Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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75 :$1 Ladies' Hosiery Saturday c35c
Two immense lines of mann
fartnrer'a mmplcs, the grrat-
-st hosiery bargains ever.
vine imported Lisle llosc, fan
cy embroidered or lace effects
7.rx! to $1.00 qualities, on
sale at pair 49C-35C
-mple Lisle Hose, lace or
fancy embroidered, all colors,
3oc and 50c values, in two lots
L at 15c-25e
" Ladies' embroidered and lace
Hose, worth to 25c pr. 12l4c
Children's Pone-jr Iloae The beat
and most durable school hose on
the market; at, pair 25
Clilldron n flchool nose Splendid
quality, fine or heavy ribbed:
shown at, pair. 15 and 12W
Muslin Underwear
Several big sample lines and all broken lots to be closed
at gTeatly less than cost to manufacture.
MaHlJn Gown,
. j t'ni'i'Mi in'in'i-ni'
-worth to $2.00,
beautifully trimmed, cut extra
long and full, all at one price
Saturday 5s
Corset Oovera and Drawers, worth
to $1.00, daintily trimmed with
lace and embroideries 20
8 Till 9 A. M. Corset Oovera and
Drawers The drawera have wide
lawn or embroidery ruffles, the
Corset Covers embroidery and
lace trimmed, values to 50a;
choice 15
9 to 10 A. M. 78c and fl.OO
Gowns Cut long nd full; at,
choice 29
10 to 11 A .M. Sample Bkirt
Worth to $5.00; choice. -91.50
Matchless Furnishing Goods
sorfh w&M Bawwun anaBasns mm afl JBagjRntt
ffictatt .TRIM wawribnttt aunfl mStomm,, affl
asitoH, (ottnrXBi, tte mBXt enr aibaitoll
bmnnns, cniHUrr "Jmnfia an soffit icrHhrat,
salium to 2JJH, att. 433e
jamf AJJLt ICnm KTxn aptfl ffiQto wniluw;, ait)
SUtflas, jawmrit dbailsxi iin. 3wd -frcatft
hits, uHnltns ...rfjjh amfl 25
All .nnria Jkumnmr Vtndumewr &ttnum
fcrftt. JjuUtnltocarn, ll&lb;, ttc ameiilar .TKRu
mil TiTfrn aanuwitttt; rm sadbs ait. -ZStf?
Honta uninmr Vfetiftbt Cunflitoaittiin
Rates &11 artiitea Shmt acdin aat 4J1 J5QB Id
SL2JDQ0;; lin Jfcwu Ibtta 45g nfl S5
Oar linos of Fell and Winter Weight Underwear are now com
plete. No exclusive men's furnishing store In the country can show
you more complete. assortments, and will not equal the quality at our
Order by Mail
We Guarantee Sat
isfaction or
Your Money
Mail Orders Filled
on All Items
J Except Hour Sales
or Where
Otherwise Stated.
$5.00 and $6.00 Summer Dresses, splendid assort
ment for selection, choice, Saturday, at $1.98
Manufacturer's Stock of Waists, fine messalines,
taffetas and nets; pinks, blues, helios, tans, ecru,
white, and black, trimmed with fine laces and
appliques, values to $10, on sale Saturday, at,
choice $2.93
Candy Specials
The purest and best at less
price than elsewhere
Mixed Candy, lb 6c
Jelly Gum Drops, lb.. .... 7c
Burnt Peanuts, lb 9c
Delicious Nut Fudge, lb. 15c
Full Cream Caramels, assort
ed flavors, lb 19c
After-Dinner Patties, all fla
vors, lb 18c
Get a delicious, cooling drink
at the soda fountain,
$25 TAILOR SUITS $13.75
Our New York buyer secured from a prominent N. Y.
manufacturer ar stock of 275 handsome new tailor suits that had
been made up specially for an exclusive cloak and suit house of
Boston, Mass.
On account of fiuancial difficulties the Boston firm was un
able to pay for them, and the manufacturer sold us the entire
stock for cash at a tremendous bargain.
The stock, a great assortment of the newest style creations
in broadcloths, serges, hand twill materials, etc., all the latest
shades in browns, greens, greys, reds, fancies, navy blue an
black jackets, 27 to 42 in. length, satin lined, trimmed with folds
and bands. Not a suit worth less than $18.50, M 9 9 f
many worth $30.00 all at one price I i 7
100 Elegant Sample Suits, $35 to $75 values will bo shown Satur
day in three lots, at $25 $35 $ 10
Most charming suit bargains ever offered in Omaha. Don't miss
50 Beautiful Evening Gowns and dresses, in satines, messalines,
erepe de chines, taffetas and chiffon voiles, made to sell up to
$100, on sale Saturday, at, choice $25 $35 and $45
New Covert and Broadcloth Jackets, colors or black, regular
$12.50 values, silk and satin lined, on sale, at $7.95
j" ,
200 Children's Fall Jackets, all colors, values to
$5.00, the greatest bargain ever offered in Oma
ha, at, choice $1.93
75 SilkJJraided Jackets that sold up to $20, will
be closed Saturday, at, choice $5.00
Exira,. Extra all about the Big Sale Furnishings Saturday
Quart Tomato' or' Fruit Caaa. new. Mrfact. rer doaan O0 timi.iii vi vitv -i . w
Quart Tomato' or Fruit Cans, new, parfoct, per 3ooa 400
tomato crop la ao lar that bafora long cans will be
0o a doaan.
Btrona, now, heavy Galvanised Qarbace Cane, this la
positively the beet can made In Omaha It gallon
(large alse), usual price io; ejuuruay
11.40 lJ-aJlon else
(to Win Rat Traps, special sale price....
Tto Japanned Mall Boxes, Saturday
J la Voorman's Enameled 8lnk Strainer...
I Da Japanned Folding- Lunch uoxoh
to large White Willow Clothaa Basket
Six polished Wire or Wooden Coat Hangers .6o
Beet Food Choppers, any brand made. Saturday Mo
ll.H five-piece aots Mra, PotU' Polished Irons wo
ThrM larae lOo rolls best Toilet Paper
TanTShlnola J "ST""
ram or THIS TOM A. JtXBruTail
New lar.eotary Washing Machines, worth M-Moa
ale Saturday for sa.B
TWa"her. 3.; the 3.0 Western Washer No , . .
The Kasy Ak-Sar-Ben "'JrJlV ....... .S4.O0
csnnot be sold fo. less; 'J ' JoM
M Odd WaaUn Maohin-a, worth S8.00, only
1 " 1 tm m WW A. aww.
Large Enameled Wash Basins, Pudding, .Milk, Preserving,
Stew. Bread and 8auce Pans, Pie Plates. Cuae Pans,
.Dippers, Spoons, Soap Dishes, Colanders, etc, Saturdity
st Bo to lOo
11.85 Buys' Iron Wagon, steel wheels, Saturday Bbo
ii.&O Buys' Wooden Coaster Wagons, Saturday
11.60 bitcel Holler Hkatesr, boys' and girls' uo
$2.50 Tricycles S1.60 $.00 Tricycles BlJie
C. E. Jennings make 26-Inch Hand Kaw, worm l.lIb..Vo
26-lnrh Hand Saw, worth 76c, on sale tor 39o
Any site David Maydole Hammer 4ao
Any else David Maydole Hammer (without being branded)
for 300
Nickel-plated 8-lnch Coblnation Plyers, worm (ioc
this Is a special snap Saturday jho
Carpenter's 2-foot Box Bulee So
Htlllson 14-lnt-h Wrench, worth 1 25 'bo
Agricultural Wrenches, 6, 8 and 10 Inches .. ..lOo, 15c, SOo
Chlpaway Carpenter's Bench Axe, worth 85c . 600
Yankee Screwdriver or Autnmstle Drill ...SOo
Odd colors and sises Paint, to clove out, can, 60, loo, S9o
Knamala, Japa-Lac, Wuodshlne, Enamelet, etc., at, rer
can 100, S So and 4o
Stove Pipe Enamel, worth 20c xuo
Best House Paint made, gallon, only...36o, 6 So and Sl.Uo
Big sale of Infant's Wear, baby bazar, 2d floor.
All the Newest
Corset Models
On the perfect set of the corset
depends the perfect hang of th
gown. Our complete assortment
of new models provides for every
figure a perfect fit.
W. B. Xewform and Reduso Cor-
81.00 to $3.00
Other popular makes shown at
prices from $1.00 to $10.00
$1.50 Corsets, Special, 8c A
special purchase of French ba-
- tlste corsets, long hip and back
models, hose supporters attached
worth $1.60 all sizes... 08
35c Taffeta Ribbons, 12k
An immense lino of extra
quality all silk Taffeta llib
bons, all standard shad's,
plain colors only, regular
35c yard value, on sale Sat
urday, at IS ViC
35c Embroideries, Yd. 15c
An elegant line of fine cor
set cover embroideries, all
newest patterns, yard 15c
Another frreat sale of
men's and boys' clothing.
See ad on last page.
ar xit
15c Pure Linen
Handkerchiefs 12C
A very fine quality of hem
stitched pure linen handker
chiefs; goods that sell every
where regularly at 15c, special
sale price, Saturday Tl
at I2C
50c Silk Elastic Belts, 25c
A new line just received,
splendid assortment, regular
50c values, at S5c
. $7.50 Suit Cases, $.95
A few bridal leather cases, 24 or 26 inch, linen lined, with shirt fold.
, two heavy straps all the way around, brass lock, side bolts, heavy
corner caps; splendid values at $7.50 a world beater at, price $4.05
Other bla- ppecials on Trunks and Orlps. Don't miss them.
J. B. Stetson Hat All newest blocks, at prices froni$8.50 up to 90.00
A- big line of Union Made Ifata shown prices from $1.00 to $3.00
Send for Trunk Catalogue.
5flF-REnUCffffi Selling Agents for H. A H. Bnst D
Speca Noticel
To Out-of-Town
It will be impossible to fill Mall Orders
from the offerings In OIH GKEAT SILK
SA LK Monday, and we wish to urge upon
you the advisability of attending in person.
Seldom, If ever, were the values which
will be offered Monday equaled here or
elsewhere, and It will certainly pay you to
be in Omaha Monday and take advantage
of this grand bargain opportulty.
Saturday's Glass
ware Sale
3 -quart press cut water pitchers, 60c value,
each 35
5c Water Glasses, for 10S Pr dosen. . . -35
A splendid Drinking GUbs, 2 for 5tc; doz 25
Press cut glass Sauce Dishes, each. 2
1-quart glass Berry Bowls, each 7H
Glass Lemon Squeezers, each 3!
14 -pint Jelly Glasses, per dozen 20
6-piece Cream Sets, per set s. 35
Specials in Gas Burners and Lights.
Lindsay Upright Burner, complete with burner,
chimney, mantel and globe G9?
Inverted Burner, complete 7t)f
Don't fail to ask to see our new Junior Lind
say light.
Read the Big Grocery, Fruit and Vegetable v
Sale for Saturday
The best White or Yellow Cornmesl, sack.lbo
6 pounds choice Japan Rlre." SSo
The best Pearl Tapioca or Saso, lb 8iO
2- pound c-ans fancy Wax, Btrlriu, Green, Lima
or Red Kidney lieans, per can 7V0
3- pound cans Uolden Pumpkin. Hominy, tquuint
Hauer Kraut or Baked Beans, per mn...7ViO
1-pound cans Assorted Soups 7 We
Oil or Mustard ti&rdlntm, per van 4o
10 bars best brands laundry Hoap 2&o
1-pound package pure Corn Stsrch 4o
Fresh Crisp Ginfter Snaps, per lb 00
Fresh Crisp Pretzels, per lb... So
Fresh Golden Nugget Cracknels, lb lOo
Fig Newton Cookies, per lb 8H
The best Tea Flirtings, per lb 16o
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb ltto
Fancy Basket FlreU Japan, Sun Dried Japan,
Knfrllsh Breakfast. Oolong, Ceylon or Gun
powder Tea. per lb 380
Choice Uncolored Japan Tea, per lb 8 Bo
Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 18o
Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 190
Choice Country Creamery Butter, per lb... 810
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb 84o
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb ISO
A Whole Carload of Extra Fancy Assorted
fruits for Saturday's Bale.
This car Is the famous Wilson pack, the
largest grower and best shipper In California,
For .Saturday's sale we will sell:
Large baskets extra fancy California Muscatel
Grapes, weighing 6 to 7 pounds to the bas
ket, for : 3o
Large baskets extra fancy California Muscatel
Grspes, weighing ( to 7 pounds to the bas
ket, for Oo
Large crates extra fancy California Freestone
Salway Peaches, nothing finer, per crate T5e
Bnshel boxes extra fancy California Bartlett
Pears, per box fl.Sa
Large baskets extra fancy California Kelsey
or Gross Plums, per basket 380
Stove Department,
Just received a carload of Oak Stoves, running from 11-lnch to
21-inch fire pots; the price ranging from . .$3.00 to $10.90
4-hoIe Cook Stove, with 18-lnch oven and 24-piece kitchen out
fit, for 815.95
6-hole Steel Range, with warming oven and 20-Inch baking oven,
combination grate, fin?- ntcel coat steel base and 24-pice
kitchn outfit $27.95
The regular price of this range Is from 140.00 to $60.00.
Baseburners for hard coal stoves, up from $15.00
4-hole Steel Cook Stoves, with 19-inch oven and 24-piece kitchen
set $13.60
Our 24-piece Kitchen Outfit consists of the following: 1 Royal
wash boiler, 1 each granite tea pot, coffee pot, tea kettle, 8
quart preserve kettle, ti-quart prserve kettle, sauce pan, 2 granite
pie pans, pudding pan, cake pan, wash basin, 2 granite custard
pans, 1 each deep pun, meat fork, spoon skimmer, egg beater,
cake turner, 2 fry pain, 1 ladle, 1 strainer. This outfit sells
for $8.00
Genuine Economy Hot Blast, with 16-inch fire pot, nickeled,
'or $9.Go
Operation. Progress Rapidly
Union Pacific Starts Soon.
0e Tare Mandred Feet of tke
ItwM f Connect lth Month of
Old Wnlerwnjr .Already
Built. '
Werk on
the new Ixard street main
which Is Intended to drain almost
the entire north part, of the city. Is pro
gressing rapidly ami J. J. Hanlghen. who
has the contract for Its construction, ex-
i finish the mouth of the sewer
this week. When the mouth U done the
Union Pacific will begin work on its seo-
Thu t'ninn Pacific will build that Part of
the main sewer which will cross the shop
grounds, the city building the mourn on me
rlw.r hlnw tha ihnm and the upper sec
tion. Piling has been drrven to support the
railway tracks under which the fewer win
tu kM and evei-Ylhlna- is In readiness tor
work to begin on the railroad company's
part of tha large dralnuge contract as soon
as Mr. Hanlghen completes the lower sec
tloa. Over 908 feet of the branch sewer to con
nect with the present mouth of the old
Let the diet consist of foods
that are nutritious, .
1 f l
' is made Dy a pnysician ana encm-
, 1st and leader of the world in
' PUre prouuers. ia ,aauy
f A use helps to regulate the bowels.
Per sale by mU Groccra
Isard sewer has been built. The main
Isard sewer now being built will extend
west on Cass street several blocks, angling
nortn and connecting with the original
Isard sewer between Fifteenth and Six
teenth streets. The .branch being built to
connect with the old mouth on KIghth
street will merely carry the storm water
and son age flowing Into the Izard sewer
between Sixteenth and Eighth streets. The
branch sewer on eighth street from the
new main sewer to the old mouth will be
1,'ufj feet long.
Contractor Hanlghen has been compelled
to place watchmen on the work to guard
his property during the night. His tool
house on Eighth and Cass streets was
bruken open Wednesday night and fifteen
sacks of cement belonging to the contractor
and an engineer's level valued at ISO and a
tape line valued at $10 belonging to the city
were stolen. The tape line was sold to a
pawnbroker for 50 cents and this was re
covered by the city and a fair description
of the negro who sold It was secured. No
trace has been found of the valuable en
gineer's level, but with the description of
the negro who sold the tape line the police
hope to find the thief.
Miss t iara K. Uergorn of Ontario is
Ensnared by the Y. W. C.
A. School.
Miss Clara E. Burgoyne of Bt. Catherines,
Ontario, has been engaged by the board of
directors of the local Young Women's
Christian association to take charge of its
school of dumemlc science and arts.
Miss Burgoyne Is a graduate of Oread
Teohntral gshool of Domestic Science, New
York, and also of Demlll college, Canada.
Bhe will begin her work In tha Omaha as
sociation October 1, conducting classes la
domestic arts In the present rooms until
the new association building Is completed.
It la the Intention to make the association's
school of domestic science one of the best
In the west so that diplomas Issued to us
graduates will Insure them recognition any
rlace. M'.ss Purfoyns will visit most of
the larger eastern associations enroute to
Omaha with a view of getlln- any ideas
that may (.rove helpful In the local work.
In addition to her work in the association
she probably will have charge of the do
mestic science laboratory of the National
Corn exposition to be held In Omaha De
cember t to 19.
l.lfelitnaT Bondage
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney
troubles Is . needless. Klertrlc Bitters la
the guaranteed remedy. fcc. Beaton Drug
Pr. Ross, Dentist, Hi Barker Block.
Subject Calls Men of Various Cities to
Meeting in Omaha.
Iowa Cona-reasmnn I'raes His Proposi
tion, Questioned by Captnln
rhnli Meeting; Called by
War Department.
A the Instance of the War department a
public meeting of cltlsens of Omaha and
Council-Bluffs was held In room Z."0 In the
federal building in Omaha Friday morning
to consider the proposed harbor lines of
the Missouri river between Bouth Omaha
and a point 1,0(10 feet above the Illinois
Central bridge on the Nebraska side and
from a corresponding point above the Illi
nois Central bridge to the Union Pacific
bridge on the Iowa side of the river.
The meeting was called to order by
Captain B. H. Bchuls of the engineer crops,
United States army, and In charge of Mia
sourl river navigation bstween Kansas
City and Sioux City.
Those present nt and participating in
the meeting were George H. MUburn, J. Y.
Olson and Miss Ann Baden of Kansas
City of the engineer's office. Congressman
Walter I. Smith, A. T. Fllckinger. City
Engineer Utnyre. Aug. Kadenelt, Ben
Marks. John Coyle, J. T. Coyle of Coun
cil Bluffs. R. L. Huntley, chief engineer
of the Union Pacific; W. J. Towne of the
Northwestern railway, T. I Phelps, resi
dent engineer of the Burlington; R. E.
Oaut of the Illinois Central engineer de
partment, J. M. Brown of the Rock Island
engineer department. W. A. DllwSrth. at
torney of the Burlington; R. H. Pratt of
the American Smelling and Refining com
pany, John R, Webster of the Omaha and
Council Bluffs Bridge and Transfer com
pany, F. T. Darrow of the Burlington. T.
D. Wead, vice president for Nebraska and
the Missouri (River Navigation congress;
Jeff W. Bedford of the Omaha city coun
cil. City Engineer Andrew Rosewater of
Omaha, Peter Janoakye, A. SI. McDonald
Anton Hansen, Charles C. Oeorge of
Oeorge & Co. of Omahs, John A. Scott,
agent . for East Omaha land franchises;
Clarence E. Paine of Lincoln, secretary of
tha Nebraska State Historical society; C.
P. Scbwars of Council Bluffs. Henry T.
Clarke of Omaha and L 3. Dunn, repre
senting the city attorney of Omaha.
Captain Bchuls had displayed on the will
a large mp showing the profile of tb
proposed harbor lines as prepared by him
self under the direction of the War de
partment and asked for protests or sug
gestions by parties at Interest regarding
It. The proposed line extends about eUht
miles on the Nebraska side from a point
opposite South Omaha to l.UU feel abov?
the Illinois Central bridge, and from 1.00U
feet above the Illinois Central bridge to the
Union Pacific bridge on the Iowa side.
Congressman Walter I. Smith of Council
Bluffs representing the Council Bluffs in
terests, protested against the proposed
width of the hsrbor, between the linen of
Sou feet and urged that It be tuken in chore-
wards on the Nebraska side at ieu.-t ten
feet and extended at least 1.000 feet land
wards on the Iowa side, with a lyk line
still 1,000 feet eastward on the Iowa tide.
I i is object for thus extending the width of
the harbor on the Jowa side was that by
the conslructlonot the harbor line on the
Nebraska side as proposed In the event 01
rlgh water the lowlands on the Iowa side
would be flooded should the width of the
channel by contracted to 900 feet, and that
this flood stags would be very largely aug
mented In the buildii.g of addltijnal rail
road embankments, thus Inflicting serious
damage to the .0"0 peopU liking in West
Council Uluffs. He thought that by extrr.d
liig the width of the harbor another
luO feet and establishing a dyke or flood
line l.OuO feet eat of this Iowa harbor line
the danger of floods at high stages of wa'.er
In the river could be controlled.
Might lllovk. .Navigation.
Captain ticliuls was of the opinion that If
the turbor area was made half mild or a
mile wide there could be no navigation in
the Missouri river.
Congressman Smith Insisted upon hit
propositicn that the harbor lines should bi
In the nelghbornood of 1,'M or 1,4 foe l
apart, and objected to any obstruction In
the river that would cause an overflow ln'o
I. U. Dunn, in behalf of the Omaha city
council. Instated that provision xhould he
made for harbors at different points be
tween the Douglas street and Union Pacific
Captain fVhuls stated .hat the proposed
barber lines provided that all dumping
should be inside these lines.
Engineer Qaut of the Illinois Central
thought that the harbor line should be ex
tended farther up from the Illinois Central
bridge. Captain Bchuls said that expurl
enca of the past thirty years has shown
that to widen a river doa not reduce the
flood lrne. and that a width of 1.109 feet
will amply take care of all the flood water
of the aflsaoori liver.
J. A. Scott object Vo any cfcange of the
harbor tin between the two bridges. Hi
hM that dumps had been made Into the
rtver by corporation owalng the river front
and that they had taken possession of the
Increased lands and by so dumping had
caused great damage to the land owners
and settlers on the Iowa side by forcing
the current over there and that It was un
just to compel them to go to the expense
of building dykes for the protection of their
Bedford Takes F.xeeptlon.
Councilman Bedford objected to the state
ment of Mr. Recti that there had been any
unlawful dumping beyond any harbor line,
as no harbor line had yet been established
Several proposed changes were made In
the harbor line profile as suhmltted by Cap
tain Bchuls. Another Vropoxttlon was that
the harbor line be extended up the river
to Florence.
No serious objection was made by any
of the railronds as to the proposed line.
The Burlington people asked that the line
be extended out into the river several feet,
both above and below a point half a mile
or a mile below the Union Pacific bridge,
so that the channel would cut Into the sand
bar opposite that point. Some of the Iowa
people objected to tills proposition on the
ground that it would thus furce the current
over to the Iowa side and thus cause more
expensive dyke building. Captsin Scbulx
said that the change as proposed by the
Burlington would not have any effect on
forcing the current over to the Iowa side,
but would on the other hand simply snour
' out the sand bar nenr the Nebraska side.
I All the proceedings In the ease were
I by a stenogrspher for the War do-
partment and copies will be provided for
j all tnterented, an well ss maps of the
proposed changes In the harbor lines ac
cording to suggestions made at this meet
ing. These will be ready in about two
nnlltllna; rermlla.
; dwelling. 2.00fi; D. I.. Shane. Thlity-av-
enin anu riarney ntreem, nmirur uriCK
dwelling. IT.fiOO: Garvin Bros.. Seventeenth
and Lake streets, frame dwelling, 2.i: H
('. Getlcher. Thirtieth ani Dupont streetp,
frame dwelling, 12,30; T. C. Bruncr. ThTty-
seventh and Spalding streets, frame dwell
ing, M. Z, Irons, 321 North Thirty,
sixth street, frame dwelling, SZ,4u. .
Ararument In the Knit to Determine
Amonnt Are Heard Before
Jndae Day.
Arguments In the suit to determine
whether Douglas county must pay the
clerks and Judges of the special election
held last May 13 Instead of tl.M were beard
before Judge Day and tbe case taken sn
der advisement The hearing came u oa
a demurrer of Deputy County Attorney
Magney. In which the petition of Martin
Iangdon, the plaintiff, was attacked.
Mr. Langdon takes the position tbere
were really two elections held, one by the
city and One by tbe county, and that each
should pay & The city has already paid
U, but the county board, under adrlco of
tbe county attorney's office, allowed enly
SI. 50. Judge Day has taken the matter un
der asvlseroeot.
c ar
rl. fsssiMie ,ajt t -itswva as
It's the best I
' flniirmnfifa
'hi nm4 nlurmra a i
.cum currcajro 111c
. 1 i
1 r7 ii 11 I n iii 1 I n n i 1
tlie th