THE OMAHA SUNDAY TIKE: SEPTEMBER 13, 1903. REPUBLICANS IN READINESS Lancaster County Organization Per fected and All is Harmonious. RUING ON THE SLOCUMB LAW Ceantr Attorney Hold Krrprr of Bar Cannot Bell l.lqnor In Be Sold la Room Other Than Where Bar la Located. (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Sept. 12-(8peclal.)-The re publican rounly committee met this after noon and organized by the selection of Charles E. Matson as rhalrnian and How ard 8chlegel as secretary. The chairman was Instructed to apiolnt an executive committee to assist during the campaign. John M. Stewart was selected a delegate to the state convention and C. O. Wheedon and F. C. Severlne were recommended for members of the state committee. In accepting; the chalrn ansh!p of the com mittee Mr. Matson said he would accept tha responsibility anly with the unierstaml Ing that factional fighting cease with the primaries and that each candidate and eacii committeeman would go to work with the perfect understanding that the principles of republicanism were broader and more Important than any factional differences. He then announced thta he Intended to sevsr his connection with the office of the county attorney next Tuesday and remain in tha county headquarters until after election, devoting his entire time to the work of the campaign. Mr.; Stewart has been looked upon here as one of the advocates of county option, but whether he will vote for that plank In the atate convention platform was not discussed In the committee meeting and the general presumption is that he believes county option is purely a matter to be dealt with by the county and therefore It has no place In the state platform. Tha meeting of the committee and can didates was harmonious and enthusiastic and most of the committeemen were present. The color line will not be tightly drawn In the fight In this county, because the ticket is made up partially of Black. Brown and Green, all of whom Ned Brown said are white. No Llqnor in Hotel Rooms. "That a saloonkeeper, although located In a room connected with a hotel, has no legal right or authority to deliver and col lect for Intoxicating liquors to guests or any oLher persons In other rooms In such hotel, but such guest. If he desires liquor, must purchase and receive the same at the bar. Salt s made by a licensed saloonkeeper at any place other than the room designa ted In his license Is Illegal and renders him liable to criminal prosecution and a re vocation of his licence." The above is the closing paragraph of City Attorney John M. Rtewart's opinion, handed down today, regardlns the legal phase of the agitation to stop the sale and delivery of liquors to other rooms In hotels than the barrooms; which agitation was started at the last meeting of the excise board in a resolution, submitted by Excise man Powell, and taken under advisement by the board. Iad, B. D.. Is the new city Super intendent, succeeding George 11. Thomas, now of Harvard, Neb., and a corps of twenty-three teachers alst him In making one of the model schools of Nebrsska. The high school Is of exceptional excellence snd Is gradually sttrsctlng pupils from all over this section of southwest Nebraska. RIM FRO Tl KR SHOW fa PI,AF.U Haallna Manas I p l.arae Prises and F.i peels Grand Sseeen. HASTINGfl. Neb. Sept. 12 (Special.) The second annual Hastings Frontier Fes tival, which will take place on October 14. 15 and IS. mill be a repetition of lsst year's notably successful event, though on a much more elaborate and extensive scale. The purpose of the managers Is to perpetuate the festival as an annual amusement en terprise for Hastings and central Nebraska snd with this object In view new features have been added to the frontier program that are calculated to keep up a lively Interest. While numerous towns In Nebraska have hud frontier shows, Hastings was the first to make a success of such an enterprise. The program arranged for last year In cluded prises In the various contests that were equal In number and amount to those given annually at Cheyenne, and they at tracted rough riders from throughout the west. Carl Hlldebrandt, winner of the world's championship saddle, came from Careyhurst. Wyo., and he has signified his Intention of entering again this year, up wards of a score of 'outlaw" horses will be brought from Wyoming and Montana and a carload of wild horses will be col lected on the desert plains of the latter state. One notable extension of this year's fes tival is In the racing events for thorough bred running horses and the contest for matched draft teams. There will be the usual wild horse and Indian pony races and each day there will be one or more I aces for thoroughbreds, for which purses from $75 to 30O will be offered. The con test for draft teams Is open to all comers and entries have already been received from a number of Importers and breeders. An event that will recsll the strenuous experiences of the pioneers In the great western country will be a reproduction of the battle of Laramie plains, in which sev eral companies of soldiers and a large body of Indians will meet In combat. There will be free street attractions and a festival parade each morning. The tour naments will take place In the afternoon at the fair grounds snd in the evening there will be downtown entertainments. and take with them the 11 will be a monster WESLEYA Two ew 11 A" NEW PLANS Republicans and Drmorrati Fleet Offi cers for Count y Committees. BEATRICE, Nob.., Sept. 12. (Special Tele gram.) The republican and democratic county central committees met here today. The republicans organlted by electing1 F. V. Mattoon chairman, Morris Freshman J. E. Davis of Beatrice talked ! """etary l- "arner treasurer. namuei mnaicer was unanimously eiecieu deligate to the state plalfcrm convention to be held at Lincoln cn September '11. A number of the county candidates attended the meeting. The democrats perfected an organisation by electing M. W. Terry chairman, E. J. Slilnn secretary, J. W. McKisslck assistant secretary and G. W. Campbell lre:iurcr. Dr. H. A. Given of Wymore ,wts elected delegate to the o platform convention. WOMEN DISPLEASED WITH VOTE Resolutions Aaalnst Result of Pri mary u tinge County. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. li'. (Special.) With the election of officers and the ap pointment of committees, the annual county convention of the Woman's Christian Tem perance union closed last evening. It was voted to hold the next meeting at Blue Springs. At the forenoon session a paper was read by Mrs. Hansen of Wymore. followed by a discussion of the constitution and by laws. Rev cn county option and the nomination of the county's law makers. By way of showing the displeasure of the union over the result of the recent primary election, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, As the result of the recent pri mary election, men who are outspoken against county option and prohibition have been nominated to represent the people of the county In the coming session of the legislature, and fur whose nomination the brewers and distillers have spent both timo and money, therefore be it Resolved. That we. the Gage County Woman's Christian Temperance union, in convention assembled, do hereby condemn this action of the voters of the county and urge that there be brought out by petition as candidates for these offices men for whom every Christian voter would re proud to cast his ballot, and who would represent the better Interests of all the people of the county, including men, wom en and children. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Sarah Spealman of Wy more; loo president, Mrs. E. E. Burrlng ton of Blue riprtngs; corresponding secre tary. Mrs. Carrie Davis of Blue Springs: recording secretary, Mrs. Mldn Shaw of Adams; treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Lewis of Beatrice. County superintendents: Chris tian oltiBcnship, Mrs. M. N. Thomas of Adams; evangelistic, Mrs. K P. Brown of Moatrioe: flower missions. Mrs. Jack IVtty of Wymore; franchise, Mrs. Olive King of Wymore. McCOOK, Neb., Sept. 12. (Special.) To day closed the first week of the McCook public school's fall term, with the largest enrollment In the history of the schools a tntal of SM, of which number ISO ar. en rolled In the high school. Mr. Charles W. Taylor, formerly of Geneva, but late of Field Secretaries to Look After Finances. UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb., Sept. 12. tSpeclal.) The executive committee of Wesleyan university's board of trustees has made a change in its plan of keeping in touch with Methodists In the state. For the last year Rev. J. R. Gettys. form erly district superintendent of the Beatrice district, has been educational secretary, but with (lie coming year that particular office will be abolished and in Its stead there will be two financial secretaries, who will to a lurge extent do the work assigned to that office, and Chancellor Davidson will take care of part of It In his official capacity. Rev. Peter Van Fleet, now pastor of Emanuei church In Lincoln, together with Rev. H. H. Millard, pastor in South Omaha will be the new financial field secretaries assuming their duties the 1st of October. Rev. J. R. Gettys will re-enter tha uni versity at the coming conference next week. ROTH SIDES ORGAMZE IN GAGE BOY .OW DEAD FROM LOCKJAW Broke Both Leas and Then Doth Arms In HeVklese Play. SHELTON. Neb., Sept. lt-iSpeclal.)-Harold Ensterson, the lad who broke both Ills arms at the wrist Sunday night in a fall, while making a slide for life, was taken with lock jaw Friday and died after suffering Intensely. Once before he had the misfortune of breaking both his legs. attend In a body Merchants bsnU. aifalr. BEATRICE Yesterday H. T. Weston let the machinery contrail for his new corn mill to Nortlyke Marmon company of Indianapolis, in.l. The mill will be erected In the pout ii part of town, and work on tne structure will be started In a short time. BEATRICE Ms yor Reed and other city officials were given a cruise up Hie Blue river Friday evening on the Uiympia by Commodore Garrett. There were about twenty in tne party, which Included a num ber oi newspaper men. A pleasant time is reported. NEBRASKA CITY Last evening about 1" - oi tne Klks of this city, accompanied by the Meicliants' band, went to Nehawka to attend tne fair given at that place. They were accompanied by a number of promi nent and were given a ro al te ceptlon by the people of that place. NEBRASKA CITY-The E.iglcs of this cliy have completed arrangements with the Omaha league team to play a game of ball here with them on the i)st. The Eagles are one of the best amateur teams of this psrt of the country and have a good rec ord for the last season. PLATTSMOUTH-William O'Brien, the superintendent of the state fisheries, and Mauler Lawsn Sheld'ti, son of the gov ernor, were in this city today and were seining (lie ponds In this vicinity for fish, which are to be placed In the ponds at Louisville and Cedar Creek. PIATTSMorTH-A pretty wedding oc curred at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tubbs, at which their daughter. Miss Bessie, was united In marriage to Edward 1'. Wilson by Rev. F. W. Brink, pastor of the t'nlted Brethern church. Their home will be near Alva, Wyo. NEBRASKA CITY-Frank Miller. Jr., the young man who ran down M. T. Johnson, an aged old settler, on last Sunday, was arrested on the charge of speeding his automobile faster than the law permitted, and he was taken before the county Judge, where he pleaded guilty and was fined H and costs. WYMORE Clover Chase, on his farm four miles south of the city, was thrown from a horse and dislocated his shoulder and broke his collarbone. He had gone to the pasture for his horses and was riding one bareback. In going through a small swale (lie horse stepped In a hole add threw Mr. Chase to the ground. PLATTSMOUTH About seventy of the Plattsmoutli merchants and clerks held their first banquet In the Hotel Riley last evening, which proved to be a grand suc cess in every way. E. H Wescott waa Jennie Walker, financier; Mrs. Ford, pre tlie lies Moines Trade Journal, made the principal address, which was highly appre ciated by all. NEBRASKA CITY The Elks Initiated some twenty new members on Thursday evening, must of them being from Syra cuse and adjoining towns. Alter the laoors a banquet was served. Last evening the hJasles held a big meeting and Installed a number of new members, and they were assisted by the Eagles from Dunbar and other places In the county. OAK DALE The pioneers of Antelope county have arranged to hold a picnic at Oakdale on Tuesday, September 15, to cele biate the fortieth anniversary of the set tlement of the county. Invitations have been sent to ull who were here prior to lS'.H. and a general Invitation to others has been given through the newspapers. A grand good time is expected. WYMORE One of the big water mains near the Touzallne hotel sprung a leak Friday and it was found necessary to stop the pumps and shut off the water and let the main drain before repairs could be made. A horse was kept In readiness all afternoon, while the water was off. so that In cafe of fire a run could be made to the standpipe to let the water on. NEBRASKA CITY The Latter Day Saints are holding a campineeting In the grove west of the city and have had a num ber of noted speakers present during the week. Elder W. H. Kelly of Umuni, la., was present last evening and a large crowd was present to hear the Interesting ad dress. The meeting, which has been on for the last two weeks, closes on Sunday evening. PLATTSMOUTH During the dry hot weather In July. A. S. Will, a wealthy and prosperous farmer in this county, stated that he thought his corn would not yield twenty bushels to the ncre, but today he brought to town two ears of corn that were twelve inches in length and contained IMC kernels each, and stated that the yield would not be ters than eighty bushels to the acre. B E A T R I f ' B T 1 1 e Knights and Indies of Security met last night and elected these officers: T. V. Rhodes, president; M. M. officers: T. . Rhodes, president; N. M. Harsh, second vice president; Mrs. Mary Campbell, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Jennie Walke, financier: Mrs. Ford, pre late; Miss Augusta Schwartz, conductor; Roy Wilcox, Inside guard; George Wilcox, sentinel: Miss Emma Kahnen, pianist. BEATRICE Yesterday was the last day for the filing of election expenses by the candidates In Gage county, the total amount bring $'.)15.99. M. W. Terry, demo crats candidate for attorney general, spent IH4.nn. and J. H. Alden, republican candi date for auditor, the whole amount of $11.60. 11. E. SacUett, republican candidate for state senator, expended $1)9, and Adam Mc Mullen, tile successful contestant for the office, spent $:3.30. WYMORE William Theye was badly In jured at the home of his fattier, Lewis Theye. eight miles southwest of here, Fri day morning, by running a pitchfork han dle Into his body. The young man had been working on a strawstack. and finish ing, started to slide down. He let go of the pitchfork he had been using and it readied the ground first, and remained up ! right against the stack. The young man fell on it. the handle entering the rectum and tearing the bowels. Dr. Fall of Bea trice. Dr. Yoder and Dr. Gafford of this city performed an operation early in the morning. The Injured man is in a serious condition, and has but a small chance to recover. ANOTHER COFfEE WRECK Wbafa the Us Wasn There's Way Out. an Xasy tonuty Option Campaign. UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb., Sept. 12 (Bpeclal.) Last night a meeting was held here by the supporters of county option, and the committee that had charge of the fight for county option candidates at the recent primary election made a report. Plans for a county option campaign at the coming election were discussed snd a com mittee of three was appointed. This com- TAFT TALKS TO CLUBS (Continued from First Page.) dent; A. J. Keith. Sioux Falls, secretary; L. Iavliiger. White Luke, treasurer; board of dir"Ctors, George H. Grace, I. ad, G. H. Carroll. Miller; O. L. Bronson. Mitch ell, and ex-offlelu members the officers of tie- league. Delegates were also chosen to the moet- affldavlt that he had seen Mr. Bryan at my house, and so the visit was Inadvert ently made public. That visit wns without result, as t purposely avoided politics. 8hortly after I received an Invitation from a friend of mine to dinner. When I went to the dinner 1 found Mr. Bryan there. After the dinner Mr, Bry n ktrit. as'de with me In the hall anJ sild cmittl vhat I said he did. "I wish he had not aid it. I was sur prised nnd humiliated by the proposition. It showed that Mr. Bryan had no apprecia tion or conception of the work I had done for him or of the renson I had worked so hard and made so many sacrifices In the cause. It showed that he considered me merely a trader working for some Jtrsnal advantage of promotion In politics. I left the house humiliated, as I say, but more than ever opposed to Mr. Bryan, more than ever convinced that I was right In opposing him." WRIGHT CHANGES MIS MACHINE Reduces Slse of Sprocket to Increase Speed of Motor. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12.-Orvllle Wright's assistants. C. W. Taylor and C. W. Bui ness, spent part of today making a few changes In the aeroplane which were de cided upon by the aeroplanlst after the flight made yesterday for the purpose of determining the rale of speed at which the machine has been traveling. The sprocket of the shaft now has ten teeth. The gear tng will be reduced by substituting a sprocket with nine teeth. This will result in a greater number of revolutions of the sprocket In proportion to the propeller, thereby Increasing the power, but dimin ishing the speed. The latter will then be Increased by giving greater speed to the motor. In his flights so far Mr. Wright has used his motor at 1,210 revolutions per minute, but when the new sprocket Is In the place he Intends to Increase this to 1.450 revolutions. With this change, the aviator expects to maintain an average speed of at least forty-four miles per hour, which would give him a bonus of $10,000 If this speed were averaged in the official speed trial. Bo far the motor has never failed and during the longest flights has neither become overheated nor shown any Indication of skipping to any serious ex tent. On one of two flights after It had been running for over an hour the motor skipped one cylinder out of the four In every ten seconds or more. This made no apparent difference In the speed of the aeroplane and Mr. Wright considers It of no significance. It has been suggested to Mr. Wright by several officers that he put a rim around his propellers, thus securing a gyroscopic effect. "That would be a great disadvan tage," was Mr. Wright's comment. "The machine would then travel In a straight lino and that Is Just what we don't want." TAGGART TO HAVE WORK TO DO Former Democratic Chairman Heads Travelers' Bureau. CHICAGO, Sept. 12. Before his departure for the east today to attend the New York state democratic convention at Rochester, National Chairman Mack announced the appointment of former National Chairman Thomas Taggart of Indiana as head of the Commercial Travelers' association of the democratic national committee, and William Hoge of New York as vice chairman of the association. Mr. Taggart will make his headquarters in this city and Indianapolis, and Mr. Hoge will have a bureau In New York. National Committeeman E. O. Wood of Michigan has been secretary of the Traveling Men's association. P. J. Culkln of Chicago, a member of the engineers' brotherhood, has been placed In charge of the railway men's bureau of the national committee. Mr. Mack left for Buffalo this afternoon snd will remain there until Monday, when he will leave for Rochester. He said there were many candidates for governor, and while his name had been mentioned, the chairman said he was not a candidate. Mr. Mack said the Rochester convention would be harmonious and that the Mo L'arern delegates from Kings county would undoubtedly be sealed. ' Furnishers of IlotHs, Clubs, Keotaurants, as well as private rooms. ORCHARD & WILHELM 411'16'IS South Sixteenth Street NEW BED ROOM FURNITURE "We call particular attention to our new fall patterns, embracing bed roo mfurni ture of all styles and finishes. Our showing this season is a most elaborate one. Spe cial mention is made of beautiful Circassian walnut furniture, which is brought out in Colonial, Rococo, Sheraton and modem designs, beautiful in its matched up wood and soft satin finish. DRESSER (LIKK CUT) Made of best figured quarter sawed white oak and mahogany, full swell front with new square edge effect on the top. Dresser is 23 ins. wide and 44 ins. long. Has carved claw feet, French beveled mirror 30x24-inches. Trice in Oak, $30.00; in Mahogany, $33.00; Chiffonier to match Dresser, in Golden Oak $27; in Mahogany $29. CRASS BEDS We are now showing the most extensive line of Brass Beds ever displayed in the west. Particular attention has been given to the design and finish, and we offer values that are extraordinary. Brass Bed with heavy 2-inch posts, fine lacquered finish, special price $17.50 Some very unique Beds at. . .$22.50 and $25.00 Our Special Brass Bed, heavy 2-inch continuous posts, heavy filling, English lacquered, price $27.50 Special Sale of Ostermoor Mattresses We are Western distributors for this celebrated mattress and are just in re ceipt of a carload of the Ostermoor spe cial make of 50-pound mattresses, 5 pounds heavier than the regular mat tress. These are one part, satin finish, art twill ticking, choice of patterns. Ostermoor '8 regular $22.00 mattress, by special permission we are allowed to of fer for a limited time these mattresses at, each $lo.00 We accept order's for the Ostermoor mattress, freight prepaid anywhere in United States. NEW HIGH HURDLE RECORD Arthur B. Shaw of Joliet Does 120 Yards in Fifteen Seconds. CHICAGO ATHLETIC CLUB FIRST This Organisation Wins Annaal Meet of Central Athletic Association I'nlveraltr of Ch least o geeona. LAW TO (iOtEHN AERONAUTS of the nitlnnql orirn n iSA t Inn St Cin- mlttee to have power to appoint another , (.,nnimi ReptPmt),r 22. as follows: committee of five to select candidates who, H J(in(., s)oux Kaiu. are lo be supported by the county option I j .f.s,j; l. . M.'Fherson. Iieland; T. I., people. This committee is to report Its! Rouck. Mllhank: (i. A. Hansen. Aberdeen; i (;.!!; a. Mis.iy. .Mueneii; n . uisk, Yankton; otto I., (lass. Krittnn; Dick Proposition to Resjalate Them by Na tional Act. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. The movement for the enactment of a national law to pro vide against balloon ascensions by Inex perienced aeronauts has received the ap proval of Allen R. Hawley, acting secre tary of the Aero Club of America; General James Allen, chief signal officer of the army, and the aeronauts gathered at Fort Myer. It Is proposed to require an op erator of a dirigible balloon or tha pilot of a spherical balloon to secure a license from a recognized Aero club before being permitted to make ascensions. As an al ternative it Is suggested that one of the government departments might be given Jurisdiction in the matter, Just as pilots' licenses are issued for the navigators of the water. That aeroplanes would be of great value to the life saving stations along the coast has been suggested by the flights of Or ville Wright at Fort Myer. After the storm hab subsided it would be quite sim ple for an aeroplane to reach a stranded ship with a light line before it would be possible for a boat to leave the shore in the heavy surf. morning, but Interstate Commerce Com missioner Clarke and A. T. Humphrey of Louisville were scheduled for speeches this afternoon and a banquet was planned for this evening. Well Known Hotel Man Shoots Him self In New York Cltr. NEW YORK, Sept. 12. Frank V. Bennett, M years of age, said to be the manager of a hotel in Washington, D. C. committed ulclde by shooting in the Hotel Gotham )n Fifth avenue today. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12.-Frank V. Ben- He may ba off the track for "'" ma"- I ceeding Senator Foraker injury was sustslned Thurs- proceedinns at a meeting of citisens ut the Young Men's Chrlstlsn assoclstlon building in Lincoln, next Tuesday. Along with the coffee habit has grown tba jiravaJont "American Disease" nerv ous prostration. Tha following letter shows the way out ut the trouble: "Klve yearj ago 1 was a great co'fee drinker and from its use 1 became so nervous I could scarcely sleep at all nights. My condition fcrcw worse and worse until finally the physician I con sulted declared my troubles were all due to coffee. "Bui being so wedded to the beveraue I did not See how 1 could do without It. especially at breakfast, an that meal seemed wholly Incomplete without coffee. "On a visit some friends deprived me of coffee to prove that It waa harmful. At the end of about eight days 1 was less nervous but the craving tor coffee was Intense, so 1 went back to the old habit as soon as 1 got home and the old sleepless nights came near making a wreck of me. ' "I heard of Poslui.' and decided to try It. I did not like It at first, because, as I afterwards discovered. It was not made properly. I found, however, that when made after directions on the pack age. It was delicious "It had a soothing effect on my nerves and none of the bad effects that coffee had, so I bade farewell to coffee and have used only Postum since. The mokt won derful account of the benefit to be derived from Postum could not exceed my own experience." "There's a reason." Name given by Ho.ttum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read, "The Road to Well vllle." In pkgs. Xtst read tha above letterf A hew eae appears from ttms to time. They are (sasu. true, s4 fvU t aamaa la- Nebraska .News Notes. NEBRASKA CITY The recent primaries cost Otoe county over 1 1.100. NEBRASKA CITY' The enrollment of the public schools of tills city is 1.162, which ii greater than last year. PLATT8ilorTll-J. R. Ilaynes of Omaha was in this city today in the interest of the Anti-Saloon league. NKBrtASKA fill' Dr. 1. W. I'rum baugh, one of :hc government Inspettois here, has been transferred to Sioux City, I NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. D. 1. Mun'son died at her home In this city lust evening of cancer. Klu- lias been ill lor the last year. BBATRICK Mrs. Harriet 8. MacMurphy. one of tne state focd inspector, has tieen In the city the last few dus on bUHlness connected with the department. NEBRASKA CITY '1 lie city fathers haw put Hie fire steamer, Willi li was damaged ut the burning oi the city hali. in com mission once more and it will be used al flros. WYMliRK Father Gllroy of Lincoln has been at Mg ned as assistant to Father Free man in lias disci let of the Catnullc church. The Cst.:lnjics of Ilarnesloii held their an nual plinlc on tsatunisy. NEBRASKA CITY A. V. Stafford, who has been manager of the cereal mills and Ine Moiton tiiain company for a number of eais, has resigned uud will drvole his lime lo his own business. BBATRICK The Dempster Mill Manu facturing company Ixttun prospedlng for nty mater north of the city Haturday mornlna. The work will be under the supervision of R. II. Yale and W. T. Stock- 1 ton. , PLATTSMOrTH-While stac king hay at Ms home three miles eoutli of Platlstnouth Woods. Sioux Fall: O. W. Thompson, Vermillion; C. J Bv.ell. Rapid City; V;I I'am Carpenter. Andover: B A. ('ummlngs, Pierre; .1. P. Parks. H'it Srrlngx: W. G. Porter. Slr'iix Fall": Tom Ohr, Brookings; Fre.l Aultnian. Iemmon; P. S. Walters, Aberdeen; F. J. Cory. Watertown. It was decidod to hold a meeting of tin stale lengur- at Mitchell during the week of S-ptemher 2. lillY A Wll.l. NOT TALK OK IIBAKST Hectares tatrment of lleiiuet for Support l False. CUMBERLAND, Mil., S-pt. 12.-Contlnu-lng his campaign eastwnrl William J. Bryan, democratic candid ite for president, arrived l e.e at 8 o'clock this morning In his spi clul car OIIetle over tne Baltimore & Ohio railroad. John T McGraw, na tional c I'luoltteeman from West Virginia, and whose guest Mr. Brysn will be to morrow at Iieer Park, accompanied him from Wheeling. As soon us he could be seen Mr. Bryan was asked rcganilng the statcr.i -m made at Atl.'iila last night by William R. Heart that Mr. Bryan, four months t.go, asked his uppiitt for the' presidency, promising lo support Hearst In 1MI2. "Absolutely faldc," was the only comment the demo cratic candidate would make. ATLANTA, da., Spt. 12.-William R Hearst, when shown Mr. Bryan's denial of Mr. Hearst's statement that Bryan four i months ago proposed t) support Mr. Hearst i four years hence. In return fr Mr. Hearst s support In tills campaign, made the follow- FKIMARY IN ALABAMA DISTRICT Voters Are Selecting Successor to A. A. Wiley. MONTGOMERY, Ala.. Sept. 12. -A demo cratic primary is being held in the Second congressional district today to name a successor to the late Congressman A. A. Wiley. There are five men In the race for the full term to tie gin next Mar.h and one for the balance of the present term. The Iksuc has been that of prohibition, tha aim 'saloon people centering largely on W. H. Sanfurd of Tracy, a son or the Inte Governor Sanford. The other candi dates ate S. It. Dent, Thomas J. Hall and A. C. Saudi is of Montgomery, C. R. Bricker of Crcenshaw. O. C. Wiley, a brother of the dead con gressman, Is unopposed ror the short term. The nomination Is equivalent to election. R. 8onll fell from the stack and landed on In it. meni al! Ineii gas pipe in such a manner as to I ... . . . cause II In nenetrale the arm an.l .-..m- 1 do e ""'V Mr. Bryan is always oul at the top of the shoulder. i proposing policies that he has to reer nt, say NEBRASKA CITY The Sons of Herman ling things that he has to retract, and doing ,,M.,hl"cUjr arranging to go to Falls mK, that he )iai lo dtny. HAT GETS SOCIAL DISTINCTION Several Society Women Uack of Ornheum Footlights to Try on Actress Milliner). strong with a band to attend the German picnic and In tne evening will institute a new louge of the Sons of Herman. NEBRASKA CITY The Missouri Pa cific is arranging to run an excursion train from here to Berlin next Thursday to at tend the big picnic to be given by the Eagles of that place, to accommodate some Sou members of the lodge here who will "When Mr. Bryan came to New York some four months ago. I did not call on him. as 1 had nothing to see him about. He did call on me, as apparently he had something to see me about. "I kept his visit a secret, but Mr. Chanler. In a suit brought against me, stated lo bis Several young society women of Omana are in a fair way to develop a fad for visit lug the dressing rooms of actresses and trying on then lia's. Impetus was given this unique procedure last week when Miaa Nella Walker of the team of Mack & Walker at the Oipheuin, came on toe stae at a matinee perform ance wearing a new fall hat, which com pletely captivated the feminine portion of her audience. After the act was over. Miss Walker was electrified by tne an nouncement from the call boy that five so ciety young women were watting at the stage door to see Miss Walker's hat snd Incidentally Miss Walker. The actress greeted her callers very graciously and al lowed them all to try on her new millinery masterpiece and view themselves In her little dressing room mirror. The hat was a new model that Miss Walker bought at Brandels and it is built on extremely gener ous lines, being one of the large flat shaped creations that are so popular In the east. CHICAGO, Sept. 12. A world's record for the 120-yard high hurdles was established today at the annual meet of the Central Amateur Athletic association on Marshall field. The meeting was an essy victory for the Chicago Athletic club, which scored 49 points, compared with 19 points for Its nearest rival, the University of Chicago. The First regiment, Illinois National guard, was third with IS points. The new high hurdle record for 1M yards was established by Arthur B. Shaw of Joliet, 111., a graduate of Dartmouth, who lowered the time of J. C. Garrels HH sec onds to 16 seconds. J. A. Rector of the University of Vir ginia, who was expected to try for a world's record at 120 meters, did not attend the meet. J. C. Garrels, the handlcapper, was not In the field events on account of a lame leg, and could not participate In the track events at all a year. His day while practicing. Summaries: Mile Run J. R. Murphy. Chicago Ath letic association, won; Lawrence D. Hln man, Chicago Athletic association, second; Walter 8. Mumford. Ogden Park Athletic club, third. Time: 4:r. 440-Yard Dash M. A. Merrism. Univer sity of Chicago, won; H. P. Ramey, Chi cago Athletic association, second; O. Daven port, university or cntcago, inira. lime: u 60s. lSV-Yard High Hurdles Arthur B. Bhaw, Illinois Athletic club, won: W. L. Fletcher. First regiment, Illinois National Guard, second; Robert Demir.g, Oak Park H.'gh school, third. Time: 0:15. .2-1-1 a rd Dash F. K. Hamilton, Chicago Athletic association, won; R. G. Taylor, ChlcufTO Athletic association, second; H. T. McGregor, Chicago Athletic association, thltd. Time: 0:22W Running High Jump H. Lynn Miller. Chicago Athletic association, won; J. J Si homer, University of Chicago, second; E. Denghsrt. university or Chicago, third. Height: S feet IV4 Inches. Discus Throw m. H. unrrin, Chicago Athletic association, won; Wilbur Bur roughs, Chicago Athletic association, sec ond; J. T. Garrels. Chicago -Athletic sso clallcn, third. Distsnce: 13S feet g Inches. Blxteen-Pound Shot . Put Wilbur Bur roughs, Chicago Athlet'c association, wen; J. C. Gsrrels, Chicago Athletic association, second; I. Crathen. unattached, thlid. Dis tance: 43 feet 7 inches. 2)-Yard Low Hurdles A. B. Bhaw, Chi cago Athletic assoclstlon, won; N. A. Mer rlam. University of Chicago, second; H. I. Fletcher, First regiment. Illinois National Guard, third. Time: 0:26V. teo-Yard Run J. c. Murphy, Chicago Athletic association, won; F. L. Steers, First regiment, Illinois National Guard, sec ond; C. O. Wethell, Chicago Athletic asso ciation, third. Time: 2:H- Two-Mile Run E. B. harlow, Chicago Athletic association, won; T. H. Crow- come, Chicago Athletic association, second; J. B. Mcguenny, third. Time: 10:24V Pole Vault li. H. Jacobs, University of Chicago, won; Eugene Scnoblnger. unat tached, second; B. ii. Rogers. University of Chicago, third. Height: li teet K inch. Sixteen-Pound Hammer Throw W. G. Burroughs, Chicago Athletic association, won; A. H. Tilly, Chicago Athletic associa tion, second; I. ('rather. Chicago Athletic association, third. Distance: 1j4 feet 10 Inches. Running Broad Jump George 8choblnger. unattached, won; James Wesson, First regiment. Illinois National Guard, second; J. Klrkpatrick, First regiment, Illinois Na tional Guard, third. Distance: i feet 11 V Inches. Flfty-8lx-Pound Weight Throw Wilbur Burroughs, Chicago Athletic association, won; Al. Gerend, unattached, second; i. (rather, Chicago Athletic association. third. Distance: 24 feet J" inches. BIG BODY OF TROOPS MARCH Lara-est Number of Rrgslsn on the Move Since Time of the Civil War. TOPEKA. Kan., Sept. 12. -Cavalry, artil lery and Infantry of the United States reg ulars to the number of 6.000 reached Tope k a. today on their overland march from Fort Riley to St. Joseph, Mo., and went Into camp at the fair grounds, where they will remain over Sunday. On this march the troops make a line of five miles and Is one of the largest bodies of regular troops that has engaged In a similar march since the civil war. General Morton Is In command. A spectacular feature of the parade through Topeka was a long line of pontoon bridge boats, each drawn by six mules. Thousands of spectators viewed their pass ing through the city. FRANK V. BENNETT ENDS LIFE agers in the country. For twenty yeirs he was manager of the Arlington hotel In this city. Mr. Bennett left here for New York in 1W to take charge of the II del Gotham. He left thHt hotel sonn- time ao and since then had no hotel connection us far as known here. Probably no hotel man in the United States had a wider acquaint ance, particularly among statesmen and newspaper men. He was a member of the Gridiron club POYNTER FOR BIG CREAMERIES Former Uovrrnor Testifies nn Behalf of Centralized Plants at Chicago. CHICAGO, Sept. 12. W. A. Po titer, for mer governor of Nebraska, testified t'jday in the "butterfat" rate case. Mr. Poynter supported the contention of the big creameries against any ndvnnre l;i rates. He declared that the c-.-nira!Ued creameries had benefited the -Jalr'es 1.1 this state particularly to the farmer. "The population of Nebraska Is such, and the supply of cows so limited that the smnil local creumeries cannot be of servl.-e lo tho public or pay the farmers enough to make the local creameries valuable to tne com munity," the witness said. He sill this was the sentiment he h'nd found throughout the state. Barton for Foraker's Nurl'rMiir, CLEVELAND. O., Sept. 12 -The 1 p ib'.i can county convention today pass -d a re.o ' lutton endorsing Representative T.vo h p E. Burton for the United States senate, a:c- 1 HALF-MINUTE STORE TALK Satisfaction la a good thing and worth going a great way for. Satisfaction la getting what you want and ran be given aa freely aa not; nothing la of any bother to ua If it reeulta in entire satis faction to our cu8tomers. If you don't like any thing you get at thia store after you've examined it at home, bring it right back we'll gladly exchange it or refund you your money, 86 you prefer. THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHKS OPPOSITE THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO. FROIVI HEAD XO FOOT Tim la Called on Summer Headwear FALL HATS Are now claiming attention from most men. Don't do yourself the In-, Justice of buying yours before see ing what our great hat section con tains every staple block and color, every novelty worth considering and a decidedly better hat at the price, you elect to pay. :' 'w want ads produce results. TRAFFIC OFFICIALS IN SESSION Aaaaal Convention Meets at St. Leals to Consider Re aorta o( C'esasBltteee. 8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. U. The annual convention of the American Association of Traffic Officials was called to order here this morning by President Robert C Wright of Philadelphia. The gatherings follows sessions by various committee which have mapped out the work which Is to come before the general aseoclattoa. lOnly rouUae business was taken up this v H AND UP TO $6 H QUALITY SHOES Men who dread to "break in" new tthueg uhould come here; we-ve au uiauy claxsy ahoea made on special and combination laata that a perfect fit ia assured then, too, we've careful shoe men who will see that you get what your foot require a perfect fit ting shoe needa no "reaking in." PRICES FAR BKLOW NOKMAI MEN'S $2 to $5 BOY'S $1.50 to $3 4