Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 18

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Nebraska National Guard Team at the Camp Perry Rifle Competition
AKINO a net gln of 210 polnti
TiTI n1 c"mb!n!r tr" forty-first
1VA I place In the lint of contestants
to thirty-eighth place, the Ne
braska Rifle tram returned
from the national rifle match
t Camp Perry, Put-ln-Bay, O.. well satla
fled with Its participation In the tourna
mept, despite the handicap of having to
compete with service teams snd to use
government ammunition, which did not
give as pood satlsfwactlon as that used In
the preliminary work. The national match
was held August 24, 25 and 29 and was par
tlclpated In by fifteen men. with four offl
oers. from Nebraska, the crew of twelve
active participants being taken from the
two regiments of the National guard of
this state.
Lieutenant Colonel O. O. Osborne of
Omaha, second officer In command of the
Second regiment of Infantry, Nebraska Na
tional guard, went to Camp Perry at the
head of the Nebraska team, which was
composed of the following men: Lieuten
ant Balderson, Lieutenant Hobbs, First
Sergeant GUI, Sergeant Brian, Sergeant
Nye, Sergeant Gibson, Artificer Blodpett,
Musician Meixel, Private Mohr, Private
Reuse, Private Renkln and Private Ugen
frlts. Three lternatss Captain Ferguson,
Lieutenant Anderson and Sergeant Major
McDonald also went with the team.
The twelve active participants In the
hoot, together with the three alternates,
were picked by the officers of the regi
ment at the thirty-day shoot held at Ash
land prior to the contest at Camp Perry.
The Ashland shoot began July 20 and con
tinued until August 19 and the men who
made the highest scores In the state shoot
were selected to represent Nebraska In
the national shoot.
Lieutenant Colonel Osborne was cap'.aln
6f fhe team sent to Camp Perry, an1 tne
Other Officers were Lieutenant Colonel
Blrkner of Lincoln, coach; Captain O. H.
Newman of Aurora, range officer, and
Captain J. 8. Johnson of Stanton, ipotier.
The national rifle match wae conjuutcd
by the War department, which in Id all
expenses, including the railway fare of the
teams competing. The matches ro held
each year for the purpose ol promoting
rifle practice and encouraging the men
enlisted In the regular nrmy and In the
National guards of the several nates to
become more adept with the ise of the
rifle. It Is not compulsory on iho various
military organizations to take part Hi the
tournaments, but most of .the :.! are
generally represented, as there is t o ex
pense attached to it. The Men wlii take
part are given an outing ..nd tlieia U al
ways the hops of gaining one of the tlx
valuable prizes offered by the c vemmeiit
for those teams making the highest scores.
Forty-three states, Including the Dis
trict of Columbia, five service teams,
professionals, and a team from Hawaii
competed In this year's shooting tourna
ment, making fifty contestants In all. The
service teams naturally ranked at or near
the top, four of the alx prizes being won
by teams from the regular army and
another regular army team being seventh
In the raee. The teams from Wisconsin
and Massachusetts were fifth and sixth
In the race, respectively.
The forced competition with service teams
composed of men of almost unlimited
practice with the rifle, being In the service
continually and with nothing else to do,
Is considered a handicap by many of the
National Guard teams, and in his report
to the adjutant general, Colonel Osborne
of Nebraska recomends that service teams
be eliminated from the national rifle
tournaments and that the National guards
from the several states be privileged to
compete only with their peers, and not
with their superiors.
'The service teams are professionals, and
the guard teams, with very few exceptions.
Outlook for the University of Omaha
HE University of Omaha has
been to the people of the city
whose name It bears little more
than a Mime. Bellevue college
has been known and appre
ciated and the schools of law,
medicine and dentistry In Omaha have
been considered as very Important factors
In the city's educational facilities, but the
University of Omaha has not been thought
of as an organization embracing under
one name all of these separated institu
tion. '
With the taking out of new Incorpora
tions papers for the university and the or
ganisation of a new board of trustees,
who are to work with the Bellevue board
for the good of all the different depart
ments, the university may be expected to
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re amateurs, and It seems to me there
are many reasons why 'the service teams
should be eliminated from the national
match," say Colonel Osborne in his report.
"Possibly this could be satisfactorily over
come by having both an amateur and a
professional match," he continues, "or a
National guard match and a national
match. The amateur, or National guard,
match could be shot first with only teams
from the National guards competing. Then
have the professionals, or national, match,
and if any of the National guards teams
wish to compete, then they can enter that
match also.
"I believe this would have a tendency
to stimulate the promotion of rifle practice
In all the National guard organizations,
rather than have s ma of the other matches
which they do, like the Herrlck trophy
and tho Dupont trophy, where there are
no restrictions as to competitors."
The members of the Nebraska rifle team
entered Into the contest with zeal, how
ever, even though from the start It was
seen that It was to be an unequal one.
But, as Colonel Osborne says, the men of
Nebraska never balk at. anything end they
aimed their rifles and shot ' with the
"crack" men of the nation, determined to
place their home state at least another
rung or two higher on the ladder. This
they did, climbing three steps.
"I do not know what will become of my
recommendations," said Colonel Osborne,
"but I firmly believe that the boys from
all teams would enter the national matches
with more zeal If they knew they would
be entering upon a new existence under
Its own name.
Dr. S. W. fitookey, A. M., LL. D., the
newly-elected president of Bellevue col
lege. Is a graduate of Cos college and re
ceived his honorary degree from that insti
tution. His work has been for the most
part along scientific lines, but he has made
a reputation as an administrative educator,
end his experience as dean and acting
president of Coe have well fitted him for
the position he is assuming.
Bellevue, with Its picturesque scenery
and the magnificent "La Belle Vue," from
old Elk hill. Is at Its best In the late sum
mer, and the returning students find
never-ending delights In Its beauties. Dur
ing the vacation about thirty of the men
of the college have been living on the
not be pitted against men from the regu
lar army service. The high scores made
by the service Uams do not stimulate the
National guard teams to greater effort
(they do the best they can, anyway), but I
sometimes think that these same high
scores scare many a contestant, and cer
tain it Is that the participation in the na
tional events by the service teams keeps
some of the states from entering.
"I think it would be a good plan to havo
two shoots, one for the service teams and
one for the guards. Let tho guard shoot
be first and let there be trophies, prizes,
for the winners. Then let the winners of
tho guard shoot compete with the service
teams, or with the winners of the serv
ice team shoot for another grand prize.
Some such arrangement would stimulate
still greater effort and interest on the
part of the members of the various Na
tional guards and would also tend to make
the men in the service do still better work,
so there would be no danger of their
losing the grand trophy to a state mili
tary organization. I have thought a great
deal of this and I hope the adjutant gen
erals at their next meeting will take some
action regarding it.
"I have also called the attention of our
adjutait general to another matter," con
tinued Colonel Osborne, "and this is that
some of the guard teams had from two
weeks' to two months' practice on the
Camp Perry grounds prior to the holding
of the national shoot. This ought not to
be allowed, I think. The lay of the ground
has a great deal to do with target shooting
campus and working on the college build
ings. Clarke Hall, the building on the
eummit of the hill, which was so seriously
damaged by the tornado In the spring, has
been remodeled and a new tower gives a
still better opportunity for enjoying the
scenery down the river and across the
valley to the bluffs. The other buildings
have been redecorated and repaired by
these students and the natural advantages
of the campus have been carefully con
served, especially by the planting of ad
ditional trees.
The -faculty of Bellevue for the coming
year will be altered somewhat In addi
tion to tho new incumbent of the executive
chair. Prof. Charles K. Hoyt, who has
been for sometime on leave of absence,
returns to take up his work in the chair
of English. The Bible classes will be as
before conducted by Dr. Phelps, pastor of
the Bellevue church; Dr. Tyler will be in
charge of Instruction In biology i Dr. Stern
berg will teach ancient languages and
literature, and Dr. Leonard will conduct
the clatscs In economics and sjclal science.
Dr. Leor.ard has bean during the sum
Gossip and
Dryan and ae Panther.
XAS hasn't grown so effete and
supremely civilized yet as to
lose the old time zest for play
ing pranks on tenderfeet," re
marked Judge Frauk Sebastian,
of Waco.
"In bygone years the rjewcomer to our
state who got off without being carried
on a snipe hunt' or s me other equally
futile expedition was In luck. , The pro
pensity to 'Josh' strangers exists to this
day. Only a few yeara ago the late Gov
ernor J. S. Hojg perpetrated a trick along
those llrjes on William Jennings Bryan
that probably the NebrasUan has never
found out. Bryan was spending some time
in Austin, and ho and the big governor
were close frler.ds.
"One day Bryarj remarked that there no
doubt waa big game In the Colorado hills
near the city, and If so he would greatly
enjoy x hunt. 'Yes, Indeed there Is big
game,' the governor answered, . but added
thai 11 was not plentiful as In his ycunget
days. A few mountain Hons, panthers,
bears and antelope could still bs had by
the skillful hunter. Hogg was laughing fit
to kill all the while In his sleeve, for there
was no game fiercer than a rabbit within
200 milea. Bryan was Immensely pleased
and njtliliij ftoulJ Uo but to aiutia a,
hunt. It happened that a local aaloonkeeper
did have a poor old toothless panther In
the rear of bis establishment and the owner
being let in on the plot, rad!ly turned the
brute over to Governor Hog?.
"The preparations that were made for
that affair would be too long to teil, but
almost as much fuss was made over It aa
of Roosevelt's ooming trip to Africa. Of
the fifteen or twenty men who rode out
of Austin mounted on splendid steeds and
armed a the teeth In quest of savaje wild
animals, Bryan waa the only Innocent soul.
So completely waa tut duttd by Uie wily
and It can be readily understood that
teams familiar with a range will do bettor
than teams not familiar with It.
"All teams competing In the national
shoot ought to enjoy the same privileges
and no team ought to have opportunities
another has not. For this reason I hope
some action will be taken whereby no team
will be allowed to practice on the national
rifle range."
In his report to the adjutant general, the
colonel called attention to the fact that a
portion of his team's ammunition had been
stolen enroute and that his men were com
pelled to use ammunition furnished by the
government. This they were not familiar
with and could not get the satisfactory re
sults they obtained previously In practice
with their own ammunition. The colonel
believes this change of ammunition oc
casioned another handicap which prevented
the Nebraska rifle team from receiving a
higher rating than It did.
There were, therefore, three handicaps for
tho Nebraska team to overcome: The
shooting with regular service teams, shoot
ing with teams which had had practice on
the Camp Perry range, and shooting with
ammunition with which the members of
thes team were not familiar. But despite
' these three obstacles Nebraska made an
excellent showing and can well point with
pride to the score it made this year.
In the national rifle match In Ne
braska stood forty-first In the list of con
testants and made 2,229 points in the score.
In 10OS this state stands thirty-eighth In th-s
list of contestants and has a rating of 2,509
points. The net gain is 210 points.
mer in charge of the Associated charities
In Omaha. Dean Calder has history, Dr.
Adams, phlloephy, and the normal
courses; Prof. Schmteldel, mathematics;
Miss Carter, woman's dean, has modern
languages, and Mr. Rugglea will conduct
classes In physics and chemistry. Miss
McLean Is to be absent for a year in
One of the changes of administrative
policy due to the new executive is the
decision that greater attention must be
paid the academy department. The man to
have charge of the new activity is Prof.
Julian Gist. He will live in Philadelphia
hall with the academy students and de
vote his entire time to their direction. In
the academy classes he will have charge
of the classics.
A number of departments are to have
especial attention this year. The training
In pedagogy and normal work under Dr.
Adams will be extended and the graduates
are given state certificates by the State
Department of Public Instruction.
In Public sneaking Bellevue is fortunate
in having Prof. James, a graduate of
Stories About Noted People
Hogg and his band of conspirators that he
never krjew when he took deliberate aim
and brought down from a live oak limb
the decriplt old panther that the whole
thing was a put up Job and that the victim
of his Winchester was a 'plant.' The gov
ernor had the panther atuffed and presented
to the slayer, and Bryan all the while
lmaglrd that he had gained fame among
the Texana as a mighty hunter." Baltimore
When Wattrrion Doomed Johnson.
One of the best stories of the campaign
up to date is told by Henry Watterson, the
brilliant Journalist, whom all men love and
admire. It will be remerbered that through
many lore.' and weary months Marse Henry
boomed Governor Johnson of Minnesota
for the democratic presidential nomination.
He wrote for Johnson such editorials as ho
alone can write, gave out Interviews and did
everything in his power to set going a
movement which should make Governor
Johnson the victor at Denver. Finally he
became wearied of this self-imposed task,
and one fine day he dropped Johnson and
came out for Bryan. Asked why he made
this llghnlng change Mr. Watterson ex
plained: "My experience in booming Governor
JOhllaun ai a guinl dtI llks that Cf ft
friend of mine down in Kentucky. He went
out in the country to address a political
meeting in a school house. Far an hour and
a halt he whooped it up in his best style,
but couldn't get a rise out of his audience.
The people sat st 11. Jest looking at him.
He put on more stear-i and hit the air
harder than before. Still there was no ap
plause or demonstration either of approval
or disapproval. They Just sat there and
looked at him. At last he thought he would
test the sentiment of V1 crowd in another
way. Bo he brought his speech abruptly
to aa end, and, turning to the chairman of
The winner of the high prise In this
year's tournament was a team from fhe
United States Infantry, regular soldiers,
and It made a total score of 8,224. With
Nebraska's score of 1,509, this state was
only 715 points short of winning the grand
prize. This, Colonel Osborne points out. Is
not a bad showing for this state whin
there were fifty contestants and the scores
ran into the thousands.
The six prizes awarded by the War de
partment were won by the following teams.
In the order named: United States Infantry,
United States navy. United States cavalry,
United States marines corps, Wisconsin Na
tional Guard, Massachusetts National
Guard. The team from the United States
Naval academy was seventh in the nice,
the District of Columbia National Guard
team was ninth, the team from Hawaii
secured twenty-sixth place, and the teams
from the various states were distributed.
North Carolina, with 1,901 points, was the
lowest contestant, Nebraska being ahead
of Delaware, Tennessee, North Dakota,
Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Arkansas, New
Mexico, Utah, Mississippi, Louisiana and
North Carolina.
The offlcal scores made by the teams in
the national rifle shoot are as follows:
United States infantry 3.224
United States navy. 8,210
United States cavalry 3,1X0
United States marine corps 3,117
Wisconsin 3,075
Massachusetts 3,05(1
1'nitefl States Naval academy 3,055
Pennsylvania 8,044
District nf Columbia rn'5
Washington 3.ono
Illinois 2.9UH
Iowa 2,S4
is Bright
Northwestern university, where he took
post graduate courses In elocutulon and
oratory. Musks will be given more than
usual attention and two new departments
to be called business administration and
household administration will be added to
the curriculum The last two named de
partment are to fill the growing need
for higher commercial education so that the
man entering business will have some
competent knowledge of the principles of
finance and economics.
The new foot ball coach, C. B. Cronk
of Beloit will make an effort to maintain
the high reputation, which Bellevue has
made for itself In athletics and win the
Nebraska college championship again this
year. "Bill" Marvel captain of the eleven
is confident of leading his men into first
place with the same fine record that
Bellevue had In 1907.
In every way the outlook for & successful
year for the University of Omaha Is bright
and with Its new Incorporation and Its new
president may be expected to enjoy the
greatest year since Its founding.
the meeting, offered a resolution to be
adopted. This also was received In dead
silence. No one offered to eeoond where
upon my friend called out:
" 'Will some gentleman kindly second my
'At this juncture a tall, lanky fellow In
the rear of the hall shouted at the top ol
his voice:
" 'Second your motion yourself, you big
slob.' "Walter Wellman In tne Record
Herald. -4-
Orlgrln of Uncle nemos' Stories.
Many great works of genius, as la well
known, have been produced by accident,
and an author Is seldom the best Judge ot
his own works, says Current Literature.
When Joel Chandler Harris wrote the first
of his "Uncle Remus" stories, and pre
sented It for publication, he did so with a
hundred misgivings. He waa not sure that
his ventures in negro folk-lore would prove
successful. He could not know that they
would bring him world-wide fame.
At the time described Mr. Harris was a
young man of 28, emploed on the Atlanta
Constitution. Saul W. Small, afterwards a
revivalist, who had been writing for the
same paper a popular column of negro
story and dialect, had Just resigned from
the staff. The managing editor of the
Constitution, winning to continue the tea
ture, said to Harris one day: "Joel, It seuma
to me you could do that sort of thing to a
tee. Seo If you can't turn In something to
night." The young writer's memory flitted back
to his early daya on a plantation. All the
quaint settings of negro life the little
cabins, the fiddling darkle, the wrinkled
story-teller, the black "mammies," the
noisy corn-shuckbigs, the bob-tailed rab
bits disappearing along the roadcame hur
rying from the past. Late that afternoon
he turned In his copy. The next day big
reputation was made.
Ohio ,
New Hampshire
New York
New Jersey
West Virginia ..
Michigan ...
Kentucky ,
Rhode Island ...
,. 2.929
.2. 70S
. 2 673
. .2.RK7
South Carolina
North Dakota ..
President Canfield is Coming
Syracuse, N. Y., the head of
the National Association of
Railway Mail Clerks will be in
Omaha September 17 and 13, on
his . annual tour through the
west In the Interest of the association. He
will reach Omaha from Kansas City on
the evening of September 17, and will re
main over until the morning of the 19th.
On Friday evening he will be tendered a
banquet at the Rome hotel by the Omaha
Railway Mall Clerks' association. F. H.
Colo, president of the local association,
will be In charge of the affair.
President Canfield Is a native of New
York, having been born In that state forty
one years ago and has since resided there.
The first twenty-ono years of his life was
put In on a farm, and for twenty years he
has been connected with the railway mall
service, the last fourteon years of which
he has been clerk In charge of a crew on
the eastern division of the New York &
Chicago Railway postofflce. He has al
waye been a member of the railway mall
association and was recently raised to the
head of the national association of that
organisation. The purpose of the organ
lzatlon are to secure justice to the postal
railway clerks In the matter of the allow
ance of expenses, and for the general bet
terment of the service along lines In con
junction with the Postofflce department
with which the association works In the
fullest harmony. The association fur
ther has an accident policy beneficiary fea
f " t-'.:)7. it : -
, Ay
v 1
Sysaeuee. ti, X.
New Mexico
North Carolina
..2 4W
. .:.4io
The tournament of August, 1'JOS, as the
fourth national match that Nebraska
taken part in, two of theso having been at
Camp Perry, at Put-In-Bay. O., and two
at SeaKlit, N. J. The score made tins
year being the highest, a gain being made
each year. Th:s in Itself Is encouraging,
but what is more encouraging Is that Ne
braska made a gain while every one of
the winners In this year's slit'ot, wl. limit
an exctvll.'n, did not shout as we, I t!
year as formerly, the hlxh t-cji . s l iiih
much lower than lat year, n:nl s .n
of the teams comie:ing falling iff r.s n.u n
as ten per cent. Ncbrusku, in ihe o.Uv
hand, made a steady Kaln, and Ui.s la
face of three serious liandlcuis.
Colunel Osborn says that the oTiKee-s
and men enjoyed their trip to rut-ln-lSuy
and their Blurt stay In (. un; I'eiry, an i
In Lis olftelal report to the itlj.aant g.n
eial the color.el says: "I wish to n.;y tuat
the liianiigemcnt of the camp di .s. , vs no
small amount of praise for the
manner In which the visiting teams w. ro
cared; for. Everything was, a. par
cully, that could be to inuk.' our .ay
pleasant and profitable."
Further In his oftltlal rejrt, Co onel
Osborn says: "The conduct of Hie i.ain
(Neuiaska) at all times was (xeel.ent and
I attribute no small amount of out- su.un
to the lack of a desire upon 11. u part
of any one to dlssiiulj In a;ij m.i....ei.
I am sure the team did tlio LcH It couid
under the circumstances."
The colonel speaks In the highest pramo
of the men who represented Nebraska .n
the national shoot and says tney averaged
up with the other mllltla and regular uiaiy
men at the shoot In other ways, oven
though they did not make the high score in
the rifle shooting. As Intimated In the
official report, tho men attended strictly
to business, all the time keeping In mind
the honor of the state they were reine
sentlng, and there was not a slip on their
part to in any way mar the occasion.
The men also enjoyed their camp lire,
though It was short. They reached the
camp on the evening of August 20, going
there direct from the rifle range at Ash
land where they left the day previous. Tho
trip was made over the Burlington, Rock
Island and Lake Shore roads, the of
ficials of which routes were courteous in
their treatment of the members of the team
and the officers, the colonel says. Tits
Camp Perry range Is an excellent place
for expert rifle practice, the officers s.iy,
and they doubt if a better place could bo
"Nebraska will continue to attend these
national rifle matches and we hope to
make higher scores each suceeceding year,"
says Colonel Osborne. "If we had had
our own ammunition this year I believe we
would have scored 200 points higher than
we did, which would have placed us in
about the twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth
place, but I am glad that we made the
score we did. Some time, I hope, Nebraska
will carry off the high score, service teams
or no service teams."
ture of $15 weekly Indemnity and $3,000
Indemnity in case of death of a
member through accident or other cause.
The great' effort now before the organiza
tion Is to secure an expense allowance t-j
railway mall clerks while on governmental
duty. In speaking of this matter recently
President Canfield said: "Tho railway
mall clerks are the only class of govern
ment employes who dn not receive expenses
when away from home on government busi
ness. But few private concerns or corpor
ations apply this rule, while on the other
band their employes receive expenses while
away from home on duty for their employ
ers. As an Instance there are some clerks
on runs whose expenses are light on ac
count of being at home every night, while
others in the same class or grade are as
signed to runs that keep them from home
two or three days at a time and their ex
penses are correspondingly greater. We
wish to equalize this matter, so that one
clerk will receive as much as another, and
so that both can carry the same amount gf
salary home with them."
Chief Clerk Keller of tho Omaha division
says on this subject: "The present rule
is that the railway mail clerk must pay
his own board and lodging expensi-s while
on duty, regardless of the time that he
may be absent fro:n home. As an instance,
a clerk on the Omaha and Ogden run is
obliged to lo t 1,1.1 own expense bills at the
end of his lun uway from his home and
while on the run. He receives no ex pens
allowance therefor."