Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    nu: omatia srxnAV tu;e: septemhei? u ioo
Foraer City Government's Poor Bui
ness Methods Aain Revealed.
When Cltr Hull Mte and I, finds for
Parka Are- I'nrrhanril Wndon Are
Aot Hninlred to Par the
llnrk Taxes.
Tt h been discovered thHt the former
administration in purchasing three of the
park altea and also the city hull site neg
lected to see to It that all arrears of taxes
were paid before approving tho title to the
lanet. The city treasurer has directed a
communication to the city council asking.
If the city proposes to pay the tax in tho
several Instances, that they do mo at once.
He desires to have his tax books show a
clean record.
It Is the usual business method to have I
all taxes paid up on a transfer of real
estate, as otherwise there remains a cloud
on the title. The former administration
neglected this matter. The tax in arrears
on tha city hall site la a special tax for lb
paving. It amounts to H0O.47. Tins general
; ., . , i ,
1" n arresars on eyiiuicaie para e uai
S143.W; the Kyan property, J17.72, and the
Dee tract $14.36. The city Is therefore out
at leaat the Sam of these. IiXW.14. Action
. . . . ... , ,
Jiiajr jiavv tu mi inncu icj clear me lute.
Flffarea oat Rea-lst ration.
The city clerk lias compiled the results
of tha first day's registration, held In con
nection with the primary, September 1. By
this compilation It Is shown that 1,110 dem
ocrats and 9W republicans registered. The
scattering registration was twenty-seven.
This makes a total of 2,123 registered. This
Is a record registration for a Bingle day.
The most of those who registered were
voters at the primaries and this accounts
for the Increase. South Omaha will proba
bly poll B.OU) votes at the election In No
vember. The republicans are strongest In
the First ward and the Sixth. The demo
crats are strong In the Third, Fourth and
Fifth wards.
Ward, Pre t.
fc'ccon l-Flrst
Fourth First
Itep. Di'tii. Scat.
, . U& 102 4 I
,. 161 M 2 I
.. tvJ M 2 :
.. tii W 2
. U Kl 3
. fJ 1.14 1
. 32 32 2
. 61 113 3
.75 t 5 0
. 53 12 a I
.75 '88 3
. 142 iO 3
.. 9S6 1,110 27
tirand total 2,123
Citr Sued for Dnmuges.
Malcom Mruce, through his attorney, J.
D. Kinger, lias given notice of a suit for
16,000 damages by reason of personal in
juries received under the y street viaduct
He was riding under the viaduct where
the old steel girders were being removed.
The workmen let one of them drop Just us
the boy was underneath and he received it
glancing blow which broke his breast bone
and inflicted other injuries.
Another case Is the suit of Kd Trnpp for
damages to certain house moving apparatus
at Twentieth and N streets, on account of
alleged defects in the street, which for this
reason could not carry off the storm water
during a period when the. plaintiff was
moving a building. This happened last
In connection with numerous suits and
settlements, not to mention Judgments
against the city, the council is to consider
a resolution at the next meeting to require
an expert opinion as to the liability of the
private parties through whose Joint neglect
along with that, of the city, as granted, any
person may hereafter receive an injury.
The point Is that if a man maintains a de
fective sldewulk or leaves obstructions or
menacing objects in the streets and damage
results, how much can the city Justly col
lect of such an individual?
uudnr Services.
The servlco of the Christian church,
Twenty-third and I, will consist of a ser
mon by 8. D. Dutcher of Omaha. The pan
tor, F. T. Ray, will conduct the evening
"Ready for the Rearers'' will be Rev.
George Van Winkle's Sunday morning
theme. The evening theme will be, "The
Value of a Man." During the week Mr. and
Mrs. R. O. Haskina and Key. George Van
Winkle and his wife attended the annual
meeting of the church at Tekamah.
Rev. R. W. Livers will be out of the city
Sunday and his pulpit will be filled by Sec
retary G. A. Young.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler will preach Sunday
morning at the Presbyterian church. Rev.
Frank Reed of Fremont will conduct the
opening service of the Omaha presbytery
Monday evening. This presbytery will be
held Monday to Wednesday. Tuesday
morning Dr. T. K. Hunter will, conduct
the morning devotions at 8:30. At noon
tho cession will be entertained at Helle
vue college. Drs. Btookey and Maynard
wll be speakers on this occasion. Wednes
day morning Rev. Ralph Housnmn will
conduct the devotions. The business tta
ston follows.
Wouiru Plan Elnliornte Ilaii(net.
After due consideration the ladiea Aux
iliary of the Young Men's Chiisiian associa
tion, which has the serving of the nit.ii
bershlp banquet mrtiu, has decided thut it
is not elaborate enough. ' The women will,
therefore, Improve upon it as th"y see f t.
Exierlenco hai taught ihet the wimen treat
the memliers and tlulr frU-nus better than
the association can plan.
The new water woihs are now installed
and are working very satisfactorily. The
pressure is now enough for ail baih pur
poses. The women who are representing the lec
tura course this season are meeting with
very marked success. The educational
committee feels that this is deserved, both
on the part of the women and by the
course Itself. The list of attractions Is
'V -
strong and the. people secured are well
known. Tickets may be secured from
.Mesdames WIIMAmi. Shields or McTlurney,
I or they t an be purchased at the Association
ronnis, where seats are to he reserved.
Maatc Clr (loaalp.
A retltlon has been filed to rave t,
street from Thirty-third to tne city
Mrs. .Tames Parsley entertained the
i't cshyterlan King's Daughters Fiiday aft-
til noon.
The Presbyterian Kings Daughters,
division No. 2. were entertained at .4
lemon social last evening.
Miss Kronna Van Sant. who has been
visiting in the western part of Nebraska,
la much improved in health.
The fun.ial of Mrs. ChrWtlne R. Mills,
wife cif W. K. Mills. 3.117 Valley street,
will he held at the I'resby terlan church
.Sunday at 1 p. in.
The new Packers' National bank will be
open for public Inspection Saturday after
noon. The public Is invited to visit and
take note of i:s many conveniences.
The Omaha Water company lias ex
tended its main from Twenty-fourth to
Twenty-third on M street. 1 his order
has been sought through the city council j
for a long time. i
The city treasurer submitted hH '
I monthly report yesterday, showing thit
during August $7.45fliW was 'cted and
13.11 was disbursed, leailrg a bal
uni t- of J3.V2.0I 1.3ft. j
The funeral of James P. Coatei will be
held Sunday at the Presbyterian church i
at 4 p. tn. The Kagie.s of th South Omah.i
aerie will have charge. Dr. K. D. Wheeler j
will preach the sermon.
T"" Jo,ly K1,'v"n. a, b,n
zailon, entertained their
social organ!- ' E
,,.M,i .-1th n tmhov rl.lo After t, et.l
refreshment were served at the home of i
Mr- aml A,rs- J"hn 11 PI'Mp, 14 I street, j
.."! fol.ow.lng are recently reported
'births: A .1 Walsh 1 S9 Smith 'llilrtv-
'.births: A. J . walsn.
second. a boy: Kd Winkler, 2209 Jeffer
son, a boy; John Anderson, a boy; Kmllc
Frsnta. 3101 W street, a boy; John
Sekyra. Tenty-flrst and S streets, a girl.
The (iond Jovcrnment league has filed
a petition with the city council asking
that several clauses he Incorporated In
the electric light contract before It is
extended for another live years. One of touches en the rate for private
light and power. It is hoped a cheaper
rate may be sec ured for South Omaha.
The South Omaha Country club has a
fine game scheduled with the All-Stir
team at Omaha this afternoon. It wi 1 be
one of the best tussel.s of the season.
The croquet tournament will be advanced
cont-lrlerahly this week. The men are
playing on the thirteenth round. The
challenge round of golf between Sherwood
and Weppner will he played Sunday. The
tennis championship will also be played
Havs Boot Print Xt.
Diamonds, Edholm, Jeweler.
Thomas W. Blackburn, Lnwyer.
Rudolph r. Bwoboda, Publlo Accountant, i
Bowman, 117 N. 16, Douglas shoe, $3.t0.
Pa Rourke for Quality cigars, 316 S. 15th. I
laUnshart, photographer. 18th & Farnam.
Equitable Llf-roliclcs, sight drafts at
maturity. II. D. Neely, manager, Omaha.
Electrical Wiriug and Repairs Burgets.
Orandcn company, lull Howard strtet.
Kid Wedgs on Prohibition ,id Wedge,
an evungelist, will s,peuk on prohiblilon at
Eagles hull, 1U7 South Fourteenth street,
Sunday nlnht.
Tha Aiusrlcan Safe Deposit Co., In the
Bee building, is the only company lii
Omaha that rents boxes for the tale keep
ing of money. Boxes rent for U a
year or U fur three months.
Seaver Gathers Products D. Clem
Dcaver, head cf the lioineseekers Informa
tion bureau of the Hurlingto'i, has re
turned from the big 11m.ii la-sii:, wnerc he
has been gathering products for tlie Uuii
Ington's exhibk car. Mr. Deaver hastened
to Omaha to complete arrangement for a
heavy movement of hemei-oekers to the
Big Horn basin next Tuesday, when the
regular homeseekeis' lutes are In effect.
Mew Sloeitsrs Ars Popular The new
line of sleepers on the Northwestern from
Omaha to Huron, S. D., whereby Omaha
was given direct connection for the first
time with South Dakota towns, lias proven
so popular that the. Norlnw astern lias -clodded
to extend that line of sleepers im
mediately to Abeideen. In the futuic,
therefore, Omaha business men will have
a through sleeper from Oinana. to Aber
deen. Paka Affent Gets Ninety Days Although
managing to secure a number cf donations
on a lake advertising scheme by r. present
ing himself to be an agent of the "feder
ated Railway Employta," M. J. Contan
also becurid for I iiuseli a nfnely-day J i.
sentence, which wis meted out to him by
judge Crawford Saturday S.v
eral of Conlaa's viciiins were in poiici c-urt
to testify against him a;id included a njiu
ber of representatives ul the lar?-s whole
sale, houses of the city.
Tour Kuraoa Will to Giaf.nnteu Com
ili ting loo course oi niudy anu vvjtii In the
training school connected wltn the county
hospital, four young women will be gradu
ated from tho in:;tit;itiuii Tuesday evening.
The exercises will be held at the hospital
building r.nd will consist of an address by
Dr. Joseph Aiken, papers by the four can
didates and nuis.c. Kef reshntents will be
served afterward. The tour nurses who
will receive diplomaj ure Nannie Hallgien,
Grace Eeehe, Esther 'Coinpton and L,lbb.e
C. W. Stockton Renews Prisndshlps C.
V. SiocKton, asstsiaot to 1'ivsideiu lJudley
Evans of the Wells-Kurgu i;xine.. com
pany, is in the eily renewing f rionushlps he
made twenty yeais ago, when he was a
law student in Omaha. He read law with
Charles J. Greene and was admitted to the
bar here. He went Into tho office of Wtlls
Fargo At Co. when Mr. Evans was district
superintendent her.? and went with him
when he was promoted. "Omaha shows
wonderful Improvement in the last twenty
years," he said. "1 have been here ko sel
dom since 1 left that I have lost track of
many of my old friends. The city has
show n u marked Improvement "in the num
ber of new modern buildings hinee the time
1 was familiar with it."
Iteiperatr Sbootlnar
pains in the chest r juire emit k treatment
with Dr. King's New Diseovety. Prevents
pneumonia. 80c and $1.(0. lie at n Drug Cu.
When E. H. Harriman
'H'e .rt '.e iyi iunnewe'i;eyiM'JMemti.te.'j.m tpi
a 1 . , - .-
Chiffonier, in f?nld?n nak or
TnahogHtiy finish, tKKi
Krpnrh nljitr in i r
ror. vei y elegant
design. special
Hanltnry Si.t
steel frame,
vate making a full size bed,
fitted with spiral steel
This table In made of solid oak,
nicely polished. 4 massive legs,
turned and fluted, spacbnis top,
roomy drawer. It is a tremend
ous value and cannot be dupli
cated in Omaha at the price.
Iron Bed Speoial No. 1. These beds are
of handsome design, heavy posts and
chills, tViree coats naked m "7C
or enatnefl: oooular colors.
offered at ft - remarkable JP .
"Lizgo Roomy Kitchen Cablnst,. This
Cabinet is made of white maple, in the.
beautiful sat..i finish. It hua drawers.
.... ,,l...o p. la uli.tlt-,.' hre:irt :ml ll.e'Ut
lloaia:, tittii ri'ouiM nwui nu. rJJ
meal uiii.-. t. .- r.......... w .. ff
iiuestlonulily the greatest Cab- J .
inet nnrgain in uiiiin
Small iiatn Are the Itnlo l Conimer-
riel Iteunrts itnd Mnn Kae
1 torletc Itrnutnc Work,
NEW YORK, Sept. lJ.-K. (1. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Keview of Trade fays:
Small gains are t lie rule In tra :e report.',
although c'.iR'irres are ofteu InsiKnlficunt
and It is only in tne Hegregate that any
tangible progress can be discerned. Inter
ruption of a iiolidiy mail? c imimt isons with
the same week hist year unusually ad
verse, but industrial reports indicate ma
chinery that hud been Idle for months re
sumed after Labor day. Production of pig
iron is new at a higher rate than at any
previous time this year. Shipping depart
ments in all wearing unparel houses are
beginning to feel the pressure of demand
for fall and wilder trade. Depleted stocks
in the hands of country n-.erc-.iauts and cou-
Was Guest of the
iWJl!:'. WW
W x.
. m
'4 'V
StucUnt'a Table Z25
Solid Oak, for... J
Off pieces, most of them but good pieces every one of them. Some small
lots in furniture that we bought under favorable conditions and can't buy
again at equal prices so must close out the remaining design. Those who
come tomorrow will get the cream of the lot and get them at JUST HALF
- 1 Couches, made with angle
extra strong; both sides ele
Third Week
Dunbar Reversible Rags. Size 6x9
feet. These were included in the
ciuantity that came from the well
Known rirm or ttena-ei-Hon
Bros. & Co.
Choice of lot
Dunbar Reversible Rags. Size
Hx Hi-6. These were also included
in the Henderson purchase. The
patterns are rever
sible and are very
beautiful, at
Dunbar Reversible Rugs. Size 9x12
ft. From the Henderson purchase.
Hues that will give good service.
Large assortment or
patterns. Choice at
China Cabinet.
oak, bent end design,
double strength 'J:69
j fhience in steady Improvement In business
encourage producers, although actual con
tracts come forward conservatively.
Movement nf tf renin nnH Cotton Start
llUMiitess Iievlvul.
NEW VOHK, Sept. 12. Hradst reefs says:
The advance of the fall seascn a:nl thi
notahle et l irgenient of tho movement of
eeretils and cotton to market at good
prices have male tor futthet moderate
expansion in jelibiny I'.nd retail trade anil
cull' ct iotid. T'li.i i.-c si c' ial, v marked on
tl.e I'acllie coat utid froutuerti centeis, hut
the point is made that agricultural dis
tricts have done vely better than
large Industrial If es in toe matter cf re
tail trade, possibly bet au:ce of toe warm
weather or the reduced purchasing power
of city workers and the high prices paid
for faun products.
Husine-'-. failure's In the 1'nited States
for the week ended September lv number
Omaha Commercial
hj ; .' , "A
Will kLB I
m mm Si
"'A PIT A Ti IP)
BRASS y 75
This is a bed of superior quality, made with excep
tional heavy posts and tubing. It is of very handsome
design, and pleasing proportions. The massive pillars
and the great strength and durability will ensure your
satisfaction. These beds are finished with genuine
French Lacquer and will not. tarnish.
of tee Big SALE OF RUGS
Harford's Brussels Rugs. Size 9x12
ft. Made of splendid materials.
Colorings most reliable. There
were 3110 or these rugs,
we now price them
Brussels Rug's. . Size - 6x9 ft.
These were included in the lot of
rugs secured at such a deep cut
in price rrom the
Harford Carpet Co.
Choice of the lot
Harford Brussels Rugs. In size
S-3xl0-3. Of firm weave, and
very durable. You can take your
piek-or thin lot or
rugs at about half
real worth only ....
Solid Oak Buffet. Massive design, ct
carved ornamentations, shapely tjp,
plate mirror, large, roomy
drawers and compartment.
's none too early to be thinking
1!, as against Jpi In.t week. 172 in the
like week of 1W VA In 19Ri. 1-.S In Ift and
1G7 in ll. Tlie total reported this week
is the smallest noted since lasl October.
Failures in Canada lor the w-k number
21, which compares with 17 last week an
2J In this week 'aat e-ar.
Wheat, including flour, exports from th
Civiied riatea and Canada for tlie week
ended September 10 aagregate 3,I2,-K'S fcu..
hs against 5.3: C.i'Lii lust we k and 5.'J '1 .S'iti
tt is v.eek lust year. K' r the eleven w."'ka
fi:ded Septembe-r hi. this year, the exior's
ate 3,7'iti. bu., as against 34.50.i.'S2 in the
corre.sponellna rioel lot re:n.
Corn expotts for the; wek are 45 t1 bu ,
as against 1o,(l last week and h?7,!3i in
1S 7. For the ele ven weeks ended S"ptetn
iter 10 the corn exports tire 512, oSi iet., a
atainsi 3 3.S1 1,815 in tho fame period host
Dr. rtos", Dentist, 415 Barker U'.o. k.
The l'Xeented Mr. XVn.
Of the famous Wu Ting-fang, who
lnl i..' j. k-t - -
J - V
k.e &
A "
ft '
' -in w
; ".UK
Velour Couch AU steel spring construc
tion, upholstered in imported
veiUUIB, 8UI1U (JUIV ftUtll
Uuvliu uuwvssv,r, "I"-4-'"' I
Wilton Velvet Rugs. Size 6x9 ft.
SB Included in the purchase of
the Harford Co. They are made
with high pile and are f 17C
soft and luxurious. II"
Choice of the lot at "
Harford's Wilton Velvet Rugs.
Size 9x12 ft. You positively never
were orrerea a Dener wnton vel
vet Kug for the
money before. Choice
of the lot at
Axmlnster Ruga. A part of the
big Harfard purchase, made in
of the
nade in
test ma-
size 9x12 feet. Made of best ma
terials and recom
mended for dura
bility. Special at . .
Combination Hook Case-
Solid oak, roomy book com
partments, fancy
shape mirror.
said to have become) a recent convert to
vegetaranlsm. a Washington correspond
ent said the other day:
" Vegetaranlsm may strengthen Mr.
Wu's body; iis brain requlr. no ionic. A
more brilliant mind doesn't exist. In my
lasl inlerMe.v with Mm he tattled off. as
you or 1 would rattle off weather talk,
these epigrams:
" 'lie wiio e xpects to find pleasure in
vice and boredom in virtue is si ill a novice
In Iwith.'
" 'The most timid woman has courage
enough to talk scandal.'
" 'The rich meet relations in the most
distant foreign lands, hit; the poor man
can hardly find them In his own family.'
" The prison, though Iock'd day and
night, is alwavs full.' "Washington Star.
o rner Now, Crops Are Too
I'nr Advanced, Says J. M.
"The corn of Nebraska Is almost beyond
the reach of frost." said John M. Daugh
rty. who tame In from his ranch in western
Nebraska Saturday morning. "There Is
not ten acres of corn on my ranch, which
would be Injured if frost was to cooi'
now, but, of course, this weather Is till
fine for corn and there don't seem to be
much prospect for frost for n while."
I'nited State's Marshal Warner, who finds
time in the Intervals of his arduous duths
I'l'll till1, Willi ii
I 1 I T,j IB, If". ;l,l IHt.-U IT! Ul II ,.
v-iWiMm, mm m. mxmmwm ssw
WOMAN owes it to herself, her family and
posterity to be beautiful well kept teeth
lend an added charm of beauty to the face
1mm wwmwm
cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth,
without injury prevents tooth decay and
imparts purity and fragrance to the breath
Solid Oak Dresser, mn.le of
the best seleeti'd mat r!.'tl,
fancy shape mlr- c ?f.Cl
ror. elabora iolv 1UW
carved, extra lJr .
BK-e itt i .(.,,
Pedestal Kxtwnslon
Table. Solid Oak.....
This table is very massive in
design, with extra heavy base
and carved feet. Mido in a
most thoroughly dependable
manner and lit ted with Han
man s ciifv
sr if it n 11 v KliaoE'' !' c i n 1 1 j
I! U I 1 W I rll(li "'l-s week.
Iron lied Special J. Heds arr of very
attractive design. popular colors,
two sizes: 4ft. 6-in. and r in
3 ft. 6-ln.; heavy posts;
extra special
(f-Hole Steel Itane Complete with
warming closet, made of Hessemer
cold rolled steel, tiFbostoa - -jc
lined, large square oven, P W
reduced to si LI
to look after his farm up near Dale ta City,
brought down a couple of wimples of Reed
yellt.w dent corn grown on his place lids
season. The ears are ab...ut eiev 11 inch a
In length' and are lonipl. tely nil .1 from
butt 10 tip with solid, plump grains and ar.;
I erfect in e very pm tieular. He said:
"I jt-st ph ki il l hern cars nt random from
the field and believe that tills field of sixty
neres will eighty b.tsluds to the acre.
With two weeks more of the present c ''ii
mtiklng weather 9s per e.nt of the corn in
northeast Nebraska will bo out i f danger
from frost. We are rai.-ing pom.1 put;.
good potatoes up in that si-iiion. ! o. In
! fact the general crop pn'.-;r'"is up Ihe.u
are as good as I have rv. r kicwn them."
Ilui lillnii I'ci in it
A. llamat st rom. Iiiomii street, fra:ni
dwelling. .'." i; 11 J- Kit.-, liniein, Thlrl -sixth
a'll eiraial iiveriie. name dwellliig.
i..'jua; Frank Sevlck, TeiiH. ami Ik, mini, ,
streets, frame' dwelling. 1 ; J. A Sehamp.
8IR (iold street, frame dwelling, (i; c. t;
Carlberg. WV South Tl lrt -eighth avenue,
frame dwelling. J2,f.ij; S. F. Noble, T.ven
t i. Ill tind Houlevanl streets, frame dwelling.
I.',:; S. F. Nevle. Twentie th and Houh -vard
streets, frame dwelling. $:,.'; Min.
Megeiit, Twenty-filth and Valley streiis.
addition to dwelling, Jl.te; A. I.. Patrick.
I-"'rt v-seeond and Dodge sire. ts. frame
dwelling. U.Mt; A. I.. I' Forty
s eond and Dodge streets. Heme dwelling,