Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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'2 K
. f ff f f 1 I I Ml int 1U IY
m " .'WJUJIMI ! I I I I 1111 KT 11
4 ; W J 1
5fis'"?E '30 TailorSuiis till
A magnificent assemblage of sample Tailor
Suits, secured by our New York buyer at less
than 50c on the dollar.
500 Handsome Garments for Selection, $18.00,
$20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 Values Broad
cloths', tweeds, worsteds, fancy mixed fab
rics, etc., all jackets silk and satin lined,
trimmed with satin and taffeta bands, all
sizes to 4fi, worjh and were from $18.00
to $30.(.r0; the greatest bargains
ever offered here or elsewhere
Crown Jewel Suits $25.00 200 new ones
shown for Saturday's selling, most distinc
tive styles and best values shownv COG
in any store in the land, at price. . . PJ
$12.50 Dress Skirts $7.50 An elegant line of
French voile and chiffon panama dress
skirts, in colors and black, trimmed with
folds and bands of taffeta.
Silk and Silk Braided Jackets, in black and
colors, values to $15.00, choice 5.00
Splendid assortment for selection.
Children's Fall Jackets Newest styles, all
eizes, entire surplus of a well known manu
facturer, values to $5.00, on sale at $1.98
Special Sale of Infants' Wear in BABY
BAZAR, on 2nd Floor.
Extra Shed Sirirts Bands from 30 to 38-in.,
lengths from 39 to 45-in. We make a spec
ialty of them at prices from $5.00 to $15
Early Fall Jackets Values to $12.50, fine
coverts and broajd cloths, satin lined, self
trimmed, all newest styles; on sale at two
prices $5.00 and $7.50
LadiesJ Silk and Net Waists An immense line of beautiful new styles, secured by our New
York buyer at a fraction of real value; trimmings -are fine Cluny lace, appliques, etc., many
, worth to $7.50 choice Saturdayr' $2.95
Hew Leather Goods
The very best line of Fine
Leather Goods in Omaha:
Pocket Books, Purses, Hand
Bags, Carriage Bags, Novelty
Bags, Bell Books, Card Cases,
etc., eta And we only carry
the best.
When wo show you a Ilorn IWk
AIH gator Bag you can depend upon it
being tn genuine article. Not prea
ced by machinery or made ot three'or
four placet.
And oar price are alwaya the very
Bee the peelal offerings Saturday.
Unequalled bargains at 4f)4 95
91.40. , V
Interesting Millinery News
Several Delightful Specials in Saturday's Sale.
$3.50 Ostrich Plume3 $1.98
A big purchase of 17-inch
French curl ostrich plumes,
black only, perfect beauties,
$3.50 values $1.98
Stylish Trimmed Ilats Matchleas
assortment of newest styles,
values to 18.60, at 9U.0S, 13.PS
nd $6.70
A magnificent assortment of high
class street hats, newest erea-
, tlons ot the best designers, un
equalled values, at. .$3 to S18
Men's Furnishings
i 4
(1.. v a- w
3 ... ijr
the receipt of several new sample line
from prominent manufacturers we will
offer our customers another of those
great shirt bargain opportunities that
have made Hayden's shirt sales famous.
Without doubt the best values shown
anywhere this season. Fine Dress and
Xegligeo Blurts All the ' best mate
rials and patterns, soft or pleated
bosoms, cuffs attached or detached.
collar bands or soft
collars, hundreds of
dozens to select from,
many worth 12.00,
choice of the
entire lot, at .......
Men's Bilk Tie All styles and colors,
values to 60c, choice A '
Saturday .....Uv
Men's Suspenders Fine lisle web,
with calfskin straps, big asort- 4 J"
ment of patterns, 6 On values., J DQ
Men's Combination Suit That sell
regularly at 11.00 to IS.60, 4 CA
in three lots, HOc, 08c and. . . 1 JJ
Men's Porosanit Underwear All sites
garments that sold regularly to 76o,
Saturday per garment, OC
Monday Sept 2, that great sale ot
Rugs and Carpels
Watch Sunday papers for particulars
and prices. Bee Dodge St. window display.
F you like to be dressed in the smartest
style and the best quality, now's your
chance. You'll find this store the place tor distinction In clothes,
Hart, Schaffnor & Marx clothes are the best ever offered
for men to wear; every fabrio all wool, the tailoring done In
a way to keep the good style looking right. You'll find them
best for your wear, the most perfect clothes made. Thosa
acquainted with the excellence of Hart, Schaffner &Marx
clothes quality and 6tyle reoognizo them as the only ready-to-wear
clothes, superior to the beet grade of custom iuado gar
ments. aaAsifosEEStt
$15, $20 and $22.50 Men's
Winter Suits $12
We show you for example a 6nappy two-button 6tyle. "We've
many other just as good; prices from $18, $20 to $35
Nearly 700 suits from the grent manufacturer's stock purchase
which were delayed in transit will bo placed on sale Saturday,
all newest fall and winter 1903-09 styles, all the newest idea
in tailoring, colorings and fabrics, not a suit in S
the lot worth less than $18.00; the same goods jft f J
sold rierht here in Omaha at $18 to $22.50. choico. . A
Copyright I90I by Hrt Sdttffnet Mtrs
A 20th Century Take Down Daisy Air Rifle Free Saturday With each purchase of a boys'
suit in our children's clothing department, the greatest variety and best values shown in
Omaha. See our Knee Pants Suit special at ,.$2.50, $3.50 andl.50
350 pairs Boys' Odd Knee Pants, regular 65o 480 pairs Boy's Odd Knee Pants, regular 75o
values, Saturdav.. 25c and 85c values, Saturday 45c
(I ( I
... I
m. V E a m, 11 -j
Ladles' Hose Worth
gauze lisles, lace or embroidered
effects, all colors, at,
pair 25 and 15
Ladies' 10c Hose Plain and fan
cies all colors, on sale at,
pair 12
Great Sale of
Sample Hosiery
Another great purchase of ladies'
sample hose on sale at less than half.
Ladies' Imported Lisle Hose Val
ues to 75c, all colors, in plain gauze,
embroidered allover or boot lace ef
fects; Saturday at, pair 35c
BOe In . OhUdren's Hose Fine medium
and heavy ribbed, In two lots,
19o value 12H
B5c value ....15
We carry a complete line of
Parey Hose, the best wearing
children's hose produced.
35c Ribbons at 12ic
A new lot of extra wide, all silk
taffeta ribbons, in all staple
shades and black, regular 3oc
a yard value, Sat- A J 1 -urday
1 t-2t
35c Silk Veilings 10c
A big line just received from
our New York buyer, in fancy
spot, plain and fancy mesh,
browns, blues, white, magpies,
greys -and reds; regular 35o
qualities, on sale 1 f
Saturday, yard I "C
Fancy Ruchings
The greatest bargain sale
of fancy rnching of this sea
son, RucMnga of all descriptions
on sale In six lots, 10c,
12Hc, 15o, lOo, 25o
and 35c
. Not one yard worth less
than 15o and up to COo.
New , Belt The greatest
maps of the season in new
fSk elastio belts, on sale at
. from ,...15o to 40o
Pont miss seeing those
splendid bargains Saturday.
Big Drug Sale for Satur
day Only
Beside our Saturday specials that you arc
familiar with we conclude with the following:
Dr. Graves' Tooth Pow(Jr.lo
Banltol Tooth Powder... ISO
fund Antiseptic pentl-
frlce I las
rr. Lyons' Tooth Powder. lo
Java Rice Powder Se
Posioii'a Powder ........ 87o
Mennen's Taloum. .16o
Colgate' Talcum loo
Pond'a Extract Talcum.. aoo
S rushed B"e . . . loo
rlental Cream $1.09
Bnrry's Freckle Ointment 3Be
Koite Or earn lOo
Hlnd'a Honey and Almond. 860
Sanltol Cream lo
Consualo Cream , ...a4o
10c Palmer Olive, I oe.kea.16o
Jap Roe , ao
Wild Rose 80'
Pear's Uneeented IBs
Lana Oil and Buttermilk,
box 94o
Colvate'a Boap, I for SOo
Colgate's Caatlle. bar ...lOo
Colgate'! Qlyoerlne So
7flo Kubber aiovee 890
A great one dajr eale of high
claee Rubber Ulovee, all
, sine, regular 75c valued at,
pair 2So
In orderlna by mall add- do
Fair for poatase. Mali order
tiled at theae prlcee If aent
at ones.
Big Bargains In LadiesJ Muslin Underwear Saturday. See ad on Page
G, Dont Miss Them!
Read the Big Grocery Sale for Saturday
For the Highest Quality and Lowest Prices See Hayden's First.
It bars beat brands Laundry
0e beet VbVtV or' yeli'ow' Corn
Meal, tier saoV ,.lo
The best fjotueatlo Maoaronl, px
pkf. ...Vo
le "
t4b. OoWen PumpkiA, Hominy,
fiquaaa, Sauar Kraut or Baked
beans or 7 0
On Of Mustard Bardlnea, can. . to
The beet Taplooa or Bao, lb., to
rraah Criap Potato Chips, lb., JOe
Fancy Sweet Cooklea, reaular 1 60
Sellers, far this eala, lb lOo
importea H&rainea, per can
Larae bottle woceeater Sauoe
Tooiato Catsup, par bottle IV
S-Ih. caup fancy Was, fctrlna
Kreah ortap Pretiela, per lb., 60
The beat Soda Craukere, lb. ...60
Krat Breakfast Food, pkg 60
Choice JTalry Butter, per lb., l$o
Fancy Palrf Butter, per lb., 10
Fancy Country Creamery Butter,
per lb Slo
Fanoy No, 1 Creamery Butter,
per lb. , , 1 60
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb. lio
rasu txoztabx.1i rsioss
I buncbee frteh Rudlshea 5c
( heada fresh Leaf Lettuce. . , .to
Freah Hweet Potatoes, lb 2 Wo
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, yx
quart . . . ,. HC
larce Egg Plant, each 5c
t heads freeh Celery So
Fancy Sweet Corn, dozen.. SHo
Fancy freeli Cauliflower, lb., lOo
Fancy Cooking Apples, sacU.JOo
Freah Beeta, Carrol or Par
snips, lb tVo
A Oarloa4 of litre Taney Xlber-
ta Trseatoue Teaoaea la.
Theae are extra fancy No. 1
goods, nothing better for fl.OO
per crate; Saturday sale, per
orate , ?6
Extra Taney Idaho Staliaa
Tronea for Panning
Four-basket crate for , .9Bo
Single baaket 25c
cwa our prlcs first on any
thing you want for canning or
Big Shoe Sale Saturday VchWl"
Bring the children in Saturday and buy the kind of 6hoes
that will stand the hard knockB for LESS than you usually
Boys', youths' and little gent's solid as a rock school shoes,
worth $1.75 and $1.50, at $1.19 and 98c
Misses' and Child's $1.50 and $1.75 shoes, in tan or black; the
tan shoes have a tan ooze calf torA-at 1,00
Closing out all the women's $3.00 and $3.50 oxfords, in both
tan and black . . .". '. $51.98
15 styles of men's $3.50 and $4.00 KhoeH, in all leathers, includ
ing two patent colt bluchers, rock oak soles, witli Goodyear
welted soles J . . . . .$2.50
About 600 pairs of men 's $3.00 shoes in all leathers, each and
every one a SNAP $1.98
All the new fall models of the Queen Quality shoes are in and
they are beauties $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00
x For 'those tired, aching feet buy Grover Shoes they are
made for tender feet. Get a red book for the children with
their shoes Saturday. ,
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Saturday Specials
BOc Balr Rolls, 24-ln 25
2Sc M ire Roll, 24-ln 15
20c Wire Rolls, 18-ln 100
BOe Satin Pad Hose Supporters,
t 354
25c Bide Elastics, pair 100
2Ac Tooth Urushes, at 10f
60c Keep Clean Hair Brushes. 300
5c Pearl Buttons, doa. .... .24 0
2Co Hair Brushes, at 100
Book Sale Saturday
91.00 Topular Fiction, new lot Just received, on sale Saturday, cholce-430
81.B0 Copyright Books, all latest styles, Saturday 080
Two Marvelous Sales, lasting one hour
each, Saturday, in our
High Grade Linen Dept.
From 10 Till 11 A. M. 100 dozen high
grade linen Huck Towels, large size,
17c values, one hour only, each,
160 dozens high grade, extra large Bath Tow
elB, cream and white, Including all linen
huck., all 30c values, for this eale. . . .170
From 3 to 4 P. M. , .
2B0 dozsns full size 81x80 high grade, well
made sheets, specially adapted for hotels
and rooming houses, 78c values, special for
one hour only, each 400
100 dozens sheet size, 72x90, well known
brands, strong and good for wear, 00c val
ueg for one hour only, each 300
Corset Special
Corsets, Cridles and Bust Forms
An immense special purchase, includ
ing all styles, sizes and shapes; cor
sets are in fine sterling cloth with
hose supporters attached, girdles in
fine batiste, pink or blue, immense
assortment for selection, OQ
values to $1.50, choice. C
Bust Supporters, an Immense new line, shown
Saturday, at ......... -500 and 1.00
W. B. Corsete In complete assortment, new,
fall models, at, up from.. $1.00
Reduso -Corseta, the universal favorite with
large women. All new models, at.. $3,00
Why not order by Mail? You'll find it both convenient and profitable.
Orders filled from daily ads, except in case of hour sales or where otherwise
stated. i. !!;
Tubs, Washing Machines, Etc.
On-quat Tomato Cans, dox 40o
No. 1 Tubs, heavy galvanltrd,
only 30
Etra large heavy galvanised
Tubs 4So
No. ii copper bottom Bollere, 60
11.71 heavy Bollere, copper bot
tom ...l.8S
Extra heavy galvanised Bollere
only BSe
11-gallon heavy galvanised Cane
for ess
notary Washers, all kind, worth
up to 18.00. only $.$
The Easy Ak-Sar-Ben ' Waaher,
sold usually for 1 10.00, guaran
teed for three years. This Is
the laet chance you will get to
buy one for 0.00
The famous O. K. Waaher. .4.S8
The famous Western Waaher for
Mr. Voorman's Sink Strainers
for , ....ISHo
Mrs. Potts' polished Bad Irons,
for , . .89o
75o Japanned Mali Biee. . . .SSe
Introduce our Heuae Paint,
Jap-A-Lo, Woodthlna, Enamels,
etc.. Saturday, wa will give away
with every can
A lion BiuM rail,
W positively guarantee the
Oak brand ready-nil ird paint for
five yeara It Is the best paint
made. All color.
Quart cans , IS
Half-gallon oans SSo
UaJlon oans' ,
Standard Ready-Mixed House
Paints Saturday
Quart can a5e
Half -gallon oans ,BOo
Oallon oans SSe
tto ntokel plated Combination
flyer 8 Bo
II. SB Haw, Jennings make.,.To
iJ6 handled Ases, Saturday Se
Com and our Special Bala
Counter of Tools, eto., eto., Sat-
Concern Eas Cinch and Omaha Better
Get In on Seal.
l urn e( Crmrnt-roated Nails Soturr
Teat Per ten Hrilurllna or
Avoids 8arh Penalty In
Whoever has the patent . on cement
coated nail alio holds the secret to for
ture which will enable the discoverer of
th process and the manufact urer to niche
themselves Into a safe place In life, un
leas the Commercial club ot Omaha gets
buy with similar organlxatton to preveut
ths Jatast scheme of the railioads to ad
vance freight rate lucceuding.
Some time ago the railroads agreed to
furnish ths shippers and commercial or-
The Midwest Life
At age of St one can buy an ordinary
Life Policy In The My west Life for
111 01 for the first year, and afti-r th
first year It will cost only 114 110 a
year, vr 17.7 every six months, or 3.S
every three months.
At age It the same policy will coat
SSQ.Il tho first year and after the firt
year It will cost 1 0 a year, or 1 55
evry six month, or M ti rvery three
At agea JO, SS. 40, 43 and SO the coat
will be $23.74. 117 43. fi ' , 3S 7 and
117.72. respectively, fur the first year and
after the first Vear It will ha III 10.
l-'l iO, 121.40, 110 60 and 137.70. respect
iveiy, a year, or i.iu, u,:u, ii zo, ie na
and 1 .80, respectively, every six mouths,
or 4.l. H 10. M TS, IS 10 and f 10 00. re
speclvely, every three months.
Hums offlpa, 1007 O. bitreet. Lincoln.
Omaha My, 111 Boar4 t' Yrada
ganlxations with kcIkhIuI.'k showing th
proposed ch;in(-:-i in cliirslfioatlons of
freight and ruks governing packing; and
CommiKsloni'r J. M. Guild received a
copy of the 'Official Clsssificatlon'' sched
ules Morxlay morning. The committee will
meet somewhere near Wall street, that
street which laughs at orphans' crte
Commlsaiuncr Guild had looked at tho list
but a minute when he discovered a pin-
posed rule which looked queer to ay the '
least. This rulo Is to provide that ship
pers of shoes, hats, caps uml some cIumihx .
of merchandise, must puck them In cases
which are nulled with cement coated nails I
or pay 10 per cent more than the publtvhrd !
tariff for such clussct cf merchandise.
Beyond this there Is no hint as to why
the railroads are to give such a boost to
th cement coated nail trust or why it Is
possible to ship 10 per cent cheaper wher.
goods are enclosed In cases tacked with
cement covered Iron nails Instead of with
rarneKie toothpicks. The traffic expert of
the transportation committee has taken
the matter under advWemeiit and is ex
pected to render an nplnlon In the near
Another Freak Rata.
Another freak rule which h a practical
lde suggests that shoe boxes be wired
and leaden aeuls placed at th ends of the
wire. This is taken to mean that the rail
road company has It In for box car bur
glars and will not allow it own emploes
to help themselves to shoes or obtain hats
and cups In other ways than buying them
lth money furnished by the company.
"There is sumo real merit In this wiring
snd sealing rule, but not In the cement
coated nail business," said a shipper. ''The
fir i thlpg w know we will have to have
sugar aldppid In manganese safe and navy
brans In lelnforced cement vaults with time
lock la irit. r to get th advantage of pub
lished tariffs."
Another I roied rule Is that the rail
roads sre about to allow oil stoves to be
used in cars which are accumpanied by an
attendant and contain perUhuhle fruii.
The railroads have compelled shippers to
furnish atuves burning coal or coke when
making shipment of fruit In the winlur
If ths official classification committee
succeeds the transportation lines will also
lurnlHh free tickets to attendants in cliaig
of unfermeuled frutt Juices In carload lots.
Last, but not leant of the Jokes In. the
official Juke book, Is tho provision permit
ting stoves used in keeping cars warm to
be returned to the shipper at regular rates
when securely crated.
Notorious Iloraethlef Stays In Oruaba
a Vear and Eirspra Trap
Set fur Hint.
Having lived In Omaha for one year at
Forty-third street and Lafayette avenue,
Prank Luis, a notorious hursethief and ex
eonvlct on parole from the Juliet peniten
tiary, made his escape from the city Thurs
day evening, a short time before the net
which the police had woven around him
was to be drawn in.
During the last year while he resided In
Omuha Lut made frequent trips Into
various parts of the state, returning with
one or more horses. At the present Luti
has four of these horses hired out to lo
cal coal dealera, and it waa through ths
medium of one of theae horse that Luis
was to be captured, but he evidently sur
mised that he was "wanted" and disap
peared. Luts has been living with a woman
named Mrs. Kelley of Chicago, who hus
twe smull suns. A wagon load of stolen
article was recovered by the police when
Lull's residence wus raided Friday morn
ing. Ten of ths horses the fellow has stolen
since his residence In Omaha have been
recovered by the officers. Five were stolen
from Fremont, three from Calhoun and two
from Bancroft. Four of them were sold
to Omaha parties. They have not only
been recovered, but Identified.
It Is learned the criminal did time in
fl'oun Falls and Juliet and escape, in In
dian while awaiting sentence to the peni
tentiary for horse stealing.
Mammoth Structure Will So Beady
for the Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors.
Dlsararefal Couduct
of liver and bowels, In refusing to art. Is
quickly remedied with Dr. King s New Life
Pills. Ho. For sol by Beaton Vris Ca
Structural Iron Span Illuminated
with i:iectrlc l.iaht Stands at
Klghtecnth and Far
nam Streets.
The mammoth welcome arch at Eight
eenth and Fsrnain streets, which is soon to
give strangers In the city an assurance of
Omaha's delight in having them here, Is
rapidly nearing completion. The first
span across the street between the two up
rights was put up Thursday night. This
hejvy Iron span, which Is as long as th
width of the street and about seven feet
broad, had to be raised from the (lave
ment when, there were no trolley wire
Intervening and that necessitated walling
until about 2. o'clock Friday morning,
when the car had stopped running. While
tha wires were lying flat the span was
rolled across them and then hoisted. A
special lighting -arrangement was put up by
City tlectiiciun Mlchaelson sd thai th
work could be dune In three hours.
The arch has been crlUclaea by passersby
because of its rather bald appearance, but
ttie cuunclliuen are well pleased with what
hus been dune so far and assure the publiu
that when completed the arch will be
.thing of beauty.
Its cost, ll.OA. as compared with th
tlmus.jnjs of dollars which it is said wave
put Into the Denver arch, which the en
thusiasts say 11 no mure beautiful than
tills one, is a matter uf congratulation.
Architect Lutenser donuted his services hi
designing the structure and tho J'axton 4
Vierling Iron company accepted the oon
tract for the small price, which th council
thuugn ths city cuuld afford to pay.
Salent of tables.
A It stands no the arch lacks several
raais a l.t'a wUl r u-u wo We I, In uZ Uo,
uprights and tha system of cables which
will be strung from tha shafts above the
span across to various points along H,
which will give something of the graceful
effect of a ship's mast and spars. Tha
tops of the uprights will be surmounted
with gilded eagles. The wide space of tha
arches across the street will be taken ui
with the word "Welcome," In six-foot let
ters snd above this Is tha smaller place
upon which will be set from time to time
letter representing the various organisa
tions which are holding their guttering
In the city. Seven hundred lights will be
used In night deeoratlon.
The arch will be- ready to throw out Its
brilliant "Welcome" to the thousands of
Ak-8ar-Pen visitors. Its dassllng letters
will be visible from Tenth snd Farnain
street as the cars bringing the visitors
from th depots round that corner and
when the king makes his advent with the
electrical pugent It will be an attractive
The sale of vaoant lots across ths bridge
in Council Bluffs Saturday afternoon on
monthly payments by, Day at Hess com
pany Is announced In another column.
Minister to United States Visit West
In Mr flow Ills I'rople
Arc Parlngr.
Lv S. Coro-Mllss, the Grecian minister to
the United States, waa In Omaha Friday
enroute to Washington from a tour of th
Pacific coast. Minister Coro-MUaa declined
to be Interviewed, Intimating that he had
nothing to say for publication. He was
quartered St ths Rom hotel. A delega
tion of fifteen or twenty of the leading
Greeks of Omuha called upon the minister
and held a long conference with hltfi.
One of the loaders of the Greek colony
of Omaha said;
"The minister Is here only to look Into
the social and gnneral conditions of lira
Greek and ss to the progress of the church
work In this vicinity and to hear what
complaints the foreign Greek population
might have to make or It the Greeks sro
discriminated afralnst. He has been mak
ing similar investigations throughout the
west and particularly on the I'aclflc coast
There 1 no political or diplomatic signifi
cance to bl visit other than to Inquire Into
the welfare of his countrymen and to ee
what he can do for them."
Minister Coro-Mllas departed fur Wash
ington early Friday afternoon.
1909 Stanley Steamer A Steam Automobile for a Steam Man
Tha stssm automoblla Is tha most efficient tr made for hilly and sandy roads. In sDced. nower and dnruhll.
ity nothing can approach It u4 ths first t Is small. In caso of accident this car can be repaired by auyoue
who understands a steam englns.