Tim OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 13. 1903. ft EARL OF ESSEX SELLS HOME Hard Pressed, Swtllowi Pride and Lett Place Go. ONCE A RETREAT OF ROYALTY (ktrlta I mm4 Charles II Held Forth There aad ll Had Baaa'olr in the Famoaa Hoaae. LONDON, Sept. 12.-fSpec-lal.)-Rarely In the history of famous English estates have such evil days fallen upon a great property as those'. which have overtaken Cashlobury, the seat of the earl of Essex. It Is being sold In lots for building purposes and cheap villas will shortly be erected upon It. The mansion of Cashlobury Itself Is still In tho possession of Lord and Iady Essex. The countess, who was Miss Adela Grant of New York, a beautiful woman, wasbefore her marriage with Lord Essex engnged to another British nobleman. For years she was In that exclusive coterie, the king's Immediate set and used to be Invited every where to meet him. Of late, however, she has practically given up the smart world and has been Lord Essex's right hand In sustaining him through the severe trial of parting with his birthright. For some time past Lady Essex and the children have been residing In a small house on the estate, the mansion itself being let. Lady Bssex used to' be prouder of Cashlobury than the earl. Almost every room In the house is associated with some romance. "Nell of Old Drury," showed she had some xipreelatlon of beautiful scenery, when she selected the Oriel room for her boudoir dur ing' her occasional visits to Cashlobury. Charles I and Charle. IT. both hod a high appreciation of the charms of Cashlobury. It was the latter who built the plntureque outside staircase down to the lake. This In later yean was removed, as It furnished such Infinite possibilities for an enterpris Ing burglar. The place has been In the possession of the Essex family since the end of the reign of Charles TI. Wards Back la London. The .Wards have arrived buck In I.ondoii after a good long honeymoon In the wilds of 'Ireland. The Amerlcsn girl and her husband have set a record In this respect And I look to see longer honeymoon be come the fashion among the smart set. thanks to ' their example. The "Hon Johnny" and his demure little mate have been away for more than six weeks. I fnet them coming out' of Dorchester house, the other morning, the embassy being their headquarters until they take-up their abode at the earl and countess of Dudley's town residence, 7 Carlton Gardens, about the middle of September. They are, however, booked for a series of country house visits In Englsnd and Scotland Mrs. Ward is having all her private be longings, including her wedding presents packed and forwarded to 7, Carlton Hardens. These have been stored away at the embassy since her marriage. She Is looking for a country place which, I hear. will be presented to her by her mother as a wedding gift In lieu of a I,ondon house which was the origins! Ides. Mrs. Ward decided that she would prefer a place of he own In' the country. She was greatly "taken" with the Irish jaunting cars and purchased one in Dublin. It is upholstered In drab and Is very Jaunty Indeed. Rich Americana In Scotland. Scotland this season la overrun by Amer leans. "Not content with having taken possession of Paris and London, rich Amer leans now want to buy all the ancestral seats and Jhe best moors In the north 8 said' the duke of Fife, the richest, man north of the Tweed and. .the. son-in-law of King Kdward. Fife Is prouder of his clan than of having married a ' sovereign's daughter. His Indignation thus may be Imagined when Morgan Plant, the owner of the yacht which innd such, a sensation at Cowes this year, made, advances for the purchsse of new Mar Lodge. It would ap pear that Mr. riant la determined by hook or crook to get hold of an ancestral home In Scotland. This is not an easy matter. In a fit ' of determined desperation to achieve his b.iect lie hid a fancy price for the home of the Kifcs. As n matter of fsVt. he would have had far more chance of buying Balmoral rustic. rolrh Seldom Sell. It Is always difficult to purchase out right castle or mansion In Scotland. Even the Scotch aristocracy are true to the . instincts of their race. Thlrfty. cau tious and careful, they are never like their English nelghbora-hard tip. They ate willing enough to let their houses, but sell them Is another story. Most of them would rather die than allow them to pass out of the family. How often tho Bradley-Martins have tried to buy Fal tnaaran would be hard to estimate. The fancy prices Mrs. David Featty, daughter of the late Marshsll Field, has offered for Invercauld la a matter of history. Mrs. James Henry Smith. It Is well known, would like to mske C'sstle Newe her own, but all her millions can't buy It. ' ' Rdlnbarsjh Fall of tankers. So full Cf Americanamany of whom are tourists Is Prince's street, Edinburgh, Just uow, that a well known American woman told me she could easily Imagine herself back In the United States, so ubiquitous la the American accent. In the shops it Is the wardrobe of the American woman which is first considered. The tailor made gowns and wraps likely to appeal to her taste are those which are moat conspic uously displayed, and American confection ery and American drinks can this year be The Cheapest Fat Reducer : ; Is the Best The attention of all who ara half choked and generally bedeviled by an excess of fat which, by the way. always aeems more excessively exceajve during the sultry season than any other, is called to the Marmola Prescription Tablets. Seventy-five cents secures enough of these remarkable fat reducers from any druggist to last you a good while. In fact, It buy an extra large case. This la enough to make a very desirable change In almost anyone's weight. Taken one after each meal and at bedtime the loss of as much as a pound of fat a day has been attained Innumerable times. This la a royal result that seems all the more remarkable when one realties these tablets are cheaper by a half than any thing else your druggist has. But the net loas they bring about Is not the only good festure of these tablets. They are pleas ant to take; don't disturb the stomach; don't require one to exercise a particle or diet a mouthful, and last, but not least, do not cause wrinkle. They reduce one quickly but evenly naturally. Tliey pro duce. In short, the Identical results of t lie famous Marmola Preacriptlon. with which they are Identical In composition.. Try a case. If your druggist Is sold out then write the makers, the Marmola Company of Detroit, to send you one by mail. roR KIDKEY, LIVER BLADDER AXD STOMACH Try Gold Medal Tilly-Haarlem Oil For KM) years the world'a Standard Remedy. Accept no substitute. Look for tha words "Genuine Tilly-Haarlem Holland" blown la the bottle. In liquid or capsule form. For sale by SMI KUAN 4 McCONNCU. DRUG CO. Cor. loin A Dodge Sis., Omaha, Nab. The Twentieth Century Farmer (ho Live Stock Mis. obtained In half a dogen places In the capital of the north. Mfs. Itresel the Tbtag. It wss the universal opinion that Mrs. John Drexel was the smartest woman at Alx tliis sesson. Her gowns snd her hsts expressed the last word In Parisian chic and she set the fashions ss easily as other women set thlr hats at the proper angle. ror all this her frocks for ordinary em ission were cf the simplest design ex quisite things of "broidery Anglnlse" or of muslin worked by Breton peasantry. It was only when she went to breakfast or to dine with the king of Greece or other high born friends that she wore the gowns which msde the grsnd duchesses sit up nd tske notes. Mr. and Mrs. John Drexel went to the tables a good deal, but both always played with caution and retired Immediately If they developed a losing streak. They were frequently unrecognlr.ed and one very good authority tells me thst Mrs. John Drexel won t.VUO francs one night a coup which for a few days was the talk of the place. The Drexels are now motoring In France. They have a magnificent touring tar for their private use, possessing every modern luxury. Including electric I ght and an electric stove, which at a pinch can cook a meal. A pair of revolvers aie always In readiness should necessity for their use arise. -MhllUta Spell rieasnre. At Contrexevllle, where Lord and iJidy Bateman were staying for a short time during August, the latter saw a great deal of the Russian Grand Duchess Vladmir, who has a great weakness for American. They were constantly motoring about the town together and were to be aeen tete a tete at places of amusement. The Vlad- mirs are among the Russian nobles who are singled out for the animosity of the nihilists. Lady Bateman received several nonymous letters during her stay at Con trexevllle advising her to give up the com pany of the grand duchess. This was a most difficult thing to do, ss her imperial highness went out of her way to pay court to her American friend. Eventually the Batemans got out of the difficulty by leaving Contrexevllle at the shortest no tice. They were tactful enough, however, not to let the Russian princess know that her presence had anything to do with their flight, though I hear I-ady Bateman did advise her friend to the effect that site had reason to know the grand duchess would do well to be "most careful." LADY MARY. BRINGS THEATER TO SICK BED London Society Kntertalner Hires Ont to Convalescent Patients and Makes Them Forget Tronbles. LONDON. Sept. 12. (Speclal.)-The bene flcial effects of a visit to the theater by a convalescent patient can now be had by Ixmdonrrs without stirring from their bed ! or couch. Ceorge Silwlll, a well-known so ciety entertainer, has, after months of prac tice, cultivated a most soothing bedside manner, and for a substantial fee will while away the weary hours for those compelled to stay Indoors. This issue of consoling the convalescent la a new one and sll Mr. Sllwlll's own. Although he has not been In the business long, he really Is so popular and in such demand that his affairs are In the hands of an agent, and should you want his at tendance you must make your engagements some time ahead. There Is no secret as to the methods employed. Sllwlll's list of ac complishments Is so extensive that they defy competition on any extended scale. He Is on elocutionist of rare power. He is an expert In reading the human countenance, although I hardly need to tell you that he doesn't always tell his patients all that he reads there. What he doesn't know about 8haktspeare, Dickens, Virgil, Homer arJ every other author of note isn't worth knowing or wouldn't be of any interest to his customers. ' One of the best elements of this Innova tion Is that you can hire Mr. Silwill on trial, and should he not prove to your liking, return him with thanks and no hard feelings. In order to introduce himself to the public he hss published a little pam phlet that sets forth the benefits to be de rived from taking a bottle of "Silwill, un diluted." I append a short extract: Mr. George Silwill undertakes to greatly relieve the monotony of convalescence with out the aid of mechanical or artificial means. Into the dreary sameness of the sick room, Mr. George Silwill can bring kaleidoscopic mind pictures, which not only engage and arrest the attention of Its oc cupant at the time, hut remain Impressed upon the hearer's memory and Imagination afterwards. In cases of Inaomnia, from pain or other causes, and In eases of acute depression, Mr. George Silwlll can and does soothe and brighten the weary hours of the sick cham ber: in Point of fact, takes the patient sway from hla or her surroundings as much as it Is possible to flo so. C0MST0CK WANTED AT 0STEND Some Watchdog: of Public Morals Will Find Hla Work Cot Ont for Him on the Bench. OSTBND, Sept, II tSpeclal.) Although the ban upon gambling has made this town a sad and dreary place It) many respects It still possesses much of its one-time glory in another direction." The bathing girl Is still to be found here as nowhere else In the world over. With that single-eyed righteousness which Is so typical of con tinental countries. the reformers who framed the antl-gamhllng law with an eapeclal eye towards the morsl salvation of Ostein!, completely overlooked the scantily clad maidens, who throng the beach and bring Joy to the hearts ot the amateur snapahotter. To American eyes, used as they are to skirts and rufflea on their women's bath ing suits, the daring costumes of the mer maids of the Belgian resort seem to call for a hurry-up visit of Anthony Comstock. To the continental, with his constant perusal of the various weekly msgaslne of so-called wit and humor, which make a speciality of the nude In art, the lack of reserve of his female companions aeems in the natural order of things. Certainly, the majority of the costumes of the fair sex to he seen any morning these days here would not only create a riot If worn by a woman in the Cnlted States, but would not be permitted by the police there even If worn by a man. Many of them are single piece affairs that fit the form like the tightest glove that ever woman donned and the great majority of them could be carried away In one's pocket without any great overcrowding. Sleeve leu, low-necked and well-nigh legless, many of them out-do La Milo she of the theater, not of the Louvre in the flouting of public taate. There was a time, of courae. not so very long ago. when mixed bathing was un known on this side of the Atlantic. Society really never bathed In public, while the general rule throughout all classes was for bathers ot the feminine and masculine sex to keep as much of the foreshore between them as possible. Ostend along with the majority of tha other popular resorts, has outgrown such Ideas and has traveled con siderably further In the op posit direction than we ever dared or wished to in the Vnlled States. There is a free and easy air about tha bathers here that permeates all grades of society and contrlbutea to the gaiety of the sport. Everybody feels privileged to talk to anyone else, male or female, and there is a degree of familiarity undreamt of at even so democratic and cosmopolitan a place as Coney Island io the United Slates. LEADER OF "HUNGER MARCH" Scotchman Who Gave Up Wealth for Sake of an Idea. PROTEST AGAINST SOCIETY Land for the Landless and Employ ment for the Idle, with Incidental Food for the Honary, la His Aim. LONDON. Sept. 13.-8peiial. Alexan der Stewart (Jray, leader of the "Hunger Marchers," who are attracting so much at tention In England Just now, was until re cently one of the most prominent and successful lawyers In Edinburgh. In order to Identify himself with Ihla new move mentwhich Is organized for the purpose of calling public attention to the unem ployed problem, especially In Its bearing on the land question he abandoned a for tune of nearly $200,000. Clad In rough garments, a slouch hat and rometimes barefooted, Stewart Gray Is tramping about the country at the head of a body of men, like a modern Peter tha Hermit, preaching a new crusade. Not long ago tho "Hunger Marchers," led by him, walked from Manchester to London, a distance of 187 miles, to present a petition to King Edward. In London they were In vited to St. Paul's Cathedral, where Arch deacon Sinclair delivered 4 sermon cham pioning their cause and collected S'JCO to provido Ihem with food and shelter. Rev. R. J. Campbell of tha City Temple also "entertained" them In a similar way. Re cently they "Invaded" Canterbury cathe dral and created a sensation by demand ing that a sermon on unemployment and the land question should be preached. The personality of Stewart Gray Is strik ing. Tall, gaunt, ascetic, with long hair and deep-set eyes, clad In workmen's clothes and often wearing knickerbockers wllh no stockings, with a great "sombrero'' pulled down over his eyes, he looks like the typical "social reformer" depicted on the stage. Seated In his dingy little office In Fetter Lane the headquarters of the "Hunger Marcher" he told me the story of his life. Story of Uls Life. "1 was born In Easi Lothian, Scotland, in .'.S6a," he said, leaning back In a rickety chair and smoking a cigarette, "and had every cdvantago of a good education, ex cept that, as my father was more or less Independent, I was brought up to entertain a mistaken notion of the dignity of labor. My mother was a woman of great culture, 4 remarkable musician, and Is said to Jiave been descended from an early Scottish king. One of my uncles was physician to the late Queen Victoria I was sent to one of the best private schools In England a place where, a part cf our education, they bring you up to have an utter contempt for manual work. I had a natural instinct for farming, but my people took good care to suppress these yearnings and when I left school 1 was sent straight away to study law. I eventu ally entered the office of a prominent Edinburgh counsel. This office was con netted with the highest people in the coun try and in time 1 made the acquaintance of the most aristocratic 'set' In Scotland. I became a typical society man and moved in tiie atmosphere of royalty, even coming tn contact with tho duke of Fife. Eventu ally I became the trustee of a vtry largo estate In connection with the heirs of the di:ke of Klfa and had the management of their vast landed holdings. Society" Loses Its Savor. "It was about this time that. In traveling about Scotland, managing various estates and buying and speculating In landed prop erly, tiiat I came In contact with some of my father's people, who belonged to what would be called the peasant proprietary class. Though these people were in a far humbler state of life than those among whom I moved, 1 soon learned that they mere worth more than all the educated "society' people and rich people put to gether. In the humble homesteads of Caithness, I found the highest standards of virtue, and. besides, the people possessed very fine ideals of citizenship and hu manity. In the poorest cottages I often csmn across photographs and mementoes of famous scientists, explorers, writers artists and people of that kind. I began to realise the emptiness and vapidity of the sort of life I was leading, and, indeed, of the life that s led generally by the no called 'upper classes.' "Though practising as a lawyer at this time, I always tried to act as a man; and by attempting to perform this dual duty I lost my respect for the law and lawyers generally, while my admiration for men, as men, Increased. Naturally, my business deals brought me in contact with a large number of people, who were not men in any sense of the term. Especially In the commercial classes, I found meanness and unscrupulousness, and my soul often burned with shame at the transactions came across. Just st this time the psycho logical moment, It might bo railed I came In contact with the works of Tolstoy and Henry George and I chanced to meet Prince Peter Kropotkin. By thinking over the new problems which these great thinkers brought to my mind, I formed a plan fo severing my connection with all that class of society and "sll Its works" In which I had been engaged. Land for tha People. "When I took the resolve to 'quit the game,' I gave nil my property Into the hands of a friend, and then left the whole business. I should say the property aban doned was worth about ISO.OOO. I decided then to devote my life to trying to obtain some of the land for the people. There are vast tracts of land In England which are nut under cultivation at all, and, be aides this, upwards of 100.000 acres a year go out of cultivation for sporting purpose! that Is, for shooting and fishing and for deer parks, made by the wealthy and landed classes. With nearly a million un employed men walking about, and these bare acres cf England watting to be tilled. It seems a crime to me that this idle land should not be linked to Idle labor. The people of England have a birthright in their own soil, and that Is whv in my speeches and pamphlets. I refer to them as the 'born-robbed.' They have no right to live, and If the landed classes tn Eng land choose to turn them all out tomor row, they would have perfect legal power to do ao. With my knowledge of farming and my experience on the land, I am quite convinced that I would soon be able to teach every man under my charge to make his own living on the land. Aim of the Hanger March. "My main Idea In the hunger march Is this: If we can got, say 10,000 men, march ing about the country and agitating, we are sure to make an impression on the authorities In time. The people themselves will have a species of grand holiday at the best season of the year. We our tak ing our men to all the 'swell seaside re sorts, such as Hastings, Bexhlll, Brighton and elsewhere, and the process of educa tion is going on. Wherever we go, we find the public sympathetic; though, of course, the pclice and the authorities are gener ally opposed. In London, several prominent persons have already come to speak from our platform', and we think the plan me have adopted of giving the workl-sa men and women a grand national holiday at I the public expense a very effect've way of railing attention to the unemployed problem, t "One million men and WMii'n In Eng land, at least, are unemployed. These In clude many of the vigorous arid must ca pable workmen the world has ever seen. Vsst tracts of fertile hmd lie Idle. Eng land's cultivuled area is the only one in the world that has decreased during tha last twenty-five yeai. Its land and climate nd markets are the world's Pert. It is madness on the part of thoe who value money to neglect these cnnadi ratlrns. The nemployed are costing us for maintenance n prisons and workhouses, by public and private charity and reforming agent l-s, and by a loss of potential productive power on he hind, not less than $."."0 im,i year. he hunger marchers seek to abolish all hese costly Institutions." TWO WEDDING, TWO CENTURIES nliioe Record of St. Pctrr'a. Vere Street, Where Pews Are la Grent Demand. IiONDON, Sept. 1!. tSpeclal.) Two mar- lages only In two centuries Is a Vecord of which possibly but one church in the world can boast. That church is St. retere Vere street. And yet St. Peter's is one ot the most fashionable churches of London. The leHson ot Its record Is curious. The chuich is not licensed for marriages. Four eais ago in the little church, with the aid of a special license and a special proclamation and dispensation, the arch bishop of Canterbury, primate of all Bug- land, assisted by a distinguished gathering of clergy married hla chaplain, Rev. Mr. McMillan to Miss Maurice, granddaughter of the late Rev. Charles Maurice, and daughter of General Maurice. In the mid dle Victorian period Dr. Maurice was the Incumbent of the church. He soon became celebrated as the most eloquent and power ful preacher In the Church of England, and brought St. Peter's from the unknown ranks of a chapel of ease to Ha present status of a famous and fashionable church. The only otlier marriage celebrated In the church was that of Lord Selborne's daugh ter to Colonel Ixjrd Dlgby of the Cold stream Guards. This was some years ago and King Edward was among the guests. But for the fact that the bride was daugh ter of England a lord chancellor. It Is doubtful whether the special authorization needed for the ceremony would have been issued. In the McMillan-Maurice wedding the fact that the bridegroom was chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury made It easier to grant the bride's request that she might bemarrted In her grandfather's old church. The fees for the special llccnso and special authorization amounted to $2o0. St. Peter's was built two centuries ago by the earl ot Oxford as a domestic chapel to his big mansion on what were then the outskirts of London. About a century age, when the earldom became extinct, the chapel, became the property of the crown and has remainded so ever since. For years it was used as a chapel of ease and lias never had a parish attached to It. The government finally charged pew rents. In Dr. Maurice's time, for the church was crowdid to the doors twice every Sun day. When Dr. Maurice died Canon Page Hoberts of Canterbury, another of Eng land's most famous preachers, s Receded him end Is still In charge. Canon Page Roberts comes to London only during the social season and during the other months of the year his curate conducts the serv ices, and distinguished preachers from all parts visit tilers. Tha late Bishop Potter of New York has been heard there. The exterior of St. Peter's Is very plain. It looks more like a little old church In the backwoods of the United States than a famous London place of worship. But the Interior Is a thing of beauty. Thousands upon thousands Cf dollars hate been spent on It during tho last quarter of a century. Its marvelous windows, altar pictures and deeorations are all by Burne-Jones and hundreds ot American tourists visit It every year to see them. Its congregation Is said to be the most Intellectual in England. The church boing so near Cavendish square and Harley street, a large number of scientists, surgeons and physicians attend It. Lord Cheylesmore. ex-mayor of West minster, and his American wife attend. The duke of Wellington. Ixird Rolierts and a hundred or more great peers are pew holders. So anxious are people to attend the services that the vestry always has a waiting list of over .'.on who have applied for pews. RKhltilUl's MITES. The Protestant. Catholic and Jewish de nominations of Oakland, Cel., have organ ized under one constitution a society ol the pastors to help along the church work in the city. It costs the Methodist Episcopal church about Jai.out.oW annually tor Its preaching and superintendence, this including a bom. !, that is paid to superannuated min im ers. , ,, Tho dealh of Elder Eli Owens, near Beck ton, K, ends the career of a man who had preached the gospel for over sixty years, and had baptized more persons man any other minister in tho state. Church work In I'ganda has been greatly aided or late years ny me prime minister, A polo Kugwa, at whose home every week ttiere Is a Bible class which is ufien at tended by as many as thirty of tho highest ciilcrs. Bishop Ibarra of Pueblo, Mex., has re eelved a letter from Pope Plus offering him the archbishopric or Mexico, mnUi vacant hv the death of Archbishop Alakon The Pueblo prelate has accepted the office. A missionary deaconess In Liberia has edited in native dialect a book containing t be Ten Commandments, ttie Apusiles Creed, the doxology and a number of the best known hvmns. The book is not onlv the first book published in the dialect, but the first successful attempt to make it a written language. Rev. Father David Hillhuuse Buel, S. J., president of Georgetown university, lias re ceived notification from the superior gen eral of the Jesuit order In Rome that his official duties as head of the Washington university will terminate on September 1. A few days later Father Buel will assume parochial duties at til. Joseph's college, Philadelphia. Rev. Father Joseph Hlmmel. 8. J., rector of St. Aloyslus' church and president of UonxHga college, has been named as Father Bud's successor. Travel Where You Will You Win Find The Lanpher Hat Is "Always Right" ASK YOUR DEALER sip ' ,Bjr3Btf!m' FORMERLY m(.scofield 15 The Correct Apparel For Women and Misses 'III II Mm LAW FOR CRIME IN ITALY Long Delay Responsible for Some Queer Leal Situations. NOTORIOUS CASE NOW ON TRIAL Inquisitors Who Tortured Woald-Be Regicide to Extort Confession Are Being; Tried for Their Offense. ROME, Sept. 12.-tSpeclal.)-Wlde atten tion is being attracted by the trial of Com mendator Canevelll, director general of the prisons of the kingdom, and Commendator Doria, his second In command, because of the high positions of tho accused and the ob ject lesson which it presents for those who are agitating for prompter justice. The two officials are being Indicted for moral cruel ties to a prisoner, with the object of in ducing him to betray his accomplices. The trial has already had two distinct and beneficial effects, that of further opening the eyes of Italians to the need of reform of prison methods, and also to the scanda lous delays In bringing aocused persons, whether innocent or guilty, to trial. The latter seems to be a characteristic of "justice" peculiarly Italian, as there is scarcely another country where a prisoner ran languish for years In prison on mere suspicion. So universal is. the custom here, that I have not been able to remember a single Important trial In this country where the prisoner wss tried Inside of two years after the crime was committed, and it Is usually twice that time. "Third Dea-ree for Arrlarlta. Who has not heard of Acciarlto, the would-be murderer of King Humbert? In the minds of most people he is such ancleat history that he Is almost forgotten, but the trial now going on hss to do with his im prisonment, although his attempt on the life of King Humbert took place ten years ago, his escaped victim has been dead eight years, and Acciarlto himself Is lan guishing In a cell where ten yesrs of soli tary confinement has made deep Inroads on his Intelligence, and he Is little better than an Idiot. It seems 'that Commendator Doria, with tho approval of Commendator Canevelll and some others, finding that Acelarite re fused to acknowledge that he had accom plices, had one of the prison guards pre tend to be a prisoner, and from the cell adjoining, hy means of knocks on the wall, Informed Acciarlto that his mistress had had a son, and that they were dying of hunger. To support this monstrous and untrue story letters were sent to him, pur porting to be from tho woman, with the J same story. Acciarlto a love for her and a possible child were the best elements In him, and In his agony at their supposed condition he at once gave way and supplied the names of several men as his accom plices. Lter, however, ha retracted hU confession and nothing could be proved against them. People Demand Reforms. Public indignation was at white heat when the facts became public, and social ism and even anarchism made enormous strides. Notwithstanding this, it has taken ten yesrs to bring these officials to Jus tire. After all this time the public cares little on whom the responsibility lies; what they demsnd is that no such thing shall happen again, and that the whole prison lies the point of defense of those who ap system shall be changed. And Just here lies tha point of defense of those who ap prove a somewhat lengthy delay between the arrest of a person for a serious crime and his trial. They argue that If he Is tried at once passions are aroused, that Jurors and even the Judge cannot argue serenely, and that justice Is more apt to go astray. This keeping prisoners for years before trying them Is doubly cruel In Italy, for the reason that there Is no such thing as ball for criminal offenses. If they can afford It. allvt!ons In foods and com forts ara allowed from outside. If they are poor so much the worse for them. Thus an Innocent man's affairs may go to absolute ruin and his wife and family be cast upon the street and public charity, yet he has no redress. This Is the reason that both Innocent and guilty at once take to cover on the least hint of danger. To be taken Is fatal: if they ran hide for a while their Innocence may be proved while they are at liberty. Aarleat trim aa Example. Another ancient crime, Just pow judged iO DOUGLAS ST. Our stock is now complete with tlie most satis fying collection of suits we have ever shown. Here you enn find just what you have lecn longing for in the way of something different in a suit, whether for general wear, afternoon or evening affairs. The cut gives you hut a hint of the charm of one of our new modified directoire models, made of im ported broadcloth. It is handsomely embroidered and richly trimmed with imported silk braid, giving an effect of elegance that can only be ap preciated when seen. Price $55.00 Severe tailor-made styles, all custom tailored and made of finest imported plain and fancy fabrics, cut in the most correct of strictly tailored lines and dressy tailored suits, beautifully trimmed with imported braids and fancy embroidered models, showing both medium and long coats, in square and pointed effects. Prices $35 $45 $50 Stunning Styles in $25.00 and $29.75 Suits The style collection at each of these prices is re markably large and varied, in fact, every idea . in a tailored suit that is the correct thing for this season may be found carried out in these lines. Such a wide range of stylo offers an un equalled opportunity for the selection of some thing becoming to every figure and for all kinds ' of wear. These suits are remarkable values at $25 and $29.75 and concluded anil which Illustrates this point, Is that of the murder of Buion Saporlto, brother of the well-known Sicilian deputy, who has been the head of no many parliamentary commissions to inquire Into the Caniorra und doubtful doings in the south. Deputy Snporlto aj the chief cause of bringing ex-Minlster Nasi to trial and has always believed that the latter had a mural Influence In the murder of ills brother. The latter was murdered seven and a half years ago, so that the accused men, now proved to be Innocent, have been seven years In prison, turning In that time from com paratively young men Into middle-aged ones. There la no way of regaining or revenging those lost precious years. The now famous Filippo Clfarlello trial exhibited Italian justice In a new light, while retaining the features of the old. While three years have passed since this Neapolitan sculptor murdered his wife In a fit of Jealousy, he Is yet unjudged for the prime reason that while a trial was instituted this spring, It was considered that the Jurors were altogether too sym pathetic with the prisoner, the judge was not above suspicion, and the public, not only made no secret of Its opinion, but fre quently took a hand in the proceedings. At last even this accommodating judge's pa tience found its limit, and the trial has been postponed, perhaps for years, anyway for months, and when It comes oni ajjaln It will take place In the north at Bologna or Turin, where tho prisoner Is not known and where tho public does not care onm way or the other. The jurors were furious at this, -('filling it a "miscarriage of Jus tice." Incidentally they objected to being deprived of what was really to them a scene "as good as a play," In which tliey had the proud satisfaction of being promi nent actors. "It Is useless to change, (io where you will all over .Italy, Clfarlello Will tvot find a Jury which will not acquit him with Its eyes shut," one enraged Juror Observation proves that the firm which uses the best printed matter has the best reputation A. L Root, Incorporate", J2fb-12ia Howard Street, Omaha CONCERTS AT HANSCOrJ PARK Every Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 p. m. during September. All the latest music, songs and comics on the Auxetophone, the loudest talking machine in the world. Moving pictures every evening at 8:30 p. m. FREE TO-NIGIIT 1 ForcMEPUV' OK; (.SCOFIEID 3 declared. A chariicteristlc case shows another phase of Itiillan law that Is, that even the confessed guilt' of a prisoner does not hurry his trial. A certain Casale mur-. deied an elderly man of good means in 1X95 lm Perugia, and when arrested shortly after confessed his guilt, notwithstanding h has Just been placed on trial. Of course, in such a case the lawyer for the de fense seeks every excuse to put off the trial. Their client Is sure to be given long years In prison, but the time spent In prison before the trial Is deducted from the sentence. Before the trial, however, he Is allowed certain privileges, such an seeing his family and friends, reading, writing, better food and lodging, so he de sires, naturally, to prolong the period as) long as possible. Casals expects to spend the next thirty years at least In prison, and now that his; trial has finally come It will probably prove a not unwelcome break in the mon. otony of his days. This same C'asale has lately passed his leisure tn prison writing a play which was reported to have been accepted by Elcanora Duse. This wss later discovered to be mere Invention, and the confessed murderer is now writing his prison experiences. Thus the only persons who gain by the extraordinary dllatoriness of the Italian law are the assured criminals, and It bears hardest of ail on the Innocent. Publio opinion! In the peninsula Is perfectly unani mous In demanding that there should be a thorough overhauling of the procedure of the law. The law llself Is of the high, est order and the Judges and responsible authorities In their great majority are ani mated only by an honest desire to see it carried ont, but the Jurors cannot be depended upon and the public Is often car ried away, so that there Is always delay and often real miscarriage of Justice, CONSTANCE HARRIMAN. ft-tOREHHWE r4 ol bar dreg hsbtts are positively eared t HaBITINA. For sypod.rniio or lotercsl .. M.tnpla seal to tir drag kabltoe by lii nail. Regular prica D M par bottle a I r66 tout drssglat or by aiU la plus wrapper. Hall orders filled by fa'AYDEN BROS., j; OMAHA, KEU. 4