THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 190S. Want - ads Artrertlarmeate far 4 rant aa rolantne will he taken anttl IS he rrrnlm edition tiO natll a. ta. for the morn I a a; aad feaday editions-. fasti mailt acromaaay all orders fas? hmI ass aad aa Xmtlwmrit will he arcpptrit tjr lean tkaa 10 re at far Kates apply fa eltker Taa Dallr Hilar if a. Almti roant sis iturli ta Mae. Coanblaatloaa af laitlaU ar aaataara ant aa oaa ward. I AH MATE FOR WAIT AM. CLASSIFICATION Oae insertion, nrr llaa. IO eaata. Tira a tnora ceaseentler laaertloaa, pe liar, rents. Kack Insertion made !, lu rraia ar liar. !. per Una prr month eceeatiaK that fr fttXISHlTD fiOOM ADS, ware aeeomgaalee) r cash, tha rata will art Oaa laarrtlaa, 4 ceats aer llaa tkrca ar six eaaaeaatlee laaer tloaa, n crate per llaa rack laeertloul iftia or mora eaaeeeatlva lasertlons, ki (fata atr llaa tack laaertloal ftU reuia per llaa per asoatk. Waat aaa far Ik Bee. aar ka left aaa la roar "caratr dragglst" tkey art ail araack ofaces far Tko Bea aaa roar a wlu ka taaartad laat aa promptly aad aa tka name ratea aa at the aaaia oHoa La Tko Bee BaIldlaT, eveateeath aad Faraasa atraatai Albaeh, W. C. 4uth and FarnaJa. baranek, 8. A. 140 a. lath Bt Becht Pharmacy. i S. 16th 8U Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neo. Bemla park Pbaimecy, lad and Cuming. Blake's Fbarn.aty, ScJ Shermao Are. Caugnlln, C. K., tth and Fierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 12U Military Ava. Conta, i. B., Hal Ava. aad Faruaai bt Crlaaey Pharmacy. Mtb aod Lake aU. CermaJc, Emit, 1A4-6 8. Utn Bt Enters, P. U. AIM Leavenworth 6U roster At Arnotdl, 2x1 N. 261b St. Freytag, J oho J., 1914 N. 34th at. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, aoth and Lake St a. Greens Pharmacy, corner Park Are. ana Pacific. G:eenougb. Q. A., lMt 8. 10tb St. Grecnough. G. A., 1W b. Vnh 8L Hayaen, William C, 3a Farnam St. .ianuom Park Pharmacy, lwl a. U BL Holat, John, alt N. leth 8u Huff, A. U, 34U4 Leavenworth St. King. K. 8., J Faruain Bt Jkountxe Place Pharmacy. 2604 N. 34th St. Patrick Drug Co., Wtw N. 24ta at. Lubrop, Charlea liit N. ii4tb at. Peyton, Ju ik., Mth aind Laavanwortb Sta. baraloaa Dru Co., Hlh aad Amaa Ave. bchaater'a Cut Prlca ru Co.. loin auo Chicago Bta. Schaefer, August. 2081 N. Uth 8L Bohmldt. J. H., Uxli and Wuinln Bta. Storm Pharmacy, 16u and Martha Bt. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, uih ana Cuming. Wnton Pharmacy, Ktrtli auU Oraca bl. Worth. O H.. evtu and Hamlltun dta. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT. Morand i daseea in dancing opp. Burwood theater, now open. Laaaons for auults Tuesday and Friday, p. in.; social every Wadneaday; private lesaoii. Cail i,r tel Uoug.aa hpaclal low terms to DUDils from tha eollegee and patrons trum Council Biufia. Ui-SW BeptJu THU CITY QARBAGK CO., office 4tl and Leavenworth bia. Tel. iouglas UJ im PROF. A. C. C. PFUI1L international attrologer, phranologiat, writes ciiaits and iwioscupes, ttd'.-hes SJlrology, am Far jiam. IO 1 Oct. Zk HOME-MADE wine. II per gallon. Cack ley iiru.. LU N. ISth at. (1) -M710 21 SIiN PAINTING d. II. Cule, IMi Doug las. U)-iW. AUTOMOBILES btND tor our list of second-hand automo bile. DEltlOUT, lhlt Farnam. 1 THREE 1-ton commercial automobiles: pi'icea, tw, aim i,ivj. Ajipi . o. lialdutf, ltS Faiuam 81. 12J 133 i u. P. Orlant Buckboaid for salu. Speed i miles per hour; f.rnt-clasa vonaitlon, U:i. La ijroii. We B. Lth Bt. (2) M7J BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADE3I TRADES! It you have aoinutliing for sals or trade write us; we match everything. STRINGER CHILD. Hi Paxton Block, Omaha. (3J-M770 octt FOR SALE OR TRADE Well Improved 320, one mile ot a good town In usoeoia county, Iowa; worth I2S.0U0; will carry 116,000 If desired at 6 per cent interest. What have you? Address Box A, Jef ferson, la. Si M004 TOR TRADE W.500 dry goods stock for land In eastern Nebraska or South Dakota at light price. Address Y-i'i, care Bee. (3) M917 22x AM FORCED to dispose of ISO-acre, highly Improved Douglas county farm, snd for that rea son will consider Omaha residence as part pay and give long time on balance. Quick deal or none. Address H 213. care Bee. 3) 6K1 1! BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Shoe shop; best location In town; nine years in place; good Income. Will retire from business. J. A. Htirlanek. Fivmont, Neb. lt M766 21x FOR 6 ALE One-hulf Interest or all of tha In-St snoe store in noiiuwesi Aiissuuru William Kelley, Maryvllle, Mo. dj-Jia 2ix B1'81NES3. with office furniture, for ealt cheap, bol N. Y. Life. (I M9 2Lk L)o You Wish to Mako a Change If you have a farm, home, business or properly that you wish to Mil or ex change, write us. G'-cbb land and investment co., omaha. neb. (4-M7S1 Sept. II KFL'G stores for aula everywhere. Knlest, M. Y. L. Bldg. (4) -195 V URN ITT RE leas and fixtures for sale; a money maker. Hotel Grand, Hartlng. ton. Neb. i4-M?: 21x TO OET ta rr out of business call on GANGES TAD. Room 403 Bee Bldg. . i4)-194 14-HOOM HOTEL, with restaurant In con-m-ctlor lor sale r trnue with restaurant Koods end hot-1 li:; teres. Addni-s Y to. care Lee. (V Mai 22x CLOSE To POSTOFFICK Furniture of 7 rcoin flut, all modern, rooms -filled with genlllemen roomers. Flat will be rented to purchaser If satisfactory U owner. Addros C-159, cars Bee. 141 M913 21x FOR SALE Bakery. restaurant, sda fountain and furnlthinss for thirt-on rooms, everything pew, invoice $1.7i; couity seat in central Nebraska. Address Y 7X cars Oir.ahi Boe. 14) M52 2!x tl.OOQ.000 REWARD to ths nin who will head my original en terprise; must have clean record and estab l.sheJ, reputation. 4t8 Brandels. A 1337. (4) MoOo 1 OR SALE-Llvery stable, buildings, tor. bead tiures, buggir. suirvs. wagons, harness, (Irit-clasa stable In every pr tuular, doing a good busineas. estab lished several yejio, also a residence: all ii Beemci, Neb., 7 miles from Omaha. Will give good d. al. A. L. Kirk, Owner, Its) Waihlnglnn Bt.. Chicago, 111. (4)-M533 21 x FOR SALE At a bargain, a first-class meat market In a large town In eastern Nebraska. Address Y-74. care Bee. (4 Ma?0 Oct&x LUNCH counter and restaurant for sale, across from depot; good location. Thou sands of people expected here for land registration soon. F. D. Hereley, Dallas, S. D. . (4I-MI16 Zlx NEWSPAPER FOR SALE One of the best Pkjing county aeat papers in North Da kota, official paper of county and city: 111 sell half or full Interest; a money maker: have other bu'lne, must "'l. J I Mbyo. Toaner. N. 1. t4j-MV 2ix BUSINESS CHANCES ILU'.linurJ ) I WAKTBD-A rhyilrlan In the bret rxipnlatlot town In eastern Niraak. Addreae Y SI. rara Bee. (4i M.M a HARK PHANC'F Furniture t 5-rnom ho-.ire, rloae In. for al for r.niy tr,n -ost I'm; liouae ala fu'l rhrap rrnt. Ap ply at once. P. O. Box 7. c"y)4)M-l:, BUSINESS DIRECTORY A net tta. mvoilAK ACCOUNTING COMPANY fur nth ai-countanti to check up and audit books til arcriunta. 'I'huiia Uougla H& lol-Mi.i S; Chlropodiat. PH. ROW R. 2. iw06 Farnam St. Doti. l?T. Dentiet. BAILET A MACH. :iU fir. rator. D. 1055. Creaanerlra. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (5 191 Detectlvea. CAPT. HAZE. Kirbach. 2&J2. Uressmaklag. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 13fg. (6) 1 LADIES' tailor-made suit; summer gowns ana sniriwaini e., ..'u"""'. given to out-of-town customers. X)7 Old Boston Store Bldg. ii)-U S2I riorlata. HESfl eV 8WOBODA. 1415 Karnam Bt. (6) 304 U HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. TaU D. 1361 Flaaaetal. TO L O A N-L O W RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bea Bldg. 'Phnna Dnuelu 2301. Money UNION 1XAN COMPANY. (5)-206 WB WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at a very low, reasonable rate. BEE US FIRST. OMAHA Uultl'UAUa LOAN CO., U Board ot 'iruue. lSih St. Entrance. toj Wo MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Melkle, Kamge Bldg. (6 M933 Hotele. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney. (6j las Moving aad Storing. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 211 N. Uth St., warehouse 2afi- Isard SU (o 204 Maalo aad Languages. PRIVATE tutoring In grades and high school work: reasonable price. Address C tH. care Bee. () M771 Oateopotby. JOHNSON INS.. 4U N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (0.121 Dr. Katheryn Nikolas, 60s N. Y. L. Bldg. ts plat lac. GOLD, silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat ing Co., liW Harney. 'I'nones Douglas jMi and Independent A-2ui6. Printing. BEFORE placing your IUOii calendar order don't fail to see our imported line. Lyng str.d it Jorve, piinura, lotn and Capiiol Ava. (oi iilo JAY SMITH, printer and stationer. I have the goods. 1 cun do your work right Room 12 Wtad-Baldrtge Bldg., 20th and Farnam Sis. 6 74 Stix bales, Shutters, Etc. OMAHA Safe anj Iron Works, makes a speciality or tiro escapes, shu(tera, doors and sates. G. Andiecu. Prop., Uu 8. lutn oU (6)-212 Shorthand lteporter and Notary. F. J. SUTCLIFFE, depositions. 6:8 Bee. Tel. Douglas 19U6. 6j 2ia Water Filters. MISSOURI water filters. Huber, 1310 Howard St. aj 216 Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work. ltUSH Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9H. to 214 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Ca., 1S'i4 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas VtriT. 5 21S HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer, permanent. Address W 173, care Bee. O) Mfto7 22 factory ana Trades. GIRLS to operate power machines and llnlahers. Burgey anlrt Co. ii M17l FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor wanted. Ap ply to Clilodo, 21H S. 18th St. (7j M'J18 22 WANTED First-class waistmaker and j itciper; gooa wages puiu. Appiy nt Chlodo's, 216 S. ISth St. (, I Mfl i- 25 GIRLS for clipping threads; $4 per week; steudy work. Bemla Omaha bas Co. ; aw i'j Housekeeper and tJoiueat lea. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily. 2ilo N. 17lh St. Tel. Independent B-16?7. 17) 784 COMPETENT girl for general housework; email family, no laundry work, best wuges. Call 123 So. 32U Ave., or Tel. Harney lss. 17 Miiol 22x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; smull family; references re quired. 1312 N. 40th. 'Phone Harney 1102. O) 4CS DR. WERTZ. dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk. (7-219 WANTED Experienced second girl: good wages. Mr. C. M. Wlllielin, 32 S. 3bth Ave. (7)-M442 WANTED Girl for general houaework. Mrs. A. B. Jaqulth, 2017 Spencer St. 17) M704 21x WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. A. G. Edwards, 303 Farnam St. (7) M714 21x GOOD girl for general housework, family of three. 2201 Spencer St. Tel. Websier K9. (7I-M712 21 WANTED Vhlte girl for second work; wage ta per week. Tel. Webster (7)-7!6 21 GO'ID girl for general housework. Call 5ol Casa St. Tel. Harney 1321. 171-MS5! 22 WANTED Cook. 1S16 S.' J2d Ave. Tel. Harney 3221. (7) M896 2S GIRL for general hoisework. 34(9 Cali fornia St. 'Phone Harr.ey lii. (7)-M87S 22x WANTED Good girl for general house work; family of threo, XA1 Harnev. (71 M"tf 1 !1 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salcaanea. WANTED Young man to drive through country and sell farmera an article ot big value at a low price permanent position and good income. Call on C. A. Collier, oo3 Bee Bldg., today (9) MS7 WANTED By prominent local f rn men to travel and call on farmers. One used tc meeting the farm trade pieferred. hut nci imrnwir. viiu vu v. a C.1111.-1, iv, Leo BhV. twdey. vi 1 i Are you going lo move? Find a new home Willi the aid of "BEE want ads" HELP WANTED MALE Agent and Salesmen (ontlnaed. SOLICITOR WANTKH; light work, good pay. Call 501 N. Y. Uf-. M!K. WANTHD-TravclinR man by local firm. ICxpfrlcnrr not ntorsRaty. Position per manent. Cull on C. A. Cullier, 63 Spa P.Mg., toduy. iU Mojii WIKTPII An norlpnpp.l ftd..ri tslna- so. K. KTnna ntl.ur nol at.tilv. full Ku ' l'(en I! ami 1 o'clock, 314 Su. 13' h -St. (6) M614 .1 WANTED Salesmen for saddlery, harness anc? hardware, commlcsion basis. Ad dress, with refercmes. Floyd & Bohr Co., 7iiiJ V. Main St., Louisville, Ky. W-M-iPl 21 A Sl'CCESSFt L nalesman can find a place with us and make good money. Address Lock Box H'Jf., Lincoln, Neh. (9J-M799 2 Bora. BOYS to work after school; 4SS Brandels. (t 419S7 WANTED Several rellnble boys, is nr over, with wheels. W. U. Tel. Co, 21J S. 13th tl. lS)-M706 Octls Clerical and orfrrr. WANTED A young man tenographer; one with experience in lumber business pre ferred. Apply In own hand writing. Ad dress Y-77, care Bee. 0i Mt544 DRt'O clerk's position. iCniest. N. T. L Bldg. (9)-a2 Factory and Trades. 4 OR 6 lathers wanted at once. Tel. Web ster 3&30. V TAIIOR wanted, all around man, good wages to right man, steady work; no booser. Call 'phone No. IS. Avoca, or write Marcovls, the Tailor, Avoca, la. W M702 2Cx WANTED Blacksmith and horseshopr; steady work. Address D. O. Hawley, Ar cadia, Neb. (9 M90S 22x WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completer; practical experi ence, careful instructions, demonstrations and examinations, positions waiting, top wages paid graduates. Call or write for free catalogue, Moler Barber college, 110 B. 14th St. (9J-M692 24x WANTED At once, apple-barrel coopers. Letts Box and Cooperage Co., St. Jo seph, Mo. (9) M874 21 x CARPENTERS WANTED at once; steady work. Address J. Schlesiger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. (9) M934 WANTED First ciass moulder man. 1029 So. lth. Omaha Woodworking Co. (9-M947 23' M Iscellaneons. WANTED A man who talks German flu ently and write German, to interest Ger mans n good farming lands; good wages lo right man. Address Y U3, care Bee. (9j M715 THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NO'W OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Telegraphy and English. Official training school Union Pa.lflc R. K., telegraph department. A postal gets full Information. Address H. B. Boyle. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. (9) -2.3 WANTED Ten to fifteen men to work on county road paving near Florence. !S1 Brandeis uiag. ivati-vraig contracting company. (S) 087 21 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied, unmarried mon between ages of IS and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperat-; habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, Uth and Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. (9)-6S TOUNG MEN, STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further Information, address secre tary, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas S67. (9) M694 Sept JO FREE employsnen. dept. Business Men's . . , . .. '.II V.- XT V " T 1 - I I I . - Ji, uu ma. vct u uui .v. a. iuts X3lia !0 224 HELP WANTED MA1.1U OU FEMALE WANTED Educated men ' and women cappble o. earning 2,XW a year, by Dodd Mead & Co.. to sell the new International Encyclopedia. Inquire at office, olO N. zisr Bt.. timana. tiin m;h4 ociu LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Cows, Rirds and Dogs. FRESH young cow. 4308 Emmett St. U1J-M9U 22x Horses and Vehicles. FREE VETERINARY TREATMENT. For the purpose of introducing ourselves to t lie public we will treat all diseases of domestic animals free of charge from Sep tember lb to October 16. 1KOS. We are both graduates and practical vet erinarians. Ors. Slmonson 6c Stewart, 418 South lbth St., Omaha, office hours, 9 to 12 a. rn. and 2 to 5 p. in. l'hon"s: Ind., A- loll and Douglas 38(3. (11) t330ctl7 MUST sell my carriages; cabriolet scarcely used; rubber tins; ulso runabout. Tele phone Harney 63. UD-MSlo 2Ux FOR SALE Stanhope burgy In excellent condition, cheap. V. H. MeCord. :201 Cass Stj (11) M 21 LOST AND FOUND WILL the party who took a small black seal hand bag trum under a tree at iho Elks' picnic Saturday please return same lo secretary of the hilks at the Elks' club room; they may keep the money in same for Iheir trouble and no ii.ieHUons asked. (12) M9ti2 21x LOST About two weeks ago, hull ling case, Elgin movement wntcn. valued as a keep sake; $o reward and no questions asked. Alex. C. Reed, 1710 Farnam St. (12) M938 21 LOST Two certificates of stock. Return to T. E. Hurley, Madison hotel, for reward. (12) 918 ;Jx MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profussors. 'phone Dougias Uu7. Calls answered day or night. (13)-L'S BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." SI a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. il3)-22a ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to ths matron of the Salvation Anr.y Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. 13) Mi9 MONEY TO LOAN SALARIES AND CKATTKLI. NO PLACE lk the Old Reliable LOAN HEADOUAR TER8 to borrow money. NO PLACE where you get such low rates and a fair, honoft deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 Board of Trtde 16lh Bt. entrance. (14 S OFFERED FOR RENT Bearding aad Room. LARGE southeast front room: also alnri room; reference required. 114 a. 19th St. (16) 25J I GOOD BOARD and room. Private family 1 iiote In. and H-ou. aee i. I ' ilJ; - MM ) OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad R on ma- 527 rARK AVE.-Outside entrance. Urge porcli, beautiful lawn, private, cholceiy located i home cooKliig, auuable fur two. tlu ot-i 2ix VIENNA hotel: private -dining room; care. WE do expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas ia. echmoiler Mueller Piano Co.. UU-13i2 Farnam. tli) 159 SUITE of rooms, hot snd cold water, with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (15) M&9J S2lx TWO parlors, nicely furnished, modern, with board, suitable for two young nvn, or man and wife, 2707 Fsrnam Bi. Tel. Harney 785. (16) 661 21x LARGE well furnished, steam heated rooms with first-class board at 216 Farnam. Phono Harney 3043. (16) M563 28x CHOICE location, large corner residence. to people desiring re'lned, clean, com fortable home; excellent table; reason able. 1823 Wirt St. (15) 627 23 STRICTLY modern furnished room and board for gentlemen; closa in. 408 So. 24th St. (16)-M708 26x WANTED To room snd board, refined gentleman or man and wife, by refined couple In large strictly modern private residence; nice rooms and use of plan) and library; excellent board, to per week. 3018 Webster St. (16)-9(1 DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and farnam. (16) Ul LADY only, nicely furnished room, first rioor; might give breakfasts and dinner; references required. Telephone Webster 830. (15)-M699 Oct2x Famished Rooaas. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOM8 In All psrts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Cost you nothing. P. O. N1ELSON CO.. RENTAL A GTS., 703 N. I. LU Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 2204. tli)-4J LARGE front room; modern; private fam ily; select neighborhood. 13. N. 31st Ave. (15) 234 breakfast, ir desired. Tel. Harney 1712. 201 South Central Boulevard. (16) 68S 26 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month, xne Chatham, no a. I3trt St. 06)-235 FURNISHED room, 1950 8. 10th St (16) Mist") octlx FURNISHED room, all modern. 2619 N. 20lh. Webster 628. (16)-2r,7 DESIRABLE rooms; reasonable. 218 .?. 19th. (16) M989 OCX FRONT room, with breakfast. 114 8. 26th Ave. (la M608 23 1403 HARNEY, front room, private family, very desirable location. (15) M703 25 FURNISHED room, private family. 642 S. 26th Ave. (15) 719 21 FRONT room, entirely modern; walking distance; 2407 Harney. (16) M904 2tx FOR RENT Two splendid newly furnished rooms, strictly modern snd . up-to-date. Tel. Douglas 6401. 2308 Dewey Ave. (15)-M937 28 DESIRABLE front room, fine location, walking distance. 218 8. 25th Bt. (15) 46 27x PLEASANT rooms; reasonable. 2671 Dodge. (15) M860 21x THREE rooms; housekeeping; also sleep ing rooms. 1712 Jackson. . (15) 943 27 x NEWLY furnished rooms; house new and strictly modern. 316 N. 19th St. (15)-M606 23x Housekeeping- Rooms. THREE or four unfurnished rooms, mod ern. 2ill8 Capitol Ave. Tel Harney 2668. (15) 721 26x Apartments and Flats. I-ROOM flat, modern, opposite Hanscom Park. 132. Phons So. 1. (16-M3 3-6 r. flat, Scargo, 616H N. 4th, South Omaha, Hail, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 7406. (16)-251 THE best In the market for eight 5-room brick flats, good cellar, hardwood finish, strictly up to data; will be completed by October 1; corner 23d and Nicholas Sts.; rent 1-5 per month. Owner pays water; references required. A. C. Busk. Tel. Harnnv 960. (15) M882 FOR RENT A beautiful 4-room and 6-room apartment steam heat, thoroughly mod ern and up to date. Nothing finer In Omaha; location best. Inquire 301 Brown block. (li)-694 HEATED APARTMENT. 4 rooms, first floor, private front and back porches, newly decorated, polished floors, in Kountze Place; references required. 'Phone Webster 1119. J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. (15) M617 NEW FURNISHED modern rooms, tl.75 and 13; private family; walking distance; gentlemen. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M620 23x VERY desirable suite of rooms In one of the most desirable apartment houses, steam heat; Junltor service and hot water. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St. (15) M923 22 SIX-ROOM nice, modern brick flat, with furnace; 24(9 Hamilton; 222.50. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk.. Uth and Farnam. (16) M907 22 Unfarnlakea It uaua, FIVE unfurnished room, modern: no heat. 2tH'.7 Dougla. (16) M804 iix FOUR rooms with private bath. tl6; also 3 rooms, fii. Phone Douglas 8j. (16)-M915 x LARGE front room, with alcove. 2571 Dodge, (15)M84!) 21x Famished Honses. FOR RENT Furnished house, ft ro"rr.s. north part of city. 'Phone Webster ) n'H) (!6)-M8.i7 22x Honses and Cottages. J12 50 PER MONTH First floor 2919 or 2921 Douglas St.. 3 rooms and bath. 117. 6o per mo. 2724 Burt St., 6 rooms, city w titer, sewer and gas. t'-i oo per mo. 12 oi 1121 Georgia Ave., t loums. modern. t'-'i.5u per mo. Third floor 2129 Farnam St., b rooms, modem except neat. t"i2.60 per ino. 2433 ManUersjn St., 9 rooms, modern, barn. Mo per mo. .I)(i5 Pacific St., 9 rooms, mod. o per mo. d22 rMppleton Ave., rooms modern, corner lot. t!5 per mo. 3oo3 Dodge St., 8 rooms, mod. ij per mo.-.l rarnam St., 8 rooms, mod. oJ i,er mo. loJ4 Park Ave., ( rooms, mod ern, all on one floor; good batn, fine yard. tOO per mo. 610 N. 2itli St., 7 rooms, new, moderen oak finish: key at 512 N. 2uth St.: fine laundry, gas heater and range; lease one )ear. too per mo. 514 South 22d St., 11 rooms. modern. GEORGE & CO.. 1S01 Farnam St. (15) M838 22 lOr house. 2217 California. I t modern house, J1 Dodge, lor modern house, 27ol Dodge. 9r modern brick house. 1536 8. 29th 8r modern, 2i:3 Jackson. 9r modern briik. 2719 Jackson. 7r modern, hot waier heat. 3631 Hamilton. Cr modern, new. Soil S. 21st. br modern house and barn, 2630 Parker. 6r modern, new. 3015 Dewey Ave. Rr partly modern, 2J14 N. 24'.h. Jr. el'v water, 118 8 27th. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. (15) M9U8 22 MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO Tel. D. jt'v ' guarantee mcvi -- biaiv. 11 H. ; gocda ()bi--23j OFFERED FOR RENT H and CottageaCoatlaaed. 428 Cnarles. Br, aler, light, gas; one half block west of Walnut Mill cat; ti. 2o61 N. l!Uh, 9r, all modern; near Bur ditte; .. 2S16 N. 26!h, 7r. all modern; t-1"-422W Fainam, 7r. all modern: barn; f30. O'KEEFE REAL EtJTATE CO., liKd N. . Life. Doug, or A21o2. (15)-M!v3 22 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Btlt. (li-24t. FOR RENT-4-room cottage at 2602 S. 20th Ave., til. . B. Ttschuck, 1702 Farnam Bt. LIST your vacant houses with Waller Breeii Company, N.' Y. Life Bldg. Oj)-I;S FINE modern house, c5oe In, 7 rjoms, re ception hall and full basement, four bed rooms, 1660 N. 19th St boulevard; vacant Sept. 1; i6 per month. Peterson Bios., 476 Brandels Bldg. (16) 3U OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, tore H. H. gocds. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 13th, office, luO Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. (16) 343 HOUSES, flats. Qarvln Bros., luOt Farnam. (14) 241 HOUSEHOLD goods, packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Dr ug. 394. (Is) 240 FOR RENT rooms, modern, on first floor. 2812 Capitol Ave. Tel. Red 2177. (15)-M9i3 22 x 'CLOSE IN. New 6-room strictly modern. S2V No. 3Uh St.; rent 32.50. Tel. Red 5384, or Douglas 3428. (15) M858 2IX SEVEN-ROOM new modern house, 2923 Webster St., t32.60. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sta. Tel. Douglas or B-2049. (15)-718 FOR RENT 6-room house, modern except furnace. 126; near Hanscom park, at 1911 South 29th St. O. C. OLSEN, 109 South 16th St. (15) M840 21 S-ROOM house, good repair, 3030 Evans Bt.; small barn, cistern, well, electric light and gas; near Dodge car; 26. Owner, M. H. Bloedorn, 629 Franklin Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M960 22 DR. WKRTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk. (16) lo FOR RENT. One 6-room house. One 7-room house. 2519 and 2623 Bristol St. Roth nearly new and in first-class condition; thoroughly modern; nice locstlon: thy will suit you. E. E. HUNTLEY, Owner, 733 Brandels Blk. Tel: Res. Harney 1673. Office, Doug. 2081. (15)-M4S1 FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS Sc. HEYDEN, INS. AGENCY, 220 8. 17th SI. 'Phones D. 1606; A-3161. (15) 168 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (10) Z47 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick tint, 3003 Pa cific. For Information "phone Harney S'.Ns, (15)-M479 10 ROOM, modern, walking distance. See owner, 3831 No. Z2d St. Tel. Black &iti). (15) 526 t-ROOM, modern except heat, 2412 Spald- Inr. 830 ana water rent: i-room nous ana barn, 409 William St., In rear, 114; 8 rooms, all modern, sju ana water rent, Decatur Bt. near 26th: 2 new five-room flats, all modern except heat. 1110-1112 North 30tn at., two eecn ana water rent. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (16)-562 2967 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms, modern, osk finish 140. A. O. Elllck, 632 Bee Bldg. (16) 24 FOR RtTNT Large new modern 7-room house, large reception nan, back nail, hard wood floors. 710 North 27th Ave. Boulevard in front of this property Is 17i feet wide, very aesiraoie 410. Apply tl. U. Boyles. Boyles College. Both phones. (lo)-79ft FOR RENT OCTOBER 1, MY 10-ROOM BRICK MODERN RESIDENCE. WITH BARN, SHADE TREES. LAWN. PER. MANENT WALKS, ON PAVED STREETS, CORNER LOT, 2548 CAPITOL AVE. TEL D. 673. OK 69L'. B. H. ROB130N. 2D FLOOR WARE BLK, (16)-M402 HOUSES II parts of the city Crclgh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. (14) 44 HOUSE for rent. 3115 Burt St. (16) 701 t-ROOM cottage, 2SOS Franklin St. (16)-M901 6 ROOMS, 2883 Burt Bt., modern except fur nace, 817; 8 rooms, 3009 Webster St., mod ern except furnace, 123: 7 rooms, 3012 Chi cago St., modern, 832.60 ; 7 rooms. 123 N. 31st Ave., modern, 135; 6 rooms, 2222 North ISth St., large yard, $16. Rlngwalt Bros., 806 E. 16th St. (15)-MS13 21 t-ROOM cottage, 616 N. 17th St.. modern except heat-126. (15) M873 22x ALL MODERN, 7-room house,- newly pa pered, floors finished. 2417 Caldwell st (15) M871 22x DESIRABLE 9-room modern house In Kountze Place. Call Doug. 1702. Web. 1018. B-30C3. (16)-Ms67 21x FIRST-CLASS home, bath, an, six rooms, $10. 2812 Seward St. Key 2f0'.. (15I-M876 21x FOR RENT Close In, seven-room modern house, aeOJ Chicago St. Apply C. W. Bllxt, 408 N. 2titli St. (lo) M892 21 NEW 6-rooni. modern cottage, 3720 North 2oth Kt. Phones Webster 1M4: Douglas 438. Dr. J. C. Moore. (15) M84S FOR RENT 7-room modern house, large bautlful lot. block east of Brownell hall, S01 pine St. Apply to D. Kaufmunn, 12u7 Hartley St. Tel. Douglas 140S. (la) M843 21x Halls. FRATERNITY II ALL-ISM Harry St. Ground floor auditorium for dances, lodges and entertainments. N. P. Dodxe at Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (!:) Mj64 Offices. DESK room, 'phone, service. Special In ducement. Call today. 4s8 Brandels. (15)-M34i Front office, Wead bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Uo-i DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner ot 24th and N Sts., Soutn Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15) -MI77 TO LET Equal privileges of room, dOl-BH Brandels; best location in the building. Inquire al the rooms. (15) M263 FINE, large office sul'e In the Continental block: choice location for 1 hyslclan or dentist Alfred C. Kennedy, 0i First Na tiona. Bank Bldg. Lelephone Douglas 722. (15) M319 26 tores. For Rent SPACE 3D AND 4TH FLOORS WEBSTER SUNDERLAND BUILDING Elevator service and heat fur nished, everything new and 1st class, space can be secured to suit your business, rent very rea sonable. GEORGE & CO.. 1G01 Farnam. OFFERED FOR RENT Stores 4 t tinned. FOTt RENT Two good store rooms In Kiner block, steam heat, g.wl business locstlon. Inquire W. J. Hyns. M8 liran dels Bldg. (151-676 22 BRICK store room, with fine basement; 1320 N. Nth St ; IAV F. D. WEAD, Wrul Blk.. 18th snd Fsrrsm. (I6l -M!6 i2 FOR RENT Basement, 22xl.'i, r.t.1nli'. 1417 Dcuglrs. 16i :10Oct9 SOAKOO Block. Smith Omaha, new, 620 N. 24th. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg Red 740t. (It) MI82 Warrkaasra. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT Fpsca In building locgtrd In wholeanle district, with irsckng st r.Hr of building snd electric elevator. Addre'S W.22f,. cs re Be. nf"rl;a, OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltara. T VI O folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap Call Bes Office. Omaha. (i)-14J FOR SALE One Sparkling Universal hard coal stove No. 14b; one King Bee air blast sott coal stove No. 316: practically new and In first-class condition. Phone Har ney 3702. (16) Mi93 21 X NEW furniture for 7-room house; party leaving city; secona-nana aeaiers need not call. 2810 Ames Ave. (16)-M783 21 Ostrlck Flames. BF1ALT1FUL heavy French droop plumes, 17 inches, t2.46, worth t5. Other grade half retail stors prices. Address 1214 Hai liey. Tel. Red 3616; our agont will call. (16) M83 Typewriters aad Sewing; Macklaes. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210, BEE. (16) 670 TYPEWRITERS sola, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Far nam. (16) M647 Octl7 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine the L. C Smith ft Bros, writing In sight machine; write tor cata logue. Call or phone B. F. Swanaon Co., Inc.. dealers, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. 11W-744 Mlscellaaeans. SOME first clsss laundry machinery for sale cheap. G. F. Lillln, Tekamah, Neb. (16)-a64 CONN cornet with case. Big bargain for cash. Address, K-115, care Bee. (16)-M244 FOR SALE Several handsome marble mantels, together with grates and tiling; these are In perfect condition: will sell at vory small price. R. W. Baker, Room 106 Bea Bldg. (16)-M124 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConucll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 266 A LOT of ston for coping, window snd door sills, slso fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt Bee Bldg. (16) 9ol SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on tlO lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 253 FOR SALE A first-class bakery, oven and all fixtures complete; will be sold at once at a sacrifice. George A. Magney, trustee. 'Phone Douglas 1029. (16) M589 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tubles. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Ccllender, 407 8. 10th St (16)-258 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman WcConnell Drug Co. (16) 867 term finnA 1.1... n.t,...i t quire of Cudahy Packing Co.. purchasing .a.... .....- ... ..... u r 1. . i (16)-130 ICE, ICE, MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert council Bluffs, la. (16)-M140 WIRE CABLE. We have a lot of wire cable, suitable for light work, to sell at a bargain. Apply int nea nuuaing to., utn and Farnam. (16)-M230 FOR 6ALE High School Cadet uniform, suitable for boy of 14; in good condition. Call Webster 617 for particulars. (16)-M622 23x HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman tc McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge fcts.. Omaha. Neb. 16) 259 ICE for sale: carloads; write for prices. Nelson & Donley, 514 First National Bank. Omaha, Neb. (16) M802 25x WILL sell full drees suit, only been worn three or four times; fit tall and slim. Address P 210, Bee. (16) M954 22x FOR RALE CHEAP One Richardson Boynton hard coal furnace and one Radi ant Home soft coal heater, In good condi tion. 623 7th Ave. Council Bluffs,- 7a. (16I-M932 25 PATENTS LARSON & CO., book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17)-26J PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three nooks for Inventor mailed on receipt of 60 poat. age. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, Room 2U-3) Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1809. (17)-2u3 D. O. BARNELL. Pagton Blk. Tel Red 7117. . (17) 2dl PERSONAL H A C TTr"P7 ' treatment and bath. Mme. M.AVliNJiilJ.bmilh, US N. 15th. 2d floor. (181527 A COMPLEXION sntln smooth and fair given by Satin akin powder. Four tints. (lan- PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Wobsle-r 85.A (18) 2i4 OMAHA Stimmerers' Ins., P.amge Hid;. US)-2tio DR. WERTZ. dentist. 6th tloor Paxton Blk. (.18) 267 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits rastoff clothing; in fact, anything you da not need. We collect, repair and sell at 144 N. 11th St., fur cost of collection to th worthy poor. Call 'Prions Djugla 4135 and wagon will call. (Ui 785 HALL'S safes, new. 24-hand. 1818 Farnam, (16) -.60 SYRINGES, rubber gviods by mail; cut price. Send for free eataloeue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (li)-X YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers arc irjvite-d to visit th Young Women's Christian association room. 1611 Farnam St., where they will be dliectej to (ultable boarding places or otherwise aislsted. U)-26 M.?3niV Electric vibratory, 120 8. AOO.lUIi Jltlli room 308. fourth f'oor old Boaton atore. (1SJ-M8I6-823 MME. 7.EREFA. Armenian massage. 620 S 16th. Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas A-.45. (18) Mltl OCi9 DIVORCE cane, prompt, successful; sd vice free; damage, estate cases; best lawyers, highest referencas: everything strictly confidential. Addrc P. O. Box 7. Omaha. Neh. (lSt-MWi 2lx WHEN wrttlr to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee REAL ESTATE IIKAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNF INV. CO., first floor X. Y. Ufa . 0)-23 GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 764, (1 270 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brsndela Bldg. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKBTV FOR SAt.R. ifn-'ir.u, J. i city rnorRRTV si,b. 4 ROOM R ARG A 1 N EAST PAYMENTS. New 4 room cottane left uncompleted; about t60 will complete It: corner lot, located southeast corner .I'd and ?'r.t St. Price, ti.oxi, tioo i ash and t'.t per month. C. C. CARLBF.RO. tl N. T. !f, (19) ti RECEIVER'S SALE Notiie Is hereby ien that, pursuant to an iirder el tne district court ot Douglas county, Nebraska, dated September 14. iiiiuni i j otter, as receiver 01 tne Omaha Loan and Trust company, will, commencing on the !2d riav ot Meplemher, 19itt, at room No. 301 Krown Mock. Six teenth and Dougla streets. Omaha. Ne- otasKn, iitrer for falo. at public auction, for cash all of the unsold assets of the Omaha wuii and li 11st company remaining In the receiver s hands as shown hv his report filed with the court on September 14, IS, snd In accordance lth the oioer of couit dated September 14, l!uh. Including real es tate, notes, stocks, furniture and fixture, commission nioitasgis and other assets, commencing at In o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, the 2.'d day of September. no. continue oetween tne hours or in and 12 a. m. and 2 to S p. m.. with authority to adjourn from dav to day for such length of time as to said receiver ihall seem ex pedient. Said sale shall be subject to the pro visions that said receiver, on Instructions rrom me court, retains the right to reject any and all bids, for any and all property so to be offered for sale. Each hid shall be accompan'ed hv a certified cheek to the order of William K . Potter, receiver, for twenty (30) per cent of the amount of the bid. Said bids will be reported to the court after the conclusion of said sale and the balance of the purchase price of all sales approved and confirmed hv the court will be payable upon said confirmation. All of the property and assets will h sold subject to all taxes, liens and encum brances, and subject to any defects of title. The description of the real estate lo Ki offered for sale by the undersigned, at said tlmo and place and upon the conditions above mentioned, Is as folio,: Lot seven (7), block four (4), Patrick's addition, Omaha. West twenty-two (22) feet of lot seven (7. block eighty-nine (89). In the city nf Omaha. West 41 feet lots forty-two (42), forlv three (43) and forty-four (44), and west 41 feet of the south 14 feet of lot fortv-five (45). In Falrmount Tlacc addition to the cltv of Omaha. The south one-half Hji of sub lot two (2) nf tsx lot seventeen (17). In section twentv (2o. township fifteen (16). range thirteen (13). In the cltv of Omaha. North one-third (H) of south one-half (Hi, lots eight (8) and nine (9). block one (1), Jetter's addition to South Omaha. Lot thirteen (13). In block eight (4), In First addition to South Omaha. Lot twenty-three (23). In block four (4), In "Vassar Place" addition to Omaha. WILLIAM K. POTTER. Receiver. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. (19I-M613 21 For Sale BARGAINS Brick block, corner lot. good tenant; lot 60x186 feet, on 8. 16th St., 186 feet facing 16th St.: lnrge vacant space which can he sold; rents for over tl.OOO per year tio.ouo. Three-story 3-apartment flat, always full; lot 6 x140; good location; walking distance to postofflce; yearly rental tl ON0. This property will net you 16 per cent on your investment $8.0cO. Two-story, 4-apartment flat on N. lltli St.; 6-room cottage In rear: walking d s tunce, paved street: lot 6Gxl; rents $WI per year onlv $7,500. 3-storv double brick tenement house, base ment em ground floor, lot lix12), all mod ern, just pui In two new furnaces; north part of city; costs 8,0W) or more to build: will net you 12 per cent on your Invest ment ; well rented ts.oro. Two-story store building, with flats above; lot 66x80; sll newly papered, In good condition: good tenants: at 20th mid Clark Sts.; will rent for $840 per yc-.T $6,010. A good business property on Burt St., between lith and 16th fits.; cun be bouaht for $6,000; rents over $wi0 per year. Here Is a snip: Four cottages, on 21s! and Clark Sts., lot 6iixl40, yearly rental f. 32-$4,600. A nice 6-room cottage, newly papered and repaired, In south pert of city, lot 26x1 J feet, barn: only tl.JjO. Good buy for the price asked. C M. Bachmann 436-37 Paxton Block. (191-M788 21 X NEW BRICK FLATS on down town corner 11 per cent on price asked. PATTERSON, 1G23 Farnam St. (19)-M4t6 BIG BARGAIN One of the finest and most complete mod erate sized houses in the West Farnam residence district; only one block from car line; has been held at $14,000. Owner going away; will cut price If sold In next ten days. If you want an up-to-date and elegant home. It will pay you to Investigate this Bt once. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. 219 Board of Trade Bldg. Office Tel. D. 116!). House Tel.-Har. 1 !M. (!)) 723 13s "Who Gets It" New Home in Dundee 8-ROOM MOUSE. JUST FINISHED. Must Me Sold Quick. ALL MODERN K EWl' I UE8 $2.5(10. 'Phone Dtuiglus 4113. (19)-9-t'J 2Hx 3101 LA LIC STRKET. Beautiful new 5-room and bath, full brlcke-d basement, btrlctly mcdern except furnace, two full sired lots, paved troi, permanent walks, block to car; soiling account now a non-i-esldint : $2,400, $600 cash, balance $16 pel- month. Inquire Jl'Jl Lalk, or 'phone Webster 1-09 cvenlnas. (U'i-MjjI $2,350.00 A GOOD BARGAIN 8-room house, modern xpl h.t, go;d barn, shade and fruit, )ul 50;cl2K. Cliltuu Hill, close to ear line. A .-t iiulek BIHlvETT c TEBB1NS, 42.1 Bee BUig. Phones: Doug. 47.4, lnd., A-1754. iVJ) osl 19 LIST your propeily with Chris Buyer. 2-1 and Cuming Sts. (19) 272 tl6,0"0 Will buy brick bualiios preperly rented for t2.4-0 a year. THOMAS BRICNNAN. Room L New Yuik BlJg. (11-274 FOR EALIC-Nest 7-room house, east-front lot. at 2o(-2 a 20th A ve.-$l,10o. Require about 14 l cash, balance tnontuly. C M. Lachmann. Paxton Block. C.J,-Mj1J REED ABSTRACT CO.. Cat. lkJi. I'ronip: service Get our price. 1.1) Farnam St ilK)-27J NEW St. Louis flats and a 10-room home. II modern, fur t-tli cheau; leaving -1 1 ; 81 owner, 1.116 Martha fit. .19.--M-SI ON month y p.'.ymsnt. t-io m. modern, with eim u -iaintew, i.r o-i-ooni iimi In. tee owner, SW1 No. 2'.d St Tel. li. ;S-X). (19)r52l REAL ESTATE 1 FARM A.D RANCH I. AAD roll g.U Colorado. i GOOD FAKMINO LAND Near Denver. Greeley eilnrh.t; well 25 lo 40 feet; abun dance of moisture; general fanning, in cluding corn laislng; ens crop pay for farm. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. t&t Brandels Bldg. Omaha. Neh. 1 1 a