TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1003. 16 See sf r11' ' 1 Store (f WJSf. Elbow Length Kid Gloves These are the 16-button lengths made of finest selected French lambskin with three clasp fasteners In blacks and all the new shades of tan, brown, navy, etc. all sizes and every pair fitted. These Long Gloves Actually Worth up to $4 i I ii - -i I Also 8-button, cape gloves, gus- 7i ed sleeves, fancy setted sleeves, fancy wrist straps all new leather shades all sizes, at a pair 2 Two Big Hosiery Specials Fine imported hosiery for women and men black and tan lisle, also all kinds of lace hosiery, allover and boot patterns fancy pink and blue hosier, etc., worth regularly up to 50c pair, at awC Women's and Children's Hosiery I0c-12ic Plain and ribbed black and fancy hosiery for women also boys' and girls' heavy school hose A t n 2 big bargain squares, at, per pair ... IUC"I 2C I FORMERLY CSC0F1ELD aQAK&SOTfe FORMERLY r.sconaD lCLOAK &suitg 01; Our 15 iO DOUGIAS ST. alio OF THE FALL SEASON Great Ribbon Sale All widths of all silk ribbons up to -No. 100 heavy silk taffeta in black and all colors on great C 1 bargain square, Saturday, worth to 25c. . .C- 1m2C Handkerchief Sale Women's and men's all pure linen handkerchiefs em broidered and lace edged effects C i I fGi worth up to 25c, very special, each. .JC"f32m UC We invite the women of Omaha to attend our Demonstration & Sale Gossard Corsets Miss Vina Shinn, an expert corsetiere, will be in at tendance all day and she will be glad to show the women of Omaha the points of superiority that dis tinguish the Gossard front lace corsets from, the ordinary sort . She will demonstrate the new Art of Figure Building. Corset Dept., main floor. " A ?V A ' 1 7 A "?U A B moment Old Btora. BRANDEIS Bftmnt GREAT SPECIAL SALES Saturday In Houselnrnlshlng Dept. Basement, Old Store. Garbage Cans 13 gallon 98c 16 gallon $1.19 22 frallon $1.49 Curtain Stretche Size 6x13, no sag . . 98c Clothes Rack, flO 6 arm l&C EO-foot Braided Cotton Clothes Line 9 TIME TO TAINT Ironing Board, will fold up a good serviceable board .... 89c Large Box Tooth Picks, 2 boxes. 54 .s 18 c Jap Table Nets, 5 In Bets Shoe BruseB with n Dauber 1UL Clothes Brush... wer 508 fillip Mew Tailored Suits On Sale $Jft75 $900 H Q50 Saturday at 3, 1J For months ahead we have been planning for this sale, with one point in view to start the fall sea son with such remarkable values that this cloak and suit house would be the talk of the town, and Satur day morning our doors will open with the greatest fall opening sale df high class Tailored Suits that has ever been held in Omaha. 185 Tailored Suits worth $37.50 and $40 Our fall opening sale price This extraordinary sale will attract hundreds of enthusiastic patrons to this store, and the values will more than be appreciated, as every suit in thi3 grand collection has been carefully selected by Mr. J. B. Qrkin, our resident New York buyer especially for this great sale, all are the very latest models, made of finest materials and beautifully tailored in plain and fancy styles. Over 500 Stunning New Suits to Choose From 210 Tailored Suits I 170 Tailored Suits worth $32.50 and $35 worth $25. $27.50, $30 Our fall opening sale price I Our fall opening sale price s ni mi i nla ii i f i ill 1 1 1 1 rK i i n g Brandets has the most complete assortment of paints In Omaha Also enamels and gold bronze HAIR GOODS In Hairdressing Dept. 2d FUor. Puffs 4 In a set, Sat urday, lat.75C Puffs, 8 in a set, Saturday, only Cluster Puff French hat 10-1 n., set, for Allover H i Nrt 8at- srdar, Ir Js"J OR THE STEEL SHOD Shoes for Boys NOW is the time to go. Only 35) (m Every day to Oct. 31st, 1908, to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. To Portland. Seattle, Tacoma and many other Oregon and Washington points. By taking a tourist sleeper, passengers can ma terially reduce the cost of a Pacific Coast trip without sacrificing the slightest degree of com fort. Tourist Sleeping Cars run dally VIA union PACIFIC For reservations and all informa tion inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 fARNAM ST. Phouea 1W-11 Douse- 128 and I ml. A 323 1. We call them "Steel Shod" be cause they are just as near to steel as they can be, and be made of leather. The soles are of the very choicest Rock Oak Sole Leather. The uppers are of care fully selected calf, and they are made with great care, so that when we guarantee them to out wear any two pair of the ordinary boys' shoes, we do so because we know how these "Steel Shod" shoes are made and what they are made of and that knowledge tells us no other boys' shoe made can compare with it. Once your boy wears a "Steel Shod" shoe he will always wear them they look right and feel right that pleases him They wear right and that pleases you. Little Gents' sizes 10 to 13 .... Youths' sizes 1 to 2 S2.00 $2.25 Boys' sizes IV to 54 S2.50I Drexel Shoe Co. 1410 FARNAM STREET. Sommer Bros. Exponents of Gooi Livl ng Saturday Specials 3 Pkgs. Quaker Oats, -e at 'C 3 Large Cana Pet Milk, USt 3 I-arge Cana Carnation Milk, IC. for JC Quaker Wheat Berries, C- (pr package) JC 60n Basket-fired Japan Tea, 33c Baker's Chocolate, X8 (per pound) ,JOC Dr. Price' Baking Powder, X7 iper pound; JC Diadm, Wadgawood, M.adow Oold, Idlawild, BUTISK, per lb., 25c Sommer Bros. 88th and rarnam Sits. Values 48 Saturday 'jSpecial Sales f$M MUSLIM UNDERWEAR AT Attend the Sacrifice Sale of Liquors AT 1309 FARNAM STREET The entire stock which we took over from the Douglas Street Liquor store will be sold at tremendously low prices, commencing to morrow, Saturday, of high grade family wines and liquors. Following are a few sample prices: WHISKY CALUMET STRAIGHT WHISKEY 69c Regular price $1.00. GUCKEXIIEIMER RYE Bottled in bond 79c Regular price $1.00. HUNTER RYE 89c Regular price $1.26. CEDAR BROOK Bottled in bond 93c Regular price $1.25 BOND & LI LLARD Bottled in bond 98c Regular price $1.50. YELLOWSTONE Bottled in bond 95c Regular price $1.25. BLACK & WHITE Imported Scotch Whiskey 98c Regular price $1.25 THREE STAR Imported French Brandey $1.10 Regular price $1.50. WINES CALIFORNIA PORT WINE, per bottle 13c Regular price 25c. CALIFORNIA PORT WINE better grade 29c Regular price 50c. EXTRA QUALITY CALIFORNIA WINE 48c Regular price 35c. CALIFORNIA CLARET WINE, per bottle 19c Regular price 50c. CALIFORNIA REISLING .' 29c Regular price $1.25 per bottle. CALIFORNIA CLARET, per gallon 65c Regular price $1.25 per bottle. IMPORTED WINES 69c Regular price $1.25 per bottle. FRUIT CORDIALS ROCK & RYE TIT A mrflV T?T?V mTCTYT AT, BANANA CORDIAL ADC APRICOT CORDIAL RASPBERRY CORDIAL . ORANGE CORDIAL All Kinds of Imported Trnch Cordials at Ortatly Baduoad Frlocs HILLER LIQUOR CO. Xhc Family Liquor Store. Both Phones. 1309 Farnam St. 9:00 TILL 10:00 A. M. Gowns and Chemise neatly trimmed, generously proportioned, regu lar values to $1.00, on sale at, each 29c 8 Till 9 A. M. Corset Covers Daintily trimmed with laces and embroidery, regular values to 50c; choice 153 10:00 TILL 11:00 A. M. Draw ers and Corset Covers, big as sortment for selection, daintily trimmed, values to $1.00, choice at, each 29c LADIES' SKIRTS, worth regularly to $2.50, handsome deep lace embroidery flounces, the greatest lot of values ever shown in Omaha, at sale price 98c CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS, big line for selection, worth double Saturday's special sale price, at 10c 15c 25c Special price reductions Saturday throughout our entire, complete line of Trunks, Grips and Suit Cases $7.50 OUR COWHIDE SUIT CASE SPECIAL $4.98 A handsome heavy leather Suit Case, linen lined, with shirt fold, two heavy straps, all the way round, polished brass lock and side bolts, heavy leather corners, with large brass protecting buttons, a case well worth $7.50, choice of L'4-in. or 2G-in. size, spec. $4.98 Complete Lines of the Best New Fall Hat Styles. Out-of-town customers should write for our special Trunk catalog. Omaha's Leading Market Ofiers Highest Quality Meats at Lowest Possible Prices. You can always save without sacrifice of Quality. TWO GREAT SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Round Steak, No. 1 Ef IMutton Legs, Special Q-fs native beef, 3-lbs. .."wC Saturday, at pound OC oet Try Hayden's First lU j ivausic SPECIAL--- CHAUNCEY OLCOTT in "RAGGED ROBIN" "I Osf Everv one of h3 New Songs are Great, A IvC Special Saturday l9w "Eyes That Come From Ireland." "Sweet Girl of My Dreams." "If You'll Remember Me." "A Laugh With a Tear In It." "I Used to Believe In Fairies." SPECIAL-19c-PRICE (By mall add one cent per copy.) feTfflllL N9I322 WARHIH. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE FOR SATURDAY c Pleated and Negligee Bosoms Attached and Detached Cuffs ALBERT CAHN Men's Furnisher 1322 Farnam St. Johnson & Goodlett Co LEGAL NOTICES Bee Want Ads Produce Results 6KALED B1J3 WILL. BE KECEIVKD AT the offica of the aecreiary of Board of Education of the city of Hebron, Thayer county, Nebraaka, for the aale of Jo,wu bunda of the school district of the city of Hebron, to be dated September Vo. Iu8, and to become due and payable twenty yeara after date, all optional after two yeara. These bonds will bear Interest not to ex ceed S per cent ptr annum. Interest pay ablo aemi-annuaUy, principal and Interest payable at Nebraska Fiscal agency In New York City, or at office of county treasurer of Thayer county. All bids must he ac companied by a certified check in a Hebron bank for not leas than i per cent of tne bonds bid for. Bids will be received up to the hour of sale, which will La s o'clock p. m., September 21, Vi, at the office of the aecretary of the Board of Education In Hebron, Thayer county. The right la reserved by the Buard of Kducatlon to re ject any or ail bide. By order of the Board of Education. W ii. HILL, Secretary. elojoi 1610 Harney. Across From Boyd Theater Phones, Douglas 2144; ' Ind. A2147 Everything in Eatables at Rock Bottom Prices SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 MEATS 500 pair Leg of Lamb (choice fall lambs) per lb 12 Beef Roast (ehoulder cuts), per lb 7? Armour's Sugar Cured Bacon (lean strips), per lb... lfH From 7 to H p. in. Country Sau sage (like mother used to make) per lb 5 DELICATESSEN Potato Salad, per pint . . . IS4 Roabt Beef, ready to serve, per lb 30 A full line of David Berg and Fred l.'slnger's Sausages. Prompt delivery at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. TEAS AMI COFFEE There is nothing quite as good as V. L. Masternian & Co's high grade coffees. Hundreds of Omaha families can leallfy lu this fact. Mocha Mixture, toe, 3 lbs . 1,00 Excelsior Blend 1I5 Market special for Saturday .UO? A sure enough bargain. CHEAMEltV DEPT. Public Market, special 25i Fresh Churned, Extra Creamery, at 25 Fancy Creamery iilSC Dairy Butter J0? tresn Eggs 23 Tempting- Prioa Which Will Bars and Satisfy. SWEET POTATOES Good, een size, E per peck "'v MAOASOHI Fine Imported, 18c val ue, Z packages, 95C for POTATOES Best quality, 9flr per peck OLIVES Extra good values Qf at 6c, per buttle "v OAT MEAL Two packages, for CHOCOLATE Walter Baker, per cake Boiling Beef Loan and sweet, per lb 17ic . 5c KOTJMD STEAK Boat cornfed lAp beef, per lb uv BPBDra CKICKEHS Our dressing, fresh and reliable, 1 per lb CAKES 3 layer, white, any icing, eath BUTTEB per lb. .30c Fine, aweet country, 24C Our Misses9 Shoes Our Misses' Shoes for fall and winter wear are a very attractive line of choice, just right Shoes. They are made by a special maker, who understands how to make Misses' Shoes correctly. GUN METAL CALF. TAN RUSSIAN CALF. PATENT COLT. VICI KID. BUTTON OR LACE. S1.50, 52.00, S2.50 If we fit the young lady's feet, she will be fitted with the shape of last, size and width of shoes she should wear. FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOIBI. 16th and Douglas Street. Johnson & Goodlett Co. 20th and Lake Sts. PTnona Webater 1576. Independent, B 1575. THE CENTRAL MARKET desires your trade, and aa an lnduce- ment they offer you the bfBt or every i thing lu the nicat, game, fish and poultry line, at the lowest possible prices. Kpfclal For Saturday Spring t1ick-ua, per lb, .... . 13 The Central Market 210 North Ittth Street. Tel. Douglas 171M1. The Twentieth Century Farmer T Beat run Paper. THE PRICE S3.50 - S4.00 Buys' New Style WALK-OVER Oxford Shoe Fall Lines Ready for YOU at the Walk -Over Shoe Store 314 SOUTH 15TK STBSBT (Tour doors So. of Beatoa Dray Oo.) BD. S. TKOIUgOB, Wklk-OVM KB. I . ...V- n 1 1 r.