TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 20, 10HS. I) ORDER BY MAIL You'll And it both con venient and profitable. All orders are promptly filled. MAIL ORDERS filled fro.n our daily advit'ti)iineiit$ except in cae of hour miles and when otherwise stated. 111 TNI RELIABLE 8T0RB H Y I! h ii s THE RELIABLE STORE Leading Dress Goods House of the West The Urftit stock la the wtrt. TU flnsst selected stock ta the wait. The baa t1bm la Wool Dress Goods la th west. Black Wool Drm Goods Sapt. $1 wool dress goods, black Trlest 1678, Lupin's, Fredrick Arnold's and other Imported goods; Mon day only, yard eoo All $1.25 Black Dress Goods Broadcloths, panamas, serges, clay worsteds, side bands and other goods that are now selling for 11.25 yard 88c RLiACK DRESS GOODS. AJ1 1.60 goods, all Qualities best, at 08c All $2.00 goods, all qualities best, at 91.23 All 3.00 goods, all qualities best, at $1.89 All 4.00 goods, all qualities best, at $1.98 All $5.00 goods, all qualities best, at $2.73 COLORED WOOL DRESS GOODS. Air our plain and fancy wool dress goods (nothing reserved ex cept Lansdowns) will go at the fol lowing prices: $1.00 colored goods 00c $1.26 colored goods 87 Ho $1.60 colored goods 07c $2.00 colored goods $1.23 $2.60 colored goods.. $1.30 $3.00 colored goods. ....... .$1.50 $4.00 colored goods $1.08 $6.00 colored goods 82.50 No samples sent at these prices, but mall orders filled until Thursday. 20c Embroideries at tOc . The greatest embroidery snap of the season in corset cover and skirt flouncings and matched sets of em broideries and insertings values from 20c to 30c yard ; all at one price, 1 f) a yard ' "C linen Torchon Laces A clean up of our entire linen lace stock in 8 lots First lot at yard 2W Becond lot, at yard 5 Third lot sale, price yard.. 10 The best bargains we have ever offered In Linen Torchon Laces. Come early Monday. New Books 'All the latest $1.60 copyright edi tions 08 . Regular $1.00 edition of high class fiction, on sale 43cf Furnishing Bargains 11 A. M. till 12 M. Men's and boys' work shirts, In blue chambrays, black and white twills, etc., regu lar 60c values, at 25 2 till 3 I. M.r Corsets and girdles, are fine silk and satin taped and come In plnkB, blues and white, cor sets of batiste In good models val ue to 1.00, at 25J 41' MONDAY TUESDAY GRAND OPENING DISPLAY MONDAY TUESDAY Beautiful Fall and Winter Milfaiery Modes Th mnut brilliant ai?,mb!agt of millinery tyU givr offereA for tht innprctinn nf Qmnhn't Iwli'n. Th mnnter fit tirjntrt of ihe vnr A art rtp.ftn.tcii in ahnnnt tn'l.etn iortront ot the mo' rl gnnl millincri) style, i(nn. Imported Pattern Hats from Mme. Georgette, Virot, Maison, Lewis, Mme. Pauyanne and many other eminent European millinery artists. Domestic Pattern Hats from nearly all the prominent designers and style authorities of this country a peerless showing of style beauty. Pattern Hats in matchless assortment of ex- I Beautiful Dress Hats Thousands for kpW- clusive elegance. . . .$25.00 to $150.00 tion, at prices from $5.00 to $25.00 j We wish every woman in Omaha and vicinity to regard this as a special invitation to view this great display of dashing millinery beauty we believe the most perfectly com plete and charming assortment ever offered in Omaha or the west. NO SPECIAL INVITATIONS ISSUED TO THIS OPENING. ! i $1.50, 51.75, $1.98 Silks Monday at 79c Marquisettes 4G-in. wide, plain or chock; voilo Xenons, Paon 'silk voiles, chiffon voiles, fancy voiles, in all now shades, bordered nets, stripe silk voiles and over 2,f)()l) yards of beau tiful evening silks, all worth from $1.50 to $1.!)8 a yard; choice at, yard 7i)C $1.00 and $1.23 Cola Peau de Cygnes, Messallnes, Satins, Louls ienes, Liberty Taffetas and a handsome line of novelties; all at one price Monday c 36-in. Guaranteed Black Dress Taffetas, on sale Monday in four big lots, at $1.19, 9S( 85c and (9e 27-in. Guaranteed Black Dress Taffeta Special at, yard, ,19c We lead in showing of High Grade Fall Silks. 75c and $1.00 plnld, check and stripe Silks, .laequnrds. V.mdlke Novelties, plain Taffetas, ete., im mense assortment for selection, all at one juice, yard ;t)o Underwear Specials From O till 10 A. M. Ladles and children's wlnterwelght underwear, shirts and drawers, children's 16's to 34's. Ladles' all sizes, regular 39c garment value, at 12 H From 10 to 11 A. M. Men's heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, blue and gray, all sizes, wlnterweleht 60c values 25 Special inducements in Dependable Linens In Our High Grade Linen Department for Monday. Ten pleceB Satin Damask Table Linen, warren tedpure flax, 72 inches wide, our regular $1 grade Monday, per yard 59c Fifty unhemmed pattern table cloths, strictly pure linen, 72 inches square, heavy and dur able, well worth $3.60 each, Monday, each $2.00 Ten pieces heavy, double damask table linen, new and exquisite designs, beautiful Batln finish, regular $2.00 quality, Monday, yard 98 Twenty dozens high grade dinner napkins, pure linen, large Blze, worth $4.00 dozen, Monday, 6 for '. 98cf Seventy-five hemstitched table cloths, size 8x10, full grass bleached, worth $2.00, Mon day, each $1.19 One case pure linen, Barnsly toweling, heavy, round thread, absorbent and good for drying. 12 c grade Monday, at 9 All mail orders promptly attended to. Sheets and Pillow Cases Less Than Cost of Praduction in Our High Grade Linen Department Monday $1.10 Sheets, size 81x90, each 7 'id i 90c Sheets, size 72x90, each GO $1.00 Sheets, size 81x90, each 7f 89c Sheets, size 81x90, each (iDt 79c Sheets, size 81x90, each 65t 76c Sheets, size 81x90, each 59 69c Sheets, size 81x90, each 55 oou oueiB, size B1X3V, eacn 49p 86c Sheets, Blze 72x90, each 6."? 79c sheets, size 72x90, each 59? 76c Sheets, size 72x90, each 55? 69c Sheets, size 72x90, each 4) 65c Sheets, size 72x90, each 45 69c Sheets, size 72x90, each 3 100 dozens well made pillow cases, size 45x36, also size 4 2x36, 17c values, Monday, each.lO 60 Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, Including knotted fringe and feautlful scalloped edges, $6 values, Monday, each $3.50 Vour mall order will receive prompt attention. New Leather Goods If you want the genuine hornback alligator leather goods, every piece guaran teed, see our lines the best and lowest priced shown in Omaha. Irish Crochet Laces A beautiful new line Just re ceived, make no mistake. We can save you 23 per cent on all Genuine Irish Crocliet Laces. New Dress Trimmings by far the largeRt and most com plete line shown in Omaha, All flat braids, Soutaches and Fancy Trimmings shown for less than any other concern in Omaha. Try Hoydens First, Great Opening Sale ot Fall and Winter Garment Styles The most comprehensive gathering of high class outer garments eyer shown in this or any other Omaha store perfectly harmonious Mendings, in style and color scheme, exclu siveness of design, unsurpassed elegance in material and finish are features. Much time and thought has been devoted to the selection of the new models, with more than satisfactory results to us and we trust with equal pleasure in selection to our customers. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. CROWN JEWEL SUITS The queen of them all, at the price $25.00 rAre the choice of all ladies who desire individuality of design and unequaled J-, "T ! J rr.l cb &P a ate price; the styles are worn and recommended Vf ttyri fiv" (U bv the ladies of the courts of Europe's crowned heads to duplicate them you'll pay from $35.00 to $40.00 elsewhere our price $25.00 Elegant Sample Tailor Suits Scarcely any two alike, greatly underpriced at $39, $45, $50, $75 and up to $100 Fancy Dress and Evening Gowns Most complete assortment in Omaha, silks, satins, voiles, nets, crepes, messalines, chiffon cloths, etc., in all the new pastel and evening shades, charming values at $20, $25, $30, $35 up to $75 A beautiful line of fine Evening Coats and Capes All newest ideas and richest fabrics and color ings, at prices from. $20 up to $60 SEVERAL MAGNIFICENT SPECIALS IN MONDAY'S GREAT SALE $20.00 Automobile and Rain Coats Fine quality silk rubberiezd materials, all sizes and colors, on sale at $12.50 $7.50 Covert and Broadcloth Jackets Lined or un lined, all newest fall styles; Saturday at. $1.95 Most complete assortment of New Fall Waists at prices ranging all the way from 50c to $25 912.BO French Voile Skirts Five styles for selection; shown; prices $8.90 $10 t0 $18.50 matchless values at $7.50 ! Children's School Dresses AU latest style; prices Women's Maternity Skirts A full and complete line from $1.00 t0 $5.00 BIG SALE OF INFANTS WEAR "BABY BAZAR" ON 2ND FLOOR High Grade Cotton Goods Dept. Flannelettes, Wrapper Cloth, etc. Finest Line in the West. Arnold's 19c flannelettes 12 c Arnold's 15c Flannelettes lOo Pacific fine wrapper cloth 10c Pacific superfine wrapper cloth... 15c Beacon bath robe cloth 25c Raye crape, best durable, full bleached lined made lc French percales 12 Ho American percales lOo Silk warp kimono side bands 25c LINING. DEPARTMENT. 'All the finest linings made Heath erbloom, Lustral, Trlco, Anderson & Co., at prices that no other store will make. Also tailors' supplies -tissue rubber, sleeve linings, satin linings, Bilk linings, etc. Cotton Dress and Wash Goods In Our Famous Domestic Room 7 He apron checks 8?4c 7 J2 c prints 3 i c lOo outing flannels lie 10c flannelette 5c 10c dress ginghams 5c 10c canton flannel 5c Amoskeag apron checks. . . ; lie 15c flannelettes 7c 12Mte. silk ginghams.... 7?c 18c flannelettes .10c 19c Scotch zephvrs 10c 10c comfort" calico, fine 5c 86-inch perif.Li.ti 5c TOWELS AND TOWELING. 19c bath towels 10c 15c bath towels :...7c 10c bath towels 5c lOo honey combed towels SHc Wash rags, each lc 16c all linen toweling 10c 12c all linen toweling 8Hc 10c all linen toweling 7 He Cotton toweling 8igc Cotton glass toweling 4o Monday That Great Rug and Carpet Sale An immense cash purchase of high grade Rugs and Carpets, on sale at About Half Actual Retail Value. $25.00 Quality Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, floral and oriental patterns, all are regular $25 quality Axminster, but are slightly mismatched, other wise they are absolutely perfect; only 86 in this lot. Come early and secure the best bargain ever offered at sale price $11.98 $30.00 Body DrusseU Rugs at 22.50. One of the best body brussels rugs on the market, 9x12 sizes, all perfect, cannot be duplicated at less than $30.00. $22.00 Velvet Itugs, Special at $14.75. Extra heavy quality rugs, floral and oriental patterns, 9x12 size, beauties. $20.00 Tnpofctry Brussels Kugn, at $12.50. 9x12 size, all perfect, 10-wlre quality, magnificent val ues, at our sale price. $15.00 Brussels Rugs $0.25 25 patterns to select from, everyone perfect and cannot be duplicated for less than $15.00. Come In 9x11 size. $2.50 Sample Rugs 05c Over 300 carpets, sample rugs, 1 yard long, nicely bound, Wilton Velvets, Axmlnsters and Brussels, great snap, at (J5 R1.35 Axminster and Velvet Carpets, at yard Oc A special purchase of 22 rolls of fine velvet and axmln Bter carpets, all perfect goods, no borders, not a yard worth less than $1.35, choice 80 $13.50 Kashmir Rugs $8.08 Ab solutly fast colors, no wrong Bide, 9x12 size, the greatest bargain ever offered here or elsewhere. $5.00 Axminster Rugs $2.80 Very best quality, 3 6x72 size, all perfect and In big range of patterns; greatest value ever offered. $10.00 Brussels Rugs $5.08 Ex tra heavy quality in 6x9 size, a handsome line of patterns for selec tion, matchless value Monday. $1.50 Smyrna Rugs OOc Over 300 in the lot, all 30x36 size, splen did range of patterns, fringed, good quality and a splendid bargain. $1.75 Fiber Rugs at 50c A fine as sortment of 36x72 fiber rugs, 125 in the lot, all perfect $1.75 val ues, at 59J Mnll ordpra cannot be filled on the $11. OS rui?s as the stock will last hut a few hours at most, on other Items while they last. Come Monday for tlia greatest rag bargains vr offered. Orders will be filled lion City Laces - s We are sole Omaha selling agents for Zion City and American Lace Mfg. Co. Laces the finest wash laces produced in the world. These goods were formerly made in England and France, but to save the GO per cent import duty, these people etarted the American factories. You cannot buy one yard of these goods In Omaha else where than at our lace department. 1. 1 , Several new lots just received, & A f prices the lowest Specials for Monday 10c Pearl Buttons, per doz 2Vc 50c Silk Elastic Belts 25c 25c Lisle Elastic Belts 15c 50c Hair Rolls, each 25c 25c Wire Hair Rolls, at 15 20c Wire- Hair Rolls, at 10 15c l'ure Linen Handkerchiefs 7J 10c Pure Linon Initlul Handkerchiefs 5 15c Embroidered Handkerchiefs 714? And many other equally great values too numerous to mention. Popular Priced Wool Dress Goods Dept This Is the flmwt department in the west. Ail the latest novelties, ergos, psuuunas, mohairs, plaids, suitings, etc., from 25c to $1.00 yard. Handsome line of 36-lnch Henri ettas 25c 57o all wool ranamas, 36 Inch, all colors 30c f 8c Mohairs, fancy shadow Btrlpes, at 30c 75c all wool Storm Serges, 36-ln., at ROo Too all wool Panamas, 36 inch 50c fl.OO Storm Serge, 62 Inches wide, all wool OOc $1.00 Panama, 12 inch wide, all wool i . . .OOc $1.00 Mohair, 52 Inches wide. .50c $1.25 Storm Serge, 54 inches wide, at 75c $1.50 Storm Serge, 54 Inches wide, at 05c Anderson's Scotch Plaids 75c $1.00 French Silk and wool Plaids, at 75c $1.25 silk and wool Waitings 7Au $1.00 silk and wool Waistlngs 500 Samples free. Mall orders taken peclal care of. Muslins, Sheetings & Heavy Domestics In Oar Famous Domestic Room. We Defy Competition 9-4 bleached sheeting, worth 25c, at 17Hc 1-4 unbleached sheeting, worth I to, at lOo Lonsdale, tor aU day 0 94c J S5c mercerized damask fruit, lor all day 0?tc Hill's, for all day 1 Oo bleached sheeting ...... B c 7 Ho bleached sheeting 3)ac 7 Ho unbleached sheeting 8c Best 16o outing flannel 10c Best 12 He outing flannel. . .8Uo est 10c outing flannel 7 He Best 8 He outing flannel 5o &0c mercerized damask. .... .25c , . . .80c S9o turkey red damask 10c M OO damask, bleached, 72 in.. 75c 86c damask, bleached, 6ft-ln..60c Dollies lc, 2c, 8c, 4o and 5c Mail orders filled for all Meek. Hardens9 Stove Department hom all Indications we oro going to have a cUU winter and early, too, ao M would not be a bad Idea to look up your heating proposition. If you want a Soft Coal Stove. We bava them np from 3.50 If you waat a Hard Coal Btove we have them up from 910.00 If you want a Hard or Soft Coal liaee . Burner, we have them, up from 91S.0O ' Over 400 Stoves to Beleot from. Hole BM4l Rans with lS-inch vea U.J Hole Cast Cook Stove with lS-lnch oven. b-lnoU ltds, draw hearth an1 pouch fed $9.73 Pteel Airtight Wood Btove 1.4t We have an Oak Btove with 11-lnch fire pot the lam1y will heat more lare. for the same amount of furl uel than any other stove on the muraet, 0-lnch blh, nlckle top and rail a.as s NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE New fall stocks are now complete, we know you'll like the style, and prices throughout are equally attractive. Comparison will prove our prices money savers. .L I'll. . ,., . , t $10.50 Dresser Solid oak, with 3 large drawers and good mirror; on sale Monday $6.45 The most complete lines of Parlor and every thing priced at lowest possible margin of profit. Hayden's First. $9.50 Elastic Felt Matress Full size and weight; special $6.50 $3.00 Saddle Seat Ann Rocker A very handsome, comfortable and well made chair, at. .$1.95 Sanitary Steel Couch' 3 rows of coil supports, makes full size hod when open, $4..j0 value, $3.15 A Fine Woven Wire Cot 2 ft., G in. wide; on sale at $1.10 Dining Room Kucntture shown and You'll find it pays to try Lace Curtains An immense assortment of imported curtains, Irish Point, Duchess, Brussels, Clunys, in white and Arabian, 1(5 and 18 point curtains, in filet patterns, all the newest eilects greatly underpriced at, pair. . .$5, $6.50, $7 to $9.50 $5.00 ltcal Brussels Luce Curt a inn In dainty designs for parlor. Handsome Cluny curtains, lace and Insertion trimmed, regular $5.00 values, pair $3.95 New Misskmetle Curtains For dining room or hall, beautiful de signs, pr $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 Sample Portieres All the season's nowest efl'ects, valuta from $7.00 to $9.50 pair, at $1.98 ImporU'd Madras All latest pat terns and colorings shown at yard $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 and $1.00 25c Kufl'led Swiss, yard lOf lionleretl Silk For over drapes. splendid line, yard $1.00 New .Net In Filet and Mission effects 35 to $1.25 Soreiillo Itlpps, at J ard . . . . y," Linen Taffeta Floral and orien tal dt'Flgns, at yard 39 ' $rt.Ot) ltagilad Stripo Ouch I'ov ors $2.98 $1.75 Koniun Stripe Couch Cov er $1.00 $1.00 Ituffleil Swiss Curtains, pair 75 BOe Ituffled Swiss Curtains, lair 25 :i.-ic Unified Xct, at yard 15 Big Grocery, Fruit, Flour, Butter, cheese, Vegetable Sale Monday. VIGOUR, rtODB, FLOUR We want every housekueoer to buv a sack of our HUh Patent Flour. This flour Is made from the unem neo luuey nam winter wneat, the finest grown; makes th whiU-Ht auU sneeieut brew sale we wUl sell It per 48-lb. sack Isold everywhere for 1.50). Fancy Golden Santo Coffee, lb. Fancy Markalbo Blend Coffee, lb. 10 bars, best brands Laundry Soap....J5o Trie beat white or yellow Cornmeal, 1, per . He The best Macaroni, per pkg IVjO The beet Pearl Tapioca or Sago, per lb., at Cc Beet Breakfast Food, per pkg- 6c Wheat feerrtea, per pkg 6c 1'uffed Rice, pkg. .: 7c The best Bods, Crackers, per lb lie The best crtap Pretzels, par lb 6c The bent Ginger Knaps 6c Corn btarch, ; 'pkg to The best Tea BifUngs, per lb 10c Choice basket Tired Japan Tea. per lb. 25c Fancy Japan. EnKllsh Breakfaet. Oolong. Ceylon or Gun rowder Tea, lb I&c . 15c 17', c . 25c . ISc . lo . Sic- Fancy Porto Klco Colfee. lb Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee, lb... Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb Choice Dairy Butler, per lb Country Creamery Butter, per 1U. TSEBH VEGETABLES FOB MOM DAT 1 bunches freli Kadlshes tc 6 heudi fresh Leal l,ellure &c Fresh Sneel Potatoes, In 2 Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart, at ito Large Egg Plants, each 5c 2 heads fresh Celery 6c Fancy Sweet Corn, dozen SVc ad baked; .Muiiduy fur the bpeelal f 1.23 Fancy fresh Cauliflower, lb Inc. Fancy Cooking Apple--, aae k 2uu Fiesii Beet i, lunula or l'arsnlpi. lb. Fancy Elberta Peaches for canning YVtj nuve Inr itlnndu.vs sale oiiu iai,uau ''f extra fancy Kllierta 1'tae-hfci. These are very -Taney mid Frei. stone. Monday's bale, per crate 75o Italian iiiue Prune, per crate ;'.e I.arxe baskets fancy 1'om-ord Crapis 17V, c Lairxe bukci fancy ripe Tuniatm 17'-..c Burhel boxej fain y canning i'eais $1.75 Btason Jars (or Tour Fruit Another big Ma. -ion Jar sale Monday. 1 pint Muhoii Jar-, per dozen 45o 1 quart Mason Jars, per dozen .... 4Ko 'i gallon Mason Jars, per dozun tuo TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Tubs, Washinq Machines, Etc. 1-qt. Tomato Cans, doz 40c No. 1 Tubs, huavy gal. only. .Sc Extra large heavy eal. Tirts..4Uc No 8 copper bottom Boilers. .c $1.75 heavy Uoilers, co'iper bot tom $1,113 Extra heav y gal. Hollers, only .M'Jc 12-gal. heavy galvanized caUB.HIK' Itotary Washers, all Uiuda, worth up to $S, only $I.UH The Easy Ak-Sar-Uen Washer, sold usually for $10, guaranteed for 3 years, ihls la the lut chance you will get to buy one. . . .$3.UO The famous O. K. Washer. ,$1.U8 The famous Western Washer $'J.tH Mrs. Voorman's Wink Strainers, for Ml! JSc Mrs. Pntts' polished Sad Irons HUe. 75c Japanned Mall Boxes .... 35c 1U V TAINT TOMOKKOW To Introduce our House Paint, Jap-A-Lac, Woodshlne, Enamels, etc., Saturday, we will give away with every tan A PAINT lUU SlI 1 KKE. We positively guarantee the Oak brand lead-mixed i.aint for five years. It Is the beta paint made. All colors. Quart cans 35c Half-gallon cans U3o Gallon cans 91.23 Standard Heady-Mixed House Paiuts Saturday Quail cans 23c Half-gallon cans roo Gallon (--tins U8c " HAKDWAKK SPECIALS. C5c nickel plated Combination Plyers, tor i;.- $1.25 Saw, Jennings make... 70c $1.25 handled Axes, Saturday. 85c Come In and Beo our Special Saie Counter of Tools, etc., etc, Saturday.