Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1908, Image 1

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President Writes
Bryan's Claims
Tears of Association in Efforts of
' Progressive Administration.
No Serious Disagreement as to Policy
Ever Existed.
Fa I lent Possible Endorsement Glvea to
Taft as Man to Carry Conser
vative Work of America
. , .OYSTER BAT. Sept. 13. A letter written
by the president to Conrad Kohr of
Helena. Mont., an old friend, waa made
public tonight. The communication. It wai
said, waa called forth by William J. Bryan'
statement that he was the president's heir
and natural successor.
Mr. Conrad Kohrs of Helena, Mont., Is
an old-time Montana cattle man and one
of the most prominent cltlxens of Montana.
He and the president came Into close re
latlonehlp more than twenty years ago
when they were both members ot the Mon
tana Stock Growers' association, the pres
ident being- at that time the representative
of tha Little Missouri Stock Growers in the
association. The Intimacy has been kept up
ewr since. Mr. Kohrs is one of the pioneer
cltlsens of the northern Rocky Mountain
region and one of the men who has taken
a leading part In Us great aeveiopment,
The letter follows: ,
Rent. a. . My Dear Mr. Kohrs: I have
received your letter about the candidacy
of Mr. Taft, the man who I feel Is In an
especial sense the representative of all that
in which I most believe in political nie,
Every good cltlsen s,hould desire to see
both prosperity and justice, prosperity and
fair and righteous dealing as between man
and man, obtain permanently In this great
republic. As a people we are Justly proud
of our business Induatry, ot our energy
and Intelligence In our work; and It is
entirely right that wa should ask ourselves
as to any given course of conduct, "Will profitable T" But It Is also no less em-
plmtlcally true that the bulk of our people.
the plain people who found In Abraham
Lincoln their especial champion and spokes-
man, regard the question, "Is this morally
light?" as even more important than the
s question, "Is this profitable?" when ap
piled to any given course ot conduct.' In
deed, In the long run our people axe aura
to find that in all dealings, alike In the
business and the political world, what la
really profitable' is that which Is morally
fight The last few years have seen a great
awakening of the public conscience and the
.. iwtu f a UtuBKtlai mi nation to. oaty
with corruption and unfair daullng, politi
cal) economic, social. It Is urgently neces
sary that this great reform movement
should go on. But no reform movement Is
healthy If It goes on by spasm; it it is
marked by periods of frenxled advance, fol
lowed, as such periods of frenzied advance
must always be followed, by equally vio
lent periods of reaction.
Extremes Areau Dlagaat.
The revolutionary and the reactionary
really play Into one another's hands, to
the extent that each by his excesses neces
sarlly tends to arouse such disgust, such a
feeling of revolt. In the minds of quiet
people, as temporarily to restore the other
to power. To permit the direction of our
public affairs to fall alternately Into the
hands of revolutionaries and reactionaries,
of the extreme radlcaia of unrest and of the
olgotea conservatives who recognise no
wrongs to remedy, would merely mean that
the nation had embarked on a feverish
course of violent oscillation which would be
fraught with great temporary trouble, and
would produce no adequate good In the end.
The true friend of reform, the true foe of
abuses, la the man who steadily perseveres
In righting wrongs. In warring against
abuses, but whose character and training
are such that he never promises what he
cannot perform, that he always a little
more than makes good what he doea prom-
Ise, and that, while steadily advancing, he
never permits himself to be led Into foolish
excesses which would damage the very
i a iis lie champions.
Qualifications af Mr. Taft.
In Mr". Taft we havu a mun who combines
all of these qualities to a degree which
no other man In our publto life since the
civil war has surpassed. To a flaming
hatred of Injustice, to a scorn of all that
Is base and mean, to a hearty sympathy
with the oppressed, he unites entire dis
interestedness, courage both moral and
physical of the very highest type, and u
kindly generosity of nature which makes
him feel that all ot his fellow-countrymen
are In very truth his friends and brothers,
that their Interests are his, and that all
his great qualities are to be spent with
lavish freedom In their service. The honest
auan of means, the honest and law-abiding
business man, can feel safe In his hands
because ot the very fact that the dishonest
man of great wealth, the man who swindles
or robs his fellows, would not so much as
dare to detend bis evil-doing in Mr. Taft's
presence. The honest wage-worker, the
honest laboring man, tha honest farmer,
the honest mechanic or amall trader, or
man of small means, can feel that la a
peculiar sense Mr. Tuft will be his repre
sentative because of the very fact that he
has the same scorn for the demanogu that
he hag for the corruptionist, and that he
would front threats ot personal violence
from a mob with the unqualllng and lofty
Indifference with which he would front the
bitter anger of the wealthiest and most
powerful corporations. Broad though his
sympathies are, there Is In him not the
slightest tinge of weakness. No considera
tion of personal interest, any more than
of fear for his personal safety, could make
him swerve a hair's breadth from tho
course wbicb be regards as right and in
the Interest of the whole people.
Alwsn Ss5vsrt4 President.
I have naturally a peculiar Interest In the
succesa of Mr. Taft. and In seeing :hlra
barked by a majority la both houses of
congress which will heartily support his
policies. For tUe last ten years, while
have been governor of New York and preal
dent. I have been thrown Into the closest
Intimacy with him. and he and I have on
every tssentlsl point stood In heartiest
agreement, shoulder to shoulder. We have
the same vWws as to what la demanded
by tha national interest and honor, both
wlUilu eur own bacders, and as regards the
relations of this nation with other nations. I
There Is no fight for decency and fair
dealing which 1 have waged In which I
have not had his heartiest and most effec
tive sympathy and support, and the policies
for which 1 stand are his policies as much
aa mine.
It la not possible In the space of this
letter to discuss all the many and Infinitely
varied questions of moment with which
Mr. Tsft aa president would have to deal;
let him be judged by what he has himself
done, and by what the administration, In
which he has played so conspicuous a part,
has done. But to Illustrate Just what his
attitude Is, let me touch on two matters
now prominent In the public mind.
Mr. Taft can be trusted to exact justice
from the railroads for the very reason
that he ran be trusted to do Justice to the
railroads. The railroads are the chief In
struments of Interstate commerce In the
country, and they can neither be held to
proper accountability on the one hand
nor given proper protection on the other.
save by affirmative action of the fed
eral government. The law as laid down
by the federal oourts clearly shows that
the states have not and cannot devise
laws adequate to meet the problems
caused by tha great growth of tho rail
roads doing an interstate commerce busi
ness, for more than four-fifths of the bus
iness of the railroads is Interstate, and
under the constitution of the United
States only tha federal government can
exercise control thereover. It is abso
lutely necessay that this control should
be affirmative and thoroughgoing. All in
terstate business carried on by the great
corporations should. In the interest of the
whole people, be far more closely super
vised than at present by the national gov
ernment; but this Is especially true of tho
railroads, which cannot exist at all aava
by the exercise of powers granted them
on behalf of the people, and which, there
fore, should be held to-a peculiar accoun
tability to the people. It la In the Interest
of the people that they should not be per
mitted to do injustice; and it is no less
to thj Interest of the people that they
should not suffer Injustice. Their prime
purpose is to carry the commodities of
the farmers and the business men; they
could not be built save for the money
contributed to them by their shareholders;
they could not be run at all save for the
money paid out In wages to the railroad
employes, and, finally,' they could not
be run Judiciously, or profitably to any
one, were it not for tho employment by
them of some masterful guiding intelli
gence, whether of one man or of a group
of men. There are therefore several sets
of Interests to be considered. Each must
rcelve proper consideration, and when
any one of them selfishly demands ex
clusive consideration the demand must be
Along certain lines all ot these groups
have the same Interests. It Is to the In
terest of shipper, farmer, wage-worker.
business man, honest shareholder, and
honest manager alike that there should be
economy, honesty, intelligence, and fair
treatment of all. To put an effective stop
to stock watering would be a benefit to
everybody except the swindlers who profit
by stock watering; It would benefit tho
honest shareholder because honest invest
ments would not be brought into compe
tition with mere paper; It would benefit
the wage worker because when the money
earned does -not -have to so ta paying In
terest on-Matrir4 capital, mei-e of it 'im
left, out of which to pay wage.; It would
benefit the skipper because when only hon
est stockholders have to be paid interest,
rates need not be improperly raised; it
would benefit the public because there
would be ample money with which to give
efficient service. Similarly, the preven
tion of favoritism as among shippers does
no damage to any one who Is honest, and
confers great good upon the smaller bust
neness man and the farmer, whom it re
lieves of oppression. Again, such super
vision of accounts and maiiagemont as
will prevent crookedness and oppression
works good, directly or Indirectly, to all
honest people. Therefore everything that
can bo done along all these lines should
be done; and no man's legitimate Interest
would thereby be hurt. But after this
point has been reached great care must
be exercised not to work Injustice to one
class In the effort to show favor to an
other class, and each clays naturally tends
to remember only Its own needs. The
stockholders must receive an ample return
on their Investments, or the railroads can
not be built and successfully maintained;
and the rates to shippers and the wages
to employes, from the highest to the low
est, must be all conditioned upon this fact.
On the other hand, In a public service
corporation we have no right to allow such
excessive profits as will necessitate rates
being unduly high and wages unduly low.
Again, while In all proper ways rates must
be kept low, we must remember that we
hsve no right and no justification to re
duce them when the result Is tht reduction
of the wages of the great army of railroad
men. A fair working arrangement
be devleed according to the needs of the
several rases, so that profits, wages and
rates shall each be reasonable with refer
ence to the other two and In wages I
include the properly large amounts which
should always be paid to those whose mas
terful ability Is required for ft success
ful direction of great enterprises. Combi
nations which favor such an equitable ar
rangement should themselves be favored
and not forbidden by law; although thiy
should be strictly supervised by the gov
ernment through the Interstate Commeice
commission, which should have the power
of passing summarily upon not only the
question of the reduction but the raising
of rate.
The railroad problem is Itself one of the
phases of one of the greatest and most
intricate problems of our civilisation; for
Its proper solution we need not merely
honesty ard courage, but judgment, good
sense, end entire falrmlndedness. Dema
gogy In such a matter Is as certain to work
evil as corruption Itself. The man who
promises to raise the wages of railroad
employes to the highest point and at Ihe
same time to reduce the rates to the lowest
point Is promising what neither he nor any
one else can perform; and if the effort to
perform it were attempted disaster would
result to both shipper and wage-worker,
and ruin to the business Interests of the
country. The men to trust In such a mat
ter as this Is the man who. like Judge Taft,
doa not promise too much, but who could
not be swayed from the path of duty by
any argument, by aoy consideration; who
will wage relentless war on the successful
wrongdoer among railroad men as among
all other men; who will do all that can be
dot.e to secure rttiir.eiy rw rs'es to
shippers and absolute evenness among the
rates thus secured; but who will neither
promise nor attempt to secure rates so low
that the wane-earner would lose his earn
ings and the I shareholder, whose money
built t'ae road, his profits. He will not
favor a ruinous experiment like government
ownership of railways! he will stand
against any kind of confiscation of honestly
acquired property; but he will work
effectively for the moat efficient type of
government supervision and control of rail-
(Continued on Second Page.)
Immense Throng; Witnesses March of
Catholic Prelates In London.
Line, Which la Mile Long;, Has Dim
calty 1st Getting; Threagh Cnrlons
Meltltade Heat Exposed
from Balcony.
LONDON, Sept. 13. A great procession
of Catholic clergy which brought the
Eucharlstlc congress to an end. was held
this afternoon amid scones such aa the
Engllvh churchmen who planned It had
never anticipated. Cardinal Vannutelll, the
Popes legate, walked at the head of the
procession, wearing his scarlet robes and
hat He was escorted by a body of English
peers, of whom the duke of Norfolk wss the
most prominent and a concourse of cardi
nals. Archbishops and bishops who also
were attired In unceremonlal robes Instead
of vestments which originally It had been
prrpowd they should wear. .
No such throngs of people have been seen
In London since Queen Victoria's funeral.
If even then. The purpose of Archbishop
Bourne, the hesd of the Westminster dio
cese, and his associates, who arranged the
program, had been to have the host car
ried through the streets In the vicinity of
the Westminster cathedral so that the
Catholics who were unnhla to participate
In any of the services within the cnthedral
should have an opportunity of Joining in the
Eucharlstlc observations and of seeing all
the hlsh ecclesiastics present In London on
this memorable occasion. '
frond Mostly Cnrlons.
The route of the procession waa laid
through the quiet streets adjacent to the
cathedral, and but for the unexpected par
tisan strife which a discussion of this
ceremony brought on, It probably would
have been solemnized quietly and In a rev
erent atmosphere. The great msjorlty of
those who attempted to witness the specta
cle, however, apparently wero attracted by
curiosity, and a small part wero openly
and demonstratively hostile. The Catholic
element cheered heartily while the proces
sion passed by and throughout the route.
but there was heard considerable "booing"
such as English people use In theaters to ex
press displeasure at a play. The people be
gan flocking toward the cathedral hours
before the procession started. They came
from all directions; from the West End In
automobiles and carriages; from the East
End In busses; they poured across the river
by all the bridges which converge toward
Westminster, and excursion trains brought
many from the provinces.
Long before the hour set for the cere
mony It was Imposslblo to get near the
line of march. All the streets leading in
that direction were packed and tho windows
overlooking the procession, which were
rented at high prices, were filled. Thou
sands of persons gathered on the roofs of
houses, from which there was a consid
erable display of the. papsl colors. The
police had not expected . crowds and met
with much oppositlrm in their attempts to
keep the path clear. which they; hardly
succeeded In. doing.' so that tirsj papal 1
gate 'and bis .followers"had to pualj "their
way-through a narrow ..lane, . being fre
quently and unpleasantly jostled about. A
number of persons fainted In the crush and
were carried off by the ambulances.
After th" procession had re-entered the
cathedral Cardinal Vannutelll appeared on
the high balcony In gorgeous robes and
elevated the host, while the thousands ot
Catholics outside the building reverently
Cardinal Gibbons Preaches.
The last day of the congresi opened with
pontifical mass In the cathedral, which was
celebrated by the papal legatee and at
which all the cardinals, archbishops and
bishops and many others of the clergy
assisted. The great edifice was crowded,
the audience following with rapt attention
tiie sermon of Cardinal Gibbons, who
preached eloquently.
When the congregation poured out of the
edlflre they found that the crowd already
was assembling for the procession, which
had been the cause of so much controversy.
Large forcts of police were assisted by
some 15,000 Catholics who had volunteered
to line the route, but even this strong
army of men was unable at times to pre
vent the participants in the parade from
beirg shouldered by the curious. Before
the procession started vespers wero sung
within the cathedral, at the conclusion of
which the prelates passed down the nave
singing "Faith of Our Fathers," which was
taken up by the congregation and the vast
crowd without.
As the head of the procetslon emerged
from the cathedral doors a cluer went up,
which was repeated as cardinal after cardi
nal came slowly out, followed by the arch
bishops, bishops, minor prelates of the
church and a great army of white sur
pllcrd men singing hymns. Most of the
prelates carried their vestments over their
arms, but the legate was In full dress, his
fccarlet robes and rid bat lending distinc
tion to his commanding figure. The hands
of the pope's representative which were to
have curried the hest showered continual
bleislngs upon the people, who reverently
bowed thi knee.
On either side of Cardinal Vannutelll were
his chief chaplains and the guard of honor,
composed of Catholic peers. Following the
legate came the members of the pontifical
mission, the cardinals In their order, two
by two, each with his train bearer and
chaplain; the archbishops and other
prelates, including the representatives of
ahsrnt bishops,- the whole procession being
upwards of a mile long and occupying
nearly an hour to cover the. route.
Police Vae llerole Measnrea.
In the streets surrounding the cathedral
the prelates passed through avenues ot
kneallng followers of their faith, the curi
ous being crowded out of this vicinity. At
one or two points farther away, however,
the processionists had practically to force
a passage through the crowds which broke
through the police line. At one point, where
four streets converge, the crush was so
great that the spectators broke up the pro
cession, but the police, stationed at this
point in strong force, managed eventually
to clear a narrow lane through which the
papul legate and the others passed in
elngla file. The crush here was frightful
for half an hour and the police had to use
heroic measures. Many women and not a
fw uieu faiuieU Mid those who were found
wilfully pushing and Jostling were carried
In police wagons, only to be released when
placed where, they could cause no further
trouble. It waa an anxious time for the
officials and reserves were hurried, to the
scene, more ta protect the crowd from
Itself than for any other purpose, for al
though there waa some isolated Jeering, the
people were more Intent on sightseeing than
on Interfering with the Catholics.
' On their return to the cathedral the pre
lates marched around the interior of the
edifice, the legate carrying the host, aa be
would have done In Ihe streets had the
government not Interposed sn objection.
Those who had bees crowded out of the
cathedral were permitted to participate In
the ceremony aa the legate, robed In his
vestments, appeared on the balcony outside
the building and presented the sacred sac
rament and pronounced the benediction.
The vast assemblage that filled the square
then sar.g hymns, and the members of the
Catholic .' societies, with banners flying,
marched through tbe streets to their halls
and churches, and proceeding later to the
stations where trains were waiting to take
them back to the provincial centers whence
they had come to hi tend the services. In
the meantime the papal legate within the
building pronounced tile benediction and the
congress closed.
Aeroplane Make Flight of Seventy.
Fear Mlattrl'aat Til sea to
Height ( 50 Feet.
WASHINGTON, Sept. tt-In two flights
at Fort Myer Saturday Orvllle Wright
In the "Wright flycr"( broke three records.
Staying up nine minutes and-six and a
third seconds In the first flight,' in which
Major George O. Squlor, acting chief signal
: officer, accompanied htm, Mr. Wright broke
the record for & two-man flight which he
had established on 'Thursday. The first
flight was at 1:29 o'clock. In the second
flight, which started ,nt 6:17. Mr. Wright
broke the record for time nnd' distance of
a heavier than air fly in t machine which he
established yesterday by remaining In the
air for one hour and fourteen minutes and
twenty-four seconds. In this flight he also j
went higher than an, aeroplane has ever
gone, rising to on of 250 feet.
Mr. Wright also maintained a higher
speed than in his otlier flights at Fort
Myer, traveling around the drill grounds at
the rate of 88.75 miles per hour on the first
flight when Major Squlcr accompanied
him. The distance of this flight was 5. S3
miles. In today's flight Mr. Wright broke
the world's record for time and distance
for the fifth time this week.
A crowd of 6.000 persons gathered to wit
ness today's flights and their enthusiasm
knew no bounds. It was all the cavalry
men detailed to guard the aeroplane from
damage could do to keep the. crowd back.
They cheered Mr. Wright until he went
away in the Signal corps automobile.
Colonel James Templer, former chief of tho
aeronautical division of the British army
and wno has been sending reports to, his
government on , his observations of aerial
flights In this country, svas one of the most
Interested spectators at Fort Myer today.
Octave Chankte, the; pioneer aeronaut;
Major Fournier, the French military at
tache, and numerous Others were present
After the flights. Colonel Templer said:
"I have always, believed In the Wright
brothers, although I have never witnessed
any of their flights before. I in sure that
Mr. Wright could fly la -the machlno he Is
now using to New York and back to Washington-In
cue night, without making ny
stops for fuel. Just think what this would
mean In time of waff
"These aortal flights are an advancement
in wa,rfaro and- will lead to general pacifi
cation. I believe. Tha ' British army has
beeji rakluj,ef .j!tt VV. n,UU. -rtlanee
for aome time, but I iri not at" liberty to
say what has been accomplished, I think
within a month something will be heard
from us."
Train Derailed fit Geneva, Pa by
Open Switch Dloodhoanda Trail
Alleged Wreckers.
TOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. Sept. IX Fifteen
passengers were slightly injured when tho
Chicago-New York limited traJn on the
Erie- railway was wrecked at the village
of Geneva, Pa., early today. The wreck
la belltvcd by the Erie officials here to be
due to train wreckers. Bloodhounda have
been taken to Geneva from Greenville In
an effort to trace the alleged wreckers.
All of the passengers Injured were In the
day coach. The most serious Injuries were
sustained by a man whose legs were
broken. The derailment was caused by an
open switcn wnue in. ira.n waa runnmg
forty miles an hour. The engine was over-
bagKPgtt car nnd the day coach left the
track. The railway officials believe the
wreck was due to train wreckers who may
have had a grudgo against the company.
Sixth Annnal Event Takes Place with
I'nnaanl Snceeaa.
WISNER, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special.) The
sixth annual fair and carnival held under
the auspices of the Wlsner Live StocK and
Agricultural association was held last week.
The exhibits, larger than ever before; filled
the live stock stalls, sheds and pens.
Wednesday was School day, and the chil
dren were much In evidence. Miss Edith
Bollch of district No. 17, and Miss Anna
Gross of No. 19. both brought their entire
enrollment Into the grounds, and In decid
ing the tie Miss Bollch won the flag, which
was presented by Governor Sheldon. Col
onel J. C. Elliott made an address to the
teachers and pupils.
The series of base ball games were worthy
of much larger crowds than witnessed
them, but there were too many attractions
to divide the pleasureaeekers. Wednes
day's game, between Pender and Winner,
was won by the visitors, the score being
S to t at the end of the twelfth Inning.
The Dodge, West Point and Pilger bands
furnished the music.
Dr. II. Pritchard sold a Poland-China
hog to Governor Sheldon.
Harry Finch and Miss Alice Winning of
Omaha were married on the speakers'
atand in the grounds Thursday, and re
ceived the wedding present of S60 from the
association. Kev. G. L. Goodell of Beerner
performed the, ceremony.
The association secured Governor Shel
don, ex-Congressman Shallenberger and
Regent Whit more as speakers.
The only Incident occurring to mar the
occasion was that of Thursday evening,
when a horse hitched to a buggy broke
away from Its owner and dashed Into the
crowd. Mrs. George Vandeberg of West
Point was knocked down and Injured, re
ceiving some slight cuts and bruises about
the head. A son of Theodore Schwarts of
West Point was bruised at tha knee.
Ceadjntor Ulshost Hetnrns.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Sept. 13. (Special.)
Right Rev. Frederic f oots Jonnaon, co.
adjutor bishop of the Episcopal church of
South Dakota, has returned to the city
after a prolonged absence, during which he
made a trip aarosa to London, where he
attended the Lambert conference and the
Pan-American conference. He states that
during his sojourn in London tha metropo
lis of the world was so crowded that It
was difficult to get even standing place
for sleep. This was due to the fact that in
addition to the Episcopal conference the
Franco-British exposition and the Olym
pian game couWaU war In progress.
Court in Session Gives it Entire Juris
diction in, Matter.
Agreement Is Beached - that Police
Shall Bahmlt to Cennty Attorney
All Evidence fee Hie
The Charles E. Pavls ease Is not one for
a grand Jury, In the judgment of County
Attorney English. Had the district court
been In vacation when the Rustln tragedy
occurred, or when Pavls was charged with
the murder ot Dr. Rustln, then the grand
Jury would have had jurisdiction In the
case. In the mind of Mr. English.
"I have not given that phase of the
matter any particular thought," said the
county attorney yesterday when the sub
ject waa presented to him; "but from my
knowledge of the statute regulating such
procedure 1 would say the "Pavls caae does
not come within the Jurisdiction of the
grand Jury. The reason 1s that the district
court was In session when the accused
was charged with tho crime and will be
In session when the preliminary hearing
Is treld and he Is bound over. If he Is
bound over. My duty as prosecuting at
torney will bo to file an Information and
that will constitute the case. Then If
DrvIs Is bound over to the district court
that gives the court entire Jurisdiction and
removes the case from the Jurisdiction of
the grand Jury, It, however, the court
were In vacation and Davis were held after
the preliminary the grand Jury would have
Jurisdiction. This Is my view of the situa
tion offhand. As I say, I have not gone
into that subject, but I think my state
ment of the situation will be found cor
rect" The statutes seem to rustaln the position
of tho county attorney. Section 393, chapter
39. ot the criminal .code says:
Before the day of each term of a court
at which a grand jury shall be summoned
to appear the clerk of said court shall
make, out two lists, on which he shall
enter tha nanv.-s of all persons who appear,
by the returns ft the mnglel rates, to nave
been either committed or balled for an
offenso during thn vacation of the court,
the name of the magistrate who committed
or balled and distinguishing whether such
person was committed or balled, see
County Attorney English and Chief of
Police Donahue hnd the conference In the
chief's office at the city hsll yesterday aa
arranged. They dlscursed the case In de
tall and decided on the closest ro-operatlon
and tho most persistent search for addl- j
tlonal evidence bearing on the mystery.
The county attorney expressed the desire
that the police department submit to him
all the evidence It acquired,, whether it
appeared' significant or not, and he would
pass on it, deciding, whether it were ma
terial. ...
Chk t Ponahuo said this would be done.
He called In Chief cf Detectives Savtige
and Detective Mitchell and gave them In
structions to report all evidence or clues
secured to the county" attorney. The chlof
and county attorney both agreed upon an
exhaustive Investigation and both said
there would ' be no "covering tip" ,of a
particle-! "testimony or evidence1. Jn. tha
case. They expect ' by the time of the
Davis preliminary, September 4,. to have
all the evidence there Is or that Is possible
to obtain and to present It fully.
Village Along Lake Superior Safe
In less Strong; Wind Springs tip
Within Few Honrs.
DULUTH. Minn., Sept. 13. Unless a
strong wind springs up within the next
thirty-six hours. Grand Marals, Chicago
bay, Hoveland, Big bay, Pigeon river and
other settlements along the north shore will
escape the fate of Chlsholm. The Booth
steamer, America, came Into port at mid
night having on board several refugees
from Chicago bay, about which fires are
burning fiercely and whose citizens have
appealed to Governor Johnson for aid.
J,; ;;; .:.ti .
. betw6en Two mrm and Grand Marals
,n fre ion Jn Lake and Cook countlt,
Although .It sprinkled some today there
was no rain to aid the fighters In stopping
the ravages of the flames. The homes and
possessions of fifteen settlers . back of
Grand Marals were destroyed by flrei
Friday nnd the owenrs were forced to walk
five to twenty miles to Grand Marals. Two
half-breeds found Mrs. Ola Olson, wife of
a settler lost in the woods ten miles bsck
of Grsnd Marals and took her and her
daughter to the settlement on - the lake
The training ship Gopher, under com
mand of General Wood, crulaed up and
down the upper shore. The situation looked
so favorable to him and the refugees he
had taken to Grand Marals that the latter
returned to their homes at Hoveland, Chi
cago bay. Big bay and Pigeon river.
On its trip to the relief of Grand Marals
Tuesday night the Gopher picked up fifty-
two persons. These are now being returned
to their settlements. The training ship will
hover near the threatened towns until It Is
certain the lives of the people are in no
danger. Fires are burning back ot Beaver
bay, the Pigeon river settlement. Big bay
and Hoveland, but Captain Hector said
that the fire was not as serious as two days
ago, when a high wind was blowing. If a
wind comes up again the townspeople will
have another lively fight.
Floater Believed to Be Porter Taken
from Water of Cat-On
The body of a man. Identified as Julius
Rubeck, was found floating In Cut-Off lake
about 11 o'clock Sunday morning. It was
seen by C. E. Bass, who Uvea at 2111
Locust street. East Omaha, and he noti
fied the police. Officers Nlelson and La
hey succeeded in recovering the body and
the undertaker took charge.
The man was about W years of age and,
has been a resident of the Third ward for
some time, being known as Julius and
Working ss porter in a number of down
town saloons. A letter waa found on his
clothing addressed to Julus Rubeck; and
on tins miormaiion the puiioe decided thai
this waa his full name. The coroner has
not decided whether or not an Inquest will
be held.
BforncxvTS or oobajt aTBAxsxrrB.
KKW YOaK....
. rtMoott
. La terrain..
. St. Lula
. La QaauisBe. .
... Klolni.
La srt.
. .
... Kroenlaae.
... Columbia.
. Su Paul.
Ul ga.sTUVi'K..1Snnaala......Ma
J. C. Celt, Dick Stewart nnd Asseelatee
Organise to Handle Ramblers
and Mltchella.
A new automobile concern has entered
the field in Omaha and has taken two well
known lines of automobiles for sale. The
Soit Automobile company, with Dick Stew
art, president; J. C. Colt, vice president
and general manager, and Miss Ella t.
Brown, secretary and teasurer, has opened
an office In temporary quarters at sna
Farnam street, where the Rambler and
Mitchell cars will be sold.
The new company has the state agency
for the Mitchell and Rambler and also the
agency for twenty counties In western
Iowa. Mr. Colt has been Identified with
the automobile business of Omaha for the
last five years and Miss Brown has also
had, considerable experience In the busi
ness. Carl Holt Is demonstrator for the
new company. Tho firm has plans already
drawn for a new garage on Farnam ttrtet.
72 by 133 feet, one half to be occupied by
the Colt Automobile company and the other
hulf by another well known dealer. Other
changes In agencies are expected before
a new sesson rolls around.
The Kimball Automobile company secured
the agency of the Cadillac and will push
this car extensively for next year. The De
light Automobile company has received
some of the 1909 modfls of the RtodJard
Dnyton car and Mr. Derlght Is dally seen
on the streets bantering any machine man
ufactured for a trip to the country to try
out the relative merits of the car.
H. E. Fredcrlckaen has received several
consignments of his new 1909 Chalmers
Detroit 111.500 car, which Is attracting at
tention all over tho country. Ouy Smith
Is sticking exclusively to his lino of Frank
lins, of which the number of users has In
creased materially In Omaha during the
last year.
lonnty Attorney Holds Canvassers,
. Not County t'onrt. Mar Go Over
Prima rr Ballot.
The canvassing board which has been la
boring nine days with the count of the pri
mary vote, will have an opportunity to re
count several prrctlncts todsy. The doubt
as to the right of the board to make the
recount has been dispelled by an opinion
which Deputy County Attorney Magney
will deliver to the board Monday morning.
In which he holds the primary law empow
ers the board to make the recount. Mem
bers of the board were Inclined Saturday
to the opinion the candidates would have to
go Into county court to have the ballots
opened, and they asked the county at
torney's office for an opinion.
The confusion arose because the section
of . the law which provides for a recount
by the board comes In the paragraph which
relates to the city canvassing board. Mr.
Magney holds, however, that the portion
of the paragraph relating to the recount la
distinct, and general and refers to both
boards. The board has already Indicated
it will - follow the opinion.
It Is considered probable that James C,
Klnsler will aak for a recount of certain
precincts on county attorney, and that W,
C. Crosby will make the same request as
to tbe off loe of coronet-. The official count
also shews' . vocy .close race on the dom
ocratlc ticket for representative. WHllara
Butt has 1.210 votes and Andrew Wellman
2,806. "If the "rejected precinct were Included
in tho returns Wellman's vdta would be
Increased three, as compared with Butt's,
making him the loser by a single vote.
Wellman has not Indicated whether he
will aak for a recount or not.
Cheering; Reports of Bumper Corn
Crop from Nebraska Points.
WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. 13. (Special.)
The Intensely hot weather of the last week
fca practically matured the corn crop, the
early planted corn being beyond danger
from frost. Fears have been expressed by
some that the intense heat has been harm
fUl to the crop, tending to shrink the ear
and cause them to be light and chaffy,
but the best opinion seems to be that the
weather I. just right and that the present
high percentage of Nebraska corn Is due to
i the favorable weather of the last two
weeks. Potatoes are being marketed In
large quantities at 60c per bushel
BHELTON. Neb., Sept. 12. (Speclal.)
Tho last week has been a splendid one for
the corn crop. It waa warm and dry nnd
this Is what was needed to ripen the crop
and git the green fields out of the way of
frost. The season has been favorable and
this will bo a banner year for King corn
and the largest crop ever gathered and
quality better than for many years past.
Farmers have already had offers of 60c a
bushel from the field.
Men Wanted for Silk Theft.
HURON, S. D.. Sept. 1J (Special.) Sher
iff Parr ot Winona arrived here yesterday
with requisition papera for Harry Cole,
George K. Hastings, Harry Hallett and E.
J. Neary, In Jail here, charged with being
connected with the recent silk theft at Wi
nona. The men resisted the requisition and
are attempting to obtain an order from
Judge Whiting for their release on habeas
corpus proceedings. One of their counsel
went to Deadwood last night with the hope
of procuring this order from Judge Whit
ing, holding court there for Judge Rice.
The men declared they will resist In every
way possible their transfer to Minnesota.
TI.e names given are believed to be fictit
ious, but there la no question In the minds
of Sheriff Parr and the officers here that
they are the men wanted by them for the
Gambling; Complainant Fined.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept. 13.-(Speclal.)
Judge LaCraft, who presides over a court
at White, Brookings county, has set a new
pace In dealing out Justice to those who
Indulge In gambling. A man who had en
gaged In gambling and who had loat a
considerable sum of money, in an effort
to punish the men who had beaten him and
secure a return of the money, made com
plaint and had the men arrested. When
the case was ststed to Jude LaCraft he
Imposed a fine upon the defendants and
declined to give aid to the, plaintiff In se
curing the return of the money he had loat.
On the other hand, the Judge held that the
plaintiff was equally guilty and also Im
posed 'a fine In the case of the plaintiff,
who paid the fine.
iena fait iuika KraisaaUiJ,
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Sept. 13.-8pecll)
C. p. Bates, a well known local attorney,
has been officially adviaed by the grand
exalted ruler of the Order of Elks that lis
has been appointed a member of the Judk
lary committee of the grand lodge. This
la the body before which comes all legisla
tive matters In connection with the order.
For several years the South Dakota Elks
have been fighting for recognition on one
of the grand lodge commltteea,' and the
appointment of Mr. Bates is an honor to
the Elks of Mouth Dakota In general.
State Officers to Be Chosen and Pro
posed Amendments Acted Upon.
Republican Managers Predict Plu
rality of Fifteen Thousand.
They Say Their Ticket Will Bo
Elected by a Safe Margin.
Candidate May Spend Two Days In
Kentneky and Tennessee Before
Coming; West by Way et
St. Louis.
PORTLAND, Me.. Sept. 18.-Vllh the re
publicans confident and the democrats
hopeful, and with clearly defined Issues ot
local rather than ot national Importance,
the voters of Maine will cast their ballots
tomorrow for governor, congressmen, statu
auditor, members of the legislature and
county officials. In addition they will also
be asked to accept two proponed amend
ments to the state constitution, both deal
ing with the Initiative and the referendum.
The election of Bert M. Fernald by at
least lo.iXJO plurality was claimed tonight
by the republican leaders, while their dem
ocratic opponents predicted the success of
Obadlah 11. Carter, who heads the ticket,
by a safe margin.
The rcpubllcana have won In Maine In
every election since by pluralities a v.
craglng about 23.W0 on presidential years.
The paramount issue In Maine Is again
the liquor question, and resubmission ot
the constitutional amendment to the peo
ple. The democrats have also put forth a
plea for taxation of the wild lands and a
reform In the business methods at the cap
ital. The republicans strongly advoca'.o
the enforcement of the prohibitory law.
Plans for Taft's Trip,
CTNCINN ATI, Sept. 13. William II.
Taft's first campaigning tour will begin
Wednesday, September 23,, If the candi
date's present desires In the matter aro
observed. Mr. Taft today Indicated that
he would much like to talk with National
Chairman Hitchcock acr Mr. Hitchcock
has conferred in Chicago Monday with
Senator Dixon and the western managers
concerning the proposed itinerary. Mr.
Hitchcock will doubtlessly be asked to
come by Cincinnati on his return east.
The arrsngemcnts to have the national
league of republican clubs hold a rally In
Cincinnati September 22 was made known
to Mr. Taft today by Mr. Vorys by wire.
The chief of staff reached his home In
Lancaster last night. Ho will go to Co
lumbus tomorrow, and return her Monday
night or Tuesday. '
After the meeting of tbe 23d It Is re
garded aa not unlikely . tUat Miv Taft wTt '
accept the invitation- h baatiecelvcd fmi.i
the Kentuaky .bankers and addres them '
at Lexington qn the 23d.
Mr: Taft has. expressed desire to speak
In Tennessee and It '. pointed out here
that he could extend the Kentucky trip
to Nashville and Chattanooga and from
there to go to St. Louis and Kansas City
and then Into the other mlddlewestern
states. Judge and Mrs. Taft attended
Christ church today and llstaned to serv
ices conducted by Rev. Dr. Knowlton, pas
tor. Tho remainder of the day was spent
by the candidate at the home of his
brother, Charles P. Tuft. He did not como
to his offices In the Slnton hotel.
Appointments to see Judge Taft this
week have been made, by Senator Crane of
Massachusetts and Representative Theo
dore Burton of Cleveland.
NEW YORK. Sept. 13-Chalrman Frank
H. Hitchcock of the republican national
committee left New York for Chicago,
where he will spend Monday and Tuesday
at western headquarters. It Is likely that
he will return to eastern headquarters on
Thursday after stopping In Cincinnati on
Wednesday for a conference with Mr. Taft.
The speaking Itinerary of Mr. Taft will be
arranged by Chairman Hitchcock this week
and will be announced froru Cincinnati.
Bryan Refuses ta Speak.
DEER PARK, Md., Sept. 13. William J.
Bryan today put his stamp of disapproval
on Sunday political speech-making when,
without his knowledge the residents around
Mountain Lake Park were notified to as
semble there at S o'clock today to hear him
talk. Over 1,3)0 of them gathered, whtltt
Mr. Bryan, at Deer Park, was protesting t)
a local committee that he would make no
speech. He finally was prevailed on to'
take the three-mile drive and shake hands
with those In the aasemblage, with the
understanding that ha should not speak
and that there should be no handcUpplng.
The people gave every evidence of their
pleasure at meeting the democratic candi
date for president, even though they were
disappointed at not hearing him, and as
he departed they violated their pledge and
applauded him liberally.
The day was one of absolute quiet and
rest with the exception of the short Journey
to Mountain Lake Park, and In consequence
Mr. Bryan prepared himself for the strenu
ous week ahead of him. He leaves tonight
at 12:18 o'clock for Baltimore and la due to
arrive at Camden station, that city, at 7:60
o'clock in the morning.
Will Address Traussulsalsalnpl t'on
arreaa at Ban Frnuelaco
.Next Month.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 13. K. H. Harrl
man, the railway magnate, has accepted
an Invitation to attend and address the
nineteenth annual seaalon of the ,Trans
mlaaiaalppl Commercial congress that meets
In San Francisco on October to 10, sn It
wss announced here todsy by President
J. B. Case.
President Caae said tc day that Invitations
also hod been extended to each member
of the Interstate Commerce commission to
attend the gathering.
Omaha, Galveston, Denver, San Antcnlo
and Seattle hav already entered the raco
for the 19U10 session of the congress.
Barajer Held oa Asaaelt t harge.
HEBRON, Neb., Sept. 23. (Special.)
William ger was arraigned In county
court yesterday on the charge of criminal
assault upon the -year-old granddaughter
of I. K. Pew. He waived examination and
was bound over to the November term of
district court. Not being able to furnlHti
11,000 bonds he Is being held In the count
Jail. Berger Is W years of age, an old
soldier and has lived in Hebron lor
twenty yew