The Omaha Bee rAT L hews SEcnoa PAOC9 1 to a. unday A6vrt la THE OMAHA DEC Best A". West VOL XXXVI I INO. 13. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1P0S-ST ,s V'TIONS THIRTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE IWY FIVE TEXTS. IRISH LEAVING ISLE TAFT TALKS TO CLUBS vAnd the Cat Came Back LEVI CARTER PARK SUMMARY OF THE BEE Bandar f iitrrahfr 13, 100W. 1908 Smimms 1908 SV' jmV 77Z. "fa TWf iPj 2 3 4 5 6 Z 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 1Z 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z 28 29 30 - ..V lost of Population Shown by the Fijnres Just Out. Judge Will Addreii National Repub lican League September 22. Land Bou7ht with Mrs. Carter's Money Accepted by the City. FORMAL CEREMONIES AT LAKE LARGEST BERTH RATE NO HELP CONVENTION IN CINCINNATI Emigration More Than Offseti Thii Great Advantage. Railroads to Make Rate of One and Half Fare. Mayor, ir. Behalf of Omaha, Receives This Splendid Gift. HARD TIMES AHEAD AT BELFAST TRIBUTE PAID THE BENEFACTRESS V0RYS CONSULTS HITCHCOCK Many Out of Work and Coming of Winter is Dreaded. MEANEST MAN IS FOUND AGAIN Measured Ilia I.oaf and Heat Hla Wife When She Cat a Slice la Or der to Apnea Her Ha user. DUBLIN. Sept. 12. (Special.) Statistics are usually dry reading, but there la a wrrtd of irterest In the report of the registrar general for Ireland covering 1907, which has Just been Issued. No stronger Indictment of the nilsgovernmerlt of Ire land could be drawn than Is contained In some of the figures In this report. For Instance. Uthough the birth rate In Ireland Is nearly the highest In tlie world, there has been an actual decrease In the population. There was a natural Increase of 20.000 In the population last year that Is, a surplus of births over deaths hut 39,(182 young men and women emigrated and converted the Increase Into a decrease of 14X4. There was an actual Increase In the emigration figures last year, tha num ber being 35,344 In 1906, and the average number for the last ten years being 37,801. What this means to the country may, per haps, be realised better when It Is stated that each emigrant represented an esti mated capital lone to the country of $1,600. According to this estimate, therefore, Ire land lost $. 000,000 last year by emigration. Home of the false economists are point ing to the fact that while the population of tho country has decreased, its flocks and herds have Increased, and they argue from this that its wealth Is Increasing John Mitchell remarked that "bullocks do not wear breeches," and every emigrant lost to the country represents a loss of purchasing power. Even if the emigrant had been In the workhouse. H5 a year w ( uld have been spent on his food and clothing, and at this very moderate esti mate, Ireland has lost trade worth l.tN).oo by last year's emigration. Asia ( tha Bride. There Is also an clement of comedy In the registrar general's report. Ha de clares that It Is almost Impossible In Ira land to compile any accurate figures of the age at which people marry, because Irish brides and bridegroom are too shy to tell their exact age. They content themselves with complying with the legal requirements to state whether they aro minors or of full age, and In 1907 only one-seventh of the total number of persons married told their exact age. It has been suggested that oria reason for this is the fact thut'the age of marriage Is increasing In Ireland, and (hat In many cases the contracting parties hop to conceal from each, other hew old they really are. Where They Mva Loag. WHIP on the subject of age It may be Interesting to mentlou that there Is no country in the world where people live so long as In Ireland. Out of the total number of deaths In 1907 there were 700 people who were 95 ytars old or more and 145 who were 100 yenrs old or more. It Is a notable fact, too, that a large proportion of the centenarians died Irj the workhouse, and that many of them had been Inmates for half a century or more. The deduction from this fact Is that the quiet life, regu lar hours, plain food and freedom from worry of the workhouses are conducive to longevity. Hard Times Ahead. The conditions as to employment are very bud all over Ireland and very hard times are looked for during the comlnat winter. The unemployment Is more acuta in the Industrial towns of the north than else where and the authorities of Belfast have Just f.tlled In a i attempt to find work for a considerable number of their unem ployed. They organised a great "hiring fair" In the center of the city and In-, vited all the farmers from the neighbor ing counties to coma to Belfast, promising them plenty of cheap labor. The labor! there, but the farmers were not, at least la any appreciable numbers. The few who diu oome were mobbed by men seeking work and many of them whipped up their horses and fled In terror from the mob, which became threatening In Its disappoint ment. Qaeer Kick f Blgetry. An extraordinary order has been Issued by the National Education Commissioners withdrawing from the list of books that may be used by the national schools, .Messrs. Brown and Nolan's "Advanced Na tional Header." The book has been lr gen eral use for several years throughout the schools of Ireland and no reason Is as signed for Its withdrawal. I have learned, however, that some time ago the Imperial Protest.tnt Federation, a body whose chief aim Is to perpetuate the religious differ ences which huve been happily dying out In lrelar-d, complained of the book be cause It contained extracts from poems by Mangati and D. H. McCarthy, and from historical works by the archbishop of Tuam. dealing with the wars of O'Neill and O'lHmnell against Queen Kllsabeth. The Protestant Federation declared that these extracts Instilled Into the youth of Ireland "senslments of disloyalty and re bellion against British rule in Ireland," and It induced some of the few "carrion crows" from l ister to ask questions about It In Parliament. Nothing was done at the time. I however, and the withdrawal of the book has come as an entire surprise when Par liament Is not sitting and no effective pro. test can be made by the Irish members, thaaanloa Meaa Maa. The champion mean man has been dis covered In Belfast. He la Thomas Bpence, a foreman In a shipyard, earning com fortable Income, and a few day ago he was summoned by his wife for asaultlng 'her. His wife stated that be bad never allowed her more than S rer.U a week for her food. Ha bought his own food and cooked It himself. He kept hit sugar la a covered bowl and every day he placed a live fly under the cover In order that bt might know; by the fly's escape If his wife lifted the cover during his absence and helped herself to hla sugar. He also measured his loaf wltb a rule before leav ing home, and on his return every day, te see If his wife had taken a slice. The vCmtlnued on Second Page.) TBI WEATXES. FOR OMAHA. COl'NCU, RLUFF8 AND VICINITY-Falr Sunday; not much change In temperature. FOR NKrRASKA AND IOWA Generally fair Sunday; not much change In temper ature. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: " Cj.'a Hour. Dg. i, 5 a. m 2 V'Mm-J 7TC 1' : ' m f" jL' S a. m 73 'j . 9 a. ni 7H f ff 10 a. ni Rl f 'JJ 'I 111 vf?K 1 P- 'ni! ............. !9 Ji'liiV' ' P- rn 4rlr 3 p. m 91 4 p. m 91 5 & p. in 91 P- m 87 7 p. m 4 POLITICAL. W. R. Hearst declares Mr. Bryan came to him In New York and proposed to sup port him for president 'in four years In return for his suport during tho present campaign. Mr. Bryan says It Is false. X, race 1 Secretary Straus calls upon Judge Taft at Cincinnati. He says the candidate at the cabinet meetings has always taken a stand friendly to the Interests of labor. x. xr Republicans of South Dakota are active In their organisation and are prepared for a strong fight. X, Page 1 Tom Taggart has been made head of the bureau of traveling men by National Com mitteeman Mack. X, Page 1 DOMESTIC. Revelations In connection with the busi ness of the A. Booth Packing company show that statements for three years have been falsified by someone Intimately connected wl .h the firm's business and banks who hold short-time notes will lose heavily. X, Page 8 The largest body of troops ever on the march since the civil war Is proceeding through Kansas. X, Page 1 Traffic officials are In session In bt. Louis to consider the reports of various committees. X, Fags 1 Aeronaut Orvllle Wright has changed hla aeroplane to permit of higher speed from his motor. X, Fag's 1 rOKEXGrN. Hurricane sweeps Bahama Islands after devastating Turks' Islund. X, Paje 1 Cholera In St. Petersburg assumes pro portions of an epidemic. X, Page 1 German dirigible balloon makes a flight of 200 miles and is tn the air for thirteen hours. I, page a Archbishop of Westminster decides not' to carry the host in the procession at London today. 1, Page 1 American gallon are given another royal welcome at Albany In West Australia. x, rare a XiOCAXi. Commercial club donates land for site for a 2.000-barrel mill to be erected by Oklahoma parties. IX, rage 8 Third killing within two weeks results from what man who does the shooting alleges was an attempt at holdup. X. Fags 4 Republican candidates for county attor ney and coroner, who lose by small mar gin on the face of the returns, Indicate they will demand a recount. X, Page 4 War department consents to parade of regular soldiers at the Ak-Sar-Ben festi val. X, Page 8 MOYXMXKTS OF OCAa.1T STEAMSHIPS. Port. Arrived. ealltel. NEW YORK K. A. Victoria. ... NKW YORK Arabic NKW YORK Cralle NEW YORK Hamburj I'HKRBOCHO Aoierika H EKNSTOWN Caltle. MVKHPUOL Baltic L1VKRPOOL, sylvania BREMEN NfCkar. 8l"r HAMPTON lMuucblaad, LONDON Lata tilcbisao, HAVRE Plorlda TRAIN STRIKES SWITCH ENGINE One of the Knalnes Is Throwa from Viaduct to the Street. MITCHELL, 8. D., Sept. 12.-(Spelal Telegram. A bad wreck occurred on the Milwaukee railroad half a mile east of here this afternoon at I o'clock, when a double-header freight train was approach ing the city from the south. A switch ei gine was starting cn the main line and had crossed a viaduct over a street. Tho snitch engineer saw the approaching freight some distance away and whistled for them to top, and it appeared, as if the fieiaht engineer had his trsln under con trol, as the trsln slackened speed a littlo. but on approaching the switch engine the freight engines seemed to gather more speed from IvMng pushed by twenty-one cars of coal behind. The switch engine commenced to back up and the double header bcre down upon It Just as It was cn the viaduct. The switch engine wss lifted in the air and then fell to the street fifteen fet be low. The forward engine of the freight was knuckvt off the rails. The three ensi reers and the three firemen, seeing the collision could not b averted, Jumped and saved their lives. Three cars of coal were thrown frnir. the track. A peculiar circumstance of the collision was that the htad engine of the freight and the switch engine were in a wieck vlthin 100 feet of the m sp. t a year ago, when two men were killed. Julius Plark. the switch engineer, was In the same wreck. This Is the third wreck that has occurred In the same place within four years. It is a point where the road from the south enter the city on a curve. GAS EXPL0DES IN VAULT Lakaate Over tight Iaraltes oa Otta. Ia aae Fatalities May Reeult. CHICAGO. Sep. 1? Four women and a man, employee of the Wahl Adding Ma chine company, were pcaslbly fatally In jured today by an explosion of Illuminating gas In a wall safe In the plant of the com pany. 40 Ohio street. ' The explosion occurred when the vault waa opened and an attempt made to light the gas Jet. The third and fourth floors of the building were wrecked and for a time It was believed that the Injured per sons had been killed. A number of other employee were allghtly Injured Preliminary Work of Outlining Can didate'! Western Itinerary. WILL BE FINISHED MONDAY Chairman and Head of Speakers' Bureau to Confer with Members of Kxecattve Committee in Chicago. NEW YORK, Sept. 12.-The itinerary for the first speaking trip to be made by Judge Taft was the subject of a long conference today between Chairman Frank 'H. Hltc.i cock of the republican national commit tee and Arthur I. Vorys, Mr. Taft's per sonal manager In Ohio. No definite ar rangements were made except as the plans relate to Mr. Taft's participation In the biennial convention of the National League of Repunblican clubs In Cine n r,atl on September 22. At that time the re publican candidate for president will speak from the same platform with Senator For aker of Ohio. John Hays Hammond, a member of the advisory committee of the national committee, who Is In direct charge of the organization of republican cluta, took part in today's conference. All of the trunk lines running Into Cin cinnati have granted a one-and-a-half rate for the round trip on account of the con vention. It Is expected that a special train from New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsyl vania, and that the western states w.ll ba well represented. The address to be made by Mr. Taft will be his first big political speech since the opening of the cam paign, Mr. Vorys submitted to Mr. Hitchcock the views held by Taft as to the places he desired to speak during the first week of his political trip. In view of the fact that it has been decided that the candidate shall first visit middle west states, no schedule could be arranged until Mr. Hitchcock had consulted Senator Dixon, director of tha speakers' bureeu In the west, on Monday In Chicago and then Senator Dixon will make up an itinerary which he will take to Cincinnati to submit to Mr. Taft for hU approval. It is possible also that Chair man Hitchcock will go to Cincinnati at the same time. All members of the executive committee for middle west states will meet Mr. Hitch cock when he arrives In Chicago Monday. All of them have made requests that Mr. Taft deliver political addresses In their states and the demands will receive con sideration. Chairman Hitchcock will leave New York for Chicago tomorrow . TAFT FRIKND1.Y TO LABOR Secretary Strans Telle of Hie Attitod In Cabinet. CINCINNATI. O..' Sept. 12. -The position of the present administration and Judge Taft, on the labor Question Is to be made the special subject of consideration in the campaign by Oscar 8. Straus, secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor, who, with T. V. Powderly of the Infor mation bureeu of that department, called on the candidate today. "I am going to make as many speeches and do as much work In the campaign as , my official duties will permit," said Secre tary Straus, after his conference with Mr. Taft. "I will speak In New York and Chi cago at least, and undoubtedly in other places. "As the head of the Department of Com merce and Labor, I am decidedly interested In the welfare of labor, and I regard tho 1 Bryan fallacies more dangerous to labor than to any other element In the campaign, i . , " . . .. ,j . . his bank deposit scheme would so cripplo Industry as to reduce the wage paying fund I even more than his previous fallacy to 16 t . "I do not think that even Pryan himself j would claim that President Roosevelt was i Inimical to labor and I know from my own j connection as a members of his cabinet. ! and I say this without disclosing any of the privacies of the cabinet room, that when ever the labor question came up, either In or out of that room. Mr. Taft's position has universally been for the best Interests of the laboring man." Mr. Powderly said he was here to estab lish a receiving bureau for the inquiries his bureau had sent out to the farmers, particularly of the south, asking their needs wtth respect to farm labor. The rural carriers, he said, had already carried to the farmers of the country l.MO.OOO of postal cards, making the Inquiry as to the character and quantity of farm help needed, to be used In giving advice to arriving foreigners. Cincinnati has been selected, he said, as the receiving point of the answers because of its geographical lo cation. Judge Taft was todav invited to address , while in Chicago the Douglass Neighbor- i hood improvement club, made up of men representing different churches. Political, parties and business Interests. The invita tion was extended by Rlshop J. C. Hartxell of the Methodist Episcopal church, who j came here from Chicago for that purpose. spesk on civic reform In a number of the larger cities and the candidate expressed his willingness so to do If the arrangements caa be made to fit in with the speaking en- agementa the national committee Is mak- ing for him. RKPl'BI.ICAM (LI HI GET BVsV Preparing for Vnaaaally AetlTeaCaaa palca la Soath Dakota. HURON. 8. D.. Sept lt-(Speclal.)-At a meeting of the republican clubs here Thurs day, the attendance was greater then ex pected and the gathering waa one of com plete harmony and much enthusiasm. It Is very evident that the campaign will be an exceptionally active one and those in charge will give their best efforts to mak ing It one of the moat aggresslvs cam paigns cn the part of republicans In the history of the state. There was much dis cussion relative to the political situation n the state, but nothing In the least dis couraging to republicans was In evidence. These officers were chosen for the ensuing year: J. D. Reeves. Croton, president; James Stenley. leed. flret vice president; George R. Duuthett, Sioux Falls, sacond vice presi dent; A. ( Ueel. Alcealer, third vice preal- (Continued oa Third Page.) . , twvt3 Mv-31&sysy sift pA'l 111'! I Philadelphia Press. ATTEMPT TO KILL GOVERNOR Infernal Machine Sent to New Jer sey's Executive. DETECTED IN MAILS BY CLERK Package Carrie Incalflclrut Pontage and Was Mailed la Philadelphia After Fort's, Atlantic Cltr Order. 6EA GIKT, N. J., Sept. 12. An uttempt to assassinate Governor Fot of New Jer sey has been thwarted by the watchfulness of postofflce employes, who discovered in the malls an Infernal machine addreesed to the sovernor. The De.ckuae was a cleverly-contrived combination of powder, bullets and matches, which had been so arranged that, had the governor opened It In the ordinary wny, there is little doubt it would have killed him. That the deuth-dealing packago was In tercepted before It had reached its des tination was due to the vigilance of the postal officials, who have scanned the gov ernor's mail with unusual care since the executive's recent rrusnde against viola- I lion of the law at Atlantlo City. The at I ' tltude tnkfn by the governor when he di- , ' ."-. laws tke great selde resort be strictly enrorceo, and even tnreatenea to order out the militia If necessary to that end, aroused grout resentment In some quarters. It was to guard the governor as much as possible from uny annoyance arising from that affair thnt the unusual natch was put on his mull. Postdate Doe on Package. Several nays ago when a package of somewhat unusual shape was found to bear insufficient postage it was taken by a clerk to one of the po-tal Inspectors. The Inspector became more impressed by the shape and condition of the package than ty the shortage of stamps and ut , once wrote the governor informing him that a package of suspicious appearance addressed to him was being held at the of fice. The int)"ctor asked for permission to open it without forwarding It to Its des tination. The permission was given at once. Exercising the greatest care the Inspector and his assistants removed thn wrnnolnirM frpm thf p,.kae to flnJ thnt thHr worM fear W(,r t,onflrme(j. u wa u r(1.;, f.rna, niaeMnii cl.u,Uli but so t.Pvl.rlv tiln. . . -,,,,- ..r ..t.L mendous damaKe. It contained a quantity of powdei and bullets, wilii matches so arranged that a hurried opening of the package would have set off the powJer or,. t.nrU1 . t, A Y..,Mn,u In UT1 '" " -uu,.-. Meaejiue la I'ucVaue. ! That the si nJ r of the machine had a :grlm sense of humor became apparent , from an examination of the contents of t lie package. On a bit of paprr he had written a message to the governor which read: "Please notify us promptly of any change in your postofflce address." Another read: "You will know me better after we are ac quainted." Another line by which It is believed the sender sought to give the Impression that the machine was sent by a foe of the con stitutional government Instead of a personal enemy of the governor reads: "And the gun against this rotten govern ment." Governor Fort said today that he did not care to discuss the matter In any way. "It speaks for Itself." waa the only commrnt he would make when questioned about his narrow escape. Postal Clerks Detect It. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 12.-The postal Inspectors In this city admit that they are Investigating the mailing of an infernal machine In this city to Governor Fort of (Continued on Second Pa HURRICANE SWEEPS BAHAMAS After Devastating; Turk Island Storm Comes la Morthvreat Di rect ion . WASHINGTON. Sept. U-The weather bureau today announced that the West Indies hurricane which wrought great dam age jit Turks island Is central today over the eastern Bahama islands and that the conditions there and off the South Atlantic coast are such as to indicate danger to vessels In that section during' the' next two days. The storm continues to move In a northwesterly direction. GRAND Tl'RK, Turks Island, 6. B. W I., Sept. 11. A hurricane of great fury swept over Turk's Isjand last night and this morning, and at daybreak today tho town of Grand Turk was devested. A number of lives have been lost, but Just how many cannot yet be said. Grave anxiety Is felt for the safety of Dr. T. R. Robertson, district commissioner of Calcos, who was making a tour of the Islands when the storm broke. The hurricane reached here at o'clock last night, the wind blowing from the nortli northeast. At 4 o'clock this morning the wind had reached a velocity of nearly one hundred miles an hour and was blow ing from the northeast. Much damage has been done to property here and the streets of Grand Turk are a mass of wreckage. Trees have been up rooted, portions of buildings blown away and many houses have been partially wrecked. The Haltlen sloop Telegraph, which had taken shelter at Hawk's Nest, foundered with ail hands. The schooner Dan Leon, belonging to the Kast Caico's Fibre com pany, broke away from Its anchorage and has not been seen since. All the salt light ers which were moored yesterday at the riding ground and the Hawk's Nest are missing. YCUNG ANDREW KLOMAN SHOT Found In Critical Condition In Pitts, bars;. ear Fashionable Dis trict of City. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Sept 12. Andrew Kloman III, aged U years, a grandson of Andrew Kloman, a partner of Andrew Carnegie in the pioneer Iron and steel busl nckii. as found shot through the head and shoulder on the (Irani boulevard, near i Center avenue, early today. The young man was hurried to a hospital in a critical condition and niemliers of his family were summoned to his br-dside. Relatives of young Kloman. who Is em ployed nt the Carnegie Steel company, con tend thnt he was the victim of a high wayman Rnd declare a sum of money, his watch and several papers are missing from 1:1s jKirketi. The police are puzzled over the myster ious shootinr and are not ready to accept the theory that Kloman was held up, lob bed arid shot. The plate where Kloman was found bor ders cn a fashionable residential section of the city and the nffalr has caused con Bide rahle excitement. Later a revolver was found neir th' place Kloman was shot. A brother. Charles Kloman, identified the weapon si one hi had purchaser! nKut ten ye-ars ago. Con siderable mystery still surrounds the case, however, as the young man's pockets were rifled. ROYAL WELCOME AT ALBANY American Sailors " elradrd F.very Coorteay at West Aus tralian Port. ALBANY, West Australia. Sept. 12-The presence here of the American fh-et of bat tleships has brought enthusiastic crowds from all parts of the state. Rear Admiral Sperry landed today and called upon the governor, and the people In the streets gave him a splendid ovation. Limited numbers of llhertymen are com ing ashore from the ships each day. The local authorities are providing for free meals for them. FACTS ABOUT TERMINAL TAX Figures Which Furnish an Answer to Objectors to the Law. REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETING State Organisation Called for Mneola on September Twenty-Nine Stock Tarda Files Brief la Switch. Ing Caae. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Sept. 12 (Special.) At the re quest of several Interested parties Secretary Scliavland today made a comparison of the terminal tax in several towns In 1907 and for the present year under the provisions of the new law. The figures will be of special Interest to the people of Buffalo county, one of whose representatives, Tom llamer, predicted the enactment of the law would reduce the valuation of railroad property In his county and the money would go to Omaha. Kearney, the city In which the representative lives, last year received a total of JHW.179 railroad property to be taxed for city purposes. Under the new law Kearney will receive S1S7.5I2. Buffalo county received last year 1394,377 and this year 1318.314. The comparisons given below are of assessed values of one-fifth of the actual value: Buffalo County lr7. 1S08. Miller 5 MS2 t 7.US3 Amherst 4.274 4.0i6 Pleasanton 4. SIC 6,311 Bhelton 23.015 Gibbon 46.716 40.r!u Kearney lC.j,!7S 167,622 Elm Creek 33.10) 31.023 Ravenna 8.R10 2tMlT Totals Diiwson County Sumner Bddyvllle Overton Lexington Cozad Gothenburg Totals Lincoln County Bradv Island North Platte Sutherland T2W,3n I 4.400 . ,97ft . 54.3D5 . 27.735 . 2.iW) . 48.Wio $313,314 S t.m 6.M2 44.S21 40.442 26,83fi 45.04i .1169.0.11 1. 58 .1 22. 3W . 3u.42 . 21.715 S 13.041 11,191 18,117 1149.07a S 67.078 I 6.192 Totals t 7K.&67 Keith County Ogallalla t C.575 Deuel County Chappell I 5,03) Cheyenne County L"dr Pole I 2.02: Sidney (Two R. R.J 12.M5 Brleigepeirt b.5(5 Bayard t 27,156 37.1.(9 17.492 9.. -SI Totals Scott's Bluff County Minatare Scott's Bluff .1 61,'J50 f 91,170 .1 10,(06 . . 17,Siii t t S 9 9.9n4 16. Wl S.7S9 Mitchell Morrill 9.'J Totals I 62.0S5 I 4i,7t3 Republican Committee Called. State Chairman Kelfer Uc.i called a meeting of the republican state commit tee for September 29 for the purpoae of electing a chulrman and see'retary. Brief In Switching Caae. In the recent hearing on the application of the stock yaid.i to Increase rates, fiTed with the Railway commluion, Frank Ramaon. attorney for the stock yurdx, asked K. C. Spens, freight agent of the Burlington, if 60 cents was a Just chirg for switching a car. ripens replied that he did not feel competent to answer. In hU brief filed today with the commission Ransom had the following to say of the Burlington agent: What kind of a position la this for the Burlington Railroad company to (axe? By this declaration it Is here objecting to the Increase of the rate which In apeclal agent in charge of a special department of rates declares that he Is wholly Ignorant upon the question of this par ticular rate. This man In charge of tola particular department declaim under oath that he does not feel himself competent to say whether the live atock switching rate of 60 cents per car-at houth Omaha t reasonable or unreasonable. This man Is the only one I nine employ of the Bur- (Continued on Second Page.,' E. J. Cornish Presides and Makes the Explanatory Statement. BERRYMAN FOR THE PARK BOARD rroreedlna of Yesterday Kxpected to Foreatall In.lnnotlona to Prevent the Arqulaltlon of the Property. On behalf of the city of Omaha I hereby take possession of this tract of land and the body of water contained therein and declare it to be a public purli to be known forever us Levi Cartor park." In this manner did Mayor James C. Dahl man yesterday afternoon declare what hue heretofore been the "proposed" Levi Car ter park on the shore of Cut-off lake tin established reality, forestalling any In junctions that might be sought to re strain the city from taking pessesslon and publicly thanking Mrs. Sallna C. Caller for her munificent gift of 150, 00U with which to buy the land for a park as a memorial to her husband and to perpetu ate hla name. The ceremonies took place on the west shore of the lake In front of the "Big 5" cottage, where nearly three years sg was held the first meeting looking for ward to the acquisition of the pioperty and making of It a public park for the city. The shore In front of the cottage was crowded with people and much In terest waa taken in the exercises, which occupied nearly three hours' time. The ceremonies began at 4 o'clock. K. J. Cornish, member of the board, who from the start has been at the forefront of the movement, was chairman, and In his opening remarks staled briefly the cause for the meeting; that of declaring the property to be that of the city and letting it be known that warrants for tho purchase of the land not yet deeded over are ready for the holders of tha property. He Introduced Mayor Dahlutaii as the first speaker, the mayor luaktiia but a short talk. Sxiecch of the Mayor, Mayor Dahlnian suld: "It Is certainly a pleasure, as mayor of a great city, to be here on an occasion of this kind. I am glad that it lias be. n made possible lor the city of Omaha to gain possession of this great body of land and water by reason of the noble gift of a noblt) woman, Mrs. Salina C. Carter, who gave the money so that the city of Omaha might add to its park system the greatest addition to any park. "We are here today to I hank tills liohlo woman for this great gift, and I am sure that the city as a whole and each man, woman and child in Omaha, Joins with ua in expressing our appreciation to her. I further hope that the Great Maker above will save her to see this park a park In reality. "I alto wish to thank Judge Cornish, who has spent his time, who has worked night and day. In order to build up this, the greatest park system In any western city. I say so In his presence because I believe In saying things about people while they are alive, rather than after they are dead. I ikn want to thank the other members of the Park board and of the Board of Appraisers who gave their tlm freely and honestly that this might be brought about. "We stand here today to thank Mrs. Carter, the Board of Park Commissioners and all the good people of Omaha for this park, and I hne that in the near future this will be a place to which our own people can point with pride and of which, strangers will say that It Is the greatest park and the finest body of water to b found In the west." Berrynian Makes Address. Following the mayor, Chairman Cornish called upon Ed. P. Berryman, president of the Board of Park Commissioners, who delivered tho following udilress: "While I have been a resident of the state for thirty-four years, It was not until almost twenty years ago it became ex pedient for me to cast my lot with the then, and now, thriving residents of this city. Among the then existing firms waa one known as Cne & Carter and it wss my rare good fortune early in my residence here to form the acquaintance of tha Junior member of the firm, Mr. Tsvt Carter, in memory of whom we are today dedicating this park. He was a frequent visitor at our business office and it waa always a strife among the boys, on ac count of his universal geniality, as to who should take his order. "Should any of the hoys le absent from his desk thla would be Immediately noticed by Mr. Carter and inquiry made as to why this was the case, and when on on occasion we offered the Information that Harry had gone to the . hospital to have hU eyea operated upon, one of the first visitors permitted to see the young mam was Mr. Carter. Interest la lonng Friends. "I simply mention this Instance as show, ing the personal Interest this gentleman was always taking in his young friends. With this knowledge of Mr. Carter Is It any wonder that this great humanitarian In hla numerous trljs to and from the greatest lead works In the world should cast his eyes longingly over ids beautiful expanre of water and wlxli that 11 might become a part of our park system for Cie benefit uf the youth as Well as the aged of our city? 'Ilia I it was not made so In his life can only be attributed to the act cf tie Great !Ua;er, when ttill many yeaia of uselul Hie bci-iuc.l to be his. '11, fact la worthy of note, that his closing years were ministered to by thla generous hearted wife who still survives him and tlirouah whose munificent gift we are per mitted today to hold this rattier Informal dedication. "Wu ofier due apologies to our kind ben- e fait re s. who Is making a Kuropeun tour at this lime, for taking advantage of her absence to even make this an informal affair. It Is well known to us that her extreme kiiidllnesa and mode-aty has been such I) at It WouU have been preferable thut even the donor should not have b eo known. Let ine say at this time, thai nut a member of the present Park board or uny of its past membership are in any way rcvponalble for this gift; It comas to us all unsolicited, Ub Uaa Ufa moilvea