Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 4, Image 20

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Fifteen pieces high grade Scotch
Table Damask, 64 Inches wide,
pure linen, 75c quality; Monday,
yard 48
Twenty-five dozen high grade Din
ner Napkins, full size, grass
bleached, heavy, strong and dur
able, well worth $4.60 dozen;
Monday, dozen $2.48
Muslins, Sheetings,
at leas than any house, in the west.
First class 9-4 Sheeting, un
bleached, at 15
First class 9-4 Sheeting, bleached,
at 17
Pepperell 9-4 unbleached. .. 18
PepperelL-9-4 bleached 20?
Lockwood 9-4 unbleached. . .19
Lockwood, 9-4 bleached 21
81x90 Sheets, worth 75c, ea.463
81x90 Sheets, worth 66c, ea.39
81x90 Sheets, worth 59c, ea.33
Special also on 72x90 Sheets.
'10c Bleached Muslin, 1 yard wide,
at GH
Blankets and Comfortable Sale
The grandest line of Home Made
Comfortables ever shown in city.
Extra heavy large Comfortables
that sold for $2.25; Monday,
each $1.50
Extra fine Comfortables that
should bring $3.00; Monday,
each .... $1.98
Comfortables,- $1.50, $2.00, ij&.OO,
94.00, $5.00 and $7.50.
From the Bet Mills In America.
100 pairs of 75c Blankets, at,
each.. a.. .-. 234
100 pairs ' of $1.00 Blankets at,
each ....35l
25c Corset Cover Embroideries, Wc
Monday will be the greatest embroidery sale day of the
'entire year. Embroideries of every description shown in
12 great lots, at yard 2c, 3y2c, 4y2c, iy2c, 10c, 12c, 15c
19c, 25c, 39c, 49c and 59c
.Values from 5c up to $1.50 yard.
Hon City Laces
A new line of these famous
wash laces, special Monday,
4Vc and 9c Yard.
We're sole Omaha agents
for both Zion City and Amer
ican Lace Mfg. Co. Laces
the best.
Monday is the Time to Buy Rugs
Most complete assortment in Omaha for selection. Nearly
every lot specially priced.
$18.00 Brussels Rugs, one seam,
8-3x10-6 size; special. .$12.98
$10.00 Ex. Brussels Rug, 6x9
size; special $6.49
$1.50 Smyrna Rugs, 30x63 si7.e;
on Bale at 75
7-foot Window Shades, best qual
ity water colorB, limit of one
dozen to customer, each.. 20c
$30.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs, seam
less, 9x12 alio, 15 patterns for
selection $18.98
$30.00 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12
size, beautiful patterns; choice
Monday at $24.75
Drapery Madras of all descriptions and
ors to Dienu wun inn iurnisninK J ai, prr
yard 76c, 8So, $1.00 to 91.60
JKeayy Cable Vet Curtains, regular Si. 7 3
Quality. !alr $1.98
Clany Xaoe Curtains, In white and
l-lncn Insertion at, pair....
New Ktectrle Lamp.
DVAJJCE notices of the Tung
sten lamp promises grout bene
fits to users of electric llntit
and class the device among the
great Inventions of the age. It
gives a greater amount of light
of better quality for considerably less cur
rent than the ordinary Incandescent lamp,
thus Increasing the efficiency of the light
and decreasing tne cuet.
For instance, a thirty-two candle-power
carbon lamp consumes 106 watts of elec
tricity. A Tungsten lamp of the same
candle-power uses only forty watts. One
eighty candle-power Tunirston lamp con
sumes 100 watts of electricity, which is the
equivalent of two and a hitlf thirty-two
candle-power ' carbon lamp burning Jli
watts. ' i
This striking result, surpassing all
previous discoveries and developments in
electric Incandescent lamps, has become
possible through the production of tha
filament of tha metal Tungsten, a par
ticularly suitable material for filaments
Dependable Linens
at weeping mednctlone la Our stlga
Grade Linen Xepar tmsnt for Monday.
Fifty high grade Pattern Table
Cloths, heavy double damask,
pure linen, dew bleached, beau
tiful designs, good value at $5;
Monday, each $2.50
Ten pieces high grade Belfast
Table Linen, full bleached, war
ranted pure flax, 72 Inches wide,
well worth $1.00 yard; Monday,
yard 59
One hundred dozen high grade
Devonshire Huck Towels, 18x36,
regular 16c grade; Monday, while
they last, each 9
One hundred dozen high grade
Oriental Turkish Bath Towels,
white and cream, extra large size,
heavy and absorbent, some 4 5o
values; Monday, each 19
Out-of-town customers receive
prompt attention through our pop
ular Mail Order department.
Sheets, Pillow Slips
9c Bleached Muslin, 1 yard wide,
at 5
8 14c Bleached Muslin, 1 yard wide,
at 54
7 Vic Bleached Muslin, 30 Inches
wid, at 3
10c Unbleached Muslin, yard wide,
at 7H
9c Unbleached Muslin, yard wide,
at G
8c Unbleached Muslin, yard wide,
at 5
7c Unbleached Muslin, yard
wide, at 4H
See our hourly sales.
100 pairs of $1.50 Blankets at,
each 59
Beacon's fine Blankets
from $1.00 to $5.00
50 pairs of heavy Wool Blankets,
worth $1:60; will go at, pr.98
50 pure Wool Blankets, worth
$2.00; will go at $1.19
100 pairs of Wool Blankets, worth
$3.00 pair; will go at, pr.$1.50
Blankets in wool, pair, 76c, $1.00,
$1.23, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00,
$5.00, $0.0O, $7.50, $8.50, $0.50,
$10.00, $11.00 and $12.50.
Linen Laces, at 2c
Something remarkable in
the way of a lace special.
Linen laces at this price have
been heretofore unknown.
Don't miss this snap Monday.
$15.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x11
size, 15 patterns for selec
tion, choice $9.75
$20.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x12
size, only one seam, 18 pat
terns, at, choice. . $14.75
$22 Seamless Tapestry Brus
sels Rugs, 10 wire, 9x12 size
at $16.75
$28.00 Extra Axminster Rugs
9x12 nize, 29 patterns for
selection, choice. . $21.98
Oil Opaque Shades, odds and ends
of hand made goods, 66c values,
while they last 25
8,000 Yards of Linoleum, regular
69c quality, from the bolt; on sale
while it lasts Monday at, per
square yard 39
To accommodate out-of-town
customers, we will fill Mail Orders
at these prices till Wednesday
Bend for Rug and Linoleum
,Tr-iVL. , with borders; prices
ranslng- from 94.98, 93.88, 93.00 to 98.60 x". Curtains, with lace edce: eoe-
V. A. . .
oiai juonuay st. ualr
oiai juonuajr at, pair .98.93 , i . t m m
ii.&s1 Try HAYDEN'S Fipisi
Progress in the Field of Electricity
1,060 degrees centigrade. The filament is
made up of four or five hairpin loeps coni
nected In a series. The Tungsten la nip has
a life of about 1.000 hours against a life
of 750 hours for a carbon lamp. It Is
also well known that the candle-power of
a carbon lamp decreases with use, but a
recent test of Tungsten lamps shows a
markably tlcw and small decline In
candle-power during life, not more than
6 per cent. This decline Is so small that
well-made lamps can be satisfactorily used
ur.tll they burn out completely.
The 3.0 candle-power watt Tungsten lamp
is the most powerful Incandescent lamp
supplied for practical lighting service. One
of the lamps will replace a gas are or
even an electric aro in some locations. The
Tungsten lamps are also produced in
miniature, ranging from one-half to
twenty-four candle-power, requiring from
one and one-half to twenty watts.
The Utrla flatlroa.
After all these years of researoh and thou
sands of Inventions to increase tha products
aout lasses tha labors at to Industrial
Customers Should
Profit by Mon
day's Special
Offering. Send
Your Orders at
$25,000 Stock of Elegant New Silks for Selection
$1.50 TO $5.00 SILKS MONDAY, 49C AND 69C
We secured from the clearing house a $25,000 importation of elegant fall 1908 silks, which had
been left on their hands on account of the firm importing same being unable to meet their cash obli
gations. No old pieces from a dressmaker's stocks but as clean a lot of new fall styles as was ever
brought to Omaha. The price paid being only a fraction of cost to manufacture. Entire purchase
on sale Monday in two immense lots.
Handsome hand painted satin IT, f rf fi All the leading new shades, such
w ft (Lf fts. iLj P as Peusee, Cortage, Loutre, Aca-
brocades, satin liberty brocades, W fT UU K you, Moleskea Angelique, Sap-
messalines, beautiful novelties, phire, Smoke, Bois de Rose, Lu-
Persians, satin stripes, etc., Van Dike stripes, J meire, Casseur, etc. Color taffetas, silk 6tripe,
color peau de cygnes, satin duchess, satin prin- broadcloths, 27-inch wide black all silk satin
cess, etc. duchess, 27 and 36 inch.
36-inch lilac and navy dress satins, new novelties for waists, suits and evening gowns; 27 and 36 inch
black dress taffetas, the very finest of the fall 1908 weaves. The greatest line of fine fall weaves and
colorings ever shown in Omaha.
No mail orders filled on these sale silks. Sale starts at 8:00 O'clock Bharp. Don't fail to attend and
be here early.
Fall Garment Styles in Charming Array
The mo3t beautiful, most comprehensive collection of the new
fall style ideas shown in Omaha and priced for early selling at
the closest possible margin of profit. 500 new suits will be shown
for the first time Monday.
Superior to them all at the price, exclusive in design, rich in ma
terial and colorings, perfection in finish, fully the equal of $35
suits shown elsewhere best values ever offered at. . . . $25
Hundreds of other delightful suit values shown at $35, $40, $45,
$50 up to $125
$20.00 AND $25.00 TAILOR SUITS, SPECIAL $t5.00
A special purchase of over 150 new fall suits, in broadcloths,
cheviots, fancy checks and stripe worsteds, all colors, including
the new pastel shades, garments made to se"ll at from $20 to
$25, special at $15
Newest Ideas in Fall Jacket Styles Shown in splendid assort
ment extraordinary values Monday, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15
New Fall Jackets A special purchase of 175 garments, made to
sell up to $12.50, choice Monday .... $4.95
Beautiful Evening Gowns Choicest of style ideas, most attrac
tive lot of values shown in Omaha, $20, $25, $30 to $100
200 Sample Dress Skirts Voiles
and Panamas trimmed with
several rows of taffeta bands
garments worth $5.00 to $7.95,
at $3.95
New Dress Walking Skirts
Complete assortment of latest
styles and materials, priced $5,
$7.50, $10.00 to . .,. $20
Extra, Extra Ml About the Big Sale
Quart Tomato or Fruit Cans, new, perfect,
per dozen 40o
We would advise our customers to buy
cans now. The tomato crop la so large
that before long cans will be 60c a doitn.
Strong, new, heavy Galvanized Garbage
Cans, this is positively the best can
made in Omaha It gallon (large size),
usual price 11.76, Monday 9io
$1.40 12-gaIlon size 89c
65o Wire Rat Traps, special price... 25o
76o Japanned Mall Boxes, Saturday . .850
86o Voorman's Enameled Sink Strainer 16o
80o Japanned Folding Lunch Boxes ..loo
85c large White Willow Clothes Baskets,
for 65o
Six polished Wire or Wooden Coat Hang
ers for 15c
Bent Food Choppers, any brand made,
Monday 95o
$1.25 five-piece sets Mrs. Potts' Polished
Irons 89o
S-large 10o rolls best Toilet Paper . ...20c
lOo cans Shlnola So
100 Dover Egg Beater 6o
Another Car of
The best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at
less than Jobbers cost.
10 bars best brands Laundry Soap ..25o
The beat White and Yellow Cornmeal, per
sack ..15c
The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg...8Vi0
Imported 6ardines, 14s, cer can ....tac
Ginger Snaps, per pound 60
Fresh Crisp Pretzels, per lb 60
Fancy Golden Nugget Cracknels, lb .UV4o
011 or Mustard Sardine, per can 4c
$-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy,
Squash. Sauer Kraut or Baked BeanK,
per can 7o
2-lb. cans Fancy Wax, String, Green or
Lima Beans "'0
48-lb. sacks Finest High Patent Flour
a vnndoua stock
Try HiTBEN'l Ptrst" a paxlu propesitton. Oet our prices. BETSKUi sooauiu
ivr'ntil.1 FOI MOHDAYl .
Bilk Sraiea for folding doors
any color made to order;
nri 98.00
. .aa.aa
world, science has but recently Invaded
the home to materially reduce the arduous
toll of the household.
beyond a doubt the greatest labor-saving
device ever produced to lighten the never
ending labors of the home Is the electric
flatlron. . Thousands of these irons have
been sold during the last two years and
still there are very few people who com
prehend the secret of this modern electric
tlrrys-saver. They cannot mideiatubd how it
remains "slbslng" hot without coal or
flame. They do not know that It is the
energy of the sun which makes the electric
flatiron hot enough to do an Ironing on the
back porch these hot days without a bit
of fire.
The electric flatlron Is shaped a great
deal like the ordinary sadiron, except it
has better lines and is constructed on more
scientific plans in regard to heat distribu
tion. The Irons are finished In nickel or
gun metal and have permanent handles
which never get hot. Inside each iron is
a "cartridge resistance unit" which pro
duces Ux hsal Tb Moartrldgn is a Uaas
Silk Braided Jackets that sold
to $20, all in one lot Monday,
at $7.50
$2.50 Heatherbloom Underskirts
' All colors, special. . . $1.45
$6.00 Silk Underskirts, all colors
and sizes, on sale at. . . $3.95
New large Rotary Washing Machines.
worth $8; en sale Monday for ....$5.0)
Other Rotary Washers only $3.9
The O. K. Washer, $4.98; the extra large
$6.00 Western Washer, No. 2 $! 8
Western Washer No. 2 $2.81
The Easy Ak-Sar-Ben Washer, worth $10,
positively cannot be sold for leas, Mon
day for $500
12 Odd Washing Machines, worth $8.00,
only $2.44
Large Enameled Wash Basins, Pudding,
Milk, Preserving, Stew, Bread and Sauce
Pans, Pie Plates, Cake Pans. Dippers,
Bpoons, Soap Dishes, Colanders, etc,
Monday, at 6c to 100
$1.65 Boys' Iron Wagon, steel wheels,
Monday 8 So
$3 50 Boys' Wooden Coaster Wagons,
Monday $1.98
$1.60 Steel Roller Skates, boys' and glxiV
for 980
$2.60 Tricycles $l-(0
$2.00 Tricycles $1-25
Don't Forget the Big Grocery Sale Monday
Extra Fancy California Fruit in our
Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 18o
Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb lo
Choice Country Creamery Butter, lb..21o
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb ....24o
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 16o
Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen 8 Ho
Large Egg Plant, each 60
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb 2 Ho
Fancy Cauliflower, lb 10o
8 bunches Fresh Radishes (0
6 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 60
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb ....8tto
1 heads Fresh Cabbage .....So
af the best bow ready tot your inspection.
or archway, I Brusselette lace Curtains,
selection, nanasome new
and 97.80 I pair 9-98,
cylinder, about tlve Inches long, Inside of
which Is a coll of German silver wire. In
the rear of the iron is a porcelain plug
with the wlra terminals. When in use
these terminals are connected with the
wires In an Insulated flexible cord, which
Is fitted with a plug" to screw In the
ordinary incandescent lamp socket.
When the iron Is connected and the cur
rent turned on the electricity passes
through the wires hidden in the flexible
cord to the wire coils in the cartridge"
In the Iron. Now, German silver wire re
sin ts the flow of electricity; the current
does not flow through It readily, and. In
fact, work has to be done In forcing the
current through the wire. This work pro
duces heat and the heat generated In this
simple manner keeps the Iron hot Turning
on the switch completes a path for the
flow of electricity, which the pressure of
the electric generator in the power house
forces through the resistance and thus
generates heal.
The flatlron of today U tha result of
much study on the part of tha heating
experts with tha result that no heat is
wasted in tha electrto Iron and tha edges
keep the same temperature as tha center.
The Uoixlo flatlron la tha most popular
X all the alacUia btf nt davloa and tha
Mail Orders
Filled on All
Items Except
Hour Sales and
Where Otherwise
Stylish Silk Waists Made to
sell up tp $5.00, choice $1.98
Extra Sized Skirts For large
women, in complete assortment
at $3.95 to . . $15
Everything for Infants Baby
Bazar, on 2d Floor.
Furnishings Monday
C. E. Jennings make 26-lnch Hand Saw,
worth $1.25 76o
28-lnch Hand Saw, worth 75c, for ....3o
Any size David Maydole Hammer ....45o
Any size David Maydole Hammer (without
being branded) for SOo
Nickel plated 6 Inch Combination Plyers,
worth 660 this is a special snap
Monday 29o
Carpenter's 2-foot Box Rules 60
Stillson 14-inch Wrench, worth $1.25..75o
Agricultural Wrenches, 6, 8 and 10 inches,
for . . .10c, 15c, 26o
C lil paw ay Carpenter's Bench Axe, worth
86c, for 60o
Yankee Screwdriver or Automatlo Drill 8O0
Odd colors and sizes Paint, to close out,
can be, 11c, ma
Enamels, Jap-a-Lac, woodsnine,
1st. etc.. at. ter can
, .10c, 25c, 40o
Ktova Plua Enamel, worth 20c
, . iUO
Best House paint luaae, g&uon
only $6c, 65c, $1.26
Monday's Sale
hnria TTrash Celery BO
Good Cooking Apples, sack 16o
Green Peppers for pickles, basket. .. .26c
Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Onions, per
pound 2c
Extra Fancy No. 1 California Freestone
Halway Peaches, Monday's sale, per
crate 750
Bushel Boxes Extra Fancy No. 1 Cali
fornia Bartlett Pears, per box . .. .81-Bo
Grapes for Jelly, per basket 17V4o
Fancy California Muscat Grapes, lb-7o
Fancy California No. 1 Walnuts, lb.. 16c
You'll find to
ten patterns ror
e.,- t.v
93.86, aj.oo,
Genera r' EUectrlo company manufactured
and sold to Its patrons more than 76,000 of
them last year.
jlectrlo Hotel Devices.
A new application of the telautograph
system has also been adopted In the new
Astor hotel, New Tork City. By it written
messages are transmitted by electricity
from one part of the Astor to the other.
To send names and messages correctly to
Its patrons is one of the hotel's most im
portant duties. Every point In tha hotel's
central telephone switchboard Is equipped
with a telautograph transmitter. When the
switchboard girl sends a telautograph mes
sage to a pMron's room she writes It on
a sensitive film in tha telautograph trans
mitter in front of her. She cannot sea her
own writing on the pad. but a receiver re
flects It back and lets her verify it at the
same time that it appears ou tha receiving
pad In the room of the guest.
There Is also telautographlo connection
at this central switchboard with the
kitchen, floor stations, porters, valets. In
formation clerk, front clerk, cashier, serv
ice bars and engine room. Tha orders of
tha guests can thua be transmitted all
over tha house without the tremendous
waste of time involved by having one per
son summon another te a telephone and re
The Leading Dress
Goods House Wt$t
Three X.arr Dress Goods Dspts.
Department 1 High grade, from 91
to 97.50 yard.
Department 9 Popular prloed, from
B5o to $1.00.
Department 3 Odd lota from 10o to
6O0 yard.
From 0 to 11:80 A. M. Muck
Goods Only.
$1.00 black goods. .. .G7 W
All $1.25 black gooda 89
All $1.60 black goods 075
All $2.00 black goods. .. .$1.15
All $8.00 black goods. .. .$1.05
All $4.00, $5.00, $0.00 and $7.50
black goods at... HALF PRICE
Popular Priced Wool Dress Goods
Everrtbing here for ladies'
at very low prices.
60c plaids, satin stripes 25
Strictly all wool panamas. . .31) 4
Strictly all wool serges, 36 inches
wide 49
Strictly all wool serges, lhi yard
WW 59
60-in. strictly all wool serges. 75
5 4-ln. strictly all wool serges. 08
$1.25 genuine Scotch plaids. O70
$1.00 genuine French plaids. $39
50c all wool dress flannels. .25
$1.00 all wool dress flannels, 60
Inch so
High Grade Wash
Flannelettes, bath robe cloth,
bengalines, taffetas, etc., all new
place in this town.
Arnold's 18o Flannelettes, 86 In.
wide 12 M
Paclflo 18o Flannelettes, 36 in.
wide 12 H
Arnold's 16o Flannelette, 30 in.
wide 10
Pacific 15o Flannelettes. 29 in.
wide 10
French Epengline, for waists, all
evening shade, were 39o values.
t 25
ller"a,s Famous
American Prints 5
Amoakeag Apron Checks, .... 5
12 Vic Flanrrelettes (remn'U) .5
15c White Goods 74
15o Flannelettes 7M
12 Percales 7H
10c Percales, dark colors 5
25c Scotch Ginghams 10
10c new fall Dress Ginghams. .5
12 Vic new fall Dress Ginghams,
at 7K
$2 Hand Bags, 95c
The best line of Hand Bags and
Pocketbooks ever shown in
OlTlflha at tha rtrlro
Don't fail to see one
them Monday, $2.00
Matchless Furniture Values Monday
We offer in our fall display an exposition of furniture
worthiness you'll be glad to see, not only on account of price
consideration but quality consideration as well. Let us show
you the best selected line and
values in furniture ever of
fered here or elsewhere in
Omaha, and don't miss Mon
day's specials.
$27.00 Sideboard, in fine quartered
oak, 46-inch base, has 15x27
French bevel plate mirror, beau
tifully carved front and fine
quality trimmings; a great snap
at sale price $19.75
$12.00 Sewing Rocker, has bent
post back, is very substantially
built and well braced, a neat and
comfortable chair; on sale Mon
day at $1.35
flS.OO Empire Dresser, fine quar oak finish, has three deep
roomy drawers, 29x27 pattern
mlrrnr. all new stock and a truly
remarkable bargain at sale
price $9.95
Comparison of qualities and
prices Is all we ask. Your good
judgment will do the rest.
Skirts Made to Measure
Select any material in our entire Press Uoods stock from tOo yard up. and have your skirt BiMi
to mea:.utd by a first-clans ladles' tailor rlKht in our store. Twenty banHome new designs to se
lect frnm. Perfect Pit Ouaranteed or Monsy Refunded, at 91.76, 98.00, 98.60 and 93.00.
BED THE IBV VHEAIH 9KIKT Priced for making wonderfully low. InvestlKate.
peat a message several times over until
the other person understands. There are
also no mistakes. Every order is written
If tha switchboard operator receives an
order for something from the ba or res
taurant she .will write It on her telauto
graph transmitter. It will flauh to the
aervlce -bar and also to the floor station
nearest the guest's room. The order will
be sent from the service bar In an electric
dumb waiter and served by the floor boy.
If a visitor comes to the hotel office and
wants to be announced to one of the guests
the clerk writes the visitor's nam and tha
number of the room occupied by the guest
on a telautograph set standing in front of
him and the message Is repeated in the
guest's room. The room clerk also uses
the telautograph for sending departures
and changes In rooms to the front clerk,
to the housekeeper and to the laundry.
The system formerly used waa for the
room clerk to make this record In a bxk.
Dcslde the telautograph system the hotel
has many electric clocks, an electric watch
man's service and also a system of elec
trical time stamps operated from a master
clock. Each guest's letter box Is squlpped
with a shutter and switch. Whenever a
letter, telegram, message or card la put
' in the box, in the guest's room an Illumi
1:30 to 5 9. K.
Colored Goods Only.
All $1.00 colored goods 5f
All $1.25 colored goods GO
All $1.50 colored goods 85
All $2.00 colored goods. . .$1.15
All $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $6.00
colored goods at
No samples of sale goods sent out,
but Mall Orders filled until Friday
tailor suits, children's dreases, etc.,
Odd Lots and Remnants In Wool
Dress Goods in Our Famous
Domestic Room.
25c Suitings 12
Remnants of 2 5c Suitings. . .XOt
Remnants of 39c Suitings. . .10
Remnants of 75c and $1.00 Suit'
ln" 25
Remnants of $1.25, II. 60, )2.00....39
Remnants of $2.60 and $3.00.,..49o
Remnants of $4.00 B9o
Several other bargains In this de
partment. Goods Department
wrapper cloth, percale, organdies,
and up to date, at lees than any other
Pacific Raye Crepes, very fine,
ftt 10
Everything in fine satin and Bilk
used in linings, also Italians, Reph,
Twills, Sleeve Linings, Dress Lin
ing, Mending Tissues and other
things found in first class lining
departments, at less than bought
elsewhere. Special inducements
to tailors and dressmakers. Sam
ples sent out-of-town customers.
Domestic Room
19c White Waistlngs 10
12c Comfort Cloth H
10c Comfort Cloth 5 j
7 Vic Towels, 18x36 .4V4
10c Towels, fine 64
12 V4e Towels, fine 7 He
10c all linen Toweling '7Vs
10c all linen Glass Toweling. 7
All linen Crash Toweling 5
Other Toweling 36
60 other Bpeclals too numerous
to mention. Come early.
Dress Trimmings
We have Just received our new
fall line of Dress Trimmings and
Bands the largest and best se
lected stock in Omaha.
nated sign appears reading: "Mall in thi
office for you."
Aa Electric Cola Coaster.
The burdens of bank work were consider
ably lightened when the electric adding
machine was Invented, but now comes th
electrlo coin counter to make It still easier.
This apparatus counts and sorts coins InU
paper tubes, or bags, aV the rate 72,00)
pieces an hour. Fourteen expert cashlen
in tha Bank of England, working all daj
long, are only able to count $u0,000 In sliver
coin. The new machine will do this worl
in one-fifth of the time.
A bag of coins la poured Into a recep
tasla in tha rear of the electric machine
A tray full of several hundred coins I
emptied on a polished metal plate. Ttit
plate Is tilted downward at one end ant
broken up by Valsed metal rules Into ex
actly a hundred squares which may b
so altered in Bite that any desired coil
slipping into them Is held firmly In place
The plate is moved rapidly to and fro
Bhould It be desired to extract sixpence
from the heap of larger money all thj
bigger coins are sifted off tha plate and to.
sixpenny pieces are retained In tha squares
Tha coins are also stacked la paper tuba
and counted