ot Trwdo and denotations oa
Staple and Fancy Prodnoa.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
retail trad In carton, 28c; No. 1, In 4Mb.
tub. 224o; No. 1. In 30-lb. tub. 28c; No.
, In (0-lb. tubs, 204c; No. 2, in 30-lb. tubs,
lc; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 21c; No. 1. lo
carload lets, 21 40; No. 2, In carload lots,
193il94c; country, fancy, tubs, 17c; com
mon, 16o
EGGS--Fresh candled, 19o per dozen.
CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream,
twins, 144c; young Americas, 4 In hoop,
16o; favorite, 8 In hoop, 164c; daisies, t In
hoop, 164c; oream brick, full caae, 134';
bait case, 13c; half doseu bricks, 14a No
Quotations on Swiss nor nmuerger until
after October.
BEEF CUTS-No. 1 rib, 174c; No. 2 rib,
114c; No. 8 rib, bc; No. 1 loin, 20c; No. 2
loin, 12c: No. 2 loin, 84c; No. 1 chuck, 64c;
No. 2 chuck, 49c; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 1
round, 84c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 3 round,
14c: No. 1 p'.ale, 6Ui No. 2 plate, 44c; No.
3 plate, 2Vc.
fcU JAR Coars granulated, (.60c; fin
granulated. i.70o; cubes, 6. otic i poaderod,
(J.iXto per lb.
per dozen.
VEGETABLES CeUrj. Michigan, per
do., 36o. Beans, now wax and spring, one
third bu baakel, $1.0u; navy, par bu., No. 1.
$2.70; lima. 4o per lb. Cabbage, 0 per lb.
potatoes, new, per bu., $1.10. Tomatoes,
bar 4-basket crate, toe. Watermelons. 264
lua. Cantalopes, California. $2.6t4)8.4 per
crtta. Asparagus, per dox 40c. Cucum
bers, per do., auo. Onlona, Bermuda, $L5t
per crate; Taxaa yellow, 41.26 par crata.
Mushroom, cultivated, per lb., 0c Let
tuce, per do., 36c. Pepper, southern, U
per crate.
afRr)H FRUITS Apples. 32 7593.00 per
bu. boa. Lemons. $4.(Vv6.tX. oraDgsa, $4.00
.00 Utvnana. 4c per lb. Pluma. tl.ii par
4-basket crate. Ptsauhea. Calllurnla. iOiicwo
ucr box; Texas, 4-baakei crate, M;uc.
Pears. $1.60 par 4-baakel crate. Blackber
ries, $4.00 per crate. Jlupberrlea, $4.00 pr
crate. Cherries, $2.26. Currant, ,2.iW per
crate. Gooseberries, $1.00 per urate.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9c; syringe, 14c;
roosters, 5c; ducks, young, 9c; old, 74c;
getae. tic; turkey. 14c; pigeons, 000 pr
dozen ; squab, $2.00 per dozen.
DRIED FRUITS Ralalna, looie Muscatel.
64o; fancy eded, 1-lb. carton, luu. Cur
rant, uncleaned, 64c; cleaned. 8c; carton,
rc per lb. Prunes, 401350c per sack; 7 43
per lb. Apricots, 26-lo. uoxes, 9c per lb.
reaches, California choice, ku; fancy boxea,
Uo per lb. Peara, California, 11c Date.
Persian, 64c. Figs, layers, choice, 1040.
Citron, 1Qjuo. Lemon peel. Uc. Orauge
peel, 13c.
F18H Halibut, tc; trout, 14c; pickerel, 110.
pike, 14c; bullheads, skinned and dressed,
Uc; white perch, sc; white bass, 17c; black
baas, 26c: orapplea, 16c: whit fisti, Uu;
red snapper, 14c; flounder. Uc; mackerel,
17c; codfish, fresh f rosea, lie; shad roe, 4ec;
melt, Uc; frog lags, 46c; green sea turtle
tneat, 26c; catfish, loc; eel, per lb., Uo.
HIDES Quota tlona by i. 8. Smith 4 Co.:
Green salted No. 1, 10c; No. i, to; bull
bides. No. 1, tc; No. 2. 7c; borsa bide.
$J.6o; sheep pelta, 26c to (1.60; dry pelts, loo
to 12o per lb.; dry flint butcher hides. Uc;
dry fallen hide, 11c; dry salted hide. 9a.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. COFFEE Mai ht-t
for coffee futures opened steadv at un
changed prices to a decline of' ( points
under selling by trade interests, presumably
against purchase In Brazil. There, was
jum about enougn demand to absorb otter
ing of this rharacter and the market
showed Utile further feature, closing quiet,
net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sale
were reported of 15, VO bag. Including Sep
tember at 6.65c; October. 6S0c; December.
$.60(fj6.65c. and May at 6.&1V: spot 1 of fee,
steady; Rio. No. 7, 64c; Santos. No. 4,
840; mild coffee, dull: Cordova. 8'HJU4c.
1 Dalsjth tirara Market.
DI LI TH. Sept. 21 WHEAT No 1
northern. $1024; Nk. 2. northern, $100;
September, $102, December, $1,014; Mav.
$1 054 Ortobtl, $1.0;.
OATS 47u .
Change in Vott for Coroner Fut
Young Man in Lead.
Belle tilt-Ins Dollar to Old t ol
ored Man for Sake of the
Party I.anda Hint Many
Frank Chrlstman, democratic ' candidal
for the legislature, will Hereafter be a firm
believer In good tuck tokens In the conduct
of campaigns. In hi statement of the
money he expended In the campaign be
fore the primary Mr. Chrlstman set out
this Item: "Gave an old darky, for good
luck for the party $1."-
Though the official vote showed Mr.
Chrlstman was tw-o places away from th
nomination, tha recount which was atarted
by another candidate has shoved him up a
couple of notches and promises to give
him the place. The gift to the Jrky evi
dently brought Mr. Chrlstman good luck.
At adjournment time last night tbe boa id
had canvassed the return front all the
precincts except two In the Kleentli ward
and all of the Twelfth ward. Jurlstmn
was leading Butt, and Butt was -several
votes ahead of Welfmen. " "
Crosby had a lead of four vote over
Brewer for coroner at noon, .but by n1;nt
it had been cut down "to two votes, llol
llster wss twelve Votes ahead of ' Kinslci .
The board will finish the count some lime
Affidavit showing th expense accounts
of candidates for nomination show that
some of the ambitious ones spent their
money freely before election. Mayor Dahl
man says hla campaign for governor cost
him $316. He gave . $100 to' the Dahlman
club, (Uo for advertising and '5 for t tips
out over the tate. Henry o. Meyer penl
$237.35 trying to capture Ihe republican
nomination for county attorney, T. A. Hoi
lister spent $112.50 and J. C. Klnsler $160.40
George W. Rice spent $207 trying to defeat
W. G. I're for commissioner and I" re says
he spent $99.60. Ueorge Antlirs spent $30.53
in Ms campaign for state auditor and H.
B. Fleharty $95 for the attorney general
campaign. A. W. Jefferla expended $312.99.
practically all for advertising, and. G. M.
Hitchcock, who had no opposition on Un
democratic ticket, say he Invested $10. te
Ing the filing fee- require; by law. Q. n.
Brewer epent $102 and W. C. Crosby $112
In the fight for the republican nomination
for coroner.
Tramps Kill BraUeman.
MARSHA LLTOWK, 4a.. Sept. 2l.-Specl.l
Telegram. )-Bay Lewis, 46 year of age, a;i
Iowa Central brakeman living at Osk:i
loosa, was killed thia morning at Orinneil
when he wa pushed" from a car by tramps.
He was alrrroet dead when found fiom loj
of blood, but wa able to make a statcmcn,
of particulars.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, $1.07 4 ft 1.0v
.nor,!,prn- H-04 4C1.08H: December,
$1,004 asked.
S-tri-"'1 Member. $44 c 6c bid.
BARLEY Caster; sample, 68Jj6ue.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 21. WOOL Firm :
medium grades, combinp and clothing,
ltte20c; light fine. 16(S 12c; heavy.
12c; tub washed. "0(8 -2 7e.
Oils and Ito7ln.
OIL C1TT. Pa., Sept. 21 Ol LS Credit
balances, $1.(8; runs, 220.282; average.
1 40,898; shipments, 3SS.384; average, 191,
668. .
Union Pacific
Overland Limited
Colorado Express
Atlantic Express ,
Oregon Express
IOs Angeles Limited.
Fast Mall
China A Japan Mall..
North Platte Local..,
Colo-Chicago Special,
...4 3:60 am
...a 3.60 pm
...a 4:i6'pni
...al3;5 pm
...a 1:30 am
...a 4:u0 pm
...a 7:42 urn
al2:10 am
Beatrice & Stromabura
Xsocal bl2:3) pro
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a 7:15 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Mlnn-8t. Psul Express 0 7;) am
Mlnn.-6t. Paul Lira ..a (.00 pm
Chicago Great Western,
Bt Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm
61. Paul-Mlr.neauoll .... :oOam
Chicago Limited 4 .06 pm
Chicago Expre 7:30 itui
Chicago Express i.M pm
Mlsaoarl Parlflc
K. C. ox St, Is. Express. a 9:00 am
K. C. 4 8. L. Express. all:14 pm
(Lhlcaaro, Hook Island t patolH
Chicago Limited a 2:00 am
Iowa Local a ?-.0u am
Rocky Mountain Ltd.... a 2:u0 am
Lea Moines Eastern. .a 7:00 am
De Molne Paaengei..a :ou pm
Iowa Local bll:40 am
Chicago iKaatern Kx.. 4 40 pro
Chicago Fiyer ..a.lopm
Rocky Mountain Ltu...ll:15 piu
Colo. Cal. Lxpreea...a l:io j,ui
Okl. s Taxa JiJtprss..a 4:kj piu
Lincoln a .02 pm
Cktcaejo, MUwsskH at St. Pat
Chicago tic Colo. Jp l.a 7;2 am
Cal. at Ore. ILxpreaa a e.tu pm
Overland LlinilaU a 9.5a put
Party i-eooai a p.n
ot. Louis ala:pras a 6 .JO pa,
ou i-oui i-ocMl iiroui
Council iiluilai k:uu am
BianODeir;' local tiryu
Council BluItB b 6:00 uia
Chicago A orth statirK
Chicago Daylighf a 1:a am
at Paul-Miuu. ivxp a T:cs am
Chicago Local aui
Bloux City Paasages...a 4:0 pm
Ciilc4o opociai a :w v'"
OU Paul-Miuu. J-jinlieua. a. 20 yiu
Lo Aiigelaa UinlusU. . .a jyna
Overlano Limited ald.ou jiir.
kaal Mail
bioux City luteal .
Xwin City Ltuiued.
Noriola-lJOUeateel ,
Lmouitt-Lons rut
Dcadwood-Lincolu .
llaatuiga-oupisrier .
a rtruoui-AJuiuu ...
a 9:40 pm
a 6:00 pm
a)0:15 am
a 1:00 pm
a 9:16 pm
a 5:45 pt.i
a 6:50 pm
a 4:46 pni
a 7.04 am
b 1:40 p n
a 3:46 p.-n
a S.Jvi am
a'(':M am
.Vt am
M 66 pin
:7 am
ll:8u Plii
3 cW piu
a 4:45 ar.i
a 1:60 pm
all:Uo pi 1
a 4:iio pm
alj.ui pm
a 4:30 pm pm
t 9:03 j, 111
a I U6 piu
a 1:3a an.
a 2.5o am
a 4:3u pin
a 1;U pm
a 1:62 am
a .ou pm
. ..,.a asi iui
4 . ..v am
a 1 to am
a i.uu put
-a .( pm au.Ai j,,a
.....b 3 uu pu, b b.ju mu
b ) nuk b
sUJ:50 pm
a t:.o pui
a :i am
all;ejo aui
a . am
U-l pm
'jlOiif am
eU!:4V) pru
aiu.i via vi
s 9;j0 ut
a k .vj aui
a 6.U aui
a . p.a
a - am
a ;uo a..i
a a;.u ,ui
aio; aui
a a:-w piu
Denver & California... . .a 4:lu rm
Nurthwaat Bpeolal a 4:10 pin
Black Hill a 4:lv pin
Koriuwtai Ejtpiea ali:bum
Nebrodka somia ........a k.4e in
Nebra.a Expre a .la am
Lincoln Fast Mail bl:uprn
Lincoln Ixiual
Llr.colu Local
hcliuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 3.10 pm
ballevue-Plaltamouta ..a k.uu pm
Plaltamouth-lowa b a :1s aui
Ballvu-Plattmouib . ,.c2.a5pm
Denver LlmJled a 4.10 pm
Chicago special a 7 .a am
Chicago iLxpresa a 4 20 pro
Chlcaao Jr lyr a 6 30 pm
Iowa Local a 9. la am
Bt. Louis Expre a 4:46 pat
Kansas City , St. Jos. .a!0:46 pm
Kansas City iu Jo. .a :U am
Kansa Clt aV Bt. Jo.. a 4:45 urn
a .o,oj
a pu
a t.luiyiu
a 9:u ,ii
a ir
a li pm
al2;ia piu
b t .141 am
a J.wo
Uo.aV am
a M am
b l:u6 pm
c 2:40
5:1 am
all 4. pm
a 3:65 pm
a t so am
all a, am
aii:i0 am
a t .to aiu
a 6 JO pm
MUsasrl raeldo.
Auburn Local b $.60 pro bll 26 am
lhieao, t. ' Painl, MlnaeaiJolu
Leave. Ar'r.vf.
Twin City Paa8nger....b 4.30 am b 9 10 pm
Sioux City Paangar...a t pm aMi so am
Emarson Local ,...c 8:46 am c 6.66 pm
Fmeison Local .....b k 45 pm b y:p am
a Dally.
day only.
h Dal'y ex'ept Sundiy.
d Da ly t- f,..X Patu'cjay.
c bu-
1 u,.js