Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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Fashionables Prepare to Receire Ak-Sar-Ben
and His Queen.
Two More Prominent Hunt People
Victim of Ills Hurl l"e '
oiinlr) rnii rr
nt Huad.
M mlera.
Oh. H'.nip find AhelHrd
A jmriv nwr Sunday
Wero entertrilnlriR- jn the ?
All -re to Irsve on Monday.
Now. Auction Nlcoh'lte
Were 'm"P(t II. e kucM Invited.
They'd written: "We will come, you net,
Ve Hlniply are elf lishted'"
A ft would have It, Hekloe
With Auenrsin Ml kmltten;
Thi-v'il BfVT met before, had there
T.n rouplcs, it is written.
Paid IMeine to Ahelard:
'I wish you would rflcase me. i
Sinrc I pi. for our uet by fur.
Ard -. in lniigt r plena mf."
Khe thought, did Jleloise, the proud.
His lienrt would Mrslsht be blunted.
But Ateloid 1nft smiled and bowed,
Ard km id: "I'm 11 mt d lighted!
I'tn gone i n Niei h ue, for Inir,
Jlv denr. I Mil t deny It.
So if wth Aursssln you p'lr.
'Twill i3tly simplify It ''
The Realist.
The oelal Calendar.
TL'f'.SDA Y Ml" Ethel formed, sffernoon
bridge; Mrs. SUnn Wharton. Ne;
Bridge el-ih: Mis J M. Cnnr:td. lunch
iiii at Fl' Id club: Mr. A. W. Ander
son, luncheon at Happy Hollow Mrn.
V. II ;t.n. lumhcori .11 Hnppy Hol
low; Indies' dav t HHppy Hollow and
Field clubs: dunce at Hnppy
Hnlh.w: Mrs. H. U K 1. luncheon at
ll.ipnv Hollow; Ml Unlet Cahn, lunch
fon Ml Field club.
WKIiNKSD.M-ljidi' 8' day Ht Country
club; mid-week dunc at the fountvy
mid Field cluhs: Mls Alien BwltVr,
luncheon nt her nome; Dr. !'. 1..
l.iiul. dinner at Happy Hollow; Klrrh-niiin-f
;impl-ll wedding; Diets Athletic
association dancing parly.
THl'HSUA V Mra. rhnrles l-hniT, after
noon cm ill party; Miss 1im ett:t Recs.
evening pirly; Mra. Ellznhcth Oolfux,
luuclH'on at Hnppy Hollow; Indira' day
lit HHppy Holl.iw and Field clubs;
mtioit'til at Field club.
FRHA V-Jtinlnr Bridge club; Mra. A. B.
Honieiji. Mrs. W H. Hancock and Mr'.
M. I. Cameron, lunclu cm at Happy
PATl'RnAY Harvest home dinner at
Countrv club; Mr. and Mra. V. J. fou
nd), dinner nt Country club: Mr. and
Mis. Harry Hurkh'v, dinner at fmintiy
club: Mr. O. '. Redick. dinner party
at Country dub; Mr. and Mra. A. J.
l.ovc, dinner at Country club; Mr. and
Mra. J. R. Itngley. dinner at Hnppy
Hollow; Mr and Mra. W. I,. 8-lby,
dinner at Happy Hollow; dinner and
lame at Happy 'Hollow, Field and
Country cluba.
The fashionable act la making ready to
!eccive Kins Ak-Sar-Ben and his queen,
and although people have little more than
gotten their breath after the Rummer vaca
tion, keen Intereat la being manifested In
that annual mystery who will they be? Of
course, with all respect to his majesty, it
is the queen about which aoclety la es
pecially concerned, but as yet it has been
unable to decide between two auspeits,
both members of prominent families, and
both of which will probably be debutantes
thla fall. One ia a tall brunette and the
other a petite blonde. They are the closest
of friends and so are their families.
The Harvest Home dinner, which will be
given Saturday evening at the Country
club, promises to be the feature of the
weak. The younger set Is taking special
Intertat in thla event and some unique cos
tumes are being planned. This will probably
be the laat large affulr at the club bfforo
('lie closing and a number of large dinner
rartlea will be given, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Connell will give the largest for their out-of-town
guests. Reservations will be made
Thla Institution is the only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated iu their own
ample prroundo, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it possible to
clapelfy cases. The one building
being iitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other, Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful tare and spe- u
Ejcial mirtiug. B
Beaton's Cigar
Specials for You
We have four new specials which
w will offer Monday Morning. ou
II know them. A few of the many wo
have (ui sale:
3900 10c ble La Azorla Cigars.,.. Be
( Monday only I
Box of 60, $2.50
11000 Paxton and Gallagher's well
known Plato Cigar, on sale
Monday morning, at .V
P.ox of 50. $2.50
b700 15c size El Sldelo. clear
llavara Cigar?, Brevo size
ci)ir.:iienring Monday KK
Box of 50. $4. SO
6!ii( John Page Clgnrs long per
'ecto TTarana Cigar, en sale
Monday He
Box of 50. $2.50
10c Crown Specials, club size ,v
Box 50, $2.50
Beaton Drug Co.
15th and KaiTiam St.
ItTt yon saten It 7
If sot try it.
TT is tha most whole
1 JL aotr a krsad aoid.
8917 Leavenworth Ft
5c B
for ten or more, no wvta'1 tables being u-ed.
a.ul In fact there Is to be nothlnn small
about tlie d'nrer. F.verythlng will be plai rd
on til" table at one limr. country styl. and
country h .npltal.t and informality will lie
In evidence.
Cupid la one of the f w w ho never take"
a vacatlo'i and lie has not been wasting
time even dunn the hot wrflther. One of
his latest darta seems to l ave hit a tall
young Iran of the Fnxon type living on
Went rarnniu. The satro fortunate young
man has one of the swlftfst and largest
gafol'ne runabouts In the city, and th
young woman In the case, who lives In
ori of the elder parts of the city. Is de
vote to her eleitrlr car. The young people
are to- be seen almost any evening In one
car or the other.
Dr. and Mrs. A. 1! Komei en:rrta!ned
one of the larger parties Saturday evening
at dinner at Happy Hollow. Their guests
were seated at the large round tsble.
which had a pretty decoration of scarlet
salvia and red mountain ashb.-rries. Coven
were laid for Mr. and Mr. John R. Webster,
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Benson. Mr. and Mra.
H. J. Tenfold. Dr. and Mrs. Palmer FlnJ
ley. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McGllton, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. George. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Black
well. Mr. and Mrs. George W. boomls and
Dr. and Mra. A. B. Burners.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Broine gave a d.nner
party Saturday evening for the members
of a camping party which spent a part of
the Milliliter at flam lak" in Northern Wis
consin. Thofe present were Mla Helen
Mihli. Mls Helen fhesney, Mra. Vincent.
Miss Catherine Vincent. Miss EvdMh, MlfS
Stewait. Miss Elizabeth Stewart, Miss Jean
While, Miss Ruth White, Mr. Morris BUsh.
Mr. R. A. Stewart, Mr. Edward Bedford.
Mr. Clinton Brome, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Bllah and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brom
Mr. and Mra. Thomas H. Matters enter
tained as their guests at dinner Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Bnrkenrldte. Mr. and Mra.
H. F. Morris. Mi.-a Myra Breckenridge, the
Mis.-e Helen und Jean Matters and Mr.
Warren Breckenrldge.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R, Rush entertained at
dinner Saturday evening, when covers were
laid for Mr. and Mrs. E. R. McMahon, Mr.
and Mr. E. E. Kimberley, Mies Plndell.
and Mr. R. B. Boak of Chicago.
Miss Katherlnc Van Nostrand's dinner
guests Saturday were Miss Mary Alic?
Sldwell, Miss Edith Ralph. Mlas Hai'l
Ralph, Dr. Lawrence Kidwell und Mr. and
Mra. T. B. Van Nostrand.
Dining wllh M". and Mrs. John Ross, jr.,
Saturday evening were Mr. and Mis. Joe
Havens und Mr. fhauncey Dworak,
Other dinner parties at Happy Hollow
were given by Mt. and Mrs. V. L. Seiby
and Mr. and Mra. R. C. F:ers, who dined
together; Mr. Euclid Martin had covers
for four; Mr. C. E. Johannes, three; Mr.
J. B. McKltnck, two; Mr. E. A. Nord
atroni, two; Miss Bolshaw, two; Mr. W. II.
Gates, six; Mr. Samuel Rees. Jr., two; Mr.
C. I- Talmage, two, and Mr. Frank W.
Carmlchael, two.
At (be Country Club.
Mr. Hal Yates enlaitalned at dinner Sat
urday evening ut the Country club In honor
of his cousin, Mr. Hal Umon of St. Joseph,
Mo. Those present were Mlsa Sara Bourke,
Miss Elizabeth Congdon, Miss Bess Moor
head, Miss Ruth Moorhead. Mlsa Bessie
Yates. Miss Mary Morgan. Mr. Hal Lemon
and Mr. George Porter of St. Joseph, Mr.
Robert Morseman. Mr. Wallace Lyman, Mr.
George Proudflt of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.
George Redick and Mr. Hal Yates.
Among others entertaining at dinner
were Mr. Walter B. Hoberts, who had eight
guests; Mr. John H. Butler, six; Mr. E. M.
Fairfield, six, and Mr. Warren M. Rogers,
eight.. '
At tha Field lloh.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Harrl
man at thei Field club Saturday were Mr.
and Mrs. A. II. Fetters. Miss Curtis, Mr.
J. J. Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. J. Van
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Miller entertained six
teen guests ut dinner Saturday evening at
the Field club; Mr. O. L. Dlckeson, four;
Mr. Will M. Wood, two; Mr. G. A. Wells,
two; Mr. I". 3. Owen, four.
Come nnd Go eSoanip.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Dunn. Mon
day, a aon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kemper, Sat-
i urday. a son.
! A son wns born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen
! Buck, Saturday.
I Mr. I. Slhbernsen left Friday for a six
! weeks' trip to Europe.
! Mr. Raymond Anderson left this week for
i Knox college, Galcsburg, III.
! Miss Mae Yates has returned hotiia from
j a four weeks' stay in the cast.
Mis Eliu Mae Brown returned Saturday
J morning from a six weeks' trip.
! Mr. R. B. Boak of Chicago Is the guest
I of Mr. und Mrs. K. K. Klinberly.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdson Rich, who spent
the week In Chicago, have returned.
Mica Louise Lord left Friday evening for
a visit with friends in Hinsdale, 111.
Miss Helen Davis is expected home from
her trip the HtSth of this mcnth.
Mr. John McCigue and Mr. Ca-rol Belden
will return to Amherst soon to lontinue
their studies.
Dr. E. J. I'pdegraff and family returned
Saturday from a trip to Loa Angeles und
KTjthern California.
Mr. Albert Lewis leaves early In the
week to resume his studies at the State
university. Lincoln.
Mlsa Nellie Long will leave Saturday,
September 1. for an extended trip to Den
ver and Colorado Springs.
Mra. C. T. Kountie und children are ex
pected home the first of next week from
Pine Ljdge, Holland, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. I'nzicker returned
8; tuiday from a four weeks' trip to Wyo
ming, t'tah anil Colorado.
Mrs. Harold Glfford and children came
into town Wednesday from the'.r countr
home t Fori Calhoun, Neb.
Dr. Myrt.i Wells has returned from a
three weeka' ialt at her summer home,
Cooae Lodge, Akeley, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yntr-a huvi as
tlvir gursl for the week end their nephew.
Mr. Hal Lemon of St. Joseph.
Mr. and Mra. R. J. Qiilnn and daughter
are vlalitug friends at Isabelle, Kan., and
will visit in Marshalltown, la.
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Connell returned the
first e.f th week from Glcnwond Springs.
Colo., where they spent ten days
Mrs. Frederick Luke and dauisht. r re
fill ned Thursday from Lake Mills, Wis.,
where they have spent the summer.
Miss Beaaie and Mlsa Anna Fry will leave
Tuesday of next week feir Lincoln, where
they will attend the stale university.
Mr. John Caldwell and Mr. Herbert
French will leave the last of tins month
fur Cornell univeiaily. Ithaca. N. Y.
Mrs. B S. Hrelherton of New York City
arrived thla week 1) viit her parent. Mr.
and Mis. Janice l.owle of Kountie Place
Miea Esther g.lversteln of Chicago, who
has been the guest of Mrs. Ben Harding for
A fortnight. I -uvea today for her home.
Mr. K. C. Hodder left Tuesday for a
bifiness and hunting trip weal. He will
remain until the latier part cf the month.
Mr. Inuis Haller leaves Monday for
Lain;u. la, wh ie lie will visit liefore
golr.g (o the miheislty at Ann Arbor. Mich,
Mr. V. 11. Koenlg, who has been tr
Europe fer ten weeks. Joined bi family
In New liaiup. hire, all teturnlng home th's
Mr. Clement Ceas. will rstum to Cornell
uniMiaiiy for hia juiiivt year. Mr. Carl
1'laiKk wiii o to Koa it Millie., ui.d
Mr. Roger McKenele and Mr. Claude
I'raki will :e!urn to tlnir work at DeFauw
unl ersit .
Mrs. N. K. Svpo of jhlT I'ndi rwood ave
nue has re U'Peil f'om Bowling' Green.
Mo,, whcie alio m called by the death
of her father.
Mrs. (1. W. Wattles haves Monday for
Clarkville. Ia.. to visit her parents. Mr.
and Mts. A. N. Leet. until the latter part
of the week.
Mis Irm.i FMphs i.irl Miss Alice Mr
Culluiigh will Uave Sunday for Lincoln,
wln re they will resume their studies at the
state unhertily.
Mrs. T. N. Lynn or Zaneaville. U., who
has been spending the week with Mrs.
Thomas A. McShane. expects to leave Tues
day for In i home.
Mlsa ,,.rn Fitzgerald and Miss Sarah Mar
tin of South Omaha will leave Monday fur
Lincoln, whete he will resume their studies
at the state university.
Miss Carmelita Chase left Wednesday for
the east, where she will enter Bryn Mawr
rollere. She was accompanied by her
Tat'icr. Mr. Clement Chase.
Mrs. Frank J. Beaton and eh! lien,
Eunice and Howard, leave today to fpend
a year em the Pacific, const for the bene
fit of Mra. Benton's health.
Miss Myia Bieekeni Idije will return to
Smith college and Miss Margaret Kennedy
and the Misses Mary and Ueitrude Seher
inerhorii will go to Wclleslry.
Mrs. A. C. P. Farrell left Friday evening
for Washington, accompanying her daugh
ter. Miss Irene, who will attend the George
town convent school the coming year.
Mr. . v. P. Home and children have
returned from a. stay of a month In Hays.
Kan. Miss Amy Swires, cousin of Mrs.
Home, accompanied them home to visit In
Mrs. V. W. Cornell and Mrs. Lillian Eick
wart of Brooklyn, N. Y are making an
extended visit at the home of Mrs. Cor
nell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant,
i'Wt Park avenue.
Mr. Glenn A. Wilcox, aon of Mr. and
Mrs. George A. Wilcox of Park avenue,
leaves today for Mexico. Mo., enteilng
upon his second year in the Missouri Mili
tary academy.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Frledwald of Lead.
S. D, who spent a few days, this wok
as the guests of Mr. and Mra. David H.
He i ding, have gone to New York, where
Ihey will tail for a trip to Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Byrne. Miss Esther
Byrne. Mr. Joe Byrne and Mr. Thomas J.
McShane have returned from St. Joseph,
Mo., where they attended the wedding of
Miss Irma Sherrldan and Mr. Roy Byrne.
Mr. Herman Cohn has returned from
Europe, where he has been since last June.
Mrs. Cohn and their sons, Loyal and Wal
ter, are In Berlin, Germany, where they
will remain for a year to study tha German
Miss Little of Clarks, Neb., will arrive
Sunday nnd will be the guest of Miss
Frances Gould. On Monday Miss Gouid
and Miss Little, both of whom are mem
bers of the Pi Beta Phi sorority, will leave
for Lincoln.
Among these who will attend tne uni
versity at Ann Arbor. Mich., this year are
Miss Florence Sherwood, Ml. Jack Webster,
Mr. Edgar Zabrlskie, Mr. Louis Hnller,
Mr. Carl Coe, Mr. Lyman Bryson and Mr.
Robert Fisher.
Miss Ticss Robblns left Saturday for
St. Paul to enter St. Catherine's ni-ademy.
She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Marsh, Mr. Marsh going as far
us Sioux City and Mrs. Marsh going to
8t. Paul for a week.
.Mrs. Charles Thomas of Topeka, Kan.,
who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Davis for a week, left last night for her
home. Mra. Thomas assisted the women
of the Clarkson Memorial Hospital associa
tion in their tag day campaign. ' t
Monday takes a large number of young
people from Omaha who are to attend the
University of Nebraska this year. Among
those leaving will be: Misses Doris Wood,
Helen Slioles, Bess Gould, Esther Devalon,
Isabel Mllroy, Jean Flemming, Ann Dennis,
Mary Fahs, Ola Belle Hervey, Grace Rohr
bough, Olive Hammond, Mayonne Thomp
son und Margaret Guthrie.
Prospective I'leaanrea.
Mr. and Mra. W. L. Se;o will entertain
at dinner Saturday evening at Happy Hol
low. Mra. J. W. Grlfrith will entertain at
luncheon Tuesduy of next week for Miss
Haiel Connell.
Mrs. J. H. Conrad will entertain at lunch
eon Tuesduy at the Field club. Miss Hazel
Kahn will also give one of the Tuesday
Mrs. A. B. Somera, Mra. M. D. Cameron
and Mrs. W. II. Hancock will give a
luncheon Friday at Happy Hollow. About
forty guests will be present.
Wednesday evening Dr. F. L. Loveland
will entertain twenty men at dinner at
Happy Hollow.
Mrs. Charles' Lehmer will entertain on
Thuraduy afternoon complimentary to Mlsa
I ictorI WHichl
j&TlL 4 ?sA vNS" ' "1 Other styles I f"ft I
Ton think you can tell the difference between hearing grand opera
artists sing and hearing, their beautiful voices on the Victor. But can
you? (
livery day at the Waldorf-Astoria. New York, the grand opera stars
sing, accompanied by the hotel orchestra, of sixteen pieces. The diners
listen with rapt attention, craning their necks to gel a glimpse of the
singer. But it is a Victor. '
In the rotunda of Wanamaker's famous Philadelphia steir. the
great pipe organ accompanied MHba on the Victor, and the people
rushed from all directions to see the Klnger.
We tarry a complete line of records and machines, price $10 to $500.
tZ??'' 'V&xSi1 Perfect fit.
i- Jr ew
I L'ti.rl Cnnnnt, who will be one ef the brides
'of Ihe month i f September.
Thursday evrnins promises to be a red
I letter occasion nt the Field il.ih. that being
tin- date anmv.m ed for the aonu il ruusicaie.
Mis. A. W. And rsmi will entcttnln at
I luncheon Til silay nt Happy Hallow, covers
(bring 1 for twenty guests. Olucr
I hostesses Tuesdiiy will be Mrs. It. D. Reed,
I who will have covers for six. and Mia. W.
11. Gales, claht.
Miss Ethel Cunatit will entertain at bridge
Tins. lay nft.rnoon complimentary to Miss
Littn Rolirhoush. whose wedding takes
place the latter part of September. Among
other affairs planned for Mlsa Hohrbough
Is a luncheon that will he glxen Wednes
day of next week by Miss Alice Swltzlcr at
her home. Thursday evening of the sami
week Ml?s Henrietta. Iters will give an
evening party for Miss Hohrbough and on
Saturday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Lang
ley will give a dinner at the Happy Hollow
cluh. On Monday. September II. Mr. and
Mrs. Runt hough will entertain at dinner
for the members of the Chnpniatt-Rohr-bough
wrddi:iR party. Dinner will be fol
lowed by a rehearsal nt the First Methodist
church, where the ceremony will be per
formed. I'lcnvnrca int.
The Phi Lamda Epsllon fraternity held
the first meeting of the season Thursday
evening ai the home of Frank Hoel. The
meeting was a social one and those present
were Mr. Myron Buck, Mr. Ed O'Brien, Mr.
Harry Pollard. Mr. Bryant Cole, Mr. How
ard Poit. Mr. Philip Frederick. Mr. Harry
Koch, Mr. Harold Thompsm. Mr. Hubert
Owen. Mr. Lawrence Gibson and Mr. Frank
Miss M. Effie Hanson gave a kitchen
shower. Friday evening, at her home, in
honor of Miss Edna Claire Jamleson. w'uo
la to be one of the brides this month. Those
present were Miss Edna C. Janiieson, Miss
Grace Grant. Miss Lanrella Jamleson, Miss
Gladys Jamleson, Mlsa Nell E. Mower,
Mlsa Clara Voder, Miss Effie Turner, Miss
Ida Turner. Miss Violet Thorspecken. Miss
Mamie McDonald. Miss Minnie Hanson.
Mrs. B. Headley and Mrs. M. Hanson.
Rush week for the sororities at the uni
versity at Uncoln commences Monday and
something has been planned for each day
up to Thursday. Among the affulrs planned
by the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will be
a play given Monday night by the girls at
their house. An informal supper will fol
low. Tuesduy evening a musical will be.
given at the home of Miss Julia Atwood,
Wednesday evening a dancing party ut tlio
home of Prof, and Mrs. A. Davis and on
Thursday evening a vaudeville performance
and supper at the sorority house.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn gave a hayrack
party last Saturday evening In celebration
of the sixteenth birthday of their daughter.
Miss Blanche Cohn. After a drive around
the city the young people returned to the
home of Miss Cohn on Georgia avenue for
a supper, the latter part of the evening
being spent In dancing. The porch and
lawn were decorated with Japanese lan
terns. The guests were Miss Fannie Rosen
stock. Miss Nellie Elgutter. Miss Hazel
Degen, Miss lima Gross. Miss Hortense
Spiesberger, Miss Mamie Spleaberger, Miss
Erna Hadra, Mlsa Dorothy Meyer, Mr.
Morton Hiller, Mr. Morton Degen, Mr. Ed
win Klrsehhraun, Mr. Herbert Harris. Mr.
Elmer Meyer, Mr. Arthur Furth, Mr.
Grover Goodman, Mr. Herbert Arnateln,
Mr. Hugo Heyn, Mr. Wilton Livingstone,
Mr. Alvin Livingstone, Mr. Clarence Berg
man, Mr. Fred Heyn.
Weddings and Ennagements.
The marriage of Mr. W. II. Klrehman
and Miss Lila Campbell will be solemnized
at St. John's Catholic church September 16
at 10 o'clock.
Tho marriage of Miss Gretchen Emery,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Emery, to
Mr. Roderick D. Sfott of Loa Ajigeles,
formerly of Omaha, will take place Satur
day, Sept. 19, at high noon at the First
Christian church, Rev. 8. D. Duteher offi
ciating. The marriage la the culmination of
a romance begun In the Omaha High school
In their freshman year. The young peo
plp will make their home in Los Angeles,
where Mr. Scott is now In business.
The wedding of Miss Ethel Crmant,
daughter of Mra. M. H. Conant. to Mr.
Frank Harwood will take place Wednesday,
Oitober 14, at the First Christian church.
The marriage of Miss Hallle Patterson,
daughter of Mrs. Ella Patterson, to Dr.
Frank Spencer Whitman of Dundee, which
took place Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock
at the home of the bride's mother, came
as a surprise to most of their friends, only
about a dozen relatives mid friends being
present at the ceremony. Dr. John Conloy
of the First Baptist church officiated.
The bride wore her go-away gown of
navy blue and carried American Beauty
roses. There were no attendants and an
informal supper was served. Dr. and Mrs.
Whitman left Saturday evening to lake the
Great Lakes trip, and after their return
will be at home In Dundee, Wl Chicago
Fashionable Ladies' Tailor
Fircla work guaranteed.
Parlors. Leavenwortb SU
Cor. Park Aver.ue.
1 An Elite Model 1
?t5 ti
"We are prepared to offer our customers a black taffeta Waist
made in the latest fall style with close fitting long sleeves and
guaranteed to wear three months without splitting or cracking,
for $5.00- If the waist does not wear three months we shall be
pleased to replace same with new waist free of charge to customer.
Get in the habit of trading at this reliable Outergarment
Store on Farnam Street, near the New Henshaw.
1 U iJf fc.- ill ? J i L ILIIL
nrshowjng FaU Millinery
VUR new Millinery Department
now ready will be the first com
plete showing of Fall Styles. You will
find an individuality and chickness that
pleasing and the
will surprise you. Come on Monday
if you can. Thomas Ktlpatrick . Co.
You Know Peroxide
Tlie drugplHta. whoso mitm-s appear irnii r tlila n iininiiu. iiumU. iift-i- most care
fully investigating t lie QUALITY of I'KKOXIDK CIIKAM Kladly cn.loihe Its use in
preference to any other cream for which it use la intended.
Neurly evorv person in thin community In familiar with tho great medicinal
value of PKPjOX IDE of Hydrogen; I'KHOX 1 1 K CltKAM. contulns this Hlnald
nrtlolB in sufficient quanlliy to act as a mild Bkln blench, thus removing TAN.
Sl'Xttl'HN. KRKl'KLKS, ItKDNKSS of the skin and other unsightly disfigurements.
It keeps the SKIN' SOFT AND WHITK, the condition so desired by ALL LAD1KS
Pell Drug Co., 1216 t'arnum St.
S. A. lieranek, H02 South l-ilh St
F.mll t'ermak, 126a South 13th St.
C'rissev Pharmacy, C4th and Lake Sts.
H. H. Killers. Le.ivenworth St.
I'OKter & Ariiuldl. 213 North Jith St.
J ,1. I'reytag, 1H4 North 24th St
llreen's Pharmacy, Park Ave. nnd Pacific. Drug Co, tfitli nnd I'lirnam Sts.
Ilanscom Park Pharmacy, 1".01 So. I't!i.
llourll Drug Co, 2U7-2'il N. Itith Sts.
W. C llnyden, 2!i20 Fl. mam St.
Per Oiiind Pharmacy, dir. Itttli ft Howard.
Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding.
H. S. King, 24th and Farnani Sts.
C b;. Lathrop. 1324 North 24th St.
J. II. Merchant. Cor. I fit li and Howard.
L. K. Peyton, 2401 Leavenworth St.
Prilibeno'w A Co., 1527 Vinton St.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave.
J. 11. Schmidt, 24th and Cuming Sts.
And B.000 other druggists in every Tilllage and city all orer tbe United States
selling this wonderful preparation today.
No More Dread o! the
We-have a pclentifie formula which
renders the extration teeth In
nearly all eases absolutely- without
pain. We fit te ih without pli.te. mil
if vim desire, we can by a lieu meth
od do thli work without iC'Tting t i
the ine of gold crowns or unigntly
gold bands about the necks of tbe
teeth. We einplov the mnl skilled
workmen. No Muilenis ate allowed in
our offiee. liohl .iown-.
Bridge w ork J.i.OO: Plali 5 0l : Tc-tli
without hue, $."i HO.
Telephones Bell, Doug-Ins 6711
Open Evenings Till 9.
1522 Douglas
Pal!crn Hals Irom $5.00 lo $15.05. Streel Hals Irom $1.59 up.
After Sept. 14 we will be
nicely located In the Web
ster and Sunderland Bldg.
16th and Howard Sts. Ladies Tailor and Furrier
a aiaaaii
t M tft
Hundreds of beautiful Suits, such as this illustra
tion, are being shown at this exclusive Women's Outer
garment store. You can depend on a suit bearing an
Elite label to give perfect wear and satisfaction.
To tho loft we lmvc ortrnyotl ono of many of our
beautiful Spirits that await your inspection this week.
Made of beautiful rich broadcloth in the newest street
suit style, trimmed with and lined with Skinner Satin.
Has new close fitting sleeves mid skirt is a pretty flare
style. Altogether a beautiful, handsome, stylish Suit,
moderately priced at $45.00
Stunning Models at $25.00
At this price we have an unlimited selection of
Tailored Models that at present are much in demand in
the fashion centers of the east. Our business in suits
at this price warrant us in saying that they are abso
lutely the prettiest, most serviceable and most practical
suits shown in Omaha for $25.00
New Coat Skirts
Many new Skirts .just arriving, nearly all having
a faint suggestion of the Directoire in trimming with
buttons and satin. Also many gored and pleated ef
fects are shown and we can please you with any style
you prefer. Prices range
$5.00 to $25.00
A Guaranteed
Silk Waist $5.00
moderate pricing
Sehaefer & Son, 2631 North 16th St.
Sehaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 15th and
Douglas Streets.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Chicago Streets.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
O. 11. Wirth, 40th and Hamilton Sts.
Benson, ITcb.
'Prague's Henson Pharinaey.
South Omaha. Web.
.1. L. Kuhat. 110 North 24th St.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores, 1402 N
St.; 24th and N Sts.
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
.Ino. W. Camp. r.tC W. Uroadway.
Dell (! Morgan. 142 West P.roadway.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 6th Ave.
and Main St.
The Original "Jfo Fain" Dentist
Ind., A376". If 23 Ooaarlas St.
Sundays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
iCS ' Wla-ill-t" ""
dihseb w inn
rrom a nntll B o'clook
opposite ran posToprioa
1508-10 HOWARD ST.
1 1 :HO A. M. TO 8 1 M.
.Mtislr by Potter's .Mandolin Orchestra
New pupllH received Tuesday and
Friday afternoons and by special
appoint ment.
FHOT! Harney ;h7: A-:6I7
Mr. and .Mrs. M "rand's school
for children in Darning, Physical
Culture antl Fancy Dances, iMO
So. IHth Nt., (Kdward freight on
ItiHtllute) will reopen on Satur
day, Se!teinbr 10th, at 8 p. tn.
Fir torniN and particulars tele
phone Doug. 1011.
Ou a oinan's Fare, Xnrk
Arms or Shoulder Is Xoi
Considered Attractive.
will remove hair from any part of th
hiHly In from 5 t 10 minutes leaving ths
ikln soft and whtte no smarting or
hurnliiu; 7fio per bottle. Hy mail, sealed,
1 1 on. circulars f r
UliavaiAW a. MtCuKliiiLL limuu ug,,
l or. lf.t'i and I !-,. stH, Umaha.
for. !ih and Harney ats., Omaha.
asm Verth S4th Street.
September leth a&d 17th.
isJ ail.mslil iai sT Uafc HI rTnV rTsiVl