Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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The Honorable Abraham Bandala, Governor' State of
Tabasco, Mexico, Recommends Pcruna Because It
lias Proven To Be An Efficient Remedy for
Catarrhal Diseases.
ta -7sT ra0 3 I pi)
Bartender Shoots Stranger Who'
Flashes Gun in His Saloon. ,
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street.
Pawnbroker ! the Heoler lie
Had Kern-in hie One that Wn
tolen from His Ibon-
New Furniture, Lace Curtains, Rugs
' '!! MS
. via
" - V
San Juan Bautlsta, Mexico.
The Pcruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, Ohio.
It gives rue pleasure to say that the persona who have used
Peruna for catarrhal affectlona have found It an efficacious cure, and one
worthy of recommendation.
You may use this letter In any way adapted to your Interests.
Yours very truly,
Abraham Bandala.
Other distinguished Mexicans have given
f-lmllar opinions regarding Peruna.
Prominent among, these men if universal
reputation Id Doctor Agustln Rivera, who
writes a follows:
Mexico City, ttlcxlco.
Tlie Peruna Medicine Co.
Gentlemen In view of the magnificent
results that I have obtained from the use
of your excellent remedy "Prrunu" In
several obstinate cases of nasal catarrh,
t take pleasure in writing you & testi
monial recommending it as the best medi
cine discovered for such cases.
I congratulate you on your splendid
preparation and hope to be the first to
recommend It to my many customers.
Accept this most sincere testimony, and
use It as you think best to reach those
who suffer from catarrh. I am glad to
sign myself as your sincere friend,
Ausustin Rivera, M. D.
Our Letter Box
Contributions an Umeiy topics Invited.
Writs legibly on one sld of the paper
only, with name and address appended.
Unused contributions will not be re
turned. Letters exceeding 300 words will
be subject to being cuf down at ths
discretion of the editor. Publication of
views of correspondents does not com
mit The bee to their endorsement
Uoethe, Faust and the Eighteenth
- OMAHA, Sept. 11. To the Editor of The
Bee: Kev. IJtshop Quayle will pardon me
If I take Issue with him on his views of
(J oc the and Faust In his recent lecture
at the Methodist Episcopal church a few
days ago. It Is an awful charge to make,
as he did, that the eighteenth century
was "inhuman and Immoral and that
(Joe the was Its true son."
Let us take a glimpse at the galaxy of
names that helped to make up the eight
eenth century and at the events of that
epoch, and we will see thut the above
charge of the reverend bishop has no
foundation to stand upon and must fall.
Ooelhe was a product of the eighteenth
century. In literature he held a place
as the successor to Voltaire,, the vivacious
Intelligence of the eighteenth century, and
of RoUHseau, the brooding sensibility of'
the same age; one aiming at ait emancipa
tion of the cold and stripped understand
ing, the other aiming at an emancipation
ot affection, deficient In sanity and
thought. Uoethe embodied In his writings
:he two forces of the two men, although
le differed from both. in his lyrical
vritlngs be Is a Rousseau; In his "Faust"
1 Voltaire. The new motto of that time,
'I'rnatur gegen Cnnatur" the "Natural
Against the I'nnatural" has been pro
Maimed by the fiery genius of Rousseau
Ike a new gospel, and Faust reflects
n it In Its full force. The theorist, the
vornotit creeds, the book learning, the
deallst. Is given way to communion
vtth nature, to the fount of life. Mcphlsto
jheles, the base realist and cynic, Is to
vecompany Kaust and mar the high poe
:ry of human life, to act as a spirit of
legation and to degrade and destroy the
ofty aspirations of the young Faust, who
s to enjoy life in Its full splendor, with
'ull freedom of thought and action. It
"The Blood U The Life."
Science has never gone beyond th
above simple statement of scripture. But
it hu Illuminated that statement and
given it a meaning ever broadening with,
the Increasing breadth of knowledge.
When the blood If "bad" or Impure It
is not alone the body which suffers
through disease. The bra I a Is al;o
clouded She mind and judgement are,
cTkcted.andlHny an evil deed or Impure,
thoghtvriirbSKrectly traced to tha
mpwtjnhDtftii KquI. Impure blood
T" be marie rmrc by I'l" Iff I lri
1'irrce's golden Me1ica llcoyeryL
r"ri'l)',y "'ril'",s the blood thereby
curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and
other cutaneous affections, as eczema,
tetter, i salt-rheum, hives and other
uanlfestations ot impure blood.
In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en
larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old
ores, the "Golden Medfcal Discovery "has
performed the raot marvelous cures. In
eases of old sores, or open eating ulcers,
it Is well to apply to the open sores Dr.
Pierce's AU-llcallng Salve, which pos
Fosses wonderful hca'.'.ng potency when
used as an application to the sores In con
junction with the use of "Golden Medical
Discovery " as a blood cleansing consti
tutional treatment. If your druggist
don't happen to have the "All-Healing
halve In stock, you can easily procure IS
by inclosing nfty-fonr cents In pottage
mmp to Dr. H, V. Pierce, 663 Main St,
Buffalo, N. Y., and It will come to you by
. turn post. Most druggists keep it as
.'11 as the "Golden Medical Dlsvery."
You can't afford to accept any medicln
if ittiJinoirn cumposifitii as a substitute
dr"Uolden Medical Discovery," which la
a medicine or ssows composition,
having a complete list ot Ingredients la
plain English on Its bottle-wrapper, tha
same being attested as correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
aad la vigor a 14 stomach. Uvx aad bowala.
Is a combat between the evil spirit and
the better man, and if the latter succeds
In downing the evil spirit Faust Is saved.
Faust may err, Faust may fall, but if ho
does not lose his identity of the higher
creation he will be redeemed in the end.
This Is, in short, the great philosophy ot
the great Uoethe In his great legend, Faust.
Where is the Immorality in the creation,
Faust, or in the creator, Goethe, as the
Rev. Bishop sees fit to call It, or find it?
And how about such men as LesBing,
Herder, VVieland, Kant, etc., great poets,
philosophers, explorers und scientists of
Germany, who lived in the eighteenth cen
tury? Can any ono accuse them of Im
morality, or find fault with their conduct
as men, or to make ttie time in which they
lived Immoral? Or take the great writers
and the epoch-makers of France, like Vol
taire, Rousseau, and other no lesser lights.
Are they to be classed among those who
would make the world Immoral? Or Paine,
Franklin or Thomas Jefferson, who lived
In the eighteenth century and who, with
their pen and mouth, contributed so glor
iously to the civilization of the world and
mankind. Would they be classed among
the immoralists?
It is true that there were events and
deeds in 'the eighteenth century which left
a stigma, a blot, a stain on its pages, and
which points with scorn and shame on the
eighteenth century; but who are they, and
where do they emanate? We had an inqui
sition in the eighteenth century which
tortured, killed and shed the biood ot thou
sands of Innocent people, for the sake of
religion and religion only. We had wars
which destroyed thousands of lives and
millions of property, but the cause of the
Inquisition and Die religious wars were
nothing else but religious disputes for the
sake of religion. If the eighteenth century
had produced nothing else but ope Thomas
Paine, the century would have been re
deemed for all Its misdeeds and the das
tardly mischiefs of the Inquisition. If noth
ing had been written In the eighteenth cen
tury but the Declaration of Independence
by Thomas Jefferson, that century would
have been Justified to stand out as the fore
most century of all the time. If nothing
had been accomplished in the eighteenth
century but the French and American revo
lutions, the world should pay its homage
to that century because the French und
American revolutions gave the spark that
lighted the torch of freedom, and emancipa
tion the world over. To call a century lnv
moral where such colossal deeds were per
petrated deeds that have laid a lasting
foundation for new eras, for new thoughts;
to call a century immoral for deeds that
have shaken off and destroyed the shackles
of slavery and tyranny and has given the
world freedom of thuught and action to
call such a century Immoral Is preposter
ous. If Uoethe, who lived and toiled In the
eighteenth century, had done nothing but
create his Faust, the world owes him an
everlasting gratitude, and Goethe deserves
to be put on a high pedestal among the
Immortals ot mankind. .
'oualy Hospital Adjunct Is Completed
ud Will He Or en pled
nt Once.
After repealed delays the tuberculosis
ward at tlie County hospital is ready to be
otcupiod and Superintendent Ferrar of the
hospital will move his six tubercular pa
tients Into it tlie first of next week. 1 he
opening of the first public building in
Omaha for the spti'ial treatment of con
sumption will be marked by no demon
strations. The cots and furniture will be
moved into tlie new ward without cere
mony and the six patients will l.e given
their first taste of the open air treatment.
All of the six are mail and the women's
ward will not be occupied now.
The new ward is built on the latest ap
piuvt'd liii. for the treatment cf the white
plague. The roof is of heavy canvas, the
sides are cien, allowing free circulation of
air, and the entrance ef sunshine summer
and winter. It is equipped with a kitchen,
baths and full heating and lighting ap
paratus. The ward Is connected wua the
main hospital by a covered passage way
which will enable patients and attendants
to pa& from the hospital 'to the tubercu
losis; ward without going outdoors. Jt is
located on the south side of the hospital
building, this location protect. n' It in a
luvasura fruui ihu culd uirlUxiu winds.
F. W. Burns, bartender In W. A. Atkins'
saloon, lliO Farnam street, who shot and
kl.lsd a stranger In the saloon at 10. 30
Friday night, Is held at the police station
rending his preliminary hearing. His state
ment that he shot the man because he
flashed a revolver In bis face Is generally
accredited by the police. The victim has
not yet been identified.
This was the third traaedy since Septem
ber 1, the other two being tlie death of Dr.
Fred T. Rustln and the murder by Van
Goodell of Mlts Edna Kennett.
A clue which might lead to the Identity ot
the man was presented to the police by the
soldier's cap which was worn by the
stranger when ho entered Atkins' saloon.
The cap Is the property of T. G. Rllcy, a
private of Company H, Sixteenth infantry,
stationed at Fort Crook, who was picked
up In a helplessly drunken condition by
Detectives MKchell and Sullivan shortly
after 6 o'clock Friday night after he had
fallen down a stairway at ths northwest
corner of Fifteenth and Capitol avenue.
When sent to the police station Riley was i
wearing a high-crowned soft black hat
which answers the description of tlie hat
worn by the man who attempted to hold ui
Levy's saloon and others. Riley cannot
recollect anything that oocurred during the
latter part of - Friday afternoon, but tho
dead man and the soldier were evidently
In each other's company. Riley was taken
to the coroner's office, but could not Iden
tify the mart who was killed by Burns.
Man Who Was at Levy's.
The body of the dead man was Identified
as that of the man who had entered A.
Levy's saloon at Eleventh and Capitol ave
nue shortly before the affair in Atkins' sa
loon. Levy, who 'made the Identification,
slated to tlie authorities that the dead man
had been In his saloon and had acted sus
piciously, even showing the handle of a re
volver sticking from a hip pocket. Levy
secured his revolver and held It In his
hand, whereupon the other had walked out
of his saloon without making any remark.
He evidently went Immediately to the At
kins' saloon.
From a description furnished the police
Friday by Jake Landmen, a saloonkeeper
at 1M South Twentieth street, who was
confronted by a would-be holdup artist In
his saloon Thursday evening about ll:3u
o'clock, It seems possible that the man shut
by Bartender Burns last night is the same
man who attempted to hold up Landroch.
So far the body lies unidentified at the
Davis undertaking parlors, where an In
quest will be held Monday afternoon. The
police are Inclined to believe that Burns
shot in self-defense. Although a bartender
in a saloon where the roughest class of
trade Is encountered, railroad laborers,
Burns does not drink Intoxicants. He
could add but little to his story told Imme
diately after the shooting, with the excep
tion of his ordering tlie stranger to put
away the gun that he flashed. The latter,
however, replied that he had pulled it to
use It, anjL-tlse It he would, whereupon
Burns secured his revolver from the work-
board under the bar and during the scuffle
that ensued Burn's revolver was dis
charged. Two Men Arrested.
When tho killing occurred the patrol
wagon was out on another call and arrived
at Atkins' saloon a few minutes after, the
bartender and B. F. Holbrook, the porter,
being the only persons In the place with the
dying man. The latter was as white as a
sheet and only gasped for breath, saying
Burns and Holbrook were arresled, the
former on the murder charge, by Patrolmen
Dillon and Bitter, and the latter as state's
witness, by Detectives Ferris and Dunn.
"What's the matter?" asked Patrol Con
ductor Dillon when he arrived on the
scene, before seeing the dying man on tho
In answer Burns pointed to his vlollm and
said: "He came In here and flashed a gun,
so I shot him as I thought he was going
to hold us up."
At the police station, where the man was
taken In the patrol wagon, Drs. Harris and
Flttgibbon examined the wound and said
that an Internal hemorrhage caused by the
cutting of the abdominal aorta would bring
death In a few minutes, and the man died
at 11 o'clock, about thirty minutes after he
was shot
Assistant Coroner Hulse took charge of
the body, removing it to the Davis under
taking jarlors on South Sixteenth street.
In an Interview Burns, the man who did
the shooting, said that there were no men
aside from himself and the supposed robber
in the saloon at the time the shot was
fired, but that a crowd soon gathered after
hearing the report of the gun.
O'Donnell Had Just Left.
"Ex-Officer Steve O'Donnell had Just left
the place before I shot the man," said
"The fellow, who did not appear to be
drunk, entered through the front door and
had reached for his hip pocket and drawn
bis gun when I grabbed the pocket .38 pistol
which I keep under the bar and fired one
bullet Into his stomach.
"He sank to the floor, gasping for breath,
and calling George' Dwyer from a nearby
saloon I attempted to revive the man I
had shot, applying Ice and bandages to his
wound. A crowd gathered and I sent for
the police, who arrived In what seemed to
be a wonderfully short ttme.
"While the patrol wagon was on Its way
we tried to find out the man's name and
where he lived, but he- said nothing and
seemed to be In a bad way.
"I shot the man, but I only did It because
I thuught he was going to hold me up or
kill me."
o Such K amber.
The poorly written Inscription, "C. F.
Lawrence, l.'oS JIarney street," was dis
covered on a badly defaced book cover
taken from the body at the police station
before the coroner took, charge of it. How.
aver, no person of that name and initials
is listed In the city directory, and that lo
cation la the present home of the Marks'
saddlery firm.
Corduroy trousers, a black sateen shirt,
a gray vest, black stockings and white
canvass shoes were worn by the dead man,
whose only belongings aside from his hat,
clothes and book cover, were a broad
brown leather belt, an unused 33-callber
revolver cartridge, a sack of tobacco, 11.15
In money and the revolver which he was
carrying and which was later Identified by
A. White, tho pawnbroker of 1019 Farnam
atreet, as one stolen from his show win
dow some time Friday.
.No distinctive scars were found on the
body, which was especially well developed,
and was about six test two Inches tall
weighing about ISa or 190 pounds. The
hands ware somewhat blistered bu( not
calloused, indicating that the man was not
a regular laborer. He had a slightly re
treating forehead and chin, rather buny
I face, medium brewn hair and was smoothly
We want to impress upon your minds tlie fundamental faet "Every dollar you spend at
our store is spent to our mutual advantage."
A moderate reasonable and just profit is ours, to you belongs the satisfaction of knowing
that you are buying the best merchandise that the price ean produce.
Often, yes, very often, we get an opjwrtunity to pur
chase strictly first-class furniture, curtains and rugs at
much below their normal value.
These trade turns are much to your advantage.
No matter how little we pay we expect only the mod
erate profit the saving belongs to you. The few arti
cles herewith advertised are but an index to the general
values offered throughout our store. i
A-i--- s; 4
ItOCKKK Like cut Made of host quality white oak with full length
post in back and front, braced construction, full spring seat, uphol
stered in Morocolean with high back, for $5.50
GOLDKN OAK ItOCKKK Pull upholstered seat with banister bitck,
full length posts and spring seat, price $0.25
Same style rocker In mahogany finish, for $0.25
Full line of wood sent rockers in Genuine Mahogany, Imitation
Mahogany, solid oak, prices range from $3.50 to $30.00, very finely
Brass Beds
Full size brass bed, like cut, with seven latter rods, 2-inch post and the
new leg-mount caster, price $10.00
Full size brass bed, 2-inch poet, 1H-Inch top and bottom rod. 7-8-in.'
fillers, either dull or polished; price $28.00
Two-inch post brass beds with patent eonatructionn, guaranteed Inde
structible; price $21.50
Other brass beds In the square tubing in prices up to $125. OO
La.CG Curtains New Arrivals In Lace Curtains at Popular Prices,
50 pairs White Novelty Lace Curtains, per pair. . . .$1.75
30 pairs White Scrim Curtains, laco insertion, pair. .Jj2.75
20 pairs Arabian Novelty Lace Curtains, per pair. .$2.95
30 pairs Irish Point Lace Curtains, per pair $5.75
24 pairs Arabian Battenberg, per pair ...$3.50
24 pairs Fine Brussels Net Laco Curtains, per pair. .$7.50
24 pairs Extra Fine Swiss Curtains, per pair .... , .$1.75
24 pairs White Cluny Lace with insertion, per pair. $4. 75
30 pairs Fine Scotch Net, per pair $1.50
24 pairs Fine Ruffled Bobbinet, per pair $2.00
Oriental Rugs
We have Just received our new Fall Stock of Oriental Rugs.
Among them are many rare pieces of unusual beauty and worth. This collection con
sists of large and medium sizes in room size rugs, hall runners, Kiskelim couch covers and
draperies, hundreds of small sizes, such as Bokharas, Kazaks, Hamadens, Carabaughs, Dag
hestans, Shirvans, Beloochistans, Sennas, Kermanshahs and many other weaves.
230 Hamaden Rugs, regular value $12.50 to $15.00
sale price $3.00 to $7.50
215 Beloochi8tan Rugs, regular values $35.00 to $20
sale price $22.00 to $14 00
40 Large size Kazak Rugs, regular values $85.00 to
Bokhara Rugs, regular values $00.00 to $50.00
sale price $40.00 to $30.00
45 Shirvan Rugs, regular values $35.00 to $28.00
ale Pr,ce $22. OO to $16.00
$50.00 Bale price $48.00 to $30.00
shaven. A post-mortem examination and
Inquest will be held.
Ilnar. Time for Police. .
Tha shooting, with one or two minor
cases, furnished considerable hustling at
the police station between 10 and 12 o'clock
last night. The hurry call from the aatoon
where the shooting occurred came In while
the patrol wagon was out on another case
In which an Austrian had been stabbed
several times in the right shoulder by a fel-
low countryman at Durke's saloon at 223
North Tenth street. Joe Kranwek did the
cutting and like Ootanh was the recipient
of 'the slashes. Both men room at the
hotel Roma, a lodging house at Eleventh
and Dodge streets, and were arrested on a
charge of drunkenness and fighting. Dr.
Harris attended to dotash's wounds, which
were not serious. ,
While one of the Austrlans was being ar
rested by Emergency Officer Hell across
the street from the police station', a crowd
of foreign laborers gathered and attempted
to Interfere, thereby giving the police offi
cers another chance to be active. It took
several of them to disperse the crowd and
get the man arrested to the station.
Murderer of Mlas Kennett Probably
Will Have lnannltr Uefenae.
Van Goodell, who shot and killed Miss
Edna Kennett, a check clerk in tlie Loyal
hotel, on the evening of Si.ptemKr i nt'ar
Fifteenth and Chicago streets and then at
tempted suicide by shooting himself in the
head, was arraigned in police court Sat
urday morning on tlie charge of murd'-T
In the first degree and bound over to the
district court In the sum of to.OuO, which
was not furnlHhed, leaving the criminal
still in Jail. His attorney intimated insanity
as his basis of defense.
The charge was read to the accused by
Deputy County Attorney Magney. Goodell
stood in front of the desk of Judge Craw
ford, with downcast eyes, but evidently
listened Intently to every word of the com
plaint, as was Indicated by an occaslunul
tremor which passed over his body. At
such timeB 'he would brush his forehead,
where a slight bandage Indicated he shot
himself in the right side. His fingers re
vealed yellowish-brown vtains from the
constant smoking of cigarettes.
At the conclusion of tho reading of the
complaint Goodell did nut raise his eyes,
and W. W. Slabaugh, his attorney, pleaded
not guilty in behalf of the defendant und
waived preliminary examination.
Citing the Banner case . In South Omaha
Attorney Slabaugh requested that a bund
be named by the court, which was objected
to by the deputy county attorney, who
stated that it could be proven conclusively
that Goodell had previously threatened the
life of the Kennett girl and thut the mur
der was premeditated. In reply Mr. Sla
baugh admitted tlmt homicide hud been
committed, but ins ifar us the di-fendiint
hud utlempted suicide after the shooting
of the Kennelt girl the killing di 1 not con
stitute malicious and willful murder, but
on the other hand Indicated un unbuiuiued
Accepting the argument of Attorney Sla
baugh, Judge Crawford bound Uoixk-1' over
to the district court and fixed his bull at
which was far enough away so that Its
light was greatly diffused. Another possi
ble explanation would be that the shafts
of light frequently sent up by the furnaces
at the smelter and gag works colored the
clouds at some distance. I am quite sure
that It was not electrical."
Another explanation which has been of
fered was that there was some electrical
disturbance In the air some distance east
of here. This theory is somewhat strength
ened by the fact that the telegraph wires
between Omaha and Chicago were many
of them working badly, which indicates
that something was wrong with the atmos
phere. The light was described by one man as
looking like the ray from a great search
light playing on the clouds and moving
across the southern sky toward the cast.
One man of vivid Imagination was sure
that it was an airship traveling over
Omaha too high to be seen, leaving a
trait of light as It went. A great man
people who noticed It were curious and
disturbed and made Inquiries to find out
the cause.
Later In the night the lights were ob
served In the northward, though not so
brilliant as they appeared earlier in Ihe
evening in the southeastern heavens.
CHICAGO, Sept. 12. The prediction of
Dr. John A. Hrushear of Pittsburg that
the aurora borealls reported yesterday
would be followed by reports of magnetic
dlsturfiances was confirmed today at the
headquarters of tlie telegraph companies.
Yerterday afternoon wires east and north
of Chicago went down for an hour or more
Bud although they Improved later, there
was a repetition of the trouble at night.
Telegraph officials attribute the trouble
to the aurora borealis.
By using the various departments of Ths
Bee Want Ad Pages you get best results
at least expense.
Contest of Vote for Coroner and
County Attorney Probable.
Iloth Think Resnlt of Primary Klec
tlon So Close The- Are War
ranted in Demanding lis He
view by Board.
Recount ot the primary vote In a' number
of precincts in Omaha and South Omaha
will be demanded to settle the uncertainty
over ths offices of coroner and county at
torney, according to indications Saturday
"I will file an application for a recount
in five precincts In Omaha and three pre
cincts In South Omaha," said W. C. Crosby,
whose race with George H. Brewer of
South Omaha for coroner was too close for
comfort. "I don't like to be put in the at
titude of contesting, but I believe a recount
In some of the precincts will show a change
In my favor. All I want is the votes that
are rightfully coming to me. I will ask the
board to recount the ballots In these pre
cincts." One of the precincts In which a recount
will be demanded Is the Third of the Elev
enth, which was thrown out by the can
vassing board because of the unsatisfactory
condition of the poll books. Another will
be the Third of the Second, in which ths
tally book showed a vote much smaller
than the unofficial returns made the night
of the primary. This has led some of ths
candidates to believe the tally book Is in.
James C. Kinsler, who will lose the nom
ination for county attorney by seventeee
votes If the count of the canvassing bonrd
Is accepted, said Saturday he would prob
ably demand u recount of several precincts,.
The demand that the can VaSflimr tmitrfi
recount the ballots may be, resisted by the
board on account of a difference of opinion
ss to the procedure under the primary . law,
Some attorneys believe tlie recount can h
had only by application to the county court.
Others are of the opinion application may
be made to the canvassing board. The
board has requested a written opinion from
County Attorney English.
Pulls Into Arricn with HI Sprrlal
Train on the Time He
Word was received In Omaha Saturday
morning that the Ilarrlman special had ar
rived at Mr. Ilarrlman's country homo,
"Arden," at 8:3i) Saturdny morning on
scheduled time. Mr. Harrlman started
from San Francisco with the Idea of reach
ing Arden Suturday morning In tim; fir
an engagement he hud made. In order to
permit him to Btop fur three hours In
Omaha as the guest of honor at an In
formal luncheon and reception at the Field
club, given by the business men niul
bunkers, the Harrlman special was hurried
a -toss Wyoming and Nebraska at the rati
ot about sixty miles an hour. Climbing
f)f Rocky mountains from the other side
.ro engines were used and the climb was
;.: at the rate of thirty-seven and- one
u'f miles an hour.
By using the various aepanmcnis of The
Bee Want Ad Pages you get best results
at least expense.
Man? People Are Cartons, bat 'o Con
rlnslve Explanation Offered
A strange, diffused light, like an aurora,
hjng In the tsoutln ast Friday nUht in the
early part of the In the first few
hours of darkness, and it has nut yet been
discovered what whs responsible fur It
Father Hinne, astronomer at Creightun
university, did lot sen the light and knew
of no disturbances indicated by his ob
servations of atmospheric conditions.
"It might bo a searchlight at some dis
tance," aid Father Kigge, 'which was
flashing back and fottu ou the clouds and1
Can You Get a Skirt Made lor $1.50?
On Monday, September 14th,
and continuing for one week, we
will make Skirts to your measure
from any material which you may
buy at our store for $1.50 each
six different styles to select from.
After that time the prices will range
from $2.50 to $3.50 each, accord
ing to style.
A competent person will take your measure and we
guarantee satisfaction.
We will charge you for the actual quantity of mate
rial used no more no less and then only $1.50 for the
making. Thomas Kilpatrick (El Co.