nrE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1908. I r. V V ) i I . f ; f : V. Want - ads . ATrllwii(iU far tfce eraat ad faliMH will be takes aatll 11 a. fk areata edltlea Sad aatll .. (or tka Kerala aad Saaday edltleae. Cask Mart aaM'r all ardrs far mat aaa aad aa ' advertlaeaaeat will ke accepted fur lee tkaa 1 aaata far rat laeertlea. Ha lea apply a eltker Tka Dally ar Sea day Bee. Alntfi aaaat als ward ta Haw. Coaakiaattoaa af taitlaU ar aasaker aaat aa aaa war. CASH RATES FOR WANT AC. RKGtlLAR CLARIFICATION Oaa Insert lea, per llaa, 1 aaata. Twa ar saere eeaeeeatlve taaaroaaa, per llaa, M etiu. JCaek laaartlaa saad aa add tiara, IV aaata aa llaa. al.CV aar llaa aar aaeatk eseeatlac tkat ' FURNISHED ROOM ADS wfcea aeeeaapaaled fcf eaak, tka rata will kr-i Oaa laeertlea, 4 eeato per llaai tkres ar six eeaaeeatlve laacr. tlaaa, M crala aar llaa aaek laaartlaa I eevea ar aaara eeaaaeetlv laeertlea, V caata per llaa eaca laaartlaa at) areata aar llaa aar ssaatk. Waal aaa far Tka Bee, sear ka left at aar af tka fellewlaaT dregr ataraa -aaa U year "car aar dragrstst" tkey ara all kraaek eases far Tka Baa aaa aar ad will ka laser ted Jest aa yroasptly aaa aa tka aasae rataa aa at tka atala aSaa la Tka Baa Ballala, fteveateeatk aad raraaaa atraatai AlDach, W. C. 4tn and Farnam. beranek, a. A. 1 Ml a. lath bt Ueuhl Pharmacy, iM a. l'ith Bt lien eon Pharmacy, Benaju, Nab. Be in is Park i'i.a.uiacy, Ud and Cuming. Liaae a jhara.., UiMTinau At. Cauilin, c. iv., bill and flare Bis. Clilion Alia pharmacy, 2218 snlitaiy Av. Cuula, J. B.. La I Avt, ajia 4ernaui ku Cnaaey Pharmacy, 24 1 h and Leli Bus, t.irmax, tinu. XMt-a 0. 12lh Su tillers, I'. ii. W Leavenworth bt osier Arnold!, 218 N. 26tb SL rreyms, Jouo J., 1114 N. 24lh BU l-ion-uc Liug Co., Florence, Neb. Uuluuiiir, Pharmacy, 2oth and Lake St, uieeu a Puaiu.acy, coinei- park at, ana I'auiuu -.-eiiougti. U. A., B. 10th St uiennough, u. A., 124 8. loth Bl. iiayuei!. William C, iMM Faiuain L . Uaiiacoin Pais, i'ha..i.ajy, k. -ih at iioisl, John, i,t i. liilh Bu li ill, A. U, iiJ Laavenwurth 6U iviiifc, K. ct.. raruaiu BU Iveuuut riac, N. L4tn 61. i''.v.c Liutf Co, itiuit .N. J4tl Bu i.iuirop, I'iiarlua aU., 1224 M. Mia SU . l ylon, U i4Ui ajl Laavanworin 8U. bkr4M5 L'rca Co., iU and Amea Ave. L,Mri,i Cji i'rrcti ,Oiu Co., itiii and oujin, AUust. 3031 N. 16 h BU l,.i..uui, J. it.. iiUi and Wuiulni bca. tiuna 1'iiui'umcy, Jin and Marina bts. iitiuui ii'il i iiAi'uiacy, tutn una CumVng. eituit i-noi uiuy, juih ana Uraoe bia. ufUi. O ii., 4lii and ilaiullUn Bia. 1 UUATI1 .MI FlMiHj.i. NUT1CKS. KUEHN Fred O. E., September 12, 1W8, at v.v p. ill. ' . l-' irom ' the rcaldence, 313 North Twenty-tiftn Bircet, Tueeday, Bepifiiibi;r 1j, ai x p. iii. lneniieni t'orcsi i.wu it.r.f ttr'. aW7amir.iiifriwCTii"rrgssasj LODGE SOTHES, A. O, U. W Aodicl The member! ot Norm Uniana lodge No lbs are requtaieu Ij alienu uiu luncial ot irotuer 4iu u. c ivuvun, at i o ciock 'i.tiu.uay Mtteriiuuti, aoiii reuidcnit.', Hi jNuriii I'wuiiy-iiuii atret't. lnienneni For- rat i.Qn. outer loagea Invited. J. k. 4ohiein, ttiuaier Workman. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT. MoranU'a iLm. in dancing opp. Burwood liii-a-vr, .uw uitu. LcMonk for aoulu ' .and c'ildaya, a ik ni.; aotutia , k-ij .. -... bilu ; piuatu leaaoua. call kr ul. Uou.M4 tvtl. c pec la I iow terma to lua !,(.., tn coilegea and pa Iron a tioiu o-..wi. u.uf.M. U4 U kepiiu Pl.t A. C. C. PFUHL International utiioiogti', V'"rnoloKlht. writes uuuria aiid, laachua atroiugy, mi km- l4 ot)l OCt. iX liuMii-MADK wine, 11 per gallon. Cack k uiiu., 1.1 N. lBtu tU a)-M7S0 21 bl',N PAINTING a. H. Cole, 13UJ Dou 1.1. tl-JU TH H Cl'l'Y OARBAUK CO., utile 4Ul and luavciiwul'lli ou. Tel. UoUa'aa 1361. tU-101 DOUULAS COUNTY FAIR. Bcpteiuber 23 to October 3, IK18. Premium l.sis ajid enny i.Iuiiks mil be bud at I,-wis Uendfison a, flcr.Bt. Ibii) Kainain Bt., or mi the aecrelaiya otiice. oil lleo ulilg. BrliiK your poultry, textile labilos, cera mics, preservi't, piLklea, bread and caHes to the fair. U. . neivey, rtecioiary. (ll- Mim 19 AUTOMOBILES BU1CK, 80-U. K hunabout, almost new, coat t2,6u0, ut gimi bargain for anh. Address L,-Ilo c-.o liee. i2) M26i 17 MITCHELL ruuabouia at agents' discount, t-u per cent); liaiiibkr Automobile Co. C4 Mi4 li 61-.ND for our list of second-hand automo biles. ULKltitlT, Ul Jarnam. 'J'HKEE 1-ton commercial automobiles; prices, tju aim i,.a, Appiy w. b itaiduft, IcSi Faiuain BU if) m t H. P. Orient Buckboard for aale. Speed a nijiva ivr uuui j l.rai-ciusa conaiuou, KJ6. Le bron, all S. LitU au (2J-M67J AUTOMOBILES. TO EXCHANUiS-BuIck louring auto, fine condition; will trade tor city property and pay difference In cash; preier 6 or S-room house or cottage. J. W. Elwood, 1406 Kai- nani: (Z) u BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES! TRADES! If you have something fur aale or trade write us; we mairn everything. STRINGER & CHILD. tU6 Paxton Block, Omaha. )-M7? oct FOR EXCHANGE Omana resilience to ex Cmiiiw for good farm. It la conveniently located and worth H6.0O. Addreaa with description r ties. u M3.d 14x CHEAP - section of land for Bale In Em net county, Iowa. Mile . from town Price wD per acre. ' WlU take in exchange Omaha rrataurant Amounting to $6,0uo or lo,uuo. write Lock Box 3V7, Audubon. Ia. (J)-M287 14x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Shoe' shop; best location In town; nine years tn p:c; good Incomo. Will retire from nuslneai. J. A. Hurianek. vieniom, ieu. i4 rix HOTEL. We hav $100,000.00 cash, in flret class modern hotel proposition. Want exDerl- enced hotel man with $10,000 On to Join ua ana manage, ouuiuer commercial a.aocla tion. Boulder, -olo. . i4)-a. Ux Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, . home, buaineaa or property mat you wian 10 Mil or ex change, write ua. au)Btt land and investment co. UilAJlA, IN B.U. . t . , i4)-M7n Sept a FOR SALE Good plumbing and heatln buaineaa In thriving town tn aouthern N. bika. Wut sail oti account, of health. Addreaa tta. care oca. . tt) MSfJ II DRUG atores for aale everywhere. Knlert, r. 1. oiug. t ia FOR BALE Stock In the Great Western Novelty Co.; paruculare. Addreaa U 79, care - Uf. t4 Mtu x FOR SALS OR LEASE-Dtvldejid-paylng repuDiioan newapapr ana printing bus! neu. For eel at very cloae price If taken at once. V ill lease to right party Located In prosperoua community Id Ne- Addreaa V-lv4. care Bee. V4;-M3bi U BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) LIVERYMEN! ". I will eell at a eacrlfloa a (rod livery atork or horas harneaa, vehlclea. ate. A well-lrH'ated and paying bualneat. Addreaa. R. II. MEENTS Talma ge, Neb. . . ! (4 M4M 15 FURNITURE leaae and flturee-for ale; a money maker. Hotel Grand. Martlng ton. Neb. ' (4)-M7: Sit TO OFT In or out of b-mlnna call on OANUESTAD. Room 404 Bee Bid. (4)-lM TTPEWRITER REBUILDINO. 10-Other repalra leaa. Pend for clrrulara. Iowa Re built Typewriter Co., Boone, la. 4)-M23S20x WANTED Phyelctan In town cf a.", fine farming country aoutneaatern iseoraaaa, Addreaa Box 4. Elk Creek, Neb. (4) Mill Ux FOR BALE One-half lntereat or all of the beet ahoe etore In Northweet Mla- ourt. William Kelley, Maryvme. mo. (4)M184 10 n BANK wanted; good location; paying prop- oaltlon: aome etock will oe laaen oy mil ranltm If dealred. Addreaa T 112. care Omaha Bee. (4)-M164 16x RE8TURANT and lunch atand for aale cheap. 231 N Bt., Boutn omana. (4) 264 17 FOR BALK Fire t claaa bakery In good railroad town, doing gooa ouin; gooa reaaon for aelllng. Addreaa T-13 care Bee. OM196 lx MAKE ME AN OFFER On a well equipped Job printing office; 'L'-'rfrtrL'lii fill I xpanaea. Coat, $1.6u0. Addreaa L tf, care Bee. (4) M468 13X Sr"'., 'J? .rr'To Only alore of kind In ood town of K,OU0 Canltal reaulred about tl Don"t write unleaa you can turnlah good ref erencea. Addreaa Y 71, care of Bee. (4) M438 16x WANT to communicate at once with partlea desiring to Inveat In new up-to-date manufacturing buaineaa, nicely located. In Nebraaka. For particulars address Y 489. care Bee. (4) M241' lit WANTED To buy or lease republican newspaper In Nebraska. Address Y 70, care Bee, Omaha, Neb. (4) M4H IS ll.OOO.OOO REWARD to the man who will head my original en terprise; muat have clean record and estab lished reputation. 488 Brandela. A 1337. (4) M505 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aveoaataata. DWORAK ACCOUNTING COMPANY fur nish accountanta to check up and audit books .or accounts, 1'uone iJougiaj Hti. l Me B-a Cklropadlat. DR. ROY. R. 2. 160 Farpam Bt Doug. 4(497. Creaaaerles. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (6,4-187 Daatlata. - BAILEY & MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. t&4 1S Deteetlvea, CAPT. HAZE, 617 Karbach. Bed 2833. (6) 1S DreeesealLlaaj. IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. 1368. Tel. Harney (t 2U1 LADIES' tailor-made aulta; summer gowna and ahlrtwalst auits. special atcenuon given to out-of-town ciialomera. 207 Old Boaton Store Bldg. .)-3U 828 - Flarlata. - HESS at SWOBODA, 141) Parnam BL ' w uu L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1264. w 1 HotaU. THE BCHLITZ, European. 18th and Harney. MoTlag aad Btarlas. XPRESSMBN'S Delivery Co., office 111 N. ttlh St., warehouse 2J07-9 laard St IB) zvt Maata aaa Laasraagea. PRIVATE tutoring In grades and high achool worn; reaaonaoie C 88. care Bee. u-i Flaaaelal. . TO L O A N-L O W RATE, in lumi to Money suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas SHOi. UNION jOAN COMPANY. (B)-at WE WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at m very low. reasonable rate, SEE US FIRST. OMAHA MOP.XUAUJL LOAN CO.. 119 Board ot Trad. Ilka Bl. Entraace. t4 mj U'lM'l TA 111- Ia mui, t InVMlnr, whn . a v. ready money to put inio legiiimate pay- I mniDu - "'"T-. -Imr p.opolilon. block aubscrlp- ateady job to a.ateady man. Apply by tiuiia accepteu in amounts of lluo up to Mj.Oia). payable in Inatallments as required fur wnrainir caijilai. No risk auacued. I - large poaali.illt.ea, inveatment aecured by I WANTED A flrat-claaa ahoe repairer. Ad goou contracts. Practically no operating dree Gus Peterson, 119 N. Pine St., Grand exuenaea; all aiocKnuiaais snare ailae. TL.Duaition will pay So per cent net In I two yeara. iaieiui investigation inviiea. Piomoiera not desired. Only limited aale of siotk. If Interested addresa American Becoming Clock Co. of Nebraaka. Wm. . Stattord, General Agent, lAw M St., Lincoln, iseD. w-msii ix Oataaaotky, JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. l6i. , l) zu Dr. Katheryn Nikolas, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. () ai Platluc. . . GOLD, allver. nickel plating. Omaha Plat- Ilia Co., 124 nriKjf, f none Douglas 2iNK and Independent A-aM. . . la) joK Oalce Saaallea. OFFICE FURNITURE W have a com plete line oi ouicb uxiure. turntlur. aiailouery, etc. uin ua a iiiau ANCHOR PCBLiBHINU CO. 112 S. laiu Bt Ima. Loua. Ind. AX362. le) Mofti sepi. i Prlatlagj. BEFORE placing your K00 calendar order don t lati lo see our iinporita line. Lyng- eiad at Jurve, priuura, lain and Capitol Ave. (iw ill) EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and Ilrai ciaas woia guarauicea. ANCHOil PLtlllorllNa CO. 212 S. lain bu 'i'eia. lou. oj-'. Ind. A-2S62. - IS) Mta Bept. la Bafea, Mkattera, Eta. OMAHA Safe and Iron Work, make a apeclallty or lire escapes, shutters, door and aatea. G. Anareen, Prop., lu 8. loth bl. 104212 Bkertkaad Reporter aad M alary. F. J. 6UTCLIFFE. depoaltlon. 6J8 Be. Tel. lAmgla Isua. t 21j kao Reaalrlagt, RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO -First claaa work. ltlti Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9a, (S4-X14 SHOES repaired right: called for and de livered free. Mtandard biioe He pair Co., uot sarnam au iei. ivougiaa iwi. tak-n$ Water Kilters. MISSOURI water Howard St fUtera Huher, 1314 14-21 Trying to do business in Omaha The BEE is like digging a well DuC HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE OFFERED FOR RENT raatarr mmm Ml-ell..eaa C.atla.eaT' Aaartaaaata aad riata-Caatlaa.J .lnl5ra? ZIUmX cFU-UlV WANTET-Men. bo"y77nd rlrl. to work In R. W! '.utZil u' llnlahera. tourgear ahlrt Co. u-Ml,i . a ralIro-a office; education ai leaat twe Call lei. Harney M. tlo-lH 14 WANTED-At once a marker and aiaorter at Beyinour a While laundry. B om City, la. tij uiii 14 WANTED At once, flrat-claaa ahlrt opera tor; Hlnclnlr machine. Fairbury Bieam Laundry,- Kalrbury, Neb. (71-.M4W 16 ltoaaekeeare aaat Doaaretlea. DR. WERTZ, dentlat, tb floor Pazton Blk. ti ZM OIRL for general bouaework; email fam- iiy. w. inu di. Xel. Independent U-1627. LAUNDRT girl Wanted. Apply at Deat inatttute. Tel. weoaier 16a, l4 1 MRS. I- O. BAIRD. EU B. JRth Ave., wanta a good girl; muat like children; no wean ing: good wagea and conalderate treat ment (7) 128 GOOD cook; reference! required. Mra. L. o. crofoot, la o. 3tn Bi. to naa GOOD hduaemaid ; referencea required. Mra. Lm A. crofoot, Ui B. srth Bt. t7 aai WANTED A competent girl for gen-ral hou..wrk. ,km1 waaea: cloae In. 7u2 8. housework; good wagea: cloae In. TuZ 8. th St, (7) 307 l'4x WANTED-Copetent girl for; general housework ; no washing; beat wagte. Tel. Harney 3, or B-2133. (7) X 14 WANTED Olrl for general housework; no washing. 90U Mason Bt. (7) K lsx WANTED Girl for general houeework; good wagea; no washing. 710 N. SSth HI. Tel. Harney vstu. (ia) aui mx WANTED A cook, alao a aeeond girl, at 11 8. 3Zd Ave. Tel. Hnrney kzi. UJ 10 WANTED Girl for general housework; one aceuatomea to cnuaren preierrea; good wagea; good home. Mrs. John K. Morris. W Burt St. Tel. H. 8443. (7) Mteo It GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wagea. vu Jjeavenwortn. ti) jail la WANTED Competent nurse glrU IS N. sbth Ave. 'Phone Harney l4o. (7) M497 U WANTED Competent girl for general houeework : email family; rererencea re quired. 1312 in . tutn. jrnone narney i4 t t!4 W OIRL for general housework, $5 per week. 438 N. 40th. (7J-601 i WANTED Olrl for general housework. 8011 Mason. izx WANTED Olrl for general housework. Mra A. B. Jaqulth, 2017 Bpencer or. Mleeellaneoaa. HEAD WAITRESS wanted for new hotel at Denleon, la. Must be tnorougniy ex perienced: referencea required. Addreaa H. R. Dunn, Rome Hotel,. Omaha, at once, ' i) W IPX HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Bollcltora aid Salesmea. $50 A WEEK paid men wlfh rigs to sell fruit and ornamental ireas; experience not required; no caan aepoaua or samples to buy; write for teetlmonlala from our agents; eataousnea isei. western nunnj Co., Lawrence, Kan. () M188 ltx lifmn urn and boya wanted uulck to aell reoublloan campaign songs; sena 10c ror samples and terma. Box 706 Pawnee City, boi.icITORB wanted, big money made sell , nasi nrnttllrla. MlaMOurl Bueclaliy VJO.. 302 Karbach Blk. () MW4 14 - - Bare. BOYS to work after school; 488 Brandela. l) UM Clerical aaa offrsa. DRUG clerk' posltton. KDMt N. T. U Bldg. 9)-429 WANTED Flret v claea experienced book keeper, not over 40 yeara ot age; aiate aalary requirea ana give rererencea. au dreas M. 117 Bee. (9)-M490 16 Factory aal Tradea. COATMAKERS At onca; good prices; steady worn. J. a. oruiio, naaunga, PRINTER WANTED Foreman. Twelve dollar. Aaareas nepuoncan, Auauoon, la. w-hui ux WANTED Young man with experience In blnderv who can run cutting machine, do tabbing and check binding. Deltch ac Lamar Co., 418 Nebraaka Bl., Sioux City la. , ()-Ma4 li 4 OR t lather wanted at once. Tel. Web ater 3620. w ou letter for partlculara. heater Rice, 14 w 3d St., Grand leiana, .-Neo. t) m.-so m 1 Island. Neb. id i I WANTEi oou men 10 learn oaroer iraao and take poaltlona waiting our graduate Few weeka completea; conatant practice furnlahed: acholaranip inctuaea tooia, demonatratlona, examlnatlona and dlplo maa. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St l9)-M284 nx FIRST-CLASS barber wanted, at once, $18 p.' weea, nait over .. jau lairpuone, Mlacellaaeous. WANTED A man who talka German flu ently and wriiea uerman, 10 iniereei uer mini In good farming lands; good wagea to right man. Addreaa Y 483. care Bee. (9) M71i WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied, unmarried men between age of li ana (a, ctllsens of United Slates, of good char acter and temperat habits, who can apeak, read and write Engllah. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, Uth and Douglaa Bl., Omaha, Nab. (9) -688 YOUNG MEN, BTUDT LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening eeasion only. Further information, aaareaa secre tary. 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas ' $sT. . i9) M694 SeptAt FREE employment dept. Buaineaa Men'a Aes n; no lees, tail jd a. i. uie ci.ig. (W-224 THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANT DAT, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy and MEngllsh. Official training achool Union Pacific R. R-. telegraph department. A postal gets full, Information. Address H. at. , tloyies. ooyica xiiag., omana. (9)-tJ$ TEAMB for deliveiiiia coal and building materials: steady work; good wagea. Bun deruend Broa.' Co., 20ih and Hickory. 24th and Belt Line. . tlHHM 14 WANTED By a wholeaale houae, a bright young fellow -with adaptability to of iloe - work. Answer In own handwriting, alv- 4n age, amount of achooling received and prevtoua experience. If any. Addresa 77. Bw (9)-M lb 18 WANTED Oood Jap cook at once: alao Jap boy attending achool to do chorea for board and room. Call 1021 Park Ave. (9)-M47t 14x WHEN wrlttnar to advartlser. kindly men- I tion The IHe. ESBrafiH year. In high .chool. Address N-1IJ. care HELP WANTED MALB OR FKMALH WANTED Educated men and woman capable of earning 12,000 a year, by Dodd Mnad A Co., to atll the new International Encyclopedia. Inquire at office, (10 N. f3l 8t Omaha. H0)-M44 05. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaaa aad Veklelea. FOR BALE Cheap, runabout, rubbrr-tlred. 4112 N. Ka Bt. til) aui itx Cawa, Blraa aaa Daera. FOR SALE Flrat-claaa cow; bargain. lOlg B. 821 Bl. (11 M-Tia 14X FOR BALE Freeh milch cow. I a good general family cow. J.- F. Ahlqulat. 2761 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Web ater 1028. (11) M447 16x LOST AND FOUND LOST One dark bay yearling mule, eolt Tel. lorence isoa, (u it LOST Roll of money Wednesday night In business district Reward for return to 2664 Harney St (12)-M4t 14 MONEY TO LOAN SALARIES AND CHATTELS. FOR VACATION MONEY go to the old reliable loan head quarters, where you win get a tair. square deal and avoid publicity. You get a low, reasonable rate and pay for only the time you have the money. OMAHA' MORTOAOE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, ISta Bt. Entrance. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, inn ana 4JBV enport St.; special attention paid to con finement caaee; all treatment aupervlaed by college proftiaaora. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. OI 121 BEST nerve braes for men. "Gray' Nerve Food fiua, u a oox, postpaid, enermao eV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . . (1) 228 ANY poor rlrl In need of a friend call or write to tne matron ot me uaivation Army Homo for Women at 8824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. , Neb. (13) M6t9 OFFERED FOR RENT. Boardlag; aad Hoaaaa. GOOD BOARD and room. Private family. Cloae in., $4 and W W. 608 n. zid. (U) M23 tOx LARGE eoutheaat front room; alao alngl room; reference .requirea. u . im oi. - ,, U6-280 VIENNA hotel; private dining room; cafe. .V10) Ml DEWEY' European Hotel, Utfa and Farnam. ... I . . tl64 WE do expert piano ..anovlng. at loweat Brlcea. Tel. Douglaa 1826. Sohmoller ' aa lueller Piano Co., UOa-Ui) Farnam. LARGE ateam-heatad room with flrat- claaa board at ii Farnam. (is) og itx FIRST-CLASS room and board. $211 Doug- IM BL (16) M UX SUITE of rooma, hot and cold water, with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (1) Mi) S24S MODERN furnished room with flret. claaa board. Private family.- 609 So. 17th St. (U)-M1S8 Kx BOARDERS . and roomer wanted. 3214 uougia. (14) zv ix CORNER room, with breakfast. 2C&8 Doug las Bl. Ul n79 1 ROOM and - board - for a ' gentleman. 204 DOUgia. . (IS) M4M 19X Faralakad Rooaaa. EAST ROOM, strictly modern, electrlo light and telephone; suitable lor a gentleman. 'leu ixiugiaa sssi. 217 a. z&tn 01. - (U)-M660x FURNISHED UNFURNISHED nd . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ia All part of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our Hat Cost you nothing. P. O. NTELBON 4k CO.. RENTAL AOTS, 708 N. Y. Lit Bldg.. 'Phone Doug. 2204. . (154-223 2408 Harney; front room; private family; very . aeeirame location. tu) sum u 2407 HARNEY, nicely furnished front room, (1) uti nx LARGE front room; modern; private fam ily; aelcct neighborhood. 131 N. siei Ave. tl) M ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham. 110 s.. win St. i (16)-33B FURNISHED room, 1360 S. 10th St (15) Moll Octlx 2409 Harney; nicely furnished aouth room. (16)-M9 18x i NEWLY furnlahed rdoma; also 2 rooma for I light housekeeping; moaern; iirai noor. VUV 4. ,ia. Di. . S-ROOM, modern, furnished cottaae, hot water heat, ga and electric fixtures, modern plumbing, on two car lines, 1914 Clark Bt Call 1607 Howard St. (l?)-263 LIGHT housekeeping. 306 B. Uth Ave. (15)-2o8 lis FURNISHED room, all modern. T619 N. awn. wcDcier we. tin) wi DESIRABLE rooma; reasonable. 318 N. lth. (164 MS9 UiX ROOMS, 205 B. 26th Bt. Call Doug. 64 8. (15) M3H4 1X 315 S. 26TH ST., walking distance, porce lain buth, beat and I gnu (16I-M642 17 FOR RENT Two aplendld newly furntshnd riKma, airlctly modern and up-to-date. Tel. Douglas 8401. :306 Deaey Ave. (ISO M464 ONE to $ room furnished or unfurnished; strictly modern; $ door from car line. 2419 California 8t (15) M473 15 DESIRABLE front room, fine location, walking distance. 218 S. 26th St. (16)-M491 19X Aaartaaaata aad Flat. 8-ROOM flat modern, opposite Hanacorn Park. $32. 'Phone So. I. (1 UtV8 CAP.rtI.IKI4 APARTMENTS. 609-811 Bo. 22d St., north of St. Mary Ave., 8 and 7 roome. oak finish, new ani atrictly modern. $42 60 and $46. OAR V IN BHOU., 1404 Farnam 6t . (15-1U $-4 r. flat Scargv, 4Mi N. 84th. Sauth Omaha, Hall, til Ramga Budg. Red 7468. (164261 STRICTLY modern private neatet apart menta, 8X21 and 2S North 20th Bt. boule vard. J. N. Marah, 446 Board Trade Bldg. 'Phone Webster 1119. (164-M616 FOR RENT Two apartmenta, 4 nd $ rooms; strictly first class. Enquire UJ Brown Blk, (l5wMtr without using with a Noodlo R RKNTM(dn, .team-heated apatt m,nt tn David Bldg.; 146, 10-room houae, modern except furnace, 974 N. nin Ave., . JOHN W. .ROBB1N8. 1$;J Farnam Bt. ' (16)-MJ1 1 HIGH GRADE APARTMENTS In The Nonnandie Park Ave. and Pacific St., The Winona Dewey Ave. and 26th St. The Davidson Capitol Avt. and Bth Bt . ' Present leaae will expire on October 1. Apply now and eecure one or tneae ele gant apartments before cold weather. Heat, hot and cold water, gas rangea and Janitor service furnished. BENSON MYERS, AGENTS, 41 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1)-M3?8 14 HEATED APARTMENTS. HANDSOME 4-room full modern apart- menta. hardwood, ateam heat, hot - water. Winter rate, $29.60, $90, $31 and up. Re quire referencea. BEMLS, Paxton Blk. . (16)-M476 19 Uaaaekeeptac Reeaa. NICELY furnlahed aulta of light house keeping roome, every moaern convenience. 2024 California. 06) M204 16 TWO excellent, modern, furnished rooms for housekeeping, rnoni in house. 74 Harney Bt (16)-M23 WANTED A competent girl for general houeework; must be good cook. Mrs. J. H. Evana, 819 South 2)th Ave. Tel. Har ney 1772. (7)-M467 20 TWO all modern rooma, furnlahed com plete for housekeeping: light, heat, tele phone and laundry prtvliegea. Harney $902. loa Park avenue. (18) MI24 14 Uafaralakad Reeau, I ROOMS. 1130 N. 17th St (15)-2S1 17 FOUR ROOMS, private bath, 2018 Iinrd Bl., si; aiso tour roome, wis unvenpori Bt, $18; three rcoma, $13 Tel. Douglas 88. (18)-M27a lix Faralaked Iloaiti, FOR RENT For the winter, nlceiy fur nished modern 7-room house: rent mod erate. 604 B. 36th Ave. Tel. Harney 8856. (16) 811 14 FURNISHED - HOUSE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 206 S. 87th Bt, 12 rooms, 1 bath rooms. large yard, best or furnishing through out; leaae- one year at $H6 per month. GEORGE at CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15) M440 14 Hoaaea aad Cottagrea. F0RRENT STORE ROOM ON SOUTH 16th STREET. Store room . now occupied . by Mr. Her, 524 S. 16th street, 22x60 feet, high . ceiling, good . light basement; rental $200 per month. Lease two or, three years. . GEORGE V CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. (16) M441 18 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bin. (la) 24 FOR RENT room cottage at 2603 8. 20th Ave., $12. a. R. Tsachuck. 1702 Farnam Bt 1S) M267 LIST your vacant houae with Walter Breen Company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (u)-C48 trn REES ST., $ rooma, $18. 4174 Case. $ rooms, modern but heat, $20. BEM18, 'PAXTOM BLOCK. (16)-M26$ MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 140. W guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (16) 288 FINE modern house, cloee tn, T room, re ception hall and full basement four bed- rooma, 1660 N. 19th Bt boulevard; vacant Bept i; 9 per month. Peteraon Bros., 47 ranaeie mag. (Ik) 1X1 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, tor H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1130-24 N. Itth, office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16) 243 HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros.. KM Farnam. (ID 241 HOUSEHOLD gooda. - paoked, forwarded; cneap ireignt raiea; moving ana storing. Expreaemen' Delivery Co. Tel. Drug. 294. (164-240 DR. WERTZ, dentist th floor Paxton Blk. (16) 246 9-ROOM houae, modern. 708 S. 88th St., $23, Tel. Douglaa 86 for key. (16)-M274 Ux FOR RENT. On 8-room house. One 7-room house. 26.9 and 2623 Bristol St. Both nearly new and In first-class condition; thoroughly modern; nice location; they will suit you E. E. HUNT LEY, Owner, 733 Brandela Blk. Tel: Rei. Harney 167$. Office, Doug. 2ftSl. (14) M 481 FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS 4k HEYDEN. INS. AGENCY, 220 8. 17th St. 'Phone D. 14: A-316L (16) 168 7-ROOM houae. all nv:'"ern. ateam heat, excellent condlilou. weneier 4Z (15)-20 14 HOUSES Petera Co., N. Y. L. Bldg (15)-:47 8-nOOM. modern except hea 2412 Spald ing, $30 and water rent; 4-roon houae and barn. J William pi., in rear. ei; i rooma. all modern. $30 ar d water rent Decatur St.. near 26th. Ciris Bayer. 22d nd Cuming Sts. (lo)-4543 HOUSE for rent. 3116 Burt St. (16) "04. TEN-ROOM flat, atrictly modern: excellent location for tirsi-ciae ooaraera. di, im, 23d. 'Phone Red 46j4. (15)-j 16 A 10-ROOM modern house; walking dis tance; see owner, mi in. ..a Bt. le;, B2360. (15) 214 12 8-ROOM cottage. 2608 Franklin St 1104 nwui tt-ttqpQ in ll parte of tBe city UUUOLO crelgh Bone & Co.. Bee Bldg. (U4 S44 2H7 PACIFIC ST. 9 roome. modern, oak finish $). A, U. bilicK, am uee mag. (184 US $61 8. 26th AVE.. 9 room., "j, MODERN 8-room house in Hlfh School district. 4 ri. 23d BU iidi uo isx vriR HKNT-iu-rmiiu luouc.n house. 130 re month. 2813 Capitol Ave. Inquire Tel, Red 2177. (16) M4 15x 2435 DAVENPORT ST., nine-room, modern house, newly decorated, aultable for large family or rooming house. Appiy to owner, 26d Uavenporl. lis) ms ux FOR RENT. -. vtMBon. 9 roome. all modern, $81.80. 41W Caaa, $ rooms, all modern, water, $30. 2124 Chicago, 9 rooma, an moaern diii neat, 29.3 Prkr. 4 rocma. 88. THE BTRON REED CO., 313 8. 14th BU (15)e- OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaee aad Cattaaee C'aatlaaed. FOR BEST-9-room modern house In Kountae Place aultahle for one or two families; g"od Wat ton; one block from car line. . Tel. Douglas 17ttt or Web'-r 1014. (16)-M.tlS Hx FOR RKNT In Hnnseom park dlstrl-t. esat front. 8-room modern hounc, alih cistern. Tel. 1&86 Webster. (15I-M414 13X rOR RENT-OCTOBER 1. MT 10-ROOM PRtCK MODERN KfiBlDENOE. WITH BARN. SHADE TREES. LAWN. PKR MANENT WALKS. ON PAVED STREETS, CORNER LOT, 2548 CAPITOL AVE. TEL D. 671. OR 893. B. H. ROBISON, ID FLOOR WARE BLK. (16) M408 FOR RENT Large new modern 7-room house, lerge reception hall, back hall, hard wood floore, 710 North 7th Ave. Boulevard in front of thle property le 176 feet wide. Very desirable 3V Apply H. li. Boylea. Boyles College, Both phonea. (16) 793 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat. Tori Pa cific. For Information ' Hrney n1. (16)-M47U 8-ROOM cottage, alt modern. 211 Hickory St (16)-M71 14 AN 8-room modern house for rent, $38 per month. Apply 233 Harney. (15) 600 16 8-ROOM. alt modern. xcept furnace. Small family. 9038 Davenport Bt. (164-J41 Oflteaa. DESK room. 'Phone, ervlc. Special in ducement can today. tai uranoeia. ; . (164-M34S Front office. Weed bldg., 18th snd Farnam, ll4 w TO LET Equal privilege of rooms, 801-d Brandela; neat location in in nuimmg. Inquire at the rooma. (IS) M203 DESK ROOM for rent in an office located on the buay corner ot 74th and N Bta., Bouth Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new addresa. (1$)-M577 FINE, large offlc ull In the Continental blocK; choice location ror rnysirian or dentlat. Alfred C. Kennedy, 2o9 First Na tional Bank Bldg. Lelephone Douglas 722. (15) 11319 26 Halls. HALL-1814 FRATERNITY Harney St. Ground floor auditorium for daxeea. lodgea and entertainments. N. P. Dodge at Co.. 1714 Farnam St (15)-M564 Store. SCAROO Block, South Omaha, new, 628 N. Z4tn. Han, li iiarage tiiax. i-ia 7406. (16) ) M 1682 Front office. Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam. tlOJ )i FOR RENT Basement 22x132, Rldgley, (16) HO Oct9 1417 Dougla. v IftalO wlSBM . . WAREHOUSE FOR RENT Space In building located In wholeaele dlatrict, with trackage at rear of building and electrlo elevator. Addreas W-22C, care Bee. (16)-172 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. TWO folding counter etoola, mahogany fintah; been used a nort time and will ell cheap Call Be Office, Omaha. (l)-ltl FOR SALE One Sparkling Universal Hard COAL Btove jno. it; one Bee Air Blast Soft Coal Stove No. .316; practically new and in flrat-class condition. 'Phone Harney 3782. (16)-M448 14x Oatrfch Plaases. BBAUTIFcIL heavy French droop plumes, 17 inches, 82.45. worm . utner grade half retail etore price. Addresa 1214 Har ney. Tel. Doug. 2288, our agent will call. Mall ordera filled. " (16) M839 Typewriters aad lewlsg Maeklaes. TTPEWRITER BARGAINS Any make. all prices. Biigntiy usea sna reoutlt ma chines, good ss new, at a saving of $0 to 80 per cent of mar.uiaeturers' prices; full guarantee. Machlnea rented; rent applied, old on easy monthly pay menta; aent anywhere on approval without a deposit Write today for large bargain list. B. F. Bwanaon Co., 216 6th St., Dee Moines, Ia. . (16) M577 16 TYPEWRITER t Cheap for Cash. We have a Remington machine, No. 1(8.560, which we would like to sell. It has been Used a short time ana ia in good condi tion. Ask to see this at The Bee office, 17th and . Farnam Sts. . (164 M231 We have a Remington machine. No. 146560, which we wouia nx to eeu. 11 naa oeen need a short time and I In good condi tion. Aak to eee thle at The Bee offlc-j, 17th and Farnam St. (16) M231 TTPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine tne 1 sj. amiin at uroe. writing in eight machine; write for cata logue. Call or phone B. F. Bwanaon Co., Inc., dealer, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. (ltiA-744 Mlsoellaaeoaa. FOR SALE: Several handaome marble mantela, together witn gratea and tiling; theae are In perfect condition; will aell at very amall price, R. W. Baker, Room 106 Bee Bldg. (1)-M124 A LOT of (tone for coping, window and door sill, a io fancy pressed uricx, tor sale. Apply It W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. (164 DjI DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on all $10 ordera; catalogue tree. snermao McConntll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 265 CONN cornet with case. Big bargain for cash. Address, K-lift, care Bee. (14) M244 SOME flrat claas laundry machinery for se e cheap. U. jr. JUiiue, -jexaman, nan, (16)-264 FOR SALE 100,000 ft., all alxea, aeeond hand pip ana titiinga; an ainae of machinery; englnea, wire cable all alsee. A. Ferer Gas, Power eV Machinery Co., 812 Douglaa St.. Omaha, Neb. Tele., Douglaa ilu6. Ind. A-1164. (164-M126 14 SEND us your mll order for drugs; freight paid on iiu lots. iyere-jiiiiun Drug Co., Omaha. (16)-261 FOR BALE A flrst-clas bakery, oven and all fixture complete; will be sold ot once at a sacrifice George A. Magney, trustee. 'Phone Douglaa 10.9. (16)-M589 FOR SALE New and aecond-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balks Cdlendor. 407 8. 10th Bt (16) 253 HOMEOPATHIC remedlea, wholesale, re- tall. Sherman Mouonneii Drug 10., mn and Dodge bta.. Omaha. Neb. U6) 259 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., beat mixed paint. Sherman Mcconnell Drug co. (16)-267 FOR SALE Good, clear, natural ice. In quire of cuaahy racging Co., purcnaaing department. South Omaha, Neb. (164-130 ICE, ICE, MINNESOTA ICE In car lot. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluff. Ia. (16)-M140 WIRE CABLE. We have a lot of wire cable, eultable for light work, to aell at a bargain. Apply the Bee Building Co., 17th and Farnam. (16)-M230 FOR SALE A gooO cadet ault and cap cheap. '1'lione iiaiuey iSiX- (U4-M376 15x PATENTS LARSON A CO.. book free. 623 Be Bldg. (17) PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three book for Inventor mailed or) receipt of 8c poet age. R. B. and A. B. ,Ly. Rooms BhU paolfle Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1. (174-2a D. O. BARNELLa Paxleo Blk. TelJted TiiT. PERSONAL Al A 1 1 V IV'Plf ' treatment and bath. Mm. AliUliAAVkmilh 1W lS 14llli 2a floor. tin) j' PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra. Dr. King, 1124 N. 24lb. Tel. Webster to.. (U4 1M SYRINGES, rubber gooda by mail; cut prloea. Send for free catalogue. Myera Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (lo)-4 THE SALVATION ARMY aollclla raatoft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and aell at 1.44 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglaa 4136 and wagon will eel I. (I84 76a OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Rsmge Bldg, gat jm IF MR. E. (). HASLETON woula corree Rnnd with Mr. Louis Pldllcheck of Miller, leb., he would receive information of vaKie to him. (Signed) Louie Pldllcheck, Miller, Neb. (18) M67 14 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Irjvlted to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooma. 1618 Farnam Bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwla aaslated. (18) 16 . DR. WERTZ, dentlat 6th floor Paxton Blk, 4184267 MASSAGE KlTt1,10. vibratory, 110 a maewttuu mh room m fourt, Toor Old Boaton atore. 08 M146-B29 HALL'S safe, pew. M-hand. 1818 Famsm. tl)-20 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 630 S, 18th, Flat 6. 'Phone Douglaa t46. (18-Ml9t Ootl MASSAGE treatment; 109 8. ITth St.. room 6. Mrs. Jordan. (18)-M157 16x IF MR. E. O. HASLETON would corre spond with Mr. Loul Pldllcheck of Miller, Neb., he would receive Information of value to him. (Signed) Loul Pldll check. Miller. Neb. U8)-Mo87 14x DIVORCE cases; prompt. Successful; ad- vice free; damage, estate esses; account collected; best lawyers; highest refer ences; everything strictly confidential. ' Address P. 0. Box 7, City. (181 M4E4 14x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Life. (19) 2D GEORGE da CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754, (19) 370 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandela Bldg. (191271 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. LIST your property with Chris Boyer, l?d and Cuming St. (19) 273 3101 LALK STREET. Beautiful new 6-room and bath, full bricked basement, strictly modern except furnace, two full slsed lots, paved street, permanent walks, block to car; selling account now a non-resident; $2,400, $oim cash, balance $15 per month. Inquire $101 Laik. or 'phone Webster 1609 evenings. (19)-Mo81 $18,000 Will buy brick business property rented -for $2,400 a year. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg, (134-274 COTTAGE ON EASY TERMS 8017 Manderson St., $ room and bath, for quick aale only $1,750. R! H. Landeryou 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 1151. US) M463 14 NEW BRICK FLATS on down town corner 11 per cent on price asked. PATTERSON, 1623 Farnam St. (19)-M44 REED ABSTRACT CO.. t. .1856. Prompt aer vice. . Get our price. 1710 Farnam St ti4 273 YOU WANT A COTTAGE ALL NEW , and ready for you, larger and better than ny other; 26x40 feet; celling 10 feet high; large wlndowa, 6 nice big rooma and bath, hot and cold water; large attic (floored), sheeting tight with tar paper, even under the shingles; cellar cemented and cement walks; on a paved street, too. 2S56 Spauld Ing. Price $2,660. About $ cash, balance easy terms. Will rent for $3i per month If not sold by October 16. Phone W. 3199. Bee N. L. TRIMBLE, owner, 267S Spaulding St. (194-M760 NEW St. Louis flat and a 10-room house, all modem, for aale cheap; leaving city; See owner, 1516 Martha 8t 119) M291 BEMIS PARK lot, 40x107, east front, high and alghtly location. Bargain at $ku0. Owner, 1214 N. 34th St. (19) M238 FOR BALE Nest 7-room house, east-front lot. at 25V2 8. 20th Ave. $1,200. Require bout $400 cash, balance monthly. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Block. (19I-M911 CLOSE IN SNAP Two good 6-room modern cottages, only 5 hlocka from nostofflce and comer lot for atore. Rented for S624 per annum. For quick le $4,ls6). Apply Sol Agents, 436 Paxton Block. qitt-309 12 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALI? Colorado. GOOD FARMING LAND Near Denver, Greeley district; wells 25 to 40 feet; abun dance of moisture; general farming. In cluding corn raising; one crop pays for farm. ' NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. ICl Brandela Bldg. Omaha. Neh, oatk Daaota. INFORMATION OF TRIPP COUNTY nPKNINO. The registration for the Trlpp county land. comprising l.ouo.uuu scree oi itruii lanaa. will begin October 6 and continue until the 17th. This land Is even better than the Roeebud, "Gregory county," which Is now aelllng for from $3.0U) to $10,104 per ciuarter. .... Send 60c for map. land Uws. preaident a proclamation ana oiner iiiiuiunimu. your tickets to Dallas, the only R. It town near the land. The Dallaa Real Eetete Co., Dallaa, 8. D., one of the old eat real estate firms In Trlpp county. liO) Mai4 30 Wyoming. PUBLIC LAND OPENINO 150.000 acres of rich irrigated land, in the Eden Valley of aouthern Wyoming; per petual water rights furnished seitlet under Crey act of congreaa. The great eat opportunity ever offered citlsena of the United Blatea by the federal govern ment and state of Wyoming to own a rich Irrigated farm. Cheap ra'.e exnur alona. For full partlculara write or see the UloU Land antr Investment Co., .li 8. 18th fit. Omaha. Neb. (21)-M915 " ailscellaaeoaa. NEBRASKA-COLORADO LANDS. tOO.OOO acre, of western Nebraaka und east ern Colorado improved and unimproved landa at $6 to $li per acre; any ! tract. Fine crope. Write or come and eee ua. Globe Land and Inveatment Co.. 313 S. Uth Bt.jOinaha 430)-27 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omana property, O Keefe R. E. Co.. 11 N. Y. Lire Bldg. (2J 317 FIVE PER CENT money 'u ioau ou Omaha business property. TIIWMAB BKENNAN, Room 1, New York Lire Bldg. WANTED City loan and warrants. ; w. Farnam Smith Co., 1-0 1 ernam St (22)-2;$ WANTED City loan. Petera Trust Co, (&!4-30 PAYNE. BOSTWICK eV CO.. N. Y. Life. Private money, $m0 to feOtw. Low rat. c I