Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    Phe Omaha
unday Bee
A Ppw fr h Horn
Best i". West
j '
Vol,. XXXVIII NO. i:s.
Buckles and
New fall gloves
Sash Pins
Kine-st Imported i-al kid glove in nil
lending shades, long or shon lengths;
also gauntlet. A few Monday spei dnls;
Mannish rape CJloves, one rlast l
Uiialltv, at. per pair 98o
1 J-bnllon I'rench Kid ttloves $:l.f"
x allies, for $3.00
I button French Kid Ulove $4 "0
I'nr thnusand hui kle and sash pin
in rose irnld, oxidized, green gold and
tinted finishes, north nOr to $10".
rKEB With every buckle or pm e
full belt length of fancy
(told or silver tinsel belt
ing Monday, choice ....
II It See I he mscntfirrnt window display. These
tatvsaasW alone are well worth it trip down Imvn.
vnlue. for 3.0
17) ()
v Ssi
Inaugural Display Fall Garments, Fabrics and Millin
ery in All Their Autumnal Splendor, Fresh from Fash
ion's Domain Monday, September 14th.
3-lnch Sea Inland
1 'ei-cules, 1 T c
everywhere, at
jSc madras, slilrt
Iiik ' and dress
styles, yd.iaVic
7c Apron Ging
hams, at, per
yard 4io
(utlng Pink and Blue Stripes, heavy
7i,- quality 50
Blew bed Mii;lin. 36 Inchon, yard.. 4c
Bleached Sheets Hnt seamless 7ic
hihI tae aliccts, Biz Slxo Monday
at B9o and Mo
(.1 stamps instead of 1 Monday on
all purchases In domestic.)'
The great Bennett store throws open its doors tomorrow morning to the Omaha public with the invitation to visit the first complete showing of the
new and the beautiful Fall Merchandise. We have departed from the time-worn custom of elaborate display of the artificial, the fuss and the flowers,
and present in their stead a store resplendent with all the glories of the bright hued autumnal shadings of the world's choicest millinery, dress fabrics, silks,
garments and requisites. The millinery exhibit is a revelation of the most approved New York and Parisian ideas. Mr. and Mrs. Hand, who have conducted
this department with such singular success, are again at the helm and promise many surprises for all who come. Big hate predominate. But there's a be
coming model to meet any requirement. The "Directoire" style is, of course, the reigning fad with new mushrooms and novel turbans largely represented.
Prices too, are as unusual as the showing itself. Prices have always been moderate in Bennett's millinery and these conditions prevail again this season.
Dress Goods and Silks in Wide Variety
A more satisfying and complete assortment of dress fabrics is well niffh
imposible. Every new fabric idea, every new weave, every new color. The
fcilk stacks are supreme. The new satin Ma.jestique, Messalines, etc., in tlie
new pAaeoek, catawba, taupe, claret, canard and sapphire, including all tlie
pastel and street shades are shown.
Prices Are KVlost Invitingly Low
Right at the outset of the new season let us remind you of this fact. It's
the one feature that distinctly appeals to all. We do not indulge in prohibi
tive juices. We want the volume of business and make it a point to always
have the most attractive values. Whether you buy or not you will be cordially
welcome. Come.
ZJL Emb'ys
f ? HIMM'
3 10c
Swiss Cor bp t
cover t-mbroid-rry,
w i d o, li.OOO
viird on pal
tomorrow, all
worth to 5ic,
J0.00O yards Swiss
and nulnnook em
broidery, all rnatrh
sels worth to 25c,
at, per yard, tomor-
Excaptlonal Valuta In
Dress Goods
We feature for the Inaugural dj
plny Monday wveral extruortlinary
lres goods hiii-gainx. Want you to
know and fUftiaint yourself with the,
niatrhloHN opportunities this depart
ment holds out to you.
The new fabrics are captivating,
tho chevrons, herringbones, t he
striped worsteds, the superb- broad
cloths are now shown at their best.
The color range is most complete.
Kasy choosing from such a compre
hensive variety.
Panama SrH'cin! Very fine strictly
all wool i6-ineh Panamas that no
other store is duplicating under
$1.50; either soft or wiry texture,
blue, brown or black, fli
Monday OuC
lilack Sicilian 4 ( and 50 inches
wide, positively worth $1.00 and
$1.25: very lustroun, most service
able fabrics for Kail skirts; Monday
surprisingly priced
Hlatk Granite Cloth A heavy fabric
. for suits, has a pebble weave and al
most indestructible: It's all wool
and a deep rich black, 4 8 inches
Avlde and regularly sellB for $1.39,
Monday we again demonstrate our
underselling ability by Cf
offering it at, yard- UuC
Mannish Suit inns The new Fall
styles clearly show a trend towards
mannish cloths for women's wear;
mixtures, striped worsteds, etc. We
hi'.ve over one hundred handsome
patterns bought from a tailoring
lioui-.e at 4 tic on the dollar, oti-inch
goods worth to $2.50, ftQ
at, yard UwC
Particular attention is directed to the
broadcloths. These are the elite of
the dress goods family; rich, refined
and very beautiful in the .new
autumnal hues, and pastel shades.
They are soft and clingy and lend
themselves suitably to cloba fitted
long graceful lines as demanded by
the Directoire modes. Highest
uiiHiiiiPR at $1.50 $2.00
92.50 nd $3.00 ard.
ennett's Imposing Assemblage of Authoritative
Never lias any season in the women's garment section opened more auspiciously at Bennett's. This great department enlarged and strengthened with the broadest range of
authoritative Ktyles ever assembled here is indicative of its marked snccss.
Monday, the inaugural exhibit will be of great significance to every follower of fashion. Tlie new styles are now set, approved and adopted,
show you but twelve striking; pew models, there are scores of others. The care and study that the Iteiinett organization has expended to make
store's history will be ready for" your approval when the curtains are drawn Monday morning..
la the illustration 'shown we
this day the greatest in the
81' ITS VOTl $1S We doubt not, this is the best assort
ment of low priced suits you have ever seen. Broadcloth '
suits in every desirable color, with 38-inch sattu lined
coats and pleated or gored skirts, some tail
ored, others have trimming of satin bands.
It's the surprise of the season, at
Sl'lTS AT $19.50 Fine broadcloth models in moat effec
tive styles, smart 36-lnch slashed coats: satin trimmed
collar, edges, etc. and finished with but-
tons, me stiiris are piemen anu iihc
a wide loose fold
ONK-OF-A-K1N1) Sl'lTS The real exclusive models of
which we buy but one of a kind are shown in great
variety. "Directoire" tendencies dominate" the suit sit
uation. Tisht-ftttinc sleeves, the long: graceful lines
of the coats, the ample lapels, the clinging
paneled skirts are decidedly new, refined
and becoming. $45 nu
Sl'lTS AT $U.T Many different styled at ihls price. Soiu
of new worsteds, fancy stripe suiting', etc., great range
of coat designs. Empire effects, scalloped
edges, etc. Graceful pleated kilted and
multi-gored flare skirts
Sl'lTS AT Se.J9.5t The picture illustrates the character
and styles of most of these models. Novelty cloths in'
great profusion fashioned it. exquisite designs and ex
clusively Drought out nere. Jttgh AAficn
I w w -
class tailoring is a feature,
to $40.00, at
KVKXIXG IHtKSSKS And costumes; a notable display
of charming one-piece Princess gowns of satin Majestl-
que, messalines, voiles and albatross, in all the pastel
shades, borne made entirely of Val lace and
ribbons; new Mosquetaire sleeves and lace
girdle effects are features, $50 $45 nd
ront panel
SKIHTS Ppnama Skirts of fine quality, with four
rws of taffeta nt bottom, pleated models
in black, brown, navy, for.
PANAMA SKIRTS In new coal effect, front
with two rows of buttons,, graduated 8-in
loose fold giving it the Directoire vogue
IHKlXTOIltK SKIKTS Handsome black satin Majes
tique models; opens on side; rows of large self bnt-
. tons, with graduated folds at bottom; another line
made of chiffon, broadcloth, opening on side front,
both smooth, close fitted effects and decldedlv ultra
fashionable $15.00 $17.50 $20.00
IANG FITTFI) COATS Of black broadcloth, lined
throughout with natin, velvet collars, buttons all the
way down front, beautiful fitted
models, are remarkably inexpen
sive, at
Unprecedented Monday Sales
Fall SiBEis
A preliminary sale involving almost
one-half of our entire silk stock
planned to make a day of tremend
ous sellins Monday. All the lute
novelties ainiopt a third under regu
lar value, including high rlaes bord
ered silkB. Crepe de Chine, new
Messalines, Peau de Cygue. new
plaids, 27-inch Taffetas in colors
and black, Foul
ards. Pomp a
dour Silks, 3i
inch Lining Sat
ins, etc., mostly
all $1 Silks in
great sale Monday
Special displays and sain of hundreds
of new Fall novelty silks in che( ks.
stripes, rhairseaWts- taffwas; all
worth to "Dc, showing the Heiinett'H
' prestige and purchasing power,
with the price down to, 29S
HH-inch leoln Taffeta A handsome
brilliant black silk of extra weight,
noted for its great wearing qualities,
always sells at $1.39 a yard, On
Monday, at. QAf
per yard w"rt
Novelty Silks From Kuropean and
domestic niillHi lavish displays of
new Satin Majestique, Messalines,
Satin Bane. Chevrons and a collee
tion of high novelty silks with all
the lattst colorings prouiiently fea
tured, (llorlous Silks for waists
and cofcti.ines, at, yard
$1.00 $1.25 $1.50 to $2.00
Bennett's Black SiSks
The most pronounced black silk
values hus made Bennett's famous
throughout the middle west. We
offer Monday over 10,000 yardu of
taffetas, Peau de Soie. Mobxh lines and
Armures at tremendous price savings
on silks of highest quality.
Monday Sale
The China Section will have on display a
special exhibit of fine imported china, of
interest to china painters and all lovers of
beautiful hand painted ware. Don't over
look this; entire new line.
These special offerings in plum while
ware for the day.
Coupe Plates White china, 7'i-inch. per
dozen $1.45
1-ciix.iiM'le .lugs Large fancy shaped $1.00
Steins Plain white, barrel shaped 25
Collar Hut ton lloxes Special at Of
Sugars and 'reams Open, pair 45
luff I4es Fancy shape, white 25
Hair Kecclvcrs Fancy shape, white . 25
Service I'lale- White china, dozen $4.00
Lace Curtains
Visit the third floor drapery section Mon
day. If you are planning bew curtains this
fail, tomorrow's sales will be of importance.
Irish Point Curtains Always durable and
very sightly for the parlor, will be particu
larly interesting. There are six handsome
new patterns, all worth $5.00 a pair on
sale. Some have plain centers with border,
some allover patterns.
Price, per pair
NOTTINGHAM CIKTAINS and Cable Nets, full
sir.e in white and Arabian floral and Colonial de
signs, suitable for halls, dining rooms, 1 fA
etc., worth $2.i5. at, pair.
Shirt Waist lfcxe 50x 1 7x2 1 Inches, raised top,
casterB aud tray also, makes nice window seat,
$15.00 boxes for $9.85
H-nti-tt' fi'ilrtcn t'ftof per lt. SSc
And .in Stamps
'lVa!. p!irtMi. per pound 480
And tn Stamps.
lcnspp Succtituah, iihubHv 1 0c
Bplcncllri quality nt . .3 cans for ISO
Price's Breakfast Food. .1 for ....2So
And 20 Stamps.
I'ut Loaf Suttar. for 86o
And 10 Stamps.
Capitol Oats, package Ho
And 10 Sianips.
Capitol Pancake, package Ho
And 10 Stain;,.
Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas, S cans
Tor 850
Jell'O. 3 packages for L6c
And in stamps.
New York Che, e. per pound . . .20c
And I'l Stamps
dozen A II '. Catsup.
:."ic kind. Monday, only . . .
And In .Stamps
it fcuUr
.... 200
A lai';e shipment Salway CHlifornia
Freestone Tenches, fine luiti lows
fruit, h limit h x to seven rtoven to
box, per box 70c
Fall Footwear, Fashion's Every Whim
In whatever direction your fancy leads you in your shoe tastes, look to Bennett's for it.
smart, dressy, fashionably correct shoes for women, children and men.
We have shoe made to ortler to match any suit or costume.
For Dress Occasions Natty cloth top
button patent colt shoes for women.
One of the dressiest styles shown this
season, close edge cork filled soles,
strong shank to support OC Aft
arch $3UU
(And lull S. & II. Stamps.)
KveninK Slippers 1 n pink, blue or white
calfskin: regular $4.00 lines specially
priced Monday including.
1 on Stamps, for
Ooe Top Auto Hoots, also Napoleon but
ton effects, rich hrown ooze, and
Kreuch patent calfskin vamps, liand
fewed and hand welted, bench made)
throughout, strictly high CPQ AA
Kiade 30.UU
(And 100 S. & H. Stamps, i
Tau Shoe Kitia special, tan laced or
button film s. new, atui very stjiiFh: a
$3..".t) quality Monday, at.
pel pair
ItOKOTHV IIOUO SIIOKS KOU I'll. I, A 1 1 ' IN Dorothy Dodd's are shoe
yerfection, never lacking in s;yl, and :. ' t u . 'olidile from a nualilv
standpoint ; tan, lop button; copper taiis. laced with gray cloth tops and
tan storm calf buckle, high cut suoe I including luu StampM,
liurrlcs t.lh- Troltrr Think, th I
llvat fit Tfceiu llehlml
thm Time.
"I .mint runfssn tht I don't like the
'lintels of continental Europ dspite their
admitted excelleuciei." laid Colonel K. tt.
Htjckner of WilinitiRtoii. lol.
w in Kwitierland lately for tlirea
week, and tlia hotels of that country ar
HUnit k K"IM a Knrop afford. Never
theless. I did n,,t el i"""'! lo them, and
don't bellevo I'd ever really like them. No
hotel seems to me as ocrated on right
prti'f irle wher tlie porter Is about tile
miiKl important personage In Ilia establish
ment. This Is tlie case. In all the Jis
pUns. After that functionary slm-a yon
to room an elegantly dr. sed In
JiMdjal In list IfoiW t'oal iuIiicj
iipslahs for a solemn conference. Me Is
t!io clerk, but wise 'enough looking lo be a
judge advocate general, and you breathe a
siKli of relief when he departs.
'Another thing I would never gel ued
lo is the lack of a lobby. None of tnc
Swiss hotels, Fxcnpt at Lucerne, have one,
unj if von wish to smoke you generally
go outdoors. Their little imitations of
breakfast, where you get nothing except
rolls and a cup of coffee, daln't suit my
American tastes either, but it's a atupen
doim tHk to make those Swiss caterers
provide you with a good substantial
t'niled 8:ates bieakfast. The. cooking Is
first rati . ami prices a bit more moderate
than In this country.
The entire system of eating all through
SwIlzerUud is labia d'liot Breakfast is
iisua'lN tn rents, iunrh u cents, and dinner
$1 '. but at dinner they bring on course
a'lei tiiiis- till yn'j wonder if It will ever
.nd. ll is a fact that they will vfun imt
you five different kinds of meat, each as
a separate and independent course, aud
thru, perhaps, along will come a dish of
beans without any uccomptinyliig food, and
next to that, as like as not, a plate of Ice
cream. The serving of all these courses
is completed with a mighty formality, and
at the end of each there Is a loud tap of a
bell lo inform tlie waiter that a new act
is on and tn ilaar away the dishes.
"Ail In all, take my word for it, the
hotel of this country have got all aimllar
Institutions of foreign lands heal to an
ignominious fraKle." Baltimore American.
.Saw Terror.
While In America societies are being
formed for the suppieaxlon nf Mi.ot noises
Paris hart adoVd another to tlie t rrn'r of
the s'reefs. It la a new form of bn ycle
alarm. The bell and the horn had
th'lr das . and now the favorite ' aer
ii'sem tens via c f a nrl if liuiiUturA tain-
iKiiii'lne, w'hli h Is ulruik by a nmail wooden operated by contact with the
."liikcs of the front wheel. I, is certainly
effective, hut the nolsa is said to be enough
to revivify a cadaver. So great is tlie de
mand for the new alarm that In lees than
light days a single shop sold more than
lm of lliem.-New York Tribune.
Bee want ada produce re,suli.
luge Rag of Big l.aiue Secured 07
Mae Hatch Hanlera In
Mouth Africa.
To secure a bag of eighty-one elephants
in lhfM prosaic dsy will seem like a
lram to most iortfrmn, but the feat haa
been acromfjlished by J 5V Vtljoen and
eigti1 othi I mi t r 1 1 lirmtrj In thr laoniag
uiidi diauivt. Tin gov ci iiiucnt has Ju.t
thrown the distilct oien for the destruc
tion of elephants, and this enormous bag
was made within sixty miles nf the capital
of Itlu.xJ, f In. and near the railway.
Vlljoen and Lis party pitched their camp
at Ma'iiiS'li.H). the center of the elephanl
district, and divided up into patrs-a fad
which nearly led to a fatality, for going
through tlie I) us 11 Viijoeii e.tooun.eied his
first elephant, which he ahot. As this fell
another one crashed thiou-h the trees at
the bark of the hunter and pursued him,
once striking tlie horse with his trunk,
until VUJoen succeceded in reaching clearer
giound. where he found himself thirty
yards ahead of his pursuer. Slipping off
his horse, he fired at ths elephant, and
killed it.
fine Incident marred the tport, and that
waa the an idcntal shooting of a member
of the party named Klof. Kloff and three
companions pa,r'l n" a1"! walked at a
dutanct of abjut f;f(;- arda ar,art, when
Kloff and I. is friend suddenly nw ivvo e'e
phanlH They liri U, but only a n ci ,'OmI In
shooting off a tusk of one of the Hiinnal-i.
who promptly charged them. K'.off n,ad'
in the direction of the men In front of
him, and they, seeing the Ijigfi ii.imiiiiik
ilnuuiih the bush bahlnd tin in :ind ig
norant of Klof f wlierealiouif , fired at the
elephant, und while one bullet dispatched
the elephant, ti.e other found a billet In
tlof f s neck, killing him instantly.
The parly came back to the Transvaal
the. richer fur S.U'i pounds f ivory and
ssven young elofihants. The first 0110 was
captured when half grown. It was feeding
with four grown elephants, all of which
were ahot, and then the little one, instead
of running away, made for the hunters,
two of whom seized its tail, while the two
othera hung on to each ear, and there
was a tussle for hllf an hour, ftr wnli h
the elephant was rolled on its back anil Its
.f-ci u,(l w)l i the horaes' reins. It whs
I He 11 fast"iid lo a tree, and the next d.iy
if! ivo Into cainp. After a dny or two
I I; tic, a:,.e rn docile tllHt IIM Mltnnl i,.,tu -... u
ntli'i- a nulsuncc. for It tried to tread on
the hmitirs" toes, helped Itself to all the
available loi d. and would put its irunl;
Into the rooking pots and take out any
thing it fancied, while 11 woild follow tux
natives down to tlie at ream for a drink.
On Hie rco,d day twenty elephants wei
nhot and two 1 tt!e fines raptured; Viljnn's
unaided el forts accounl -d for eii i f
the twenty hIhiii. Tin se two elephants
speedily hecitnie docile. hiiiI now that all
the raplivta are in a proper kraal tliev,hv
hi 1 nmi- quite ac llniHt ir.eil to H eir una
aurroundloKs and are hfitli plsjful and
friendly. Hhodeaia Herald.
By using tn vartoua de.pau-tRinnta at The
Be Wwct Ad page you 44! Ut raaolts
at amall expense.