Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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EkaiiiM Mew fflmfe-CIass
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Bishop Mclntyre Will Preach at the
Hanscom. Park Methodist.
Mops at Slanlon to l'reslde Over the
AiihobI Meetlha' and Turn Pro
rrrdt to U 1'aal, 1IU
iew Horn.
Hishop Rolicrt Mclntyre will preach Sun
day at the Hanscom Parle Methodist
ciundi. Hishop Mclntyre Is one of the
new bishops chosen by the Methodist
church at Its lust general conference In
ISultlmorc. . 1 le iq lute ot Los Angeles and
in nowW Ms" way to his new residence,
St. I';uil. While In Nebraska he will eon
duct a conference at Stanton. He is a
powerful pulpit orator and la new to the
people ot Omaha.
llnnscun. Talk Methodist Kplscepal
church:1 '
v" ' Morning.
I'relud.v Question Wolstenhnlme
Anthm-Jubllate Dio Ne In
f y Intermezzo .. Cacllerts
holo -AN hiu Are These that Are Ar-
ra'ec . iirown
Miss Mattel Fulton.
lVFtlule-lrocesslunal March Clark
i'lelu It Answer Wclstenholme
Anihnii-Th.- 1-ord is Exalted West
i )liertur Mediation Flagler
Sulu Jc. usulem lJak
Mr. Charles Lang.
Poatljde Tncrata ) Hois
Mr. Charles Zadlna.
Mr. l ea li. Ivrata, cbolrma-itcr.
Announcement Is made that the evening
services at the church of St. Phillip the
Deacon,' will be held at 8 o'clock Instead of
6 o'clock until further notice.
At the First Methodist Episcopal church
Sunday night Rev. Frank L. Loveland will
speak from the theme "Bartering Birth
rights in" -Omaha." Dr. Loveland has been
making some Investigation In Omaha and
will discuss his observations In th sermon.
Y. W. C. A. Jtrm.
The formal opening of all the class work
has been planned for October S. The edu
lational and reception committees have a
surprise in sior lor memtera ana menus
of th association In the program of that
evening, which will be announced later.
The' gymnasium will not open until the
new building la ready, but gymnasium
members are asked to take sum other
class wprk in the rooms this fall I'nex
piren' tickets will be honored when the
gymnasium opens In the new building for
the rull extern of the missing weeks this
fall. '
The National training center for young
women desiring to become association sec
retaries will not be opened In Omaha until
the spring V rm on account of the need of
the new building with Its full equipment
for this work, other training renters will
bt Cleveland, Detroit and Minneapolis.
Thesa will ull be open for ths fall term.
Miss Ethel Hen.iee. the new extension
and ' Industrial secretary, assumes her
duties in Omaha Monday. The Business
Oirls' club will give a picnic In her lienor
Thursday evening, and the Sunshine Circle
will silso greet her with a picnic Friday
evening Miss Hendee will Immediately
assiiuie the responsibility of the work In
the factories of the city formerly carried
on bj Miss Bertha M. Schweltisr.
All class work In the educational, domes
tic arts and Bible departments will open
toe week beginning October 5. Among the
classes offered along the educational line
are the following: German, beginning and
advanced, by Miss Susan Paxon of Omaha
high school; studies of the comedies of
ci .i...,,..,. v.v Miss Florence Mclluvn of
the ijmaha High school; h"'"" methods
fr voung stenographers, by Miss Prances
M Orttleiwleii. educational director, sight
reading and vocal music, by Mrs. Lena
Ellsworth Dale; expression and training of
the human voice, by Miss Marlon M. Mi's
urn. and English for forelsrn speaking girls
bv rs. Josephine Carroll of the Omaha
,ul.l7c school.. Tim committee will hv
something special to offer In a few days in
the wav of domestic arts. Including dres
loaklDK. millinery. dress accessories.
"? d lace, ha.ketrv. tooled lea her
etc T"hB Bible cotirw will aUo be outlined
In ttiy near future.
T. K. C A. Natea. ,
Friday evening the hoy's department will
givt) reception to high school boys.
Registration and physical examinations
for gymnasium classes have been going on
In If st week.
Joe Der Klndern. Young Men's Christian
pssiclatlon aerrea-v r.f the t'niversily of
g.braaka. vhjits hre three days of last
J am.
Our extensive showing of new Fall Suits
includes bath strictly tailored mannish
styles, and the more elaborate semi-tailored
suits with oddly cut ccats braid and button
trimmed wide reveres and square cut direc
toire frents and long close-fitting skirts.
Classy New Suit
Splendid suits that will please
long coat styles, satin lined; In fine grade,
worsteds and fancy broadcloths; perfectly
tailored skirts made wide and full, extra
ordinary value at
Women's New $25 Suits
We have labored lor months to
make litis collection perlect.
We have 35 new styles at this price. They are made from the
newest and handsomest materials obtainable tailored as well
as any $25.00 suits on the market. We are proud of this beau
tiful assortment of high class
you'll be proud to war one.
jour inspection, compare with
shown elsewhere, special at
Charming New Suits at $35.00
In this assortment you will find the best examples yet produced
of the modified Directolre models. Also foCf f A
scores of plain tailored styles In the finest W 'JL III!
broadcloths and novelty worsteds In all the TlBPtf All If
new colorings, splendid values v
week. He was on his way t Lincoln to
take up his work utter a summer's vaca
tion spent in Indiana.
The Boy's Political club met Friday even
ing and iliHcuss.-d politics in the real live
cltixen fashion.
Thto gymnasium will be closed from Mon
day until Thursday to allow repairs pre
paratory to opening for fall work.
Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday
afternoon the boy's department will give
a reception to seventh and eighth giade
boys only.
The educational dopartm -nt gve' i din
ner on last Frlduy evening lo I no .isoc!
tion Institute faculty. Plans for the com-,
ing school year wero discussed.
J. P. Bailey, state Young Men's Christian
association secretary, was present last weeK
at the opening of the new Fremont Youiit,
Men Christian association ounaing.
Rev. J. F. Poucher, pastor of the Sowant
Street Methodist Kplscopal church, will art
drees the men's meeting Sunday afternoon
on the subject, "Grinding at the Mill."
J. C. Tentland, with fourteen men, wrnt
to Fremont Thursday, where they put on u
gymnasium exhibition at the opening of the
new Young Men's Christian association
Saturday evening a conference of seventh
anil eighth grade teachers and principals
was held In the association building under
the auspices of the boy's department. Hoy
problems were discussed.
Considerable Interest has already been
manifested in the vocal class and Glee club
which are going to be carried on this year.
Prof. Kratx, who hus charge of this work,
says many good men are lining up for the
two courses.
Friday evening a meeting will be held
In the association building for all those who
are interested in electricity. The teachers
of telephony and electricity In the institute,
will be present and will outline the courses
of study for the coming year.
Last Thursday evening the boy'a depart
ment cave a bannuet to the various com
mittees and workers among the boys. U. U.
W'alluce made the address of the evening,
which was full of enoouruRement and suk
geatlun for the coming year's wont. Tut
various committees mudi their reports at
the banquet.
Miscellaneous Announcement.
First Presbyterian, Dodge and Seventeenth,
Rev. Kdwln Han Jinks, D. D., Pastor
Morning service at K:3u; Sunday school at
noon; Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:4a
p. ni.
First Congregational, Nineteenth ami
Davenport Service at 10:SO a. m. The pas
tor, having returned from his vacation on
the roast of Maine, will preach on "The Sea
Is His.
North Side Christian, Twenty-second and j
tyu imi 11 .1 K Irschsteln. Paslor Kegular
church services at 10:i a. in. and p. m. ;
Bible school at 13 in.; Christian Endeavor
at p. in.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Forleth and
Nicholas Preaching at 10:3a a. m., and In
tlie evening by the pastor, Rev. Nathaniel
Mclllffin. New choir under direction ot
Prof. Burton.
People's, Charles W. Savidge. ratr
Mornina. "Do I'oreian Mishlolis
Evening. "The lloslin Tragedy Shojld Bd
a Note of Warni-ig. ' Prof. Mellea nasim.; gospel meeting inursiay, e p. m.
chargo ot the music.
All Saints. Twenty-sixth and Dewey Ave
nm Rev. Rufus v. Clark of Detroit.
Mich., will conduct the seivic.-s. Ho y c-tn-munion
al 7:3o a. m. ; morning prayer and
sermon al 11 a. m. ; Sunday sehooi at 9:45
a. m.
MiCaLa Methodist Episcopal. Farnam and
Fortieth, J. Narver Gortner, 1'aslor
t'reachlug by the pastor at 11 a. in. and at
8 p. in. Morning theme, "Souls In Cap
tivity;'' evening theme, "The Secret of
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational. St.
Mary's Avenue and Twenly-seenth Morn
ing worship at 10:30 o'clock. Serman by
the pastor. Rev. L. O. Balrd. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor ai
(:3o o'clock p. m.
Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal,
Twenty-ninth and Woolwortb Avenue, R.
Scott Hyde, l'astor Robert Mcln
tyre, D. D., formerly of Lus Angeles, Cal.,
will preach al lu.JU a. m. Evening service
at 8. Sermon by the pastor.
St. Mark's English Lutheran,' Twentieth
and BurdclU. L. Groh, Pastor Sei vii es
Sunday: lu:4o a. in., seimon' by Rev. Rod
bel; Sunday fenool at 1- ni. ; young people,
7:1a p. m. No evening (ervke; pastoi at
s nou meeting at Hardy. Neu.
First United Brethren, Nineteenth and
Lotnrop, Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, Pastor
Sunday seliool at 10 a. m. ; preaching at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subjects. - The Ettecls
of Righteousness ' and "The Results of
Labor, " class meeting at noon.
Cburih of the Covenant, Twenty seventh
and Pratt. Rev. R T. Bell, Pastoi Preach
ing at 10:3o a. ni and p. m. babhatu
school at noon. Young People s Sociely of
Chrlstikn Enueavor at ; p. in. Prayor meet
ing and Bible study Wednesday evening
ai i.
Hillside Congregational, Thirtieth and
Ohio, Rev. Herbert L. Mills, Paslor Morn
ing worship at 10 30. Subject, "A Chris. Ian s
Investment ' Sunday school at noon.
C oris lsn ft idtavor at 7 p. m , at the even
ing service at 8 o clock Mr. Bliss, a mis
sionary, will speak.
First Gi.rniun Free Evangelical
and Dorcas Services at 10 a. in sn.l
7.30 p- ut.. conducted by Lev. F. H. W.
Models at $191s
the most exacting woman. New
suits, and
We invite
$35 suits
Bruechert, paslor. with sermons on phases
of present-duy platy and Christianity; Bible
school at 2:m p. m.; expository Bible study
iv euiiesiiay ai a p. in.
1 M II a rreshvter an. Twentieth a no
Leavenworth preaching by Rev. Charles
Herron, D. D., at llrii a. m. and 8 p. in.
sabbath sschool at 9:30 a. in.. Young
j ci.yio . auc.viy oi tnristian fc.ndeavoi, 7
p. in. Brotherhood Bible class taught by
xiui. cierruii, y;4u a. m.
First Methodist Episcopal, Twentieth and
uaveiipun, jnev. t. l.. Lajveland. D. D.
rastor Preaching at 10:30 a. in., theme,
nave me rami or Uoii," and at 8 p. m
subject, Bartering Birthrights In Omaha
or, a -Modem Example of an Ancient
irsgeay. KOtn sermons by the pastor,
First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Har
ney, S. D. Dutcher, Pastor Bible school
at noon. W. A. De Bord, superintendent
Dr. C. C. Smith of Cincinnati, O.. will
preach at 10:3u a. m. The pastor will preach
at X p. ni. Christian Enueavor at 7 p. m.
Teachers' training class at 7:3o Wednesday
Church of St. Philip the Deacon. Twentv
first, near Paul, Rev. John Albert Wllliuins,
itector 1 hlrtecnth Sunday after Trinity
Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Matins at
10:3' i a. in. Holy communion and sermon
at 11 a. m. Sunday school and catechism
at l.':4a D. m. Evensong and sermon at
German Immanucl Baptist, Twenty-fourth
and Blnney, Hev. W. F. Raebei, Pastor
Dedication of church at 11 a. ni preaching
.nev. u. i(iruun, uenrge, lu. ; p. ni.
English service sermon by Rev. P. H. Me
uowell; 7 p. m., Baptist Young People
union of the slate; 8 p. m., preaching by
iev. j . joroan.
Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F,
reunian, 1'astor Sermon by the pastor
10M5 a. m. oung peoples meeting at 7:30
p. in. Evening service at 8. Sunday school
No. 1, Tenth and Arbor, ut noon. Sunday
school No. 2. Fourth and Cedar, at 3:30 p.
m. Sunday school No. 3, Thirteenth and
William, at 3:30 p. ni.
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
M. V. Hlghee, Paslor Morning worship at
lo:. Tin. me, "Love, Life and Exaltation."
Sabbath school at noon. Young People's
society at V p. m. Evening worship at 6.
Theme, "The Life Worth While." Young
people's meeting at 7:50 Wednesday evening.
Subject, "Our Sunday Schools."
liTiinanuel Baptist, r-enty-fourth and
Pinkncy, Phllltus H. McDowell, Pastor
The pastor will preach morning and eoi
lng; 10:30 a. m., "Where the Work oi the
ixird Lags;" 8 p. m., "Defenseless In lie
lay of Battle;" Bible school at noon; the
Boys' Young People's union at 7; player
meeting Wednesday evening at 8.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Twenty
first and Blnney, E. T. George, Pantnr
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.i pleaching a-rvice.
ltt:4a a. m.; Epworin league, 7 p. m. ; preach-
ing ,ervlce. a p. m
Subject. "Missions
in oPrto Rico," illustrated with sierein
ticon. by E. E. Wilson, who for the n
seven years was missionary there. Piayer
meeting, Weanecduy, S p. ni.
First Baptist, Twenty-ninth avenue and
Harney, Rev. J. W. Conley, Pastor 8 :rv. ei
at 10:3i a. in. and 7:3 p. m. ser
mon, "Reasons for Noncnureh Atttnaance."
Evening, ' The Courage of Jesus. ' Sunday
school at noon; Young People's meeting at
S:30 p. m. Bethany branch Fust Baptist,
3ti3 1-cavenw'orih Sunday si houl at 3
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Hamil
ton, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastoi SeiMi t s at
10:30 a. m. and 8 p. in.. The pastor will
preach and special music nil! be rendt rej
by l lie quanei cuoir. rjuue scuoni at j
in.; Young People's meeting at 7 p. rn.
Wednesday. 8 p. m , mid-week services.
Calvary Baptist branch. Thirty-fourth and
Seward Sunday, 3.30 p. in.. Bible cho..;
Friday, i p. ni., Devotional aeiviie.
Central I'nlted Presbyterian, Twenty
fourth and DoiUe, R. B. A. McBiide, D. J.,
Paslor .Morning worship at lu:3a. Stinion
subject, "A Study of Some Occasions When
tlie Spirit Came I'pon Men." Evening wor
ship al 8. Sermon subject, "The I'ncnung
ing Christ." Sabbath school at noon. Young
People's Christian union at 7 p. m. Teach
ers' meeting at 7 p. m. The lesson for the
following Sabbath will be taught by Will
lain Halrd.
Casiellar Presbyterian. South Sixteenth
and Casiellar. Rev. Ralph H. Houseman,
Minister Morning worship at 10:3o; sub
ject, "Christian. What a Chance!" 8 p. ni..
subject. 'The Strain of Square Living;
tile Bible school meets at noon; the Chris
tian Endeavoreis al 7 p. m. Ontario and
Park Forest chapels In Bible school ses
sion at 3 p. m. The paslor will speak at
tlie latter at 3:4S; Wednesday at 1.15. sub-J.-ct.
"That Which Should Be Emphasised
In Casiellar Church."
A Fladle Charm Vane.
One of the most curious vanea to be
on any church in Great Britain is al Great
Uoiicrby, a parish adjoining Grinihsm
It is In the form of a fiddle and a b
and la unusually large. Its hisury la cu
rious. Miriy years ago a peasant resljed
In fiieat Gcnerby who eked out u rajdeil
livelihood by performing on an old vit-1 n
which was almost a part of his 1 fe. At
last he decided to emigrate, and out in
the far west prospered and became a rich
One day he sent to the clergyman at
Gnat Gunerby a sum sufficient to build a
church, and attached to the gift ih curi
ous condition that a ni"tal r p ica of his
Id ft, till and bow shnu'.d l e on Ihe sum
mit or the eu rice. I ho girt was aceepiej
1 and th, vane may still be seen on flu
chui ch Luiiiju Siaadurd.
hwiimhi,iii i awn iiiMihiiiWi,m,J. 1
1 mi ,.
Why the Republican Party Should
Be Successful in November.
toustrarllve Progress la the Past aa
Asanranre of Greater Progress
In l atin I ader llrpab
llraa Rale.
The prise of $1 offered by the repub
lican congressional committee for the best
artkle of 1.50) words or less on "Why the
Republican Party Bhould Be Successful In
November." has been awarded Frank Hen
drlck of New York City.
Several thousand manuscripts wera sub
mitted In the competition. One reading re
duced the number to v 200, and out of this
number twenty were chosen for submis
sion to the Judges Ellis H. Roberts, ex-
treasurer of the United States; John A.
Sielcher. editor of Leslie's Weekly, and
Henry L. Stoddard, editor of the New York
Evening Mall. A unanlmo is decision In
lavor of Mr. Hcndrlrk was rendered by the
Mr. Henurlck Is a graduate of Harvard
college, a member of the New York Cnlon
League club and a lawyer. He has been
active In politics In the Twenty-ninth as
sembly district and waa the candidate of
the Independence league for congress in
the Thirteenth dlstrirt In 1906.
The pi lie-winning paper follows:
1. The Tarty of Kapanstoa.
The republican party was founded upon
ihe principle that this government was
established to protect for all times the
rights and opportunities ot every Indi
vidual from abridgment. That principle
it has successfully maintained. Through
the clvel war It consecrated a reunited
country to'frce and equal American cltlien-
hip. It has kept the channels of Inter
state commerce open for all, and, through
the Yiatlonal banking system, the refund
ing of the national debt, resumption of
specie payments, the gold standard and
the emergency currency law, has sustained
the life current of national Integrity.
As trustee of the national wealth It has
Investigated mineral regions, surveyed
soils, developed waterways, including the
Panama canal, Irrigated deserts, conserved
watersheda and husbanded the public lands.
Protecting American labor by regulating
immigration and by taking at the custom
house, to pay American taxes, foreign cap
ital's advantage from low wages. It has
preserved to American Industries the home
market of 80,000,000 of the world's greatest
consumers and so laid the surest basis
for American competition In foreign mar
kets. Uniting capital and labor, thus. In a
common prosperity and common source of
increased reward, It has created oppor
tunities, Improved conditions of employ
ment, brought about a higher standard of
living and more widespread distribution of
wealth and well-being, and made expansion
moral as well as material.
Entrusted with Insular possessions, It
has brought them peace and progress, and
provided for the extension and protection
of Ameiiran trade, for the national defense
and for the honorable discharge of the
responsibilities ol world greatness. Main
taining peace at home, with foreign nations-and
among them, It has given Ameri
can rights and American opportunities new
meaning . throughout the nation and
throughout the world.
II I'srly of Proavrras and Prosperity.
Promising progress and prosperity, it has
beon politically sincere. It has never had
a candidate of a section, prejudice, or class,
nor a platform of negation, scheme or re
pudiation, program of scuttle, ' or doctrine
of despair. It has -never lent Itself to a de
mand for revolution, to be followed by re
action and retrogression, It has stood firm
for evolution by constsnt, steady and en
during progress. . Finding trusts, giant
born, flourishing under supposed conflict
of state and national law, the double pro
hibition of existence serving but to foster
their development. It has never, In an at
tempt to destroy trusts, withdrawn. In
state or nation, the protection of law from
property, but has, through executive In
vestigation and resort to the courts, re
solved the conflict which had silenced law
and given trusts existence.
It has never proposed to advance Ameri
can workingman and American Institutions
by banishing American Industries and
building up those of other lands, and
soorned to Insult labor with an illusory
promise of immunity from law. Yet It
passed the pure food law and the em
ployers' liability law, secured equal accom
modations on railroads, aided agri
culture, created the civil service, estab
lished free rural mail delivery', reduced
foreign postage, and Increased pensions.
Continuing naturally marked-out progress.
It will keep Its pledges of tariff readjust
ment, currency reform and development of
the merchant marine, and make the United
States the flnsncinl center as It has made
It the Industrial center of the world.
Ill The Constructive Party.
In the evolution by which party govern
ment has become the extra-constitutional
method of securing responsibility to tlie
people, the republican party has become
their traditional representative and the'
democratic party the organized aspiration
of Individuals for power without responsi
bility. Fairly tried, from 1893 to 1W6, the
two democratic houses and the democratic
pnsldent were a "wild team" and a help
less driver. Democracy agitates local dif
ferences, republicanism organises the na
tional idea. In 1S63 the people were com
mitted to the cause of human liberty; the
Idea of "liberty and union" expanded for
tiie first time Into the reality of the Ameri
can nation.
In PS79 money was committed to a specie
basis; specie was at oni-e, until 1S93. no
longer sought, and government bonds
went to a premium at the reduced rate of
Interest. In 1S9S business nun were again
committed to confidence; before a slngh?
statute was enacted pr sperity set in and
in ten years bank deposits almost trebled
a permanent pain which the recert
panic, a "state of mind" now completely
dispelled, scarcely touched. In l'Oi busi
ness was committed tJ fHir methods; with
out compulsion violations largely ceased.
The republican party, at each prl'd.
sounded tlie public coi scii lice, felt the
national pulse, framed Ha policies In
response, and realized in law the dominant
American Id-a. Its 'ontructlve past as
sures Its constructive future. It Is today
as It always has 'been, "The Party Fit to
IV The Party of Statesmen.
Tlie party cf statesmanship, it has been
the training school of statesmen. Its
policies have been forged In the heat of
public discussion, tempeied In the delib
eratlin and shaped in the conflict of
many trained minds, and drawn and
finally wrought for the country's welfare.
Dominating Its niemlx-rs through prin
ciple.. It assures unity l:i government; its
staunches! partisans have made the great
est contributions to rationn! progress.
The roster of Its leaders is tha national
roll of honor of public service.
V taadldates and Platform.
Republican stinds today for progressive
policies In safe hands. By solving the con
structive pnblems of woild power In Ihe
last two administrations, William H. Taft
taught the world cur rapacity aud us his
own. In all constructive legislation for
twenty years James 8. Slierman bus been
VOL. IX. NO. 323.
Estimates of Nebraska's Farm
Wealth This Year Fixed at
Butter. Eggs and Poultry Bring
$15,000,000 More to
Farmers' Pockets.
ALFALFA VALUE $10,000,000
t Fruits snd vege- :
I table $ 5,000,000 '.
t Corn 125,000,000 !
: Wheat 35,000.000 I
1 Oats 25,000,000 :
t Barley and rye... 6,000,000 t
t -Potato 6,000,000 t
Qraaa, hay and :
: alfalfa 80,000,000 :
: :
: Total $232,000,000 :
. . , ,
Nebraska crops this year will be
worth at least 1232,000,000
This Is the estimate of Omaha rail,
road tben thoroughly familiar with
conditions, throughout the atate and
who state they, are conservative in
their figures.
Thla amount does not Include the
returns from butter, eggs, poultry and
cream, which are estimated as worth
$16,000,000 to the farmers of the
Already the railroads are beginning
to feel the effect of the crop move
ment and anticipate an Immense
business once the movement begins
in earnest.
' The railroad estimate Is based on
45,000,000 busheh of wheat. 220,000.
000 bushels of corn. 65,000.000 bushels
of oats. 10.000,000 bu3hels or barley
10,000,000 bushels of potatoes arid
1,600,000 tons of .Haifa raised on
400.000 acres
The value of the alfalfa crop alone
is estimated to be close to fiOOoO.OOO
1311-1313 Farnam Street
a leader. In the records of the republican
candidates as well as In the platform arc
written the story of tho nation's prog
ress and the reliance of the future.
A democratic president or a democratic
house would turn back those puje; there
after Bryunism would record "Destruc
tion." Tills the republican state could not
prevent. I'nder Taft and tfhermun and a
republican congress the great progress of
the past will be held and the greater prog
ress of the future will be assured.
tourre f Some Henl Blessings, I
rludlnir 'lb In tfs Too I. ale to
Ohio Is the meet versatile and prollflo
state In the I'nlon, according to the Ohio
Magazine, which of coursj must know.
For Instance: j
In Columbus they make more buggies,
thun anywhere else on earth. Also, wher
ever one sees an American citizen res.jhn
dnt in regalia or a uniform, or even wear
ing a modest llitle bavig.". the chances are
ninety-nine out of a hundred that his
adronmcnt came from the capital city.
In Toledo aie vast enterprises In man
ufacturing, of the type commonly (ailed
industrial, and there Is made also the finest
CJl slats produce I anywhere.
Al Marion aie made ttie s.eam shovels
that have developed the Interior uf Sibe
ria and South America and are now busy
with their great Jaws uniting the two
uc.ans across the Isthmus of l'anama.
The little illy of Coshocton turns out
more advertising novelties than any other
place in nduin. Compute these trl
1 le i wltli the Iron horses from the shops
of Co liiivvo.d and tlie vast products of
stetl and Iron from Lorain and Ironton.
We turn lo art In the unrivalled Hook-
o d pul.eih's of Cincinnati and the tine
and ustful ware produced at East I,ivr
pool and Zuucsvillc.
The little town uf Delaware is not
counted as an active volcano on the map,
but It won immortal fame and eternal
grutltude by giving the Delaware grape.
Hpllngtield Is noted the World over tor
Is aiihulturai manufactures, but it Is
even entitled to greater renown because It
( more t owers than are grown In '
any other one place on both hemisphere, j
Millions of roses and other flowtrs go
annually from bpringfield to brighten ths
gurdens and the homes of the world
Perhaps halt the hoarded wealth of
America is In safes made In Canton and lure8- ana ' assists In disposing- of tho refuse and waste matters of the system by
Cincinnati. the constant evaporation that goes on through these little tuljes. To perform these
Akron gives the world the greater part "uU t"es and fibres which connect and surround the pores and glands must be
of Its breakfast food, and Incidentally fntlaaIIy nourished by pure blood. When from any cause the circulation becomes
takes a large part of the world s rubber nfected inpntiea and humors. It loses its strengthening- powers and begins to
.apply disease and irritate the delicate tissues, and produces lvczema, Acne, Tetter, or some
Down in Chilli, oli.e and Clrclevlll. they 'i trUb'f- a.a.rS CUPM fk,n very kind by
can o.,e-,ouh of .11 the corn preserved l't WCulaUon ,d nentra lain and removing the impurities
In the rnlted States T 11 ci,anJ?e? tlie quality ot the blood to a cooling, healtfl-prorlucing stream,
In Newark and l'loua are tu.nnd W of irnuting and inflaming the skin, cures and nourishes it by its
Move I I.Tnumershle to warm th- L? oothln. healthful qualities. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., may 1 used for any tern
stoves Innumerable to warm the house- porary comfort they afford, but skin diseases cannot 1 cured until S. a & has purified
hole, c f tl . an j and each the Using fern- Qi. blood. Book OO Skia and any medical ..It ice free to all who wrife
" a'u a'.: the IX.' wtiid ,h. to ?? SWlFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA OA.
heeir-Up Rflairy
What's the use of crying; when Nebraska shows
up with such a crop report. Ought to be proud of
the old state when after a season of setbacks (we
will forget them now) she makes good and assures
every last one of her sons and daughters of more
than a plenty for the coming year.
Since Xcbrnskn lias nssurotl nil of us of an
abundance of spare cash for this season why not
think and with the thinking decide that at least a
portion of this surplus capital will be devoted to
furthering the future welfare of your family.
We know of no bettor way to do this than to pur
chase a guaranteed piano at thin season of the year.
Be sure tho' that in selecting the piano it is a thor
oughly good instrument in every way. Don't be
deceived by a gaudy exterior or a flashy finish. If
there is any question about the reliability of its man
ufacture, leave it alone, no matter how good it may
look on the outside.
Our experience in the piano business is freely
offered to you with the view of helping you to secure
a thoroughly dependable instrument. Rest assured
that we will advise you right. We know every pit
fall and trap laid for the unsuspecting purchaser,
by the dealer who wishes to sell a cheap piano. See
us, secure our advise, then if you wish to buy we
will be glad to sell you any instrument you select.
In any event our advice and suggestions will be made
in good faith and be of great value to you.
We are in a position to save piano buyers con
siderable money. Would like to tell you about this
saving and show you our latest stvles of STEIN
& MUELLER PIANOS. There is no stock anywhere
u the west to equal ours in quality or in size. The
.best thing of all is that our prices are not to be
matched anywhere else.
You are cordially invited to visit our store this
week. You will feel more than repaid after you have
spent a few minutes looking our 11)09 styles over.
Free Souvenir this week to every visitor.
Some Bargains in Used Pianas
$400.00 Frazier, present price $165.00
$:J75.00 Wheelock, present price 175.00
$275.00 Arion, present price 125.00
$400.00 Camp & Co., present price 180.00
$350.00 J. and C. Fischer, present price. . 200.00
$1275.00 Kimball, present price 95.00
Tcrms-SlO.OO Down and S1.03 a Week
carry human and other cargoes, but In the
thriving town of Washington Court Houso
tho people content theincolvea In promoting
another and an earlier form of carrying
traue, by maintaining theie one of l lie.
largest horse markets In ine world.
Shoes in Ohio are turned out by the
mil Ions, and Urn list of shoe factories and
4 lie towns they lurgely support Is endless.
In Sandusky they make aa good wine as
Is produced in the l.'riltrd Stuies and rlvul
the foreign article the excellence cf
their vlmage. Aa for beer, the breweries i
.... . , i
urd still legion, notwithstanding the dry-
ntss of the criei. Meanwhile In Newark,
for the accommodation of these and other
Industries, are made more botths than any
where else on earth or In Mars, so far as
wo know.
At the same time the volume of all this
business and the greater part of the vol
ume of the whole world's retail buslntas
is recorded by the cash reglsvrs that are
made In Dayton.
Reverting again to Toledo, do they not
aKtonlsh the world with their airships? Dot
it not be said that Toledo Is up I nthe air,
because she is not; but her inhabitants arc
destined to get there first In the evolution
of aerial navigation.
The rural town of MUlersburg, in Holmes
county, raises (mor democrats to the
square inch than are produced on any
other spot beneath the cerulean concave,
and in Warren, the thriving metropolis of
Trumbull county, the same annual crop la
raised for the republicans; while in Cleve
land, under Tom D. Johnson, they manu
facture all kinds of politics while you wait.
I-Aitt, but not least, Xenla, the seat of
Greene county, challenges all America and
a part of Africa In the production of
But after all Is said the crop of which
Ohio Is proudest and for which It Is most
famous Is Its Labi. s. A poet has declared
that "tha hand, that rocks the cradle rules
the world," but It Is not so In Ohio, with
all duo respect to our noble motherhood.
When the Ohio baby passes the maternal
The skin is not aiuiply an outer covcrine
I P0" and K'anus it performs tlie great and
care he becomes president and does tha
ruling himself.
Indeed it is a great state the greatest
If you please. It ! the best place that Qod
has given man to live In, and as for the
leaving it, each and every one of us who
vas fortunate enough to be born a Huck
eye can only say, with Luclen Seymour,
who has so grauefully expressed the truth
of the situation:
When the burdens of life I am called to
lay down,
, .,,, "ol",' , y n umo-
I never could ask a more glorious crown
Than one of the Sod of Ohio.
And when the last trump wakes the land
and the sea.
And the tombs of the earth set their pris
oners free,
You may all go aloft If you choose, but
for me,
I think I'll just stay In Ohio.
t'ssskt la the Art
and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
bilious headache quits and liver and bowela
act right. Ta. Ueaton Drug Co.
Mrs. Malayrop Agsls,
The pious old lady, who, returning from
a visit to the zoo, aunounced that sue "si-
ways did enjoy a visit to the theological
gardens," or tne servant, who, describing
her master's last Illness, explained that tra
"doctors held a consolation and found that
It was something eternal," are lolh In
stances of malapropism In Its simple and
primitive form. The transition from one
word to another Is natural, the confutilon
ot Ideas Is excusable In the latter instance
a distinct sequence between the dual mis
statements lends to It a curious saiste of
something at once obvious- and edLLylng.
Such errors are on a level with the asser
tion of the lady who observed that whet
she was In Italy she "saw so many people
In the garbage of monks with tonsils on
their heads;'1 or of that more domestic
malaprop, w ho, having occasion ' to com
plain of her spouse being a martinx't In the
home circle, announced that her' husband
was a "perfect marmoset In his own
house," while for sheer simplicity of
phrase and conception few have surpassed
Punch's delightful old dame, who, with a
shrewd twinkle In her eye. Inquires
whether " 'soda water' should be written
as two separste words, or If there should
be a syphon between them." Albany Review.
of the hodv. but through lt thmnumii f
necessary work of reirulating our tempera-