Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
Pages 9 to 16.
Advrtl In
Best .V. West
VOL. XXXVI 1 1 XO. 74.
uy Hosiery, Gloves, Etc., Saturday
A bci-Ips of rrmarkablj good bargain in women' furnishings that will le attractive to Satur-
clay choppers. In iKliIltlon vr clve double S &
Knit t'ndfiwear and Handkerchiefs.
Wnmon'a best quality, real kid, lz-button 13 60 Kid
Gloves. Fall linen, at pair 82. 98
l-rmtton 14.00 Kid Oloves, Fall lines, pair 83.49
Women's Kid Gauntlets, with flexible cuff, the real
smart fad for Kali now offered for the first tlm
per pair 81.73
Children's School Stockinets, strong and durable.
rlhlird, nil sires. lSr lines for lOo
Misses' fine ribbed Cotton Hose, full fashioned.
medium, lls;rit and heavy weights, usurtl 2oC lines.
Snturday, pair 19o
Women's Cotton Hose, Imported split, sale goods
retailing regularly st 3rc. Saturday, at pair ..880
Women's Imported Geneva Silk Hose, douhle soles,
hlth splie,.fl heels, most durable hosa lnnde,
60c values, Saturday, 3 pairs 81-00
II. Circon Stamps on all Hosiery, Glove, women's
Women's medium weight fine Cotton Ribbed Vests
and Pant, Just the wejght for the first cool days
of Fall, Rlc values, at each 3o
Women's fine combed Cotton Union Suits, medium
weight for Fall, $1.00 grades, Saturday 79o
Special attention Is directed to this lot of strictly
pure linen Handkerchiefs for women, they sre
unlaundcred. and have hand-embroidered Initial
Designs, fine 15c values. Saturday for SHo
150 dozen Swiss Handkerchiefs, cross bar, and fancy
border effects, some have printed centers, all are
8c quality, on sale at, each 8o
I! (Q
$1 ' "f
y h ,;'-'-'&irti
! Til -i:A km
5 N
Men who are looking around for now hat will do well to run In here.
Yon'll not find rrires a hlnh a rxitile hatter charge but you will
ice all the new style touches and quality that any store inn show. Stiff
or soft hats In black and new (shades.
The La Crosse at $1.50 The Kingston at 92.50
The Lamont. at IjSU.OO Bennett's Special at $3.00
John H. Stetson Hats Fall Style Complete assortments of this well
known make. Stiff hats $3.3l and $.VOO. Soft haU $3.50 to $7.50
- JX X.-i-- lid
When in doubt try CAPITOL COAL, 30c for
ample sacks to any address.
gl Picture Frames
A special sale Saturday only, quan
tities are limited. Values great. We
advise eominp early.
1 lot Frames, black, brown and some gold,
size 18x40 Inches; 1 lot gold Tf
frames, size 16x20 Inches, hMfl
each VUU
Ixt assorted Frames, many sizes and styles,
less than half lOtf an1 25c
(Department Second Floor.)
Sale Sample Neckwear
Women'B Neckwear of every description; a
maker's sample line, 25c, 35c and 50c goods,
all new, In great sale Saturday 10
5-Inch ribbon All Silk Taffetta, white, light
blue, pink, red, brawn, navy, worth 3 5c
yard, at, yard 15
Save a ton Corsets
The corset department will nsraiii have
a sale of uneoimuon merit Saturday. In- H
expensive corsets that are very strongly V
made ami designed for 7.")c retailing, n
"NYe have them in models to fit medium y
and stout figures, with long hip and
high bust, good materials and two pairs j
of hose supporters attached. The f
goods are new, clean and fresh, right iu
every particular. Also a lot of daintily
trimmed girdles. Positively hest 75e U
corsets made, all sizes,
Saturday, on sale
Popular Price Suits for
Whether you have ever bought clothing here
or not, you owe it to yourself to at least acquaint
yourself with Bennett's lines. Its a real satisfac
tion to you and to us to know that there's not a
single old style suit in the stock.
Quality Clothes at Prices
Seldom Possible
Our hobby is popular prices. "We go to ex
tremes to get the best clothing made to sell at
$15, $18 and $20. We get in touch with the best
tailors of strictly hand-tailored garments and know
them to be honestly made through, and through.
Styles and Fabrics for
Young and Elderly Men
The variety is unusually broad, extreme models
for young fellows, modest effects for those who de
mand them. The clothes are all wool and in neat,
refined patterns and colorings as the correct fall
modes demand. All that good clothing should be
at these moderate figures
School Suits Are
Cheaper Here
Cheaper in price only. No better suits are
made. The materials are of good, sturdy kinds, the
tailoring is of the best and styles right up-to-date.
We buy close and are satisfied with a fair profit.
Boys' Suits, in all the new Bhades, smart double-breasted
styles, at 82.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50
The Duplex Suit, made of pure wool materials, with two
pairs of knee pants with each suit, at. .$5.00 ad $4.00
iu Jitsu Suits, for boys to 15 years of age, strongly con
structed of waterproof materials, coats are strengthened
with triple taped teams; pants have double reinforced
seat $5.00 and $4.00
I J;
reat Savings, Tailored Suits
pound brick, full weight
Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 lbs
Always best butter here at lowest prices, Sat
urday Bennett's Capitol Creamery 9Rp'
.... .8 W W
Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 lb. . 3c Ana
Challenge Coffee, pound.. iHc And
Teas, asboited, pound 080 An
Tea Siftlngs. pound lc And
One dozen Nutmegs-and grater 10c And
Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack .$1.50 And
!( Allen's Boston Brown Bread Flour, pkg..l5c And
M Franco-American Soups, quart tan 35c And
9 New York Cream Cheese, pound 20c And
,$1.00 And 100 Green Stamps
30 Green sumps
10 Green Stamps
50 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamps
50 Green Stamps
SALK OF COK-N HTAHCH--2.000 pounds Hoosier Corn
Starch In pound packages, worth 8c; four packages
for 13c or each '
10 Green Stamps
40 Green Stamps
10 (Jreen Stamps
fheR "Br and 10 Stamps Neufchatei crieese, pacnae
a...i, i'h Pi,, ran 20c And 10 Green Stamps
Bayle's Luncheon Herring, two jars 20o And
Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, three pkgs...S5c And
Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle lHc And
Snlder's Pork and Beans, large can SOc And
Bayle's Cider Vinegar, bottle 10c And
iiiiiv tintntui. can "5c And
rVtntf Retain 2 noil nds 15c 25c bottle Grape Juice
Ginger Snaps, fresh and crisp, lb 5c 98c Queen Olives 70c
500 pounds Salted Peanuts, per . D. J. O'Brien's ToaBted Marshmal
lund Saturday, Iflr lows. Just made, worth lO
WW i out; uuuuu, at, ww
10 Green Stamps
20 Green Stamps
20 Green Stamps
15 Green Stamps
6 Green Stamps
10 Green Stamps
5,000 Pounds Dressed 111
Hens, Saturday, per I I "rP
pound .... 1 1 "
Fall Lamb Legs, 200 pairs, lb. . .9J
Prime Rib Roast, all bones out, per
pound 10
Choice Pot Roast, lb 7 and 5
Fall Lamb Chops, lb 1Q
Fall Lamb Roast, lb 7V4
Fall Lamb Stew, 8 lbs. for 25
Veal Chops, per pound 10
Veal Roast, per pound. . . ,Q and
Veal Stew, per pound 5
Boiling Beef, 7 lbs. for 25
Cudahy'a Diamond C Leaf Lard, 10-lb.
palls and 30 Stamps for. .. .$1.35
HAMS Morrell's Iowa Pride, selected
and guaranteed, 30 Stamps with
each; per pound 16
IIAMS Morrell's Iowa Pride Cali
fornia hams, 6 to 10 pounds each, per
pound lOVfctf
BACOX Morrell's Peacock brand,
narrow lean strips, by the strip and
Including 30 Stamps, per lb. .18
Manufacturer's Line
Best shirt purchase and male of th sea
son. $2.00 and $2.50 shirts for $1.00.
Entire line of sample shirts from an
Eastern factory noted for Its high
grade product. The cream of the sea
sou's best styles, pleated or plain just
as you like. Coat styles mostly in
checks, utrlpes and figures. Smart fall
effects. Some are a little finger marked
from handling, otherwise perfect. On
account of these slight defects we can
offer you Saturday these splendid
shirts, all $2.00 and $2.50
quality at lowest price.
Shirts of 6uch merit never
Bell for
School Shoes
To convince you that no better shoes
ran be had we make special low prices
for Saturday. ' Bring the children In.
EXTRA 100 8. & H. Stamps on all
shoes $3.50 or over.
8175 School Shoes, sizes to 1 I f)
BU, ftr I.-40
)2.UU School Shoes, sizes to
T, for
$2.50 School Shoes, sizes to
7, for
$3.00 School Shoes, sizes to
bhi, for
New nobby fall
styles, In patent colt,
vlcl kid, velour and
box calf, every pair
Goodyear hand Bew-ed
... ...1.69
.. .. 1-98
Pre-eminently the Greatest Suit '
Values Known for New Styles.
Saturday in the garment section will be devoted to Tailored
Suits. Never was a stock more replete with fashionably correct,
practical models. Variety is the keynote of the display. There
are scores of clever styles so you are not limited in choosing. Big
shipments just arrived makes Saturday's showing the most not
able line, at prices you can afford to pay, ever shown in Omaha.
An Unmatchable Line of Broadcloth
Suits for $15, worth $20.
Shop where you will you'll see no such values. Fine Broadcloth
in any color, with 36-inch length coats, full satin lined, pleated
or llare sKirts; eitner plain tailored or trim- Th1
roed with satin bands. Strictly $20.00 gar- 11
nipnts. nt. r snvinc of nnA-frmrtli U
Very Latest Conceptions In Tailored Suits;
Values $25.00, Saturday $19.50.
Broadcloth models in all the new colorings; stylish, exclusive
garments, with 36-inch coats, slashed sides and backs, satin
trimmed collar, edges, front and pockets, and
finished with buttons. Graceful pleated skirts
with wide loose fold of self material
Greatest Suit values ever
in Omaha at $25.00.
Women's Tailored Suits of hand twisted worsted in genteel col
orings, smart semi-fitted model tastefully trimmed with silk-
Hercules braids, slashed side with two inverted pleats in back.;
The skirts are gored or pleated, with 9-inch loose fold of self
materials. Tailored in exquisite style. Navy,
green, browns, etc., aso many other
styles at
8 II 1
m Mb i w s mix
Exclusive Model at $29.50
Suits of unfinished worsteds, In modest shades of
navy, green and brown, fashionable 36-inch scal
loped and fclashed coats, with flap pockets all
edges, pocket, cuffs and skirt trimmed with satin
bands; full flare skirt with wide fold. You'll not
see suits to equal these In town less than $40.00;
tor $29.50
High Novelty Suiis .
Extreme styles aplenty for those who want smart
empire gowns and extremely popular directolre tend
encies are ever present features. We illustrate but
one of the many today. They are brought out In
fine chiffon broadcloths and fancy cloths In a world
of colorings and, us on other lines, our prices are
most moderate $35.00, $45.00, $50.00 aud up.
Men's Work Shoes
We specialize in these lines, all our
work shoes are solid leather with no
cut-off vamps lined or unlined.
$1.75 $1.98 $2.50 $3.00
High shoes for linemen, stockmen,
drovers, etc.
Miscellaneous lot odds and
tnds, worth up to $1.60;
closing out Saturday
E. P. Roe's Books, second lot,
all $1.50 values; on sale
again, each
Box Stationery 24 sheets and
24 envelopes; Saturday
for ,
wnrr Penc" Box wlth Iock and key-
ff Tr1 ree 'lth every 25c purchase
' of school supplies.
An always busy place is the hard
ware section. We have the right goods
at the right 'time and always for less
than you usually pay in most stores.
Home Saturday Specials of Interest.
Peninsular Ranges are ready, acknowl
edged to be the best ranges made In
America. Our No. 815 a $25 range
Saturday for $22.50
Others up to $60.00.
B. O. E. Sad Irons, worth $1.35 per set,
for 98tf
89c Galvanized Wash Tubs cut to 5J)
79c Galvanized Wash Tubs cut to 49
Tin Fruit Cans, best quality, doi. 40
And 10 Stamps.
Parcela, bath tub and sink cleaner 10
And 10 Stamps.
Johnson Floor Wax, can 45
And 20 Stamps.
Sapolln stove pipe enamel. ..... X5
And 10 Stamps.
Black Eagle Stove Polish 10
And 10 Stamps.
Hammocks One-Half off remaining
98 I
95 Rockers Saturday, 1
On July 19th we advertised this rocker and
following day 100 were sold by nine o'clock. We
immediately wired for another lot, but shipment
was delayed too long. We cancelled the order,
but factory made us such a low price we decided
to keep them. These are full sized reed rockers
with full roll anus, much more elaborate tSj-l Q
than cut shows, the best $3,00 rocker made. 5 O
Phone orders filled, returnable if not
satisfactory Saturday, each
Saturday 100 Piece Dinner Sets, $11.
Three distinct patterns with beautiful border decorations,
heavily gold lined, each set consists of 100 $1 198
pieces, each excellent $15 values on sale Saturday.- II
Austrian China decorated Bread and Butter Plates, doz. $1
Austrian China decorated Tea Plates, dozen $1.25
Austrian China decorated Breakfast Plates, dozen 1.50
Books and Magazines
The Censorship of th Church of Home
nd It Influence I pm the Production and
the Dstrlbutlon of Uierature." by Ueorgel
Havf-n Putnam, I-itl. U., U stuay oi mo
prohibitory and expurgatory indexes, to
gether with some consideration of the ef
fects of Fr tat ant censorship and of cen
sorship by the sUU. This treatlte presents
a schedule the Indexes Issued by the
church, together with a list of the more
Important of the decrees, edicts, prohibi
tions and brW. having to do with th.
prohibition of Fpeclflc books, from the time
of Gclaslu. 1. T A. D.. to the Issue In
Pure in
the can-
Pure in the
Try it.
19M of the latest index of the church under
Lo XIII. Tim author has had an oppor
tunity of making a personal examination
of the larger number of me indexed which
are described In his schedule, and he
prtunts, under the descriptive titles cf the
more imioitant of thuso Indexes, a specifi
cation of the special character of the con
stitution and regulatloini contained in ech,
and a selection of titles of the mere Im
portant of the books condemned. Ho has
attempted to Indicate the Influence exerted
by the censorship cf the church on the
undertakings of authors, professors, pub
lishers and book sellers In each one of
th. European states in which the regula
tion of the Index came Into force. In the
final chapter Is presented a summary of
the conclusions reached by certain repre
sentative Catholics of tod.'y in regard to
the present literary r llcy of the church
of Rome. Published ly U. P. Putnam dons.
The Vegetable Garden," by Ida D. Ben
nett, Is a sound and scientific expos. Hon
of vegetable gardening. In which Miss Ben
nett achieved something far dlfterent from
th. dry manual In the taming or vegeta
bles. In dealing with the subject of the
various vegetables that form tht staple
of the small garden, the author ad is direc
tions and recipes for the preparation and
cooking of each cne. There are sl.o chap
ters on fertilisers, iriscclicide. and garduu 1
The McClur. company Is the pub-
The MacmlUan company has published a
new edition of Mr. W. 8. Harwood's "New
Creations In Plant Life," the authoritative
account of the work of Luther Burbank.
Bir.ce the book was published, about two
years ago, Mr. Burbank has brought to
success some of his most Interesting experi
ments, and Mr. Harwood has, therefore,
added a new chapter, bringing the book
down to the present date. With Us clear
and untechnlcal exposition of the subject
of plant breeding, and Its many admirable
Illustration, this Is still by all odds th.
best account to be had of Burbank s work
"Rose Macleod." by Alice Brown, Is
story full of real people a witty old lady
and her elderly lover; an American art stu
dent from Paris and his eccentric brother,
who has turned market gardener; Electra,
a beautiful girl with a New England con
science, and the heroine, Rosa, whose sud
den appearance In th. family circle as the
widow of Electra's brother lead, to many
amusing and startling complications. The
heroine s father. In the character of a pro
fessional labor agitator, adds a note, of
grim seriousness to the narrative, 111 sink
ing contrast to the pleasant domesticity of
the scenes Into which b. Is liXroduced.
Houghton, Mifflin A Co. la the publisher.
"Th. Last of th. Plainsmen," by Zane
Orey, Is partly study of the unique per
sonality of "Buffalo Jones." one of the old
guard of frocUersmen, and partly a record
of some episodes In his early life. Dr.
Orey made an extended trip with the old
hur.ter recently through the Aria ma desert
In pursuit of mountain Holm and other
large game, and personally knows this man,
whose name is In many homes n house
hold word. As there Is no frontier today.
In the sense that our father understood
the term, It is a fas. 'Inula.; book full of
adventure. The Outing Publishing com
pany Is the publisher.
"By Right Divine," by William Sage,
author of "The District Attorney," Is a
present day romance of love and politics.
The story deals with the struggle between
a United States senator and a youn
governor for political supremacy In their
native state, and Is complicated by the lov.
of the senator's daughter for both of the
contestants. Senator Fordyce has held his
state In his own hands for so long that lie
has come almost to believe that he has a
divine rlrht to be Its ruler, and In the ex
ercise of that right he employes methods
which only an ambitious man of blunted
conscience can employ. He views, first
with amazement and then with alarm, the
Increasingly successful efforts of an honest,
clean-cut man, iSuvernor Frank Thayer,
to put the stale tn decent political ord. r.
The s. nator's redeeming feature Is liia
strong love for his daughter, who in return
idolizes him, but gradually becomes en
lightened ss to the other side of his char
acter, and recognizes the finer and nobler
nature of the man who loves her, but who
remains her father's consistent opponent
The book has a well-constructed plot, is
full of incidents, with a denouement which
Is original and somewhat unexpected. Pub
lished by Llttij, Brown & Co.
A volume on "School Reports and School
Efficiency" (MacMlllans), written by Prof.
David Snedden and Dr. William H. Allen
for the New York committee on physical
welfare of school children. Is commemh d
to the educator who is interested In trying
to measure the scope, outlay, work, and
results of American public education. It
shows briefly what the bcBt of American
cities have accomplished In making clear
statistical exhibitions of work and results.
American education Is an expensive matter
to the taxpayer, and especially In cities
the outlay of money is great. Probably
no other feature of our public adminis
tration Is as free from corruption, but It is
also true that few other departments fill
below the school department In ability lo
make a comprehensive showing for money
expended. In this volume ar. shown tl.c
various oevlces adopted by the more
progiesslve cities to meet this defect. Pub
lished by the MacMillan company.
Sine, the publication of "At the Sign of
the Fox." the lust published novel of the
author of "People of the Whirlpool," and
"The Garden of a Commuter's Wife," the
authorship of these delightful books has
become an open secret; nevertheless, the
name that appears on the title page of th.
newest of these books Is "Barabara," and
not Mabel Osgood Wright. "Th. Open
Window" Is a collection of twelve stories
hound together by the unusual device of
making each story correspond to a month.
and thus showing throughout the year the
Influence of the seasons on temperament
and the human character. The book will be
none the less attractive to admirers of "Bar
bara's" work for Introducing some of the
characters from her earlier books. Th.
MacMillan company Is the publisher.
"Stories and Sketches," by Mary Putnam
Jacobl, Is the title of a collection of eight
stories by this author, which previously ap
peared In the Atlantic Monthly, Putnam's
and Scribner's magazines. While pos
sessed of doclded literary talent, the author
decided to concentrate herself entirely
upon professional and scientific work and
devoted her working hours to medical prac
tice or Investigation. Published by Q. P.
Putnam'. Sons.
The Kennedy lectures for 10o8, delivered
by Arthur Twlrln Hadley of Yale, are
published In book form In the American
Boclal Progress Series, under the title,
"Standards of Public Morality." They deal
with the formation of public opinion, ttie
ethics of trade and of corporate manage,
ment, the workings of our political ma
chinery, and the political dutle. of the cl.i
sen. The Macmlllan comjmny is the publisher.
Above books at lower, retail price,
thews, 122 South Fifteenth street.
All of the books reviewed her. ar. on sala
In Urandels' book deoartrnent.
Bennett's Late Fiction Library Book
Dept. enables you . to read th. newest
books at little cost. ,
A Jeweler's t.ood Guess.
Some one wanted to know without a k
lng directly how long a certain woman
hail been married.
"About fifteen year," aniil a man, who
la a J-weier.
"How do yon know?" 'k1 his wl'e.
"Tou don't know unjiturn am-iut her. Von
never saw her until totilg .t "
"1 can tell by the else if hi 1 wedillnj
ring," said the man. '"I lm n i.; i of wi'd
dlng rlnas chcnKes about every live year..
Their stz repeats Itnelf at r'atn pel . d f,
but figuring that way the woman mint
have iH-en married fourteen yeitrs ago. If
not fifteen. Bhe'li.n't old ennuKh for fortv
five, consequently she ciut belong In tiie
f ifteenvyear clnM. "
Subsequent Inquiry proved that
Jeweler was right. New York Sun.-
Talk witti your doctor about Ayer't notv
a1i.ii nlist Cm--. 11 Al kl :
JlKjUOo (.l'ibe ix ,or Pale delicate children. Ask
ti 1 iu it uo lowuiuiuciius 11 wiicn inc diocu
ComulUtour doctor frtly oUri mJi- thia ,n1 Impure, and when the nerves are
tal matter. H, know. JVusf Aim. weak and unsteady. Ask bim if it gidt nature
Do A. sayi. Folio hi mJoieo. In bulldingupthegenersl health. f'.-.ty